#and yes make a boatload of money but also just sell it in general like. i don’t need this to feel like i’m doing you a favor
ilostyou · 1 year
about to get into the nitty gritties with my best friend over the eras ticket nonsense wish me luck 😵‍💫
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thetldrplace · 3 years
Negative Inspiration
Having had to work on patent drawings for the last week, which is kind of a boring, donkey job, I usually put on podcasts and try to learn something. But I ended up watching a "discussion" between some men and three OnlyFans girls on a channel called the Roommates. (Just for context, I have mentioned I had been watching a young woman recently named Courtney Ryan. She was invited to be on the Roommates channel, and that's how I ended up running across their video.) Anyway.... Roommates is, so they say, dedicated to helping men becoming the best version of themselves etc.
I have to admit I watched this in part because I wanted to hear what the pretty girls had to say, though I was expecting it to be dumb. Sure enough, they trotted out the usual platitudes about being strong, independent women.... financially able to make their own way in the world, and they don't need no man to help them because they can do it themselves, blah, blah, blah.
The men were insisting that while these girls were making money now, it was trading on their looks and wouldn't last, blah, blah, blah. It degenerated into a mess, as maybe I should have expected.
While I hate the term "mansplaining", because it is often a way to just shut men up, these guys were genuine examples of the phenomenon. They repeatedly spoke over the girls, they were demeaning to them, and yeah, point taken, the girls ARE trading on their looks and that's not going to last forever. The girls countered with- well, we're making boatloads of money how we can while we can.  
While the men's point is taken- they're making short-term money but selling out longer term options, there are only so many ways that can be said. I gotta say: I did NOT think I would be taking the girls' side on this one, and in one way I can't. These girls are essentially online strippers, and it's not a healthy way to make a living, even if it's effective. But I feel like the two sides were talking past each other: Yes, the girls are making short term money. They COULD invest the money, if they're smart, and set themselves up for a longer term. Will they? To be honest, listening to these girls, probably not. but to the girls point, they could. The men were stuck on this point of it not being "long term", and to be fair to the girls, a lot of things people end up doing for money are not "long term", or particularly effective, so it felt like the guys were just sort of picking on these girls as easy targets. I'll clarify that I don't think what these girls are doing is healthy, for them or society, but the men were only slightly less shallow.
Why was I watching this?   I admitted part of it was because it involved pretty girls, but part of it was because I was expecting the discussion to be a cautionary tale. That's the nice term. Train wreck, Springer-esque, and cluster**** are also terms that might be applicable.   This morning as I was getting ready to come to the office, I was thinking about this kind of negative inspiration, by which I mean watching failure for various reasons.
I think part of the reason for the popularity of reality TV is that we like seeing people do dumb stuff because it makes us feel better about ourselves. In the best moments, we'd learn from watching other's mistakes. This of course has a long history.  
I was reading the prophet Joel this morning and 2:17 says "Do not make your inheritance a byword among the nations". This phrase- I will make you a byword, happens in the scriptures. It is the Lord telling the people- I will make an example of you- a cautionary tale- so that people will look and shake their heads.
The Greek tragedies were sometimes about this, though the reasons for watching tragedies were more complex than just cautionary tales.  
Books like 1984 or Animal Farm or any number of others are written in the same sense- to warn us of the ways in which things can go wrong.
It is, as I mentioned, a way of learning from other's mistakes.
I have read/watched all kinds of things that do this. One of the reasons I like history is to learn the ways in which prior generations tried to cope with situations; sometimes successfully, but often failing. As the old saying goes- those that fail to study the past are doomed to repeat it. The saying presumes that not learning from mistakes means repeating them.
I'm sure there's a real term for the idea of negative inspiration- looking at the idiocy of others and being inspired to NOT do that! The Germans probably have a 25 letter word for it. But until I learn what it is, I'll just use negative inspiration.
0 notes
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Picture from SmartBlogger.com.
( FYI I assume this answer is wizard.).
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keziacole · 7 years
tagged by @bumbleblossoms​ - thank you! 
Tagged Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people.
1. Drink: Coffeeeeeee
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2. Phone call: My partner, just as they left the dentist. :( 3. Text message: Motherbot 2.0 4. Song you listened to: Been Caught Stealing – Jane’s Addiction 5. Time you cried: Uh… some point in the last couple months, I guess? Not sure when, but it was at something related to dogs. Honestly, I did most of my crying last year, during The Year From Hell, and I’m still a bit dried out.
6-92 under the cut. :)
6. Dated someone twice: As in getting back together again? Nooooo. 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: …yup. Often. Sometimes not until a long while later, though!   8. Been cheated on: Not to my knowledge. 9. Lost someone special: Yep. 10. Been depressed:  Eh, I’ve never been diagnosed with depression, so no, I don’t think so. Situationally really fucked off with things? Yes. 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Once. Story time, everyone! 
So, I generally have a really good alcohol tolerance and a cast iron stomach (not necessarily for good reasons, but hey), but I did once go to a party that ended very badly. I was about 17, had recently been diagnosed with CFS, and was on a heavy painkiller regimen. I drank when I shouldn’t really have done so, because bullshit and All the Emotional Drama, BUT… I did not know that my friend’s asshole brother had spiked my drink. (He was a peach. Gave his 14 year old brother acid once just to point and laugh at the result. Fuckin’ hated that guy.)
At some point in the evening – somewhere after the sham marriages, interpretative dance, and someone putting someone else through a table, because teen parties – I realised I was wayyy more wasted than I should have been, despite the painkillers, and I ended up spending all night hallucinating and throwing up, plus feeling horrific for about three days afterwards. 
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Moral of the story: if you spike people’s drinks, you are a gigantic bag of toe lint and should suffer mosquito bites on your asshole for a thousand years. The end.
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12. Purple 13. Red 14. Blue
15. Made new friends: Not yet. Befriend me, tumblr, you’re my only hope.  16. Fallen out of love: No, though I have watched my relationship with at least one family member crumble into dust. Does that count?  17. Laughed until you cried: At least four times a week. Which is one big reason why I’m marrying that motherfucker.  18. Found out someone was talking about you: Yes. See 16. 19. Met someone who changed you: Not yet.  20. Found out who your friends are: Yes, sadly. It sucks when you realise how effectively someone has manipulated the people around you.  21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Nah, I don’t really do the FB thing. I should, I guess?
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: See above. I kind of have a profile, but I only use it to message people I’m related to who are freaking obsessed with Facebook and won’t communicate any other way. Ugh. So… most of them? I guess?   23. Do you have any pets: One dog – Hector, a grumpy and elderly terrier - down from two resident mutts and a boatload of fosters. Older dog died last year, and I’m not in a position to foster right now, which sucks, because I miss having a house full of beasties, not to mention making a difference. 24. Do you want to change your name: Already have done/am doing! I have no real interest in keeping up with more than 80% of the people I’m related to, and I never liked my birth name, plus this is easier to spell and dictate to people, and isn’t known by the abusive assholes in my life. So, yay! 25. What did you do for your last birthday: Ordered pizza and watched favourite movies with my partner. We did The Blues Brothers and shit-talked the progression of police militarisation in the US over the past 30 years, and it was incredibly fun, despite the fact we’re 3000 miles apart right now. Also, they remembered my birthday, which is more than can be said for over two-thirds of the people I’m related to.  26. What time did you wake up: 9am, but in my defence I was up until 3 last night. 
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27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Talking shit with my partner, knitting an afghan, and watching foster kitten cams and reviews of awful movies together, because these are good ways to help someone who has a dental appointment in the morning try to stay calm. 28. Name something you can’t wait for: Getting my current backlog of work finished. Sooo clooose…. Promised myself a movie and gaming binge when I’m done. 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: Last week. 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: Either having enough money to fix all my problems (yes, in this case, money most certainly can do that), or just being on the same continent as my partner, so we didn’t have this immigration thing to worry about. Not having a debilitating illness that fucks everything up would be pretty awesome, too.  31. What are you listening right now: Freddie King 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Yep, many Toms. All the Toms. Well, like, five plus. 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: Not knowing whether or not the electrician is going to show up tomorrow, which will mean I need to move the paintings and quilt top I currently have all over the sitting room floor. I’m not done piecing that thing yet. Grr. 34. Most visited website: Lots. Mostly Google, Politico, Reuters etc., but I’m living on eBay right now because I’m trying to sell off a bunch of DVDs, books, and vintage glassware. …Does anyone want to buy some vintage/antique glassware? 35. Mole/s: Yep. I had one removed from my back once. Turned out to be benign (phew!) but I got an interesting scar out of it. 36. Mark/s: I still have a faint surgery scar on my elbow, but it doesn’t look as Frankenstein-y now. Most of my scars have faded, but I still have some weird idiosyncrasies from things that have been broken or busted up. 37. Childhood dream: Writing was always my main thing, but also acting/directing. Illness took that away. Other than that, I always wanted to live somewhere rural with lots of animals, and be happy.  39. Long or short hair: Long. Lots. It’s huge. Send help. I like both on other people.  40. Do you have a crush on someone: Not right now. Give me ten minutes and a new Fet profile to stalk and I’ll get back to you... 41. What do you like about yourself: I’m a creative dynamo and I don’t stop until I fall down. I’m also proud of the fact that I’m a pretty compassionate and patient person, and I like the fact I’m slow to really anger. Someone told me recently I’m a very stabilising influence, and that was nice to hear. I feel like life can use more of that.  42. Piercings: Ears (two left, three right), nose (left). More on the way, maybe, when I can justify it.  43. Blood type: ???? I should check. I know the NHS won’t let me donate blood because of my medical condition, which blows.  44. Nickname: Zia. Some people call me Kez. One person is allowed to call me Admiral Fuckface McAsshole III.  45. Relationship status: Open relationship with my primary partner, technically speaking. Poly is good, but my planner is too cluttered for anarchy.  46. Zodiac: Aries w/ Aquarius moon, Virgo ascendant. I also have Mars and Venus in Taurus, so mooooo. And yes, I did used to do natal charts for beer money. I read palms, too. I’d still do it if asked nicely.  47. Pronouns: They/She. I don’t mind feminine pronouns, because I’m incredibly cis-passing and most people will assume “she”, plus I can live with being labelled female if it’s a binary choice, but I see myself more as a person than a gender, so I love that neutral pronouns are being used so much more now.
FWIW, I considered whether or not I was trans for a hot minute when I was a younger teen, because I used to love passing as a boy when I was a kid (until puberty at nine. Boo.), but for me it was the difference in how I was treated when I passed as male that mattered. It was the difference between “Oh, isn’t he confident and intelligent?” and “Hello, sweetie, don’t you look pretty today?” that affected me, not a real sense of dysphoria, so I decided the problem wasn’t really in how I presented, but in society itself. I have yet to really find a satisfying way of rectifying that, but I think we’re all making progress as a society. It’s very slow progress, sadly.   
48. Favorite TV Show: I don’t watch that many series, but Star Trek (especially TOS and DS9), X-Files (S1/S2), Game of Thrones, old mystery adaptations (all the Agatha Christie ever), Stranger Things, Better Call Saul, Breaking Bad… can’t think of anything else right now, but there are some. 49. Tattoos: One black and grey dotwork spiral goddess on my arm, next one coming soon (watch this space, now I’ve found an artist!) 50. Right or left hand: Ambidextrous. Yes, I can write with both hands. Sometimes, I switch in the middle of the sentence. No, it doesn’t look the same. I can also operate light switches with my toes from a standing position.  51. Surgery: I fucked up my ulnar nerve a couple of years ago by blacking out and falling on some stairs. It was melodramatic, and I lost the use of my left hand. Had surgery to correct it. I was awake but a bit sedated, and spent most of the time talking to the cute anaesthetist about chastity cages. Because... sedated? Yes. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. Sadly, he did not call, though I’m pretty sure he did a lot of googling when he got home that night.  52. Hair dyed in different color: Always, since I discovered Olaplex, which means I can actually bleach my hair without it completely frying. Most recently, I’ve had a mermaid fantasy in turquoise, green, and purple, but it’s faded a lot. Not sure what I’ll do next. Maybe orange, or neon yellow again. 53. Sport: I can’t do much without turning blue and blacking out, but I’ve always enjoyed tennis, badminton, swimming, and equestrian stuff. Is hiking a sport? Hiking’s fun.  54. Do you use sarcasm a lot: Um... 
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55. Vacation: Last one was to see my partner; next one will be too. So, the woods of NEPA. Hiking out with some granola and my favourite human, and spending a few days playing with shelter pitbulls. <3 Otherwise, I’ve never really been on holiday. I went on a school trip to Germany once where I nearly got arrested and, when I was seven, I went to Malta and there was a hurricane. I remember wedging wet towels into the window frames and hoping we didn’t die, because we were on the twelfth floor and there was nowhere else to go. 
I did go to Norfolk with my mother for four days after her breast cancer diagnosis. Macmillan, a cancer charity that is very worthy of support, granted her a short break. There was a lot of playing dominos and trying to convince her she wasn’t actively dying at that precise moment.
56. Pair of trainers: Converse. All the ratty old Converse low tops in the world. 
57. Eating: I have the house to myself right now. It’s awesome. I’m celebrating with homemade shiitake tofu stir fry, wontons, vegetable udon… and doughnuts. Not in the same bowl, though. 58. Drinking: Rum. 
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59. I’m about to: Finish a short story, close out an editing project, format a print galley (again. Goddamnit, Adobe.), and try to finalise the running order of a poetry collection. Maybe send some emails, maybe eat the rest of those wontons.   61. Waiting for: The dizziness to go away, usually. 62. Want: The time, space, peace and quiet to focus on my work, and my health to cooperate long enough for that to happen. 63. Get married: As soon as possible, which basically means when we can afford it, because immigration, legal wrangling, and a ton of other bullshit. It’s a headache, but if there weren’t so many technical hurdles it would already be done.  64. Career: I write and make stuff. I’m doing it under a new name now, which is daunting, because it means starting over again, but I’ve spent the past few years doing a lot of genre fiction and being told my original work is “too original”… but I’m ready to say “fuck you” to that and see what I can carve out for myself. Come on, internet: don’t prove me wrong, ‘k? 65. Hugs or kisses: Ooh, tough. Yes? I guess hugs if I have to pick.   66. Lips or eyes: Eyes. 67. Shorter or taller: I honestly don’t care, though I do very much enjoy short subs. Pocket rockets are adorable. 68. Older or younger: It really doesn’t matter. 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: Arms, I guess? Doesn’t really matter. It’s all pretty to look at, but who really cares? Arms are best for hugs. 71. Sensitive or loud: Sensitive. I don’t like too loud. 72. Hook up or relationship: Define the terms, yo. I’d say relationship, but the definition of “relationship” can be open to numerous things. 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: Um… possibly a bit of both, but more hesitant, probably.
74. Kissed a stranger: No. 75. Drank hard liquor: Yup.
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76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: I once dropped a contact lens down the back of a gas fire and spent three hours getting it out with Vaseline on a paperclip. My vision is awful and I wore very expensive gas permeable lenses at the time. 77. Turned someone down: Yup. 78. Sex on the first date: Nothing wrong with it (and nothing wrong with sex being the date), but it’s not for me. 79. Broken someone’s heart: So they said. 80. Had your heart broken: Yes, but not how you might assume. 81. Been arrested: Nope. 82. Cried when someone died: Yep. 83. Fallen for a friend: A couple of times, with varying degrees of success.
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84. Yourself: I try to, because few other people often do. (*the world’s tiniest violin plays*) 85. Miracles: Yes, sometimes in the form of coincidences, surprises, or the results of hard work. I believe in inverse miracles, too, when things go catastrophically wrong for no apparent reason. Or, as we call it at my house, Tuesday. 86. Love at first sight: Yes, in a way. Potential for love at first sight, I guess? I’ve usually found I know the moment I meet someone whether that’s a thing that’s going to happen or not. 87. Santa Claus: YES, DAMN IT. Okay, maybe not a literal dude in a red suit, but as a personification of the generous spirit of Non-Denominational-Winter-Solstice-and-Festival-of-Lights, he works. (I’m an eclectic neo-pagan/hedgewitch, but my most loved time of year is the whole October-February period, so I start celebrating Yule/Christmas around December 1st and don’t stop until Twelfth Night. I will take ALL of your symbolism, ALL your traditions, and – most importantly – ALL your festive foods and embrace them. In my belly. Thank you.)
88. Kiss on the first date: Probably. Unless it’s a baaaaad first date. 89. Angels: Again, not so much the literal sense, but it’d be nice to think there are positive presences looking out for us. I’d be very concerned about the serpent-like pillars of fire, though.  
90. Current best friends name: Aside from my dog, that’s my partner but they don’t like their details shared, so SHHHH IT’S A SECRET. 91. Eye color: grey-blue-thing 92. Favorite movie: You can’t just ask a person that at the end of the thing like it’s a simple question…! So. Many. Movies. Depends on the genre. The Blues Brothers, Priscilla: Queen of the Desert, Gattaca, Silence of the Lambs, Re-Animator, Die Hard, Stand By Me, Sleepaway Camp, Alien, Lady in a Cage, Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead, TRHPS, The Great Escape… those are movies I can watch a billion times (and have done). Honorable mentions, depending on my mood, go to things like Basket Case, Caramel, An American Werewolf in London, Exterminating Angel, Secretary, Gran Torino… I could have done 92 questions just on the most popularist movies I like!
tagging: I’ve been away for a few days and I don’t wanna tag people who’ve already done it, so if you’re reading this and want to do it, consider yourself tagged! <3
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profitonlinewithian · 6 years
LinkedProfits Review and Bonuses by Ian Michaels
  LinkedProfits Review and Bonuses by Ian Michaels
  LinkedProfits Review and Bonuses
Thanks for taking a look at my LinkedProfits review! This is Ian Michaels, owner and operator of ProfitOnlineWithIan.com. It’s truly awesome that you’ve chosen to join me.
If you’re someone who is looking to enjoy a whole new reality by earning your living (or even just a few extra bucks) from your home computer, you’ll be well-served to continue reading.
It’s now time to scrutinize the heck out of Greig Wells’s LinkedProfits. If it’s worthy of your consideration, you’ll know by the time you’ve finished with this review. Trust me, you’ll soon know if it’s not!
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Okay, here we go……
  LinkedProfits – The Basics:
  As I’ve already mentioned, LinkedProfits is a “make money online” course created by Greig Wells. The sales page claims that Greig was able to make thousands of dollars generating leads on LinkedIn. Is this feasible? We’ll know shortly. But first things first…
LinkedProfits is a combination full automated lead generation software suite and comprehensive training package that covers topics ranging from how to target the perfect audience on LinkedIn that are absolutely primed with cash in hand ready to purchase exactly what you have to offer, to how to use the super simple and completely automated lead generation software to find the perfect audience for whatever it is that you are selling, to how to make thousands of dollars off of all of the leads you have generated either selling to them yourself or selling them to other users on LinkedIn who will pay you handsomely.
LinkedProfits Review and Bonuses
A number of bonuses are also included, such as full access to a live webinar with Greig Wells where he breaks down his entire $1.2 Million Dollar LinkedIn Lead Generation business, Greig will be showing you multiple ways to profit from your LinkedIn leads by either selling to them yourself or selling them for boatloads of cash to others, and a LIVE Q & A Session with Greig where he answers all of your questions so that you absolutely start making money the day you start using the system. These bonuses do seem to compliment the offer pretty well.
LinkedProfits Review and Bonuses
To sweeten the pot even further, I have some great bonuses of my own to offer you, should you choose to buy LinkedProfits through my link today. We’ll talk more about those at the end of the review. First, let’s dig a bit deeper into the offer…
  LinkedProfits: What’s the Price?
  This question is, in my opinion, the best starting point. Big, drawn-out price reveals, saved until the end of a presentation, tend to annoy me. So I’ll tell you straight up that, as of this writing, this course is selling for $27. This is the price as of this writing, anyway. A price hike is most likely to happen sooner than later.
  Will I Be Offered Upsells After Buying LinkedProfits?
  Yes, there are two upgrades available with this particular offer. Included among these are the PRO version of the LinkedProfits software which has many advanced features and will literally allow you to get a steady stream of virtually unlimited leads from LinkedIn in any niche on complete autopilot for $67, LinkedProfits “Closer” System Done-For-You – this is Greig’s complete system on how to “close” the deal every time and turn all of your leads into cold hard cash. This comes with all of the scripts, calls to actions, and best niches to build a complete six-figure business on LinkedIn that does all of the work for you at $97.
These are “value-added” upsells, which is to say that the effectiveness of the front end product is enhanced by them. However, please don’t think that you NEED them in order for LinkedProfits to work.
Truthfully, the front-end product OUGHT to help you make money as-is. We’re simply asking… is it actually GONNA?
  LinkedProfits Review… Will LinkedProfits Truly Produce Results?
  Let’s not beat around the bush. Can you really expect LinkedProfits to help you make any money? Unfortunately, the “annoying” truth is… it depends on you. I can say that the proof on the sales page does seem convincing.
LinkedProfits Review and Bonuses
In all seriousness, the vast majority of programs can make you money, but only provided you’re able and willing to put in the work long enough to actually make money.
Trouble is, a lot of programs take far too long to make you any money. They’re also likely to require more of your blood, sweat, and tears than you’re comfortable giving. It’s just so easy to walk away in the search for something “faster” and “easier” when so much is expected of you without any guarantee of a payoff.
I actually really like that LinkedProfits is a complete system that is really designed quite brilliantly to ensure your success.  The first component of the system is the killer Lead Generation software that will make it super simple to harvest extremely qualified and targeted leads on LinkedIn.  But the second, and perhaps more important, component of the system is really the in-depth training that Greig is providing which will show you how to actually turn those leads into dollars.  You will learn how to sell products and services to your leads or how to actually make thousands of dollars every month as a true lead generation specialist selling the leads to other LinkedIn members.  This product really is the “total package” and has everything that you would really need to be successful.
In all honesty, if you’re willing to go for it… just for a little while, I can see you making money before long. A minimal amount of time and effort will still be required of you, but that’ll be true no matter what path you follow.
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The question is, how long will positive results take to achieve? The official product page states that money may just start pouring into your account in as little as 24 hours. This does seem feasible to me, after having gone through the product myself. If you’re okay with that, then you may be wise to consider making this investment.
LinkedProfits Review and Bonuses
Obviously, neither myself nor Greig Wells can legally make any income guarantees. Individual results come to individual people. And there can be extreme variance from on person’s results to the next. That said, good results are always the result of taking action, so give LinkedProfits all you’ve got and I believe you’ll do great!
Naturally, this course has its flaws too. It can’t ALL be good. So at this time, let’s go ahead and look at both the good AND the bad points regarding LinkedProfits. And right afterward, I’ll unveil my bonuses, which were designed to help you reach even greater heights in much less time.
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  LinkedProfits – What’s Good:
  a very complete system with an entire software system and detailed training on how to become a lead generation powerhouse on LinkedIn
you get to use the same exact system that the most successful lead generation specialist on LinkedIn has been using, tweaking, and perfecting for years to build his own 7-figure business
LIVE webinar style training and Q & A sessions to make sure that you are successful with this system
LinkedProfits – What’s Bad:
not a passive system – you will have to turn all of the leads that you generate with this system into money by either selling to them or selling them to others
will take some time to build up to a full-time 6-figure business
relies upon LinkedIn which is a social media platform that many people may not be as experienced with as other social media platforms such as Facebook or Instagram
I wouldn’t say that these negatives really hurt your chances of success. But just to cover bases, I’m giving you a few of my best bonuses for taking action today. Here’s what you’re getting…
  LinkedIn Profit System:
  LinkedProfits Bonuses
A 12 Part Step-by-Step Video Series that helps you to position yourself as the “go-to” expert on LinkedIn. This training will allow you to stand out on LinkedIn by learning to craft the perfect profile so that prospects will literally come to you rather than you having to chase after people. Combining the power of a killer profile with Greig’s lead generation secrets will allow you to literally turn LinkedIn into your own personal ATM machine.
  LinkedIn Marketing Made Easy 3.0:
  LinkedProfits Bonuses
A Comprehensive 20 part training course that takes you from complete LinkedIn newbie to a seasoned vet and lets you complete dominate the world’s most profitable social media platform, LinkedIn. The perfect accompaniment to LinkedProfits for those who have never marketed on LinkedIn before.
  LinkedIn Traffic Generation Mastery:
  LinkedProfits Bonuses
This is MASTER Level training that will allow you to completely dominate LinkedIn marketing by harnessing the awesome power of two very unique features on LinkedIn – Groups and Events. These are little known and completely next level marketing strategies that only the top level LI marketers know and use. These types of strategies are what separate the six from seven figure marketers on LinkedIn.
What it comes down to is, I enthusiastically want for you take LinkedProfits and make a fortune with it! I’ve come up with this next-level bonus offer for this precise reason. I would never try to insult your intelligence by offering you some bogus “$25,000 value” bonus package on a product that sells for only $27.
These types of bonuses most times consist of ineffective, outdated master resell rights crap. They aren’t really intended to help you make more money online. Mine, on the other hand, are.
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So if LinkedProfits sounds like something that you can use in your own online money-making endeavors, then I encourage you to order it by clicking here right away. Make a note, this deal ends soon, so take advantage while you still can.
LinkedProfits and my white-hot bonuses are about to give you an unbelievable chance at enjoying the success you truly deserve. Honestly, I think you’d be very wise to get in on this opportunity while you still can.
You should be thanked and congratulated for reading my full review. I hope you consider this to have been useful. Now go make it happen!
– Ian Michaels
The post LinkedProfits Review and Bonuses by Ian Michaels appeared first on Profit Online With Ian.
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Content Artemis Reviews 2021 - ⚠️Launch Discount & Huge Bonus⚠️
There’s a brand new software going live today that lets ANYONE – yes even complete newbies – create their own products & launch their very own business. And all with zero work, 100% done-for-you.
==> Special Discount: Order Today With Best Price And Special Offers
Content marketing is a $400 Billion industry and everyone needs as much content as they can get their hands on. This includes:
offline businesses and local clients
online marketers and website owners
buyers on sites like Fiverr, Upwork, etc.
What if you had a 1-click solution that enables you to instantly generate 100% unique content? And what if you could turn this content into:
PDF infoproducts
online & offline articles
… That you can then sell for a profit? Put simply, you’d be a KING.
Well now you can. Content Artemis is a brand new software that just went LIVE which lets you create custom & unique content that you can sell for HUGE profits on sites like Fiverr, Freelancer, Upwork and many more… All with the push of a button!
Yes – literally – click a button, get 100% unique content that you can SELL or use on your own sites. Content Artemis reveals how to create high-quality content with (mostly) free data sources.
==> Read More Here: Don’t Miss Out Today’s Special Offer <==
Content Artemis is the ultimate Content creation and publishing tool. We are able to combine the best of technology to supply content from the web – based on incoming feeds and then be able to simply highlight and edit to create the finished content.
Artemis allows you to add in images, videos social links and even HTML.. You can spin the content and check your SEO Score LIVE to give you the best chance of ranking with your new content. One click publishing to your sites – and boost your content with Zapier integration as well.
The creators developed their very own Easy Content Software dashboard software. (You can see a demo below) This software allows us to save a ton of time finding the resources we need to create all types of content quickly and easily. And now they are going to share that same software with you. It’s a simple download and install and off you go!
>> Visit The Official Website Here to Place Your Order!
Walt Bayliss reveals what type of content sells, the best data sources to use (and where to find them), how to create content fast from data, and much, much more! Plus, he’s showing you on screen how to create monetized content as fast as possible!
What’s the easiest way to get unique content for yourself or clients? Content Artemis! Want more traffic? Use Content Artemis! Want more sales? Use Content Artemis! Want to have your very own products & eBooks to sell? Use Content Artemis! YES – it really is that powerful!
Here’s what Content Artemis can do for you:
Creates Unique Content with the push of a button
Insert your keyword -> get a unique article out of it
Instantly generates a PDF course or eBook with 1 click
Helps you to rank your sites by posting unique content
Launch your biz in a few seconds
Works on PC / Mac
Content Artemis gets you unique content to publish on your site
Content Artemis gets you unique products you can sell
Content Artemis gives you instant free traffic and SEO rankings
Content Artemis is 100% newbie friendly
Content Artemis enables you to start your own business by selling your own products or content writing & SEO services to other people
Content Artemis allows you to get all benefits of free organic SEO traffic, without ever doing any of the work or creating a single SEO backlink yourself
No matter what you do when it comes to content – blogging, podcasting, writing books, creating worksheets, etc. Content Artemis is one resource you need to add to your toolbox. So Don’t hesitate to check out the next parts of this Content Artemis Review as I’ll show you how powerful it is!
Do you find yourself discouraged and frustrated with getting more buyers? If you answered yes, you’re not alone! Most content creators put a ton of time and effort into creating content only to be discouraged with the lack of results they’re seeing.
The good news is, you don’t have to be discouraged anymore and you no longer have to put a ton of time and effort into content creation.
I’m not saying it’s time to start producing low quality crummy content. Instead, I have a resource for you that is full of everything you’ll need to go from zero to hero when it comes to creating high quality content… in a lot less time than you’re used to!
My friend, former burnt-out English teacher turned six-figure content publisher, Walter has developed a step-by-step system to not only help his create great quality content, but produce a ton of it as quickly as possible.
And now he’s giving you the blueprint in his brand new Content Artemis. You don’t need to be a content creation guru to get this to work for you. Heck, you could be a complete newbie and still get results!
So if you’re thinking that you need to spend months or even years developing your skills to become the next J.K. Rowling – think again. The Content Artemis is so simple to follow that you could literally create your very own high-converting content by dinner tonight!
That’s no joke. With all of the sources the author gives you access to, along with the step by step guide, you could be well on your way to a boatload of content before the week’s over.
Content Artemis uses powerful tech to fully automate 100% unique content, then neatly packages it into six services that you can sell, get actual results for your clients and make you a ton of money.
(ACT NOW AND SAVE) Click Here To Get at a Discounted Price!
Plain and simple: after using Content Artemis I can honestly say this cloud-software is going to completely revolutionize the way we earn commissions and get traffic to our sites. I was able to create hundreds of links for my video offer with Content Artemis within seconds, and use it those to generate affiliate commissions.
Honestly, with The Content Artemis, all you need is a computer with a working internet connection. As long as you have both of those, you’ll be able to follow the system and create high quality income generating content from anywhere in the world!
Just insert your keywords or the keywords your clients give you, and watch Content Artemis create you a unique article, eBook or product course out of thin air! Once you’ve gone through The Content Artemis, you’ll have everything you need to create a plethora of high quality income generating content with ease.
Content Artemis removes the “guesswork” and creates peace of mind with full automation! You get to siphon unique content and use it for yourself or clients – so you can laugh all the way to the bank while your competitors are left confused
PLUS…You can complete SEO orders within minutes that would take your competitors DAYS and all with just one click. Imagine being able to save yourself from any bumps or bruises along the way… don’t you think it’s worth it?!
You already know that people are desperate for content – And that they don’t have the time or talent to make it for themselves. So now that making top quality, traffic-pulling content is quicker and easier than ever before.
Get For a Special Discounted Price Today (In Stock)
It gives you a great opportunity to sell content to needy businesses, entrepreneurs and solopreneurs and pocket the cash. Whether you decide to make money on Fiverr, Freelancer, with your existing agency or simply B2B –
The one thing you can be sure of is that you are going to make Big Profits For Little Time And Little Effort.
But he doesn’t stop there. He’ll also invite you to join in his Facebook group, where fans and customers alike get together to talk publishing. Here is where you’ll get to connect with his personally as well as other like-minded content creators.
You can access the online community at any time, so if you have questions about how something works or just need to bounce ideas around, you can reach out to your fellow authors (and the creators) for help.
For a limited time, you can grab Content Artemis with early bird discount price in these options below. Let’s pick the best suited options for you before this special offer gone!
Front-end: Content Artemis ($37)
Effortlessly Build Your Authority
Bring Free Traffic To Your Offers
Get More Traction On Social Media
Generate More Hotter Leads
Build Brand Awareness & Create Loyal Fans
Make Your Prospects Know Like & Trust You More
Rank Higher On Google & Get Better SEO
Save Money On Your Marketing
Make Perfect Shareable Content In Just Minutes
Never Have To Write ANYTHING Yourself
Effortlessly Add Images & Video With Nothing To Pay
Share On Blogs, Websites, Social Media, Email & More
OTO 1: Content Meets Domains ($97)
It is a domaining software and training on how to use the content and flip domains for profit – priced at $97
OTO 2: Content Meets Social ($197)
The social posting software – to work with Content Artemis. Priced at $197
OTO 3: Content Meets Agency ($297)
Lead generation software and an agency website and tools – priced at $297
Thank you so much for reading my Content Artemis Review! I really hope it did help you with your buying decision. This system is coming out with many bonuses for the early bird. Take your action ASAP for the best deal.
Get For a Special Discounted Price Today (In Stock)
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fmshahin · 4 years
Profit-Tearz Review – Hidden Secrets !
Profit-Tearz Review – What is Profit-Tearz ? Welcome to my Profit-Tearz Review. Profit-Tearz is a brand new method/product/software by Jason Fulton. Are you searching for more knowldge about Profit Tearz?Please read through my honest review about it before choosing to assess the shortcoming and qualities of it. As usual, many affiliate marketers are promoting this Profit-Tearz to their email list. Maybe you are one of them who saw their promotions and came here to read an honest Profit-Tearz review.
See my full Review : https://imsaikat.com/profit-tearz-review/
Profit-Tearz Review You want to know if Profit-Tearz works or not ! Right ? So welcome to my honest Profit-Tearz review based on real user’s results and opinions. Comment below your experience and results using this Profit-Tearz below. It will help our readers to make decisions .
Profit-Tearz Review Review- Vendor Introduction As I am doing the most honest Profit-Tearz Review, so I should also give a introduction about the vendors.
As we know Profit-Tearz Version is basically created and developed by Jason Fulton.
Jason Fulton is one of most BIG profile on warrior+plus. He is TOP 1% Vendor as well as TOP 1 % affiliate at JVzoo. Each and and every of his launches sold over 2000+ units ! Like you can say –List Generator System ,Ultimate Profit System , Rapid Income Trigger ,ube Traffic Mantra , Commission Siphon Funnel ,Commission Ultimatum ! and lots of more.
You should know that he has made over 78,000+ sales on Warrior+Plus. In addition 31 of his products are Deal Of The Day of the mentioned network
Profit-Tearz Review – My Personal thoughts After seeing their sales page and lots of promotional emails you can expect or dream a lot of things from Profit-Tearz. This is natural . People fall for promises.
Let me explain, suppose a product or course named X can be workable for one and can be not working for another person.
Before buying any product you must know if it will fit you or not.
And as usual , these types of softwares and courses like Profit-Tearz give a lot of reasons and promises why you should purchase this.
But we always try to advise our readers to do more thinking and do some research before falling for something which may not work for you.
You obviously should have noticed that, every week more than 7-10 products/softwares are launched and everyone promises you a lot ! Products are launching one after one !
So, will you buy every product or you should stick with one PROVEN method ?
Profit-Tearz Review method And before I continue, I want to let you know that if you are still struggling to make money online and searching for a real solution that can transform your life then – It will must change your life :
Learn How You Can Copy My $1,000 Per Day Part Time Business…
…even if you’ve never made a dime online before”
Go Here To Check Out Everything
And Learn How You Can Make Your First Commission Online This Week…
…even if you’ve never made a dime online before!
Go Here To Check Out Everything
Profit-Tearz Review : Overview Vendor                 Jason Fulton Product Profit-Tearz Front-End Price $13 Launch Date: 2020-May-01 Launch Time: 09:00 EDT Commission 100% Product Type Software Refund Yes, 30 Days Money Back Guarantee Skill Level Needed   All Levels Support   Effective Support Profit-Tearz Review : Features # Absolutley NO Selling Required To Profit (Yes, You Heard That Right!)
# No B.S. Theory – This Is 100% Proven By Real Results
#This is No Guesswork – Done For You Campaigns Are Included At No Extra Cost
#There is No Special Skills Or Experience Required
#Create New Passive Income Streams
WHAT DOES IT DO? You’re Only 3 Steps Away From Making $100+/Day WITHOUT SellingStep 1. Get Your “Profit Tearz” LinkThis is NOT an affiliate link. We’ll show you where to get your unique “Profit Tearz” linkStep 2. Fuel Your “Profit Tearz Link” With FREE Traffic Simply use our free traffic methods to send boatloads of visitors to your Profit Tearz link. No paid traffic is needed to make this work…Step 3. Start Getting Paid Beam in pride, as you start to make a full-time online income WITHOUT selling!
WHO IS IT FOR? Profit Tearz is for YOU – No Matter What Business or Niche You’re In – If you to want to make commissions online, This is The Method For You… We made it so SIMPLE and powerful so that ANYONE, even if you are NEW to this whole “internet software” or this “make money online” experience – you can use this software and get results. If you’ve tried every other software out there promising to find you mines filled with gold & then never got any result from it, you need to try this.
THE FUNNEL BREAKDOWN [+]  Profit Tearz – Underground ‘Secret’ Commission Sites ($47): Downsell to $27
Profit Tearz is a comprehensive method and everything is shown in the front end product. This upsell is the next logical step for the training buyers. Here we give our students an opportunity to tap into ‘hidden’ secret underground commission sites +  DFY Profit-Tearz Campaigns that will get you set up FASTER and without figuring it out yourself.
[+]  Profit Tearz – Advanced 500x Edition ($67): Downsell to $47
Inside this upgrade, we will share with your customers the #1 high income skill to help them quit their job and make potentially an extra $100k a year from their home using Profit Tearz.
Profit Tearz – DFY Affiliate Profits ($197)
Profit Tearz is a method that allows you to generate commissions without needing to sell anything. DFY Affiliate Profits is an upgrade that allows you to steal our best affiliate funnels while building your list at the same time.
Profit Tearz – $1k Paydays ($77): Downsell to $57
Here your customers will discover the secret methods to generating multiple $1k paydays using just this one simple technique… …Without the need of a domain, website or hosting.
Profit Tearz – License Rights ($97): Downsell to $47 Here our students can sell Profit Tearz as their own product and keep 100% of the profits. And the best part is… WE TAKE CARE OF ALL THE SUPPORT. You don’t have to do anything, just collect your 100% profit and find a way to spend it. This is amazing for you, if you do not have a product you sell online, and this plugin is something that EVERY ONLINE MARKETER WANTS for their business.
Profit-Tearz Review-Proof Learn How You Can Copy My $1,000 Per Day Part Time Business…
…even if you’ve never made a dime online before
Go Here To Check Out Everything
And Learn How You Can Make Your First Commission Online This Week…
…even if you’ve never made a dime online before!
Go Here To Check Out Everything
8 REASONS WHY…Getting Profit Tearz Is A No-Brainer… No Selling Required: Unlike most methods, there is NO selling required to profit.
No Paid Traffic Required, Only100% FREE Methods: Because there’s no paid traffic involved, you get to keep ALL the profit.
Done For You Campaigns Included: That’s right, you get complete done for you campaigns when you buy Profit Tearz. This allows you to remove the guesswork.
No Experience Required: You get everything you need inside to start making money whether you’re a complete newbie, or experienced marketer
Get Results In Days, Not Weeks: This isn’t a get rich quick software, but it is proven to get you results in a short amount of time.
No Expensive Tools Required: You won’t need any expensive tools to get started
No Hidden Fees: There’s no hidden charges or extra fees involved. All that’s required is a one time investment and you have access to Profit Tearz
Access To A FB Community: There’s no hidden charges or extra fees involved. All that’s required is a one time investment and you have access to Profit Tearz
So, Should you Buy Profit-Tearz ? First, it depends on you. You need to think about whether you should invest your money and time on Profit-Tearz or not.
But keep in mind that you can also lose your money if it won’t work ! It doesn’t matter what type of promising they claimed you .
If it’s your type then there’s a chance it may work but if not you will just lose. So think twice if this fits you before purchase.
I am not discouraging you to buy this but just try to warn you. Many people fall for promises and lose their money by buying products after products. So, you must be determined !
In the end, this Profit-Tearz review post offers users leave their honest reviews after testing and experiencing this product.
Anyone can give their positive testimonials or scam report if it is ! Feel free to comment below if you have tested this product and if any results. Also if it does not work, you are welcome to let us know below on this post.
Our readers will benefit with your honest real user review. And we will know the real performance of this product.
Conclusion : So, before I finish the Profit-Tearz review, I want you to know that to build a real online business, you need the best and working online marketing methods and funnels created by the best person in the industry .
Instead of buying products after products blindly and getting into something you don’t know about, see my no#1 recommendation https://imsaikat.com/Start-Journey and see exactly how to make $200 – $300 per day as a complete newbie without having any website, list or any complicated process. Work on something that is working now and changing many people’s lives every day with LIVE proofs and testimonials .
And before You Leave, I want to let you know that if you are still struggling to make money online and searching for a real solution that can transform your life then – It may help you :
Proof Learn How You Can Copy My $1,000 Per Day Part Time Business…
…even if you’ve never made a dime online before
Go Here To Check Out Everything
And Learn How You Can Make Your First Commission Online This Week…
…even if you’ve never made a dime online before!
Go Here To Check Out Everything
This is just a life changer in single sentence !
So, thanks for reading my honest Profit-Tearz review and don’t forget to comment below of your thoughts.
See my full Review : https://imsaikat.com/profit-tearz-review/
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meraenthusiast · 4 years
How Much Money Is Enough? – It May Be Less Than You Think
How Much Money Is Enough?
A hot topic these days among the FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early) community is financial freedom.
“How much money is enough?” or…
“How much money do I need to stop working and enjoy life?”
To answer this, it depends on who you ask.
What do you think?
Have you ever thought about your “magic” number?
Most of us have at some point but don’t really have a rhyme or reason how they came up with it.
Let’s dive deeper and try to find out just how much money is enough….
How Much Money Is Enough?
We all know that having boatloads of money isn’t going to make us any happier, but if I were to choose between lack of or abundance, I’d choose the latter.
If I’m going to be unhappy either way, well at least I can buy stuff! 🙂
We’ve already discussed this topic in detail in several previous articles:
The Geometry of Wealth – How $$ Figures in a Joyful Life
Living With Gratitude
The 7 Elements of Achieving True Wealth
5 Bible Verses About Contentment To Make You Rich
The Mexican Fisherman Story – How Much Money is Enough?
What do other people say?
According to research, if you ask someone about their “magic” number that recently graduated dental/medical school, their answer is going to be higher such as:
$12 million – $20 million dollars
With student loan debt continuing to rise, doctors starting off older in practice and insurance reimbursements declining, being able to attain this amount is going to be very tough.
But if you asked someone closer to retirement, say 55-60 years old, they’ll usually stick closer to the $6 million to $8 million dollar range. Yes it’s doable but not probable.
When these same people are asked, “How did you come up with your number?” they’re not sure.
I had a number in mind when I first started practicing and can’t remember how I came up with it either.
Some people recall a conversation with a financial planner in the past while others may state they remember reading an article about it.
Look, I’m all about setting goals, both personal and financial. But the problem is when goals are set that aren’t well defined and have a clear roadmap of how to obtain them.
Take losing weight for example. Most that set weight loss goals don’t reach them because they don’t have a specific plan to achieve them.
Yes, exercising and eating right is important, but specifically, what types of exercise and foods need to be eaten? It’s got to be precise to work.
Unfortunately for doctors, we start behind the eight ball after our training is completed. Most of us begin with six-figure student loan debt in our 30’s. Because of this timetable and circumstances, accumulating $12+ million dollars during our working careers is tough.
And that’s problem. A significant problem.
What Can You Do?
The uncertainty that the traditional financial planning model creates is the very reason that most dentists/physicians work MUCH longer than necessary.
Sometimes working even while suffering from physical pain because in the back of their mind, they really don’t know how much money is enough.
Recently I read about a dentist in his mid 30’s that had built a practice collecting $1.8 million annually within four years of starting it. Impressive!
Unfortunately, he stated that even though he’d achieved this in such a short time span, it was ALREADY beginning to take a mental and physical toll on him.
He was already having thoughts of selling his practice and taking time to determine what he wanted to do…all before the age of 40.
The problem this dentist was facing is not uncommon….most don’t know how to create sustainable cash flow income from investment assets.
He ONLY knows how to generate revenue from laboring (with his hands) like most of us. Focusing on active/earned income instead of passive income.
Start With The End In Mind
This dentist above is a perfect example of someone that should “start with the end in mind.”
I’ll never forget my cousin (attorney that retired before 50) visited us when I first started practicing.
His first suggestion was to develop an “exit” strategy and start with the end in mind. I’ll admit, back then as a green 31-year old, I thought he was nuts.
Exit strategy? I was barely into my first month of treating patients and this guy was already talking about exiting. What did he know?
Reflecting back reminding me of an old Shania Twain song, “Don’t be stupid.”
Yes, I was stupid back then, but at least I remembered the story sooner rather than later.
What this dentist and all of us should do, is reverse engineer our situation.
By that I mean to take your monthly income and figure out how much in capital assets (passive real estate investments) that is needed to replace it.
A Simple Example
Let’s run a few numbers to see if we can get you to realize that your “magic” number might NOT have to be so large after all.
Instead of the $12+ million number, let’s look at what having only $3 million dollars in passive real estate syndication investments could produce.
At an 8% cash flow rate, $3 million would produce $240,000 per year or $20,000/month virtually tax free. How? The benefits of depreciation offsets most of the monthly income.
Question: Could you live off of $20,000/month tax-free? I bet I know the answer.
If you had a mutual fund worth the same $3 million, you’d have to pay capital gain taxes with each distribution taken.
Also, depending on the stock market, you may start to dip into the principal.
Not with a syndication. Your $3 million original investment would continue to appreciate even while you take the tax-free monthly distributions.
At the end of a typical five year hold period, that $3 million would be worth much more.
Are you ready to start building real wealth?
Join The Passive Investors Circle to get started today.
The post How Much Money Is Enough? – It May Be Less Than You Think appeared first on Debt Free Dr..
from Debt Free Dr. https://ift.tt/2Q3hUTm via IFTTT
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ncmagroup · 7 years
Jason Karaman
Customer service is a crucial element to sales and business that is often overlooked in many sales & marketing blogs. The reality is that in the digital age, customer service is more important now than ever before. Companies who have a high level of service are quickly disrupting many industries that previously did not focus on it.
For example, Amazon.com has a very high level of customer service, which increases the overall customer experience. For many people, the overall experience of using Amazon is far superior to going to the store, so they prefer to shop online.
Without a high level of customer service, sales become nearly impossible. At the end of the day, people buy for emotional reasons, not logical ones. You can have a superior product and lose out to someone who has better customer service. In the 21st century, service sells.
As salespeople, we are expected to have high customer service skills as well. If a prospect has a concern or if a customer has a problem, having the ability to overcome their issue is crucial to the retention process. A lot of people think that customer service is just being nice to the customer. Yes, that is important, but it goes a little above and beyond just being friendly.
Not too long ago, a young boy named Luka Apps wrote an email to Lego. The email stated that Luke bought a new Lego Ninjago kit with all of his Christmas money. He took one of the people (Jay ZX) with him to the store and lost it. He pleaded Lego if they would send him another one, adding “I promise I won’t take him to the shop again.”
Lego responded with a custom email stating that they had talked with Sensei Wu (a Ninjago character) and were told to send over a replacement Jay ZX, along with more characters from the series. That’s customer service – that kid will be a lifelong Lego customer now.
He told me to tell you, “Luka, your father seems like a very wise man. You must always protect your Ninjago minifigures like the dragons protect the Weapons of Spinjitzu!”
Sensei Wu also told me it was okay if I sent you a new Jay and told me it would be okay if I included 
something extra for you because anyone that saves their Christmas money to buy the Ultrasonic Raider must be a really big Ninjago fan.
So, I hope you enjoy your Jay minifigure with all his weapons. You will actually have the only Jay minifigure that combines 3 different Jays into one! I am also going to send you a bad guy for him to fight!
Just remember, what Sensei Wu said: keep your minifigures protected like the Weapons of Spinjitzu! And of course, always listen to your dad.
Good customer service means going above and beyond to take care of the customer or prospect. Lego could have just sent an automated message saying “Yes, we will send you one.” Instead, he got a custom email that made him feel special.
Another example: During an intense rainstorm, a Wendy’s employee walked outside, removed an umbrella from the outdoor seating area, and walked an elderly man to his car. That man, along with everyone who reads the story, will associate that Wendy’s with customer service and friendliness.
As salespeople, our job is to sell the product/service to the customer. Without a good reputation for customer service, that becomes difficult to do. If a customer or a prospect has a problem to overcome, go above and beyond to help them out. Service creates customer loyalty, which is the key to sustained business success.
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Service is More Than Just Being Nice to the Customer Jason Karaman Customer service is a crucial element to sales and business that is often overlooked in many sales & marketing blogs.
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readingraebow · 7 years
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The Wolf of Wall Street Section One
Prologue - Chapter 9
1. Have you ever seen the movie before? If not, what do you know, if anything, about Jordan Belfort? I have not seen this movie though I really want to. (I've been eyeballing it on Netflix, haha.) I wasn't really interested in it when it first came out and, tbh, I wasn't even that interested when we picked this book? But I told Dalton I was about to read it and he was telling me about the movie and it sounds really good?? And I've been deeply enjoying this book so I definitely want to watch this movie after we're done.
2. In the prologue, it’s Jordan’s first day on Wall Street. What was your first day at your job like? My first day at my current job was kind of hilarious. I show up and everyone said hi to me and I'm just standing around in the lobby, waiting for someone to tell me what to do. And everyone went to their offices and I was still left standing in the lobby?? So finally I tracked down Bonnie and asked her what I was supposed to be doing and she was like "oh, right. I think we'll wait for Susan." So she texted Susan and they were like 30 minutes out so Bonnie told me I could just sit in the lobby and wait and then, as she left me there, she was like "okay well have fun sitting in the lobby". So I just sat and read for 30 minutes until my bosses showed up and gave me the tour and everything. It was great and hilarious and I love where I work so much.
3. In “The Duchess of Bay Ridge”, why is Nadine upset with Jordan? He came home something like fIVE HOURS late. And didn't call. Though he made up a super lame excuse as to why. Plus he was talking in his sleep. About Venice. Which is the prostitute he'd slept with the night before. Which is why he was late. So yeaaaaaah. She's super upset with him because Venice. And basically vows to not sleep with him for a very long time as punishment. Which he took well. Not.
4. Jordan spends a lot of time discussing his possessions and how much they cost. If you had that kind of money, what would you do with it? I'D BUY SO MANY BOOKS. .... I'm really not kidding. That would be my first order of business. I would buy so many books. But then I'd probably buy all the things that I'm just a little too poor right now to do. Like buy a new car (which I actually really need and it's starting to be a problem). And a washer and dryer (also a problem). And just general well being things. .... And then I'd also live the Life and probably spend super frivolously because I'm bad with money and I love stuff. Basically who let me be an adult??? They must've been high.
5. Who is Danny Porush? What does he do with the goldfish? Danny is one of Jordan's junior partners. And he's kind of, um, crazy. So it's this really important day when this company is going public and they're going to sell aLL THE STOCKS and make a boatload of money. And this guy is just over there feeding his goldfish. Which is a thing you shouldn't be doing. Because big things are happening. So Danny goes over and yells at him and then reaches in the bowl, CATCHES THE FISH. And he eats it. He just climbs on the desk in front of everyone and eats the goldfish. To prove a point. Because that's a totally normal thing to do O.O
6. What does Danny say he wants to do in the beginning of chapter 7? He wants to hire a midget and let the top sales brokers throw him?? Like he literally wants to pay a midget to let the top five brokers who sell the most Madden stocks to throw him around. As a prize. These people are literally insane. And I think the only reason they decided against it was because they would have to insure the midget or something like that??? Like ethics didn't even factor into this conversation. At all. What is this world they live in???
7. Jordan works with his father. Have you ever worked with either one of your parents? What was that like? If not, would you like to? Why or why not? I have, actually. During my first three years of college I was my dad's bookkeeper. I only worked part time and I didn't really have a lot to do. I was mostly just on retainer if they needed checks written or things like that. So it was really easy and not a lot of real work was involved. Which meant I had a lot of downtime so I mostly roleplayed and read. That's actually how I used to get a lot of book club stuff done. I'd take my laptop and when I didn't have anything to do, I'd catch up on roleplay and online stuff. It was pretty great. But my dad was gone most of the time so working ~with him is more of a relative term. I worked at the business he owned but I actually rarely saw him. And it was okay for the time but I wasn't sorry to leave and I haven't really missed working there. It was a much more ~male environment and I am, um, much happier where I am now.
8. Why does Jordan say he pays his employees what he does, even though he could afford to pay them more? I actually found this really fascinating?? He's basically keeping them ~in check by paying them only just enough to get buy. Most of these people make in the neighborhood of a million dollars a year (give or take and depending on how long they've been there). But, yet, they're still living paycheck to paycheck. He pays them just enough for them to get buy. He says he doesn't underpay them so they don't hate him and he doesn't overpay them (even though he could afford to) because they wouldn't need him as much. Instead, he pays them the exact right amount so they'll be happy but still need to stay with him to survive. Which is a really interesting concept. In some really twisted way it creates a kind of loyalty in his employees. Honestly, this guy is a genius, it just seems to manifest in really twisted and weird ways???
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  Section One Reading Journal
Wow. I am loving this book so, so much. I have honestly been shocked by how entertaining I’m finding this book. I wasn’t all that excited to start it and I didn’t really think I’d like it? (Probably because I thought it was going to be another American Psycho?) But wow. I am finding it really fascinating and I’m enjoying it a lot.
It does kind of remind me of American Psycho only in the Wall Street lifestyle kind of way. But it’s not completely and utterly boring, like I thought American Psycho was?? Jordan has a really powerful voice and it’s almost like he’s recounting this story especially for you. I’m almost picturing him sitting in a prison cell smoking a cigarette and telling you aobut why they used to call him the Wolf of Wall Street. It has that feel to it? Which I find really cool.
I am also fascinated by everyone in his life. How some of these people actually exist ([John Mulaney voice] “I need you to believe that this is a real person I knew in the 21st century.”) just baffles me to no end??? And so many things are so hilarious. Like Nadine throwing glasses of water in his face and gOING BACK TO THE BATHROOM FOR REFILLS AND JORDAN JUST SITTING THERE WAITING. I laughed so hard. Like he just sat there. And waited. While she threw glasses of water in his face. What are these people???
So yes. I am definitely enjoying this book. It’s not what I expected and I’m glad. Though why is this book so ginormously large?? And I mean that this book is taller than normal and HEAVY and super cumbersome to carry around and I’m unreasonably salty about it. /rant. Anyway, can’t wait to continue!!
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