#and yes guillaume has been named exactly after who you think i named him after
And yet again, I managed to find, and buy one of the most demanding, attention-seeking potted plants possible.
After Baby, the medinilla magnifica that died after presumably having developed a gin addiction (I wish I were kidding), I now have acquired Anna van Bloemendaal (an obscurely punny name in two ways for those who are both historically and botanically inclined), a strelitzia who won't stand up straight in her pot. Do your research before you buy plants with very specific demands, people.
I should have known; nobody sells you a 1m tall plant for, ceramic pot included, little more than a tenner. Not even the dubious Dutch plant seller with a funny, punny name that references the word hell.
If her character turns out to be anything like the (nameless) Christmas cactus who has declared a personal war on Christmas by, without a fail, always producing flowers just in time for them to be gone again by December or Guillaume, the scrunkly nest fern who simply enjoys cranking out slightly deformed leaves that always grow in the direction of Marie, the other nest fern who's been with me for the same amount of time but already significantly taller than Guillaume, I'm sure I'm going to have a lot of fun with my latest purchase...
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"That's how it should be. Soft socialists paving the way for the *hard* working class to take over."
RENÉ ARNOUX- "Preposterous! Surely you don't mean it." He frowns. "I'm just sorry it had to be them. After eight years of fighting those commie hyenas, boiling cats for food and drinking my piss in the mountains..."
"I *would* have preferred if the right honourable King Guillaume returned to Revachol or even if that damn clown, Frissel, had risen from the grave and led us. Sadly that was not the case."
EMPATHY [Medium: Success] - This *Royal* failure weighs heavily on him.
RENÉ ARNOUX- "Instead, all that is just, holy, and beautiful in the world was wiped away and now it's neon signs with toothpaste ads everywhere. Foreign influence peddling garbage and stupid music on the radio." He sighs.
"This is just what the commies wanted. This was their plan all along. This is what they wanted to replace the rule of the Suzerain with."
"Who was this Frissel?"
"You mentioned Guillaume?"
"Hmm... what exactly is a *suzerain*?" (Conclude.)
RENÉ ARNOUX- "Damn Frissel -- he was the king we couldn't protect. The carabineers failed him... and the crown." The old veteran falls silent and massages his chest. "He died in the hands of the *hoi polloi* in a very public execution."
2. "You mentioned Guillaume?"
RENÉ ARNOUX- "A true King in both blood and mind. Led Revachol before Frissel. He would have been better, but the damn commies drove him into exile."
DRAMA [Medium: Success] - Some manner of self-deceit is present in his thinking. Sounds like this Guillaume abandoned him and he doesn't want to admit it.
3. "Hmm... what exactly is a *suzerain*?" (Conclude.)
RENÉ ARNOUX- "The Suzerain is the King. Has everyone forgotten already?" He then slowly nods and says to himself: "They've forgotten already."
EMPATHY [Medium: Success] - Soon they will forget everything. Him too… Then he chooses anger over melancholy.
RENÉ ARNOUX- "It's no use talking to you. You were still in daddy's balls when it happened. When *we* took our last stand against the filth and rode the cavalry straight into gunfire."
+5 XP
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We unlock a new check.
3. What is it about this old soldier that makes him stand so proud?
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COMPOSURE [Legendary: Failure] - All you observe is a veteran refusing to let go of the past and his old uniform. This is not uncommon.
RENÉ ARNOUX - He catches your glance and nods. "This is the uniform of the Royal Carabineers in service of Frissel the First, Guillaume *Le Lion*, and the valiant King Filippe the Fifth before him."
GASTON MARTIN - "Don't you mean Frissel the Fun?"
RENÉ ARNOUX - "*You* do not speak his name, craven! Although he was a clown…" he adds. He turns back to you. "But he was *our* clown. Ours to ridicule -- and to mourn."
COMPOSURE - There's something you missed... You will get to it, don't worry.
4. "Thank you for your time!" [Leave.]
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"Not bad, Rene, you might stand a chance this time."
The spirited chirps and clicks of swallows fills the air.
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Tyre track leading onto the roof. The slush and rain has almost washed them off.
Onto the... roof?
Well, we should probably also talk to Gaston.
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GASTON MARTIN - "I have really outdone myself..." He takes a bite out of his sandwich. "This is divine."
RENÉ ARNOUX - "Yes, that's what you need, Gaston. More padding on that fat ass of yours. I hope your heart gives out."
GASTON MARTIN - "René, tsk-tsk. It's the little pleasures. Life doesn't need to be a.... *mnjam mnjam*... a struggle."
"Hello, officer." He turns to you. "How might I be of assistance on this fine day?"
"Tell me, what do you know about the dead man?"
"Looks delicious." (Point to the sandwich.) "Can I have a bite of that?"
"Bye for now." [Leave.]
GASTON MARTIN - "Let me think…" He looks at the clouds, wistfully. "I heard someone was hanged and left on a tree for a week, but that's all I know really."
"C'mon, you must have heard something..."
"Really? You know *absolutely* nothing?"
"Shame. Maybe you can help me with something else then."
GASTON MARTIN - "No, officers, I'm sorry. And I really *would* like to assist," he adds, smiling apologetically. "You are both good guys. I can see that."
RENÉ ARNOUX - "Then help him, you wimp." Reproach fills his eyes. "You rub plenty of shoulder with the *gauche caviar* in the Union. *Someone* must know something."
GASTON MARTIN - "I wish I could, but I just don't know anything." His cheeks turn red. "I always keep my nose clean and don't gossip. Everyone knows and respects that."
DRAMA [Medium: Success]- Odd... He doesn't seem to be lying, but there's something off here.
"Sounds a bit like you're holding back."
"All right then. Change of topic."
GASTON MARTIN - "I'm *not*," he assures you. "I'm not even anyo---"
RENÉ ARNOUX - "Of course he's holding back." The carabineer crosses his arms. "His mouth is so full of Union prick he can't even speak properly."
GASTON MARTIN - "Can I at least finish my fucking sentence before you piss on it? Is that okay, René?" His eyes are furious. "I'm not anyone important in the Union. I just know Evrart."
"And who is this *Evrart* you know?"
"Are you a Union member?"
"Can you help me get inside the harbour?"
"Thanks, that's all for now." (Conclude.)
GASTON MARTIN - "Evrart *Claire*. Everyone in Martinaise knows the Claire brothers," he says solemnly. "I taught these boys human studies and history in the gymnasium."
RENÉ ARNOUX - "What do *you* know about history?" The carabineer snaps at Gaston. "You never witnessed history. Only heard about it -- years later -- when it had already moved on. You don't know history."
The old soldier mumbles something under his breath and turns to face the sea.
KIM KITSURAGI - "Let's try not to get caught in the..." The lieutenant lowers his voice: "Crossfire."
ESPRIT DE CORPS [Medium: Success] - Lest we leave riddled with bullet holes. This animosity is ancient.
2. "Are you a Union member?"
GASTON MARTIN - "Oh..." His cheeks turn red again. "In many ways, yes. Like an honorary member. I attend meetings and parties. Help with little things. Evrart, Edgar, and the older *Débardeurs* all know me."
"'In many ways?'"
"So you're not an actual member?"
"So you're not an actual member?"
GASTON MARTIN - "Not in the technical sense..." His eyes fix on the boules in the crater. "I don't have a vote or a membership card. But Evrart keeps me on the payroll. Just for the little things."
DRAMA - So that's what it was, before! Him hiding something. He tries to make it look like he's a big deal in the Union and now the illusion is disintegrating before your -- and René's -- eyes.
+5 XP
RENÉ ARNOUX - "Of course he's not a member! He's not a member of anything. I knew that." He frowns. "He's a weathervane -- turns to where the wind blows and tries to look important."
"I hate the socialist rabble," he continues, "but even siding with them is better than living your entire life on the fence, never committing to anything. Pick a damn side already!"
3. "What are the 'little things' you do for Evrart?"
GASTON MARTIN - "Writing work mostly," he smiles. "Occasionally he needs something written and I happen to have a way with words, people say."
"What kind of things do you write for him?"
GASTON MARTIN - "Oh, nothing official, I assure you. Just essays for the newspapers. About Martinaise and how things are and how they *could* be. Evrart and I have these long talks where..."
RENÉ ARNOUX - "Where he tells his little *penman* exactly what to say! It's commie propaganda, plain and simple. You should be ashamed of yourself."
4. "Thanks, that's all for now." (Conclude.)
Finding out Gaston's not a Union member means that we know there's no chance he can get us into the harbour, I guess.
GASTON MARTIN - "Thank you officer," he nods, smiling wide. "For being a consummate professional. You'll have this case wrapped up in no time."
2. "Looks delicious." (Point to the sandwich.) "Can I have a bite of that?"
GASTON MARTIN - "I'm sorry, officer, but I really don't share food," he says and quickly adds: "Nothing personal, it's just a principle."
RENÉ ARNOUX - "The only one you have."
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thearrangment-phff · 5 years
June 2019
The timing of the infamous Trump state visit had meant that Isabella stayed home on maternity leave. It caused a bit of an uproar in the press that the wife of a senior royal had not participated in the state visit. Her past political comments had resurfaced until various people had to lie to the world and say that the very true statements were false. Even prestigious Yale professors had to lie about Isabella’s papers and her thesis was switched with another girl’s, who had written about the rise of technology in people’s lives.
“I feel as if I’m living a lie,” commented Isabella.
“You aren’t. But you can’t be political and those people lied to protect all of us.”
“What would’ve happened if those professors didn’t agree to lie? What would have happened if that poor girl didn’t agree to switch papers?” asked Isabella.
“Since everything worked out, who knows, and frankly we shouldn’t be dwelling,” replied Harry.  
“How can I not dwell?”  
Harry saw the sadness in his wife’s eyes, “We can talk about this later.”
While Isabella had gone to Luxembourg, Harry stayed in London for Trooping the Colour. Isabella along with her uncle and aunt The Grand Duke and Duchess of Luxembourg; her mother Archduchess Marie-Astrid; aunt and uncle Prince Nikolaus and Princess Margaretha of Liechtenstein; uncle Prince Jean; and siblings Archduke Alexander, Archduchesses Marie-Christine and Gabriella; and sister-in-law Archduchess Adelaide had attended a service to end the period of mourning for Grand Duke Jean of Luxembourg.
For various reasons, not every family member could make it to the service. Isabella, Charlie, and Bertie’s absence in London was well known not only within the public but also the royal family. The people of the world were robbed of Charlie and Bertie’s first balcony experience.
“Harry, when are Isabella and the children coming back again?”
Harry looked behind to find his father talking with some of his grandmother’s cousins, the Kent’s. He walked over towards them finding some difficulty with a large number of people in his way, “Charlie, Bertie, and Mary-Astrid are coming back tomorrow but Isabella has to fly to France soon after. The chateau’s 500-year anniversary is going up and she is finalizing all the details on the event.”
“Your father says you will be going to France a lot of the next couple of weeks,” mentioned Princess Michael of Kent.
“Yes. Isabella has some business with her properties and we are spending some time with her family again,” replied Harry.
“Habsburgs or Bourbons?”
“Well with Isabella’s family it’s both, isn’t it?” joked Princess Michael. Harry had ignored Princess Michael’s comment.
“We hope to see your children soon. Every year it seems that it family grows larger,” smiled Prince Michael.
“Not compared to Isabella’s family. Two weddings and two pregnancies is a slow year for them.”
“Of course it is. They always had large families because they understood the importance of alliances. They don’t revolve around history, history revolves around them, it always has.”
“Perhaps you should introduce Harry to your cousin. She could teach him a little bit of what it means to marry into their family,” suggested Princess Michael.
“I don’t think Harry would be interested,” waved off Prince Michael.
“Well actually, I might. It’s been 2 years since I married Isabella and I still feel I am looking at the tip of an iceberg when it comes to knowing anything about her family.”
“My family has served them for centuries, I don’t think anyone who isn’t born into their family can truly understand them.”
“There’s no need to depress the young man Marie. I’ll put you in contact with Helene.”
Harry nodded as Prince and Princess Michael of Kent walked away and Charles had given Harry a small hug, “Here I thought Isabella would struggle to fit in with the family.”
“Isabella doesn’t have a problem fitting in anywhere,” interrupted Harry.
“It’s been 2 years Harry. You two have changed and not necessarily have fallen in love from what I’ve seen but definitely learned to care for each other. She has given me three grandchildren who I love with all my heart. I hope you understand your blessings.”
“I don’t take her for granted. Because of her I have two sons, a daughter, and a life I never would have imagined,” replied Harry.
The 500 anniversary of the Château de Chambord had brought together Bourbon and Habsburg royals unlike ever before. Children ran around in the gardens and champagne bottles were being emptied at a fast rate by Isabella’s relations that jokes were being passed around. While she had little to do with the actual planning of the anniversary, Isabella had named her uncle Henri Honorary President of the celebrations.
Isabella had given an interview, but many were disappointed to find she simply talked about the Château. There were mentions of the twins which please only a small number of people. The public had wanted more since both Harry and Isabella had kept them out of public view. The pictures to celebrate Charlie and Bertie’s first birthday was a very unexpected surprise. Even the simple photos of the birth of Mary-Astrid had been unexpected. 
Once the celebrations were over, Isabella’s maternal cousins were called into one of the larger rooms in the Château. There was secrecy as Isabella led them up to the stairs into a private room, away from workers and guests. She had immediately noticed the lack of cousins who walked away from the group. Isabella simply couldn’t start without them, so she waited patiently.
“Belle are you going to explain why we are all in here?” asked Marie Astrid of Liechtenstein.
“Almost. Where are Felix and Louis?”
“I think they went to find a drink. But that was almost an hour ago,” answered Alexandra of Luxembourg.
The doors opened finding Felix and Louis red in the face, “Sorry we got lost and have been up and down stairs,” apologized Felix.
“We couldn’t have met on the first floor?” asked Louis.
“Maybe if you didn’t walk away from the group you would know where we were,” argued Isabella.
“Alright get on with it then!” yelled Alexander.
“Fine! I have two plans. The first is I want to talk with Marie-Esmeralda about making a documentary for the 100th anniversary of grandpapa’s birth.”
“Wait, what?!”
“Are you serious?”
“Belle you can’t be serious.”
Isabella got the wrong impression from the mumbles until finally, she heard the opposite agreement from her various cousins.
“I love it.”
“I think it’s a good idea.”
“Okay so should we take a show of hands?” asked Josef-Emanuel.
“I don’t think that’s necessary,” replied Marie-Christine.
“So we do the documentary?” asked Isabella.
“I think it’s a lovely idea, Belle,” smiled Alexandra.
“Thank you. So I’ll reach out to Marie-Esmeralda?” asked Isabella getting mostly nods from the room.
“Are we going to be speaking English?” asked Guillaume.
“I don’t think so. I didn’t plan on it,” answered Isabella.
“I really don’t like speaking English,” said Gabriella.
“Not all of us are good at speaking English Belle,” spoke Marie-Astrid of Liechtenstein.
“I understand that. I’ll speak to Marie-Esmeralda to put captions so you can speak whatever language you want and the masses can still understand.”
“What are we going to do exactly just talk about him?”
“Yes. We’ll talk about his life and bring in family and friends to talk about him and his accomplishments. That sort of thing.”
“Okay so then what’s the second thing?” asked Maria Anunciata.
“Well... I sort of always wanted to create a charity together. A charity that caters to refugees like those from Yemon or Central America.”
“Belle that is controversial,” said Alexandra.
“I understand that but these are the people who need the most help. Well, everyone needs help but I feel passionate about this. Please you have to understand-” explained Isabella.
“I’m in,” interrupted Alexander, needing not to hear another word from his younger sister.
“Wait a minute,” replied Marie-Christine.
Alexander stood us addressing the room, ready as ever to defend his little sister against any opposition, “Oh come on! We all know Belle. We all knew her when she was in uni in the states and how passionate she was.. is actually. If there is anyone we should follow it should be her.”
The room had mixed feelings. While they understood how Isabella was before Harry she was now a changed woman. She was a member of the British Royal Family and the spark that Isabella had in her youth had gone out the moment Harry was introduced to the family through the act of marriage.
It was not a secret that Isabella had her issues and they were more erratic now than they have ever been. All of her cousins looked at each other, some with worried faces, others with stern faces knowing they would support Isabella in this newest project.
Isabella sensed the tension, “All my life I have wanted to help people. I wanted to right the wrong our family has done. I want to help people and that’s why I want to do this, especially now. This isn’t about nationality or religion it’s simply about the people, it always has been.”
Once again everyone looked around the room and some nodded at each other. Finally, Louis of Luxembourg had stood up, “I think we are all in agreement now. We’ll work on this, together... as a family... like we always have.”
Isabella gave the biggest smile. Since her marriage, this would be her biggest project that she would gladly put her life into, “In all honesty, these past couple of years I have lost track of who I truly am. This is a foot in the right direction.”
“This could bring us close together again,” smiled Maria-Anunciata.
“Or tear us apart,” said Constantin earning himself a couple of light hits from surrounding siblings and cousins, “Would people just stop hitting me!? I’m getting tired of it.”
“And I think we are all tired of hearing you speak sometimes Constantin,” joked Marie-Gabrielle.
“So I’ll get in contact with Marie-Esmeralda and I’ll have my private secretary draw up some things to get this charity rolling, oh this is going to be amazing!” smiled Isabella.
“So this documentary is going to be made over the next two years?” asked Wenceslaus.
“Well I think we’ll need some time to get everything set up. Maybe next year we’ll be doing interviews. I think it would be lovely to release this piece to grandpapa on the day of his birth,” answered Isabella.
“You are truly wonderful Belle.”
“Thank you. With every year our own little families get bigger or someone gets married, I thought this would bring us all back together. Just like the old times, and with this joint charity we get to help people. I’ve missed seeing smiles on people’s face like that.”
Harry looked at Isabella and in that exact moment found a woman he had rarely seen. While she never faced away from her royal duty her heart wasn’t in it some days. Harry pieced together in his head the reason why Isabella sometimes didn’t care. It was because Isabella wasn’t doing what she loved. She had shown up, shook hands, and gotten flowers from people but those engagements weren’t what her heart was into.
Going to Columbia and New Zealand, that was when Isabella felt something. Isabella’s heart was into helping immigrants and refugees and because of the political backlash, she was forbidden to put her heart into something like that. But with this new project with her cousins, she could simply saw this her name wasn’t technically apart of it, therefore, she could not be held to the notion of violating the royal family’s rule of no political interference. It was a smart job on Isabella’s part.
“So I’m guessing we will be meeting in London a lot?” asked Felix.
“No. I was thinking any meeting would be done in Geneva or Chambord. Mutal meeting ground” answered Isabella.
Per family tradition, Isabella and Harry had to wrangle three children to France to spend time with Isabella’s family in Cabasson. The family had grown large over the last couple of months including new babies and new people by marriage.
In the midst of all the chaos of several dozen people on a beach, Prince Wenceslas of Nassau, Isabella’s cousin, had announced his engagement to Countess Marie-Gabrielle von und zu Acro-Zinneberg. Countess Marie-Gabrielle von und zu Acro-Zinneberg was the granddaughter of Robert, Archduke of Austria-Este and a first cousin to Luisa Maria, Amedeo, and Joachim of Belgium. Her sister Olympia also recently gotten engaged to Jean-Christophe, Prince Napoleon. The surprise engagement had confused the family since Wenceslas had already been in a relationship with another woman.
But Isabella and Harry had understood Wenceslas more than anyone else. The fast engagement and little attention to the relationship was more than enough for Harry and Isabella to pull him aside. The moment they were out of public view the act Wenceslas was putting up had stopped.
“How are you?” asked Isabella.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” asked Wenceslas.
“I was sworn to secrecy,” answered Isabella with a hurt look. She never wanted to lie to her family but it needed to be done.
“Why did you agree to this?”
Harry stepped away knowing this was a conversation between cousins. Isabella grabbed her cousins' hands, “Because I understood the significance of a marriage between the Houses of Windsor and Habsburg.”
“I agreed to marry her because I thought it was the best thing. They explained to me what was supposed to happen. I thought if it wasn’t me then she would just marry someone else, someone horrible,” explained Wenceslas.
“So you thought she needed saving?” asked Harry.
“Not saving but I think I’m a good person. I think she’s a good person so why not just agree to their demands. We could learn to love each other.”
Isabella left out this horrid sound and the two men looked at her in confusion. It hurt Isabella to know those she loved were marrying for a title or for a dynastic marriage than marrying for love. She had come to terms with how Harry and she got together. They had grown to love each other, they had three beautiful children, and there were rough days but they got through them.
“Look, Wenceslas, trust me I understand where you are coming from and I understand the secrecy but entering this arrangement means it could go two ways. The first, you truly do fall in love and have a happy and long marriage, the second is you two hate each other. You have one or a couple of children then just divorce and can you honestly see another divorce will hurt this family. After what happened with Louis and Tessy-”  
“Marie-Gabrielle is not Tessy,” interrupted Wenceslas.
“Belle! Why are you keeping Wenceslas to yourself!?”
Within seconds Wenceslas walked away to avoid talking with his younger cousin. Isabella left out a huff and rolled her eyes, “What were you expecting from that?” asked Harry.
“I don’t know.”
“You’re sort of being a hypocrite in this situation,” added Harry.
“I am not!”
“You are. You did exactly what they are doing, so I don’t know why are getting upset about this. We’re happy.”
“Yes we are happy but what if their relationship turns out to be hell,” argued Isabella.
“We could have ended up that way but we didn’t and maybe they won’t either. You know Wenceslas and you know Marie Gabrielle to a certain extent, do you honestly believe they could hate each other?”
“They could learn, but you’re right. It’s just ever since Olga’s miscarriage and her unhappy marriage, I worry. You should hear what is happening to her daughter. That poor little girl is in a custody battle between her parents.”
“I didn’t know that,” mumbled Harry.
“Olga wants to move to Switzerland and take her daughter with her. George refuses to have his daughter in another country away from him. I recently heard that now the grandparents of that poor innocent girl are now fighting for custody. Olga parents want to take her to Texas in the states and George’s mother wants to take her to Spain.”
“I didn’t know that,” repeated Harry.
“Very few know. Olga happens to call me every once in a while and vent on the situation. George should have never married her. He wanted a royal wife, he just should have chosen someone else,” argued Isabella.
“We had some choice in our arrangement. I’m sure they did too so I wouldn’t worry too much,” replied Harry.
“Well, I understand that, but sometimes I can’t help it. Look at their marriage and look at ours. Such a difference but we are examples of what could happen when entering an arrangement.”
“You’re getting emotional. We should head to bed. We’ll stop by the children’s room so you can get a look at them before we go to bed, it will be good for you to see them after a day like this.”
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knittastically · 6 years
A Lioness Amongst the Wolves Pt 9
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As always thank you for reading, I love to read your comments and if you could reblog that would be fantastic.
Part 1  Part 2   Part 3  Part 4  Part 5   Part 6 Part 7  Part 8
The Chateau resembles nothing so much as a Barracks. For too long it has been the domain of hard bitten soldiers who are used to the privations of life and who give little thought to comfort and even cleanliness to some degree. The grubby, grimy Hall reminds me of a faintly malodorous kennel. For long enough there has been no women living here with a high enough status to bring about any great change.
That will soon be remedied and as I sit at table, I cast my eyes along the dusty walls and up into the gloomy heights of the roof space, where the beams are adorned with dust and dangling cobwebs. The wall above the large fireplace is greasy and smoke blackened also every inch of the floor will need to be scrubbed. I know what needs to be done, we will start high and work down to the flagstones, not an easy task for this is a space almost a 100 feet long and half that in height and width. All of that dust and grime must be removed for I will not have my wedding feast in a hovel.
Eleanor is not present at the evening meal and I am glad of it. At the Baron’s request I am seated between him and Raymond whilst Geoffroy seated to Raymond’s right and so is not too near me thank God.
“Monseigneur Baron, I have a favour to ask of you, it concerns the preparations for my wedding” 
“But of course Isabé, how could I refuse my future daughter-in-law?” He smiles indulgently “Though I am sure that Fournier has everything in hand with regard to the guests, the food and anything else, he is nothing if not thorough”
“Oh, of course I am sure he has and I mean no slight against him. I will speak with him tomorrow but this is a particular request and concerns the cleaning of this hall, you must surely admit that it is unkempt even a little squalid”  
Baron de Merville takes no offence and laughs. “Isabé my dear” he takes hold of my right hand and presses a kiss to the back of it. “How can I refuse your pretty face and your smile hein? “Do whatever you need to do, if it makes you happy then I am content” If I am stunned at his easy response, Raymond is even more so and chokes back a laugh.
“Father, to give Isabé free reign may not be wise, I believe you have handed her the very stick with which she will beat you”
I scowl at him and earn a smirk in reply.
The Baron shrugs. “It is of no matter Raymond and I would have my daughter-in-law happy in her new home, what say you Raymond?” 
For certain there is some challenge being laid down here, cold blue eyes stare into cold blue eyes. Surprisingly Raymond is first to look away and the matter is closed.
Every look and smile from Raymond makes my face burn. His very nearness reminds me of how he made me feel only a little while ago. But he is courteous, attentive and makes sure I have everything I need, when he talks with me his voice is low and soft. Listening to him speak to his father and his friends I realise that he is much more than just a soldier. Oh yes Raymond is an educated man, he has an appreciation of fine things, a love of words, a quick mind, it seems I am forever learning something new and surprising about this man.
As is usual after the evening meal, everyone moves from their place at table to join with their friends in the body of the hall. Here they pass the time with in conversation, laughing and joking, sometimes gaming or making music. Or perhaps hey discuss the business and the politics of the day, only the men of course, for we women are not considered intelligent enough to understand the machinations of the world, if only they knew just how little escapes us.
Raymond stands together with his father and Geoffroy Maçon. Though they converse with lowered voices their conversation seems intense and Raymond’s jaw is set firm as he listens to Geoffroy. Mathieu Descoteaux and Guillaume stand close by and from time to time exchange worried glances with each other. Slowly I try to move closer, but the few women of any status who reside here are hovering around me vying for my favour and approval. All that is, except for Ghislane and Jehanne who, when I glance at them are busy with their own conversation damn them, just when I need to be rescued from this onslaught of sycophancy, chit chat and feminine idiocy.
Finally I do manage to move close enough to overhear some of what Raymond is saying, his voice is brusque and he speaks rapidly. I’m sure they think I can neither hear nor understand what they are discussing but I was raised in the house of a soldier and know how to listen carefully. Raymond uses the words contract, mission and assassin, he talks of preparations and secrecy, Geoffroy reassures him all will be well, that the King will reward him handsomely and the Baron hisses that he would rather his son comes home alive. I try to make no sign that I have heard the exchange but the words fill me with dread and I shudder as if someone has walked over my grave. 
I am aware that the chatter around the hall  is dying away and I look over my shoulder to see that Eleanor has entered through the main door. That must mean that she has been given quarters in either the North East or the South East tower, well away from Raymond’s chambers.
As she moves further into the hall with a slow and stately tread, I see she is wearing the same midnight blue gown as before but her veil is finer and the circlet securing it to her head is a delicate, narrow band of gold. Around her waist a leather girdle, I can only assume the buckle and tip are also gold and it is decorated all along with mounts in the shape of flowers, each one with a pearl at its centre. No whore she, but a woman of status, Raymond has kept her in fine style and in spite of myself I can’t help but admire her bravado. Ahh she knows her worth.
Silence follows in her wake as she walks farther into the hall, I half expect folks to bow as she passes, such is her air of dignity. The fingers of her right hand curl lightly into the fabric of her gown, lifting it just clear of the floor and her left hand? Well those fingers are clasped around the hand of a child, a little girl with the creamy complexion of her mother and the same dark hair as both her sire and her dam. She skips alongside with a sweet smile on her face, which makes her cheeks puff out and they glow like blushed peaches. The cornflower blue of her dress mirrors the colour of her eyes, which in turn exactly match the blue of Raymond’s.
Nicolette is unmistakeably their child, an acorn who did not fall far from the tree. Suddenly she breaks from her Mother and runs towards Raymond as fast as her little legs will allow. “Papa, Papaaaa!” she flings herself at him and in one move he scoops her up in his arms and swings her around, not caring that those standing close by need to step back out of the way as they laugh together. “Ah I knew my day had been too quiet you little hoyden, what mischief have you been up to? That, it seems is not for the telling, she smiles coyly at him and loudly proclaims. *“Je t'aime père, et tu es si beau”1 The laugh from Raymond is loud and joyous. “One day you little baggage you will twist some unsuspecting man around your fingers and I know for certain who will wear the britches in your household!” then more quietly he adds. *“Je t'aime aussi mon petit moineau”2
Nicolette twines her arms around his neck and I catch the look on his face as they laugh together, a wide smile that lights his face, reaches to his eyes and she giggles as he kisses the tip of her pert little nose. He is smitten, he adores her and rather than set her down he settles her on his right hip, not the usual behaviour of a stern Father but I am slowly beginning to realise that Raymond is not the usual kind of man. Nicolette tucks herself into him and rests her head against his shoulder, I suspect she has this old soldier well and truly in the palm of hr hand.
Watching intently as Eleanor approaches I am aware of the glances shifting from her, to me and back again.  Halting  a mere pace away from Raymond, she bows her head low and drops the deepest, most elegant curtsey I have ever seen before tilting her face upwards to look at him.
“Sieur Raymond, I have a request that I hope you will consider favourably” Eleanor keeps her tone measured and calm, but I notice that some of the warmth has left Raymond’s eyes.
“Then ask it and you shall have your answer one way or the other”
She hesitates at his tone and a momentary flash of panic flits across her face, but she holds firm.
“Raymond I have come to ask that you give Nicolette your name, that you formally accept her and acknowledge her as a de Merville.” Silence, absolute silence. I see Nicolette wriggle and before Raymond can answer Eleanor, a little voice pipes up.
“Papa, why did you not come to see me today?”
That indulgent smile comes back. “You know I cannot always come to see you Nicolette my sweet” “Will you come tomorrow?” “I cannot little bird, tomorrow I must go to see the King and will be gone for some days”
Her face crumples into a pout, but at a kiss on her cheek from her beloved papa and she smiles settling against him once more as he turns his attention back to his Mistress.
“After 5 years why do you chose this moment to ask this of me Eleanor, have I ever denied that I am Nicolette’s Father and why chose to do it here rather than quietly in private? Nicolette wriggles and he sets her down but she will not leave his side and clings to him with her chubby fingers clutching at the fabric of his tabard.  Raymond looks down at her, smiling as he gently strokes his large hand over her hair.
A slight flush of anger settles on Eleanor’s face and she rises from her curtsey hazel eyes lock onto blue. “True, you have never denied her as your daughter Raymond, though neither have you taken great pains to admit to it” she hisses softly. “As for the other, It may as well be here as anywhere else and whatever your answer I shall have witnesses.” 
The tension between them can be sliced with a knife. Quietly I move across to Raymond’s side, curling my fingers around the balled fist that is his left hand I gradually work my fingers between his, he begins to relax.
Eleanor stands tall, proud and strikingly beautiful in her dark gown, whereas with my silver hair and dressed in pale grey, no matter that both the cloth and the cut are of the finest, I feel like a plain little colley dove compared to her.
“Raymond,” I smile up at him. “Agree to this, you know it can only be for the good” “Isabé, this is not your concern.” His voice is level and cool. “I am making it my concern” My own voice is clipped “Have you not already lectured me on the subject of Mothers protecting their children?” He closes his eyes for a moment and when he opens them again he answers Eleanor in a firm voice that carries around the hall.
“I agree, let all here know that I accept and confirm Nicolette as my daughter. When I return from Paris it will be done according to law but from this moment she will be Nicolette de Merville and is to be acknowledged as such. Are you content Eleanor?” The angles and planes of his face are like stone.
She steps forward places her hands against his cheeks and draws him into a kiss, a deep, hungry, passionate kiss pressing her body firmly against him. Then my world is shattered, as Raymond frees his hand from mine and cups it around the back of her head as he holds her in a tight embrace returning her kiss with equal fervour and desire and there they stand Mother, Father and child. I turn on my heel fixing a tight little smile on my face and with a steady pace head towards the great door. Ghislane and Jehanne are rigid with shock, the other ladies twitter and prattle amongst themselves. As I reach the steps to the courtyard I begin to run and head straight for the stables. One of the boys scrambles to his feet as I enter.
“I need Athène, don’t bother with her saddle”
“But Mams’elle are you sure?”
“I’m sure, I was taught to ride by a soldier, a bridle will suffice so long as you hitch me up” In no time I am on her back and racing towards the gates, yelling at the guards to open them but they are slow and I have to reign up sharply. “It is urgent, let me pass.” 
“It is well past curfew Mam’selle we cannot open the gates”
“For God’s sake shift your arses and let me pass.”
“Now, Now, there’s no need for that my pretty, what’s the rush, off to see your young man eh?” One of the younger guards’ sidles up to me a smirk on his lips.
“My name is Isabé Pelletier, soon to be wife of Sieur Raymond.”  
“Not so likely now though, the bastard”
The guard looks again.
“Sweet Christ, so it is, beg pardon Mam’selle.” “Open the gates lads and let the Mam’selle through”
They slide back the bar, swing back the heavy gates and as soon as the gap is wide enough for me to pass through without smashing my knees against the solid wood, I touch my heels to the mare and she springs forward clattering across the bridge over the moat. Already I hear Raymond yelling for them to stop me. Too late, I am away, riding without a saddle is no hardship for me.
Although it is late evening, there is still enough light to see, for it is no darker than dusk. At this time of the year the sun barely goes down before it is rises again and the night sky never grows truly black. I ride hard and fast not caring about the direction and for the second time that day I lose my veil and my hair streams out behind me. Tears do not come for I am too angry even to cry and I feel as if my heart will explode in my chest, all I want is to be away from here so I kick on down the track towards the river keeping the wood to my right hand side. As I ride I call Raymond all the foul names I can bring to mind and I sing them over in my head in rhythm with the horses gait. Bastard, arsehole, whoreson. Perhaps one day I shall have to control my “Sailor’s” mouth but not today, and I ride on towards the Seine.
                                      “This is the last kiss, the last embrace you shall ever have from me Eleanor” Raymond whispers, “It seals our bargain do you understand me?” Eleanor nods, she dare not challenge him when he has that cold look in his eyes. “Live quietly Eleanor, you will want for nothing and if you should wish to marry then you shall have my blessing and a good dowry, this is the way it must be from now on.”
“Isabe” Raymond turns but she is not there “Where did she go?” he growls at Descoteaux 
“Towards the courtyard Sieur” and Raymond is on his way.
“Isabe” he yells out her name as he reaches the steps. “Fuck. Raymond you are an idiot, a damned fool” 
The stable boy steps out “Sieur, Mam’selle Isabé has already left” Ignoring him, Raymond strides into the stables and selects Diable. He will be best, fast over shorter distances and sure footed over any terrain. He has the bridle on and is leading the huge beast out of the stalls by the time the boy returns with the saddle.
“No need for that” Raymond vaults up then crouches low over the horse’s neck as he rides out of the stable. This time there is no hesitation from the guards and they pull open the gates as he approaches. Once over the moat, he slowly reins the horse around in a full circle scanning the land through narrowed eyes. “Sieur Raymond,” A voice rings out and he looks back to the gates. “Mam’selle looked to be riding towards the river” Raymond raises his hand in acknowledgement and with a slap of the reins to Diable the stallion springs forward and they hurtle down the road enveloped in a cloud of dust. Suddenly he catches sight of something pale and crumpled on the ground. Dismounting he reaches to retrieve it from the dusty road. A veil, Isabé’s no doubt, he breathes in the faint scent of roses which marks it as hers. Carefully he folds the cloth and tucks it inside his undershirt, where it warms against his skin.
“Christ I am behaving like some greensick boy” he laughs at himself but had he listened carefully he would have heard the ice around his heart start to shatter and slide away.
The riverside is not a sensible place to be for a woman on her own at this time of night, I have no desire to be mistaken for whore not even a high class one, and the  girls themselves would no doubt take great exception to a new face on their territory. I slow Athène to a walk, rein her up and slide from her back realising my mistake as soon as my feet hit the floor. As elegant as they are, my thin soled house shoes made of soft blue leather would not last the walk back to the Chateau, and walk I must for unless I find a mounting block of sorts then my skirts will hamper me getting back onto the horse.
“Shit, this is your fault Raymond de Merville. Fuck you, damn you to Hell, I hope the King does not let you come back, I hope he makes you marry a disease ridden half-wit with pock marks and missing teeth. I hope you rot in Paris.”
Athène shakes her head, glances sidewise and snickers at the crazed woman yelling at the sky, before resuming her cropping of the sweet grass. So I settle myself on the bank at the side of the road, draw my knees up to my chest and rest my chin on them as I consider my choices, needless to say they are few. The River Seine is to my right now, in front of me the town and the Cathédral and to my left the road back up to the Chateau and if I am honest with myself that is my only option.
Before I have chance to decide, the last person on earth I want to see is heading towards me at speed and there is nowhere I can hide. He reins the horse in beside me and dismounts on the wrong side.
“Isabé,” He stands only inches away from me his arms loose at his sides an expression of self-reproach fixed on his face. “Isabé ride back with me” Raymond reaches forward to take my hands but I snatch them back out of his reach.
“Oh you have such gall Sieur Raymond, such arrogance” I feel my anger growing and burning. “I’d sooner ride back with the Devil and his host than ride back with you, the company would be more to my liking”
“I’m not sure the Devil would share your view on that Isabé, he might find you too spirited for his taste” The smirk on his face provokes me into delivering a hard wallop across his cheek. His head jerks sideways a little but he makes no move towards me, simply closes his eyes for a moment before he speaks.
“You should have stayed Isabé, if you had, you would know that I have put Eleanor aside”
“Mother of God that is not what I expected to hear”
“Indeed, so am I to understand that putting a Mistress aside requires you to embrace her and kiss the breath from her lungs?
He does not seek to defend himself further but reaches out to tuck a long strand of hair behind my ear, then trails his fingers slowly down my neck before he lets them rest lightly on my shoulder, I turn away from him but he steps closer behind me.
“I ask again, ride back with me Isabé.” Raymonds voice is lower now and I cannot ignore its effect on me.
Strong fingers brush against the back of my neck as he pushes my hair aside his warm mouth presses gently against the skin below my ear, followed by the smallest nip of his strong sharp teeth. I can’t help but shudder and a contented purr slips from my lips. There is nowhere else I can go, I am caught wedged between him and Athène.
“Help me up.” Gathering the reins up I place my left hand on her withers, my right on her back and bend my right leg back for him to grasp.
“I asked you to ride with me, not beside me Isabé” his right arm clamps tighter around my waist, his words are still soft, his breath still warm and he gives anther nip, harder this time to the shell of my ear. I hitch my breath again and he chuckles at my response.
I nod briefly, he shifts his horse round then lifts me up, hands me Athénes reins and vaults up behind me. The journey home is slower. Raymond settles his left arm around me and holds the reins in his right. Our bodies sway in unison with the movement of the horse, my back against his chest, the insides of his thighs pressed against the outside of mine.
“Damn, I lost my veil riding out here, have you not seen it Raymond?”
He evades the question and changes tack.
“Your pale hair is a glory to behold Isabé but your brows are dark, how so” 
I pull a face and shake my head. “It has always been I have no idea why, it’s just the way it is.”
Raymond pulls me tighter  flattening my back against him, without my noticing he switches the reins into his left hand but I certainly notice now, as he strokes the  long, strong fingers of his right hand along the inside of my thigh and I shiver, and shiver again as he kisses my ear and nips at the lobe then whispers in a low purr, which is most definitely not the purr of a contented house cat. “Tell me Isabé, shall I be surprised If I find that your hair is also dark elsewhere hein?” The undisguised desire in his voice melts my bones, I feel my face start to burn and beneath my gown the flesh of my thigh is on fire from his touch, I gasp,  my words barely make it out of my mouth as I try to keep my voice as level as possible.
“That, depends upon your definition of the word surprise, But you will find out soon enough Sieur Raymond” 
“That will be my pleasure Isabé and yours too I hope.”
I don’t answer but he does not lift his hand from my thigh as we ride back in a sweet and contented silence.
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thaegeiro · 6 years
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ok, this is probably gonna be a complicated, rambling mess of a post, but i wanted to talk a bit about why i don’t necessarily ascribe to the whole idea of ‘frankenstein was the true monster of the story’ / ‘knowledge is knowing frankenstein wasn’t the monster, wisdom is knowing he was the monster’ / any variation of that.
now, let me preface this shit by saying i absolutely don’t think frankenstein is perfect. not by any means. he’s arrogant, he’s cowardly, he’s selfish, he’s cruel, he’s objectifying, he’s impulsive, he’s overly emotional, he has a dozen different flaws i could name. i am not at all excusing his actions or claiming he’s a perfect person. 
but i don’t... really think he’s a monster, let alone the ‘true monster’ of the story. this may purely be a personal opinion, but for me, the power of the novel is that both frankenstein and the being are very, very human, and you can see why they took all the horrible actions they did. and for frankenstein, a lot of his shitty actions come down to just basic fucking fear. does that make them excusable? absolutely not. but it does mean we can see where he’s coming from, i think. most of the time, the shitty things he does aren’t malicious, and even when they are, he sure as hell has some good reasons for being angry. 
let’s start with the first big misstep: abandoning the being. yes, that was unbelievably shitty, especially from the being’s perspective — all he knows is that frankenstein created him and then tossed him aside like trash, and his anger is very justifiable. but from frankenstein’s perspective, he panicked after a horrible, badly-thought-out decision and ran away. should he have done that? no. but he was panicking. he woke up to see a fucking eight foot tall horrific monstrosity made out of rotting corpses grinning at him and reaching for him in his bed, and yeah, he got himself into that situation, but it’s not exactly hard to see why he might panic and run the fuck out of his apartment. i’d probably do that shit, too. and then, when he came back the next day, he fell so ill that he was bedridden for over a year. trekking out to find the monster he created wasn’t exactly high on the list of priorities. 
the interpretation of that part, i think, comes totally down to perspective. from the being’s side, yeah, it’s unbelievably shitty and inexcusable: his creator made him, ditched him, did nothing to search for him, and seemingly just cast him aside entirely. but from frankenstein’s perspective, none of that is as malicious or monstrous as the being wants to have us believe. he didn’t have the conscious thought of abandoning the being — he fled in an absolute panic, and when he returned, yes, his delirious first thoughts were being glad that the being was gone, but immediately afterwards, he fell so ill that searching the being out was an impossibility. the actions were shitty and impulsive, but again, not malicious. 
then we get to his first meeting with the being, after guillaume’s death. mind you, he has no idea at this point what the being has been up to — he only knows (or suspects) that this creature has killed his younger brother, and that’s a pretty good reason to be a little pissed. he treats the being like shit when they meet, certainly, but again, all he has in his head is ‘this thing killed my baby brother.’ and yeah, he’s horrified when the being first demands a second creature and he at first attempts to refuse, but when he finally consents, why does he do it? 
“I compassionated him and sometimes felt a wish to console him... I thought that as I could not sympathise with him, I had no right to withhold from him the small portion of happiness which was yet in my power to bestow. [...] I concluded that the justice due both to him and my fellow creatures demanded of me that I should comply with his request.”
he gets that he’s been cruel. he gets that he’s been unfair. as selfish and arrogant as he is, he gets that he does owe the being at least some compassion, even if he despises him now and finds him disgusting. 
so why does he go back on it. why does he refuse to make the second creature after promising to do it? again, out of fear, not largely out of malice. perhaps there’s some malice there, in wanting to get back at the creature who killed his brother, but most of his thoughts are rooted in basic terror — and not unfounded terror, either. now, some of his fears are a bit ridiculous, like his fear that the being and the female will procreate (you’re making her, victor, you can literally just not put in a uterus, it’s not that difficult), but a lot of them are well-founded. and you know what? to be totally honest, the way he thinks about the female is a damn sight better than the way the being thinks about her. i’m not trying to objectively demonise the being, either, since i understand his reasons for acting the way he does, but the way he thinks / talks about the female is atrocious. he takes it for granted that another creature like him will automatically want to spend her life with him — frankenstein is the one that pauses to think, ‘hey, wait a minute, this woman i’m making hasn’t consented to that. she hasn’t promised anything. she’s gonna have her own thoughts and feelings and she might actually not want to be with him, so what happens if she rejects him and he gets angry over that?’ it’s a prospect that never crosses the being’s mind, but it crosses frankenstein’s, and that fear makes a hell of a lot of sense. the being has already shown that he doesn’t handle rejection (not just romantic, but familial and platonic) very well, so frankenstein has every reason to be concerned that he might lash out if this second creature — surprise, surprise — might not actually like the being. the being is thinking of her as some abstract object to which he’s entitled; frankenstein’s fears, for the most part, are based on his acknowledgment that she isn’t what the being wants her to be. she’ll be a rational, thinking creature, just like the being is, and he might actually make things a thousand times worse by bringing her into the world. 
so he destroys her before he brings her to life. and again, it’s a matter of perspective. from the being’s perspective, this is horrific. he’s spent his whole life getting rejected, abused, and mistreated, and when he asks for one thing from his creator, the one person who’s supposed to owe him something in this world, that creator goes back on his word. he has every right to be furious. it certainly doesn’t justify the actions he takes as revenge, but his anger itself is justified. but from frankenstein’s perspective, what he did makes absolute sense. he was scared, and he had every right to be. 
that ended way longer than i meant it to be, but i’ve been thinking about this for a while. it just doesn’t sit quite right with me when people claim frankenstein was ‘the true monster.’ was he a horrible father / creator? yeah, man, 100%. i’m with you there. were his actions justifiable? no, they weren’t. does he have a thousand flaws that are inexcusable and that inevitably led to his downfall? you bet. but nearly everything he did is something that we, as readers, can understand and (to some degree) sympathise with. most of the bad things he did were out of fear, misunderstanding, naivete, or panic. 
might make him an idiot, might make him a coward, but i don’t think it makes him the real monster.
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blinkdigital-blog · 6 years
Farmer Defends World Title Against Carroll On March 15
Philly champ hosts Irishman on St Patrick’s weekend – Taylor-Volante in unification clash – Rosado meets Sulecki By   - @intuboxing
Tevin Farmer will defend his IBF World Super-Featherweight title against Jono Carroll at the Liacouras Center in Philadelphia on Friday, March 15, live on DAZN in the US and on Sky Sports in the UK.
Farmer (28-4-1 6KOs) makes the third defense of his crown in his first fight on home turf as a World champion, following a wide points win over Francisco Fonseca in New York in December, a win that followed a dominant fifth-round stoppage over Northern Irishman James Tennyson in his first defense in Boston in October.
The 28-year-old returns to the Temple University venue having boxed there in April 2017 against Arturo Reyes – the fight before his first World title showdown with Kenichi Ogawa in Las Vegas in December, where his controversial split decision loss was turned into a no-contest after the Japanese failed a drug test. The farmer would claim the vacant IBF title in August in Australia with a comprehensive points win over seasoned Aussie Billy Dib.
Unbeaten Dubliner Carroll (16-0-1 3KOs) fights for his first World title on St Patrick’s weekend against Farmer, with his shot at the title following a closely fought split draw in a final eliminator with Guillaume Frenois in Sheffield, England in December.
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Farmer and Carroll have been involved in bitter social media spats and will finally come face-to-face for the first time at a press conference to launch the fight in Philly next Tuesday, and both fighters believe the fight will be as fiery as the build-up.
“He's got a World title shot on St Patrick's weekend, he should be thanking me,” said Farmer. “He's trying to get under my skin but it's impossible to get under my skin. He's making himself look bad and he's stepping up to a whole different level with me. I'm A-level and he's going to pay.
“He says we both come from tough backgrounds, the hood, that boy hasn't come from any struggle, no hood. I'm going to show him when he comes to Philly, he's going to eat his words. He's trying to get his buzz up but there are certain things that you don't say. He's made this personal and you don't want to get personal with a Philly guy like me.
“This is big for me, fighting as a World champion in Philly. When does Philly hold big World championship shows? This is big – it's a boxing town but this is as big a show as there's been here for a long time. I have to thank Eddie, Lou, and DAZN for making this a reality because often World champions don't always get the chance to fight in their home city. It doesn't happen, but it's happening for me and that shows the level of respect that Eddie, Lou and I have for each other. It's going to be a great night.
“I don't care about these other champions. You never know what is going to happen with politics and people making excuses, but I'm here, I defended the title twice in three months last year and I'm headlining at home. If people really want to fight, it's simple to do - sign the contract and turn up and fight, Latest Boxing News.
“The only thing I care about is my career, keep lining them up and I'm going to keep smoking them and keep getting paid. With or without them, my career will be the best of all those guys. I'm on a high right now. Everything is good right now, I'm doing everything I've dreamed of.”
“It is only fitting that Tevin Farmer's remarkable journey in boxing and in life comes back to his home city, Philadelphia,” said DiBella. “In 2018, from Australia to Madison Square Garden, Tevin established himself as one of the brightest and most active stars in boxing.
“This is the homecoming Tevin deserves, and if Jono Carroll fights with the same fervor that he talks, it will also be a fight befitting of a city that has long been synonymous with all action wars.”
“I'll do what I want with Tevin, he's a tiny little child and I'm not afraid of him,” said Carroll. “When we meet, if he's respectful of me, I'll be respectful back as that's how I've been brought up - but if comes talking rubbish then I'll put him in his place.
“I see a fakeness in him when I see him interviewed, I see a fake person. My thoughts on him are that he wants to be liked, but he's not. I reckon he's arrogant, that's the man I think he is and I know he's that sort of flashy person saying stupid things on Twitter.
“Tevin is a man that wants to be liked but he plays like he's Floyd Mayweather, but he's not half as good as him. He has serious holes in his armory, and I am going to poke every single one of them, I’ll break him up and stop him. “He's never met a man like me in his life. He came from a rough background yes, but so did I. We're both from crazy places but we're in the limelight now, so we have to be grown-up and responsible as we're going to have cameras around us.”
Irish sensation Katie Taylor can take a giant step towards her goal of becoming the undisputed World Lightweight champion when she aims to unify her WBA and IBF titles against WBO ruler Rose Volante.
Taylor (12-0 5KOs) added the IBF strap to her WBA title in April against Victoria Bustos in Brooklyn, New York, and has since defended the titles three times, stopping Kimberly Connor in three rounds in London in July before shutouts against Cindy Serrano in Boston in October and ending a stunning 2018 by beating Eva Wahlstrom in New York in December.
Volante (14-0 8KOs) has defended her WBO crown twice since winning the vacant title in December 2017 and the Argentine won both her defenses in Brazil 2018 by the halfway point, with Lourdes Borbua retiring after five rounds in April and Yolis Marrugo Franco stopped in three in September.
The champions put titles and unbeaten records on the line in Philadelphia, and the winner will target Belgian WBC ruler Delfine Persoon for all the belts later in the year.
“Ever since I won my first World title as a pro my goal has been to unify the Lightweight titles so this is obviously a massive step towards that,” said Taylor. “Volante is unbeaten so I'm expecting a tough fight but that's exactly the kind of challenge I want. I think the better the opponent and the bigger the challenge the better I will perform.
“It's a great card to be on especially with so many Irish fighters on the bill on St. Patrick's weekend in Philadelphia so I'm sure it will be a special occasion. “For now my focus is on Volante but of course after that fight, I would love to have all the belts as soon as possible. Hopefully, the Persoon fight can finally be made for the summer and then there are some other huge fights out there as well for the rest of the year.”
A stacked card in support of the two World title blockbusters is led by a crunch Middleweight clash between Philadelphia’s Gabriel Rosado and Pole Maciej Sulecki and an all-Philadelphia Lightweight clash between Hank Lundy and Avery Sparrow.
Rosado (24-11-1 14KOs) is back in action after a controversial all-action fight in Kansas with Luis Arias in November, the former World title challenger drawing with the Milwaukee man. The 33-year-old will be desperate to get his name back into contention for major honors with the 160lbs division red hot right now, but Sulecki (27-1 11KOs) will have the same designs on those title shots having bounced back from a loss against Daniel Jacobs in April with a second-round KO win in Poland in November.
“I'm excited to start the year back home in Philly,” said Rosado. “This is the second half of my career and the goal is to win a World title. It's only right that it starts here in Philly.”
Prospect Sparrow (9-1 3KOs) will be gunning to add a major scalp to his CV in the shape of former World title challenger Lundy (29-7-1 14KOs). Sparrow faces the second ten round clash of his career as he looks to step up his progress early in 2019.
“It's been a long time since I last fought but that's on me and I've learned from it,” said Sparrow. “Fighting someone like Hank Lundy is the kind of challenge I look forward to. It's a big fight on a big stage.”
“Once again we have a great Philly vs. Philly fight and that is always good for boxing in Philly,” said Lundy. “It's a hard fight but we're both looking down the road because we know what winning this fight will do for our careers.”
Kazakhstan’s Olympic gold medal star Daniyar Yeleussinov (5-0 3KOs) fights for the sixth time in the paid ranks ahead of what promises to be a break out year for the 27 year old, the same of which can be said for two-time Olympian and 2012 silver medalist John Joe Nevin (11-0 4KOs) who joins fellow Irish fighters on the St. Patrick’s weekend bill.
“I can’t wait for March 15 at the Liacouras Center,” said promoter Eddie Hearn. “It’s our first ever event in Philadelphia and it’s an honor to promote in this great city on St Patrick’s weekend.
“Tevin Farmer is one of the great boxing underdog stories of our generation and I’m so happy he is getting the chance to bring that World championship home against a feisty and talented Jono Carroll.
“The biggest star in World boxing, Ireland’s Katie Taylor, looks to unify the division against WBO champ Rose Volante. Philly favorite Gabe Rosado takes on Poland’s Maciej Sulecki in a thrilling Middleweight match up and Olympic stars Daniyar Yeleussinov and John Joe Nevin. It’s stacked from top to bottom and it’s going to be an electric night of boxing in Philadelphia.
0 notes
Philly champ hosts Irishman on St Patrick’s weekend – Taylor-Volante in unification clash – Rosado meets Sulecki
Tevin Farmer will defend his IBF World Super-Featherweight title against Jono Carroll at the Liacouras Center in Philadelphia on Friday March 15, live on DAZN in the US and on Sky Sports in the UK.
Farmer (28-4-1 6KOs) makes the third defense of his crown in his first fight on home turf as a World champion, following a wide points win over Francisco Fonseca in New York in December, a win that followed a dominant fifth round stoppage over Northern Irishman James Tennyson in his first defense in Boston in October.
The 28 year old returns to the Temple University venue having boxed there in April 2017 against Arturo Reyes – the fight before his first World title showdown with Kenichi Ogawa in Las Vegas in December, where his controversial split decision loss was turned into a no-contest after the Japanese failed a drug test. Farmer would claim the vacant IBF title in August in Australia with a comprehensive points win over seasoned Aussie Billy Dib.
Unbeaten Dubliner Carroll (16-0-1 3KOs) fights for his first World title on St Patrick’s weekend against Farmer, with his shot at the title following a closely fought split draw in a final eliminator with Guillaume Frenois in Sheffield, England in December.
Farmer and Carroll have been involved in bitter social media spats and will finally come face-to-face for the first time at a press conference to launch the fight in Philly next Tuesday, and both fighters believe the fight will be as fiery as the build-up.
“He's got a World title shot on St Patrick's weekend, he should be thanking me,” said Farmer. “He's trying to get under my skin but it's impossible to get under my skin. He's making himself look bad and he's stepping up to a whole different level with me. I'm A-level and he's going to pay.
“He says we both come from tough backgrounds, the hood, that boy hasn't come from any struggle, no hood. I'm going to show him when he comes to Philly, he's going to eat his words. He's trying to get his buzz up but there's certain things that you don't say. He's made this personal and you don't want to get personal with a Philly guy like me.
“This is big for me, fighting as a World champion in Philly. When does Philly hold big World championship shows? This is big – it's a boxing town but this is as big a show as there's been here for a long time. I have to thank Eddie, Lou and DAZN for making this a reality, because often World champions don't always get the chance to fight in their home city. It doesn't happen, but it's happening for me and that shows the level of respect that Eddie, Lou and I have for each other. It's going to be a great night.
“I don't care about these other champions. You never know what is going to happen with politics and people making excuses, but I'm here, I defended the title twice in three months last year and I'm headlining at home. If people really want to fight, it's simple to do - sign the contract and turn up and fight.
“The only thing I care about is my career, keep lining them up and I'm going to keep smoking them and keep getting paid. With or without them, my career will be the best of all those guys. I'm on a high right now. Everything is good right now, I'm doing everything I've dreamed of.”
“It is only fitting that Tevin Farmer's remarkable journey in boxing and in life comes back to his home city, Philadelphia,” said DiBella. “In 2018, from Australia to Madison Square Garden, Tevin established himself as one of the brightest and most active stars in boxing.
“This is the homecoming Tevin deserves, and if Jono Carroll fights with the same fervor that he talks, it will also be a fight befitting of a city that has long been synonymous with all action wars.”
“I'll do what I want with Tevin, he's a tiny little child and I'm not afraid of him,” said Carroll. “When we meet, if he's respectful of me, I'll be respectful back as that's how I've been brought up - but if comes talking rubbish then I'll put him in his place.
“I see a fakeness in him when I see him interviewed, I see a fake person. My thoughts on him are that he wants to be liked, but he's not. I reckon he's arrogant, that's the man I think he is and I know he's that sort of flashy person saying stupid things on Twitter.
“Tevin is a man that wants to be liked but he plays like he's Floyd Mayweather, but he's not half as good as him. He has serious holes in his armory, and I am going to poke every single one of them, I’ll break him up and stop him.
“He's never met a man like me in his life. He came from a rough background yes, but so did I. We're both from crazy places but we're in the limelight now, so we have to be grown-up and responsible as we're going to have cameras around us.”
Irish sensation Katie Taylor can take a giant step towards her goal of becoming the undisputed World Lightweight champion when she aims to unify her WBA and IBF titles against WBO ruler Rose Volante.
Taylor (12-0 5KOs) added the IBF strap to her WBA title in April against Victoria Bustos in Brooklyn, New York, and has since defended the titles three times, stopping Kimberly Connor in three rounds in London in July before shutouts against Cindy Serrano in Boston in October and ending a stunning 2018 by beating Eva Wahlstrom in New York in December.
Volante (14-0 8KOs) has defended her WBO crown twice since winning the vacant title in December 2017 and the Argentine won both her defenses in Brazil 2018 by the halfway point, with Lourdes Borbua retiring after five rounds in April and Yolis Marrugo Franco stopped in three in September.
The champions put titles and unbeaten records on the line in Philadelphia, and the winner will target Belgian WBC ruler Delfine Persoon for all the belts later in the year.
“Ever since I won my first World title as a pro my goal has been to unify the Lightweight titles so this is obviously a massive step towards that,” said Taylor. “Volante is unbeaten so I'm expecting a tough fight but that's exactly the kind of challenge I want. I think the better the opponent and the bigger the challenge the better I will perform.
“It's a great card to be on especially with so many Irish fighters on the bill on St. Patrick's weekend in Philadelphia so I'm sure it will be a special occasion.
“For now my focus is on Volante but of course after that fight I would love to have all the belts as soon as possible. Hopefully the Persoon fight can finally be made for the summer and then there are some other huge fights out there as well for the rest of the year.”
A stacked card in support of the two World title blockbusters is led by a crunch Middleweight clash between Philadelphia’s Gabriel Rosado and Pole Maciej Sulecki and an all-Philadelphia Lightweight clash between Hank Lundy and Avery Sparrow.
Rosado (24-11-1 14KOs) is back in action after a controversial all-action fight in Kansas with Luis Arias in November, the former World title challenger drawing with the Milwaukee man. The 33 year old will be desperate to get his name back into contention for major honors with the 160lbs division red hot right now, but Sulecki (27-1 11KOs) will have the same designs on those title shots having bounced back from a loss against Daniel Jacobs in April with a second round KO win in Poland in November.
“I'm excited to start the year back home in Philly,” said Rosado. “This is the second half of my career and the goal is to win a World title. It's only right that it starts here in Philly.”
Prospect Sparrow (9-1 3KOs) will be gunning to add a major scalp to his CV in the shape of former World title challenger Lundy (29-7-1 14KOs). Sparrow faces the second ten round clash of his career as he looks to step up his progress early in 2019.
“It's been a long time since I last fought but that's on me and I've learned from it,” said Sparrow. “Fighting someone like Hank Lundy is the kind of challenge I look forward to. It's a big fight on a big stage.”
“Once again we have a great Philly vs. Philly fight and that is always good for boxing in Philly,” said Lundy. “It's a hard fight but we're both looking down the road because we know what winning this fight will do for our careers.”
Kazakhstan’s Olympic gold medal star Daniyar Yeleussinov (5-0 3KOs) fights for the sixth time in the paid ranks ahead of what promises to be a break out year for the 27 year old, the same of which can be said for two-time Olympian and 2012 silver medalist John Joe Nevin (11-0 4KOs) who joins fellow Irish fighters on the St. Patrick’s weekend bill.
“I can’t wait for March 15 at the Liacouras Center,” said promoter Eddie Hearn. “It’s our first ever event in Philadelphia and it’s an honor to promote in this great city on St Patrick’s weekend.
“Tevin Farmer is one of the great boxing underdog stories of our generation and I’m so happy he is getting the chance to bring that World championship home against a feisty and talented Jono Carroll.
“The biggest star in World boxing, Ireland’s Katie Taylor, looks to unify the division against WBO champ Rose Volante. Philly favorite Gabe Rosado takes on Poland’s Maciej Sulecki in a thrilling Middleweight match up and #Olympic stars Daniyar Yeleussinov and John Joe Nevin. It’s stacked from top to bottom and it’s going to be an electric night of boxing in #Philadelphia.”
0 notes
thearrangment-phff · 6 years
September 2018
“Archduchess Isabella and Prince Harry have been in Switzerland since the beginning of the month with The Duchess of Sussex’ family. The two were spotted at the wedding of Archduke Franz Ludwig to Mathilde Vignon. Archduke Franz Ludwig is a first cousin of The Duchess. A vast number of Habsburg and Bourbon royals were also in attendance.”
“King Philippe and Queen Mathilde of Belgium along with the Grand Ducal couple of Luxembourg, Hereditary Prince Alois and Princess Sofie of Liechtenstein will attend the Heads of State of German-speaking countries get together in Switzerland. Many believe that Archduchess Isabella will attend as a guest of her uncle and aunt, the Grand Duke and Duchess of Luxembourg.” 
“The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are expected to stay in Switzerland until the mass to commemorate the 25th anniversary of King Baudouin of the Belgians’ death in Brussels. The Belgian royal court confirmed The Duke and Duchess of Sussex would be attending. King Baudouin was the great-uncle of Archduchess Isabella and his wife, Queen Fabiola of the Belgians was her godmother. Archduchess Isabella’s eldest son The Earl of Ross who was born earlier this year carries the name Baudouin in honor of his great-grand-uncle, the former Belgian King.”  
“Where is your father?” asked Yolande to Isabella.
“I have no idea,” answered Isabella.
“I’ll go find him,” said Marie Astrid as she left the room to find her husband.
“Are we going to be late?” asked Harry.
“I don’t think so. My grandmother made us all get ready an hour earlier than everyone else,” replied Isabella.
“So we’ll be early?”
“Belle, darling, can you help me stand up?” asked Yolande. Isabella went to her grandmother extending her hand. The elder women leaned on Isabella’s hand and got up. She walked towards Harry and patted his chest because that’s how far she could reach, “How are you?”
“Uh... fine,” answered Harry.
“While Charlie and Bertie are a dream, I only have 15 great-grandchildren with Kathy, Luisa, and Marie Christine’s children coming soon. When are you and Belle going to give me more great-grandchildren?”
“Wait. Did you just say, Luisa? She’s expecting?!” asked Isabella.
“Did you not know?” asked Yolande.
“No! I didn’t. How far along is she?”
“6 weeks possibly, maybe 8. I can’t remember Belle! I’m an old ask your mother.”
“How many people knew before I did?” asked Isabella.
“Well, obviously Luisa and Alex, me and your parents. The royal house is going to make an announcement soon,” answered Yolande.
“Will the baby be in line for the Belgian throne then?” asked Harry.
“Yes! All descendants of Albert are in the line. Since Alexander and Luisa got permission to marry from the king and government her children are the only ones in line. Remember Amedeo didn’t get permission to marry Elisabetta,” explained Yolande.
“I can’t believe he is finally having a baby. Everyone finally has a family of their own,” smiled Isabella.
Before anyone else could say anything Isabella’s aunt and her family came in. The Liechtenstein family of five said hello to Yolande, Isabella, and Harry as soon as they entered the room.
“How are you?” asked Margaretha to Yolande.
“Wonderful! 2 new babies, with Kathleen due soon and Christine in December. It’s all so wonderful. Alex and Luisa are also expecting so it’s all very exciting,” beamed Yolande.
“Yes, all very exciting. If only mine could give me some grandchildren,” joked Margaretha and her children all seemed to roll their eyes at the same time.
“I don’t think we were supposed to say anything about Alex and Luisa Mamie,” interjected Isabella.
“We’re family,” spoke Marie Astrid, Isabella’s cousin.
“I think he wanted to tell us all together, another time. Probably when we’re all in France at the end of the month,” added Josef-Emanuel.
“Josef is right. We can’t mention this to Alex. It’s his and Luisa’s special moment,” nodded Isabella
“So lets me get this right. Kathleen in October, Marie Christine in December, and Alexander in spring? Of course, Charlie and Bertie were born 4 months ago... that’s a lot of kids born in a short time,” said Harry.
“It’s the joys of growing up in a large family. You can all have kids around the same time,” smiled Marie Astrid.
“We better get going,” interrupted Nikolaus, Isabella’s uncle by marriage.
“Are you coming with us?” asked Margaretha.
“Not yet. Marie Astrid went to go find my son. Once they come back, we’ll go.”
“Well, we’ll see you at the church then,” smiled Margaretha. One by one, the Liechtenstein family said bye to everyone with kisses on the cheek and half-done hugs.
It took a couple of seconds until Harry asked a question, “Where are the rest of your brothers and sisters?”
“Marie Christine, Imre, Christoph, and Gabriella don’t really go to these things. They prefer to stay out of the view of cameras. Usually, Alexander does too but since he married Luisa he’ll have to be more in the spotlight. He’s here, he’s just with her and the Austria-Este family,” answered Isabella.
“Why didn’t more people come?” asked Harry.
“Many people did but some of them have real jobs and not ones were in ‘work’ for an hour a week.”
“That felt like an insult.”
“Not an insult. Just stating facts,” replied Isabella.
“Belle!” Isabella turned around to find Charlotte walking steadily towards her with the rest of her family behind her.
“Charlotte! Hi!” Charlotte towered over Isabella when giving her a hug, “Ferdinand?”
“Hi Belle.”
“What are you doing here?”
“I invited him,” answered Charlotte.
“Yes. I got that, but... are you two a thing?”
“Well... yes. It hasn’t been long,” answered Charlotte.
“And you invited him here?” asked Isabella.
“Ferdinand means a lot to me so I thought inviting him to this would show that.”
“Charlotte, I’m not judging you. I would be the last person to do so. Ferdinand is family and you are as well. It was simply a surprise that’s all,” replied Isabella.
Isabella’s parents Carl Christian and Marie Astrid finally entered the room, “He couldn’t find his tie anywhere.”
“Tie? You are making us late over a tie?” asked Yolande.
“The king gave it to me. I wanted to wear it today,” answered Carl Christian.
“We should get going. We don’t want to be late,” said Yolande earning nods from around the room.
The car ride was short from the castle to the church. Yolande, Harry, Isabella, Marie Astrid, and Carl Christian had ridden in one car while Guillaume, Sibilla, Charlotte, Leopold, and Paul Louis in the other. When they got out of the car, Harry could swear the screams got louder. There was that thought again. The one about how Isabella changed his life once they married. Years ago, would he have imagined himself at a Catholic church in Brussels paying his respects to a dead Belgian King surrounded by the Belgian, Luxembourgish, and Liechtenstein royal families? Of course not.
Harry was now on friendly terms with the Belgian king and Luxembourgish Grand Duke since the beginning of his marriage. King Philippe was a godfather to his son, Isabella was a godmother to the king’s youngest daughter. Queen Fabiola was godmother to Isabella. The ties were never going away and they were all Harry’s. He had spent years in the shadow of his elder brother seeing how William was the future king and Harry was the spare. But things had changed, Isabella had changed him.
Isabella smiled back at the crowd but no waving because she saw that as disrespectful at an event like this. Harry looked back at the crowd for a couple of seconds before turning back to Isabella and her family. Liechtenstein, Austria, and Luxembourg all within a couple of feet of him.
“Harry, come on. We have to go find our seats,” said Isabella with Charlotte by her side.
Harry took one last look and went inside. The service lasted about an hour and a half. The Royal Family and the other guests gathered at the Royal Crypt where all the former Kings and Queens of the Belgians who have passed away are buried. The King and Queen laid a wreath at the grave of King Baudouin and Queen Fabiola. Isabella let out a single tear when she saw the picture of her great-aunt and great-uncle on their tomb.
“Are you okay?” asked Harry.
“Yes. It’s just that I wished they both lived a little longer, that’s all.”
They met with the public in which Harry and Isabella were paired next to King Philippe and Queen Mathilde. Grand Duke Henri and Prince Louis left immediately after laying the wreath so they could get back to Luxembourg. There were a lot of questions from the public to Harry and Isabella since their sons were 4 months old now.
“Your Imperial Highness, how does it feel to be back in Belgium?”
“Wonderful. Belgium has always felt like another home to me.”
“Prince Harry! How are the twins?!”
“They are strong. Big boys thanks to their mother,” joked Harry.
“Your Majesty how does it feel to be godfather to the Earl of Ross?!”
“Very honored. Belle is godmother to my Eleonore and being godfather to Charlie is a blessing.”
Of course after everything the press went wild with their stories. The ones who annoyed Isabella the most were saying that she and Harry didn’t belong in Belgium and William and Kate should have been there instead.
“They are my family! Mine! I had every right to be there!” yelled Isabella.
“Of course you do Belle-”
“Those stupid little nothings make money off of my name. I have the ties to Europe, not Harry!”
“Exactly why-”
“No! God, I am sick and tired of them saying that I married the 6th in line! I brought back royalty to this family. Me! Nothing but a bunch of ungrateful people who would rather have commoners as their king than gods” ranted Isabella.
“That is enough Isabella! Quiet down before you say else something you’ll regret,” warned Harry.
“These are the times I regret marrying you! You and your peasant family have been nothing but a thorn in my side,” argued Isabella.
Princess Charlotte of Murat took this opportunity to slap Isabella across the face, “Your husband is right. While you gave him blood, he gave you validity. You would be good to remember that.”
Princess Christine, Countess Gaelle, and Countess Olympia were left speechless. Gaelle was the first to act by putting her arm around Isabella, “I think it’s time for prayer-”
“No! I will not be praying to some stupid imaginary thing I don’t believe in. Not anymore!” yelled Isabella.
“What she needs is a drink,” interrupted Olympia.
“No. She will have no more alcohol. I don’t want that,” said Harry.
“I won’t be going back to London or Balmoral with you.”
“Where do you think you’ll go?” asked Harry.
“Zeno’s christening is at the end of the month. I’ll be at Berg castle with my family until then. We were supposed to go to France with my family after that and I’ll be right with them,” answered Isabella.
“You will not do that Isabella. You have spent too much time outside of London. You haven’t been doing anything but seeking refugee with your family since Charlie and Bertie were born. You need to do more.”
“Maybe I should just divorce you now and end my misery before I hang myself in our children’s room,” threatened Isabella.
“You will do no such thing!” yelled Charlotte as she went to Isabella and grabbed her face, “You are a stupid little girl and I will be damned if I let you ruin everything.”
“Charlotte let her go!” yelled Christine.
Charlotte continued her hold on Isabella’s face, “You will do what all your betters have done before you. You will give birth to all the little royal babies your body will handle and die in this marriage. Do you understand me?”
Isabella ripped her face out of Charlotte’s grasp, “You were nothing before me. I gave you importance so don’t talk to me like you better. You married for a title, you married for money, but I was not an impoverish countess, I am an Archduchess of Austria.”
“I’ve had enough of this. I am going back to London and I have engagements in the Netherlands in a week. I would hope that you would come but at this point, I would rather you not. I’m taking the boys back with me to London,” explained Harry.
“The boys need me. I am their mother,” argued Isabella.
“You aren’t breastfeeding them anymore. They don’t need you and besides you rarely ever took take them, Gaelle and Olympia did.” Harry walked away and Isabella grabbed the nearest thing and threw it in his direction. The glass shattered on the wall near his face and he flinched, “Did you really just do that? You are unbelievable Isabella!”
11 notes · View notes
thearrangment-phff · 7 years
XXIX. Guest List
February 2017
The day before Valentine’s day Isabella and Harry, along with Isabella’s parents and four ladies-in-waiting began discussing the bridal party at the early hours of the day. The sun wasn’t even up when Harry answered the door and found the group of seven standing there. Isabella was half asleep and looked as if she attempted to get dressed but gave up halfway.
Isabella’s father, Carl Christian, was the one to be carrying all the equipment, most of which Harry didn’t know what it was. It wasn’t until Christine of Orleans-Braganza and Charlotte of Murat began to set up three dry erase boards in the lounge. Each one of the boards was already labeled.
The first was for the bridal party and Christine had begun to write down possible names of the children who would be a part of the wedding. The second was for Harry’s immediate family and then that board had a thick black line down the middle. One section was for his father’s side of the family while the other was for the Spencer’s. The final board, which was very much larger than the rest, was dedicated to Isabella’s family. The Habsburgs and Luxembourg’s.
Amongst the chaos, Harry looked around the room to find his fiancé asleep in the corner of the room with a blanket around her. The blue blanket was one usually kept on one of the chairs for company. He thought about leaving her there or possibly picking her up and letting her sleep in his bed. Once he saw Charlotte of Murat coming in his direction he had no choice to wake up Isabella because he wasn’t going to deal with any of her ladies-in-waiting by himself. He wouldn’t say it out loud, but those women scared him.
It took a slow minute before Isabella had stood up with the blanket still around her and gave Harry the maddest face she could give, though it wasn’t making any effect on Harry. Charlotte grabbed one hand of Isabella and the other of Harry’s before placing them in chairs in front of the boards. There were already names on the first board for Isabella and very few names for Harry. They even had several question marks next to ’supporter’ for Harry.
“Why isn’t Gabriella’s name next to maid of honor? She’s my first choice,” questioned Isabella.
“Darling… Gabriella won’t be able to be your maid of honor because… she’s pregnant,” answered Marie Astrid.
“I’m sorry what?! By who? She can’t be pregnant!”
“You know that her and Henri have been seeing each other for some time now. It wasn’t an accidental pregnancy, they planned to have children, and Henri plans on marrying her next year,” explained Carl Christian further.
“Well, how far along is she?”
“She’s about 2 months. She thought we should know and then tell you that she can’t take any formal position in your wedding other than being just a guest,” smiled Marie Astrid.
It took a couple of seconds for Isabella to process that her little sister carried a human inside her at the moment, “So I guess this means we are definitely inviting Henri’s family to the wedding,” joked Isabella.
“He’s family either way.”
“Who is Henri and how is he related to you?” Asked Harry.
“Henri is a Prince of Bourbon-Parma so as a descendant of Robert Duke of Parma and through King Christian IX of Denmark. More importantly, Henri’s grandmother is Princess Marie Gabriele of Luxembourg a sister to our grandfather Jean. Henri’s closest relation is being our second cousin.”
“Second cousins. Like your parents and you and Joachim?” Asked Harry.
“Exactly,” agreed Isabella.
“We were thinking your cousins Marie Gabrielle or Charlotte could be your maid of honor,” smiled Christine.
“Not Marie Gabrielle. She is planning her own wedding so your only option is really Charlotte unless you have another idea Isabella,” corrected Carl Christian.
“Charlotte is fine. Perfect actually.”
“Perfect opportunity to find her a proper husband,” smiled Charlotte of Murat.
“No one will use my wedding to find spouses,” said Isabella in immediate anger.
“My dear, weddings a hundred year ago between royals were used for that exact reason,” replied Charlotte.
“Could we please move on?” suggested Harry.
“So, it’s decided? Charlotte shall be your maid of honor?” Asked Marie Astrid.
“Yes, I would like to tell her myself. Perhaps when all of the family is in Luxembourg next month. I can inform Charlotte and her parents of my decision,” agreed Isabella.
“Okay. Harry do you have any idea for will be your supporter or supporters?” Asked Marie Astrid.
“No. I do have one or two ideas but…” Mumbled Harry.
“Care to share?” Asked Charlotte of Murat.
“Well my brother is one but he’s busy. He has children and I was thinking Alexander if he’s available.”
“Oh, what a lovely idea!” Smiled Marie Astrid.
“I haven’t decided. I need more time to think about it,” said Harry.
“Not too much time. We’ll need to move things along, but it’s very sweet that you thought about Alexander for the position of supporter,” replied Marie Astrid.
“Shall we get started on the groom’s family. We can assume all immediate family of Her Majesty will be invited. Will the Gloucester’s and Kent’s also be invited?” Asked Christine.
“It would be customary that they are invited,” replied Harry, “I think my grandmother should have more of a formal list for helping me decide who is to receive an invite. My grandfather’s German relations will also be invited.”
“Will Princess Michael also be invited?” Asked Charlotte.
“Most likely yes. She is married to my grandmother’s cousin after all.”
“Isabella, I want you to stay away from the dreadful woman as much as possible,” spat Charlotte.
“I take your family doesn’t like her?” Asked Harry as he read the room. The clear distaste for Baroness Marie Christine, now The Princess Michael, showed Harry more of Isabella’s family true nature.
“She comes from nothing. Just some low life Barons and Counts and she acts like she a queen herself,” spat Carl Christian.
“That whole family is nothing but a bunch of social climbers! They were like leeches to Franz Josef and to your grandfather. All of them parasites! They enjoyed the good graces of the Austrian-Hungarian monarchy then ran away like cowards when the monarchy was abolished. Leaving their sovereign to die in exile. But that wasn’t enough, they went and joined the Nazi Party. They are disgusting people,” spat Marie Astrid.
“Remind me to keep Princess Michael away from your mother,” whispered Harry to Isabella.
“More like my whole family. Habsburgs never forget,” whispered Isabella.
“Perhaps we should put the lower Kent’s on a maybe list? Yes! We’ll have a ’maybe list’. Christine make one the board and put Princess Michael on the list,” smiled Charlotte.
The tension was thick, “Another we could put on the list is the Earl Spencer,” suggested Christine.
“My uncle? Why would we put him on the maybe list?”
“Harry, your uncle is a controversial man. All the marriages, but most importantly he’ll talk to the press any chance he gets if it means he has a camera in his face,” said Isabella in simpler terms. She just couldn’t outright insult Harry’s uncle.
“I do understand where you are coming from because my grandparents feel that way regarding his press interviews, but he’s family Isabella. I can’t simply not invite him.”
“Why don’t we save this for another time?” Asked Carl Christian.
“So, Harry’s family is done with, why don’t we move on to our family?” Asked Christine.
It was funny to Isabella that Christine said ‘our family’. Christine may have been born a Princess of Ligne but her mother was also a Princess of Luxembourg by birth. Despite her marrying a Prince of Orleans-Braganza she remained close to her blood relatives above all. Christine was Isabella’s mother’s cousin and her father’s cousin as well. She was family, but to Isabella she never completely felt like it.  
Besides Olympia, Isabella’s other three ladies-in-waiting were 'friends of the family’ types. Gaelle was a Countess de Lannoy, Isabella’s distant cousin, and Gaelle’s sister Stephanie was married to Guillaume, Isabella’s cousin. Charlotte of Murat simply had strong connections to the Ligne family. Charlotte was born a countess of Ursel and when she married her husband Prince of Murat she got lucky. The Murat family had close relations with the Ligne family which is how she was able to get her position.
“Well I think we should start with foreign royalty. It’ll be a shorter list than listing our family,” suggested Isabella as everyone nodded.
“Well the Scandinavian royals will be invited,” started Charlotte of Murat.
“I’m the spare. You don’t have the invite them, they’ll probably won’t come,” interrupted Harry.
“Nonsense! The King of Norway is my mother’s cousin. He’ll come with his family as well. The Danish Queen is a delight to have at any event and if she comes then we can almost guarantee the King of Sweden to come as well. We must send a separate invitation to Princess Madeleine of Sweden as she’s living in London,” said Marie Astrid.
“Why don’t we set up a day out with Isabella and Princess Madeleine. Both are foreign princesses living in this soggy country. It would help her strengthen her ties with foreign royalty. After all, two-thirds of the Scandinavian royals are only distantly related to you,” suggested Charlotte of Murat.
“I will not use someone just to ’strengthen ties’. That’s rude. If I’m going to be her friend it’ll be because I want to get to know her and want to be her friend. I’m already enough of a pawn as it is,” argued Isabella.
“You and Princess Madeleine have more in common than you think. Both of you are foreigners who married British men, and now you find yourself living in London. Thousands of lignes away from your family,” said Christine.
“I have Louis in London. Alexandra is just a couple of hours away in Scotland studying for her masters. I have ’family’ because I literally have family all over Europe. Besides, I trust Harry more than enough to make me not feel alone in London,” said Isabella as Harry placed his hand of hers and squeezed lightly. It gave her reassurance that Harry would make her feel like family.
“Isabella is right. As long I breathe I will make everything easier for her,” agreed Harry.
“What about children? Will you allow them to bring their children? Family, friends, and others cannot be painted with the same brush,” said Carl Christian.
“I’m pretty sure you said that wrong, but I’ll forget about that… well, I think the children of immediate family members must come. Maria Stella, Leopold, Katharina, and the rest have to come. Amalia and Noah too.”
“Amalia and Noah?” Asked Harry.
“Amalia is my cousin Felix’s daughter. Noah is Louis’ son,” answered Isabella before turning her attention to the main subject, “Crown Prince and Princess couples should bring their children too if they’d like. I don’t have an objection to children.”
“If Isabella is fine with it then so am I, but maybe we should put it out there that just because children are allowed that they not be so young. Set a minimum age of 2 or 3,” suggested Harry.
“Lovely idea,” smiled Charlotte of Murat.
“Well Asian royals will be invited but will probably send lower royals in their place so their country is still represented,” continued Marie Astrid.
“I’m the spare. I wouldn’t be surprised if kings and queens didn’t come. One person I really want on the list is Prince Seesio of Lesotho and his family. It’s important that they are invited.”
“Done,” nodded Christine as she wrote on one of the boards.
“The Prince and Princess of Monaco should receive an invite. The Prince’s sister married a Prince of Hanover so she’ll need an invitation as well to represent the Hanoverians,” spoke Carl Christian.
“Will the Netherlands receive an invitation as foreign royalty or family?”
“Too distantly related to be considered family,” answered Marie Astrid.
“King Willem Alexander’s brother and his wife should receive an invite. Don’t forget to send one to Princess Mabel, the widow of his brother. We can’t forget about The King of the Netherlands cousins. They are after all Princes of Bourbon-Parma.”
“That can be discussed later. King Willem Alexander’s cousin may have a Dutch Princess as their mother but their father is from a disposed monarchy,” answered Carl Christian.
Harry was going to object to that but things moved too quickly as Charlotte spoke again, “Middle Eastern royals will receive an invitation as well?” Then was met with nods from several people in the room.
“The Spanish king and queen will be invited as family or foreign royalty?” Asked Christine.
“Family. King Juan Carlos would love that gesture. Besides, Franco may have given him the Spanish throne, but he knows that his blood is weak. His throne may not survive some 100 years from now. He’ll come running to his Bourbon family side for help soon enough,” spoke Carl Christian.
“The Belgians and Liechtenstein’s will be invited as family. Prince Hans-Adams will also love the gesture and it will put Isabella farther in his good graces. He may be less than ten years older than your father and I, but that man won’t live long to see a birth of a great-grandchild. Let’s all hope that he left something for Isabella,” predicted Marie Astrid.
From then on Harry watched as Isabella and her parents talked back and forth about who from their family was coming to wedding. Seeing all the names and all the titles changed something within Harry. He obviously knew Isabella came from a big family and he knew many of them had titles by birth or by marriage, but everything was starting to sink in more what he had gotten into.
Right in the middle of everything William had come into the room and looked awkward amongst the small chaos. Harry gestured for his older brother to sit next to him as Isabella was talking to her parents.
“How are things going?”
“Just going over Isabella’s family. As you can tell by the board and tiny handwriting there is a lot.”
“What does PBP?” Asked William
“Prince or Princess of Bourbon-Parma. AA basically means Archduke of Austria and the female equivalent; AAE means Archduke of Austria Este and the female equivalent; AAPT means Archduke of Austria, Prince of Tuscany. Trust me it took me a while to understand them,” smiled Harry.
“There’s a lot of them. What about all those other abbreviations?” Asked William as he pointed to the board.
“Titles I think. Some get too long and since there are so many Charlotte has resorted to making their names shorter. Some of the things she wrote I don’t even understand. I think she’s the only one who even understands what she writing at this point,” joked Harry.
“So, I was thinking that you and Isabella should come over next month for dinner. Kate feels that their first meeting didn’t go well and wants another chance.”
“Maybe. Isabella has a busy schedule so I’ll have to talk to her later. Not to mention we’re going to Luxembourg next month.”
“For what?”
“The Luxembourg Grand Ducal family is gathering in Luxembourg for the civil wedding of Isabella’s cousin Marie Gabrielle. Isabella’s also going to Belgium later on this week to attend a mass in honor of deceased Belgian Royals with some of the members of the actual Belgian Royal Family and the Luxembourg Grand Ducal Family,” answered Harry.
“I’m guessing your friends with them? The Luxembourg Royals that is?”
“If you want to call it that yes. Louis has been a big help getting Isabella situated here in London. Jean and Guillaume decided to become patrons of the Invictus games which is amazing. Her younger cousins Marie Gabrielle and Charlotte were nice to me the entire time I was in Luxembourg with them. They even helped me get to Château of Belœil when we spent New Year’s in Belgium.”
“Planning any other trips?” Asked William with a bit of sarcasm.
Nonetheless, Harry answered, because deep down inside he wanted to rub it in his brother’s face that he was the one going and not William, “Isabella and I have 4 wedding to go to. Her cousins are all marrying this year so we’ll most likely have to fly to Spain or France for those weddings. At least that’s what Isabella said. Her family mostly marry in those two countries and I think the Luxembourg Grand Ducal Family have property they all stay at in June for a holiday which Isabella and I will be at,” replied Harry.
“Can’t believe my little brother is going to be flying across Europe rubbing elbows with all of the European royalty. Can’t say I ever saw that happening,” laughed William.
“It’s not all of the European royalty. Maybe just the Belgians, Luxembourg’s, Liechtenstein’s, and Spanish. That sounds like a lot, but it’s not! Besides, it’s not like I’m the one getting these invitations. It’s all Isabella. I wouldn’t be going if it weren’t for her,” replied Harry.
“But you like it right? Getting to go to all these parties in Belgium and France. I’m the future king I should be the one going to those things. Maybe I should’ve married someone with a title,” joked William.
Though Harry didn’t take it as a joke, “I’m not marrying Isabella for her title.”
“And I’m not saying you are. But Harry, be serious, you enjoy all the good things she comes with. Money, family connections, and all those holidays you will take without getting hounded by the press about the money you are spending.”
“Maybe you and Kate should spend less time holidaying and more time actually working and you wouldn’t be slaughtered in the press about it,” snapped Harry. “Besides, you sat there I have no control over her money or anything else in her names. And those family connections you praise are nothing. They are her family not some type of business connection. What Isabella and I do with our time won’t concern you or Kate.”
It didn’t take long after Harry’s small outburst for his brother to leave. The rest of the day was spent figuring out who was going to be invited. Just like Harry had predicted, Isabella ended up going to sleep on the floor by the afternoon. Carl Christian wanted to wake her up but Harry insisted that she sleep. So, Harry did what he thought was best for her. He carried Isabella into his bedroom and laid her on his bed.  
Once the list was done Charlotte just told Harry this was a draft because some of the people on the list could fall out of favor. Out of favor to Charlotte of Murat meant they couldn’t give her anything she wanted. Out of favor to everyone else depended if they talk to the press about Isabella. Once again, their main concern was for Isabella’s safety and her image in the press.
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Philly champ hosts Irishman on St Patrick’s weekend – Taylor-Volante in unification clash – Rosado meets Sulecki
Tevin Farmer will defend his IBF World Super-Featherweight title against Jono Carroll at the Liacouras Center in Philadelphia on Friday March 15, live on DAZN in the US and on Sky Sports in the UK.
Farmer (28-4-1 6KOs) makes the third defense of his crown in his first fight on home turf as a World champion, following a wide points win over Francisco Fonseca in New York in December, a win that followed a dominant fifth round stoppage over Northern Irishman James Tennyson in his first defense in Boston in October.
The 28 year old returns to the Temple University venue having boxed there in April 2017 against Arturo Reyes – the fight before his first World title showdown with Kenichi Ogawa in Las Vegas in December, where his controversial split decision loss was turned into a no-contest after the Japanese failed a drug test. Farmer would claim the vacant IBF title in August in Australia with a comprehensive points win over seasoned Aussie Billy Dib.
Unbeaten Dubliner Carroll (16-0-1 3KOs) fights for his first World title on St Patrick’s weekend against Farmer, with his shot at the title following a closely fought split draw in a final eliminator with Guillaume Frenois in Sheffield, England in December.
Farmer and Carroll have been involved in bitter social media spats and will finally come face-to-face for the first time at a press conference to launch the fight in Philly next Tuesday, and both fighters believe the fight will be as fiery as the build-up.
“He's got a World title shot on St Patrick's weekend, he should be thanking me,” said Farmer. “He's trying to get under my skin but it's impossible to get under my skin. He's making himself look bad and he's stepping up to a whole different level with me. I'm A-level and he's going to pay.
“He says we both come from tough backgrounds, the hood, that boy hasn't come from any struggle, no hood. I'm going to show him when he comes to Philly, he's going to eat his words. He's trying to get his buzz up but there's certain things that you don't say. He's made this personal and you don't want to get personal with a Philly guy like me.
“This is big for me, fighting as a World champion in Philly. When does Philly hold big World championship shows? This is big – it's a boxing town but this is as big a show as there's been here for a long time. I have to thank Eddie, Lou and DAZN for making this a reality, because often World champions don't always get the chance to fight in their home city. It doesn't happen, but it's happening for me and that shows the level of respect that Eddie, Lou and I have for each other. It's going to be a great night.
“I don't care about these other champions. You never know what is going to happen with politics and people making excuses, but I'm here, I defended the title twice in three months last year and I'm headlining at home. If people really want to fight, it's simple to do - sign the contract and turn up and fight.
“The only thing I care about is my career, keep lining them up and I'm going to keep smoking them and keep getting paid. With or without them, my career will be the best of all those guys. I'm on a high right now. Everything is good right now, I'm doing everything I've dreamed of.”
“It is only fitting that Tevin Farmer's remarkable journey in boxing and in life comes back to his home city, Philadelphia,” said DiBella. “In 2018, from Australia to Madison Square Garden, Tevin established himself as one of the brightest and most active stars in boxing.
“This is the homecoming Tevin deserves, and if Jono Carroll fights with the same fervor that he talks, it will also be a fight befitting of a city that has long been synonymous with all action wars.”
“I'll do what I want with Tevin, he's a tiny little child and I'm not afraid of him,” said Carroll. “When we meet, if he's respectful of me, I'll be respectful back as that's how I've been brought up - but if comes talking rubbish then I'll put him in his place.
“I see a fakeness in him when I see him interviewed, I see a fake person. My thoughts on him are that he wants to be liked, but he's not. I reckon he's arrogant, that's the man I think he is and I know he's that sort of flashy person saying stupid things on Twitter.
“Tevin is a man that wants to be liked but he plays like he's Floyd Mayweather, but he's not half as good as him. He has serious holes in his armory, and I am going to poke every single one of them, I’ll break him up and stop him.
“He's never met a man like me in his life. He came from a rough background yes, but so did I. We're both from crazy places but we're in the limelight now, so we have to be grown-up and responsible as we're going to have cameras around us.”
Irish sensation Katie Taylor can take a giant step towards her goal of becoming the undisputed World Lightweight champion when she aims to unify her WBA and IBF titles against WBO ruler Rose Volante.
Taylor (12-0 5KOs) added the IBF strap to her WBA title in April against Victoria Bustos in Brooklyn, New York, and has since defended the titles three times, stopping Kimberly Connor in three rounds in London in July before shutouts against Cindy Serrano in Boston in October and ending a stunning 2018 by beating Eva Wahlstrom in New York in December.
Volante (14-0 8KOs) has defended her WBO crown twice since winning the vacant title in December 2017 and the Argentine won both her defenses in Brazil 2018 by the halfway point, with Lourdes Borbua retiring after five rounds in April and Yolis Marrugo Franco stopped in three in September.
The champions put titles and unbeaten records on the line in Philadelphia, and the winner will target Belgian WBC ruler Delfine Persoon for all the belts later in the year.
“Ever since I won my first World title as a pro my goal has been to unify the Lightweight titles so this is obviously a massive step towards that,” said Taylor. “Volante is unbeaten so I'm expecting a tough fight but that's exactly the kind of challenge I want. I think the better the opponent and the bigger the challenge the better I will perform.
“It's a great card to be on especially with so many Irish fighters on the bill on St. Patrick's weekend in Philadelphia so I'm sure it will be a special occasion.
“For now my focus is on Volante but of course after that fight I would love to have all the belts as soon as possible. Hopefully the Persoon fight can finally be made for the summer and then there are some other huge fights out there as well for the rest of the year.”
A stacked card in support of the two World title blockbusters is led by a crunch Middleweight clash between Philadelphia’s Gabriel Rosado and Pole Maciej Sulecki and an all-Philadelphia Lightweight clash between Hank Lundy and Avery Sparrow.
Rosado (24-11-1 14KOs) is back in action after a controversial all-action fight in Kansas with Luis Arias in November, the former World title challenger drawing with the Milwaukee man. The 33 year old will be desperate to get his name back into contention for major honors with the 160lbs division red hot right now, but Sulecki (27-1 11KOs) will have the same designs on those title shots having bounced back from a loss against Daniel Jacobs in April with a second round KO win in Poland in November.
“I'm excited to start the year back home in Philly,” said Rosado. “This is the second half of my career and the goal is to win a World title. It's only right that it starts here in Philly.”
Prospect Sparrow (9-1 3KOs) will be gunning to add a major scalp to his CV in the shape of former World title challenger Lundy (29-7-1 14KOs). Sparrow faces the second ten round clash of his career as he looks to step up his progress early in 2019.
“It's been a long time since I last fought but that's on me and I've learned from it,” said Sparrow. “Fighting someone like Hank Lundy is the kind of challenge I look forward to. It's a big fight on a big stage.”
“Once again we have a great Philly vs. Philly fight and that is always good for boxing in Philly,” said Lundy. “It's a hard fight but we're both looking down the road because we know what winning this fight will do for our careers.”
Kazakhstan’s Olympic gold medal star Daniyar Yeleussinov (5-0 3KOs) fights for the sixth time in the paid ranks ahead of what promises to be a break out year for the 27 year old, the same of which can be said for two-time Olympian and 2012 silver medalist John Joe Nevin (11-0 4KOs) who joins fellow Irish fighters on the St. Patrick’s weekend bill.
“I can’t wait for March 15 at the Liacouras Center,” said promoter Eddie Hearn. “It’s our first ever event in Philadelphia and it’s an honor to promote in this great city on St Patrick’s weekend.
“Tevin Farmer is one of the great boxing underdog stories of our generation and I’m so happy he is getting the chance to bring that World championship home against a feisty and talented Jono Carroll.
“The biggest star in World boxing, Ireland’s Katie Taylor, looks to unify the division against WBO champ Rose Volante. Philly favorite Gabe Rosado takes on Poland’s Maciej Sulecki in a thrilling Middleweight match up and Olympic stars Daniyar Yeleussinov and John Joe Nevin. It’s stacked from top to bottom and it’s going to be an electric night of boxing in Philadelphia.”
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