#considering what she says during the prologue
danganronpa96 · 6 months
HIII :3 ok soooo u said in in the notes of dr69 chapter 6 that u CHANGED the mm so who was the original mm u had in mind b4 miku ??
I've been holding off this ask for a while because. The answer is so dumb and cringe and silly and I was a bit nervous to share it but then I realised I have shared it with other people before anyway so. I guess it'll be alright to say. But under the cut because I can.
The original planned mastermind for DR69 was actually going to be... me. Get it? Oh, it was the author this whole time that's so whacky.
To be honest, I started making DR69 without a proper mastermind in mind because I didn't really know how far I'd ever get with the fic, and I assumed I would figure out the mastermind a little later on when writing. I decided to stick with me for a while, like, a long while. There's was a completely different plan for how the final trial was to play out with me as the mastermind. I have a completely different unfinished first written version of the trial that diverges at the mastermind reveal. I have art and videos I drew for it.
I don't 100% remember why I decided to scrap the idea. I think it was because most people wouldn't understand who my sona was meant to represent, and some people just don't like self-inserts, even if I was going for a completely meta route. It's a good thing I did though since that was with my old sona design and personality lol (also because I love MM!Miku with all my heart).
I mean, if enough people want it, I don't mind sharing all the scrapped art and story ideas I was going to do with me as the mastermind, such as the inclusion of Mr. L!
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mcuamerica · 2 months
The Shadowsinger: Two
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Warnings: 18+. Minors DNI. loss of family, grieveing, heavy spoilers for ACOTAR series. If I forgot anything, please let me know!
Pairings: (Eventual) Azriel x Fem!Reader
Summary: After Rhys offers you the chance to stay in Velaris, you meet the Inner Circle.
Disclaimer: I do not own SJM’s characters, only the ones I create for the purpose of this story. This is a work of fiction. I do not give permission to repost my work on any other platform or medium. Please be respectful.
My graphics are my own. If you wish to use them, please give credit!
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Prologue - One
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Rhysand didn’t bother with introducing you that day. Knowing you needed some time alone before introducing you to his family. Seeing them so happy together wasn’t something you needed. So he ushered you to a free room in the House of Wind. You spent the next week in there, not even having to leave your room as the House had sent food up to you. And the dishes were taken away when you were done.
When you finally decided to leave the room, you made your way to a balcony at the end of the hall. Even though your windows had been open, the light fall breeze soothing you, (and you had your own balcony of your own) you wanted to be outside. Not sequestered in a room anymore. Rhysand didn’t say if you could leave or not. You in no way thought you were a prisoner here, but you didn’t know if he wanted anyone to know about you. You were a Shadowsinger, and one that had killed and spied for Amarantha. From what you knew about the Court of Nightmares, it may be a bad idea to venture out by yourself.
But this wasn’t the Court of Nightmares. Rhys said it was Velaris. He took you to Velaris. And as you looked out from the balcony, you saw what it wasn’t. It wasn’t a city of nightmares. It was a city of dreams.
Your shadows alerted you of his presence before you heard him, too lost in the city that you looked out upon.
“I’m glad you’re out of your room.” He said, hands in his pockets.
You turned around, eyes wide when you saw the strong, large wings towering behind him. “You never said you had wings.” You mentioned.
“I didn’t want them getting ripped off.” He said and you swallowed. If only you had that luxury. These past 50 years would have been easier, you thought, if you could have hidden your wings.
“I knew you were Carynthian… I don’t know why I thought you didn’t have wings.” You said, a light chuckle falling from your lips.
“Because no one but my family and those at Windhaven have seen them.” He said and you nodded. 
“Right…” you said and turned back to the view. “This isn’t the Court of Nightmares.” You finally said. "And it certainly isn't the mountain atop Hewn City..." You had seen it before, when Amarantha asked Rhys to show her it again. She had you come along. If you never had to go back there, you would be happy.
“This is the Court of Dreams.” He said and you looked at him as he strolled to your side, a soft smile coming to your lips. 
“It’s beautiful.” You said.
“It is…” he said and looked at you. “Are you ready to meet my family?” He asked.
You took a deep breath, nodding your head. “Yeah, I think I am… I think I’m ready to meet the real Rhys, too.” You said and nudged his arm.
Most people feared him. Or hated him. But you knew that there was something more to him than the cold, frightening exterior. Maybe it was because you knew he was protecting this. Or maybe it was because he had never once harmed you while Under the Mountain. But you knew that he wasn’t the typical High Lord of the Night Court that people said he was. He helped you during the past 50 years, and you had a bond that not many people down there came out with. It certainly wasn't a mating bond, but you considered him your brother. Even if he didn't consider you his sister.
You made your way from the balcony to the dining room with him, trailing behind. Your shadows swirled around you, nerves twisting your gut. It shocked you when a couple shadows darted away from you down the stairs into the dining room, without you asking. Then again, you didn't always have the best control of your shadows. Sure, you were a decent spy for Amarantha, but that didn't mean you truly knew how to use them to your advantage.
You remembered what Rhys said while at the Mountain. You were going to meet another Shadowsinger.
You stopped at the last step, listening as your shadows returned. “Safe. It’s safe. Go. Meet him.” They whispered.
Rhys paused and nodded towards the dining room. “They might be a lot, but they won’t hurt you.” He said and you nodded. As if your shadows’ reassurance wasn’t enough.
You took a deep breath as you walked towards the dining room. The glow of the faelight greeted you, and then you stood in front of the Inner Circle. In front of Rhy’s family.
A gorgeous female stood on the right, golden curled hair flowing down her back. An Illyrian male with long, black hair towered beside her. Next to him, was a small female who had glowing silver eyes and a skeptical look on her face. And finally, in the corner, in the shadows, was the other Shadowsinger, another Illyrian male with shorter black hair. But more gorgeous, beautiful than all the others combined. Including Rhys.
“(Y/N), this is my family. My Inner Circle. The Court of Dreams.” He said and smiled. “My third in command and my cousin, Morrigan,” he started and she tsked at him.
“Mor, call me Mor.” she said, a breathtaking smile on her face.
Rhys held back an eye roll as he moved on to the large Illyrian next to her. “Cassian, my brother and the commander of my armies.” The male gave a crooked smile, almost shrinking to make himself less… large. “Amren, my second in command.” He continued, the female narrowing her eyes before giving you a very, very subtle smile. “And my other brother and spymaster… the other Shadowsinger I mentioned, Azriel.”
Your shadows fluttered at his name, swirling around your arms and feet before going towards him. You silently pulled them back, not wanting for them to leave you just yet.
“Hi-“ you said and winced at the timidness of your voice. “Hi,” you said again, this time more firm. “I’m (Y/N)… Vash. But I don’t use my surname often.” You said.
“Vash… isn’t that the name of the prick in Valorworth?” Cassian asked and you went still, your shadows retreating more towards you.
“You- you know my father?” You asked and Cassian shut his mouth from a look from Rhys.
“It’s nice to meet you, (Y/N). We haven’t had any newcomers here in a long time. And none that were females.” Mor chimed in. You glanced over to Amren in response.
“I was here long before her, girl.” Amren said and you felt an unconscious shiver go down your spine.
“It’s nice to meet you all as well.” You said and cleared your through. “I uh… understand if you have questions.”
“Please, Rhys has told us just as much about you as he has about Feyre.” Cassian said and you shifted on my feet, glancing at Rhys. You supposed that made sense. Feyre did save everyone. Freed you to come back here. The tone in which Cassian said Feyre's name, however, seemed like there was more too it than just that.
“I suppose that’s good then,” I said.
“You took care of our brother when he needed it, that’s more than good.” The Shadowsinger, well, the other Shadowsinger, spoke.
As they swirled around you, your shadows gave away the fluster you felt from his words, under his gaze. You didn't know why you reacted that way, but you wouldn't question it.
“Brother?” You managed to ask and looked at Rhys.
“Not by blood, but by bond.” Rhys said and you nodded. “I know the feeling,” you said. 
“Mor, though, is actually my cousin. Her father presides over the Court of Nightmares. After her, of course.” He said and smiled at Mor.
You relaxed a bit when Rhys told them to sit, and you tentatively took a seat next to him. You were a bit in shock that he didn’t sit at the head of the table. None of them did. It was set for 6, but had enough chairs for twelve.
You didn’t know where the girl that would tease and laugh with new people went. When you had met Sirona, even though you were hurt, you still brought light into your conversations. Into your life. Now, it was like the shadows that comforted you… devoured you. Like they were your master, not the other way around. It wasn’t so much on the outside, but on the inside. Where there was once a raging fire of happiness and hope, was now dimly lit embers struggling to stay ablaze. 
The longer you spent around the Circle, the more you thought maybe one day you could rekindle that fire. Maybe you could be that bright, happy, hopeful female you were back in the village. Before Amarantha. Before you lost your family. You had a tugging feeling in your gut that the other Shadowsinger would help you get there.
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A/N: I hope you all enjoyed! These earlier chapters are shorter, around 1,000 - 1,5000 words. The later ones are about double that. I'm almost done writing the series and I'm very eager to get it out, so I'm going to start posting 3 chapters a week on Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday. Around 3PM CDT (Chicago). Let me know if you have suggestions or questions!
@cherry-cin @cleverzonkwombatsludge @nickishadowsinger139 @atomolvnar @complete-randomness-2 @lilah-asteria @tele86
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classpectpokerap · 3 days
going to go completely bugfuck insane for a little bit here. we need to talk about ultrose
Ultimate Rose, Pt. 1 (establishing facts)
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ultrose is a fucking bundle of contradictions, huh?
i think its worth immediately establishing postcanon rose as a liar. specifically, there are a few crucial lies -- lies she tells herself as well -- that define the basis of ultrose. (im mostly going to be looking at candy timeline here, because meat ultrose is a whole other tin can of worms.)
the crucial scenes to compare are the last scene where she talks to john at the peak of the war, and the scene where she plays her hand in beyond canon.
i'm going to skip around this scene (candy 33), but stick with me.
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this rose.
this rose right here. this rose who is happy. who loves her wife. who has *a* daughter.
this rose, as she herself describes.
is not "true."
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rose firmly believes that knowledge means suffering. which, given the state of her body at the start of the prologue, probably feels deeply true! and her ailment disappearing coincides with her sight vanishing, and her knowledge of The Shape Of Postcanon slipping away. (candy 4)
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"For some reason" "whatever it was she felt"
i think it's extremely important to establish here that rose wiped her own mind.
or maybe roxy wiped her mind. or the severing of meat/candy wiped her mind, but that last one feels very unlikely to me considering that this mind-wiped-state is at-will.
and we know that, because during the candy timeline, she is two things:
blind to the world
and in beyond canon, this very same rose, days later, is:
too-aware, and in touch with her powers
deeply miserable
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she stopped trying the moment the comic came back. she stopped trying because she never started. that was a whole ass different rose. one without the memories or powers.
if you'd allow me to be insane, i think i know which rose.
from ultdirk describing his experiences (with supplementary text from davepeta), we know what being ultimate is like. we understand that he has access to every splinter of himself, some more prominent than others.
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so if rose is able to prioritize bringing one iteration of herself to the front of her mind... which rose would be the best?
which rose would be the happiest, the most pleased by living on earth c? the one blissed by love, the one who would be happy with a daughter and a wife.
it's not our main rose. she was not happy during her wedding. she didn't enjoy her life. she didn't think she'd ever be happy until after the meat/candy split happened.
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you know who would have loved that?
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what is this...... very very important thing doing here?
why is she "correcting" herself? why is she making this distinction? we haven't heard a word spoken about complacency of the learned, maybe at all, in the entire epilogues. and we know rose never really finished the story. it was just some amateur wizardfic.
but say there was another rose. a member of the gestalt, who actually DID finish writing complacency. who fought her whole life for the right to have a family, but ultimately failed.
say there was a rose who was an author.
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yeah. i think the rose who gets to act out the bulk of the candy timeline (notably NOT yiffy. that was alllllllll ultrose) is alpha rose. roxy's mom. the one who fought the condesce and lost. and i think she's here simply because she's the best choice.
i mean, fuck, in hs2 rose straight up says it.
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so . yeah. this is all establishing stuff for my Insane Theory. my real one about why shes doing all this. how shes doing all this. i have been sitting on this theory for months and if you thought "candy rose is alpha earth rose" is unhinged you aint seen nothing yet
gloves are canon
part 2 is here.
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opossum-rights · 5 months
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The Way Things Happen
After being caught in a villain attack, your life is intertwined with those of the aspiring heroes that saved you.
<< Prologue - Next Part >>
Word Count, 3.5k
“How are we feeling? Your medication should’ve started kicking in by now,” says a nurse as she goes about conducting your checkup.
“I feel fine.” You give her the thumbs up, not really looking for any conversation. You appreciate how nice the nurses assigned to you are, but you think that’s partly because your parents haven’t visited other than to do paperwork, so they feel bad for you. They were always pretty distant, so you don’t mind them not showing up.
“Alright then, you know what button to press if you need anything.” She scribbles something down on her clipboard and leaves you be.
Back to staring at the ceiling again.
It was about a week after the incident and you were still in the hospital. You’re not sure what’s worse, the dull ache that washes over your body if you so much as squirm, or the boredom you’re faced with everyday. For a while, you were too out of it to realize how stuffy it was being stuck in a hospital bed, but after being taken off the stronger painkillers they had you on, you found yourself staring at the wall more often than not.
A classmate of yours brought your laptop, books, and some other things from your dorm to keep you entertained during your stay. They didn’t help much.
Looking at any type of artificial light for too long makes your head hurt, thanks to your concussion, and everytime you pick up a book you find your attention drifting before finishing the page.
You think it’s the lack of scenery and social interaction that’s making you go stir-crazy the most. Apart from that one classmate, you had no other visitors. The day after you got here a basket arrived from Best Jeanist’s agency, filled with treats and flowers and a card signed by your coworkers.
It makes you sad to think that by the time you’re discharged from the hospital, work studies will be over and it’s back to school. Though it’s nice to know that someone’s thinking of you.
There’s a knock at the door. You tell the person it’s okay to come in as you glance at the clock on the wall. It isn't the time they usually bring you dinner.
“Delivery!” A nurse enthusiastically calls out. You sit up, curious.
In her hands is another ‘get well’ basket, only instead of the sweets in the one you received from your colleagues, this one seems to have some over-the-counter medicine along with some other basic medical supplies, and what looks like a bag of takeout. Taking a closer look at the bag you realize it’s from a restaurant near the U.A. campus; a popular hang-out spot for students, especially after the move into the dorms.
“Who’s that from?” You ask, reaching out to grab it. The nurse shrugged.
“I’m not sure, it was dropped off at the front desk. Receptionist said it was a couple of U.A. boys. Maybe some classmates?”
You try to think of who it might be, but a single name can’t come to mind. You aren’t close with any of your classmates, even considering the one who grabbed your stuff only an acquaintance. Not that you particularly dislike any of them. It’s just that most have that ‘business student attending a prestigious school’ vibe.
“Well, whoever put this together definitely put some thought into it. Maybe they’ll come back.” The nurse sees your bewildered expression. She reminds you how much time there is until your next dosage of medication, then walks out and gently shuts the door behind her.
Despite how confused you are, the takeout has you feeling more upbeat than you’ve been in days. If you’re honest, any other non-hospital food would’ve brought out the same reaction.
You look inside the bag to see a little card on top of the containers. It’s plain white, ‘Get Well Soon’ printed on the front. In your hand, it’s a little warm from the food. On the other side of it is a brief handwritten note.
‘Hi there! I’m not sure if you remember, but we’re the ones who found you after the building collapsed. We’re relieved to hear that you’re doing okay! Always glad to help fellow U.A. student!’
Under the message are three signatures: Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, and Todoroki Shouto. Going by handwriting, Midoriya was the one who wrote the message. You sort of remember them.
You smile to yourself as you place the card on the bedside table. No longer able to resist the smell, you dig into the takeout bag. What they got were safe choices, in other words kinda plain and not what you would’ve picked, but after days of hospital food, you’re about ready to cry from the flavor.
After you're finished, full and satisfied, you go to toss the bag away when you see a thin white sheet of paper. A receipt from the restaurant. Bakugou was apparently the one who bought it.
He must’ve ordered it from his phone, then gone to pick it up, going by a cell phone number listed. Would it be an invasion of privacy to call or text to thank him?
You decide to sit on it. Looking through the rest of the basket, you find over-the-counter pain relievers, an electric heating pad, some ointments, and some other minor things.
You’re flattered, to say the least.
This sways your decision to reach out, grabbing your phone and the receipt.
‘Hi, this is the student from the hospital. Thank you all so much for saving me and buying me stuff! Food was good.’
You’re not sure exactly what to type, so you decide on something short. Almost immediately after setting your phone in your lap, it pings to let you know you got a response.
‘You better be grateful.’
Huh, not what you were expecting.
‘I really am! The supplies are definitely going to make the next week I’m stuck here more bearable. Tell your friends I said thanks!’
‘Those two dumbasses aren’t my friends’
Ok, you’re getting a better idea of who this kid is. Now that you think about it, wasn’t he the one who had to be muzzled at the sports festival? You’re kinda surprised they let him into the hero course.
Not sure what to say to that, you set your phone down and go back to digging through the basket. All the while, a warm feeling in your chest.
It’s a couple of days later, and you’re still holding onto the feeling that popped up knowing those boys thought of you. Truthfully you expect nothing else. What they’ve done for you is more than enough. So it’s definitely a surprise when a nurse slides into your room saying that you have a visitor; a U.A. boy named Midoriya.
You tell her to send him in. Quickly, after she leaves the room, you sit up and brush your hair down. It’s the first time you’ve seen anyone but a nurse in a week, and you’ll admit you haven’t been putting as much thought into your appearance since you got here.
“Um, hello. Is this the right room?” The green-haired boy, who you now know is Midoriya Izuku, nervously steps into the room.
“Y-yeah, it is.” You mentally groan at your awkward response, but he doesn’t seem to mind it.
“It’s great to properly meet you! I’m Midoriya Izuku,” he says with a genuine smile on his face. He holds up another takeout bag in his hand.
“Kacchan, er-Bakugou said you liked the food he picked up last time, so I grabbed you some more.”
“You really didn’t have to, but thank you so much!” You properly introduce yourself, returning his enthusiasm, and gesture to a seat on the side of your bed.
“Since you’re here, let me pay you back at least.” You reach over the other side of your bed to grab your backpack on the floor.
“No, no you really don’t have to!” He shoots his hands up and rapidly shakes his head.
“If you’re sure…” you trail off. You sit back up quicker than you should’ve and feel a slight pain in your ribs. It must show on your face because Midoriya leans closer and looks you over.
“All you alright? Should I call a nurse?” You hurriedly tell him no, that you just moved too fast.
“Still not used to being so fragile,” you painfully chuckle and wave a hand at your leg.
He focuses on your leg, brows furrowing and seeming to be lost in thought. You feel your cheeks warm at the attention, and you ask the first thing that pops into your head to distract him.
“Do you wanna sign it?”
“Huh?” He turns to you with wide eyes.
“Well, you did save me after all. It’d be kinda cool having the autograph of a future pro hero. You can consider me one of your first fans.” Saying this makes him light up.
You grab a marker from your bedside table left by one of the nurses and hand it to him. He stutters out a ‘thank you’ and signs his hero name in neat characters in the space just over your knee.
“Deku, huh? I’ll be sure to remember it.”
After that conversation comes more easily. Both you and him seem more easygoing than when he first arrived. You chat about school, your respective courses, who you’re working under, and even more. Soon a nurse sticks her head in to announce that visiting hours are ending soon.
“Again, thank you for stopping by. Talking with you has been the most fun I’ve had in a while.” Your gratitude makes him blush as he bashfully scratches the back of his neck.
“Really, it’s no trouble at all. I’ve been thinking about you a lot since the incident. You seemed pretty frightened, so I wanted to check up on you.” Now it’s your turn for your face to warm up. You smile at each other.
“Would you mind if I came to visit you again?” He asks as he stands from his seat.
“Of course not, just no more buying me anything. Here,” you grab a napkin from the takeout bag, still sitting unopened, and scribble down your number. He takes it with a smile, and then soon enough he’s out the door.
Deku; you know for a fact that in ten years you’ll be hearing his name in the news all the time.
The next day rolls around and you’re in a way better mood than previously. Midoriya had texted wondering how you were, and you even made plans for him to visit later in the week. The uptick in your mood must’ve been obvious, as even the nurses were commenting on it. They were happy to see you so happy.
After your recent checkup, the doctor said that your concussion was healing nicely enough for you to watch some TV, but to turn it off the second your head starts to ache.
That’s where you are right now, getting caught up on the dramas you missed. In fact, you’re so into it that you don’t notice the loud footsteps stomping down the hallway.
You’re leaning in, anticipating the moment the lead confesses her love when your door blows open like an explosion took place in the hallway.
You jump away, watching as a spiky-haired blond boy walks in without saying anything. Again, in a U.A. uniform. It doesn’t take much thinking for you to piece together that this is Bakugou Katsuki.
“What?” He spits out when he sees you staring.
“Uh, what do you mean ‘what’? This is my room,” you point from yourself to the door. He looks at you like you’re an idiot.
“I know that, dumbass. I’m here to give you this.” He stomps up and thrusts a piece of paper at you.
You cautiously glance at him as you take it. You continue to look at him with it in your hand.
“Read it,” he grunts out, moving to the chair next to your bed.
You shrug at him then look at it. It’s a letter from Principal Nezu confirming that due to being injured from no fault of your own, you won’t need to make up for your missed time on your work study nor will you have any extra assignments. There’s even a note at the bottom from Best Jeanist, saying that what happened was tragic and that you’re welcome back to his agency the next time work studies roll around.
You’re touched, and it must show on your face as you hear a scoff from the boy next to you. You’ll be honest, you forgot he was there. Something else you forget was the harsh movements you made when he barged in. A dull pain sets in your leg, and you squirm around to try and get more comfortable.
“What happened?” He’s quieter now, though his words still have a bite to them.
“I just moved too harshly. I’m fine,” you say, and he gives a huff. Things taper off after that. You’re not exactly sure why he stayed past giving you the note.
“Thank you for the other day. You were one of the heroes that saved me from the rubble, right?”
“Damn right, I blew it away. Neither of the other two did jack,” he smirks, pride in his voice.
“Yeah? Well, thanks for the food too. I really like that place.”
“Hospital food tastes like shit. It’ll probably make ya even worse,” he looks away when he replies.
He takes a glance at your cast, more specifically the name on it.
“Deku…” He looks pissed off.
“You want to sign it too? You’re also one of my heroes,” you say as you grab the marker and hold it out to him.
Bakugou looks startled by your offer, but only for a moment. He roughly grabs that tool from you and gets to work. He signs his hero name in big, scratchy characters right above Midoriya’s. With an upward twitch of his lips, he caps the marker and throws it back onto the table.
“Great Explosion Murder God Dynamite…” You’re not sure if you were just pranked. Seeing the disbelief on your face as you look back at him, he scowls.
“Better remember it,” he’s serious. Not wanting to piss him off even more, you move on to flattery.
“Don’t think I could. Look forward to seeing it up on the charts!” This pleases him, you think. You’re sincere when you say it.
You make small talk for the rest of his time there. It’s mostly you egging him on. You talked about class, how he’s at the top of his both in academics and strength (you have no way of knowing if that’s true), and how he interned under Best Jeanist earlier in the year, that’s why he was the one to get the note.
Eventually, a text pops up on his phone and he glances at it, scowling once he sees who it is.
“Damn hag,” he mutters as he slings his bag over his shoulder and stands.
“Don’t die,” he’s blunt as he turns back at you in the doorway.
“Not planning on it,” you reply, giving him a little wave. He stomps back out the door, slamming it shut of course. It sounds like he pauses outside, then you can hear his footsteps move down the hall back to the elevators.
He sure has a strong presence, and you know how far that’ll take him in this industry.
Suddenly it’s a few days later, the day you planned for Midoriya to visit. You were excited, and a bit jumpy. Even with a preset time you found yourself hopping up everytime the door opened, only to be disappointed once it’s just a nurse.
You found yourself wanting to impress him, or at least not look like you’ve been stuck in the hospital for weeks. A nurse assisted you in taking a bath, and you put on a sweater over the top of your hospital gown. You’re afraid there’s no hiding how dead your skin looks with the lack of direct sunlight.
The time ticks on. You set your eyes to the clock set high in the corner of the room and watch as the hour and minute hands place themselves where they need to be, then past.
At first you can excuse it, his train probably got delayed or there was an emergency. You really didn’t want to blame him for it. He was a hero in training, after all, he probably didn’t have time to spend with a kid in the hospital.
There’s a lock at the door. You twist around, hope being brought back.
“Come in!” You try to play it cool and keep the excitement out of your voice.
There’s a pause on the other side. The door slowly opens to show not who you were expecting. It’s a boy with two-toned hair, and two different colored eyes. This is Todoroki Shouto if you remember correctly.
“Midoriya’s in the bathroom,” he stated as he stood in the doorway. You light up and smile at him, overjoyed to hear that he hasn’t ditched you.
“Thanks for letting me know. You can sit down, if you want,” you wave a hand to the chair at your bedside.
He nods, then moves to sit. As he does, he seems to realize something and briefly introduces himself. You do the same.
You had your fair share of awkward moments when Midoriya and Bakugou first came to visit, but they both did their part in providing small talk. This boy, on the other hand, is content with being quiet. You’re more intimidated by him than you were with Bakugou.
As you try and think of something to say, you hear a murmur.
“That’s what he picked?” You glance over to see he’s staring at your leg, where his teammates have written their hero names.
“Yeah, Bakugou’s sure is… something. It does fit him, though.” He agrees with that, not saying anything else. You decide to hurry things along and grab your trusty marker, pointing it at him between your fingers. He looks at you blankly.
“Go on, the other two did. You were also there to help me. Thank you for that, by the way,” you give him a smile as you shake your hand lightly.
“I’m a hero, it’s my job. You don’t have to thank me.” He takes the marker anyway. Under your knee, he writes his name in small, neat characters. When he’s finished he caps the pen and sets it back on the table.
“Shouto? Staying true to yourself, nice.” He gives you a barely there smile, and is about to say something when the door rushes open.
“I’m so sorry I’m late! Todoroki wanted to come with when I said I was visiting,” Midoriya slightly bows as he apologizes.
“It’s fine. I have nothing else to do other than wait.” You wave him off.
Looking around, you realize the only place to sit in the room is being taken up by Todoroki. You could call a nurse, but you’d feel bad making them leave their station just for a chair. Moving your good leg more towards you, you pat at the empty space. He looks unsure of it, but you pat it harder to get the point across that it’s fine. Hesitatingly he sits on the edge of the bed, being very conscious of your cast.
You all get to talking a bit more, mostly you and Midoriya, but sometimes Todoroki’s dragged in by one of you, but he doesn’t seem to mind it.
As they’re getting ready to leave you call out to them.
“I know I probably said it a thousand times, but really thank you guys. If it wasn’t for you I’d be in even worse shape, or maybe dead,” you blink away tears in your eyes as you tell them. They both freeze at your expression.
Todoroki doesn’t seem like he knows what to do, but Midoriya gently places a hand on your shoulder. You place a hand over his.
“You guys are already amazing heroes.” They both are happy to hear that.
“Thank you, that means a lot to hear,” Midoriya sounds genuine, the light in his eyes warms your chest.
“So, see you later?” You let go of his hand, and he backs up to where Todoroki is by the door.
“Of course, I’ll text you when I have a free day.”
“Is it alright if I visit again?” The quiet boy speaks up. You’re surprised, but glad he seemed to have a nice time.
“Definitely, you guys are the only people I see outside of the nurses. It keeps me from going crazy.” They have a strange look flash across their faces, but quickly go back to normal and make to leave when a nurse walks in with some of your medication.
You don’t know if you can consider them friends yet, but you have a feeling these boys will stick around.
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jazeswhbhaven · 6 months
Fa La La La La Michael's on Sale (Christmas Miracle L-Card PROLOGUE Spoilers I)
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Most of you know the drill when it comes to my reacts/playthrus It's usually a two-parter, I sit here and say my h0rni mess while paraphrasing and summarizing what it is I saw lol You'll be seeing me go over more of them this week, including Beel's event, Raphael's prolouge, and others. But for now, grab yourself a snaky snack, and let's dive in ♨(⋆‿⋆)♨
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First off, Minhyeok is an uncle??? That's so wholesome and cute and look how happy his nephew is to see him <3333
We start off with Minhyeok being a bit grumpy cause it's Christmas and MC isn't here, meanwhile some random women are ogling him as they always do...but yay he's greeted by his adorable nephew and....
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Minhyeok's fine ass older brother (ᇴ‿ฺᇴ)
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So he asks him where his wife is (booooooooo gimmie single dilf to lust over please and thank you /hj) And his brother is like yeah my wife said I'd be i the way so she made me leave. That's honestly such a cute typical "haha my wife calls me a menace love her though" Because he would be in the way....that turtle neck sweater....those muscles, I'm surprised your wife only has one kid because d a m n.
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So typically around Christmas, his brother worries about him being alone since their parents are overseas and he also lives far. Because of this he comes to pick him up and spend Christmas with him and his wife/kiddo so he's not by himself. (assuming this also includes MC) And Minhyeok is grateful to his brother for being so nice.
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Ooop, he's asking about MC! And Minhyeok is like "Yeah they're fine." Like imagine having to tell your older brother "yeah so my bestie pretty much is in hell doing some kind of mission or whatever and has to drink my cum in order to survive but this tiny red demon that resembles a small pet updates me on them so no worries" He'd probably ask him to permanently move in with them so he can look over him lololol
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It's cute that the older brother is genuinely concerned for MC and wants to know they're doing well. It's confirmed here that they hung out together during childhood so he considers them close like family. (I still have a thought that once during their childhood they fought over who would marry MC and I guess yeah Minhyeok won that fight since the older brother is married to someone else)
So Minhyeok's nephew starts asking him did he want anything from Santa this year and Minhyeok gets all in his feelings and tells him that he just wants MC to be at peace (or his special someone ya know)
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So his nephew is like all happy about it and he says he hopes Santa grants his wish and they both get all wholesome and cute and fluffy. The way Minhyeok interacts with his nephew also confirms my headcanon of him that he'd be an amazing househusband and very attentive to your kid(s). So it pans out from here and then-
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TARTAROS BABES LUV YOUUU Tbh this is first place I'd want to be during this time because the amount of fucking gifts??? From Daddy Mammon???? HELLLLL YESSSS. And that's exactly what's happening. Bimet here is picking out clothes for MC, just piling them on and on and it's overwhelming for MC honestly to where they're like uh this is enough and our boujie bestie Bimet is like-
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I also wanted to point out that MC was literally shopping for a cake with Ppyong and Mammon's fucking gold hand just snatches them from Gehenna (Satan was probably fucking pissed lmao)
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So Bimet is purchasing all of these clothes and other items and MC is like I only have one body where are all these gonna fit? Their bang bang safe room is small, but Bimet lets them know they already reserved other rooms for them to use for storing their items. Three rooms in fact. And I bet you they're huge.
But while MC is over here pondering about the clothes and the three rooms they seem to have reserved there we get a warm welcome from our fave buff boi
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This is such a cute image to picture, just Valefor walking around with various bags and boxes helping carry everything. he's so bf material it's cute. Mc and Bimet were traveling to different stores on their own at first BUT turns out that yeah too much was being bought for them to carry so MC called Valefor to help.
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OAINODAKNFDKJSADNKJSNAFKJNSFKJ <3333 I'd love hugs from himmmmmmmmmmmmm what a sweet soul
And MC asks if he had any plans for Christmas, and apparently this is what he does every year
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the men get together and have this weird contest but that's after they get off work. sounds to me like that morning after will be like...hella food coma hangover (if that even exists)
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He calls the fact that he gets to see MC during Christmas is a miracle, and even says they're lucky to see them too. (i'm going to explode he's so cute)
So with that being said, Bimet is like yeah let's keep going to other stores and then he pays the clerk being like "Yup the Tartaros palace will foot the bill" and the clerk is just like okie dokie then (her sprite is super cute btw omg)
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And MC is over here like "I wonder why Bimet is so happy???"
Bimet and I have the same energy. Love spending over ppl's money and not my own lmao I'm so uptight when using my own cash to buy things, even necessities that I need at home T^T
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So yeah after visiting 14 fucking stores and being out all day until dinner, MC is finally back home in one of the rooms set aside for them. Eligos is there being pouty because he waited all day (probably hasn't eaten poor bby) and wants headpats. After said headpats are given, he's just like alrightie strip :D MC being being MC is all confused like UH WHAT NOW
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And I'm wondering why too, right? Until he drops this bomb on us...
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So basically MC didn't know they had to attend this auction thing with Mammon and so Eli is like alright guess I'm telling you now lmao
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Oh that's nice, at least the money goes towards charity orgs and such. Tartaros is pretty dope for that.
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So well MC is hype now to go to this auction and Eli is being cute here burying himself in mountains of clothing and shopping bags to pick out an outfit.
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So while you're getting dressed Eli starts to also talk about the strange things that usually happen in Hell during Christmas, including Christmas miracles. So this is the third time it's been mentioned and MC thinks it's pretty much a sign something odd is gonna happen at that auction....
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SO we're at the auction now and the first item is apparently some glass/golden slippers from that one storytale with the fairy godmother and cinderella basically yadda ya lol
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Gawd Mammon is so sugar ddy vibes I swear, best seats in the house at an auction, best clothes and accessories on that he bought. MMMM MMMM MMMMM I need this treatment bad.
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So Mammon thought MC wanted the slippers and was willing to buy them. (those bitches were fucking 18 million to start...I'm not sure if that's USD or not but fuck me)
MC declines and says they already received so many gifts today they were wondering what more could they want.
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AHHHH Mammon speaking to them like this probably all deep-voiced, full of energy, having you sitting right beside him so close so you're not out of his line of vision. AHHH AHHHA VIP treatment too probably.
I'm stopping here because things are about to get c r a z y. And I've hit my image limit </3 See ya on the next post!!
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leclerqueensainz · 1 month
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Pairing: Carlos Sainz Jr. X Louise Evans ( OC)
Synopsis: Carlos Sainz is a scoundrel. That's what all the women he's slept with — and the list is not short — always say after having their hearts destroyed by the Spanish heartthrob. Carlos Sainz Jr. is the worst scoundrel of all time. But worse than being a scoundrel is liking to be a scoundrel. But even the worst scoundrel can have his heart tamed. And when Louise, Carlos' best friend, asks him to give her a baby, Sainz finds himself caught up in a frenzy.
Long dormant feelings resurface, and Carlos realizes that winning the world drivers' championship won't be his only challenge.
WARNING: THIS IS A +18 STORY and contains: Sex scenes and explicit sexual language, reproduction kink, swearing and a few other things that I may or may not be forgetting.
Carlos Sainz is a scoundrel. That's what all the women he's slept with - and the list is not short - always say after having their hearts destroyed by the Spanish heartthrob. Carlos Sainz Jr. is the worst scoundrel of all time. But worse than being a scoundrel is liking to be a scoundrel. Don't get me wrong, Carlos cannot be considered a bad guy in general; he is just a millionaire playboy who can't keep it in his pants when it comes to a beautiful woman. However, in his defense, he has always been a thoughtful lover during sex. He cares not only about receiving pleasure but also about extracting it from his "victims." He doesn't mind spending hours and hours pleasuring a wet pussy, or fulfilling a strange fetish so that his nighttime company can reach the highest peak of pleasure. In Carlos's mind, if his partner is screaming or crying for more, then it's worth it. However, being the cause of the greatest sexual delight for women also ends up contributing to his reputation as a womanizer, dog, scoundrel, heartbreaker, etc. So, it's no wonder that he is taken aback by his best friend Louise's request.
However, being the cause of the greatest sexual delight for women also ends up contributing to his reputation as a womanizer, dog, scoundrel, heartbreaker, etc. So, it's no wonder that he is taken aback by the request of his best friend Louise. — You want me to what?! — He asks, stunned. — I want you to impregnate me. — She says, biting her lips and staring at him with dark Bambi-like eyes. Carlos breathes astonished, unsure of how to respond. He looks around the living room of Louise's apartment, searching for any sign of a hidden camera. Dios! This must be a joke. Carlos is aware that his best friend hasn't been doing well in terms of mental health. But now it's like she's completely gone mad. Louise is Carlos's oldest friend. They met when Carlos joined Toro Rosso in 2015, while Louise had just started interning in the communications department at Mercedes. They would constantly bump into each other in the paddock, with her always behind Lewis and Nico, and Carlos trying his best to prove his talent in his rookie year in the category. During that time, it was just looks and nods as a greeting between the two, but a few months later, the first signs of flirting from the driver began. Always a compliment about what Louise was wearing, or about how her work was impeccable, even though he wasn't exactly sure what the girl did. However, Louise always rejected Carlos and said she was there not to flirt with playboy drivers but to seize the incredible opportunity that could greatly boost her professional career. And that was the rule she stuck to firmly until Sainz gave up and they both got closer to being two rookies who needed someone to trust. As the season progressed, what was initially just pleasant company for each other progressed into a solid friendship, and soon enough, the two were inseparable, of course, except when they were focused on their respective jobs.
This brings us to this moment, with Carlos staring at his best friend as if she had grown two heads on her shoulders. Carlos is neither dumb nor blind; it's obvious that he finds Louise attractive, and only he and God know how much he has fantasized about taking this woman to bed. But giving her a child - as tempting and sinful as the thought of hearing her moan and be filled with his seed underneath him may be the hottest thing he has ever imagined - is certainly the peak of madness. — Have you smoked Lando's weed again? — Carlos asks, as that is the only explanation that comes to his mind. — No! I am completely sober, well, aside from a few glasses of wine. But I only had them to gather the courage I needed to ask you. — She says plainly, leaving Carlos even more terrified. Standing up, Carlos took a deep breath and pinched the bridge of his nose with one hand while the other rested on his hip. Louise, watching from the sofa where her friend had been sitting just minutes before, tries her best not to laugh at the situation. In Louise's mind, what she is asking for is quite simple. She is 27 years old, turning 28 in a few months. Throughout all these years of her existence, it seemed like something very serious was influencing her love life, as none of her relationships lasted longer than a year. Even Carlos had had longer relationships, with a fling here and there, but still, longer ones. Louise has always dreamed of having her own family, and the maximum time she has given herself to have children is by the age of 30. However, over the years, she realized that the only man who remains in her life after getting to know her is Carlos.
So when she finally broke up with her twentieth boyfriend, Roy, who was a nice guy but seemed more excited about plants than about her in lingerie, she decided to skip all the hassle of finding the perfect guy and instead continue her lineage with the help of her best friend. Of course, if he's willing to go along with this madness.
Louise isn't ugly she's very aware of it, with the amount of compliments she gets when she walks in the paddock or notifications from strangers and acquaintances in her social media DMs, she can't deny it. However, even though she's highly coveted, she hasn't found any man good enough to procreate with. She wants her children to have good genes, and that's not asking for too much.
She also knows Carlos isn't the most honorable guy in the world; God knows she's judged her friend as a gigolo dozens of times, but she loves Carlos. And he has great genes.
Carlos is handsome, very handsome, actually, a spectacle of a man. With thick, dark hair like a Disney prince, large eyes deep brown, a long nose, full lips, and of course, a perfect body. Carlos Sainz Jr. is truly a hottie. Does he have a questionable character? Yes! But he's still a hottie.
However, beyond the beauty the man possesses, what pleases Louise the most about Sainz is his dedication to everything he considers important, and that majestically includes their friendship. Louise would trust her life to Carlos with her eyes closed.
Carlos has always treated her very well, even after all the rejections she had given him during the beginning of their friendship.
He has always been kind, and attentive, and moved heaven and earth for her to have everything she needs, whenever she needs it. Does she want raspberry ice cream that's specifically sold in a city thousands of kilometers away from where they are? Don't worry, Carlos's assistant can take a jet and go get it for her; after all, it's not like Tina has anything more important to do than fetch ice cream from the middle of nowhere. All good.
Or when Louise has a sudden breakup with a guy she really liked, Carlos doesn't mind staying up all night listening to her cry on an endless call, even if it's been a tough day of racing and his body is begging for a good night's sleep. No, Carlos would stay with her. He would listen to her speak ill of Roy, Ben, Jude, Lorenzo, Michael, or any other bastard who had hurt her best friend's heart.
To outsiders, Carlos Sainz was a heartless womanizer. But to Louise, he's the nicest and kindest man she's ever met. And secretly, that might have also contributed to none of her relationships going anywhere.
Roy would never send an assistant flying miles away just for her to get a damn ice cream. To be fair, Roy didn't have an assistant, let alone a jet, but there have been times when he refused to go to a bakery around the corner from her apartment to buy the sweet bread she was craving. They fought, she told him to leave, and an hour later, an exhausted Carlos with tousled hair showed up at her door carrying a suitcase and a box of bread in every flavor for her.
And it's no surprise to anyone that Ben wouldn't stay up all night to hear her talk about a silly series or movie she watched during one of her long trips. After all, Ben is a very busy lawyer who doesn't have time for nonsense, only to sleep with the 19-year-old secretary who had started working at his firm. A curse, a middle finger, and three hours later, Carlos shows up with a bottle of wine and the hoodie he knows she loves and watches all the movies and series she wants.
None of these jerks would be good enough to do these things for Louise, only Carlos. Carlos is a womanizer of women and a great pilot for the world, but for Louise is the only person who really matters.
It turns out there will always be comparisons. No matter how many people she dates or tries to create her story with, no man or woman will ever be like Carlos. What they have is something unique and special, which goes beyond the barrier of friendship or even a romantic relationship. They were simply born to be.
For all these reasons and many more, she had made up her mind. Carlos Sainz Vázquez de Castro Cenamor Rincón Rebollo Virto Moreno de Aranda Don Per Urrielagoiria Pérez del Pulgar Jr. will be the father of her future child. Well, that's if he accepts and the way the Spaniard is looking at her, she might need a few more things to convince him.
— Carlos, please! - She says, pouting, which for a woman of almost 30 is ridiculous, but every effort will be worth it.
— Dios, Louise! No!— he says, running his hands through his hair in an exasperated way. - -You can't just ask me to put a baby inside you just because you're in a crisis!
Carlos throws himself back on the sofa next to her.
— This isn't a crisis! — He looks at her with an arched eyebrow. — Yes, it may be a crisis, but Carlos, I'm going to be 30!
— Yes! In two years, Louise! — He grabs her shoulders. - You're still young and you're a sensible woman, I mean, at least you used to be. — Louise digs her nails into Carlos' bare thigh, making him cry out in pain.
— I'm still sensible, Sainz! And that's exactly why I want you to get me pregnant! — Louise shouts, getting up from her seat on the sofa and standing in front of the pilot.
Even though Carlos is fighting hard, he's still a man and his flesh is weak. He evaluates every inch of his body covered only by a T-shirt, which he happened to know very well because it was his Real Madrid shirt.
— Come on, Cabron! Don't tell me you don't find me attractive. Do you know how many people would love to put a baby in me? — She asks and leans in close to his ear. — It's been eight years of you wanting to have sex with me, Carlitos. And today I'm begging you to throw me on that bed, or that sofa, or whatever the hell place you want. I want you to take off my clothes and fuck me until I have a part of you growing inside me. - Her lips lightly touch his lobe.
Carlos swallows dryly, the images of him bending his best friend over in every corner of the house, making her moan as he thrusts inside her without stopping until every drop of his cum drips into her... Oh! Dios!
Louise realizes that her goal of seduction is working with the way Carlos tenses up underneath her.
— Come on, Carlos... — A kiss below his ear — We could do this so well... - Another kiss on the jaw. — Imagine a mini part of both of us running around... - She licks his neck.
Carlos closes his eyes and lets himself imagine the scene. A mini him, or a mini Louise running around everywhere. He takes her or him to the paddock to watch him or her race a Formula 1 car. He allows himself to be even more daring and imagines not only the child already born, but also Louise pregnant with her second child, wearing a loose summer dress, with a big round belly and...
Carlos gasps and involuntarily tilts his head to the side so that Louise has more access to his skin. One of her hands moves slowly up his firm, dark-haired thigh. The sharp nail slowly scratched the sensitive skin, so close to his cock. Just a few more centimeters and...
— You don't even have to be his father if you don't want to. I can take care of everything, he won't even need to know you're the father and...
And then came the bucket of cold water. Of course, it's only because she wants a baby. Carlos feels a bit stupid for letting himself believe for a moment that the idea of making a family with him was what Louise wanted. She doesn't want a family with Carlos, of course not. She just wants him to be the father of her child.
Carlos quickly gets up and throws Louise onto the sofa. His mind was racing and a bizarre burning in his chest.
— What the fuck, Louise! You've really lost your mind! — He paces back and forth frantically.
— Carlos, what's the matter? - She gets up from the sofa too. — I thought you wanted me to be happy!
Carlos stops for a moment, his mouth tasting bitterly of anger. How dare Louise say that? Carlos has already made it more than obvious that he would do anything to make her happy. He would give up almost everything he owned for her, even set fire to Madrid if necessary!
He really thought that this was something that wouldn't even cross her mind. But this? Just being the cock that will empty inside her so that she can have a fucking baby — all babies forgive him - and then wanting him to act as if she were nothing to him, that's too much. Out of the question.
— If you want to play the black widow, Louise, you should know better than to think I'm the wrong guy for it. - He says, grabbing his jacket and turning towards the door without looking at her. — I don't care what anyone says about me. I'm everything women say and then some, but even so, I'm not an idiot who shirks my responsibilities. I expected more from you.
He opens the door and leaves.
Standing in the middle of the living room, Louise looks at the door her best friend has just left. She's confused, but above all, sorry.
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vesperinch · 2 months
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Yandere Beelzebub X Fem! Reader
Prologue; You are the daughter of the first human, Adam. After Adam's battle against Zeus, you followed Brunhilde wherever she went, during the battle of Budha and Zerofuku, you got lost and accidentally walked into the room where Beelzebub was.
"Oh, are you lost, little fly?" Beelzebub's voice booms in the room. His violet eyes stare deeply into yours. You swallow nervously. You didn't expect to meet the Lord of The Flies. You remained silent, oblivious to Beelzebub's approach. He held your chin, making your eyes meet his.
"You... you are Adam's daughter, right?" you simply nodded. Beelzebub's gaze seemed filled with hatred. You brushed his hand off your chin and ran out of the room to find Brundhilde.
Meanwhile, Beelzebub just chuckled at your terrified expression. "I can't wait to destroy her."
You spotted Brundhilde who was watching Buddha's fight with Zerofuku, and you went straight to her. Brundhilde, who saw you running, immediately scolded you for leaving her. She was worried that you had met one of the gods who might destroy you because you were Adam's daughter.
"Sorry, I was negligent earlier," you say. Brundhilde just lets out a long sigh, she won't let you get lost again. You were watching Buddha's match, but you were surprised when you saw the change in Buddha's opponent.
"Wasn't Buddha fighting Zerofuku, why did it change?"
"Zerofuku suddenly turned into a demon king, Hajun" You are surprised to hear that. That's impossible, can the Buddha win against him?
But what makes you even more surprised is the appearance of the God of The Underworld, Hades. You didn't expect him to come.
You start to wonder, is Hades coming to Valhalla to watch the fight or to participate? But when you look at the list of Gods who will be fighting, Hades isn't there, and that makes you relieved. You really hope that humanity wins, considering your father loved them so much and was willing to sacrifice to keep them alive.
Also, the human warriors are very kind and sweet to you. They treat you like a princess and that makes you happy. You are still very focused on watching Buddha's fight with Hajun. A while later, Buddha won the fight even though he lost one eye. You, Brundhilde and Goll approached him who was being carried by the medical team.
"Buddha-sama, I'm glad you survived and won," you said while holding Buddha's hand with teary eyes. Buddha laughed and gave a thumbs up, "I told you not to worry. Look at me, I won the fight. You have to give me a packet of cola candy."
You laugh, "You'll get a hole in your tooth if you eat too much candy."
Buddha also laughs before he is taken away for treatment. You follow Brundhile to her room, and when she opens the door, Goll screams because there are two Brundhildes.
A frown appears on Brundhilde's forehead, "What are you doing here? And also why are you wearing my clothes? Nostradamus!"
Goll, "Huh...He's that..." You look confused at Nostradamus who still resembles Brundhilde. Your Nostradamus.
Nostradamus then took off his disguise. "He is the greatest astrologer of all time!" Goll shouted. You blinked your eyes a few times, huh the greatest astrologer huh, is it possible that he can predict you?
Nostradamus then shouted and pointed at you, "Let me foretell!"
Goll and you are confused, "Huh?"
"It is the Gods' side that will win Ragnarok!" he says, making you and Goll jump.
"What do you mean humanity will lose?!" you yell at him. Then Nostradamus burst out laughing, "Do you believe me? You are so innocent, miss!"
Your face turns red and begins to smoke. You squeeze Brundhilde's hand tightly in embarrassment. Goll grabbed his brother's hand and shouted, "Big sister! This guy sucks!"
They don't realize you walked out of the room to get some fresh air. You sit in the garden, looking up at the sky. Then you heard footsteps that made you stand up immediately, your eyes widening as you realized who was coming, an incubus. He came up to you and held your chin, his long tongue touching your soft cheek giving you goosebumps.
"You're Adam's daughter, right? I didn't think you were cute enough" You pushed him to the ground. He looks at you angrily then grabs your wrist tightly.
"Listen to this, although I know the human warriors like you a lot, don't expect them to help you-"
His words are cut off. You see his body already torn to shreds and fall to the ground.
You look to the side and see Beelzebub standing there with his usual blank stare. He comes closer to you and stomps on the incubus' severed body beneath him.
He ducked slightly to adjust his height to yours, you closed your eyes in fear. Then you feel his hand stroking your hair gently.
"Are you alright?" you nodded not expecting him to help you and even touch you!
"I'm fine...Thank you for helping" Beelzebub is still looking at you with his hand still stroking your hair. You can see a small smile etched on his face. "I'm glad to hear that."
He then walked away leaving you in confusion. Was he just playing with you? Or did he really intend to help you? You don't know.
Meanwhile, Beelzebub felt his heart beating fast. Maybe Satan's curse was at work again? Or maybe it's love? No, no, he can't fall in love with a weak human like you. His goal is to corrupt you, nothing more.
-To be continued
Hello everyone I hope you like it, I know I'm bad at writing stories but I hope you like it! Don't forget to leave positive likes and comments, also forgive me if there are wrong words because English is not my language.
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g0nta-g0kuhara · 6 months
The Chapter 4 Essay Part 2: Gonta Gokuhara
A metapost on my thoughts on Kokichi’s overall motivations and Gonta’s actions during ch4. Split into two parts. You can find Kokichi's half here: (LINK)
This section is admittedly a little bit shorter than Kokichi’s, but that’s just because Gonta’s motivations are a lot more clear than Kokichi’s. That being said, I’m also worried that since I am so obsessed with Gonta I might forget something important that supports my point because to me its kinda self-evident. So if anything seems like it’s missing or doesn’t make sense, please let me know!
In my opinion, nothing Kokichi did to Gonta was personal, in both positive and negative ways. He didn’t target Gonta because he hated him in particular, but he also didn’t team up with him because they were already friends. Gonta was just an easy target for him to take advantage of, both for stopping Miu from killing him And in progressing his plan to stop the killing game. Gonta’s actions in chapter 4 are a combination of genuine manipulation by Kokichi using what made him an easy target, and motivation caused by Gonta’s desperation and preexisting insecurities that had been growing since the start of the killing game.
Throughout v3, the one thing that Gonta wants more than anything else is to protect his friends from the killing game. It’s pretty clear that he trusts his physical strength more than any other part of himself. The literal First thing Gonta says in a group setting with everyone else is this:
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He doesn’t even know anyone yet! But he’s already prepared to physically defend them from the exisals! He also tries to stop Kaede’s execution along with Kaito and Tenko:
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(post trial, chapter 1) (And- wait- is Gonta missing his bug box in this cg? Oh my god….)
Gonta is shown to be most confident when doing things that involve his physical strength. There’s less hesitation and uncertainty in his actions, unlike what you can often see in him during class trials or group discussions.
Gonta is also more than willing to give up his life for his friends, even as early as chapter 2.
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(post trial, chapter 2) (he’s the first one to make this suggestion)
Outside of physical defense against active threats, Gonta really just wants to help his friends in any way he can. Here’s a couple examples:
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(post-trial, chapter 1) (daily life, chapter 2) (daily life, chapter 3) (investigation, chapter 3)
On the other hand, Gonta has really bad self esteem issues. It’s telling enough that one of Gonta’s common floatlines is literally “Gonta idiot…” When he’s not casually calling himself dumb he’s apologizing for it. For this (and honestly, many other parts of Gonta’s character that I’m pointing out here) I really recommend just paying close attention to Gonta on a replay of the game. I could literally sit here for a week finding and listing all the times Gonta calls himself stupid, but it feels pretty self-evident considering how much he does it. Here’s just one example:
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(investigation, chapter 1)
It’s the combination of his deep desire to be helpful and protect the people around him, and the repeated deaths of his classmates, that really start to wear on him as the game progresses. I think this mixes with his already present self worth issues to form a pretty nasty complex; Gonta explicitly blames himself for almost every single victim’s death in the game. Let’s walk through the chapters for a moment here:
Ryoma: “Gonta coulda saved him… No, Gonta shoulda saved him…! // When piranhas attack Ryoma… If Gonta had dived into tank… / Then… Gonta coulda help Ryoma. But Gonta got scared. Too scared to do anything. / Sorry! Gonta really sorry!”
In chapter 3, Gonta joins Angie’s student council out of his desire to protect everyone. This is made clear in how, before pulling him in, Angie compliments Gonta and calls him smart. She then says this:
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(daily life, chapter 3)
This time, organized as a part of the student council and with Angie’s god on his side, Gonta hopes that he can finally be useful and successfully protect someone.
Angie: “Maybe Angie got attacked while she sleep in her room, and get brought there? / If so… Gonta coulda saved her! If only Gonta saw! / But Gonta was sleeping… Sorry, Angie… Gonta no could save you!”
…To quote my favourite V3 lets play (shortonegaming) on this moment: “He made up a version [of Angie’s death] so that he could blame himself.”
Tenko: “T-Tenko…! Gonta so sorry… Gonta no could protect you!” and then a little later “It’s all Gonta’s fault…! Gonta fail to protect friends again!” and AGAIN later “Gonta so ashamed…! Why Gonta no could protect friends!?”
That’s two deaths in a row that Gonta (at least believes) he was right next door to and failed to stop. You can see from how he says this repeatedly, with lots of dialogue from other characters in between, the sheer amount that this is impacting him.
Miu: “But… why this happen…!? Why… Miu killed!? / Gonta not understand… Gonta not understand anything… /…But Gonta frustrated and sad! Gonta no could protect Miu! // Gonta so sorry! Gonta sorry he no could protect Miu!” Even with Miu’s death, to which he’s waking up disoriented and confused, he blames himself for failing to stop it.
(Sidenote: Looking at all these reactions back to back makes Gonta’s disorientation after waking up from the virtual world SO much more visible. I left the beginning out of the quote I took, but when you first talk to him during ch4’s investigation, he doesn’t say anything for a few moments. This is very unlike his immediate, intense reactions in the earlier chapters. When he does start speaking it feels kind of disjointed, uncharacteristically calm, and confused before he starts riling himself up blaming himself for Miu’s death. I never really noticed it before looking into this. It’s kind of disturbing)
The only reason I personally think he doesn’t react this way about Rantaro immediately is due to being in shock that someone died to begin with. That doesn’t stop him from saying this not long after:
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(investigation, chapter 1)
This complex- made of the desire to protect everyone, self loathing, and feelings of uselessness at being unable to help investigating due to being “stupid” and failing to protect anyone physically, the only thing he thinks he’s good at, every. single. time- only gets worse with each chapter. And in Chapter 4, Gonta finally reaches his breaking point.
At the beginning of Chapter 4, you can talk to Gonta as Shuichi is leaving to meet up with Kaito and Maki to train. He tries to stop Shuichi, worried about a murder potentially taking place at night (again), but Shuichi reassures him that he’ll stick by his friends and that he can’t break his promise to meet up with them. Gonta responds like this:
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(daily life, chapter 4)
Which leads to him saying he’s made up his mind, and has a plan. Which is, of course, to try and take down Monokuma physically, even if it costs him his life. He initially drops the suggestion after Miu starts talking about the virtual world, but the day after, it’s still bothering him.
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(daily life, chapter 4)
Almost every free time event you have with Gonta this chapter (except for like, one, where he talks about the “tiny bugs” he can barely see), Gonta is trying to think of ways to help.
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(free time, chapter 4) His last possible free time event before Miu takes everyone into the virtual world has this dialogue, which is just so sad to me.
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(free time, chapter 4)
“Helping everyone” and not being “useless” are almost the only two things Gonta talks about this chapter. It’s this mindset and motivation that made Gonta an easy target for Kokichi to take advantage of. He’s in a bad place mentally, and nothing he does seems to help anybody. Not to mention, with the student council gone, he’s suddenly just kind of… alone. There’s no one there (other than potentially Shuichi, during free time) to keep him steady.
And yeah, I am definitely not including Kokichi here. A strong reason I don’t think Gonta chose to go along with Kokichi out of friendship was because of this interaction early Chapter 4:
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(daily life, chapter 4)
Gonta’s trust in Kokichi was broken because of the events of the insect meet and greet. The insect meet and greet’s implications for Kokichi and Gonta’s relationship are a bit strange, but since it’s not super relevant to chapter 4, I’m not gonna get into it. The point is, regardless of the nature of their relationship in chapter 2, it’s clear that Gonta doesn’t consider Kokichi a very trustworthy person in chapter 4. It’s likely that he doesn’t consider him a close friend either. I hesitate to say that Gonta didn’t consider him a friend at all, because he’s Gonta and he wants to have faith in everyone, but at the very least he was trying to be wary around him.
This explicit distrust in Kokichi might make it seem strange that Gonta went along with Kokichi at all in the virtual world. But in reality, Kokichi was very aware of Gonta’s distrust in him, and used it to his advantage in setting up his plot.
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(daily life, chapter 4) (I skipped some dialogue in this exchange, but it hits the main points)
Kaito inadvertently eggs Gonta on here, but Kokichi literally drops the idea at Gonta’s feet. Gonta isn’t going with Kokichi to help him look, he’s going to make sure he doesn’t get into any trouble. And as Kokichi said, he knew Gonta would offer to do something like this if given the chance.
Kokichi uses Gonta’s distrust in him again when they encounter the flashback light holding the secret of the outside world together. Gonta’s immediate instinct was to go find everyone else, but Kokichi yells for him to wait, and then this happens:
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(post trial, chapter 4)
He KNOWS Gonta doesn’t trust him, and with that distrust, he can make him doubt anything he says. I’ve already talked about how Gonta is ready to give up his life for everyone else, especially this chapter, so suggesting that he check if the light is a trap set up by Kokichi is guaranteed to make Gonta pause.
But it doesn’t stop there. Kokichi pushes harder:
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(post trial, chapter 4)
Gonta thinks for a moment, but this is what made him choose to come back and look at the flashback light himself. Here, Kokichi uses the thing that has been haunting Gonta more than anything else all killing game, especially this chapter. He knows Gonta has tried and failed to protect people, he knows how upset it makes him. What better way would there be to convince him to do whatever he wants than to offer a way for him to finally be “useful” to everyone after failing them again and again?
Anything after this point and before Miu’s body discovery is purely headcanon, so I won’t get into my thoughts on that. But I think this moment shows that Gonta was under a lot more control that people often think. I don’t mean to say that Kokichi is entirely blameless, or that Gonta wasn’t manipulated at all. But AlterEgo!Gonta says himself, “No, [we] not tricked,” because he wasn’t. He made the choice to see the secret of the outside world on his own, and made every choice after that to continue with their plan. There was no trickery involved. It was Kokichi’s carefully chosen words that dug right into his insecurities, doubts, and hopes that directly influenced him into making the choice that he did.
You also have to keep in mind how absolutely unstable Gonta must’ve been at this point. He was already nearing a breaking point with his feelings of powerlessness before going into the virtual world, but then he got hit with the secret of the outside world. AlterEgo!Gonta openly admits that it made him feel suicidal. (“Cuz, when Gonta remember the secret of the outside world, Gonta think… /…it would be easier… to die.”) With the outside world and the killing game both inescapable hells, Gonta just couldn’t imagine any way out. And then Kokichi suggests the mercy kill plan. In his state of mind, Gonta truly believed that this could be the way to finally “save” everyone.
Of course, Kokichi had only just recently seen the secret of the outside world too. Even though he must have known it wasn’t true, he had no idea the extent to which it was a lie versus the truth. He probably wasn’t in a very good mental state either. But still, just like he would do again in chapter 5 to everyone else, Kokichi used the despair caused by the secret of the outside world to get Gonta to go along with his plan.
This is what I believe was the driving force behind Gonta’s half of the Kokichi and Gonta dynamic in chapter 4. Gonta’s self loathing, which was present before the killing game began, compounded with his desire to be useful and protect everyone else from the threats of the killing game. As more people died, Gonta became more and more desperate to do literally anything to help everyone else. Kokichi used these things about Gonta to push him to do what he wanted him to.
…To close off, there’s this moment right before Gonta and Kokichi leave to kill Miu that’s really stuck with me.
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(daily life, chapter 4) (Read left to right, top to bottom)
It’s not common for the other characters to defend Gonta’s intelligence. But Kaito, unknowingly, says just the right thing to Gonta at just the wrong time. Knowing that Gonta was about to set things in motion to mercy kill everyone for this exact reason… I wonder if Kaito remembered this moment. Maybe it was just another reason he got so defensive over him during trial 4. I just wish he had said something like this to him sooner.
If you got all the way here and read all this… first of all. THANK YOU! Oh my god. I’ve been working on this essay for several days now between studying for my finals. It feels really great to have it all written out after literal years of loving V3 and loving this chapter. Please, please, please let me know your thoughts! Even if you disagree with me! Chapter 4 is so special to me and I love talking about it!! o/
(Screenshots taken on youtube from justonegamr, Bittersweet Gamers, ShortOneGaming, ProZD Plays Games, and my own copy of v3 on IOS. Thank you @/ishimaruhourglass for helping me find some of these!)
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botnasty · 1 year
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Pairing: Alpha!Ari Levinson X Omega!Reader  
Summary: Have you seen the movie “She’s the Man”? This is a story inspire by it.
Words: 1k
Warning: Pretty much nothing tbh, it’s a prologue just to start the story, but the next chapter will be better I promise.
Please DNI if you are under 18! This is an 18+ blog!
Also, please don’t steal my work, on any other platform, unless you have my authorisation
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Your mouth was watering at the delicacy sitting right in front of you. With all the perfect curve and its warmest you couldn't wait to take a bite out of it. “I have missed you so much, my precious.” You grab the chocolate muffin, but before you could take a bite of the thing you considered as “the most important thing in the world”, someone opened your friend’s Kayla door and sneaked out of it. 
It’s her Alpha of the week: blond hair, blue eyes, muscles built like mountains. He had a sheet wrapped around his waist, blocking your view of his groin, which you were thankful for because you didn’t want to see a dick first thing in the morning, especially not during your cheat day. The massive Alpha turned around and almost jumped in place when he saw you. “Jesus f-ing christ, I didn’t know she had a roommate.”
You shrugged, pulling at the paper around the muffin. “Surprise I guess. Do you want something? Water? Breakfast? The kitchen is all yours.” You said before taking a bite of your muffin, closing your eyes as you finally tasted chocolate for the first time in months.
You heard shuffling, thinking the guy was heading toward the kitchen, but when you started to smell your best friend's scent closer and closer and the sound of a chair moving, you opened your eyes to see that he had instead decided to sit right next to you, his hand pulling the sheet even more closer. 
“You don’t seem surprised to see me.” He started. “Like you are used to it.” He observed. A sense of pity washed over you as you saw his confused face. You looked at him and sent him a small smile and the guy most likely understood you because his face fell.
He slid a hand in his blond hair, pulling a few strands away from his hair. “She does that a lot, doesn’t she?” 
“Yes, but don’t you fucking dare shame her. She’s having fun and that’s all it matters.” You pointed at him aggressively. 
He lift both of his hands in surrender. “I wasn’t shaming, I just thought we would get to something serious. I wanted her to be my omega…” He looked down at his lap and played with the blue sheets. 
You almost whined. He looked like a kicked puppy. He really did like Kayla, but you can’t force them both to be with each other if it’s not what Kayla wants. You placed a hand on his shoulder, and squeezed. “I know I barely know you…”
“Yeah, you met me ten minutes ago.”
You smiled. “But, you seem like a respectful Alpha and you will make an Omega happy one day.”
He sent you a small smile. “Thanks, but what about you? I don’t see a mark on your neck. You don’t have an Alpha?”
You almost wanted to laugh. The idea of having an Alpha was never something that crossed your mind. You loved your independence too much to start relying on someone and, anyway you wanted to focus on something more important to you. “No, I don’t want an Alpha”
“So you would like a Beta more?”
You shrugged. “Maybe, but what I’m saying is I want to focus on me instead of finding someone. I want to focus on my career, you know.”
The guy looked at you with his blue eyes.. “Which is?”
You smiled and took a bite of the muffin. “Soccer.”
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You were seething by what you were learning right now. Every day, for years on end, you’ve been practicing your favorite sport to get a chance to get where you are right now only for your dream to get snatched right under your nose. All for something you have no control over.
“What do you mean I can’t join the team? This college literally accepted me because I was good at soccer.” Something inside of you was snapping. You wanted to rip this man’s eye out. Your Omega was angry and so were you. 
“Things have changed. The board changed things. We now don't have an omega soccer team anymore.” Said the coach. He was an old Alpha, who looked like he had never kicked a ball in his life. 
“Thats fucking bullshit.” The coach growled and you almost whimpered. The omega in you wanting to submit, but you wouldn’t let yourself do. You wouldn’t let that Alpha stop you from doing something you loved, something you had for, for years. 
“Watch it, omega.” The man growled. “ It is a good decision. You all can’t stop yourself from doing commands, what would happen if an alpha commanded you on the field. You would be rendered useless.” You knew this college was known to have conservative ideas, but their soccer team was one of the best along with another school in the region. You had thought they would’ve let go of those sexist thoughts when they accepted you for your soccer abilities. 
“We can still fight that urge to obey.”
The man slapped his hand on his desk.  “Well I have yet to be convinced of this. This discussion is useless. You won't be part of the team and that is final.”
You growled. “I’ll fucking show you.”
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mothdapple · 2 months
Why I'm a Froststar Truther
(Spoilers for all currently released A Starless Clan books below.)
I wanted to lay out all the evidence for why I believe that Frostpaw will end up the leader of RiverClan by the end of ASC. I’ve formatted my arguments into their own points below! But, for the sake of a fair discussion, first I think I want to start with the reasons against Frostpaw.
Reasons Against:
1. She’s too young/inexperienced.
Honestly, I think this is the strongest point against Frostpaw ending up as leader. The books have told us that Frostpaw and her siblings are now considered to be warrior aged (despite timeline inconsistencies,) but Frostpaw is still a young cat. In TBC, Bristlefrost was also considered “too young” to be deputy by many characters in the story. 
However, what I will say in Frostpaw’s defense here, is though she is young, she is not inexperienced. Her journey to the Park and back and time in exile from RiverClan has given her a lot of experience that many of her Clanmates lack. And, although she is young, she has also gained the respect of many other Clans/their leaders due to her bravery with spying on Splashtail and helping WindClan during the storm. It is also not unprecedented for a young cat to become deputy/leader. (Look no farther than Firestar— a cat who ASC brings up frequently… almost as if the writers are trying to make a point about something? See my point 2 in reasons in favor below.)
2. Frostpaw wants to be a medicine cat.
I’m honestly not sure if this is even true (I elaborate in my reasons in favor of Frostpaw below.) In fact, I’d argue that if we compare Frostpaw’s desire to be a medicine cat to Mothwing’s (another contender for leadership,) I think Mothwing likes being a medicine cat WAY more than Frostpaw. We know that Mothwing chose to be one after first training to be a warrior and has never faltered on that decision in the years since. Even after the difficulties Mothwing faced as a medicine cat who doesn’t believe in StarClan, she has always persisted because she loves it so much.
3. If Frostpaw becomes leader, RiverClan will be left without a medicine cat with a connection to StarClan.
I think the books hint that this is not the case (see point 4 below for more thoughts.)
Reasons in favor:
1. Frostpaw was “never meant to be a medicine cat.”
Although Frostpaw has a strong StarClan connection now, she is confirmed by the books to have “never meant to be a medicine cat.” The exact scene where this happens in the prologue of Thunder is quoted here:
“This wasn’t her destiny!” Thunderstar mewed imploringly. “She was never meant to be a medicine cat.”
“No.” Riverstar’s tail twitched. “But things have changed. If RiverClan is to survive, it needs a messenger. A powerful messenger.”
This wording here around Frostpaw being a “messenger” is ambiguous enough that it could mean that she still isn’t supposed to be a medicine cat despite her (now real) connection to StarClan. Or it could mean that her fate was changed by necessity so that she is supposed to be a medicine cat now.
I would argue that the former case is more likely than the latter because Warriors books as a whole are extremely deterministic— we have never had a confirmed case where cats have been able to escape or change their fate. All prophecy works that way in the books. For example, characters like Brokenstar and Tigerstar were declared to be murderous tyrants from their births, and there was no escaping that fate for them.
Therefore, for the internal logic of the Warriors world to remain consistent, then I think Frostpaw’s destiny still is not to be a medicine cat. (Also if they just wanted Frostpaw to be a medicine cat, why did Riverstar respond by calling her a “messenger” rather than just plainly calling her a “medicine cat?” Or “a medicine cat with a StarClan connection?”)
2. There are strong parallels between Firestar’s and Frostpaw’s stories.
The plot of ASC contains very obvious parallels to the first arc. They are both stories about a young protagonist learning the “true” ways of their Clan, uncovering treachery within their Clan, in which an evil cat wants to become leader of their Clan, (treachery which their Clanmates initially do not believe,) and then working to defeat this traitor. These two protagonists both also have strong connections to StarClan, with a StarClan guide who sends them omens and prophecies to assist them on their journey. The only difference is that Frostpaw is currently training to be a medicine cat and Firestar was a warrior. But, their paths look very much the same, and so I feel like their destinations will ultimately be the same too. 
3. Additional Foreshadowing.
If the parallels to the first arc aren’t convincing enough foreshadowing, the books contain a lot of other hints that Frostpaw’s ultimate role is as the leader. Besides what I already mentioned about Frostpaw’s fate not being that of a medicine cat, many of Frostpaw’s interactions with Riverstar point to her being his chosen for leader. 
Riverstar sends Frostpaw on a journey of self-discovery to the park in order for her to heal and learn what makes a good leader. The good leadership traits that Frostpaw learns about, she possesses herself. While at the park, Frostpaw also realizes that RiverClan needs a leader who can guide them in the old/true ways of their Clan (through meditation and the like,) but she is the only RiverClan cat who knows these “old ways.” So who else would teach RiverClan them but her?
Frostpaw is devoted to StarClan and wants to do what she perceives that they want, but she personally is not that attached to being a medicine cat, as seen by her enjoying her time training as a warrior. It’s not until Frostpaw starts to get real visions that she starts to believe that she needs to be a medicine cat (not because Riverstar told her— just because she assumes that having a connection to StarClan automatically means she needs to be medicine cat, although Firestar’s story shows that’s not the case.)
Riverstar appears to Frostpaw during Splashtail’s “leadership ceremony.” If the purpose of this scene was just for Frostpaw to prove to Puddleshine that Splashtail was evil, then Splashtail telling Podlight about all his evil plans and mocking StarClan aloud would have done that. But instead, the writers went a step further and had Riverstar appear and bow his head to Frostpaw during the “leadership ceremony," as if implying “this wasn’t meant for him, it’s meant for you.”
4. Bee is going to come back into the story.
Bee’s vision of standing on a frozen river with a lot of cats watching him is too obviously connected to RiverClan to mean nothing. With Wasp returning to the park with news about the trouble that's happening, the books have perfectly set up an opportunity for Wasp and Bee (or Bee alone) to go back to the Clans to help. Since Bee is strongly hinted to have a connection to StarClan due to his dream, I think he will become RiverClan’s medicine cat. (Thus fulfilling RiverClan's need for a medicine cat with a connection to StarClan if Frostpaw becomes leader.)
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starhrtz · 1 year
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CHAPTER PREMISE — When (name) meets an untimely demise at the hands of a stranger – just as she was accepted into an university and her life was about to start, no less. She finds herself reincarnated as the child of the successful Hinomori family.
SERIES PREMISE — after a mysterious death, you find yourself being reborn as an actor's daughter. everything seems to be smooth-sailing in this life before you came across a strange star eyed boy during your junior year in high school. this strange yet fortune encounter leads to a spiral of love yet grief.
CONTAINS — implied death
series masterlist | next
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School has always been a pain.
Perhaps hearing that your brother got into one of the top universities in Japan made you motivated to study hard, though that was the only thing really. You didn't have many friends being counted as a weirdo who's nose would always be stuck in a book, not that you minded after all you weren't bullied due to your brother's influence. Right, it was always your brother who got the spotlight yet that same spotlight always protected you from being harassed no matter how much you tried you somehow couldn't bring yourself to hate your kin.
Even when you studied hard going as far to study an extra year for the entrance exams, your results were devastating and disappointing. Were all your efforts in vain? Were you really not cut out to enter the school you wanted? Others may consider it good, but their definition and your definition of 'good' was definitely different. Clearly good was rather disappointing, especially when you studied so hard on the verge of fainting just to receive such poor results. Though your parents often say grades weren't everything, trying to encourage you to do something that might be more of your forte but somehow you could see a glint in their eyes of pity and… Disappointment. The latter being something that you hated the most, especially coming from your own parents.
Perhaps that was why you spent most of your time in the library now waiting for your ticket or email saying you have been accepted to your dream university, so why wasn't the list getting shorter? You said burying your head in your arms, as your hair fell to cover the side of your eye as you looked up to check your phone one last time before sighing realising it was really no use to constantly check for something despite knowing deep down… You most likely won't even be accepted. "I… I should get some air." You mumbled while getting up from your seat walking towards the rooftop located on top of the library, it scratched your brain why the roof existed especially at a library but you didn't question it nor complain after all the view was quite beautiful.
"What even is life anyway."
You scoffed while watching the cars drive by as you loomed over them on the roof, of course while you were deep in thought you didn't seem to notice a figure emerging from the shadows. But that's when they started talking to you, so why… Why is it that you can't seem to remember what you both talked about, their voice or their face. All you could remember clearly was the curiosity and apprehension you had for the stranger but the conversation at the end was quite fun or at least that's what you could remember. From what you could vaguely remember, the stranger seemed excited perhaps a bit too excited which was rather odd in your perspective but yet you brushed it off thinking they are just naturally energetic.
Your conversation was cut short when when your phone buzzed, your heart raced and tears started to form in your eyes. "No way… I did it!" You smiled to yourself as you read the acceptance letter again, you held the phone up high thanking every single person out there for their luck completely forgetting about the mysterious figure who stood behind you. That joy seemed to be short-lived before you felt a shove, which had you slowly fall down the building. You turned your head to see the figure grinning as they watched you fall who showed no signs of urgency to help you.
Were you just… Destined to die young?
. . . . . . . . .
Why was your head aching so much? And your vision.. Why was it so blurry? Were you having anaemia or something..? You quickly dismissed those thoughts as your eyes immediately shot open once you remembered about the stranger, but your eyes were greeted with a beautiful young lady smiling as she laid eyes on you yet she wasn't alone a man was next to her. Your mouth was hung agape as you realised what was going on, you've… Been given another life? Not just any life too, you had been reincarnated to the Hinomori family?! "I just knew our daughter would be beautiful." The woman beamed as her husband nodded.
Reincarnating into a rich household wasn't something you planned, or reincarnating at all! Why did it have to happen when you just got accepted or before you could even tell your family about your accomplishments, you wondered if anyone had noticed you were dead or who had called the cops first. Was it the figure so they won't be suspicious, but why you of all people must be pushed? Though another thought came into mind, how was it possible for you to be reincarnated? Doesn't that kind of stuff only exist in tv shows or books, this really does break logic in every way possible…
Though you sort of wanted to see what it was like in the afterlife, perhaps living a life in the Hinomori household wouldn't be so bad? After all, both of them were relatively famous with both of them being part of the acting industry though your mother has started taking up modelling.
Of course, the down side of starting life again was that everything they taught in preschool was easy, a little too easy in fact. Still you kept your act, though you found it weird when you saw a young blonde boy reading one of Kyougoku Natsuhiko's books while his sister was playing on the slide. Huh, perhaps he was born as a smart kid? It's rare to see preschoolers read or even touch a book without being forced to by their parents. Still, you minded your own business and interacted with the other kids but somehow it made you kind of frustrated when they couldn't really understand what you were saying…
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please do reblog or comment if you like this!! It rlly makes me motivated to see positive comments!!
taglist -> @aranachan @cerisearan @miyakoa @yevenle @atomi-mi @bajifairyy
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sjhhemmings · 15 days
The Cat & The Mouse: Prolouge
Benedict Bridgerton x OC reader
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summary: Josette Barham was raised by Lady Danbury from the age of 5, now at the large (and late) age of 19, Josette is set to debut.
a/n: this is low key like a prologue, juicy stuff happens next chapter I promise :) I’m aging Simon down tremendously, present day is set during season 2 where Josette is 19 and Simon is 3 years older so he is 22. I know that would technically be like Colin’s age, but we’re just going to ignore it bc idgaf. also so sorry if my regency language isn’t good, i tried lmao.
warnings: orphan lol
face claim: Jackie Wyers (with red hair specifically, during her Bridgerton & Titanic tutorials) ⬇️
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14 years ago: age 5
“Auntie Danbury, when will mama and father be here?” You ask tugging on the poor woman’s dress.
“Patience, my dear child, is a virtue.” She says swatting your hand away, “Go run along and continue playing with Simon, I will have your maid fetch you when they arrive.”
Hugging the woman you’ve always known as your aunt, you run back into the garden and find the boy you’ve always considered your sibling, despite not being related in any capacity.
“Excuse me, Lady Danbury” Kent, one of her closest staff says interrupting her watchful eye on the children. “I’m afraid I have bad news regarding Mister and Lady Barham’s carriage.”
Taking a second to process what he said she looks him in the eyes.
“Go on and say it then,”
“I think it best if we step indoors for this conversation.”
Sighing at the anxiety now resting in her belly, Lady Danbury takes a final look at the children in the garden then back to Kent. Nodding, she follows the man inside.
“Give me my flower back! Simon!” You say chasing him throughout seemingly endless rows of flowers.
Finally catching him, you take the flower back and you both begin laughing. Now looking for Lady Danbury’s recognition, you’re both shocked to see her absence.
“Where’d she go?” You ask Simon to which he shrugs.
Your relationship with Simon is simple, you talk, he listens. The three year age difference doesn’t allow you to completely understand the fact that he doesn’t talk due to being embarrassed of his stutter, but you don’t mind. Mainly because when Simon is with you, he rarely ever stutters, and if he does it’s not nearly as bad as if he were to talk to his father.
“Should we go find her?” You ask to which he takes a second to think.
Nodding in response, you begin to run off with his approval, but he quickly catches you again.
“Follow after me,” He says quietly to which you both walk carefully to the house.
Sneaking in through the back door, you continue following the boy to the main room.
“What are you saying!?” You hear Lady Danbury lash out towards Kent.
Quickly hiding behind a side table, the two of you continue eavesdropping.
“What I’m saying Lady Danbury, is that the Barhams have been in a fatal carriage crash, they both died upon impact…I am so sorry for your loss.” Kent says pausing before walking away from the woman.
Looking at Simon, the two of you silently agree to sneak away. This is information you weren’t supposed to hear, or at least not yet.
“Simon and Josette, what will I do with the two of you?” Lady Danbury chuckles through the obvious tears pooling in her eyes.
You and Simon freeze in your places. Locking eyes with each other, you both bow your heads in defeat.
“Lady Danbury, you c-caught us…” Simon finally says turning around and walking back towards her with you quickly in pursuit.
“The two of you are not as sneaky as you may believe, I always know.” She says teasingly as she picks you up into her arms.
Looking at Simon who is now below you as you rest your small head on Lady Danbury’s shoulder, her voice quickly catches your attention again.
“Shall we have the help prepare us ice cream for this evening?” She asks causing you to spark up.
“B-but, wouldn’t that ruin our dinner?” Simon asks to which she chuckles.
“Always looking to do the right thing, hm Simon? What if I were to tell you, we could have ice cream, for dinner?”
Looking at Simon, the both of you quickly nod your heads. Chuckling as she leads you to the dining table, your mind can’t help but wander back to what you just heard. Shoving the thought aside, you know Lady Danbury would soon explain everything.
10 years ago: age 9
“Lady Danbury, why does no one want me?” You ask looking at her through the vanity mirror as she brushes your hair.
“Whatever could you mean Miss Josette?”
“I over hear you, when you talk to your advisors…my mother had no other family, and my father’s one and only sister does not wish to take me in. Which is why I’ve been staying with you, but you do not wish to keep me. No one wants me.” Tears now prickling your eyes, Lady Danbury stands you up and looks you in the eyes face to face.
“Josette Barham, do you know why you are not included in those conversations?” She asks, to which you shake your head no.
“Because, those are adult conversations. Now, are you an adult?” She asks again, to which you shake your head no again.
“No you are not. But I will explain, Miss Josette. I am not your true aunt. I was given that title, because your mother and I were the best of friends. She loved me so much, that she felt as if I were a sister to her… now before you were born, a plan was made.”
“A plan?”
“A plan, a plan of what to do incase absolutely anything happened to your father, Marquess Flinn Barham, and your mother, Marchoiness Genevieve Barham. That plan was turned into a contract and that contract said, If anything were to happen to Miss Josette Barham’s parents, that she would be put under the guardianship of Sarah Barham, and if that were not to happen, then you would be put under the guardianship of me, Lady Danbury. Are you following?”
“Yes…so my real aunt Sarah, did not want me?”
“No, your aunt Sarah very much wanted you. But Sarah was unable to provide you with the life your parents wanted you to have. Sarah chose to put you before herself and have you continue to stay with me. She loves you very much, but she is unfit to raise a blooming child, do you understand?”
“Yes. But you do not want me either…I hear you talking to them, you say that I am rabid and that I never listen. But I try! I’ve been trying to do better, but you still tell them I am not good enough…why am I not good enough?” Tears now streaming down your face, Lady Danbury looks at you with a very confused expression. That is until she now understands what you are saying.
“Josette Barham, this is why those are adult conversations. I was not speaking about you, I was telling the servants about the new dog we picked out, do you remember?” She says chuckling at how one simple miscommunication caused you to feel such large feelings.
“Oh…Are you talking about Hairy?” You ask more chipper now.
“Yes, that horrendously trimmed dog, she does not listen!” Lady Danbury says pulling you into her embrace.
Laughing loudly at her exclamation, you lean into her arms.
“Josette, I hope you know, that I would never speak of you that way, do you understand?” She says now pulling you away to look at your face.
“Are you being truthful?” You ask reluctantly.
“When have I lied?” She asks narrowing her eyes.
2 years ago: age 17
“Hello Kent,” You say greeting your favorite servant as you step out of the carriage.
“Miss Barham, lovely to see you again. Lady Danbury is waiting for you in the dining room. We shall bring your belongings up shortly.”
“Thank you,” You say walking past him and into your childhood home.
“Ah, there you are! How have you been?” Lady Danbury greets as she was walking into the dining room.
“I’ve been well, thank you for asking. I absolutely adore France.”
“I knew you would, now come sit we’re about to start dinner.” She says walking away.
Admiring the art on the walls and the nostalgic decorations, you contentfuly sigh. Not having been in your childhood home in 2 years, you happily make your way to the dining room.
“Simon!?” You all but screech as you lay your eyes at the table in front of you.
“Josie! You’re here?” He says getting up and greeting you.
“No, I’m in your imagination.” You respond playfully as you embrace your brother.
“Ha-ha. Very funny.” He says letting you go.
“Okay, okay, enough greetings, come sit I have not seen either of you in months and I miss my children.” Lady Danbury says.
You and Simon sit across from each other at the end of the table where Lady Danbury sits at the head.
“So, It is your holiday breaks and they’ve finally lined up to meet at the same time. Usually I’m the one having to visit the both of you, so please tell me everything.” The three of you grin at each other before Simon decides to go first.
“…Anyways, I do not wish to sit here and talk your heads off, Josie what have you been up too?” Simon asks as he takes another bite of his food.
“Well, touring Europe these last 2 years has been absolutely splendid. While I am sad that I am not able to visit home as much as I would have liked, I am extremely thankful for the opportunity to learn. Just 3 weeks ago we arrived in France where I am completely and utterly mesmerized at all times. It is beautiful there. I have also been working on my writing! …I just wish that instead of returning home…for what should be my debut season in two months, that I had more time to continue learning…” You try to say subtly but when you look to meet Lady Danbury’s eyes, she looks very unimpressed.
“Josie, what are you trying to say?” She says seeing completely through the ruse you’re trying to plant.
Looking over to Simon who is simply eating his food, not trying to get in the middle of whatever this has turned into, you sigh.
“I simply wish that, I would possibly be able to continue my education for another year before I debut…” You sheepishly say looking at your food.
“Josie, If I grant you this one year to continue your education, do you swear that at this time next year, you will be home telling me how overjoyed you are to make your debut in two months?” Lady Danbury says causing sparks to fly in your belly.
“Yes! Yes, of course! Without a doubt, no fuss in sight!” You exclaim looking at Simon who is in shock that you were able to get out of your debut.
Present Day: age 19
“Do you know when Josette is estimated to be home?” Violet Bridgerton asks Lady Danbury.
“She is supposed to arrive any second now.” She says taking a long sip of her unsweetened tea.
Sighing contently, Violet takes the cue to just sip her tea also until she was interrupted by the rant she knew was bound to happen.
“Can you believe how two years ago that girl asked me to delay her debut by one year to continue her education, and then she does the same exact thing one year later after she swore she would not? If she tries to come in here and delay it once more I swear to you Violet Bridgerton I will-”
“Lady Danbury, Dowager Viscountess Bridgerton, Miss Josette Barham has arrived.” Kent says interrupting Lady Danbury.
“Lady Danbury,” You say as you curtesy in her presence.
“Child, if you have a question ask it.” Lady Danbury says impatiently.
Shocked at how open she’s trying to pretend to be, you can sniff the trap she’s set a mile away.
“Do you know when we would be able to go to the modiste to find my debut dress?” You ask to which both Lady Danbury and Bridgerton drop their jaws in shock.
“I- well,” Violet begins almost speechless as she’s used to Eloise’s distaste for such festivities.
“I do not wish to ask to continue my education when I feel I have learned an adequate amount, I am ready to debut.” You say with a slight smile earning a large embrace from Lady Danbury and cheers from Lady Bridgerton.
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Been wanting to scream about this for a while now, figured now is a good as ever time to do so.
So Gundam: Witch From Mercury really leans heavily into the whole witches and witchcraft theme, which is interesting for a sci-fi show. Not to say that they don't do it gloriously tho and in this post I will be pointing towards some of the symbolism that I noticed in the show.
The series starts with the first witch we see inside a Gundam Mobile Suit, none other then our dearest Elnora Samaya, also now known as Prospera Mercury. During the prologue, before anything else, we see her and once she exists the dark of the cockpit its revealed that she has fiery, blood red hair.
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(Source: prologue G-witch)
Historically, witchcraft has been associated with red heads because of the many prejeduces against them. Red heads are a minority who have been associated with a lot interesting figure, from Judas who betrayed Jesus to the depictions of Lilith. This has given redheads a negative connotations in the Western World.
Next we see that the head researcher leading this project on GUND-format is also a woman, an older woman at that. Dr Cardo Nabo is the visionary leading this project, dedicated to the cause of making the GUND-format work in conjunction with humanity, in order to improve their lives and perserve their future. She knows that humanity, if it wishes to expand further into space and continuenits next steps into exploration and living outside of Earth, will need technology in order to aid their bodies in order to survive and thrive.
Older women involved in a form of medicine is an other motif in witchcraft and witch stereotypes. Witches were often involved in medicine and care. Cardo is the italian way of refering to a thistle, a purple green prickly flower that was said tp have medicinal properties in the middle ages.
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(Source: Prologue G-witch)
During this prologue and later in the show it is revealed that the reason why the Vanadis Institute, of which Dr. Nabo was the head of, was doing resesrch into the GUND-format in conjunction with Mobile Suits because that was the primary way to get access to money for further research. Military funding through Ochs-Earth, an Earthian military company, would allow the Institute to further their goals and to show the viability of the GUND-format.
However, they encountered difficulties during their research. Mobile Suits are far larger and more difficult to control then prostethic limbs. The higher the permet score used by an individual to control more of the suit, the more the chance of death grows. Anything higher then score 3 caused deaths to the user because of, presumably, a data overload caused by the Permet link.
This caused a lot of ethical debates and strife, presumably, where the GUND-format was cast into a dangerous and even inhuman light because of its potential to not just kill others but also the users themselves. This led to the eventual forceful suspension of the project by the council, during which Cathedra used the Dominicus Forces to attack and kill all those present on Fólkvangr, the asteroid where the Vanadis Institute was located. Those present on Fólkvangr were both staff of the institute as well as their family. Everyone who was involved or related to the development of the GUND-format were killed in what is essentially a witch hunt.
Fólkvangr is an other reference to witchcraft, as in Norse Mythology this is a heavenly field in the afterlife ruled over by Freyja, a goddess of many things including magic (to see and influence the future). An other name for Freyja is Vanadís. Once again, this is a reference to paganism and witchcraft within the G-Witch universe thats quite obvious. Ochs also may or may not be a reference to the Old English word for "Oak" (not too sure about that one), if this is indeed true then this may be a reference to Thor, god of Thunder and Lightening as well as a warrior. I considered connecting oaks to Yggdrasil, the world tree, but that is an Ash tree, not an oak.
During the discussion in which the Mobile Suit council werebdeciding the fate of further development of Gundam Mobile Suits, Delling came forth and said that they had to "Wield the hammer of witches" in order to put a stop to the development of Gundams. The "hammer of the witches" is a reference to the Malleus Maleficarum, a 15th century guide on hunting and persecuting witches.
During his speech at the conference, he also calls the fact that gundams kill not only other soldiers but also their wielders a curse, once again a reference to witches. Prior to saying this he also says however that humans should kill humans, instead of humans being killed by just technology (really simplifying this) but essentially what he is saying is that the Gundams killing their wielders is unnatural and goes against the normal way of things.
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(Source: Prologue G-witch)
The irony of this is also the name of these organisations. Cathedra is a literal reference to the throne upon which a bishop sits, Dominicus means "of the Lord/Lord's". Both are a reference towards christianity and its opposition to both withcraft and paganism.
Now we have established whom exactly this show calls "Witches", these are the people involved in the manufacturing, research, development and piloting of the GUND-format and Mobile Suits using said format, be it for medicinal or war uses. If you are associated or sympathize with the use of this technology, you are considered "a witch".
Putting this into context, we can now also look at the name "Witch From Mercury". Who does this refer to? I've seen people argue that this might be Aerial or Prospera, but I sincerely disagree. As of the knowledge we have come to learn of in both the short novel as well as everything from episode 16/season 2 episode 4 onwards, we can assume that Suletta was the only one actually raised on Mercury and who feels any connection to the planet at all. Suletta, as both a pilot of a Mobile Suit using the GUND-format as well as the daughter of a witch (Elnora/Prospera), is a witch.
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(Source: G-witch teaser announcement)
Now onto my FAVOURITE part: the 2nd ED Red Birthmark. Oh boi this baby has some of the more blatant witch references, I absolutely love it ngl. Starting with the name itself, historically one of the methods to hunt for witches was to check for birthmarks/skin marks. Having strange birthmarkings or an insensitive patch of skin was basically proof enough of you being a witch, again a part of the witch hunt theme.
The song, which I am convinced is from Miorine's perspective (tho maybe/perhaps Aerial, tho thats a small maybe), makes references to seeing into the future, not liking whats in it and changing destiny yourself. Once again, these are themes of clairvoyance, the sort of magic Freyja is associated with (aka Vanadís). Witches were often said to be able to look into the future and change things as well.
Next we have the visual parts if the ED. I'm sure we all ate utterly in love with.
From 0:44 to 1:00 we have this beautiful sequence of Suletta dancing and conducting GUN-bits.
First Suletta creates a stylized version of the Triple Goddess Symbol, a well known pagan icon amongst both witchcraft practitioners as well as wiccans. The symbol contains 3 moons in different phases; waxing, full and waning. The symbol represents the 3 phases of the goddess; the maiden, the mother and the crone. This is both the life lifecycle of a girl as well as the eay that wisdom is often bestowed upon a person, from the elderly to the adults to the children. You could even argue that this could represent Dr. Nabo, Elnora/Prospera and Suletta.
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(Source: G-witch 2nd ED)
Following this we have 5 Suletta's dancing together in which one can assume is a circle dance. Circle dances bave historically been associated with both witches, pagans and cultists. Something ritualistic.
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Anyway I'm tired now but there are like way more witchcraft references in the whole show that I can't get into right now cause I'm tired lmao. Anyway have fun with the above, peace.
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Fight The Feeling Prologue- Part 6 Stressed out & More Surprises
Summary- Urban gets you to surprise Jack on his Creme De La Creme tour, when he realizes how much Jack misses you. When Urban calls you to ask if you could fly out, he realizes how much you also miss Jack when you open up to him.
Word Count- 2.3k
Requested by @heavyhitterheaux 💖
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After you and Jack got back from Paris, Jack finished his tour rehearsals, and it wasn’t long until his tour started, and you had to go back to Los Angeles for work. With Jack being on tour and in a different city almost every night, you only got to see each other twice in the two months Jack had been on tour. Once because you happened to have a photoshoot in the same city, but your photoshoot was during the day and Jack’s show was at night, so you only got to see each other for a couple hours. The second time was because you managed to fly out when Jack had a day off, but both of those visits were very brief and towards the beginning of his tour. 
It had been at least a month since you saw each other and while you were both struggling with it, Jack was really struggling. He didn’t want you to know though, he obviously hid it from everyone who didn’t know you were together. You two had told a couple of your close friends you were together, but it was still a secret to most people and you both intended on keeping it that way. Urban was the only one who truly knew how Jack felt.
Jack was stressed out and he missed you, he had been counting down the days until tour was over, but he still had almost a month left. Urban had never seen Jack like this before, and Urban was determined to make Jack feel better and he knew just how to do that. Urban called you when Jack was distracted and working, hoping you would answer.
“Hey, what’s up.” You said, setting your phone up as you answered Urban’s facetime. It was obvious you had been crying, but you tried to hide it as you quickly wiped your eyes.
“Hey, are you okay?” Urban asked, immediately concerned for you.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” You lied, but the way your voice cracked gave you away.
“Were you crying?” Urban asked and you nodded slightly, hugging your knees to your chest.
“Please don’t –“ You said as your eyes started to water again. “Please don’t tell Jack, I’ll be okay.” 
“Do you want to talk about it?” Urban asked, not wanting to bring up why he called until he knew you were okay.
“I’m just fucking stressed out. I feel like I keep telling Claire I want a break, but she keeps scheduling stuff. I just want to see my boyfriend but every time I have enough days off in a row to fly out, she schedules something else. Don’t get me wrong, I love my job, but it just feels like a lot sometimes. I was supposed to have today and tomorrow off so I could fly out, but Claire scheduled a last-minute photoshoot, but they went with someone else right before I was supposed to leave so now, I don’t have work, and I can’t see Jack.” You said as you cried, wiping the tears from under your eyes.
“I feel stupid for crying but I just feel overwhelmed. I know Claire wants what’s best for me and she doesn’t know that I want to see Jack, but I just feel like sometimes she doesn’t care about what I want. I know I can say no if I want to, but I don’t want to say no after she’s already scheduled something. I also don’t want to tell Jack how I’m feeling because I don’t want him to worry about me. I don’t want to bring his mood down because he should be enjoying his tour so every time we talk I feel like I’m putting on an act. What is it? One more month until tour is over? I can make it one more month.” You said and Urban sighed.
“I’m sorry. You have every right to feel upset and you should tell Claire no when you don’t want to do something for whatever reason it is. I know you don’t want to tell Jack, but I think you should consider it, he cares about you, and he wants to know how you are feeling. Plus, he misses you too. Jack’s been grumpy because he misses you too, which means everyone else is also struggling.” Urban said, joking, trying to make you laugh. “Jack doesn’t want you to worry about him either, but that’s actually what I was calling you about.”
“Jack’s struggling too?” You asked and Urban nodded.
“Yeah, he misses you a lot. I wanted to see if you could fly out to surprise him. I’ll figure everything out, so no one finds out about you two. I think seeing each other will be good for both of you. Just tell Claire that you want to do a photoshoot with me or something. That way she thinks you’re still working, and it gives you an excuse to fly out.” Urban said and you thought for a second.
“Yeah, I’ll fly out. I think you’re right, I need to see Jack. I’ll feel a lot better after.” You agreed. “I miss you too, but it’s different.”
“I know, I miss you too though, flying you out is 75% for Jack, 25% for me.” Urban joked. “When can you fly out?” Urban asked.
“I’ll figure it out and let you know tonight. Thank you for letting me rant to you. I think I needed to get that out, I feel better already.” You told Urban.
“No problem.” Urban smiled at you. “I’m your friend and that’s what friends are for. I do think you should tell Jack how you feel. I know he hates being away from you too, but I think if you two talked to each other about it, it might help. I do get what you mean though about not wanting him to worry about you, but I know no matter what Jack’s worried about you.” Urban said and you sighed softly.
“I’ll tell him eventually. He should be focused on tour, not me. I’ll be fine.” You reassured Urban and he sighed but nodded. 
A few days later, you managed to rearrange your schedule with a little bit of Urbans help, so you could fly out to see Jack. You flew in at night while Jack was still preforming since he had a show that night. You got your own hotel room like you had previous times, but you knew you would be staying in Jack’s.
You had been waiting in your room when Jack and Urban got back to the hotel. Jack immediately went up to his room, while Urban pretended to go to his own room but made his way to yours. Urban wanted to see you before Jack stole you for the time you were there.
Urban came up with the plan of waiting for Jack to facetime you and waiting for Jack to notice you were in the same hotel. You would have been okay with just going and knocking on the door, or simply telling him you were there, but you went along with Urban’s plan. 
You greeted Urban and the two of you caught up for about 30 minutes before Jack called you, so Urban hid so he couldn’t be seen by the camera. 
“Hey babe, how’d the show go?” You asked as you answered the phone.
“Hi baby, it went good. I miss you.” Jack said. “Where are you?” Jack asked, noticing the new room you were in, but not realizing it was practically identical to the one he was in.
“I’m in a hotel.” You said, glancing over at Urban, waving him over. “My friend wants to say hi.”
“Oh, Madison’s there?” Jack asked and you shook your head. “Zoey?” Jack asked and you giggled as you shook your head.
“Do you want to keep guessing or do you want me to show you?” You teased.
“Show me.” Jack said, and you turned the Camera to show Urban who was sitting on the chair in the room while you sat on the bed. 
“Oh, hey Urb.” Jack said before realizing. “Wait. If that’s Urban, does that mean you’re here?” Jack asked, sitting up from how he was previously laying on the bed.
“Maybe.” You smiled, standing up from the bed and making your way to Jack’s room, Urban following behind you. Jack met you halfway in the hallway, instantly wrapping his arms around you, lifting you off the ground as you hugged him back.
“I missed you so fucking much.” Jack said, burying his face in your neck. 
“I missed you too.” You said, Jack moving to kiss you. 
“I can’t believe you’re here.” Jack said. 
“You’re welcome.” Urban said, standing next to you and Jack.
“Thank you.” Jack said, smiling at Urban before putting his attention back on you.
“Uh, Y/N, can I have your key?” Urban asked as Jack placed you back on the ground.
“Yeah, why?” You asked, taking the key out of your pocket to hand it too Urban.
“Because my room is next to Jack’s, and you two haven’t seen each other in a month and I’d like to get some sleep.” Urban said, you blushed, and Jack laughed.
“Let me get my bag out of there then it’s yours.” You said, and within 10 minutes you were lying in bed with Jack. Jack was holding you close, almost as if he was in disbelief you were there and was afraid to let you go because you might disappear.
“I missed you so much.” Jack said again, playing with the ends of your hair.
“I missed you too.” You said. “Urban said you were grumpy without me.” Jack laughed softly.
“Well, I wouldn’t say grumpy. But I do feel better when you’re here.” Jack admitted.
“Well, Urban said you were grumpy.” You teased. “I feel better when I’m with you too.” You sighed softly. “I like the privacy of our relationship, but I wish it was easier sometimes you know?” You asked and Jack nodded. You had moved so you were leaning against the pillows and Jack was laying his head on your chest. You ran your fingers through his curls.
“I think we’re doing the right thing, but just because it’s the right thing doesn’t make it easy.” Jack said.
“I wish it could be.”
“Me too. All I want to be able to do is show you off, let everyone know your mine. One day I’ll be able to, because I’m never letting you go.”
“One day all of this will be worth it.” You said and Jack nodded in agreement, tilting his head up so you could lean down slightly and kiss him. “I think I might be able to fly out for the final show.” You told Jack. You hadn’t been sure if you could previously, but you took Urban’s advice and told Claire no to a photoshoot she wanted you to do so you could put your relationship first.
“Really?” Jack asked excitedly.
“Yeah, I might not be able to be there, or I’ll have to stay hidden, but I’ll have a longer break so we’ll at least be able to spend some more time together.”
“When do you leave this time?” Jack asked, a question he didn’t really want to know the answer to.
“I’m here tomorrow since you have the day off, but then I have to leave the next day.” You told Jack.
“Oh.” Jack said, pouting slightly.
“Let’s just focus on the fact that I’m here.”
“I know.” Jack sighed. “I just wish you could stay longer.”
“Me too.” You sighed softly.
“Once we do decide to go public with our relationship, I’m never going anywhere without you again.” Jack said and you giggled.
“I don’t think I’ll complain about that.” You said, looking down at Jack, seeing how his eyes were closed. “Tired?” You asked and Jack nodded.
“Yeah, kind of. Can I fall asleep here?” Jack asked.
“On my boobs?” You asked and Jack nodded. 
“Yes, they are comfortable, and I haven’t seen them in a month.” Jack joked and you laughed softly, shaking your head gently.
“Now, we both know that’s a lie, but yes.”
“Okay fine, but it’s the first time I’ve seen them in person. I know your shirts still on, but I’ll be taking care of that tomorrow.” Jack said, his hand resting just underneath your shirt.
“Go to sleep before I change my mind.” You teased and Jack laughed, sitting up slightly to kiss you before laying his head back down on your chest.
“I love you. Thank you for surprising me tonight.” Jack said, glancing up at you.
“I love you too, you can thank Urban for making it happen, but I’m so glad I’m here.” You told him before you both said goodnight and fell asleep. 
The next day you two focused on catching each other up on what you had been doing since the last time you saw each other. Jack told you about his tour and some random stories that he thought you would like while you told him about a few of the photoshoots you had done, even showing him some sneak peaks at the results of the photoshoots. Even though you and Jack had heard all of these stories over FaceTime, you both listened just as intently as if you hadn’t.
Even though Urban would have been able to sleep the first night you were there, you and Jack were too tired and just focusing on enjoying each other’s presence to do anything more than a lazy make out session when you first were alone, the second night he wouldn’t have gotten much sleep.
Knowing this was most likely the only time you would see each other until the end of Jack’s tour made it hard to say goodbye when you both had to leave, but you two spent as much time together as possible. Unlike Urban’s thought when you first came to surprise Jack, Jack didn’t completely steal your attention all weekend, so you got to spend more time with Urban too, but you never left each other’s side. 
Both of you felt a lot better after seeing each other and Urban was glad that he could help both of his friends. 
Your relationship had its downsides, trying to keep it private was one of them, but ultimately you loved each other enough to continue to make it work, like you said to Jack, one day everything would be worth it. One day you would let the world know about your relationship and not have to keep secrets anymore. You just didn’t know how you could be so right about something, but so wrong at the same time. 
Tag list @jackharloww @harlowcomehome @nattinatalia @hoodharlow @itsyagirljaz @heavyhitterheaux @harlowsbby @awhore4moree
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caffedrine · 1 year
Gilbert von Obsidian - Challenge From the King of Trampling - Event Summary
Do I ever know what I’m doing? You shouldn’t trust me, or my suspect understanding of what’s going on in my daily life, much less in Gilbert’s world.
Accuracy is not guaranteed - you should definitely pick up this event when it reaches the English server.
This event is set in the event series that predates Gilbert's route - where he and Emma will never be anything more than friends.
The afternoon is very lovely, with a peaceful blue sky, bright sunshine, and the promise of a peaceful day. Emma wishes this moment would last forever.
Sitting next to her, munching on a small pile of cookies on the table, Gilbert asks if Emma would like to play a game with him, trampling on that peaceful moment like the villain he is. Emma asks why he suddenly wants to play, and Gilbert glibly replies that it’s just his current mood.
Emma is only here because Gilbert had told her to make a lot of sweets for him, but maybe his real purpose wasn’t just to eat a small army’s worth of cookie rations but to play a game instead. And tide himself over with the cookies. Gilbert is very skilled at manipulating people into doing what he wants.
Gilbert continues, it would be boring just having a game with no reward. Oh, but if they made it a winning condition that the loser would have to do anything the winner wants . . .
Sensing a trap, Emma quickly refuses. Gilbert laughs, does she think she can say no? Emma asks him to cut to the chase and tell her what he wants her to do. She already knows that she’ll lose.
Well not necessarily. Gilbert is thinking up games where she has a good shot at winning as well. In fact, he already has a plan. Placing his cloak over the table, Gilbert snaps his fingers and pulls back the cloak to reveal a box. Warily, Emma opens it only to find some sheets of paper, pens, and ink.
Gilbert’s idea is for both he and Emma to put their own game ideas into the box. Two ideas each, and then they’ll blindly draw. And, to make it fair, they will have the winner be the best two out of three.
Emma realizes that Gilbert is allowing her to write a game that favors her. Maybe she does have a chance of winning. She turns to Gilbert and asks if when he said the loser would have to do anything the winner wanted . . .
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(For once, Gilbert can make Emma sweets instead!)
Gilbert promises that it goes for him as well, if Emma wins, she can ask him to do anything. It’s a high-risk, high-reward game. And, as a handicap, Gilbert is okay with Emma asking for help during the game.
Emma points out that it would put Gilbert at a great disadvantage. Gilbert laughs and asks if she’s serious. He’s the Marshall of Eternal Victory, he’s never lost a match or game.
While Gilbert gloats, Emma considers it. She already is forced to follow his whims, so this might be her only chance to get payback. Even though it’s risky, Emma decides to accept Gilbert’s match.
The peaceful time is ended, and Emma’s battle with the Trampling Beast has begun.
Gilbert only smiles at her; he’s looking forward to having fun together.
Round 1 – The Affectionate Confrontation of Sweets
The first match was a game Emma had put in, and she does not doubt that she will win. The stage is the kitchen, filled with all the ingredients the castle cooks were able to spare. The game is to make as many sweets as possible with the ingredients on hand and feed them to Gilbert. If he eats everything, he will win. If Emma can make enough sweets that even Gilbert has had too many, she wins.
Sitting in the kitchen at a nearby table, Gilbert admits that he is looking forward to this game. He wonders what kind of sweets will be made for him. He and his stomach are looking forward to this challenge. He seems confident, which only invigorates Emma’s fighting spirit.
Behind Emma are her three reliable helpers: Yves, Licht, and Luke. She had chosen the people most familiar with sweets to face Gilbert in this challenge.
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(Team Sweets)
Proud as a peacock, Yves admits that since Emma seems a little over her head, he’s here to help. Luke’s role was to bring the honey, which he has 5 liters that he’s willing to share. Licht isn’t entirely sure why he’s here. Yves assures him that his presence is essential – he needs to finish up whatever Gilbert doesn’t eat.
Please, Licht, your big brother is counting on you.
Emma thanks all of them for coming and helping her win against Gilbert. With Yves and Luke, who are good at making sweets, and Licht tasting them for quality, there’s no doubt that she will win. Licht asks if she’s decided on what to make.
The plan is to make something very high in calories, that will fill up the stomach quickly. Luke thinks that honey would be put to good use, and Yves suggests a classic cake with cream and honey. Luke notes that with this plan, Gilbert will have to give up eating due to how sweet it’s going to be, not to even mention the calories. Surveying her supplies, Emma thinks that they have enough to make 50 servings.
Licht is taken aback and asks if Emma has some grudge against Gilbert or something. Pipping in, Gilbert corrects him, it’s not a grudge, it’s love. Emma ignores him and begins putting ingredients into a bowl. Luke is about to say something, but Gilbert interrupts him, giving him the universal ‘secret’ sign. Emma asks what that was about, and Luke tells her that it’s nothing.
Continuing, Emma tries to silence her bad feeling, wondering if she’s just overthinking it.
A few hours later.
Emma wonders if this is all just an elaborate lie. Yves wonders if his eyes are deceiving him. Licht wonders if all this time, Gilbert was secretly a monster. Luke wonders where Gilbert put all of it.
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(In his fifth dessert stomach)
A giant cake, filled with cream and honey, large enough to serve fifty people, was now all inside Gilbert’s stomach. Smiling sweetly at them, Gilbert compliments the cooks and asks if they have any more.
Emma recalls Gilbert happily munching on the cookies before the match. He should have already been more than half full. How did this happen? Wailing in despair, Emma collapses to her knees in the kitchen.
Gilbert admits that he’s about 80% full now. But he wants the other 20% to be full too. His only complaint was that the cake was too sweet – it gave him mild heartburn. To be fair, he half expected it from Emma and her friends. He admits that the four of them (including Licht, somehow) are amazing chefs.
Yves is in a weird state of being pleased with praise, and not happy with being praised. Luke admits that he had the feeling that this was going to happen anyways.  He points out that if they were serious, they could have just made really foul-tasting sweets.
Oh. Oh yeah. That probably would have won them their victory.
As if thinking the same thing, Gilbert’s shoulders shake with poorly repressed mirth. He tells Luke that Emma is still Emma, she wouldn’t do that to an honored state guest. Honestly, he likes that about her.
Well, at least one person seems happy, even if it’s not the person Emma wanted to be thrilled by this. At least he’s praising them for all of their hard work.
Standing up, Gilbert walks over to where Emma has collapsed and kneels in front of her. Emma looks up, awkwardly noticing that his face is so close. Very politely, Gilbert thanks Emma for the meal and kisses her cheek, and suddenly Emma’s thoughts screech to a halt. He smiles as if enjoying her reaction.
Yves cuts in, asking them to stop being so shameless in the middle of the kitchen. Gilbert asks what he means by ‘shameless’, his fingers running over Emma’s lips. Suddenly, Emma realizes that she’s in danger.
Emma jumps up and hides behind Luke, announcing that it’s time for the next match. She definitely won’t lose it. Gilbert has an exaggerated expression of regret but shrugs his shoulders in acquiescence. He wonders what the next game will be.
Current Score: 0 wins and 1 loss.
Round 2 – The Honey Trap and the Jewelry Showdown
The second match was a game invented by Gilbert.
Gilbert explains that Obsidian is the land of military and ore, and there is a ‘fun’ game they can use stones to play with. He pulls out a pouch from the inside of his cloak (which Emma was certain hadn’t been there a second ago) and hands it to her. In the bag are two rocks, and one gemstone. Emma has 30 minutes to guess which one is the gemstone. Gilbert will just wait right here in this room, in this chair (digesting) for her to come back with her answer.
To be honest, Emma isn’t confident in her ability to appraise gems or jewels, but if she has someone to help her, then maybe she has a chance. The palace is full of princes, there has to be at least one of them familiar with jewels.
The only two princes she can find are Nokto and Jin, the battle-hardened womanizers of the palace. Emma hopes that, with their experience of picking jewelry as gifts for women, they can help her. At the very least, they’ve seen more gemstones than she has.
Jin admits that he’s seen his fair share of gems and knows a lot . . . . he looks into the bag and asks if Emma is serious. Nokto looks as well, his face looking grim.
The gem in the bag is unprocessed, it looks just like the other two stones. A true merchant or jeweler could recognize the true gem, but it becomes quickly apparent that the moniker does not apply to any of the three of them.
Nokto notes that probably only Silvio or Chevalier would be able to tell which one was the true gem. Jin recalls that Silvio has left the castle on business, and as for Chevalier . . . Nokto finishes the thought, noting that he won’t help them. Jin wonders if maybe Chevalier’s big brother can convince him to embrace the spirit of cooperativity, but Nokto points out that if anyone could do it, they can’t do it in the next 30 minutes.
Well, there’s no help for it. Emma will just have to rely on blind luck. Gilbert probably put this game in, knowing exactly that she would have no help.  
Oh, no, no, no, that won’t do. Who does Emma think they are, amateurs? Nokto adds that if she came to them for help, she already knew that a straightforward attack against Gilbert wouldn’t work.
Uh, no, Emma just came to them because there was no one else available, she was absolutely planning on a straightforward attack.
Jin places his hand on Emma’s left shoulder, and Nokto places his hand on her right. Jin tells her to leave it to him, he’ll teach her a very special technique. Nokto will also cooperate, though he expects something in return.
Emma has a very bad feeling.
After most of the time is over, Emma returns to Gilbert, who had been leisurely looking out the window. Turning to face her, he idly greets Emma, only to come up short when he sees her face. Looking absolutely dumbfounded, he asks what happened.
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(Of all the plans and eventualities Gilbert anticipated, this was not one of them)
Emma is not going to tell him. She’s not going to tell anyone what happened. Why, oh why did Jin and Nokto have to go that far? Maybe she should just quit right now before it becomes worse.
Oh, right. If she loses, it’ll be worse.  
Throwing all the shreds that remained of her dignity to the wind, Emma walks over to Gilbert and sits down in his lap, wrapping her arms around him tightly. It’s actually a blessing in disguise that he’s so cold, it’s almost a balm against her too-hot skin.
Gilbert asks what Emma thinks she’s doing.
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(Seriously, Gilbert wants to know what's going on)
Her face blazing red, Emma is barely able to look into Gilbert’s eye as she croaks out that she wants a hint.
Gilbert eventually recovers enough to ask if this is some sort of honey trap. If so, Emma is really . . . he can’t say anymore without laughing.
Emma shouts at him to stop laughing, she’s desperate. Maybe she should have just given up and accepted the loss. But she’s already here, in Gilbert’s lap, wrapped around him. It’s far too late for her to back down. Instead, she clutches him tighter and shouts that she’ll never let go of him until he gives her a hint.
Gilbert considers this for about half a second before telling her that it’s okay with him if they stay like this forever. Not expecting this, Emma looks at him as if he has grown two heads. If they stay like this forever, Emma will be in big trouble!
And Gilbert doesn’t see how that’s his problem. In fact, he’s thrilled that she’s doing this of her own accord. To Emma’s horror, instead of her gambit working, Gilbert wraps his own arms around her, gently stroking her back.
As Emma’s discomfort grows, Gilbert just grins at her. The only way to avoid looking at him in her position is to bury her head in his shoulder. Gilbert tells her that if she wants to continue, she could at least kiss him.
Well, that is impossible. Emma will only kiss someone whom she likes. Gilbert asks if she doesn’t like him, but Emma is only silent. Gilbert complains that Emma is so sneaky.
Well, if Emma likes anyone, it wouldn’t be someone who makes fun of her. Gilbert asks if that means that she likes kind people, and Emma admits that she likes kind people more than mean ones.
Gilbert considers this slowly and eventually tells Emma to hand him the pouch. Curiously, Emma complies, and Gilbert lines up the three stones on the table next to them. He tells her that the stone on the left is worthless. When Emma just looks confused, Gilbert explains that her choices are either the middle stone or the right stone.
Emma is still confused, so Gilbert explains that she just said that she prefers kind people. So, this is a special service just for her.
Emma doesn’t understand Gilbert. She wonders if he’s teasing her, and she slowly faces the stones. Right now her odds of winning are 50/50, so she has to believe in herself.
Emma chooses the stone on the right, and Gilbert’s eye narrows. He admits that she got the correct answer, and Emma cheers, thrilled that she has won. She’s so happy and relieved that she has forgotten that she’s sitting in the lap of the Trampling Beast.
Gilbert notes that she has lost a lot to gain this victory, and Emma asks him not to say that. Suddenly remembering where she is, and whom she is on top of, Emma starts to get up, only to be restrained by Gilbert.
He warns Emma not to do this to another man unless she wants to find their corpse later. Emma tells him not to worry, she’s never going to do this again, not even to Gilbert.
Gilbert makes a disappointed face as Emma slides off his lap. Whether or not it’s a joke expression, Emma feels her heart pound in her chest. This is nothing, it’s just embarrassment.
To cover her feelings, Emma announces that the next round is the last, the deciding round.
Current Score: 1 win and 1 loss.
Round 3 – If You’re Embarrassed You’ll Lose! Hide-And-Seek Showdown!
The third game was a match Emma had devised.
It’s a simple hide-and-seek showdown. Emma hides, and if Gilbert finds her within the time limit, he’ll win. If he can’t find her and Emma escapes him, she’ll win.
Gilbert is overjoyed to play this game, he’s very good at hide-and-seek. Finding and killing hidden pests is not only his hobby but the favorite part of his job.
Emma asks him to refrain from killing her.
It’s dangerous, but Emma was always good at hide-and-seek since she was a child. Besides, there’s a secret spot in the castle that she’s confident Gilbert doesn’t know about. She is certain that she’ll be victorious, as long as she’s careful.
Behind her are her two reliable allies, who came to help her when she explained her predicament. Clavis, the royal hide-and-seek master promises to guide her to victory. Meanwhile, Leon has agreed to his role of referee where he watches Gilbert to prevent him from doing anything illegal or immoral during the game, so Emma can be free to hide. Gilbert asks if Emma really doesn’t trust him.
Ignoring his comment, Emma starts the game. Gilbert wishes her the best of luck.
Clavis is impressed, even he never knew that there was a secret room only accessible via a hidden passageway. It was a room Emma and Rio had found by chance while exploring the castle, and she hopes that if one of the residents, particularly Clavis, didn’t know about it, then maybe Gilbert won’t either. It’s no exaggeration to say that this room is perfect for a game of hide-and-seek.
Clavis reminds her that Gilbert is on a different level, he will probably find this room without much trouble. Emma admits that he’s right, and she’s already considered it. Gilbert is the Marshall of Eternal Victory, a genius who makes the impossible possible. With that in mind, finding a secret passageway and locating this room is well within his abilities.
Which is why Emma made sure to have Clavis on her side.
It suddenly hit Clavis what Emma’s true plan is, and they both have evil expressions on their faces. Emma tells him that she will stop at nothing and do anything to win this game. Clavis approves of this, and if she’s like this then it’s time for him to get serious as well.
As expected, Gilbert found the room. From behind, Leon very calmly and without any anger asks Gilbert how he already knows about the hidden passages in the palace. Gilbert doesn’t feel like answering, besides, if Leon uses his brain just a little bit, he’d already know.
Yeah, there’s obviously a spy in the castle who has rooted out the secret passages.
Looking around the room, Gilbert notices that Clavis appears to be the only person in it. So far, he hasn’t noticed Emma hiding behind the bookcase.
Emma holds her breath, the real battle starts now.
Clavis asks if something is wrong? Why doesn’t Gilbert come on in and look around a bit. Leon agrees, the hide-and-seek game isn’t over until he’s found Emma, right? Silently, Emma urges Gilbert to just take a single step inside.
There are about 20 of the Lelouch series traps set at the entrance of the room. If Gilbert enters, he will be in hell. Not even he can avoid the trap Clavis set up.
Gilbert announces that he’s happy where he is, he’ll just wait for Emma to come out to him. Leon reminds him that there is a time limit, but Gilbert only laughs; Emma will definitely come out before then.
Clavis asks how he can say that, and Gilbert responds that Emma is actually very fond of him. So fond, in fact, that just earlier she had climbed on top of him, straddled him, and hugged him tightly.
Leon asks if Gilbert is okay. In the head.
Oh, but it’s true. It was actually a very nice hug too. Usually, Emma is very shy, but Gilbert thinks she might like him. When she kisses him, her face turns so red, and her body shivers when he touches her. What could that mean other than she likes him a lot? Even now, Gilbert has no doubt that she’s desperately restraining herself from throwing herself at him.
Clavis is amazed at how far their relationship has progressed. Weakly. Leon asks if Gilbert is joking.
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(Who's side is he on again?)
The betrayal!!
Gilbert sweetly apologizes for stealing their precious bunny away from them.
Okay, maybe what Gilbert is saying is true, but he’s taking everything wildly out of context.
Gilbert asks if they want to hear more about his and Emma’s ‘friendship’. Eagerly, Clavis asks how many volumes of material this romance series will go over, and Gilbert estimates at least 50 novels worth of quality and true content.
For the prologue, Gilbert will talk about all the different ways he’s touched Emma and made her feel good. The results are-
Okay, Emma gives up! She nearly collapses out from behind the bookcase, her hands desperately covering her ears. Gilbert laughs and announces that he’s found her, asking if she missed him so much. Emma yells that everything he’s saying is too malicious and out of context. Gilbert counters that it’s all true.
Okay, maybe there were facts in there, but Gilbert had gotten everything so twisted up!
Clavis muses that there were ‘facts’ in what Gilbert was saying. Emma tells him to stop thinking. Leon tells Emma that she has poor taste in men and that she should dump Gilbert. Emma wails for Leon to believe in her and her taste in men.
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(Leon discovers what it feels like to be a father disapproving of his daughter's boyfriend)
Gilbert cuts in saying that he is deciding to have absolutely no idea what Emma’s talking about, but he wants to claim this win. Which means that Emma has lost their game, and now she is his to do with as he pleases.
Ugh. Emma wishes she could just disappear. Her only salvation is the Lelouch trap series that continues to separate her from Gilbert. What a pathetic way to lose.
Clavis asks Gilbert to wait. In Rhodolite, there is a tradition in these three-game matches for the loser to have one final chance to come out on top. Leon quickly agrees, it’s actually quite standard for the loser to get one final chance in Rhodolite with one final game.
Gilbert notes that Rhodolite is quite friendly to losers.
Clavis reminds Gilbert that he’s the Marshal of Eternal Victory, he will win no matter how many battles he wages. So, what’s he afraid of now? Would it really be so bad to have one last match?
Gilbert considers this and agrees that it would be boring to just end like this. Okay, he’ll be merciful to Emma.
Emma thanks Gilbert profusely, feeling like her head was suddenly yanked back from the chopping block.
Next time she will win for sure.
Current Score: 1 win and 2 losses.
Round 4 – Ms. Bunny Quiz Game
Emma looks at the final sheet of paper, written in Gilbert’s handwriting, and very slowly looks up at him. She asks what he means by ‘Ms. Bunny Quiz Game’.
Well, it’s literally a quiz showdown about Emma. She can ask Gilbert a question about herself, and he will answer it. He kind of thought this would be simple and easily understood.
If Gilbert can answer all three out of three questions, he’ll win. Otherwise, if he gets even one answer not 100% correct, Emma will win.
Emma asks if this isn’t too much of an advantage to her. Since it’s about her, there are things she can ask that Gilbert has no way of answering. Granted, if it was Rio answering instead, she’d be in trouble, but she hadn’t even met Gilbert until she came to the castle.
Gilbert asks if Emma is confident in her win. Emma is, and Gilbert points out that she should be overjoyed at this opportunity to win.
It’s too good to be true. It seems too obvious that Emma will win, but she can’t see the hidden objective.
Gilbert reminds Emma that she can still get help for this final game. He has a refreshing smile on his face, and Emma can’t see through to his evil plan. At times like this, there are only a few people she can rely on.
Sariel and Rio thankfully have some free time and are able to help her. Sariel is not thrilled to find that Gilbert and Emma are playing a game, but Rio assures Emma to leave it to him. He won’t overlook any of Gilbert’s wrongdoing. Gilbert asks what he’s done to make him so mistrusted.
Emma hopes that the two of them will figure out Gilbert’s evil plan that escapes her.
Emma has announced that she has already written down the answers to her questions on the papers before her, so Gilbert can’t say that she’s cheating. She and Rio are the only two who know what the papers say. Sariel is going to monitor Gilbert and make certain that there’s no way for him to peek at them.
Rio is confident that no one is a better master at knowing Emma than he is, and there’s no way for Gilbert to win. Gilbert asks if that’s so, he knows a lot about Emma himself.
Emma suddenly feels anxious, wondering why Gilbert is so confident. Even in this situation, where there is no way Gilbert can cheat, he has not lost his composure. What is going on with him?
First question: There is a place where Emma always buys food when she goes into town. What is it?
Gilbert complains that the question is too easy; she buys sandwiches from a bakery run by her elderly neighbors.
Emma is alerted, she’s only mentioned the place to Rio and the Bookstore Owner. How does Gilbert know? Gilbert only waves his hand and says that it was a lucky guess.
Sariel is doubtful, it was a very specific answer that one can’t just ‘luck into’. There are a lot of rats living inside and outside the castle that need exterminating. Gilbert only laughs.
Okay, so does that mean that there is a spy attached to Emma as well? That answer can’t have been a coincidence, right? Clearing her throat to hide her growing anxiety, Emma proceeds.
Second question: Where is Emma’s favorite place in Rhodolite Castle?
This is her trick question, and if she does have a spy monitoring her, they would have given Gilbert the wrong answer.
Gilbert muses that every day, Emma goes for a walk in the rose garden, which is considered the most spectacular place in the castle. He has no doubt that Emma likes it, but that is too obvious of an answer. If Emma is banking on this question, that means that the real place is something she’s confident Gilbert can’t guess at. So, it’s a secret place that she can’t enter all the time.
Emma is a well-known book lover, but most of the books in the castle library are reference and technical books. There is only one place in the palace that has the kind of books Emma likes – Chevalier’s Secret Library, home of the beast that no one can approach.
Rio is amazed that Gilbert knows about the existence of Chevalier’s secret library. Well, of course, Gilbert knows, basically, everyone does at this point. Besides, Gilbert loves ‘borrowing’ books from Chevalier from time to time, he’s never said anything when Gilbert entered.
Oh, Emma never knew that Chevalier and Gilbert were friends.
Gilbert tells Emma not to be so discouraged and asks what the final question is.
Final question: What is Emma’s special skill?
Emma is confident only Rio and the Bookstore Owner would know.
Gilbert considers her special skill, he doesn’t think that it’s making sweets. Emma agrees, she thinks of it as a hobby rather than a skill. Gilbert personally disagrees, she always makes him delicious sweets.
Oh, he gets it now.
Emma is liked by everyone, right? Today, she had many princes helping her, because they like her. He thinks her personality makes it natural for them to lend her their help, even though they are all such peculiar beasts. It’s a compliment to her that they care so much about her. Besides that, they must all find her very attractive, himself included.
So, Emma’s special skill is her perfect imitation of her butler, Rio.
Emma is off kilter for less than a second before demanding to know what that windup was about, and how did he get from that to her skill? Worse than that, it was what she had written down!
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(But how did he out stalk Rio?)
Rio is suspicious and asks if Gilbert was able to peek at the answer sheet. Gilbert insists that he didn’t and asks Sariel to back him up. Sariel is worried that he somehow blinked and missed Gilbert cheating. Gilbert assures Sariel that he was most vigilant in monitoring him. Gilbert never had a chance to cheat.
Really, the natural explanation is that everyone underestimated his obsession with Emma. Turning back to her, Gilbert adds that he wants to know everything about Emma.
Well, how about that?
Oh, how scary! Emma steps back, but Gilbert quickly closes the distance between them and grabs her hand. The Marshal of Eternal Victor has won the game, completely. He tells Emma not to look so scared, he won’t do anything cruel to her.
True or not, since Emma has lost, she can no longer protest. Gilbert entwines their fingers, looking so happy that he might start humming. Emma’s heart is pounding, but is it out of fear or something else?
Worriedly, Rio calls out to Emma while reaching out to her, but suddenly Gilbert’s cloak blocks Emma’s view of him. Gilbert tells the room that their rabbit is now his.
Epilogue – The Winner’s Privilege
After losing the game to Gilbert, brings her to a quiet place so that they are alone. Gilbert reminds her about the terms, the winner can do anything they like with the loser.
Okay, but before that, could Gilbert let go of Emma?
For some reason, after bringing Emma to his room, Gilbert had her sit on his lap facing him while he sits on the sofa. He is holding Emma in his arms and doesn’t let her go. She’s put some room between their bodies, but there’s only so much she can do.
Gilbert reminds her that she lost, so she can’t argue about what he does with her.
Emma considers their position and wonders if that ‘win’ she got out of the gemstone showdown gave Gilbert ideas that she’s going to regret. Thinking of back then, that was not something she should have done to a distinguished foreign guest. However, all the regret in the world won’t turn back the clock.
A cold hand cups her cheek, as if trying to pull Emma out of her thoughts.
As the winner, Gilbert’s privilege is to go on a date with Emma.
Emma is confused and thinks about what he’s saying. It sounds like he wants to go out to the town with her, and asks if he’s sure. Since it’s Gilbert, she was expecting him to demand something far worse of her.
Oh, is Emma under the misconception that this will be a simple outing? Gilbert means the kind of date between a man and a woman. His finger flicks Emma’s earlobe and she reflexively covers it. Fingers run over the back of her hand, tickling it.
Gilbert explains that they will be together in the morning, the afternoon, and at night. Oh, they can also stay out all night long and return the next morning as well. Emma immediately protests, but Gilbert reminds her that he just won their game. Emma just stares at him with a look of horror, waiting for him to laugh and say that he was joking.
The back of Emma’s hand is stroked, and her face grows red. She wishes she can escape from this embarrassing situation, but the arm around her waist won’t let her.
Gilbert laughs, Emma’s face is so red right now. Is her imagination going into dirty places? Emma denies this, and asks what his goal is, first playing those games and then going on this date. Gilbert asks if she has any ideas of why two people would go on a date together.
Emma asks if this is part of his plan to mislead everyone about their relationship and further isolate her from the court. If a rumor about her and the enemy prince spread, it will become even colder for her at court.
Gilbert denies this, he just wants to know more about her. He notes that Emma has a suspicious expression, but he swears that it’s the truth. Emma asks if he’s telling the truth, and Gilbert insists that it is. He just really wants to get along with her. He knows that it doesn’t sound like a big deal to her, but it is one to him. It’s like a treasure.
To be fair, he would be lying if he said that he didn’t hold any malice towards her, but it’s also true that he genuinely enjoys the time they spend together.
Emma looks at Gilbert, but it doesn’t seem like he’s lying. Instead, he has a dazzlingly refreshing smile that makes her chest feel light.
Well? Gilbert thought that a date would be a nice way of spending time together. Emma considers their deal, no matter what, the loser would have no right to veto the winner’s choice.
Maybe Emma can have a little faith in the untrustworthy words of the world’s greatest villain. Truth be told, she doesn’t always hate spending time with Gilbert. Sometimes it’s fun and happy. Of course, there are a lot of painful and difficult times, so it’s not really a treasure for her.
At least, the games they played today might go into the category of ‘a good memory. Emma did have some fun during the day.
Well, that’s a promise then. Gilbert smiles, and leans forward, biting Emma on the cheek. Emma is startled and asks what he thinks he’s doing. Gilbert responds that this is kind of a promise token between them.
Oh, but to have a bite mark in such a place .  . . .
Yes, Gilbert agrees that it’s quite prominent. What kind of rumors will spread tomorrow when everyone sees it? Emma begs Gilbert to stop biting people. Gilbert complains that Emma says it like she finds it’s disrespectful, even though he only bites her. She’s special.
As Emma caresses her painful cheek, Gilbert looks satisfied. His face is full of joy, just like a winner. Emma doesn’t know what it means, but when Gilbert is with her he always seems to be having fun. She grumbles that Gilbert is the only person she would just let bite her.
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There’s no real meaning in what she just said, it’s only that Gilbert is the winner.
That night Gilbert passes Chevalier in the hallway and asks if he’s returning from official business. Chevalier, who is not at all put out that no one wanted to play with him, asks if Gilbert really spent the day playing games. Gilbert is impressed that Chevalier has already heard about it.
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(Why does everyone but Chevalier get to play?)
Chevalier cuts to the point and asks what Gilbert wants. Gilbert only laughs and says that if Chevalier is following him closely, he can probably guess by now.
Chevalier admits that Gilbert’s actions in Rhodolite are incomprehensible. Gilbert asks how Chevalier would react to the idea that his motive is to be incomprehensible.
A man full of contradictions and incomprehensible motives is rare, Chevalier will give him that. Gilbert asks if that’s really how Chevalier sees him, and Chevalier asks if he’s wrong.
With a snort, Chevalier continues walking past Gilbert and leaves.
Gilbert begins to walk away too, but then catches his reflection in the window.
Oh, that’s what Chevalier was talking about.
Gilbert smiles wryly at the reflection in the window. It has an expression of sorrow as if lamenting the coming end. He needs to be careful not to show this face to anyone.
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felixaussiegf · 14 days
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𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: The war to Robert’s Rebellion is finally over, Robert Baratheon has finally destroy the Targaryen Dynasty. He has killed Prince Rhaegar Targaryen at the Trident, while Princess Elia Martell and her three children Rhaenys, Aegon, and Viserra, were killed by Lord Tywin Lannister's orders during the Sack of King's Landing. But is that really true? No, one child still lives, Viserra Targaryen, the last true living child and youngest child of Prince Rhaegar Targaryen and Princess Elia Martell. In 283 AC, Ashara Dayne, the sister to the late Ser Arthur Dayne and one of Elia Martell’s ladies-and-waiting, but also one of her best friends during Robert's Rebellion and Ser Jon Connington one of Rhaegar Targaryen's best loyal knights and best friend decides to send a raven to the Prince Oberyn Martell in, Dorne stating for him to come to Starfall, alone where she and the exile knight have something important to tell Oberyn Martell, whether or not it might put all their lives in danger or in jeopardy.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: cursing, robert’s rebellion war mention, characters deaths mention, suicide thoughts, war, betrayal, violence, angst, secrets. (Please, remind me if there are any missing warnings, I have missed or forgotten)
𝐀/𝐍: Ahhhh, hello my loves! SUPRISE!!! I have decided to do the GOT fanfic, instead of doing it on Wattpad, I will be doing it on Tumblr. This story will be following the TV series and a bit of the books spoiler’s; but mostly the TV series GOT, so please remember that. There is not much warnings for this chapter as, it is the Prologue to this story. Also, for the story I decided to put Ashara Dayne in my story she will not die like in the books, she still lives in GOT universe because to be honest, I really do love her character, and well she is a badass woman. Also for Ser Jon Connington, I have decided to add him as well, in which both GOT characters will have a bigger part in this story.
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Looking outside, through one the window’s of the castle of the beautiful sea of Star-Fall, were it is located in the western Red Mountains, stood a beautiful woman who is a tall and a fair maiden all together. Her long dark hair tumbled around her shoulders but what really got other’s attention were her very own eyes in particular her beautiful purple eyes who some would say she would be consider a Targaryen or resemble one at that. The ones that did know her very well, she went by the name of Ashara Dayne. But the ones who did not know her well like to gossip and talk at court, behind her back and would call her -
“𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐢𝐝 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐏𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐄𝐲𝐞𝐬.’’
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The sister of the late Ser Arthur Dayne, "The Sword Of The Morning." With her, she carried a beautiful babe, not even a year old yet. The babe who truly resembled a true 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧, just like her late father Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, as her elder siblings Rhaenys and Aegon Targaryen truly looked like their own mother with their very own Dornish features, on the other hand Viserra, truly did look like her late father, Prince Rhaegar Targaryen with her little scruff of white hair poking out of her head, while her little brownish eyes with a bit of blueish hue in them and her appearance, told a different tale her eyes truly resembled a 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥, just like her late mother Princess Elia Martell.
Ashara felt sorry, for the little babe, for Viserra will never get to meet her mother and father, but her siblings Rhaenys and Aegon, as well. Ashara knew this world was a men’s world and women were just simply living in it, to just be broodmares and give men the heirs they truly needed, but little Viserra will never be that type of Queen or get to meet or, see her family ever again, as they were taken from her, before she could even say goodbye to any of them.
Her grandmother Queen Rhaella was dead, her grandfather the Mad King Aerys was dead as well, as her father and mother Prince Rhaegar and Princess Elia were dead, her sister and brother the late Princess Rhaenys and Prince Aegon were dead as well.
The whereabouts of her Uncle Viserys and Aunt Daenerys were unknown as they went into hiding and where shipped across the Narrow Sea as soon as Stannis Baratheon and his men arrived on Dragonstone, but did not find them instead they found Queen Rhaella there as she was found dead on Dragonstone.
This little babes entire family was all gone and not just any family house the Targaryen dynasty was finally gone. Just because Prince Rhaegar Targaryen had kidnapped and raped the Lady Lyanna Stark of Winterfell and did nothing but get his whole family slaughtered and killed for his actions and consequences.
She looked down at the little babe of who she carried, while the babe grabbed onto her fingers with, her tiny hands and smiled up at her. Some would say the babe was Ashara Dayne’s, but she knew the cold hard truth, of where this babe truly came from, the babe was not hers, but her late best friend Princess Elia Martell; for she was the youngest daughter and last living child of Princess Elia Martell and Prince Rhaegar Targaryen.
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Ashara Dayne also had lost, so much within the years of Robert’s Rebellions wars, the war had changed everything for her and her family, hell it even change her, even if the war was finally over, still she had lost so many people she had loved and cared about; she had lost her still-born daughter, her lover, her best friend Princess Elia Martell, and her brother Ser Arthur Dayne. No matter, what she felt about ending her life right then and there, she felt that her life didn’t have any worth anymore. To her what was the point of living and breathing, she knew that she had lost, everyone she truly loved and cared about.
Ashara still had her younger sister Allyria Dayne alive but she was sent away to Blackhaven, for protection and away from the war as she knew Robert Baratheon would kill every Targaryen loyalist and blood Targaryen, he could get his bare hands on, but he could make an exception for the houses that would bend the knee to him as their rightful new King, but even Ashara Dayne knew she nor the Dayne's or Martell's were going to bend the knee to the newly crowned drunken cunt of a Usurper Robert Baratheon, who ended the Targaryen dynasty, just because they did not have any dragons as they were long gone or extinct from the world.
She later had gotten another raven from Blackhaven stating, that her sister, Allyria Dayne is set to be betrothed to, Lord Beric Dondarrion of Blackhaven. Where now it was just her, as the last true Dayne of Star-Fall. She would be the next "Lady Regent Ashara Dayne of Star-Fall." But, she even knew that, she could not rule Star-Fall anymore as she had already faked her death in order to protect the princess Viserra Targaryen and what was left of her family's bloodline. Her eldest brother would soon become the Lord of Star-Fall.
The people that knew her as the beautiful Lady Ashara Dayne, was now long dead as she had faked her death by suicide from a broken heart by jumping off one of the towers of Star-Fall. For now, she went as her new given name Wylla Sand, one of her former wet-nurses who died due to a fever she had her name changed in order to protect Viserra Targaryen from Robert Baratheon and Tywin Lannister, and those who wish to harm, the sweet little princess of King's Landing.
Just a few days ago right before she was about to end her life by committing suicide by jumping from the top of the Palestone Sword, one of the towers of Star-Fall, and fall into the sea and disappear forever. But things change for her; instinct just a few days ago a raven had arrived in Star-Fall, for Ashara Dayne from Lord Varys also known as, “The Spider’’ in King’s Landing stating,
𝙷𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚘 𝙻𝚊𝚍𝚢, 𝙰𝚜𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊 𝙳𝚊𝚢𝚗𝚎 Wylla Sand 𝙾𝚏 𝚂𝚝𝚊𝚛-𝙵𝚊𝚕𝚕: 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚖𝚊𝚢 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚖𝚎 𝚠𝚎𝚕𝚕, 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝙸 𝚍𝚘 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢 𝚖𝚞𝚌𝚑 𝚠𝚎𝚕𝚕. You are not that hard to tract down my Lady, but my little birds of whispers inform me you have faked your death in your very own home at Star-Fall in order for you to protect your family from the now newly crowned King Robert Baratheon's wrath and rage. First, m𝚢 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚍𝚘𝚕𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚜, 𝚝𝚘 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚏𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚢 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 lost of your 𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚕𝚕-𝚋𝚘𝚛𝚗 𝚍𝚊𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚋𝚛𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚎𝚛 𝙰𝚛𝚝𝚑𝚞𝚛 𝙳𝚊𝚢𝚗𝚎, "T𝚑𝚎 𝚂𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍 O𝚏 T𝚑𝚎 𝙼𝚘𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐.'' 𝙷𝚎 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚊𝚕𝚠𝚊𝚢𝚜 𝚋𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚐𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚜𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚜𝚖𝚎𝚗 𝚒𝚗 𝚆𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚘𝚜'𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 in 𝙺𝚒𝚗𝚐’𝚜 𝙻𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚘 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 fight for what was truly right for the Seven Kingdoms and the entire realm.
I have heard from my little birds in Dorne that, your former lover, Lord Eddard Stark of Winterfell, was seen in Star-Fall recently to return to you, your family's ancestral sword the Sword Of The Morning, "Dawn". I do wish, Lord Eddard Stark could see you alive on better circumstances, but I'm afraid with the newly crowned King Robert Baratheon on the Iron Throne now is a big no for you, I do not think it is a good time for you or your family to leave Star-Fall as of yet. I am hoping this raven fine's you well my Lady, because there are some pressing matters that we have to attend to and it has everything to do with, the princess Viserra Targaryen's very own name and birthright written all over in King's Landings and the entire realm of the Seven Kingdoms.
Now, 𝙸 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚒𝚗𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚖 𝚢𝚘𝚞, 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙿𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝙴𝚕𝚒𝚊 𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚕𝚕 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚍𝚛𝚎𝚗 𝚁𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚎𝚢𝚜, 𝙰eg𝚘𝚗, 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚅𝚒𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚛𝚊 Targaryen, 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚋𝚎𝚎𝚗 order to be 𝚔𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚢 "T𝚑𝚎 𝙼𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚒𝚗" 𝚂𝚎𝚛 𝙶𝚛𝚎𝚐𝚘𝚛 𝙲𝚕𝚎𝚐𝚊𝚗𝚎, 𝚞𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 strict 𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝙻𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚃𝚢𝚠𝚒𝚗 𝙻𝚊𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛. Now this must be kept between us only. For, I fear for the little dragon princess safety and for her to return to Kings Landing where she rightfully belongs,and when the time comes for her she will be ready to ascend the Iron Throne as the true heir she was meant to be just like her late grandfather the late Mad King Aerys Targaryen wanted her to be. 𝙸 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚊𝚋𝚕𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚐𝚎𝚝 to, 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝚍𝚛𝚊𝚐𝚘𝚗 𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝚅𝚒𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚛𝚊 𝚃𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚊𝚛𝚢𝚎𝚗 on time,and 𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚁𝚎𝚍 𝙺𝚎𝚎𝚙 and 𝚜𝚊𝚒𝚕 𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚊𝚠𝚊𝚢 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝙺𝚒𝚗𝚐’𝚜 𝙻𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 and send her to Dorne 𝚋𝚎𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚋𝚎 𝚔𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚍. She is to be sent to Star-Fall, where the now exile Ser Jon Connington, will meet you at the gates of the Dayne castle, where little princess Viserra Targaryen, will be given to you under my orders in private and away from traitors and others eyes, who wish to harm the true heir to the Iron Throne.
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𝚄𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚖𝚢 𝚐𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚗 𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚜, 𝙸 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚐𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚗 𝚂𝚎𝚛 Jon Connington, 𝚊 𝚍𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚜 𝚝𝚊𝚜𝚔 and mission 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚖𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚙𝚞𝚝 𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚜 𝚘𝚗 𝚊 𝚜𝚙𝚒𝚔𝚎 one day 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚋𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚠𝚗 𝚊𝚜 𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚜 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚖,and the Seven Kingdoms. Ser Jon Connington was able to sail away with the princess Viserra Targaryen before Robert Baratheon and his men could kill him as to being Targaryen loyalist and a dear friend to Rhaegar Targaryen. T𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚢 𝚋𝚎 𝚔𝚎𝚙𝚝 𝚋𝚎𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚞𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 her uncle 𝙿𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝙾𝚋𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚗 𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚕𝚕 of Dorne. 𝙰𝚗𝚍, 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝙸 𝚜𝚊𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚜𝚑𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚋𝚎 𝚔𝚎𝚙𝚝 𝚋𝚎𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚞𝚜 𝚞𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚕, 𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢 𝚎𝚗𝚍 𝚘𝚏 𝚍𝚊𝚢𝚜. 𝙿𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝚅𝚒𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚛𝚊 𝚃𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚊𝚛𝚢𝚎𝚗 𝚒𝚜 𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢 𝚖𝚞𝚌𝚑 𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚟𝚎 and well, 𝚜𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚋𝚎 𝚔𝚎𝚙𝚝 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚢𝚘𝚞 and Ser Jon Connington made an oath to protect the little princess Viserra with his life until his last breath 𝚊𝚗𝚍 she shall 𝚋𝚎 𝚞𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚎 and Ser Connington's guidance 𝚞𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚕, 𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚄𝚗𝚌𝚕𝚎 𝙿𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝙾𝚋𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚗 𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚕𝚕 𝚏𝚞𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠’𝚜 𝚊𝚋𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚑𝚎𝚛 whereabouts 𝚊𝚗𝚍 when he 𝚒𝚜 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚢 𝚝𝚘 𝚊𝚌𝚌𝚎𝚙𝚝 𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚊𝚜 𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢 𝚘𝚠𝚗 𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚍 he will care for her as she has his very own blood in her after all. 𝙸 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚊 𝚛𝚊𝚟𝚎𝚗 𝚝𝚘 𝙳𝚘𝚛𝚗𝚎 𝚒𝚗-𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚑𝚒𝚖 𝚝𝚘 𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚝 𝚂𝚝𝚊𝚛-𝙵𝚊𝚕𝚕, 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 and Ser Jon Connington 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚝𝚎𝚕𝚕 𝚑𝚒m 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚍𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚜 𝚜𝚎𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚝. 𝙸 𝚍𝚘 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝙻𝚊𝚍𝚢 Ashara Wylla, 𝙿𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝙴𝚕𝚒𝚊 𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚕𝚕 𝚝𝚛𝚞𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞 with her life and children's life, now she trusts you with her last living child's life until her very last breath, you are 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚖𝚘𝚜𝚝 trusted friend and loyal lady 𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚕𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚎𝚜-𝚊𝚗𝚍-𝚠𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐’𝚜 you were with her during Roberts Rebellion and then fled with your brother before the Sack of King's Landing. Know, this 𝚜𝚑𝚎 𝚍𝚒𝚍 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞, 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢 𝚘𝚠𝚗 𝚜𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚍. 𝙸 𝚍𝚘 𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 raven 𝚏𝚒𝚗𝚎’𝚜 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚎𝚕𝚕. 𝙰𝚗𝚍, 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚜, 𝚅𝚒𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚛𝚊 𝚃𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚊𝚛𝚢𝚎𝚗 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚐𝚛𝚘𝚠 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚘 𝚊 t𝚛𝚞𝚎 born ruler, a 𝚀𝚞𝚎𝚎𝚗, 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚊 t𝚛𝚞𝚎 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚐𝚘𝚗 𝚛𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚊𝚜 𝚠𝚎𝚕𝚕. 𝙰𝚜 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚕𝚢 𝚗𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝚍𝚊𝚢, 𝚜𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚋𝚎 𝚐𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚗 𝚏𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚍𝚛𝚊𝚐𝚘𝚗 𝚎𝚐𝚐𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚖 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚒𝚜 𝚝𝚘 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎. And when the times comes s𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚋𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚢 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙸𝚛𝚘𝚗 𝚃𝚑𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 “𝙵𝚒𝚛𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙱𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚍’’ 𝚜𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚝𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚒𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚜𝚎 𝚠𝚑𝚘 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚠𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚍 𝚑𝚎𝚛 and for they 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚍𝚒𝚎 𝚋𝚢 dragon 𝚏𝚒𝚛𝚎 𝚜𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚐 and burning to ash 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝚒𝚖𝚙𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚕𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚜𝚎 𝚠𝚑𝚘 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚠𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚍 𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚖𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚜𝚒𝚋𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐s and her entire family. 𝚄𝚗𝚝𝚒, 𝚠𝚎 𝚖𝚎𝚎𝚝 𝚊𝚐𝚊𝚒𝚗, 𝙻𝚊𝚍𝚢 𝙰𝚜𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊, Lady Wylla. 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚂𝚙𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚛,
Lord Varys, "Master of Whisperers"
The raven that Lord Varys, had sent Lady Ashara, a chill down her spine as she did not want Elia Martell's last living child and only living daughter the little Viserra to grow up to be like her grandfather the late “Mad King’’ Aerys Targaryen. She had first met the little babe Viserra, when Ser Jon Connington had came to Star-Fall in order to give little Viserra Targaryen to her loyal servant Flora, who help deliver her still-born daughter along with the wet-nurse Wylla and help her grieve for her stillborn daughter.
Lady Ashara and Ser Jon Connington had an argument over his welcome to Star-Fall and that he made no argument of over staying his welcome and would not be exile again especially to the only surviving child and true heir of Prince Rhaegar Targaryen and Princess Elia Martell.
He then later told Lady Ashara Dayne that she may not like him and will hate him forever for what Rhaegar Targaryen did, to his wife and children. But he had sworn an oath to his best friends Rhaegar Targaryen and her brother Ser Arthur Dayne as a kingsguard and, a knight of the Seven Kingdoms and protector, that he would serve Viserra Targaryen as his true loyalties are only to the Targaryens and the heir to the Iron Throne.
When Ser Jon Connington had handed the babe to her. Her heart stopped for a moment, just by looking at her she could immediately see Elia Martell, in her very own daughter. What she saw was this pure, innocent, child who had to watch her entire family be slaughtered and killed by Robert Baratheon and his men of traitors. She remembers a time when she was in King's Landing, right before Viserra Targaryen was born, Princess Elia Martell and Queen Rhaella Targaryen were fearful for little Viserra because unlike Rhaneys and Aegon that smelled like Dornish to him.
The "Mad King" Aerys II Targaryen had actually taken a liking to his youngest granddaughter telling her that she was a true Targaryen and a true Queen even he would say that in his so called dragon dreams and his madness, he would dream of her that one day she too will sit the Iron Throne, but what was fearful of the words he said were -
"Viserra Targaryen my greatest weapon, my youngest granddaughter and my true heir, you shall be the most fearful and dangerous ruler of the Targaryen Dynasty, and the entire realm of Westero's has ever seen, one day they will truly see what you really are and when the time comes you will be ready to "burn them all" for what they have done to you and your madness just like what they did to me. You have the blood of the dragon, the blood of Old Valyria, you have my blood in you, it runs thick through you and only you can use it to your advantage and show those damn bastards traitors who you really are, for you are; The Dragon's Queen."
But, no one had to blame anyone for Robert's Rebellion war for happening but Rhaegar Targaryen “The Last Dragon’’ for kidnapping and raping Lyanna Stark “The She-Wolf’’. When Ashara found out about what was about to happen, she knew they were all going to war for what Rhaegar and Lyanna did. And, she knew her brother Ser Arthur Dayne, would take part in the war because of his loyalties to his best friend Rhaegar Targaryen.
No matter, how much she plead for her brother Ser Arthur Dayne, not to go he had promised to her that he would come back to her, Ashara prayed to the Seven and to any the gods, that would hear her prayer, to bring her brother back safely to her when the war was finally over. But even she knew it was all just a lie, just for her to lose the last bit, of faith within the gods, as the gods were cruel to everyone.
Zoning out, and startled by one of the servants coming through the doors, while Ser Jon Connington made his way into the chambers of Lady Ashara Dayne for a guard had opened the door for the servant and knight named Flora. Ashara Dayne looked up from where she stood, and not before putting the little babe Viserra in her cot, before looking at the servant and raising her eyebrows to Ser Jon Connington as well, before he too gave her a smirk. She soon then, spoke in a stern tone.
“Yes, Flora, what is it this time?" before continuing to speak and looking at Ser Jon Connington with annoyed expression, "And, to what do I own the pleasure of, of your entitled presence here, Ser Jon Connington?"
“Forgive me, my Lady, I am sorry to be unannounced, but Prince Oberyn Martell has arrived from Dorne, and wishes to speak to you alone." Flora spoke as she had her eyes glancing down at her feet, not before glancing at the handsome Knight who still did not talk but just kept on staring at Lady Ashara with a serious look. Without, Lady Ashara or the Knight known as Ser Jon Connington knowing Flora secretly sought a glance at the little babe Viserra, in which she was in her cot babbling away not knowing what was happening.
"Oh, yes, please do tell Prince Oberyn Martell, to come in." spoke, the Lady Ashara, as she looked directly at Flora the servant before walking to the table ignoring the entitled knight's presence and grabbing two cups of Dornish wine for her and Prince Oberyn Martell.
"Right away, my Lady." Flora replied, before bowing to both the lady and the knight going away quickly to the door once the guards had open the door but to inform Prince Oberyn Martell he may come in to speak to the Lady of Star-Fall as well. Finally, Ser Jon Connington spoke but in an aggravated tone-
"You had the fucking damn, Red Viper of a snake Prince Oberyn Marterll of Dorne come here?" "Seven hells, Ashara what were you thinking, what tis' next, you have that damn bastard of usurper Robert Baratheon and his men of fucking traitors, come here to slaughter and kill us all and the little princess and, the true heir to the Iron Throne?"
"How dare you speak to me like that, do not forget, yourself "Ser" Jon Connington, you know damn well why he is here, I can't not change that Prince Oberyn Martell is here and came all this way from Dorne besides he is Viserra's only kin who is left alive besides Prince Doran Martell, I will not be told what I cannot do in my own damn castle by a damn exiled knight!" snapped, Ashara as she looked at Ser Jon Connington with a glare.
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"Do you trust him?" spoke, Ser Jon Connington before continuing to speak to her but in a softer tone, "The Prince Oberyn Martell, can he truly be trusted, as you say you know him very well can he be trusted, especially with this dangerous secret about the little princess, I do not trust anyone but you Ashara, I don't give a damn what Lord Varys says, I'm telling you and only you?"
"I do Jon, I would trust Oberyn Martell with my life, trust me he is a complicated man and his ego may be somewhat annoying but he has a good heart I know that because, he truly loved his sister Elia and her children more than anything in this world, no matter what, I know he will help us protect Viserra from anyone who wishes to lay harm to her."
"I trust you Ashara, but do not expect me to play friendly, with the Red Viper of Dorne, if it comes down to saving the princess, I will not hesitate to kill anyone who wishes to harm her, even if it is her own blood or kin."
"I know, you will but please, Jon just let me handle this please, Prince Oberyn Martell will understand what is at stake here once he arrives in Star-Fall. You don't know him like I do, I know him, he would never wish to harm the princess, especially his own niece Viserra, Elia's only living child and his blood."
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"Well, that was a lovely conversation, now please try not to kill him or his damn guards, with your damn glare." spoke, Ashara in a statistical tone with the roll of her eyes.
"Ah, yes, yes, yes... And, you try not to kill anyone, with your looks and your damn controlling ways, Wylla."
"As well as you, Ser Griff."
"Well, Viserra, my darling it looks like, to us your Uncle Oberyn is here from, Dorne just to meet you." spoke Ashara, as she gave the little princess Viserra a silly smile, not before sipping her wine. Little Viserra, looked up at, Lady Ashara and gave her a smile back before babbling once more.
Just then the doors to the chambers open again, in which Ashara Dayne and Ser Jon Connington while having his hand the hilt of his sword standing in between Ashara and Viserra, both looked up from where she was sitting along with little Viserra in her cot by her side slowly rocking the cot.
Looking around her cot little Viserra stop, what she was doing as she heard the noise. It was non-other than Prince Oberyn Martell of Dorne, coming in a hurry to see if it was really Ashara Dayne if she truly was alive. The servant named Flora again, came into the chambers in a hurry telling Prince Oberyn, to please not rush into the chambers for the guards would think he was here to harm Lady Ashara and the little princess Viserra.
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"Ashara, h-how are you alive?" spoke, Oberyn Martell, as he looked at her in shock and surprise not before noticing Ser Jon Connington. Ashara look at her best friend's brother, not before looking out the window and gulping down the last bit of wine she had before setting the cup on the table.
"They told me, you were dead, that you had killed yourself and jumped off Star-Falls tower and into the sea, right after your brother was killed at the Tower of Joy." spoke, Oberyn, as he slowly came near her, and the little babe of who he did not notice yet. Slowly, Ser Jon Connington looked at Prince Oberyn as he gave him a hardened all the playfulness gone from his face as he stayed back but not to over step where he was at as well.
When Oberyn Martell looked at Ser Jon, he finally knew who he was looking at besides the Lady Ashara Dayne, of where he stood he was one of the late Prince Rhaegar Targaryen's loyal friends and knight's also known as the exile knight, Ser Jon Connington also known by his hidden name "Griff". Prince Oberyn Martell's eyes hardened at that as he was blinded by rage and hate by the so-called knight who took no part in the war of Roberts Rebellion and did not save his sister Elia and her children.
Ignoring, the Lady Ashara's protest not to fight in her very own bedchambers or castle where the guards were stationed outside the door. Due to the little princess being here she did not want for them to get violent or spill any bloodshed Prince Oberyn walked briskly to Ser Jon Connington as he took out his sword and pointed it at Ser Jon Connington neck while Ser Jon Connington grabbed his sword as well.
"You bastard traitor of a knight, what are you doing here, have you come here to kill us as well." spoke, Oberyn with anger and rage in his tone as he looked at Ser Jon Connington.
"No, I haven't yet." replied," Ser Jon Connington as he continued, as he stared at Oberyn Martell with a challenge me look.
"How many people had to die and suffer because your friend the beautiful noble Rhaegar Targaryen couldn't meet the expectations of his consequences when he kidnapped and raped Lyanna Stark while, my sister Elia Martell and her children had to suffer the consequences of his damn mistakes."
"ENOUGH, the both of you," spoke, Ashara as she continued, "You may not like him, here Oberyn but he is my guest, I can't change that but you are here for a reason."
Finally, Lady Ashara Dayne decided, to turn around and look at the Prince of Dorne, Oberyn Martell, with anguish and rage in her eyes as not before speaking in an emotionless tone ignoring Ser Jon Connnington's glare again.
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"I am alive, because I fake my death Oberyn, I had to." replied, Ashara as she look at Oberyn, before continuing to speak, "You got Lord Varys raven, didn't you?"
"I did, Ashara if I may speak? What is this really about?" spoke, Oberyn with furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as to why he is really here while also, ignoring Ser Jon Connington glare yet again.
Not looking at Prince Oberyn or Ser Jon, the Lady Ashara spoke, in a tone that should not represent any lady especially a higherborn at that. "Do you know what, they did to my brother Oberyn?" "E-Elia and her children, were innocent they did not have to die the way they did."
Ser Jon Connington looks away as he could not meet the eyes of Ashara or Oberyn talk about her brother Ser Arthur Dayne one of his best friends and Elia Martell and her other children, also know as Rhaegar Targaryen's children.
Oberyn looked away from her, as soon as Ashara spoke but while also glaring at Ser Jon, about the mention of his own sister Elia and her children, his nieces and nephew. Talking about his sister and her children were a sore and hurtful subject on the Martell's but, especially for Prince Oberyn Martell as he and Elia were so close during their childhood before, she was even betrothed and to be married off to the Silver Prince Rhaegar Targaryen.
His sweet sister and her children were innocent and, the Mad King Aerys took advantage of that, he did not have to keep them there as hostages or prisoners within the Red Keep, just because he was paranoid that the Martell's especially his uncle Prince Lewyn Martell who died during Roberts Rebellion as well he would turn against him and take away his favorite grandchild Viserra Targaryen his only one true heir when Rhaegar Targaryen had been killed at the Banks of the Trident by Robert Baratheon.
His eldest darling niece Rhaenys, was stabbed over hundred times while under the bed of her father's Rhaegar's bedchambers waiting for him to save her, while his brave nephew Aegon was ripped away from his own sister Elia as his head was smashed against a wall and was believed to be unrecognizable, and lastly sweet little Viserra, was rumored to have her throat slit open while her blood poured from her neck while laying in her cot left to die while she choked on her own blood, as Elia Martell watched defenseless and caged while being rapped and murdered, as her children were killed right in front of her.
"YOU DON'T THINK I KNOW THAT ASHARA? MY SISTER AND HER CHILDREN WERE MURDER AND LEFT TO BE KILLED AS ANIMALS WITHIN THAT DAMN KINGDOM." yelled, Oberyn to Ashara as he had thrown his cup of wine to the floor, as tears and rage within him came out of his very own eyes and heart.
Startled by the yelling and the loud bang of noise, little Viserra started whaling loud, in her cot as she could feel her uncles rage and hate being torn in two pieces at the same time. Quickly, Ashara walked to the cot and picked up Viserra slowly rocking her back and forth to keep her from crying too much. Oberyn took a glance at the babe in Ashara's arms slowly to walk towards her side to get a better view of the babe, he had thought Ashara had a still-born daughter but clearly the babe was very much alive, what other secrets were the great Lady Ashara were hiding from him.
Startled, with the princess cries, Ser Jon Connington moved forward, ready to advance at any given moment as he had his hand on the hilt of his sword, before he could do anything Ashara said, "Don't, it's okay Jon, let Oberyn come forward."
With, a nod to Lady Ashara Dayne, Ser Jon Connington, moved back but still kept his eyes on the Red Viper of Dorne. He knew he had, to let Oberyn Martell see his niece even if he is sworn to protect her from harm at all cost.
"Oberyn, I would like for you to meet someone that is very special to me that was sent from the Gods above."
"I thought you had, a still-born daughter Ashara?" question, Oberyn with a confused look. "That's just a baby."
Lady Ashara and Ser Jon, looked at Prince Oberyn Martell not before meeting each other's eyes and giving each other an understanding look. Ashara came forward with the little babe Viserra Targaryen as she carefully handed the babe to her Uncle Oberyn Martell as he looked at her with a curious look and emotion in his eyes while the Viserra made grabbing hands towards her Uncle and cooed at him.
"Oberyn, she is not just a baby or any baby really?" continued, Ashara as she looked at Ser Jon Connington, with a nod, "She is your niece, Viserra Targaryen. The daughter of Rhaegar Targaryen and your sister Elia Martell."
"H-How is she alive, she can't-"
"She is very much alive, Oberyn, you may hate me all you want but know this, I did my best to protect Elia Martell and her other children, but I could not get to them in time Lord Varys was the one to save her right before he handed the princess Viserra Targaryen to me, I was able sail away from King's Landing and bring her here to Lady Ashara Dayne." cut in but replied, Ser Jon, as he looked away from Oberyn Martell and Ashara Dayne not before looking at the Princess Viserra Targaryen who looked so much like his best friend Rhaegar Targaryen and a mix of Elia Martell as well.
"She is your niece, Oberyn, as much as you can't believe or you want denied it she is Viserra Targaryen and she will always be, but for now, in order to protect her we had to give her a new name which will be Ella Dayne. The true born daughter of the late Lady Ashara Dayne of Star-Fall and the late Brandon Stark of Winterfell."
"But when the time comes she will know her true identity." spoke, Ashara as she looked at both Oberyn Martell and Ser Jon Connington with an understanding of both men there. "Until then, we will protect her from any harm and with "fire and blood" she will take her throne back when the time comes she will ascend the Iron Throne as the true heir."
"For she is, Viserra Targaryen, second of her name, the true heir to the Iron Throne. The last living child of Prince Rhaegar Targaryen and Princess Elia Martell."
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