#and yes i still have her metamorphosis album on cd
lindszeppelin · 1 year
listening to Hilary Duff's "Come Clean" is so healing to my inner child
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Wurst in the old FM4 Studio
Photo by Lukas Lottersberger
"I am both Conchita and WURST."
By Daniela Derntl
Songcontest winner Tom Neuwirth has on his new album "T.O.M. - Truth Over Magnitude quasi reinvented "as WURST. Instead of Conchita's glamorous diva ballads, evening gowns and wigs, there's now danceable electro-pop, vinyl, leather and sex. A conversation about the new record, self-discovery, the jurors activity on "Queen of Drags" and the upcoming tour.
FM4: Recently your new record "T.O.M. - Truth Over Magnitude "came out. And that's also your debut album for your new project WURST. The CD has been out for a few weeks. How were the reactions?
WURST: The reactions were very positive. I think I was the least nervous. Probably the people around me a little more, because you do not know if that happens or not. I was extremely pleased that what was happening was understood , and the music is also liked. I love this album, I can hear it up and down, which is not so obvious to me. I'm more of the category: I do not look and listen to my own stuff. But I love this album!
FM4: Which song is on Heavy Rotation right now?
WURST: Currently it's "Can’t Come Back" because I'm going to perform live soon, in a very special cast. And that's why I have to listen to it a bit, so I know the text. It's always a story with the text. Sometimes I like to improvise.
FM4: I also wanted to talk to you about this song anyway. Because it is interesting that you speak now also as WURST in dialect, and before as Conchita only spoke High German. Are there any other entrances when singing? Because in this just mentioned "Can’t Come Back", you also sound quite different, especially at the beginning of the song.
WURST: I sing so deeply, like never before, and that's actually not that easy. So to intonate is a challenge. But that's also a point of this album that I can really show my full range. And also show a bandwidth that I did not even know I had.
WURST about the start of the new project
FM4: When was it clear to you that Conchita could not go on like that - and you have to change. When was the starting signal for the new project?
WURST: The starting signal came after the decision that things could not go on like this. I think - quite banal - when I got up, and was no longer happy and had no mood for anything. I put that on for a few months, and I thought, yes, that will be all right. But it did not happen again. And then I dealt with myself. Then I also started talking therapy because I thought I could not go on alone, I seemed to need a new input somehow. That helped me a lot. And then I also really understood that I am responsible for my own life and I cannot fool around and say: They do not understand me. And they did not understand me. No! I did not understand it anymore and that's why I had to do something new.
FM4: What other insights have you got there, especially on the artistic path?
WURST: First and foremost, I looked closely at my ego and thought about how I go through the world and how to deal with people. Whether I'm really as fabulous as I think? And unfortunately we are not all! (laughs) We hurt people with our behaviour, and seeing and accepting that in its entirety has given me, I believe, this freedom boost to do something where nobody would have said, yes! Electropop! Great idea! And with that freedom it was ‘wurst’ (not important) for me. I did not care, I just had to do it, and then it all happened.
WURST about working with Eva Klampfer and Albin Janoska
FM4: So you had to go through a dark tunnel and then, together with songwriter Eva Klampfer aka Lylit and producer Albin Janoska, saw a light together at the end of the tunnel? Can one say that?
WURST: Definitely! I have wandered through many songwriting camps in recent years. Unsuccessful, because I'm not terribly talented when it comes to it. And then, by some coincidence, Severin Trogbacher, who plays the guitar in my band and is also my band leader, introduced me to Albin Janoska. And Albin says: Would you like to work with Eva? And I thought, that is not possible. You travel all over Europe to somehow write songs, and then they're all sitting there waiting.
FM4: Albin Janoska maybe known from Count Basic ...
WURST: He also produces Count Basic and son. You listen to the record, and understand what it's all about!
FM4: Eva Klampfer aka Lylit wrote the songs for you. And I've read - and I'm asking you now if that's true - that the character WURST was created while working on the album. So it was not clear at the beginning who the songs would be written for now?
WURST: Exactly! Eva and I have talked a lot about who this is for now. What is my name? Is that somehow okay? Actually, some songs were finished and I knew that "Trash All The Glam" would be the first single. That was the moment we sat together and kind of wondered what the video might look like. And I'm a very visual person and it just came suddenly. We went on location scouting and we just saw this shot that I was driving down the escalator, and then I said: There must be WURST in red letters like an exit sign. That was a moment when everything was clear to me. That's it: I'm both Conchita and WURST. It's so absurd, if you think about it in hindsight. It all happened to me by accident. But that's me. I love kitsch and pomp, and all the madness that the show business brings with it, but I like it a bit rude, simpler, clearer and without much frills.
WURST has reconciled with Conchita
FM4: You've reconciled yourself to Conchita through this metamorphosis? Can you say that?
WURST: Yes. In fact, I almost fell into the same trap again, because at the beginning of the project WURST I thought to myself: Now there are no high heels and wigs anymore, and the look is that, and blah. And then I'm like this: Oh wow! I'm doing the same thing again as I did before and restricting myself again. Of course, then came this TV show "Queen Of Drags" where it was all about showing all facets. Then I painted myself, and thought: Oh, there she is! And she is more beautiful than ever! And I think I did not get away from the mirror for half an hour because I thought: Oh yes! (Laughing). I love it!
WURST about his future plans
FM4: I have the impression that your metamorphosis is far from complete. You have a lot more sides, people, maybe even a whole ensemble in the quiver?
WURST: Yes, I also believe that there is still something in me that I do not yet know about. I also do not think that for ever and ever I'll just "stay in the music" under quotes. I also want to design sets, I also want to do fashion, I want to be a director and scream at actors. I want to write a musical about my life, because the boy from the mountains who wins the song contest is like "Sound Of Music". Sorry! And that's the way it will sound (laughs). Of course I'm wondering what the next one might be because the album is out now and I'm going on tour with it next year. I'm looking forward to it, but I do not want a standstill. I stir around a bit ...
WURST about "Queen Of Drags"
FM4: You're now also a juror on the new German TV show "Queen Of Drags", and there it hails from the queer community criticism of your co-juror Heidi Klum, because she has nothing to do with Queer and Drag. You clearly defend your colleague. But it's pretty much off, right?
WURST: Yes, fully. For one thing, I think everyone has an opinion. Hey, awesome! What this outcry from the community has just shown is that your character does not depend on your sexual orientation, because this community wants so much inclusion and understanding, and then somehow that does not work out. I find that a bit contradictory now. Yes, of course, there are not only fans of Heidi Klum, and I did not know her before either, and I have to say that this collaboration was just easy. And she was fully aware that it was somehow controversial, and she was just so respectful and so inside, asking questions without end, just wanting to be a part of it. I think that when it comes to judging candidates, we've always wanted to judge whether they're getting better. Because I would like to have all these ten Queens have a career after that and live on it. And I would like to give them what I have already learned.
FM4: Drag culture is also about body positivity. And that's just Heidi Klum as an executioner of "Germanys Next Top Model" not necessarily the right thing for something?
WURST: Yes, "Germanys Next Top Model" is a completely different format. And absolutely right there was a body awareness that was mediated, which is definitely not healthy. But even in this program, there was a learning process that has seen over the last few years.
WURST about pink-washing
FM4: Another reproach on the show was also the so-called "Pink Washing". So that now a broadcaster and a presenter who otherwise have nothing to do with this queer culture and scene capitalize on it. And you're almost the queer fig leaf on the whole. What do you say?
WURST: That's an absolutely legitimate comment. I want to say that I use it as well. Because I did not know Heidi before either, but she gives us the best slot on one of the biggest private channels to show what the queer community has on it to show people what's left. Of course! Excuse me! I get it - pinkwashing, et cetera. But I also take advantage of it to show how cool it is to be casual with each other, and how great it is to be supported. And how great it is when everyone can just be what he wants to be. And I love that too on this show. It works like nothing else. But when it comes down to it, keep it together. And I think that's exactly what it's about!
WURST about the Eurosonic Festival
FM4: Let's talk about your upcoming tour. In January you play at the Eurosonic Festival in Groningen, and that's a showcase festival for newcomers. And you're not really a newcomer anymore! But how is it for you to start from the beginning? Smaller halls to play, maybe not so many amenities to have. What is it like for you playing at a newcomer festival?
WURST: I think it's so cool that I'm allowed to get involved with the cool kids, and of course I'm really looking forward to this festival because it's something new for me. I do not know this kind of festival. Especially not as an artist. And I do not know the audience. And that's why I feel like a newcomer. But I'm no longer a newcomer in that sense, I realize. But I said it aloud, and now everyone believes it! (Laughing).
WURST about the concerts in Poland
FM4: No one believes you! It will also be exciting for you at the beginning of February, as you will play twice in Poland, in Warsaw and in Krakow. And the head of the Polish governing party PIS this year has declared homosexuals and transgender people to be "enemies of the state". So you can only be there with massive protective measures and safety precautions. How are you doing there? On the one hand you want to set a signal, on the other hand it is not without danger.
WURST: Yes, on the one hand, I am a pretty unconscious lamb when it comes to that, because in my opinion I always see only the good. I once had personal security for 24 hours when I was in St. Petersburg. That feels weird. I do not know if it will be the case in Poland. I do not want to sound cynical, but I - as such a public person - already have some protection because of this publicity, because if anything should happen then it would attract a lot of attention. And that's why I may not see my safety in the foreground right now. I'm just happy that I can play there for my fans, because I have so many from the East, and I just want to have a great time with them!
FM4: Thanks for the interview and all the best!
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aspiestvmusings · 5 years
GROUP B/ GROUP 2: (contestants 7 - 12)
EP 3x04: CLUES & MORE: RECAP for remaining 5:
Location: Hollywood (CBS?) Lot: 1920s street/building 
His clues video is done in black & white (like a 1920s silent film) 
B&W image: MIB sitting on a bench, on a street, as newpapers are being thrown at them (by a paperboy)
Newspaper: The Daily Ribbit (price: 5 cents) 
Newspaper headline: Frogs are jumping! Frogs are jumping!
Newspaper headline: Tadpole plucked from large creek!
Newspaper article subtitle: Toad’s crazy ride begins! 
Newspaper photo credit: Frog joins The Masked Singer 
Newspaper article [this is a nod to the detectives among us, viewers]: TEXT HERE LATER “So there was this tadpole just swimming along, doing its tadpole thing, thinking “Hey, life is pretty good!” Who needs legs anyway?” Then one day it was swimming near a horseshoe and mustve felt lucky. It waived it’s little fishy tail and swam faster than ever and the metamorphosis began in the blink of a frog’s eye. Good bye tail, hello legs! “What arethese weird spongy things in my body? Oh, lungs! Cool!”  The tadpole became a frog, but seriously are you actually  reading all this? Did you pause on me? Are you hoping for more clues? Or should I say hopping for more clues? Well here’s a frog joke: Why are frogs so happy? Because they eat whatever bugs them! Hahaha. Sorry, that wasnt a clue, but hopefully there’s a kid in the roomto enjoy it. I’m impressed you’re still reading this small print. Back to the frog: it really did have a wild, wild ride. Though it did have some interesting eating habits and I'm not just talking about dining on flies. By the way, have you seen slo-mo videos of frogs using their tongues? Pretty fascinating. Okay, you’ve made it this far. I’ll just tell you the tadpole who became a frog is the celebrity we all know and love who goes by the name” [ARTICLE ENDS HERE] 
Sign on the wall of the building “arrow pointing to the left” 
Papar bags on the ground next to the bench with “Leftovers” written on it & “leftovers” from one nag have fallen out...to the ground. 
The frog’s shadow behind the window/glass is seen using his tongue to catch/eat a fly on the glass
Poster on the (office) floor: 1996 Games: 1000-Meter Leap Frog
The frog & MIB doing dance moves on the street (as he comes out of the building) 
Old school michrophone with the “LIKE” sign on it. 
Dollar bills on the “counter”: 100 dollar bill +  5 dollar bill + 1 dollar bill (100 + 5 + 1 = 106 dollars) 
“News Flash: My metamorphosis has been anything but typical.”
“I leapt to stardom as fast as the lightning bolt.” 
 “Never had a chance to evolve my image, and do things my way.” 
“I was slitherin with the big frogs from Jump-Jump. Just had to fit in and survive.” 
“But now I can write my own masterpiece” 
“Showing this new side (of me) gives me butterflies in my stomach.”  
“But I'm ready to drop the hammer, and sing my face off.” 
Song choice: “U Can’t Touch This” by MC Hammer 
Look/Costume: Frog is wearing a purple suit & a yellow/purple checkered tie. He has a matching hat with a feather (1920s “gangster” style) & “Gatsby” style shoes. 
Stage: Moves around & dances a lot, while rapping. Very energetic. Touches the brim of the hat during “questining”
Height: Short. Seems around 170 -173cm = 5 feet 6 inches 
Build: He’s small, but athletic. 
Mic hand: Right. 
Talking: “I feel free, baby! I came here to win it all, baby, that’s what I came to do - win it all!”  (when answering "How does it feel to dress up as The Frog?”)
Shad Moss aka (Lil) Bow Wow (rapper/singer/musician) - for me the dance moves confirmed it’s him, cause I am not super familair with his voice alone. But last  year when many suggested he could be "The Rottweiler”, I looked him  up, and the dance routines he and his kid do in several of his posts leave me with no doubt that it’s him. I would not have gotten this one from the voice alone. 99% chance 
Paper bag “Leftovers” = Doggy Bag -- his artist nme was/is Bow Wow + it’s the title of one of his albums (Doggy bag)
Mic + Like sign = Like Mike 
106 dollars = he hosted the”106 & Park” music vid show
Location: many clips used from Georges Méliès silent film(s) - “Astronomers Dream” watch on YT 
Silent film era style clips from a (movie) theatre
Most of her clue package is in black & white, in “silent cinema” style. Lot of footage from the time films were first made & lots of references to the film of that time. 
(Stage) Curtains opening
B&W: People watching the performance though binoculars. 
B&W: Audience clapping (during the performance) 
Kitty Mask appearing on each lens of the binoculars. 
B&W image: a group of men coming to the stage, in one line...as we see it from the audiences POV. And Kitty Mask appearing in front on them...as the only in COLOUR image that has been added to it. 
B&W: (Astronomical) Observatory with a telescope pointed at the Moon. There is a globe in the room. A stand with drawings and shapes (geometry) on one side & a blackboard with AB + CD = [more math...which I can’t type in here...for reasons] An old man/astronomer in a wizard hat is sitting on a chair, reading a book. Then gets up to write something on the blacboard. There is a coat of arms on the back of the chair. - a clip from Georges Méliès "The Astronomer's Dream" (old film from 1898)
In colour:  Kitty walking to center stage - alone on the stage, in an ampty theatre 
B&W: The Moon with a face being blown up - a clip from Georges Méliès "The Astronomer's Dream" (old film from 1898) 
Blinking dressing room lights (a wall full of them) in the background of Kitty Mask 
A glass jar/bottle of milk  + a glass of milk...with Kitty mask sitting on top of he glass...as milk is poured into it.
B&W: Pirates sword-fighting on an old ship deck. 
Kitty doing the CATwalk... with greenish-blueish lights in the background...
A (big) glass rose shattering to pieces as it falls to the ground... with rose petals fling everywhere... 
“In all my wildest dreams I’d never imagined I’d be here where I feel at home among the weird and the wonderful.”
“It’s almost like this show was made for me. -- A little bit of heaven where I can wipe the slate clean as the purest snow.” 
“Sometimes it feels lonely, because people don’t think of me as the person I’ve become, but the person I once was.”
“But now under these light - among the cream of the crop - I get to start from scratch.”
“And just like a Kitty will always find a way to nuzzle into your heart, Tonight, for my big debut, I'm going for high drama...as I show you why I'm the pick of the litter”
Song choice: “Dangerous Woman” by Ariana Grande 
Look/Costume: Burlesque/(Vegas) showgirl costume - sparkly dress with straps, and feathery skirt + feathers on top of the head (inside a small crown”, and added to that are sparly silver boots. Wearing a leotard under the dress (it seems to be a  Red Silver Tabby cat). Kitty mask with different-coloured eyes (heterochromia) - one blue & one brown. The costume has a kind of Satine from “Moulin Rouge” feel/look to it. 
Stage presence: Dancing sensual “Cabaret” chair dance while singing. Her backup dancers are dressed as “Chesire cats” 
Height: Short, looks around 155-163cm =  5 feet 1 to 5 feet 4
Build: Petite. Very small & slender. 
Mic hand: Alternates between left & right 
Talking: “I am being somebody that noboby has ever seen before, and its always been inside of me, so... it’s great!”  (when answering “Whats it like being The Kitty?”) 
Sarah Hyland (actress) -- the voice & the stage presence remind me of her...the most, though alost none of the clues fit her (rose for BF & drama for being on a popular mock series with lots of “drama”...are the main ones fitting her) 50% chance 
Emma Watson (actress) - several clues fit her, but I am uncertain about the voice being a good match
Chloë Grace Moretz (actress) ...so many clues seem to reference to the movie “Hugo” she was in...that was a “tribute” to Georges Méliès...
Kate Bosworth (actress/model) - she has heterochromia + several clues fit 
Mila Kunis (actress) - she has heterochromia 
Lily Rose Depp - I am not that familiar with her voice to make a definite yes/no decision, but several clues match - pirates connection through her dad & French connection though her mom. She starred in a film titled “Planetarium”... and in the Vanity Fair’s “Secret Showcase/Talent” she did has a very similar oldie feel to it...like the clue package has 
some/any “former” Disney actress, who is now in their late teens to late 20s
With this Mask I am more confused than I have ever been with any other mask...any season. Some fit the voice, some the stage prsence, some the clues. But none seem to fit (to me/to my knowledge) them all. And I still cannot decide on the voice..even after re-listening/watching. I really need that 2nd & 3rd song to make up my mind. 
Location: (Restaurant) Kitchen 
Location: Hollywood (CBS) Lot: streets/parking lot 
MIB dressed as chefs (in buffed up/sumo suits) preparing food - tacos
The taco lying on the plate as MIB chef adds some seasoning to it 
VHS tapes...on the counter 
Anchor (nautical.. ships anchor) on a plate 
A (solved) Rubik’s Cube on top of a bowl filled with lemons/limes. 
Fresh food in the fridge as the door is opened (salad, peppers) - a red trolley (tramcar/streetcar) is on top of the food 
The MIC chefs adding more seasonings, and then ketchup to the taco. Writing TACO as a decoration on the plate, next to the taco, with ketchup. 
The taco jumps off the plate, and onto the kitchen floor, adn starts running away..as the MIB chefs run after him (with ladles in hands)...He runs out of therestaurant...and onto the street
The MIB looking out between large TMS door and waving for Taco to come their way...and the Taco running into the studio...as the doors close just in front of the chasers
Sign next to the TMS mask logo doors: Studios 36 & 46 Main Entrance [arrow pointing to the left]
Sign on the wall inside the TMS studio doors: Stage 46 [arrow to the right] 
“Like the comfort food I am, I’ve been a confirting part of your lives for decades” 
“I’ve got plenty of seasoning & I'm in a good place, but my routine can get a bit mild, so I'm here to bust out of the buffet...and spice things up.” 
“To enchiladas and beyond!“ 
“Here I go...as fast as I can.” 
“I want to be the last mask standing.” 
“I just hope I don’t fall apart out there.” 
“Time for Taco Wednesday.”
Song choice: “Fly Me to the Moon” by Frank Sinatra 
Look/Costume: Dark green suit under a taco suit/costume. Cherry tomato for a head. Ketchup bottle for a mic. suits in the background. 
Stage presence: Moon & stars theme: Big Band with starry suits. Swing music style..very 1960s Sinatra vibes. 
Height: He’s around 170cm = 6 feet (about the same height as the host, Nick)
Build: Tall-ish & lean-ish. 
Mic hand: Right 
Talking:  "This is how  dress normally! No(w), the weirdest thing about this experience is being ignored by everyone, cause they don’t know who I am. For the first time (in my life) I feel invisible!” (when answering “How is his normal life different from being on TMS?”) 
Tom Bergeron (TV show host & comedian) 99% chance 
Tim Allen (actor/comedian) 0.5% chance 
Tom Hanks (actor) 0,5% chance 
Though the voice at times makes it seem as this could be the actor (and comedian, and writer, and artist) John Lithgow and/or the clues at times make it seem as this could be the actor Ted Danson...it cannot be either of them. They’re just too tall to be the person in that costume. 
VHS tapes =  America’s Funniest (Home) Video’s - he hosted the show..for years
The trolley = the exact trolley/model like in “Mr. Roger’s Neighbourhood” +the 2019 film about him - hesang a song on the 2019 films “soundtrack”
“...as fast as I can” = the title of his (autobiographical) book is “I'm hosting as dast as I can” 
Location: Football field 
The Mouse holding a megaphone & gicing orders through it to others (shes the boss of them all)
MIB dressed in dark slacks & yellow jerseys + wearing helmets...ready to play some “american football”
One MIB is dressed as a cheerleader - with pink tutu skirt & golden pom-poms...cheering them on...
There is a dark football helmet with the US flag on the bench next to the Mouse Mask
The Mouse standing on top of a car/trcuk tire...that’s on the foorball field 
Whiteboard with game strategy on it. Title: Bang Bang Formation. Football field drawin under it...with each players moves indicated. 
The four cardinal directions: N for north, S for souts, W for West & E for east (in a different colour!) on each side of the table. 
The MIB athletes doing push-ups..with The MOuse standing on top of one of their helmets
The MIB yellow jerseys say “Wariors” & their numbers are “19″ & “79" 
The MIB athletes tackle the trainign equpment the mouse is standing on, making her fly, and (crach) land of the grass
“Just like a mouse I’m small and cute. But don’t let my size fool you, because my presence is larger than life. ” 
“I’ve always been a leader in my field, really.” 
“I wrote the Playbook.” 
“But as much as I love calling the shots, and showing everyone who’s the boss, I also love having a walk-on role to play.” 
“They say: “Don’t sweat the small stuff.”  But now that I'm putting myself in, you should. Because I never accept anything less than gold.” 
“So, to all my copetitors, you “cheddar” watch out” 
Song choice: “Get here” by Oleta Adams 
Look/Costume: Pink-ish mouse costume, wearing a long fairy skirt/dress (with flowers in front) & fairy wings on the back. 
Stage presence: Static. Sitting during both the performance/singing AND the “panel guessing” part [indicating she’s older and/or has a health issue and/or it’s done just to fool the viewers about her height...and hence the line “don’t let my size fool you” in the clue package] 
Height: Shorter than the host, Nick. Seems about 170- 175 cm = 5 feet 5 iches to 5 feet 7 inches  tall. 
Build: “Normal” ...to smallish
Mic hand: Right 
Talking:  “Not being able to talk. Yeah, you know, I’m a chatterbox. And I love talking and they always tell me...that I can’t say anything to anybody.” 
(when answering the question “what makes this experience different from her day-to-day life?” 
Warriors 19 & 79 = 1979 [the year, the number] = This is  the year, when her album “Dionne” was released.
Gold (pom-pons) in her clue package = many of her (her bands) albums/songs have gone Gold. 
Dionne Warwick (singer) 90% chance 
I dont really have other guesses. I was conflicted for a bit during the original airing, cause it looked like she was wayshorter than the host, but thats cause I did not pay attention to the fact that she was sitting the whole time. So my confusion “that’s D.W.s voice, but the height excludes her... cause she is a bit taller than that” was over as soon as someone pointed it out to me, and I was able to re-watch & see that she sat not only during the Q&A, but also her performance. 
Location: Football field 
Location: Party/Tour bus 
Four small fruit-shaped “hobbit houses” - one pear, one stwarberry & 2 watermelons...behind a white picket fence + theres a bicycle nxt to the fence 
Banana sleeping & “yawning”  outside, on a grass (football field)... on a blanket
A cowboy hat next to the sleeping banana 
A tomato & a blowfish next to the sleeping banana 
MIB texting “Banana! Where R U?” to him..on an orange-coloured phone 
All kinds of veggies and salads + a banana peel..on the grass. The MIB “walking and texting”, and hence not seeing the banana peel & slipping on it & falling down next to the blanket 
The Banana sleeping under the blanket...with two dressed in green “cowgirls” sleeping on either side of him. The Bananas clothes/costume is on the floor/grass next to them...so he’s “naked” under the blanket 
All kinds of veggies lying around the blanket, on the grass õA
A blue (dog) collar on the grass next to the blanket
Banana partying on a tour bus with the two green creatures
Banana dancing on the table...
[Banana sleeping on a football field & getting a text “Where R U” from MIB] “What? Where am I? Oh, no, I’m late for the stage! Aaahh” 
[12 hrs earlier] “Ugh, I cant believe I overdid it last night. You’d think this was my first rodeo.”
“I’m the banana because I'm tough on the outside, but a total smoothie on the inside. And a hoot to have at parties. Am I right, ladies?”
[getting up from under the blanket] “Help me get dressed, dadgumit.” 
"I cant wait to peel back my layers, and show I can use my voice in any environment.” 
"I just wanna see you smile.” 
Song choice: “A Little Less Conversation” by Elvis Presley 
Look/Costume: Yellow costume suit & a banana head with banana peel for a collar
Stage presence: Very energetic, moving around & dancing a lot. Ends the song with an “Iron Man landing pose”
Height: He’s around 180cm = 6 fee (around the same height as the host, Nick) 
Build: He’s tall & lean
Mic hand: Right 
Talking: “[chuckles] Technically... No. My kid. -- I’m getting ready to work out -- she hands me a banana, and it’s a sign. So here I am - The Banana. And I’m peeling it. I’m peeling the music.” (when aswering the question “Did you always want to be the Banana?” 
Bret Michaels of “Poison” (singer/musician) - those denace moves! and stage presence just give him away. 
Cowbvoy hat = he wars one quite often (its kind of one of his trademarks) 
Blowfish = they are poisonous & “POison” is the name of his band 
The MIB slipping on a banana peel & falling = Bret famously fell once during Tony Awards in 2009
Blue Collar = he has a pet clothing line + his daughetrs name is Bleu 
First mask to be voted out in ep 4! 
I am sad, cause I really liked his performance. But I get it...they’re all really equal, so it just depends which voie/mask has most “fans” in the audience that day/moment. 
The clue package video hinted at a sportsman (athlete: skateboard, acrobatics, parkour, snowboarding...or similar..based on the MIB choreography). An individual sport, not team sport. The blue birds hinted at his company name + kinda his last name, too. 
What people shoul’dve picked up, too were: his “limping” as he entered the stage. His “sliding to his knees” on stage (a move in his sports...to protect from falls). And... even though it was most likely just about “he's moving to the beat of his own drum” with the drums/drumming, but Id like to think that is was a nod to his role in that “Guitar Hero” add, where he & 3 other famous athletes played band members...and he was the drummer.
As promised, I’ll be doing this for the first episode of each group (3x01 for group A, 3x04 for group B, and in a few weeks 3x07 for group C). But that’s all I’ll be doing. Those three. Cause I have no time or energy to write it all down each week. 
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musicdish · 6 years
The Metamorphosis Of Raven Salve'
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Pensacola, Florida's Raven Salve' is the rising singer/songwriter that is sweeping the country with her angelic sound. From the Gulf Coast to all across the county, Raven Salve' has impacted the lives of music lovers of all ages with her incredible sound. Raven Salve's musical talent spans over twenty years. With each CD release, she continues to show her ability to keep producing one hit song after another. Her latest project is entitled "METAMORPHOSIS THE TRANSFORMATION" and is the most epic project in her career so far. The album is a must have and definitely offers a variety of songs to everyone. The EP consist of eight tracks: Rock With ME CoCo Brown (remix) Steppin Out, Tic Toc, Keep It Moving, True Love, Cry For America, Victim No More. Interview: Where are we talking from today? A. Pensacola, Fl 2. What would you like to accomplish in 2019? A. I would like to increase the positive influences on our community through my music. I want my fans to know real music still exists. 3. Has the government shutdown affected you or anyone you know? A. No 4. What is your take on politics? A. I have a deep view of politics. With all that's happening in the political arena in this day and time; now is our time as a culture to stand up, take our places and allow voices to be heard. Right now, is the best time for our nation to stand up and do the right thing. 5. Where did you get your artist name from? A. Raven Salve' is a derivative of my birth name meaning Ebony's healing. 6. At what age did you make music a pursuit? A. I've always had a passion for music since I was around 2 years old, but I finally made up my mind to professionally pursue a professional music career around the age of 23. 7. Did your family and friends support you in your pursuit of music? A. My family has always supported me in my decision to pursue a music career. My mom and my sisters are my biggest cheerleaders. When we were younger my sisters used to yell at me for singing too much but they have always been there for me. 8. Do you have an album/EP out now that readers should check out or are you about releasing singles? A. Yes, I am in the process of releasing my epic sophomore studio album. 9. Do you have any plans to tour? A. Yes, a tour is in the works 10. What artists are you listening to right now? A. I love and listen to all genres of music. I listen to a host of artists as well; such as H.E.R., Fantasia and others. 11. When you are not making music what else do you enjoy doing? A. I am strongly pursuing advocacy for my non-profit. I am promoting my hair boutique and my new Raven Salve' clothing line “Verde.” 12. Where are you @ online? Go to www.ravensalve.net. My website will link all my fans to all my social media sites: Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and others. http://youtu.be/_ZktJbZtqKk https://www.facebook.com/ravensalve124/ https://www.instagram.com/raven_salve/
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thecloudupblog · 6 years
Pensacola, Florida's Raven Salve' is the rising singer/songwriter that is sweeping the country with her angelic sound. From the Gulf Coast to all across the county, Raven Salve' has impacted the lives of music lovers of all ages with her incredible sound. Raven Salve's musical talent spans over twenty years. With each CD release, she continues to show her ability to keep producing one hit song after another. Her latest project is entitled "METAMORPHOSIS THE TRANSFORMATION" and is the most epic project in her career so far. The album is a must have and definitely offers a variety of songs to everyone. The EP consist of eight tracks: Rock With ME CoCo Brown (remix) Steppin Out, Tic Toc, Keep It Moving, True Love, Cry For America, Victim No More. Interview: Where are we talking from today? A. Pensacola, Fl 2. What would you like to accomplish in 2019? A. I would like to increase the positive influences on our community through my music.  I want my fans to know real music still exists. 3. Has the government shutdown affected you or anyone you know? A. No 4. What is your take on politics? A. I have a deep view of politics.  With all that’s happening in the political arena in this day and time; now is our time as a culture to stand up, take our places and allow voices to be heard.  Right now, is the best time for our nation to stand up and do the right thing. 5. Where did you get your artist name from? A. Raven Salve’ is a derivative of my birth name meaning Ebony’s healing. 6. At what age did you make music a pursuit? A. I’ve always had a passion for music since I was around 2 years old, but I finally made up my mind to professionally pursue a professional music career around the age of 23. 7. Did your family and friends support you in your pursuit of music? A. My family has always supported me in my decision to pursue a music career.  My mom and my sisters are my biggest cheerleaders.  When we were younger my sisters used to yell at me for singing too much but they have always been there for me. 8. Do you have an album/EP out now that readers should check out or are you about releasing singles? A. Yes, I am in the process of releasing my epic sophomore studio album. 9.  Do you have any plans to tour? A. Yes, a tour is in the works 10. What artists are you listening to right now? A. I love and listen to all genres of music.  I listen to a host of artists as well; such as H.E.R., Fantasia and others. 11. When you are not making music what else do you enjoy doing? A. I am strongly pursuing advocacy for my non-profit.  I am promoting my hair boutique and my new Raven Salve’ clothing line “Verde.” 12.  Where are you @ online? Go to www.ravensalve.net.  My website will link all my fans to all my social media sites: Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and others. All Inquires - 850-610-2097
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