#and yes even she had story ideas too w the original MM lol
wesimpforxiao · 3 years
Say My Name and I’ll Be There:  4.1
Author’s Note:  So I’m thinking of updating every other day or every two days? I tend to write compulsively and neglect my schoolwork lol.  Juggling this with work and school will be difficult if I post every day (I can’t help it though, I love updating every day!) So yeah.  Also if anyone has chapter filler ideas or prompts they want me to write out, message me or comment below! Back to the story!
Xiao had just cleared a band of hilichurls when he came across the small stuffed bunny lying on the ground.  It was tattered and worn, but still held its original color.  He picked it up and dusted it off, glancing in the direction of the crying girl at the top of the hill. She had been crying over her stolen toy so Xiao took it upon himself to return it to her.  
He may or may not have destroyed a portion of the rice crop in doing so...but no matter! The girl was happy now.
"Thank you Mr. Adeptus!"  She gave him a toothy grin and hugged her bunny close.  "Thank you so much!"
"It was no trouble."  Xiao didn't return her smile and began to walk across the bridge that oversaw most of the rice crop.  What was it with mortal children and material possessions? Was it like him with his yaksha mask and spear?
"Mr. Adeptus sir, would you like something to eat?"
"Mortal food is not to my liking."  He continued to walk away despite hearing her disappointed 'oh.'  His eyes landed at the top of another hill, where the hall of Quince Village sat.  I should check on her Granny while I'm here.
"Welcome to my humble home!  How may I--" Granny's eyes widened significantly when she caught sight of Xiao.  "Oh my, it's been some time.  Is she alright? Has something happened?"
"Mm."  Xiao flicked his gaze around the building before he closed the distance.  "She's fine.  The Fatui will pose a significant problem.  They may come to you first."
"Oh," Granny rolled her eyes.  "Don't worry about me then, dear.  Just make sure she's safe.  I can handle the Fatui's interrogations just fine."
"There's no telling what tactics they may use or what they're after.  Make no mention of my interactions with you, nor how you found her.  It is for your own safety."
"Consider it done!  Now, would you like a cup of tea?"
"Wait, what?" You and the rest of the adventure team had returned to Quince Village on your request.  
Well...when you say 'the rest of the adventure team,' it was just you and Aether.  Diluc and Bennett had returned to Mondstat on your way here from Liyue Harbor.  After your little confrontation with Childe, he claimed there was unfinished business with the Fatui in the harbor and had to remain there.  You didn't believe it one bit.
"Yeah! Do you think he doesn't like me?" Lil Luo's shoulders drooped in sadness.  She held her tattered bunny tight against her chest.
"'An adeptus that doesn't smile," Aether met your eyes.  "That sounds like Xiao."
"W-well, when was he here?  When did this happen?"  You had to refrain from shaking her little shoulders for answers.
"U-um, maybe a week ago?  I saw him a couple more times after that, but he never smiled back at me..."
"Xiao," you whispered to yourself and scanned the fields for any sign of him.  "When was the last time you saw him?"
"Four days ago, I think."
"You want to look for him, don't you?"  Aether raised a smug brow.
"Can we?"  You pleaded.
"We're here on your request.  Might as well stay a bit, right?"
"Thank you so much!"
"You can just repay us with food," Paimon popped up and was practically drooling at her own imagination.  Aether nodded in agreement.
The three of you--correction, two of you-- climbed the hill to the village center while Paimon floated carefree alongside Aether.  The second you reached the top, you were greeted with a disturbing sight.
Fatui agents.
"W-what the hell?"  You instinctually grabbed the hilt of your sword, as did Aether.  "What are Fatui doing in Quince Village?"
"Paimon has no idea.  Let's get them!"
"Doesn't your Granny live here?" Aether sent you a worried look.
"Yes, she does."  You marched right up to the nearest agent and puffed out your chest.  "Excuse me, what's going on here? Why are you morons moving my Granny's stuff out of the house?"
"Who're you callin' morons?" The agent scoffed through his mask.  "Shouldn't you be in school or somethin'?  Scram.  Get out of here.  Damn kids."
"This is MY house," your blade pressed against his neck in a flash.  "Get off of my property."  Aether followed your lead and drew his weapon too.
"I'm afraid it isn't your home anymore," an all-too familiar deep voice flowed through the air. Zhongli shot the agent a look that caused him to leave the situation to the consultant.  "I sincerely apologize for not being in touch recently.  The funeral parlor has been quite backed-up lately thanks to Hu Tao's mismanagement."
"What are you doing here?" Paimon asked the question that was on all your minds.  "The funeral parlor is so far south of here."
"The Wangsheng Funeral Parlor serves all of Liyue," answered Zhongli.  His piercing eyes turned their attention to you and Aether.  "As you know, the parlor is partnered with the Fatui."
"And? That doesn't explain why you're here," you snarled.  Don't get anything mixed up; you were happy to see him.  But the Fatui at your house? Not as much.  
Zhongli released a short sigh and closed his eyes.  "We received a call from one of your neighbors.  It appears your grandmother died last night of a heart attack."
Something hard panged within your chest and it was suddenly difficult to breath.  "That's not...possible."
"Hey," Aether wrapped an arm around your shoulders as the world seemed to sway beneath your feet.  He slowly led you to the ground.
"That's horrible," Paimon muttered.  "Was it...painful?"
"Paimon!" Aether hushed.
"No.  It was rather quick.  She had not suffered long."  Zhongli knelt so that he was eye level with you.  "I had sent someone to meet up with you in Dihua Marsh, but it appears as though the messenger never met you.  My apologies for the oversight, dear friend."
"Then," you gulped, "why are the Fatui here?"
"Your grandmother had signed the house over to them a day or so before she passed."
"What? Why would she do that? She loves this house!"  Your tears dried before they had the chance to fall.  Your fists tightened as you struggled to determine who the enemy was.  Was it Zhongli?  He was technically Fatui if he worked with them.  Xiao could have been wrong about him.  "Who's in charge here?"
Zhongli almost appeared hesitant to answer.  Xiao managed to reach the grandmother in time, but it appears she still had to make some sort of arrangement to guarantee everyone's safety.  To think that Childe had somehow known to come here--
"Tch."  You stood up and brushed past Aether, heading directly toward the Fatui agent that had the audacity to tell a twenty year old to go back to school.  "Hey, dumbass!"  You gripped the collar of his coat and yanked him close.  "Tell me who's in charge here."
"Heh, want to fight your way out of a contract, eh?  Don't you worship the God of Contracts?  You're not gettin' your stupid house back."
"Tell me who sent you."
"A certain Harbinger," the agent taunted.
"Give me the name!"  You back-handed the masked agent hard enough to hurt him and split your knuckles wide open.  The blood splattered onto the wooden floor and soaked into his jacket.
"Hey, wait!"  Aether grabbed your shoulder.  Zhongli watched him do so.
"You're in luck, sweetheart.  You'd give quite the show badmouthing Childe."
"Wha--"  You stumbled backwards and knocked into Aether.  The two of you shared a look of shock, concern, and betrayal.  "This is all under Childe's jurisdiction?"
"Uh-huh," the agent lifted his mask slightly and wiped at his busted lip.  "He should be on his way back to Liyue Harbor by now, if you wanna try and take it up with him.  But I'm tellin' you he ain't gonna budge."
You stood alone in the rain.  Zhongli had arranged for a proper funeral and had refused to charge you for the provided services.  He had even managed to retrieve one of Granny's necklaces from the Fatui's grasp, and gave it to you.  He and Aether were alongside you, what...twenty minutes ago?  They decided to leave you alone in front of the new gravestone to grieve.  The funeral was simple, per your request to hold true to Granny's wishes.  The entire village had grieved with you.
"I'm sorry I came too late for a visit, Granny." The words came out robotic and emotionless.  The look on your face was blank.  You placed a small bouquet of glaze lilies on top of the stone; Zhongli had you sing to them before picking them.  "Things got busy, and Childe...well, I'm sure you met him, didn't you?"  You let out a dry bitter laugh that blended with the sound of raindrops.  "I love you.  Thank you for taking care of me even if I was a brat sometimes."
Could it be that you had been the cause of her death just like you had caused your parents'?  Just how much blood was on your hands?
You felt nothing yet everything at the same time.  Your eyes were dry.  After the initial shock, you hadn't shed a single tear.  Thus was your usual reaction to death; you were usually at peace with the idea of it.  If it was their time, it was their time.  But you were not convinced her death was caused by her heart.  
Childe.  Could he have resorted to such extremes to get the house? Or was it for something more?  Perhaps he was the true danger Xiao had warned you about.
Your chest ached, desperate to release the pent up storm of emotions whirling through you.  The wind picked up for a moment.  "Xiao?"  Your hoarse greeting was met with a grim-looking yaksha.  It was possible you were just imagining him in a time of need.  You hadn't seen him in a month now.
Xiao blinked and gave you a once-over as he stood beside you.  He had heard your sorrow like it was blaring in his ears.  His eyes fell to the gravestone, and his expression saddened further.  "She's dead." His question of disbelief sounded more like a tactless statement of fact.
"Yeah," you half-winced, half-scoffed at his remark.  "She's dead."  You knew all too well that he didn't mean any harm.  "Why're you standing in the rain?"
"I don't concern myself with the weather, but you should be inside.  Mortals are fragile."
"I don't particularly care at the moment." Your words cut through the rain like a blade of ice.  
She has lost all of her family now, Xiao realized.  He watched you with admiration at how strong you were acting even though it was clear you were trying not to break.
"I came back to visit and check in on her," you opened up after a few minutes of silence.  His glance towards you prompted you to continue.  "And then a little girl told me an adeptus had saved her toy bunny.  That was you, wasn't it?"
"Did you...see her?  My Granny?"
"I have spoken with her several times over the course of several years.  I did not think it would be the last time.  What happened?"
"Heart attack."  You swallowed.  "When I reached the house, the Fatui were clearing it out."  You caught the color draining from Xiao's face.  "What? Do you know something?"
"So my suspicions were correct," Xiao muttered distastefully.  He looked around the graveyard.  "You're sure they all left?"
"Yes.  Zhongli said that before she died she had signed a contract to hand the house over.  But she wouldn't do that so easily."
Satisfied with his scan of their surroundings, Xiao folded his arms across his chest.  "I told you I would inform you of our predicament when the time is right.  The time is now."
"After my Granny just died?"  Your undirected anger manifested at his words.  
"The Fatui are after the two of us."
"Our guess is they wish to create adepti soldiers or yakshas using the technique I used on you when you were a child."  Your eyes raised at 'our.'  Xiao's gaze flicked to you briefly.  "Zhongli."
"Wait, why would Zhongli be involved with this in the first place?"
"He is the former Lord of Geo, Rex Lapis--"
"Wait wait wait, he's what?!  But that's not possible, Rex Lapis is--"
"--Only a select few know his identity.  Do not go around telling."  You nodded, head spinning from all this new information.  "Childe was tasked with identifying and obtaining us.  If anyone gets their hands on an adeptus or your blood, it could spell the downfall of humankind."
"What exactly is my blood?  Why would they want me?"
"My blood runs through your veins."
"U-um...?"  You shifted uncomfortably at the thought.
"That is how I saved you," Xiao uncrossed his arms and faced you fully.  "It allows you to withstand more adeptal energy than the ordinary human, which is why I can be so close to you.  It also increases your body's healing capabilities.  It is the only reason you survived that day.  It is also the only reason you survived your lawachurl wound."
"...Why didn't you tell me this before?" You mumbled beneath your breath.  The rain hitting the earth nearly overtook the sound of your voice.  "We...We could have saved her."  Your anger leaked through your voice.  It wanted something to blame, something to lash out at.  You caught yourself before you could say or think something you didn't mean.  It was a heart attack.  Xiao is not to blame for this.  Childe is the enemy.
"Childe was listening in on our conversations.  I could not disclose this information to you so we would have the advantage to work in the dark against the him."  He stared down at the gravestone.  "I am...sorry.  I did not recognize the stress it would put her through. She was optimistic and happy when I last saw her."
You shook your head.  "I doubt it caused the heart attack.  I just want to know what they did to make her sell the house," your hands curled into fists.  "Childe will pay for this."
The two of you silently stood in the rain for some time before Xiao held his hand out to you.  "You will get sick if you stay out here longer.  Let us meet with the rest of the team."  You placed your injured hand in his, having forgot that it was aching the entire time.  Xiao's eyes narrowed at this, but he did not question you.  With your blood, it would heal by tomorrow morning.
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danganronpa96 · 6 months
HIII :3 ok soooo u said in in the notes of dr69 chapter 6 that u CHANGED the mm so who was the original mm u had in mind b4 miku ??
I've been holding off this ask for a while because. The answer is so dumb and cringe and silly and I was a bit nervous to share it but then I realised I have shared it with other people before anyway so. I guess it'll be alright to say. But under the cut because I can.
The original planned mastermind for DR69 was actually going to be... me. Get it? Oh, it was the author this whole time that's so whacky.
To be honest, I started making DR69 without a proper mastermind in mind because I didn't really know how far I'd ever get with the fic, and I assumed I would figure out the mastermind a little later on when writing. I decided to stick with me for a while, like, a long while. There's was a completely different plan for how the final trial was to play out with me as the mastermind. I have a completely different unfinished first written version of the trial that diverges at the mastermind reveal. I have art and videos I drew for it.
I don't 100% remember why I decided to scrap the idea. I think it was because most people wouldn't understand who my sona was meant to represent, and some people just don't like self-inserts, even if I was going for a completely meta route. It's a good thing I did though since that was with my old sona design and personality lol (also because I love MM!Miku with all my heart).
I mean, if enough people want it, I don't mind sharing all the scrapped art and story ideas I was going to do with me as the mastermind, such as the inclusion of Mr. L!
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