#and yes i did put them in height order lmaoo
sunshineandviolets · 2 years
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was tagged by @valcubust & made my detectives using this picrew, thank you <3 !!!
Jasmine (she/her) - RO: Farah Shivani (she/her) - RO: Nat Divya (he/she/they) - RO: Ava Nicola (she/her) - RO: Nate Akira (they/them) - RO: Ava & Nat (LT) Karthik (he/him) - RO: Mason (& Felix)
tagging: @queerdetectiveblue, @maburito, @nerdferatum, @ava-du-mortain and whoever else wants too, if y'all want <3
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theladysexpistol · 4 years
Can i get Josuke, Polnareff, Formaggio and Narancia trying to jumpscare their s/o but they were holding a kettle with boiling water and they spilled it on themselve and getting a bad burn ?
Hi anon! So my character limit is 3 unless it’s a team, I hope you don’t mind me just doing Polnareff, Josuke, and Narancia 🥺 don’t get me wrong i like Formaggio too (I’ve got a veryyyyy spicy WIP for him on the side), but I think him and Polnareff might be pretty similar anyway.
Also awww this kinda fluffy angst, the poor reader!
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I cannot for the life of me remember what ep this is from lmaoo Pol you just really look so funny
To say Polnareff was devoted to you was almost an understatement. In the months he had been gone, investigating something for a friend he wouldn’t tell you about, he made sure to smother you in affection from afar. Love letters, flower bouquets ordered from vendors down the street you weren’t quite sure how he did it. You knew he missed you terribly, and you missed him too.
Especially on mornings like these, with the sun so bright and warm, not a cloud in the sky. You smiled to yourself at how cheesy it was to think of Jean Pierre just over a normal, sunny morning, but you imagined he would make a morning like this anything but mundane. You made yourself a cup of tea and went out to the front porch of the little cottage you lived in.
Polnareff wanted to surprise you when got back. It was incredibly difficult for him not to call you instantly when he was finished investigating. He wanted to hear your voice, to see you, to hold you and catch up on the months of time he had lost with you. He made his way up to your house with the widest grin on his face, and the largest bundle of roses in his hand that he could possibly afford.
Both of you had the perfect reunion set up in your mind. You reached for the door at the same time Polnareff swung it open.
You jumped back when the door appeared to come alive, spilling your tea all over yourself. The boiling liquid burned your arms, and as if you wouldn’t have already started crying upon seeing him, you burst into tears.
Polnareff’s smile fell and the roses were discarded to the ground as he lunged forward toward you, putting his arms around your back to steady you.
“Mon cherie, what happened? I am so sorry... I didn’t mean to frighten you mon amour! Let’s get that treated right away.”
Despite his hulking frame and rather large muscles, Polnareff was gentle and tender as he helped treat your minor burns. Eventually your tears gave way to laughter. He had just been trying to surprise you and look what you had done. Any sort of romantic reunion was completely thrown out the window as the two of you had grown worried, spent the first hour together again trying to fix your stupid mistake.
He gave you a very confused look when you started laughing, and his face almost made you laugh more. Finally, you gathered yourself enough to bring your hand to his face, and pull him down into a kiss.
“Not what I had planned but...” you smiled as you finally got a good look at his face again. “Welcome home.”
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“Oh! Hello Josuke,” your mother greeted him after he’d knocked on the front door.
“H-hello, ma’am... uh, I mean Mrs [L/n],” he bumbled, internally flinching at his own trip up. It didn’t matter how many times he talked with your parents, it made him incredibly nervous. There wasn’t even any reason to be! They were incredibly kind to him; and if he could deal with his own mother, he should be able to deal with anyone. He sighed, ran a hand over his pompadour habitually, and gathered himself. “Is [y/n] free? I was hoping we could go together to meet up with our friends at the cafe.”
“Hm? Oh yes, [y/n] is awake in the kitchen. Go right on ahead, Josuke.”
As he stepped past your mother, however, he noticed she had a coat and her purse thrown over her shoulder, as if she was leaving. She seemed to notice him staring, because she smiled once more at him.
“I’m just running to the grocery store. You two kids better not get up to anything while I’m gone!” She said before stepping outside and closing the door.
Even though he knew she was teasing, Josuke felt a blush crawl across his face. He heard that all the time from his own mother, but there was something different about your mother saying it to him.
Now that he knew the two of you were alone though, he wasn’t embarrassed to give you a little surprise kiss. Purposefully, a miscue IOU’s grin crawled on his face as Josuke snuck toward the kitchen; for someone of his height and stature, one might think this was impossible, but Josuke had learned by now the art of stealth in order to play video games while his mom was sleeping down the hall.
He peeked his head around the wall, where he found you standing at the counter, humming a song to yourself. He was so overcome by the thought of how cute you were that he didn’t notice the kettle of boiling water in your hands as he lunged forward.
“Gotcha!” Josuke gleefully yelled as he seized you by the hips, but his lips did not make their way to your face.
You, aware that Josuke may be stopping by today but assuming you were alone when your mother left, shrieked upon the feeling of someone grabbing you. The kettle in your hand went flying, as did the cup of tea you had already poured in the other. By the time you realized it was Josuke, and that your mother must have let him in, you were already crying as the hot water burned you.
“Wha- shit! Shit!” Josuke immediately grew agitated when he recognized you were hurt, it then took him several moments later to realize it was his fault.
If there was one thing Josuke was devoted to, it was protecting the people he cared about. That was the basis behind the restoration ability of Crazy Diamond. And he was the one who had hurt you.
You didn’t flinch when he reached for you, that much was reassuring to him. He took both of your hands in his and manifested his Stand. It never mattered to him in the moment when people who couldn’t see Stands realized he had healed them somehow; all that mattered was taking away the pain, making it anew. And he wanted nothing more than to take the pain away from you. Even if Crazy Diamond’s ability made him feel the pain instead, he’d gladly take it. The burden belonged on him, it was his fault.
A minute passed and you passed your fingers over where the burn had been, mesmerized and stunned. You had no idea how Josuke had healed you. In fact it was somewhat of a miracle. But you didn’t want to think about it now, pushing it from your head as you looked up toward him.
“I’m sorry,” your boyfriend muttered, looking utterly defeated.
“It’s okay Josuke,” you cooed softly, wanting nothing more than to see his smile in that moment. “It was an accident, that’s all.”
As you pushed your head into his chest and hugged him, Josuke tenderly wrapped his own arms around you too. Right, an accident. And Crazy Diamond had healed you, restored your skin without fail. So that the only thing left of the incident was the dripping countertop where the kettle had spilled, and the guilt already weighing heavily on his spirit.
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Waking up in your arms was what Narancia lived for. You werent living together yet, but it was something you discussed often; especially considering how much time he spent at your place anyway, and how much he slept over. He had an extra bag left in your apartment just in case he got called out to a mission while in your home.
But when Narancia woke up to an empty bed, he found something he like even better - the smell of breakfast wafting from the other room. You were cooking for him?! It was like every day, you got more and more perfect to him.
Narancia hastily got dressed, pulling on much of the clothes he had been wearing the previous day. He assumed that in all his fumbling and swearing, you would have heard that he was awake from the open bedroom door.
He stretched, mussled his hands through his bedhead hair to make it more of an even unruly mess, and bolted out of the room straight to where you were standing in the kitchen.
“Buongiorno!” He yelled as he wrapped his arms around you tightly. His eyes were closed and a big grin was over his face, delighted to spend another morning with you.
But when Narancia heard you gasp, felt something hot drip ever slightly on his arms, he opened his eyes and his wonderful morning shattered.
“What happened?!” He growled immediately, as if he thought someone had attacked you. You were clutching your arm against your chest, gasping over and over again. But then Narancia’s eyes wandered over the stain on your shirt and the liquid on the floor, the shattered cup, and Narancia realized exactly what happened. Espresso was one of his favorite things, but right now he hated it more than anything else in the world.
“Cosa ho fatto? Damn it! Oh god, [y/n], I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to spook you!”
He couldn’t help but panic a bit, upset that he had caused this. All you had wanted to do was make breakfast for him and he repays you by burning you? Eventually, Narancia calmed down enough to bring you a wash cloth of cool water to wrap the burn in and guided you over to the couch. Your voice helped calm him down too, assuring him over and over that it was an accident.
Of course, how much more pathetic could he be? You were in pain, you were the one who had been hurt and yet you had to comfort him? Narancia was visibly upset as you brought him down to sit next to you, and cuddled into his side. Narancia was tense, but wiped the tears on your cheeks away and watched as you fell asleep with him. He was surprised by this trust; the anxiety that you might not feel safe any longer in his arms would keep him wide awake at night from that moment on.
[A/N: so like I spent a long time trying to come up with these and liked my ideas... but after writing them idk how I feel. I feel like I made the Polnareff one too lighthearted and the Narancia one too serious. But I put so much effort into them that I can’t see them coming out any other way. The Josuke one turned out exactly how I planned though. I hope you like them all anyway!]
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iheartlegolas · 5 years
legolas finding out you curse
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word count: 1117
warnings: swearing/cursing/cussing/use of the word fucc
summary: Legolas finds out you curse...fuck
imma bout to warn you this is way too dramatic for the prompt it's based on lmaoo
enjoy !!
You swear a lot but in secret. 
Well, it's never been a secret before you met Legolas. You'd swear and curse over everything. It was one of the most effective ways to express your feelings. When you and Legolas first kissed, you resisted the urge to say, "Fucking finally" after he pulled away and gleamed at you with satisfaction. There was another instance that occurred when you and Legolas were alone in the woodland and you nearly tripped over a tree and fell face first onto the floor of the forest. An almost silent "Holy shit" left your lips as you found yourself in Legolas's arms, your eyes meeting his concerned yet slightly amused ones.
"Are you alright, my love?" He said, completely oblivious of your near slip up of cursing. All you could do was nod sheepishly in response as he lead you back onto your feet and laced his fingers with yours.
Your swearing toned down as you got used to containing yourself around Legolas and the elves of higher status you were introduced to (a result of courting Legolas). Something you also noticed about Legolas was that you'd never heard him curse once. Not even when he was angry. The most his extremely calm and collected manner ever released would be some form of muttered elvish that was incoherent. This lead you to stray away from releasing any form of curse words you knew and frequently said in the past. Were it to be anyone else, you'd have taken no attention to your use of swear words and continue on with your life. Yet there was something about you swearing in front of the Woodland Prince that made you panic inside. He'd never judge you, you were sure of it, yet something held you back. It was childish, but the last thing you wanted to do was taint your near-perfect relationship with him.
To Legolas, you were pure and could do no wrong, and being enveloped by his presence even made you feel as such. Through his collected and often misguided as cold demeanour, beneath all that was a gentle soul. One that made your knees weak and words stutter you didn't want to be the cause of a downfall in your relationship. The sound of a curse leaving your mouth was not even remotely plausible to him and not a thought that ever crossed his mind. And you intended to keep it that way.
He was in the bathing room of your shared bedroom when he heard you enter the room with detected distress from the heavy footfalls and uneven breathing. The reason for your distress being that you were ordered by your advisor to search for a plant similar to athelas that began sprouting in the forests once again. You had trailed to the library and piled book upon book with thousands of words regarding botanical information. You left with books towered within the same height as your head and cautiously walked to your bedchambers. His hand was on the doorknob, his other hand holding a towel that he recently used to dry his wet hair.
You balanced the tower of books in your arms, tried everything in your power to maintain the balance. Then suddenly it came out,
"Oh, fuck!" you shouted, and the books trampled to the floor. You'd also managed to tip a half-full glass of water, causing it to spill on the table you stood near.
"What the fuck," you said quietly with a distressed sigh, droplets of water falling from the table and pooling onto the floor next to the books.
The bathing room door widened and you turned around, your senses heightening at the immediate and unexpected sound. You were faced with Legolas, his face the essence of an unreadable expression. Lips slightly parted. Which was what he always did when he was trying to analyze a situation.
You were frozen, and soon after the silence, a heavy awkwardness followed. "Have you been here this entire time?" You said, not even attempting to maintain any coolness in your voice for all composure abandoned you.
He raised the towel in his hand, implying that he'd been in the bathing room all this time. His eyes met yours and you averted them, slowly kneeling to the ground. You gathered the fallen books as Legolas watched you silently. You felt the heat rise on the surface of your cheeks in utter suspense.
"I tried to keep it a secret." You said softly, awaiting the inevitable backlash that you tried your hardest to prevent.
"Keep what a secret?" Legolas asked, oblivious to the shameful cloud that hovered above your being. He walked to you and leant down, helping you with the fallen books. "What has gotten you this distressed, A'maelamin?" He said, placing the rest of the books on the table and cupping your cheek.
You were confused, anxious, a thousand thoughts flew in your head as to what was happening and why Legolas was completely unfazed. "Why aren't you upset?" You said, examining his nonchalant expression.
"They are only books, are they not?" He smiled, pulling you up so you were both standing now.
"I just swore like a drunk orc."
"Yes, it is what adults do." He said calmly, talking to you as though you were a child. "What are these books for?" He gestured to the table.
"I've never heard you swear in my life, not once. You are truly fine with this?" You asked, wondering if he was concealing his impending shock or disgust.
"Everyone does it occasionally, there is no need to fret over it, my love," Legolas reassured you, probably thinking it was your first time expressing yourself through cursing.
"I thought I had to hide it from you." You admitted, feeling a fool for all the trouble you put yourself through.
"Why would you hide that from me? I would never judge you for such a thing." He said seriously, with a small chuckle of disbelief escaping his mouth at the end. He inched his face closer to yours, speaking quietly, "Believe it or not, Melamin, but I find the sound of cursing from your lips quite alluring. Nothing like a drunk orc."
You breathed in relief, you calmed down yet a new, regained redness appeared on your face for a completely different reason. Before you could reply Legolas's lips were on yours, his hands travelling your form.
"He's nearly 3000 years old, so he's obviously witnessed and heard a lot of shit..." You thought. This was nothing new to him.
But now it was as though the moments before hadn't happened, all you could think about now was the elf in front of you.
elvish - english
a'maelamin - my beloved
melamin - my love
oh my god i can't believe i spent so long writing this
happy april !!
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