#and yet somehow 'these turtles are underage'
brightlotusmoon · 2 years
Happy Anniversary to the 87 TMNT! They're 35 today.
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butgilinsky · 4 years
tension // rc
warning; language, underaged drinking, mentions of cheating, mentions of anti depressants but not rly depression, mentions of smut but nothing descriptive, hella angst
summary; you find out the real reason kiara doesn’t hang out with you and the kooks anymore. 
word count; 4.5k+
rafe x reader, platonic!kie x reader, and a sprinkle of rafe x kie
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you had been friends with kiara for years. back in middle school, when kiara sat at a table by herself, you shocked your friends by placing your tray directly across from hers and asking her why she chose to sit by herself. 
you knew people that liked kiara, so you knew she wasn’t forced to outcast herself, but you quickly learned that she didn’t like the people at your school. she’d rather save turtles that caught in a plastic bag rather than talk about which swimsuit fit her body the best. 
she wasn’t like your other friends, and you liked that about her. you liked that she didn’t stray from her genuine personality to fit in, like most people on figure eight did. she was authentic and real, and she wasn’t going to jeopardize that for a surface level friendship. 
kiara used to blame her kook year on you. if you hadn’t befriended her in middle school than she wouldn’t have felt so lost when you moved onto high school and she was stuck to finish seventh and eighth grade. the age difference - only two years - never made a difference before, but after spending an entire year with you, her last two years in middle school were hard to swallow. 
the pogues didn’t go to the same school, and with you in high school, she had no choice but to turn to sarah. sarah had been a mutual friend between the two of you, and provided a sense of comfort and familiarity that kiara couldn’t find anywhere else. 
kiara was excited when she began high school. she could start hanging out with you again, coordinating her elective classes to spend more time around you. it was everything she had been looking forward to for the entirety of eighth grade. 
she looked up to you. a girl two years older than her that didn’t care when her friends ragged on her for spending so much time with a freshman. you took her under your wing and made sure nobody gave her shit in high school, and she’d never forget that. even when she spent the entire next year swearing off any and all kooks. 
you never understand the switch she had flipped, thinking she had gotten comfortable with her makeshift life on figure eight. you thought you proved to her that kooks weren’t all that bad. you showed her that for every time topper made a crude remark, kelce was there to interject with a light hearted response. you tried to make her comfortable there, treating her like the younger sister you never had. 
then she flipped on you. when her and sarah had a falling out, you were caught in the middle of it. you’d been dating rafe at the time, which made you biased in a way you wished you didn’t have to be. you couldn’t throw sarah in your rear view mirror like she didn’t mean anything. she was in the heart of your friend group, and despite what you wanted, you were around her too much to cut her out entirely. 
losing kiara hurt. you’d opened up to her about things that nobody else knew about you. you’d slept at her house when things with your parents got rocky. she was there when your brother moved for college, and offered a sense of comfort you couldn’t find in your other friends. 
she didn’t ask you to choose, she simply left without another word. she told you that she’d see you in school but that had to be the extent of it. if she was swearing off all kooks, that had to include you, no matter how much it hurt her to walk away from you. 
your last summer on the island was supposed to be the best one yet. sure, you’d be back for small breaks during the semester, and an entire month between fall and spring, but you were going all the way to south carolina in august. you were determined to have a good time. 
leaving rafe would be hard, seeing as he had just gotten back from his first, and last, year at college, but you were prepared to face the battles, no matter how tough. 
something about this summer felt off from the beginning. you didn’t know what it was, but you tried to shrug it off anytime it came up. you did your part in trying to keep your boyfriend and his goons out of trouble, though that proved easier said than done. 
it didn’t help when sarah dropped off the radar, beginning to sneak around and disappear for long periods of time. she had blown it off every time you asked, despite you promising her that she could trust you with every fiber of her being. you had been her honorary older sister for years, and you dating her older brother only heightened that. 
when she blew off your plans to go to the movie night, you made a mental note to dig into what exactly deemed more important than sneaking drinks during the movie neither of you cared about. 
“hey, kie.” your head turned to follow your boyfriend, eyebrows pulled together when he stepped up to the concessions stand to stand beside the girl you hadn’t spoken to in - you don’t even remember how long. 
you picked up on kiara’s annoyed expression quickly, sensing a small amount of discomfort in the way that she quickly ignored rafe. he didn’t seem to notice, or maybe he just didn’t care, but it captured your interest fairly quickly. 
topper tried to grab your attention, mentioning something about the bottle of burnett’s he scored from his plug earlier that day. you waved him off quickly, eyes firmly locked on the two that stood just a few yards away from you. 
“how are you?” kiara spared you a short glance before practically rolling her eyes, trying to mentally map out an escape plan, no doubt. 
“i’m fine.” rafe nodded, swinging his weight from the balls of his feet back onto his heels. 
“good, good. um, tell your boy that we know what he did.” kiara’s expression stood steady, despite the confusion clear in her eyes that you were sure rafe didn’t pick up on. 
“sorry, what boy are you talking about?” her eyes found yours again, but she could tell you were just as lost as she was, so she looked back at rafe quickly. 
“uh, he’ll know.” kiara rolled her eyes one final time, though the eye contact between the two last just long enough for your fists to clench at your sides before she turned and walked away. 
“bye.” you watched rafe watch kiara walk away from him, his hands shoved in his pockets and back turned towards you. 
there was something in the way that he watched her leave. the way his gaze lingered on her longer than normal. the way he chewed on the inside of his cheek when he spun around to face you. how his eyes were locked on his feet for a short second before he was offering you a bright smile as he returned to the same smiling rafe before he’d seen kiara. 
“what the fuck was that?” you didn’t notice topper pinching the bridge of his nose behind you, shaking his head at rafe’s lack of subtlety. you didn’t see the way that kelce was shaking his hand back and forth, telling rafe to completely deny whatever the hell just happened between him and kiara. 
sure, to anybody else watching it was just rafe and kiara talking. two people that supposedly didn’t like each other, despite their shared title of a kook. two people talking about something very vague and somehow secretive. 
but to you, it was your boyfriend talking to a girl he often didn’t associate with. it was rafe talking to your ex best friend who had left you high and dry after a fall out with your other friend, which you had no hand in. it was the girl who had deemed you guilty by association after sarah had turned her back on the girl. 
it was obvious there was tension between the two of them, but you had no idea why. 
“what was what?” rafe wrapped an arm around your neck, trying to pull you into his chest but you planted your hand flat on his chest to stop the collision. 
“that whole interaction, the tension, what the fuck was that about?” rafe rolled his eyes and moved to press a quick kiss to your forehead, something he knew calmed you down without fail.
“the only tension between kie and i is the same tension between her and the rest of figure eight. she hates me, ‘cause i’m a kook and i mess with her dirty pogue friends.” you wanted to push it further, wanted to say something else, but you couldn’t stop yourself from melting into the boy’s embrace when he pressed another, longer kiss to your forehead. 
“stop stressing, baby. let’s go sit down.” you nodded, accepting the kiss rafe moved to place on your lips. 
the next time you noticed something being off was midsummers. your mind had already been racing when you’d stood beside topper, eyes locked on sarah and john b less than a mile away. you were confused as to why she wasn’t being discrete about it, kissing him during one of the biggest events of the summer. 
your hand found topper’s arm, squeezing it gently before leaning into his side to provide a sense of comfort that he surely needed. you were confused, hurt for topper, and you knew it would inevitably become your job to get to the bottom of it all. 
you were upset that rafe wasn’t ravishing you in your dress, like you had originally planned. he had made a few comments in your ear as the night progressed, especially after the slit in your dress rode up while you crouched behind kelce to hide from your parents while you downed a glass of wine. 
his eyes had been glued to you almost all night long, and while you were drinking it all in and enjoying every minute of it, he’d disappeared at some point and you were now left to comfort a confused and hurt topper. 
when the commotion between jj and the head of security erupted in the middle of the crowd, your eyes found rafe. you knew he had something to do with it. you would’ve blown it off as a casual kook v. pogue rivalry interaction, but the way his eyes were trained on kiara when she began sticking up for jj made your blood boil. 
“you okay?” topper nudged you with his elbow, but you shook your head gently, eyes burning into your boyfriend’s back as he watched kiara run off, despite her parents’ protests. 
“do you know something i don’t, top?” his eyebrows pulled together in confusion, not catching on to what you were asking him. “what’s going on between rafe and kiara?” 
you knew you’d hit something when topper’s face fell. his lips parted as he tried to come up with something. a diversion, a distraction, an excuse, anything. you could tell he was digging through his brain for something to say to you. 
“topper, what the hell is going on?” he started stuttering, falling over his words as he shook his head slowly. 
“n-nothing. why would you- what makes you think that anything’s going on with them? kiara and rafe? pfft, that’s ridiculous, y/n.” your jaw clenched and you put a hand flat on his chest, pushing him back and away from the people stood around the two of you. 
“topper. spill. now.” your voice dropped to an octave you never used with topper. he’d seen you use it with rafe on multiple occasions, and the one time that kelce lied to you about the wine stain on your carpet. he knew it was a tone that you only used for specific situations, and he knew it meant he had no way out of this. 
“what’s up with you two?” your head turned towards kelce, the bright smile he held once left his face at the sight of your tensed muscles and hand still pressed against topper’s chest. 
“what’s going on with rafe and kiara?” kelce looked panic, eyes looking over at topper who was shaking his head quickly to say he hadn’t told you anything he was supposed to. “kelce.” 
“okay, okay-”
“kelce, no!”
“top, we can’t hide it from her forever.”
“we can if you shut up!”
“she’s clearly catching on-”
“only because you’re giving her ammo!”
“shouldn’t we tell her the truth if she thinks it’s still happening-”
“still happening? how many times has it happened?” topper let out a heavy sigh, mentally cursing kelce for saying too much. kelce always had a soft spot for you, and that proved to be a weakness in more situations than not. “someone tell me what the fuck is going on, right now, or so help me god-”
“rafe and kiara slept together, okay? they slept together when you two were going through one of your spats.” your hand fell from topper’s chest, an uneasy feeling flowing through you as you tried to process the given information. 
“it happened once when you drilled into him too far and he kind of flew off the rails a bit. he swore it was a one time thing but then they fell into a bit of a routine. it only happened a few times, but-”
“when?” your eyes flicked between the two boys, who were sharing eye contact to decide who was the one who ha to break it to you. “i don’t care who says it, someone just fucking say it!”
“right before rafe graduated.” kelce rushed out, almost out of breath from how fast the words fell off of his tongue. 
you were still friends with kiara then. you’d been dating rafe for over a year at that point, and you were finding out about all of this over a year after it all happened. 
“how long?” topper sighed heavily, hating the position he was currently in. he was friends with both of you, but rafe was his boy. he’d been sworn to secrecy for over a year now and it would’ve been fine if you weren’t so observant, and kelce wasn’t so guilt ridden. 
“a few months, i don’t know. like three, maybe four.” 
you wished the ground would swallow you whole then. you knew it wouldn’t have come to light if you didn’t dig so far, but the damage had been done. you knew now, and there was no way around that. 
everybody had been lying to you. your boyfriend, who you loved more than anything. your ex best friend, who you still cared for immensely. the two boys who had stood up for you for years. the two boys who you cared for like they had been siblings born into the wrong family. 
your eyes stung, maybe from the tears that didn’t often come to you, maybe from the pressure of holding them back. you weren’t entirely sure which caused the burn in them, but it was uncomfortably present. your head started nodding, and your hands found the fabric of your dress, lifting it enough for you to bend your knees and slip off your shoes. 
“what are you doing?” kelce started moving before you could walk away, worried he had just ruined seemingly everything with a simple conversation. a conversation he should’ve steered clear of. 
“i’m going home, kelce.” you turned around, almost running right into the last person you wanted to see. 
“you’re going home?” he spoke gently, eyes locked on your shoes in your hand before looking back up and cupping your face in his hands. “hey, what’s wrong?” 
you grabbed his wrist gently, pulling his hand away from your face and setting it back at his side. he was confused, watching you summon every ounce of self control you possessed in order to stay calm in this moment. 
“i’m going home.” you said one more time, walking around rafe and towards your car, but you felt a hand on your elbow seconds later, only a few feet away from your previous spot. 
“baby what’s going on? at least let me drive you home-”
“why don’t you drive kiara home, rafe?” rafe rolled his eyes, letting out a low groan at the name that slipped from your lips. 
“we’re back on this kie bullshit? there’s nothing going on between kiara and i-”
“there was though, wasn’t there?” rafe paused, his movements stuttering as he stared at you with an unreadable expression. “c’mon, rafe. tell me nothing happened. tell me that you didn’t cheat on me with my best friend.” 
“who told you? was it kelce? son of a bitch. i knew his soft spot for you was going to bite me in the ass-”
“the only thing that bit you in the ass was your inability to keep your dick in your pants, rafe.” you ripped your arm out of his grasp then, eyes wide and filled to the brim with tears that you refused to let surpass your waterline. 
“baby, just listen to me-”
“no, you listen, rafe. i have never loved a person in my life the way that i love you. i have never done anything to hurt you and i would never think of doing something like what you did.
“i have never spent my time thinking about a person the way that i think about you. i never asked you for anything, never asked you to promise me a single thing. i never forced anything onto you, and you couldn’t do me the decency of just staying loyal to me. i would never disrespect you like that.” 
he knew you were right. he’d been at the boneyard when tourons approached you at a kegger. he’d seen you turn every single one down before they wasted their breath on asking. he’d seen you duck and dodge every person’s efforts in any situation, just before you came back to him with an amused smile and another story to tell. 
you kept him out of trouble that way. you were honest and transparent. you could’ve easily turned them down and pocketed the experience, but you told rafe every time. you didn’t know he saw almost every time, but you did it because you were loyal. you didn’t see anybody else the way you saw rafe. you’d do anything to assure him that he was the only one you had eyes for. 
and the icing on the cake was that kiara was involved. meaning that your entire junior year that was spent juggling time between your best friend and your boyfriend, they were spending their free time with each other, behind your back. you would’ve done anything for either of them. you still would. 
“y/n, i love you-”
“i wish i believed that, rafe. i really wish i did.” you shook your head gently, looking back at the other two that were watching with guilt building within them. “i’ve been loyal to the three of you to a fault. i’ve never kept anything from either of you, and-”
you shook your head, looking up at the sky to fight the oncoming rush of tears that continued to build. you refused to wipe them before the fell, but you also refused to let them fall. topper and kelce had never seen you cry, and rafe had only see it a few times. 
“i expected better, which may be my fault. i just- for fucks sake. topper i just watched your girlfriend cheat on you and comforted you for the last hour! how in the hell is that not enough motivation to say something to me about this?” you were screaming now, but there wasn’t anybody around to hear any of you. 
“y/n, i’m sorry-”
“just, forget it. i just want to go home-”
“we’re done, rafe.” his shoulders dropped, along with his jaw as he stared at you in disbelief. “it’s done. whatever this was to you,” you moved your hand between the two of you, gesturing to you as a couple. “whatever the last two years was is over, rafe. we’re over.”
your voice broke, pitching up in the middle of your words. rafe felt his airways constrict as a lump formed in his throat. he felt tears burn his eyes, much like yours had been for a few minutes at this point. he saw you slip through his fingers as you started taking steps back from him, not daring to show any sign of weakness as you squared your shoulders. 
“don’t fucking follow me, any of you.” you threatened lowly, spinning on your feet and walking off before any of them had time to process everything that had just happened. 
you tried to find your car, heavily disappointed and frustrated when you remembered you’d come with kelce. you were supposed to come on your own, given that rafe was being dragged along with his family. 
the frustration was enough to let the first tear slip out of the corner of your eye, falling down your cheek at an excruciating pace. once the first slipped, it was as if the floodgates had been knocked down. 
they came faster than you could wipe them away, which led you to leaving your cheeks a stained and wet mess on your walk home. 
you tried to think of all the times you’d blindly trusted the pair, never questioning their actions or motives a single time in the past. you never questioned people you trusted. it had been one of your faulty traits, being loyal to a fault. you blindly trusted people, but it had never come back to bite you this intensely. 
you rolled your eyes when you saw the pogue’s van on the same road you had been walking down for longer than you could remember. you were sure it’d pass until it didn’t, slowing to an excruciating pace on the road beside you. 
“y/n!” you sighed heavily, fully intending on ignoring the group of kids piled into the van beside you until kie stuck her head out of the passenger side window. 
“y/n, why are you out here all aone?” you turned then, facing the van that then came to a stop, kiara’s eyes locked on your tear stained cheeks. “holy shit, y/n, what happened?” 
kiara had only seen you cry once. it was the summer before you were going into high school, and you’d fallen off of your surf board. you were frustrated, having fallen more than succeeding that afternoon. the pent up frustration tipped you over the edge you’d been teetering on for months. 
you told kiara about the problems you’d been faced with, anxious about starting high school and seemingly losing all the friends you’d had your entire life. you didn’t know what to expect, and you were scared, but you never told anybody that. 
nobody expect kiara. 
“you were my best friend, you know?” you spoke gently, watching as kiara’s face twisted in confusion. “you were my best fucking friend and i trusted you with things i’d never tell anybody else. i told you about my parents almost getting a divorce, and how i almost had to move in with my brother all the way in maine. 
“i told you about almost being put on anti depressants, and confessed every secret i ever had to you. i told you everything. i trusted you with everything. never in a million years did i ever think you would’ve gone behind my back and fuck my boyfriend.” 
kiara’s face dropped, her eyes widened while a chorus of gasps erupted from inside of the van. she moved to step out of the van, pushing the door open after struggling to unlock it and stepping in front of you on the dark and empty road. 
“y/n, you have to listen to me-”
“no, i don’t. that’s why you stopped hanging around, isn’t it? that’s why you ran to the cut, because you went behind my back and slept with my boyfriend for months-”
“y/n, it wasn’t like that, i swear.” 
“then what was it, kiara?” you screamed, your shoulders falling further than they already had while you stared at her with defeat evident in your features. 
“i fell in love with him.” you scoffed, rolling your eyes while a sarcastic laugh dripped from your lips. 
“that’s amazing, kiara. i’m so happy for you. i’m so happy you found love in the one person on the entire island that held my heart in the palm of his hand.” she sighed heavily, anger bubbling inside of her. 
“it’s not my fault i fell in love with him, y/n!”
“did you love him the first time you fucked him? is that why you slept with him, or was it only after you’d snuck around behind my back for months that you started to fall for him?” you raised your eyebrows, your patience for this conversation wearing thin. 
when she didn’t respond, you nodded. you smiled softly, despite the fresh tears rolling down your cheeks as you stepped away from the van and kiara. 
“y/n, wait-”
“get back in the van and never fucking speak to me, ever again, kiara. i don’t want anything to do with you for the rest of my life.” 
kiara felt her heart shatter in her chest. watching you walk away with every ounce of the truth hurt more than the day she’d walked away, shielding you from this heartbreak. 
she knew it was wrong the first time she slept with rafe. she’d been vulnerable, and seeing rafe vulnerable somehow helped. she didn’t love rafe then, but it didn’t take long for her to fall into it with him. their time together had been brief, but it was something kiara would never forget. 
falling in love with her best friend’s boyfriend was never something she intended on doing. she told rafe it was wrong and that they could never be together again after the first night, but she had trouble following her own rules. she’d been heartbroken when rafe broke things off for good. he didn’t want to hurt you anymore than he already had, and kiara had to respect that. 
that had been the leading factor in kiara’s hatred for the kooks. she knew kelce and topper knew. she knew rafe would never tell you, and you’d get to live the perfect life by his side. she hated rafe for stealing her heart and crushing it in front of her eyes. she hated you for living the life she wanted more than she’d care to admit. 
she hated herself for hurting you, even if you didn’t know. she’d covered it up with the story of sarah’s party that night. though that wasn’t a lie, it was dull compared to her betrayal towards you. sarah was never her best friend, you were. you just, unfortunately, loved the same boy. 
you both were in love with rafe cameron, and he chose you. 
but none of that mattered to you as you walked home, tears in your eyes and on your cheeks. you had lost everything in one night, and you didn’t know how to process it. 
one thing you knew for sure is that you couldn’t wait to move off of this island. 
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tobiasdrake · 3 years
Dragon Ball 008 - The Kame-sennin’s Kamehameha / The Kamehameha Wave
The animation for Chi-Chi's ill-conceived blade throw is pretty great.
Of course, Funimation censored the Muten-Roshi's rant. Before Chi-Chi throws her blade, Roshi wanders off to ramble about how she's named Chi-Chi, but Bulma has chi-chis, so how many chi-chis does that make? Funimation rewrote him to be reminiscing about his time training the Ox King and Gohan. Much more professional, but less... Roshi. Which may be an improvement given that Roshi's enthusiastically discussing the breasts of underage girls.
In any case, the animation is smooth and well-paced. Chi-Chi pulls the blade from her helm, and we see Roshi suddenly fall silent. As she throws the blade, the Muten-Roshi's face goes much more stern. We see him sensing the blade in the air. Then he whirls around and blocks with his cane, and the shot cuts to a dramatic pose of him with his cane thrust in front of the camera, obscuring the view... before the sliced end of the cane falls off, revealing Roshi's head with the blade embedded in it.
Good use of animation.
Funimation also censored the Muten-Roshi's requested payment. In exchange for using the Basho-sen to put out Frypan Mountain's flames, Roshi wants to grope Bulma's tits. Funimation changed this to Roshi wanting Bulma to visit the island for a date, which is less vulgar yet somehow seems worse.
Turtle objects because it's a violation of Roshi's "code". He mentioned Roshi's code during the flashing scene too. Apparently Master Roshi has some sort of personal code of ethics that he keeps breaking with these perverted antics. Whereas Kame just keeps getting outraged because the Muten-Roshi is making an ass of himself; no code involved.
This, in turn, means that they need to really stretch when the time comes for Oolong to pay up in Bulma's place (which doesn't even make sense, because the deal was for a date on the island and they stay in Gyumao's ruins). "Bulma" pointing at her tits is explained with a line about her heart beating really fast in the presence of such a sexy man. They then try to sell the motorboating gestures from both characters as them pantomiming the heart's thump-thump.
Lastly, in Funimation's version, Goku never agrees to marry Chi-Chi. Chi-Chi asks Goku if he'll ever think of her again. Confused, Goku asks if she's ever going to think about him again, at which point she turns into a blushing mess. The marriage agreement Goku unknowingly accepted straight-up doesn't happen in the dub.
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sylvain-writes · 5 years
A Taste (TMNT Leonardo x Reader)
Rated: T (no underage drinking) Prompt/Inspired by @whygz comic (drunk!Leo x sona)
Mikey's 21st is loud. 
You haven’t been able to check your voicemail yet, but now you understand why Leo texted you a reminder to use the far entrance to the lair.  Music pours out from the common room, you’re surprised it can’t be heard from street level.  Raph and Donnie have really outdone themselves for their little brother.  The place has transformed into a nightclub, of sorts.  Dark, with shocks of strobing color, there’s just enough light in the room for you to make out the shapes of the turtles and their dates as they bop and gyrate to the music.  
You make your way through the ‘dancefloor’ with waves and a smile to the small crowd and a big hug to Mikey.  Then it’s off to find somewhere to rest your ear drums for a while.  You make the mistake of walking past the speakers again; they’re loud enough that you're squinting, as though that helps your ears filter out the noise.  In a way, you suppose, it does.  It helps you focus on Leo's lips as he welcomes you to the makeshift bar the guys have set up next to the kitchen.
Greeting Leo isn’t as easy as the quick waves to his brothers.  With him, it’s tempting to go in for a hug, to test a kiss on the cheek.  With him, you have to be more careful; it’s tempting to ask for more than what he’s willing to give. 
You drum your hands on the bar top and look over the selection of hard alcohol, mixers, and beers.  Maybe a drink or two will help you unwind.  It should take the edge off of the anxiety.  You had thought it would ease up once you were seated next to your best friend.  But surprisingly, your heart seems to be beating faster.  You feel like you’re going to vibrate out of your skin and all Leo’s done so far is lean into your side and say hello.  Of course, because of the music, he has to speak directly at your ear in order for you to hear him at all.  
His voice is smooth and his breath is hot as he comments on his brothers’ ideas of fun.  He’s complaining more than you think he really means.  In fact, he seems to talk just to deflect from his own nervous energy.
Even so, you’re grateful he’s started a conversation for you, though it’s stilted and rambly and mostly about how much things have changed in the past few years.  You nod along and offer your support.  It makes sense now, the way he bounces his knees under the table; you know change makes Leo nervous.  It’s one of the reasons you keep your feelings for him to yourself.  You don’t want to scare him off.  You don’t want things to change in your friendship, if it means they’ll change for the worse.
As you consider ‘worse’ and push away fantasies of ‘better’, the vodka and cranberry juice call your name, but you’re not sure you really want all that.  So, you turn your sights on the array of artisan beers to your left.
Leo’s still talking about how scary it can be to take a leap from one role to the next, and you wonder if he’s thinking about giving Mikey some new responsibilities on their team.  You ask as much and Leo looks a little surprised, but then waves off the idea.  His train of thought is all over the place, you think he may be confusing himself.
Over his shoulder, you see the others dancing provocatively with their dates, and it looks like fun, but you'll have to miss out. The only one you want holding you that close is the turtle nursing a beer and occasionally sparing you a glance so intense it makes you look away.
There had to have been a time, you think, before you had solidified your place in the friendzone.  You think, maybe, there had been some opportunity that you missed, where you and Leo could have tried to be something more to each other.
Finally, Leo slips out of his own musings long enough to follow your eye line to the drinks in front of him.  “You thirsty?” 
You shrug and your arm just barely brushes Leo’s as you move.  Shivers run over your skin from that small point of contact.  “I dunno what to try.”  It’s true.  You’d like to avoid hard alcohol and its ‘loose-tongue’ side effects, but the fancy selection of alternatives isn’t one you’d have picked for yourself.
Leo’s cheeks are dark under his mask.  Being tipsy brings an adorable flush to his smiling expression.  “This is really good,” he says, holding up the bottle like it’s some kind of prize.  “Wanna taste?”
You take a peek at the label, but it’s not like you have anything to lose.  With a smile, you welcome the offer, “Sure!”  It’s not the first time you’ve shared a drink, and you think that it’ll be nice to not waste an entire bottle of someone’s peanut butter ale or cherry lager.  But as you wait for Leo to hand you the drink, you end up watching him press the bottle to his lips and tilt his head back.  “So…” you cock your head to the side in question, “can I taste it or...?”
“Yeah-” Leo holds up his hand to ask for “-one sec-”
 And then he kisses you.  
He takes your head in his hands, pulls you halfway out of your chair, and brings your mouths together in an honest to goodness kiss.  Your eyes go wide, but his eyes flutter closed.  The kiss is closed-lipped and soft, and it doesn’t really give you a taste of the beer at all.  You could almost laugh.  You think you would, if your body could catch up with your racing thoughts.  If your heart could slow down enough for you to catch your breath.
Leo breaks the kiss and his eyes blink at you.  Noting your shocked expression and the fact that you didn’t kiss him back, his rambling starts up again.  "I'm sorry, was that not--  I shouldn't have just--"  
He starts to pull away, but you place your hand over his as it retreats to the table.  The caress of your thumb over his knuckles draws his attention to your hands, hypnotizing him as he stumbles through an apology neither of you really wants him to finish.  You don’t want his apologies; you want him to kiss you again.  
After a silence between you that seems to go on forever and somehow drowns out the techno hip hop all around you, Leo turns his palm up to take your hand. “Do you wanna dance?” he asks, although you thought he never would.  
You’re mostly hidden from his brothers by the large arcade machines, but still, you’re grateful the boys have the place dark enough to pass for a nightclub.  It's easier like this, with your back against Leo’s chest.  It’s easier not having to find the words for what you feel.  
It isn’t long before you’re giving into the music and the wills of your bodies.  You and Leo fit together so easily, your hips rolling against his.  The beat washes over you and when you close your eyes, all you care about is Leo's breath on your neck, his hands on your waist, his pelvis pressed against you from behind.  He brushes your hair away from your ear like he had at the bar so that you could hear him over the music.  Only this time, he doesn’t speak.  Instead, he peppers a trail of kisses down your neck to your shoulder and your whole body gives a shiver.  You turn in his arms to capture the next kiss with your lips.  
He pulls you closer and sways into you in rhythm to the song.  You move with him, luxuriating in the warmth that pools and swirls in your belly.  You can feel his arousal brush against you and you press in closer.  You moan and deepen the kiss, but his body responds too favorably to stay in the common room and he asks you to follow him to his bedroom instead.
You nod against his forehead, but he’s still got you by the waist.  He’s still holding you to him and dancing as slow as the music allows.  The smell of hops and ginger fills the air between you as he tries to catch his breath. You remind him of his suggestion to go somewhere more private and all of the sudden, he can't get to his room quick enough.  
It isn’t until he closes the bedroom door and leans back against it that you notice just how glassy Leo’s eyes are.  How lazy his smile.  How slowly he moves toward you.  He kisses you again, but he's so obviously drunk that you stop yourself from pressing your body against his again.
"I don't think we should take this further tonight."
At your words, the blood drains from Leo's cheeks and a new tension overtakes him.  "Oh, I-- I didn't mean to-- We don't have to go further. Of course.  We don't have to.  I understand."
But he's so flustered and apologetic, you wonder if he really does.  "Not tonight.  I don’t think we should go further tonight,” you clarify.  “You're drunk… and my best friend… and-"  You help him to sit at his bed as you struggle to explain why this is a bad idea.  
His eyes shine as they look up at you, glassy and sad.  When he says, “I love you,” for the first time, it sounds like his heart is breaking.
Your face goes tight with the effort it takes not to frown.  Your heart is breaking, too.  "Tell me again when you're sober."  You don’t think that, in the light of day, Leo will be feeling quite the same way.
But Leo rubs his hands over his thighs and swallows hard.  He’s not backing down.  "I'd like to tell you… everyday… if that'd be ok."
It doesn’t feel real.  You can’t let yourself believe him when he’s like this.  You don’t know if he’s ever been drunk before, but you’ve certainly never seen him so loose with his words or affections.  He isn’t in his right mind and you won’t take advantage of the sudden clarity alcohol has brought to him.  
Mindful to keep the boundaries you set, you kiss Leo’s forehead and say goodnight.  Nonetheless, after closing the door behind you, you linger in the tunnel outside his room.  You know you have a voicemail from him still unopened from earlier today.  You open it, just to hear his voice again.  To hear him sober.  To remind yourself that he’s a friend and not really looking for anything more.
But the Leo that you hear on the recording is wrought with just as much anxiety as the one that sat with you at the bar before your kiss.  "Hey, it's me,” he says, and your heart melts a little.  You love how he can say those three words and the world stops spinning. 
The voicemail continues, “The guys are heading out for supplies for tonight,” and Leo’s confidence begins to falter, “I was hoping you'd come by early.”  His voice lifts at the end, like a question.  “There's something I wanna ask you. Well, tell you.”  Then, Leo heaves a sigh and laughs at himself a little.  You turn toward his room and stare as you listen to the rest.  “Well, there's something I wanna talk to you about.  So, come on by when you get this, or whenever. I just…-” another sigh “-I'm really looking forward to seeing you."
As you stand in front of Leo’s door, every nerve in your body seems to be firing at once.  They send fuzzy tingles over your skin, distracting you from the feeling of the doorknob in your hand.  You knock and, at the sound of Leo’s voice, ease the door open.
Leo is still sitting where you left him, on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands.
“I just got your message,” you explain and he raises his eyes to yours.  “I’m sorry I couldn’t get here earlier so we could talk before the party.”
“Yeah, I-”  Leo shifts and hugs his arms over his chest.  “If you had come earlier, I would have said…”  His gaze drops to your feet until you helpfully supply the rest of his confession.
“That you love me.”
Leo nods as you take steps toward the bed.  “I would have asked you to be mine--my date--for tonight.”
A slow smile spreads across your face.  “I would have said, ‘yes’.”  When Leo looks up at your words, your smile grows.
Hope shines in his eyes, but there’s caution there, as well.  “And after tonight?  Would you-”
You reach out and touch his cheek, then lean down to his ear like he’s done so many times to you already this evening.  “Ask me in the morning.”  
The stroke of your hand along his jawline is full of affection.  The press of your lips between his eyes holds a promise.  You know, even in his intoxicated state, he won’t misread this goodbye as a rejection.  You pull away and he blinks up at you.  Then, before you can move too far from reach, he catches your hand.  You can’t help but hum in amusement as he pulls you closer.  
He asks, “Did you like it?” and your expression pinches in confusion.  The only thing you don’t like about the night is that it needs to end.  But the assurance of tomorrow thrills you.
“The ginger beer,” he clarifies. “Did you like it?”
“Oh,” you say, having forgotten all about the drink Leo had offered before stealing his kiss.  “I couldn’t really tell.”
“Hmm,” he considers your answer with more gravity than it warrants.  Then, with a light touch, Leo’s hands alight to your hips.  He smiles playfully as he guides you to sit in his lap.  “Maybe-” he says as his gaze lingers on your mouth “-maybe, you should have one last taste, before you go.”
The smile you reflect back at him says ‘just this one,’ but you lean in and your lips murmur, “Sure” against his.
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chuacamille26-blog · 6 years
Cause I’m bored
1. What is your nickname?  - Cam, Mia, Mimi
2. How old are you?  - 25. (turning 26 next month)
3. What is your birth month?  - May
4. What is your zodiac sign?  - Gemini
5. What is your favorite color?  - PINKKK
6. What’s your lucky number?   - 26 
7. Do you have any pets?  - YES. Dog, bunny and turtle
8. Where are you from?  - the Philippines!
9. How tall are you?  - 5ft
10. What shoe size are you?  - US size 7. EUR size 38
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?  - 4
12. What was your last dream about?  - I forgot
13. What talents do you have?  - hmm.. I don’t know. lol
14. Are you psychic in any way?  - nope
15. Favorite song?  - BTS songs
16. Favorite movie?  - too many to mention. 
17. Who would be your ideal partner?  - hmm.. Suga
18. Do you want children?  - yes
19. Do you want a church wedding?  - of course, yes.
20. Are you religious?  - so-so
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?  - yes. 
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?  - nope. 
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?  - yes.
24. Baths or showers?  - both
25. What color socks are you wearing?  - light blue
26. Have you ever been famous?  - nope?
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?  - hahaha. I wanted to be a celebrity when I was kid. But, nvm. Now that I’m an adult, I somehow wish that I am but not a big celebrity. I don’t like paparazzi following me around. And, you can’t go anywhere without people recognizing you. 
28. What type of music do you like?  - RnB, K-Pop
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?  - nope
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?  - 3
31. What position do you usually sleep in?  - side
32. How big is your house?  - not too big. enough for 4 people. around 200 sq ft? living in Hong Kong with small apartments, I guess, that’s actually enough. at least we’re not crampled in a 60 sq ft apartment.
33. What do you typically have for breakfast?  - none
34. Have you ever left the country?  - yes
35. Have you ever tried archery?  - yes
36. Favorite clean word?  - hmmm
37. Favorite swear word?  - sh*t, f*ck, p*t*ng*na, t*ng*na
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?  - 2 days. (never doing that again. worst experience EVER)
39. Do you have any scars?  - yes
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?  - yes. (creepy)
41. Are you a good liar?  - no. I can’t lie. I tried and I failed. lol. I’m a terrible liar
42. Are you a good judge of character?  - i think? I’m not judge-mental. instincts.. 
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?  - yes!
44. Do you have a strong accent?  - no
45. What is your favorite accent?  - looool
46. What is your personality type?  - it’s for you to find out.  :D
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?  - I don’t buy expensive clothing. I don’t really like spending money on materials. I’d rather spend on food. food is life. :D
48. Can you curl your tongue?  - no  :(
49. Do you have an innie or an outie bellybutton?  - nope
50. Left or right handed?  - right handed
51. Are you scared of spiders?  - yes
52. Favorite food?  - Kare-Kare, Sinigang, Bulalo, Sisig, Pork BBQ.. 
53. Favorite foreign food?  - Korean food
54. Are you a clean or messy person?  - somewhere in the middle
55. Most used phrase?  - hmmm..
56. Most used word?  -  adikkkkk
57. How long does it take for you to get ready?  - an hour to 1 hr & 30 mins (it takes me around 30 mins inside the shower room. 10 mins playing games or reading news. 20-25 mins showering. and the rest, putting on clothes and drying my hair while using phone again. I don’t do make up and yet, it takes me an hour or so to get ready. lol)
58. Do you have much of an ego?  - i think? 
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?  - suck
60. Do you talk to yourself?  - when I’m mad, pissed, annoyed, bored, sleepy, alone. yes, i do. (there’s nobody to complain to. lol)
61. Do you sing to yourself?  - yes, when I’m alone
62. Are you a good singer?  - no. lol
63. Biggest Fear?  - loosing loved ones, God, cockroach, rats, flies, spiders, snakes.. 
64. Are you a gossip?  - nope. 
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?  - hmmm.. 
66. Do you like long or short hair?  - loooonnnnggggg
67. Can you name all 50 states of America?  - no
68. Favorite school subject?  - Chinese, Physical Education, Music.. lol
69. Extrovert or Introvert?  - introvert
70. Have you ever been scuba diving?  - nope
71. What makes you nervous?  - a lot
72. Are you scared of the dark?  - yes
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?  - sometimes (mostly, with spelling mistakes :D )
74. Are you ticklish?  - very
75. Have you ever started a rumor?  - no
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?  - no
77. Have you ever drank underage?  - yes. shhh
78. Have you ever done drugs?  - no
79. Who was your first real crush?  - omg. hahaha. my first love. 
80. How many piercings do you have?  - used to have 6. currently have 2
81. Can you roll your R’s?  - no
82. How fast can you type?  - 57 wps
83. How fast can you run?  - I’m a slow runner. lol.
84. What color is your hair?  - brown. (natural hair’s black)
85. What color are your eyes?  - brown :)
86. What are you allergic to?  - hmmm..
87. Do you keep a journal?  - used to. But, I can’t trust anyone with my personal stuffs. I’d rather go here on tumblr since they don’t know that I have one. Or, I’ll just type it on my phone’s note. 
88. What do your parents do?  - Dad’s in heaven watching and protecting us.  Mom works somewhere in airport.
89. Do you like your age?  - no
90. What makes you angry?  - people lying, animal cruelty.. actually, a lot
91. Do you like your own name?  - yes
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?  - yes, Gabriella Alexis if my future baby’s a girl. if it’s a boy, Michael Anthony?? I’m not sure yet, But, I’ll definitely name my future son after my Dad and my supposed elder brother. Dad’s name’s Michael and my elder brother name’s Anthony. 
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?  - any. it’s a gift/blessing from God. (I want 3 children in the future.)
94. What are you strengths?  - idk
95. What are your weaknesses?  - oh my..
96. How did you get your name?  - I’ll ask my mom. lol
97. Were your ancestors royalty?  - no
98. Have you ever been to a therapist?  - no..
99. Color of your bedspread?  - blue
100. Color of your room?  - peach pink?
0 notes