#and yh I know that the point of a tv show is to set you up for certain events but I’m literally rolling my eyes all the way up into my head
dirtgrubbing · 2 years
going to pretend I didn’t watch volume 2 of stranger things
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totallyvain · 5 years
Vanity Hour with Yung Heazy
Hometown: Vancouver, Canada
Sounds like: If The Beatles and Mac Demarco decided to collab on a bedroom pop track. 
WORDS BY: Thania Garcia 
Jordan Heaney’s indie rock project, Yung Heazy, was initially created as an avenue for releasing mini love songs dedicated to Heaney’s girlfriend. The now-viral track “Cuz You’re My Girl” was uploaded (not by Heaney) to Youtube almost three years ago and since then, the project has become one of the most recognizable in the bedroom pop world. 
Totally Vain: You first started to notice traction in plays when someone uploaded one of your songs on a popular Youtube channel. What was your initial reaction to that? I’m assuming no one contacted you about the upload or gave you any revenue for it either…?
YH: That is a correct assumption. The feeling I got was intense happiness and gratefulness to the universe. It’s still very surreal, I try not to think about it in fear I’ll go insane that all this is real life.
Back in September Heaney released the single “Kool Musik,” a dreamy almost four-minute enormously expressive track with scattered instrumentals. In the past, Heaney has expressed infatuation for hypnotic relationships in music referencing Radiohead’s “Rainbows” and Ariel Pink as inspiration which you can clearly hear in “Kool Musik.” 
TV: With some songs like “Comfort” your musical influences, Mac Demarco & Ariel Pink, are present but what other artistic avenues do you pull from when you create? I mention this because your cover art and overall visual aesthetic is so spectacularly unique to your brand.
YH: I like lots of stuff when I write a song I try to fit as many musical experiments and references as possible. I think the last song I recorded took influence from Walkabout, Moving like Mike, Black Skinhead, Helter Skelter, and Readymade, Bad Guy, a whole set of songs. When I hear a cool musical moment I go, hmm how can I make that work in my world?
TV: What would you say were the defining moments or traits of your environment that inevitably shaped or influenced your start in music and your music industry experience?
YH: I was surrounded by music as a kid, specifically that of The Beatles and 60s/70s music my dad had on tape. I had music lessons regularly...such as violin at age four and then piano a few years later. What made me get invested in music properly was learning the guitar around age 13 and discovering the Red Hot Chilli Peppers.
TV: What is the major difference when it comes to dictating your own music (production, writing, recording, performing) vs. with a band?
YH: In recording/producer world I can just do what I want and experiment, try to make everything sound nice and cool. With the band, I like to keep things a bit open-ended after everyone has learned the parts if someone has an idea on how to improve the song for the live show may as well try it out. 
TV: Congratulations on landing a spot on the Tropicalia 2019 lineup! I think Tropicalia is doing a great job at catering to a specific audience of ‘indie’ ‘bedroom pop’ listeners along with catering to the Latinx community that greatly makes up a portion of that audience. How do you think the ‘bedroom pop’ community will evolve as we dive deeper into the digital age and the accessibility to recording and producing grows?
YH: It will become more diverse and split into subdivisions that will inspire completely new and unique genres and styles. It’s a beautiful thing that anyone can start recording music for dirt cheap these days. 
TV: Do you feel restricted by the ‘bedroom pop’ label? Or do you feel being a part of that genre means you’re free to mix and match thanks to the likes of Soundcloud?
YH: No I mean, if I want to make metal music tomorrow, why not? I don’t need to release it under Yung Heazy, stay tuned for my prog metal project under my new label 2020.
TV: How would you compare your place now in the music scene to where you were when you first began? What kind of struggles have you faced during your journey so far?
YH: When I began I was so excited to have anything to do with the music scene in Vancouver. I’m in a place now that I can kind of show up to most places in North America and play to people who know my stuff. The hardest part of getting here was learning about the industry and doing all the behind the scenes stuff, some tasks less glamorous than others
TV: What do you hope to achieve in the future and what are you most excited about?
YH: I’m slowly but surely working to a point where I can start writing for and directing large scale orchestral music. I want to make songs that sound like if Mozart and John Lennon had a collab. Also to direct a film with my own soundtrack.
TV: What song(s) of yours are you the proudest of and why?
YH: Cuz You’re My Girl and Backup Plan comes to mind, lyrics are the most difficult part for me, when I get good ones I feel accomplished. 
TV: Any last words for our readers?
TV: Keep fucking up and making bad decisions! (in music that is) I think you should expect at least a thousand epic failures on your journey, embrace em and do whatever you can to keep the dream healthy and alive.
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imafantasticbaby · 7 years
To be honest, most of the people that hate on Yang Hyun Suk and call him garbage and neglectful, etc, are only doing it because they don’t care to think carefully. They just see something happen that makes them upset and just go off on it without realising that they don’t know the full story. They don’t know all the details, because what you see in the media and on the internet or by second hand from another fan, isn’t all pieced together and has a lot of holes in it, because sometimes it’s hard for the media to get all the details, so instead they just let personal assumptions and theories set them off into hate And because YHS is easier to attack they throw their hate at him. People are way too attached to their faves that if they aren’t having a comeback every month or year or doing something every 5 seconds, they immediately assume that their fave is being neglected, when in reality they are probably just resting or preparing something. It takes Epik High and BigBang a year or more to release an album because they really take their time in making things perfect in their eyes. They are not making “profitable music” they are making something personal and like Ive said in a previous post, that takes time and effort and can’t happen in months time from the last comeback. Not to mention that there are also solo opportunities to deal with and some even have promotions and advertising, etc, that also takes up a lot of time. Oh and also REST AND SELF CARE. This is a career, not a hobby for them and people tend to keep forgetting that.
Sometimes things get delayed or priorities get switched because of money. Having a comeback or debut, etc, costs a lot so of course things will take time until the proper financial stability is there. BlackPink’s debut was basically funded by BigBang and winner along with other things. Doing survival programs, variety shows and other forms of promotions and advertising and even CFs are important to help gain the money for what YG needs. And you know YG wants to go full force and all out on their artists, so they gotta make a lot to spend a lot so your faves can continue to rock their Gucci and Chanel, you know?
When it comes to TOP, how do you know for sure that YHS hasn’t been doing anything for him? How do you know that YG is neglecting him and his situation? Is there definite and physical proof? YHS and YG could be dealing things with TOP in a more private way so that the media and the public/fans aren’t hovering over him and that’s why there isn’t much coverage on it. However, instead of thinking about that, you assume that YG is neglecting him and his situation cause you can’t find any info on it. That’s stupid.
With Lee Hi I do sympathise with the fact that she hadnt had a comeback in a while. But not once has she said the words that you all are assuming that she is feeling or going through. She sings and cry and all of a sudden that is because “she’s sad because YG is not letting her do anything and is ignoring her completely”. Have you guys realised that since her comeback she has been doing concerts and featuring projects with other artists and appearing on shows, etc? YG is not sleeping on her, they are letting her do things to help promote herself. She is not being neglected. Now before you go and say “oh but Envil, what about that time on Party People when she cried and explained what her Song breathe was about and the things she said?” Umm hello! Did you guys even really understand what she meant? She was talking about the past and how she was dealing with personal struggles and the feeling of thinking she needed more practice but because of her worries it took longer then expected and because of her anxiety she couldn’t sing freely like she wanted too. NOT because YG was forbidding her to and NOT because YG was neglecting her. It was because she was struggling with personal issues and feelings. I’m just happy that YG understood enough to give her that time needed to prepare herself for her comeback and because they did she came back with a beautiful album and now she is back to her badassness and even featuring in a badass Epik High Song again. But because she said “I wasn’t able to do it freely” people take it out of context and assume is something it’s not and just go off on it. It’s ridiculous.
When it comes to BlackPink everyone is hating on YHS because they still haven’t made a comeback and are singing the same three songs right now. They think he is just ignoring them and not letting them release new songs. But have you guys thought that maybe he’s just letting them get known right now? They are promoting, doing advertising, concerts, variety shows, etc. They are busy trying to establish their fandom so that when they do release a comeback they have stable ground to walk on. This process takes time and patience which yall clearly don’t have. Just reacently YG revealed the trailer for BLACKPINK TV do there is evidence for you that YG is still paying attention to them and helping them get known better with their on TV show. Doing all this will help when they come back. It was the same with Winner and Ikon and every other group in the company and now it’s their turn. Have patience.
I know I have said this in a post already but when it comes to the 2NE1 issue, it’s unfair to put all the blame on YHS for their disbandment. There was proof that he really wanted them to come back and that they were actually preparing for it. But things happened. CL wanted to do her American branching and promotions and Minzy wanted her Album which just wasn’t happening because priorities got mixed up and that led to her leaving. But that is not JUST his fault guys. He was trying. Things happened. It’s life. And sometimes things just don’t work out as planned. This still could have happened to 2NE1 even if everything was the same except they were at JYP instead. It was unfortunate yes and even I was angry for a while. But I understand that sometimes individual dreams get in the way of things and life just happens and not everyone is going to like the result.
You have YG artists that joke around about Yang Hyun Suk and how hard headed he is and such but that’s all they are, jokes. Because right after joking they always say how good of a boss and mentor he is and how he helps them, etc. There has not been one Artist or former Artist of YGE that has said ANY of the things that knetz or the fans say about him at all. Tbh I think this all “let’s hate on YHS” thing started as a joke taken way too far. It’s stupid. No one is even trying to analyse things and give the benefit of the doubt that things in the media is not always what it seems at first glance. It’s like reading the title of an article and basing an opinion without actually reading the article you know? It’s stupid.
The fans are also hating on him because he gives strong and sometimes very straightforward and harsh constructive criticism. He’s like Simon From American Idol. People get so upset when he gives not so positive feedback on their faves and immediately bash him for it and don’t even stop to think that maybe what he is saying is actually true and needs to be said so that the artists or group can fix it and improve themselves. He’s not saying it to just hurt their feelings or bash on them, he’s telling them good advice and giving them good criticism that can help them in their future. He’s not going to surface coat things and baby them. He did not take years creating BigBang and moulding them in the right direction which leads them to becoming the Nations Top Kpop Group by babying them and telling them nice things all the time. No, he told TOP that he needed to practice more on his dancing so that he could keep up, he had GD write songs everyday do it could help him make hits, he was hard on Seungri and Hyunseung because he wanted them to achieve great things in the future, he dropped one because they weren’t ready as the others had been and he kept Seungri cause he saw the best potential and he’s hard on him at times because YG knows that he’s good and talented and wants him to keep it up and not give up. When YHS gives his opinions and advice he is doing it to be honest and to point out things that need to improve, there is nothing ill treated about it. But because it’s your fave, you get upset and want to attack, which is understandable, but you gotta stop to think before you do.
And tbh, if I’m feeling this right, I feel like YG is allowing the fans to hate him, because at least he gets the hate and not the staff members and others. I feel like he’s content with receiving the hate on his SNS and such just as long as no one else is. Which is unfair. I wish he would come out more and try to show more of his true self that YG Family gets to see that we don’t. They all describe a person we rarely get to view and I hope he starts to show that. On the other hand I could be wrong and he actually doesn’t like the hate and wants it to stop but just doesn’t know how to go about it without the public just bashing on him some more. I cant imagine the struggle tbh.
You all can fight me on this. But I’ll just stand my ground on it. Momma didn’t raise no bitch and I’m not about to let haters who just go off based on feelings and personal frustration derail me. I will continue to look at the bigger picture and not just assume shit and go off because I’m upset that things keep getting delayed or dropped or whatever. Things happen and we all need to calm down before we attack.
Welp sorry for the long rant. I’ll go back in my hole now.
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padfootdidit · 7 years
burn through my soul
a  fyre festival au because i have 0 chill, set in the ‘marble hearts collide’ universe bc ria asked for like an 80k companion fic, and because 36 of you seemed to like the idea. basically: it’s half fyre and half ust denial jily and a Big Mess.
for @gxldentrio @petalstofish who asked for more and @fredweasleying who supports james and sirius’ stupidity
most of my info is off the snapchat stories, articles and tweets but i’ve also done a lot of exaggerating, so take all reference to the festival with a bit of salt
It’s Sirius’ idea because, if it involves a stupid waste of money and the promise of celebrity chefs, it will always be his idea. And, because it’s Sirius’ idea, James is in. 
“It’s ridiculous,” Lily says, scrolling through the festival’s instagram. 
“No, it’s luxury,” Sirius says and snatches his phone back, “you wouldn’t understand.”
Remus raises an eyebrow, “she practically lives with you, I think she understands what luxury is.”
“And waste of money,” Peter adds, helpfully. 
“I can’t believe I let any of you into my house, when you’ve just come to insult me!” Sirius pouts, throwing himself dramatically back on the chaise. 
“Criticise your money spending habits,” Remus corrects, and just manages to dodge a throw pillow Sirius launches at him. 
‘What does Potter think, anyway?” Lily asks, looking down at her own phone. 
“Why does Potter’s opinion matter?” Sirius retorts. 
Lily is definitely avoiding eye contact, “It doesn’t.”
There’s a murmur of disbelief, and Lily scowls at her phone, knowing that if she looks up she’ll be accosted by five raised eyebrows, because only Sirius has learnt how to raise both separately. 
“But, seriously, when is Prongs back?”
“Well, Moony, funny you should ask...” Sirius smirks, “he arrived last night.”
Lily’s head shoots up, “but -”
“But what Evans, not happy to see me?” A voice comes from the doorway, and they all turn to see James leaning, not as gracefully as Sirius would have, against the doorjamb with a smirk to match Sirius’ on his face. 
“How long have you guys been planning that?” Peter asks, and he’s not as fast as Remus so a throw pillow hits him in the stomach.
Remus laughs, “probably longer than they’ve been planning this festival bullshit.” 
“Losers,” Lily mutters, finally looking away from James, pretending that her phone screen is more interesting than the bit of chest his loosely tied dressing gown shows. 
James Potter to lily evans’ home for peculiar children: we made it to the airport folks
Remus Lupin: shame
Sirius Black: fight me bitch
Lily Evans: we thought ur chauffeur might crash on purpose 
James Potter: why would he do that???
Sirius Black: i dont have a chauffeur
Sirius Black: i have wesley
Peter Pettigrew: who is a chauffeur
Sirius Black: no he’s my driver
Remus Lupin: difference?
James Potter: more importantly tho
James Potter: he would never crash on purpose
Lily Evans: he would if he thought it might shut u up
Sirius Black: y would anyone want to shut us up
James Potter: yeah
Sirius Black: thanks bro
James Potter: i got ur back bro dw
Remus Lupin removed Sirius Black from the group
Remus Lupin removed James Potter from the group
Lily Evans changed Remus Lupin’s nickname to our lord and saviour
“Do you think they’re there yet?” Lily says, watching Remus as he methodically searches through Sirius’ drinks tray. 
“I think we would know if they were,” Peter answers drily. 
Remus pauses to inspect a label closely, “Pete’s right, we’ll know.”
“Missing them already?” 
“Fuck off,” Lily scowls, “just want to ask Sirius his netflix password.”
“You don’t know already?” Remus says at the same time Peter says, “bitchbetterhavemymoney, capital B.”
Lily frowns, “he told you? He doesn’t tell anyone.”
“Correction, he told James, and it’s way easier to bribe James than Sirius,” Peter smiles triumphantly. 
“I swear you use it all the time? Remus asks, setting down the bottle in favour for a shorter, fatter one. 
“He logs in for me and then makes me log off afterwards,” Lily says, rolling her eyes. 
“Here we go,” Remus stands, presenting a bottle of scotch to Peter and Lily, who are cuddled up together beneath a blanket on the sofa, and grins, “the most expensive bottle.”
“Are you sure?”
“Because, last time you said it was and then he came back and told us it was only his third most expensive one and -”
“I’m sure,” Remus says, interrupting Lily. “Not only is it the most expensive bottle on the living room’s tray,” he gestures around the room they’re in, “it’s also more expensive than anything in the drawing room.”
Lily Evans to ovaries before madame brovary: remus found it
Lily Evans: party @ 10
Mary MacDonald: should i bring snacks
Gemma Jones: ahhahaha gd one
Mary MacDonald: thank you <33
Lily Evans: he’s put a padlock on the chocolate cupboard but the pantry is full
Marlene McKinnon: I can’t believe we know someone who has a pantry
Lily Evans: shameful isn’t it
James Potter changed the group name to WASSUUUUUP
Sirius Black: blocked
James Potter: u said u liked it???
Sirius Black: yh i lied
James Potter: fight me bitch
Peter Pettigrew: ur plane didn’t crash then
James Potter: landed safe and sound
Remus Lupin: shame
Lily Evans: have they showered u in gold bars yet
Peter Pettigrew: have they got a red carpet for u all
Remus Lupin: are all the other rich ppl as rich as u
Lily Evans: have u had a competition to see whos richest
Peter Pettigrew: i bet the toilet had tenner notes for paper
Remus Lupin: more like fifties
James Potter: u all suck
Sirius Black: they’re just jealous bb 
Lily Evans: but srsly
Lily Evans: what’s it like
James Potter: amazing 
Sirius Black: the beach is beautiful the people are beautiful the tents are beautiful
James Potter: it’s like a rich persons dream
Remus Lupin: u, as a rich person, cannot make rich ppl jokes
Lily Evans: ***rich bitch
Lily Evans: check ur privilege potter
Sirius Black: says the white girl
James Potter: checkmate
Lily Evans: point 
Peter Pettigrew: have u seen a jenner yet
Remus Lupin: is the only available beverage pepsi
Lily Evans: ^^^the real question
Peter Pettigrew: i’ll ask her
Peter Pettigrew: she says it was for the vine
Sirius Black: u r having another party aren’t u ohMYGOD
Lily Evans: brb
Remus Lupin: idk i can’t read suddenly
Peter Pettigrew: gtg sorry bye
Sirius Black: TRAITORS
“What if James finds, like an heiress though? What are you going to do then?” Tegan asks, leaning so far across the table Lily can see down her shirt. 
“Potter can do what he wants,” Lily shrugs, “why do I care?” 
“Because you’re in love with him,” Marlene says, high-fiving Mary. 
Lily downs the rest of her wine glass, “factually incorrect.” Factually incorrect meaning unwilling to admit the truth. 
Gemma shakes her head, “how could you not be in love with him?”
“Very easily,” Lily snatches the bottle from Mary’s hand and pours herself another drop. Drop meaning entire glass. “It’s like this,” she pauses to take a sip, “you guys are projecting your fantasies on to me-”
“Oh, no no no!” She’s drowned out by cries of protest and drinks the rest of her glass as a distraction. Drinking red wine is so easy when she’s already drunk.
Thankfully, she’s saved from any more discussion about a particular black haired man by Peter sprinting in the room, skidding to a halt with his phone held out in front of him, “Have you seen this?”
Fyre Festival Goes Up in Flames
The luxury beach festival due to be held this weekend in the Bahamas has begun but, unlike the promotional videos, there is nothing luxury about it. Festival goers who arrived early have been reporting rabid dogs, empty tents, and not a single celebrity in sight. 
Snapchat videos and tweets show people arriving to what some have described as the ‘season finale of the Walking Dead’. Inside the tents, which are being fought over as we speak, empty mattresses and tables which look like they’re from IKEA are stand ins for the promised ‘5 star accommodation’. Since festival go-oers paid between $2,000 and $12,000 for this, it’s understandable that they’re annoyed.
Reportedly, celebrities who promoted the festival, such as the Jenner sisters, Bella Hadid and other supermodels/quasi-celebrities, were warned not to attend in advance of the festival. 
Lily Evans to the lord of the flies just got Real: hahahahhahahahahaahhahah
Remus Lupin: anything u want to tell us lads
Peter Pettigrew: we kno that u r online
James Potter: what are u talking about
Remus Lupin: “”””the beach is beautiful the people are beautiful the tents are beautiful”””””
Lily Evans: http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/article/39743303/luxury-fyre-festival-is-cancelled-with-ticket-holders-still-stranded-in-bahamas
Sirius Black: technically
Sirius Black: i only lied abt the tents
Lily Evans: firstly...... are u guys okay?
James Potter: yh
James Potter: pissed off n hungry but yh
Sirius Black: i’m gonna sue
Lily Evans: secondly
Lily Evans: ahahahahahhahhahah
Peter Pettigrew: what a scam
Sirius Black: they lost my gucci suitcase
Remus Lupin: shame
Sirius Black removed Remus Lupin from the group
Peter Pettigrew: are u gonna start eating each other
Lily Evans added Remus Lupin to the group
Lily Evans: r they dividing u into groups to fight to the death
Sirius Black left the group
The thing is, Lily isn’t in love with James. She knows what love looks like. Her parents were in love, Petunia loves Vernon (not that Lily understands why), Frank and Alice are in love, Marlene and Tegan are in love. She has seen love. It’s holding hands and forehead kisses and long trips away to the beach and getting a dog together and sharing interests and watching tv all day in pyjamas and sharing bank accounts and smiling when the other person isn’t looking and wanting to spend the rest of your life together and having inside jokes and knowing as much as possible about the other person and knowing that no matter what you’re always safe with them. 
And sure, she and Potter have a lot of inside jokes, but she has a lot of inside jokes with Peter too. And sure, they’ve spent all day watching tv together, but never on the same piece of furniture. And sure, if she needs help she goes to Potter, and if she’s sad she rings him, and if she sees a funny otter video she sends it to him, but that’s how it’s always been, and sometimes she goes to Sirius too. Plus, they don’t have a puppy together and Lily is pretty certain they’ve never held hands. So, really, she can’t be in love with James.
The conclusion is a good one, Lily thinks as she finishes her third glass of wine (third really meaning ninth) and allows herself to pay attention to the others again. It’s difficult to play charades when she’s distracted by the thought of being in love with James Potter, but now she’s cleared that one up, it’s easy to guess that Remus is acting out National Treasure 2. 
Sirius Black to Lily Evans: u better not let anyone in my bedroom
Lily Evans: locked
LIly Evans: dw
Sirius Black: stop having parties w/out me
Lily Evans: stop locking away all the good booze when we have parties w u
Sirius Black: point
Peter Pettigrew to mckinnon just threw up in the bathtub: hows the prison food
Sirius Black: did mckinnon acc throw up in the bathtub????
Sirius Black: which one
Sirius Black: the red room?? downstairs guest ensuite?? MINE??!1?
James Potter: better than evans’ cooking
Sirius Black: wHICH BATHTUB
Remus Lupin: lily would like to say that “””if i had any energy to waste in replying to potters insult then i would remind him that euphemia said i was a better cook that him””””
Sirius Black: pSTOP IGROING ME
Subject: Betrayal
Dear Mother,
Evans told me that you said she was a better cook than me. Just emailing to check that you would never betray me like this.
Your son,
Sent from my iPhone
Subject: RE: Betrayal
James darling, 
Please don’t use the company’s email for personal matters, you know it annoys everyone.
Lily’s cooking is a delight. It’s not a betrayal if it’s a fact. 
P.S Your father told me that festival you’re at turned out to be a bit of a disaster. Are you planning on coming home?
Lily Evans to James Potter: i CANNOT believe u emailed ur mym
Lily Evans: acc i take that back
Lily Evans: I CAN U LOSER
James Potter: u r durnk
Lily Evans: n u arent?????
James Potter: ppl r looting
James Potter: kinda scary shit
Lily Evans: dont let any1 steal sirius
Lily Evans: hed go for a Lot on the black market
Lily Evans: aahahaah
Lily Evans: brb gptta share my pun w// the group
James Potter: we’ve booked a flight for tomorrow afternoon
James Potter: gun get wasted on beach tomox
Lily Evans: legendz
James Potter: didnt cum to the bahamas not to get a tan
Lily Evans: cum ha
Lily Evans:  u r permanentnly tanned?????
James Potter: ik
James Potter: just wanted to remind u that im in the bahamas n u r not
Lily Evans: blocked
Marlene and Tegan get the downstairs guest room, Remus and Peter crash in the extension Sirius constantly denies he added so they could have their own rooms, Mary and Gemma take the upstairs guest room which Lily usually sleeps in, which means Lily is left with five choices. She could share with Mary and Gemma because it’s a king sized bed, but Gemma snores. She could sleep in one of the other two guest rooms, but she’s pretty sure one of them is haunted, and the other one has a broken bed from when Alice and Frank stayed around last week. Which leaves her with Potter’s room. Unless she really wants to picklock Sirius’ and risk facing his wrath.
It’s an easy choice really. Potter’s room is sans snoring, sans ghost and sans broken bed. Lily nods to herself, and walks up the staircase, waving a middle finger at Mary and Gemma when she passes their open door. The gits. 
Potter isn’t even here. It’s not like she’s sharing a bed with him. 
Lily shivers at the thought.
She shuts the door behind her and climbs into the bed, definitely not looking at the millions of framed photographs he has on his bedside table. One of him and the boys back at boarding school, arms looped around each other, smiles wide. Mary had taken that one, the day they all finished their GCSEs. One of him and his parents, at their vow renewal service, James and Fleamont towering over Euphemia. One of him and a bunch of kids all sat on a hospital bed, a sign above the bed saying ‘thank you!’. One of him with Graham Norton, both looking too excited. One of him and Sirius, young, really young, looking almost identical. One of him and all of them, taken by Euphemia at his twenty first birthday party, just before Remus threw up all over everyone’s shoes. One of him and -
Lily squints, leaning out of the bed to look at the one tucked away at the back, almost hidden. Fuck, it’s her. It’s them. She remembers it. It meaning the moment that landed them in seven gossip magazine, too many online columns, and one list of the hottest couples this month. It was one of his charity balls, for mental illness she remembers, one filled with celebrities and champagne trays and tiny snacks which would never satisfy any normal human being. 
They’re standing on a balcony, London spread out before them. They hadn’t noticed a photographer, or anyone, because they’d been too busy discussing the pros and cons of making a rope out of Lily’s dress to escape. Potter had suggested tying it to the balcony, climbing down and hailing a cab. He was kidding of course, because he loved these things, because it meant he got to talk about all the causes he loved and everyone had to at least pretend they were listening or their photograph would be splashed beneath a headline which read ‘B List Celebrity Hates Kids’, depending on which cause the ball was for that month. 
But Lily, Lily who had grown up in a mining village and worked for every penny she had, still wasn’t used to these balls even after five years of them. She loved the glamour and she could pull off confidence easily, she just didn’t like that she could never tell if people actually cared or not. 
So Potter, ever kind, had gone along with her escape plan, coming up with more pros then even she could manage. Then the flash had gone off and they’d jumped, quickly returning inside because James had to make a speech. Or something. 
The photograph hadn’t captured their shock though. It had caught her laughing, bright and full, and him smiling, kind and soft, and really, they did look like a couple. They were standing too close, looking too happy to not. Except they weren’t, and the group had had to spend the next three weeks batting away reporters about who was the stunning red head who had captured humanitarian James Potter’s heart. Then it had died down, and everyone had forgotten about the picture, even Lily.
It shocks her that it’s there, on his bedside table. Makes something burst in her chest, a rogue party popper. 
So, instead of confronting all the thoughts that pop into her when she sees the picture, like a rational adult, she rolls over, buries beneath the silk sheets and promptly goes to sleep.
James Potter to can someone tell me which bathtub please??: so someone recognised sirius
James Potter: so now he’s trying to make a raft
James Potter: out of his remaining gucci luggage
Remus Lupin: let me know if he drowns
James Potter: why is no one recognising me
James Potter: my achievements way out rank his
Peter Pettigrew: yh but you’re not a black
Peter Pettigrew: n u’ve never been in a commercial for toothpaste
James Potter: im a potter tho
Remus Lupin: plus u’ve never been pictured naked in the sun
James Potter: point
Lily Evans: shhhh stop buxxing my phone
James Potter: mary told me u were sleeping in my bed
James Potter: u better not have chundered in there
Lily Evans: brb gtg kill mary
James Potter sent a video.
James Potter: if u evr wanted to kno what sirius screams sound like when he gets his hair wet
Remus Lupin: did he fall in??
James Potter: some tit capsized him
Remus Lupin: brilliant
@DailyProphet The Daily Prophet
[30/04] Pictured: minor celebrities, James Potter and Sirius Black, are among first to leave Fyre Festival, boarding a flight back to England this afternoon.
Remus Lupin to which fucking bathtub was it: have you heard the news?
Remus Lupin changed Sirius Black’s nickname to minor celebrity.
minor celebrity: blocked
Lily Evans to Remus Lupin: did u get the banner yet
Remus Lupin: i cant believe we r throwing them a welcome home party
Remus Lupin: they were gone for like three days
Lily Evans: but they survived a disaster remus
Lily Evans: a disaster™
Lily Evans: a travesty™
Remus Lupin:  i got the banner
Remus Lupin: what r we adding to it
Lily Evans: i want it to read ‘welcome home minor celebrities’
Remus Lupin: padfoot is never gonna let u in his house again
Lily Evans: we both know that isn’t true
Remus Lupin: point
James Potter to it was all the bathtubs: we landed safely
Remus Lupin: shame
Peter Pettigrew: u better have bought us some souvenirs 
James Potter: does duty free count
Peter Pettigrew: blocked
“Surprise!” They all yell, as James and Sirius step through the door, their bags brought in moments later by Wesley. James jumps, looking satisfyingly surprised, whereas Sirius just scowls and turns to help Wesley with the remaining suitcases. Clearly, their antics were old by now.
“Here are your disaster survival kits,” Tegan says, offering them two first aid kits which Peter had filled with tiny vodka bottles, rape whistles and Finding Nemo water proof plasters. James accepts both, Sirius just leading Wesley through to the kitchen. 
It’s not long before they’re all at least tipsy again, Sirius having finished his temper tantrum over a) the amount of booze they drank and b) the fact that McKinnon had never actually thrown up in a bathtub at all. Lily finds it especially easy to get drunk, probably because she starts drinking whenever James tries to talk to her. 
She’s not sure why, but she suspects it has something to do with the photograph. The photograph which she keeps seeing in her head, framed next to his bed. So, every time he comes near her, she brings her glass or bottle to her mouth and refuses to make eye contact.
A successful technique with Potter, but no one else and it isn’t long before Sirius has her cornered, having spotted her new found avoidance scheme. 
“You throw us a party, but won’t even talk to one of the special guests,” he says, swirling his scotch around the glass, “would you care to comment?”
“I prefer A-listers to minor celebrities,” she says before she can think of anything else, and because she knows Sirius is still sore about it.
“If you would just stop, and listen to one of us, you know you’d be so much happier,” he sighs. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Lily says, and promptly turns her back on him. 
James Potter to Lily Evans: mum wants to know if you’re coming over for sunday lunch
Lily Evans: when dont i
James Potter: point
Lily Evans: u recovered from ur traumatic time yet
James Potter: not sure
James Potter: thinking of setting up a charity for everyone who went
Lily Evans: omg ive got a rlly good name for it!!
Lily Evans: trust fund
Lily Evans: oh wait..........
@DailyProphet The Daily Prophet
[01/05] We would like to apologise to anyone who may have found insult in one of yesterday’s tweets concerning the Fyre Festival. A redaction has now been approved: “Pictured: Celebrities, James Potter and Sirius Black, are among first to leave Fyre Festival, boarding a flight back to England this afternoon.” 
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richonnefics · 7 years
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Happy Summer Solstice lovely Richonners! We have about a little under a month (24 days to be exact) until San Diego Comic Con. May we be blessed with lots of Richonne but until then, beat the heat with another Richonne writer interview. Please take your time to get to know a bit more about @yellehughes!
Richonnefics (RF): Hi yellehughes! Thanks so much for taking the time out of your schedule for this interview.  Any tips for those that are going through writer’s block?
Yellehughes (YH): Well, this is what I do to help me get through writer’s block. Since I write Richonne fanfics, I immerse myself in Richonne (that’s not weird, is it?) I set up a playlist on YouTube and the videos consist of crack humor, TWD scenes and music fanvids. They all feature Rick and Michonne’s voice and it allows me to keep their characters in my mind as I’m writing. Reading other fanfics helps, but not too many because I don’t want to make the mistake and accidentally pilfer someone’s ideas. I go back and watch episodes that are specific to Richonne, or heck just watch them all anyway. I try and get feedback from my fellow Richonne fanfic writers when I get stuck and vice versa. One last little trick I perform for myself: I think of the scene that I’m working on as I’m going to sleep. I can dream up new things and when I wake up, I write it down. And, bam! I’ve broken my writer’s block.
RF: What is your favorite word and why?
YH: Epiphany, derived from the Ancient Greek word, epiphaneia. It means to experience a sudden and striking realization. My first understanding of the word was when I read, The Miracle Worker. A story about Helen Keller and how she finally understood that what Anne Sullivan was spelling in her hand had a meaning. It never clicked in her mind until, Anne stuck Helen’s hand in water and then signed WATER in her hand at the same time. That moment stood out to me and every time I learn something new or realize something, I get my HKM (Helen Keller Moment) and it’s a beautiful feeling.
RF: I think Epiphany is a beautiful word.  It sounds really nice when spoken.  Are you a plotter or a pantster?
YH: I’m a little bit of both. When I started writing my first fanfic, The TWD Chronicles, I outlined and wrote down the plot for each chapter. Once I have a starting point, it’s all flying by the seat of my pants from there.
RF: Have you always enjoyed writing?
YH: I’ve always wanted to write stories since I was in the 7th grade and that was a long time ago. I actually started writing my first work, Triton, in high school. I had the character’s names, what they would look like and how they would first meet (it’s a romance, by the way) Unfortunately, life got in the way and it was only until my kids were grown, and I took a trip to Greece, that I took my writing seriously. I brought out my old papers and reworked everything that I had written and self-published my first novel in 2014. I’ve been writing ever since. And, then I discovered the world of Fanfiction. I’ve never seen a tv show so good at building characters and it woke me up (epiphany) on what I was missing in my own writing. I didn’t understand this before I wrote my first two books. So, I will be going back over them later and do some tweaking.
RF: Fanfiction can really be an educational experience, especially with a helpful community of writers. What is your least favorite part of the writing process?
YH: Writing the ending. That means I say goodbye to the people I’ve spent a lot of time with.
RF: What is your most favorite part of the writing process?
YH: Coming up with witty dialogue. I laugh a lot and I laugh at my characters, a lot. So, I like to make them say crazy and funny things. Also, envisioning what my characters look like and creating them.
RF: A writer typically has me for life if they can make me laugh.  Have you learned anything from writing fan fiction?
YH: Yup, that sometimes my writing sucks, and even though it’s not perfect, it’s my story on how I see it. I don’t have to write it the way others say I should write it. It’s for my pleasure and hopefully to please the readers. Fan fiction has opened me up to a whole new world and I’m enjoying the hell out of it. It’s connected me to readers and writers and so many have made me feel welcomed. Nothing beats that.
RF: The one consistent thing I’ve heard over the years by Richonners and non-Richonners is how much hospitality there is within the Richonne writing community. When and why did you begin writing fan fiction?
YH: I’m late to the Richonne fandom because I was one of the ones who refused to watch the show because I thought it was all about killing zombies (oops, I said the dreaded word!) I was a super fan of Supernatural (at least watching it, never heard of fanfiction) until John Winchester was vilified. Then it was bye-bye SPN. JDM was the reason I started watching in the first place. Okay, that’s another story. I could go on and on why SPN pissed me off. Anyway, I heard he was joining TWD. Now remember, I had no clue as to what this show was about, besides killing zombies (oh no!) So, I went online and started watching some videos about Season 7’s last episode with the lineup. I saw all these people on their knees and I’m like, “Hmmm…. what’s up with this?” I didn’t know them and that scene made me WANT to know who they were. So, I went to Netflix and started from the beginning and I have been hooked from the pilot. Because I’m so nosey, I started looking up more and more info on the show. I happened to say to one of my author friends, what if someone expanded on the characters outside the show? Girl, she gave me a link to a Richonne fanfic, I’d about died! Was this real? Did people really do this? Yes, and yes! I went on a reading binge of several authors and I noticed that there wasn’t that many stories too focused on fantasy or the supernatural (that’s my thing) and I thought, what if I made Rick and Michonne, Greek gods? How would that go and the rest is history.
RF: Is there anything else about yourself that you would like to share with the readers?
YH: I talk a lot or type a lot, as you can see up above. I love helping fellow writers with showing off their work. I like compliments. I like giving compliments. Sometimes I say the wrong thing, but I eventually apologize. As a writer, I invite criticism of my work. I need that in order to improve. I have a busy mind, so sometimes I go off on tangents.
RF: Fun, semi-related question: Mints or Apples?
YH: Apples, because I can do so much more with them. I can slice them and put them in my oatmeal with cinnamon. I can eat them straight off the tree. I can make an apple pie with them. I can throw them at my brother and make it hurt (can’t do that with mints) I can eat them with peanut butter, salt, caramel. Make juice (well not make it, I can buy it) I will say though, if someone wants to give me mints, especially if he’s a smoking hot deputy sheriff from King’s County, I’ll take it!
RF: Thank you so much for your time.  We really enjoyed getting to know you better.  If you aren’t following @yellehughes on tumblr, exactly what are you waiting for? You can find all of yellehughes Richonne fanfiction here on fanfiction.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/~yellehughes
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fisicol92 · 7 years
Four skaters from Japan, Rika Hongo, Keiji Tanaka, Satoko Miyahara and Yuzuru Hanyu talked to us about their skating career before the ISU Four Continents Championships 2017.
Q = Interviewer Wei Xiong for ISU RH = Rika Hongo KT = Keiji Tanaka SM= Satoko Miyahara YH= Yuzuru Hanyu
Q: How did you get into figure skating?
RH: My mother is a figure skating coach. I followed her to work when I was three years old, and I played around the rink. When I was five, I told her that I want to learn figure skating, and that’s how I started.
KT: There was a skating rink near my home, so at the beginning I went there just for fun. It was during my first grade in elementary school. Then I enjoyed it so much that gradually I started to take regular skating classes, and before I realized, I was already a member of the skating club.
SM: I started skating when I was four. I lived in the U.S. for two years and a half when my parents were studying there. There was a skating rink inside a shopping mall, when I went there, I tried to skate for the first time and I really enjoyed it, so I started to skate.
YH: It was my elder sister who started to skate first. At that time I wasn’t particularly into figure skating, but I was just following my sister and skating with her.
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Q: When did you decide to dedicate yourself to this sport and be an athlete?
RH: I was inspired by Shizuka Arakawa’s victory at the 2006 Olympics, since then I started to dream about competing at the Olympics, and I started to train hard to be a skater.
After she won the Olympics, there was a parade in her hometown Sendai, and you were the kid who accompanied her in the parade car. Do you still remember that day?
Yes, I remember I was sitting next to her, and I saw the shining gold medal at a close distance. I thought that was so cool and I was inspired.
KT: After I joined the skating club, I think being an athlete just became something very natural to me, and I never thought about quitting because training was tough.
SM: I kept skating and naturally began real training after I came back to Japan. When I was in third grade in elementary school, I competed at my first international competition. Ever since then I realized I would become an athlete.
YH: For me, an athlete equals to an Olympian, an Olympic gold medalist. When I was around five-years-old, I already seriously thought about winning the gold medal at the Olympics. But what made me want the Olympic title strongly was the battle between Yagudin and Plushenko at 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics.
Q: Did you already have the confidence that you were going to be a top skater in the world?
Tanaka: I still don’t think I am competitive on the international stage, but one thing that inspired me was when Yuzuru won the World Junior Championships. He is the same age as me, and the best among us. When he won the junior title, I thought it was really awesome, and I wanted to catch up with him. So I made up my mind and set my goal to be a competitive skater in the world. One year after, I won the silver medal at junior Worlds.
SM: I didn’t think about being a top skater at that time, but I strongly wanted to go to the Olympics.
YH: Yes! I remember I got the second place at my first ever competition since I started to skate, but soon I won my next competition. I was presented a trophy in that competition, and I lifted the trophy over my head, just trying to imitate what Plushenko and Yagudin always did. It was a small trophy like this size (he pointed to his beverage bottle), and I did it like this (he held up the bottle over his head). It was a small, domestic competition, I think I was five years old, or maybe first grade in elementary school.
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Q: Being an athlete is tough, but is there anything even tougher that you hadn’t expected or imagined?
RH: All your time is occupied by skating, I train every day, and it is so difficult to find some time just to hang out with your friends. Also, I need to get up early in the morning, that’s also tough.
YH: The risk of injury is high, and there is no guarantee that the harder you train the better you become, so I think that’s really the difficult part. Also, I think this is unique in Japan, but figure skating is so popular here that I cannot go out easily, and there are paparazzi around, so this is something difficult to deal with too.
(Does training in Canada make things easier?)
Yes, I can get more of my own time in Canada.
Q: What’s your favorite element in figure skating and what gives you headache?
RH: I like the jumps the most. Among all types of jumps, I like toe the most, but I am not good at loop.
KT: I like doing footwork, especially when it fits the music, it feels really enjoyable. As for what I am not good at, compared to those best skaters in the world, I have a lot of work to do on my spins.
SM: I like all elements. But I am not good at twizzles, and I wish I could spin faster on flying camel spins.
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Q: Could you share with us the stories or inspirations of your programs this season?
RH: My free skate this season is choreographed by Akiko Suzuki. I want to enhance my presentation, and I think I can learn a lot from her. Before she retired, we were skating in the same rink, and I was always amazed and inspired by her. It feels great that I can continue to learn from her now in this way.
KT: It is a new genre of music (“Federico Fellini Medley”) that I’ve never tried before, so it was really difficult at the beginning of the season, I just couldn’t catch the feeling of the program, and couldn’t show the right facial expression. When I made a mistake on the first few jumping passes, it felt very hard to concentrate on presentation, and hence couldn’t put the program together. But at the NHK Trophy, I did well with the first few jumps, so I carried the momentum to the rest of the program, kept the energy and paid attention to facial expressions. I finally felt I was able to perform this program well.
SM: Tom Dickson recommended the “Star Wars” music to me in the middle of last season, and we started to do the choreography right after the season ended. The music is something different from what I’ve skated to before, but I think it is so cool and I like it.
You are always shy off the ice, is it difficult to skate to something so “cool”?
Yes, I really need to pay a lot of attention to the movements and scale when I skate, and give much more strength than before.
YH: The music of my free skate was composed by a Japanese composer, if I go deep into the story behind the music, it was actually the opening song of 1998 Nagano Paralympics. My mom watched the Nagano Olympics and Paralympics, and then she wanted my elder sister to skate, so she took her to skating class. If you think about it, those Olympics were the starting point of my skating life, so I want to use this piece of music. Also, as I mentioned, it was composed by a Japanese composer, so I think I can continue to present something I’ve learned from “SEIMEI”.
The Olympics really is something special for you, isn’t it?
Yes. On one hand, when it comes to competing at a competition, like in Sochi, I treated it as a normal competition; but on the other hand, I am planning and preparing for the next Olympics, so I guess I have a special feeling for it. Of course, I want to win the gold medal again in Pyeongchang.
Your long program is called “Hope and Legacy”, and you talked about how skaters’ performances can remain as a legacy. Which performance of yours do you think is your legacy?
YH: It was my first novice national championships, which I won. I was very happy at that time, not only happy for the win, but also for my score. It was still under the 6.0 system, I watched competitions on TV a lot, so I knew only those very top skaters in the world could get over 5.5 points, but I got 5.2 for my presentation. I was so happy at that time, and my performance at that competition became my motivation of skating, and it still motivates me now.
Q: What’s your equity in Team Japan? For example, are you the one that laughs the most, or talks the most, or are you the one who likes to give advice and take care of rookies, or are you the one that doesn’t talk at all, etc.
RH: There are younger skaters coming up this season, but this is only my third year on the senior circuit and there are more experienced skaters than me, like Asada or Murakami, so I am the one who still tries to learn from the elders during competitions.
KT: I am the shy one and not good at talking. On the contrary, Yuzuru is very outgoing and really talks a lot, sometimes I cannot follow him.
YH: We are all teammates, but at the same time competitors. For example, I am at the same age with Ryuju Hino and Keiji Tanaka who also competed at NHK Trophy, we know each other since we were kids, we are really good friends off the ice, but on the ice, we are competitors.
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Q: Yuzuru, Keiji just said you always talk so much that he sometimes cannot follow.
YH: I admit. I really talk a lot, but I am thankful that he is always willing to listen. Just like I said, we knew each other from long ago, so I feel like he can understand me.
Q: How about in the skating club? For Rika and Satoko, there are many younger girls in your rink, do you give them advice?
RH: I talk to them a lot, but we seldom talk about skating.
SM: I often practice with them, and I get stimulation from them, I enjoy skating with them. I don’t always do that, but sometimes I do give them advice. I also have things to learn from them, so I think it is a very good training environment.
Q: What do you like to do off the ice?
RH: I like sleeping and eating. I especially like ice cream, so whenever there is a limited edition or new flavor of ice cream, I will go get it and enjoy.
KT: I like watching movies. Recently I watch a lot of Japanese movies.
SM: I like reading books and sleeping, and I like cooking. I like something sweet, and I like Japanese food. I cook for my family when I have time.
Q: Yuzuru, you are taking university courses via e-school, right?
YH: Yes, but I am too busy training to keep up with my studies. Nevertheless my classes are very interesting. I am majoring in Human Science, it is very broad, and I study a lot about human, about computer science, etc. Recently I am really into Human Bioethics. I’ve thought a lot about “life” in my life so far, and I am also thinking about “life” when I perform “Hope and Legacy”, so studying Human Bioethics helps my skating. Given that I don’t really have much time, I try to take less courses, but study in depth and make every minute out of it count.
Q: One thing I have to ask Keiji, your name “Keiji” (which means “police” in Japanese) is so special. Who gave you the name?
KT: It was my father. He gave me this name because it is very unique, you can’t really find another person with the same name, and he wants me to be a person with strong sense of justice. He didn’t expect me to be a policeman, but I think this is really a good name, and I am glad that people can remember me by this name.
from isu.org
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