#and you can't study for it either bc either you recognize what you see under the microscope or you don't & unfortunately i don't 😭😭😭
cheekblush · 2 years
it's been A WEEK
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4 Minutes Theory:
What Dr. Den Doesn't Know
Hello. It is I again.
You know the procedure: It's under the cut.
Let's go.
Is It Dream Theory???
I think I could've started by explaining the things that made me consider the theory that I propose today BUT, I think it's only fair to address the elephant in the room first:
Are the events of 4 Minutes dream theory?
Look: maybe I'm wrong and I just fucking hate dream theory bc it's so overused, unoriginal and pointless but I wanna (and I do) believe it's not what's going on. Well... Not exactly.
Let's take it apart.
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My favourite guy over here ^ (look at him, he's beautiful and he's precious and I love him, I wanna keep him inside my house and feed him treats, 'cause he's such a good boy), Dr. Den, is, and we know this since the beginning, conducting a study on what happens to people's brains when they go into cardiac arrest.
More especifically, he wants to know what happens to the brain within the 4 minutes during which it is still alive and without oxygen (before the person either dies or gets medical help).
For this, bc
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(Yes, thank you, Pirates of the Caribbean) Dr. Den is collecting information through the people that have survived that experience. And, so far what we knew was: people have weird experiences when their brain doesn't have oxygen. Which, fair enough, that much was expected.
HOWEVER, this episode (or ep.5, for the people in the future. btw hi 👋) he get LORE through Dr. Den, my our favourite medical exposition guy. And here's what he says:
"Patients' perceptions vary based on their experiences. Some relive past experiences. Some have supernatural powers. Some go back to fix past mistakes. Some get a fresh start with those they love.
Patients' experiences feel real but they aren't entirely accurate. Patients can see memories, hear sounds or feel brief sensations of pain. Even if it is unrelated to what else is going on."
So this might seem pretty revealing and easy to understand: what we've seen so far was going on in Great's brain. This is his dream and it's what his brain is making up to keep him going during the 4 minutes where it nervously waits for someone to rescue it from impending doom.
And yes, I'm not crazy enough to say that's wrong but... Every situation has at least 3 versions of it, we say in Portuguese: mine, yours and the others'. And what I believe we need to see here is that:
What we know is merely what people remember when they wake up and what the medical staff can tell is happening to the body whose brain is 4 minutes without oxygen. It is NOT the whole truth. Not even close.
What Is It Then?
See, I could try and show the evidence first and then make a conclusion but I wanna hit you with a banger theory right away so Imma say it rn:
People's dreams when their brains have no oxygen in them are gateways that generate alternative realities.
And I hear you say: "okay but that's last week's theory, that's not new" and yes, you're correct HOWEVER, under the light of episode 5's events I feel like I need to prove this again. So let's hit it, Fergie!
1 - Dr. Den Recognizes He Has No Idea What the Time Travel Thing Is
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Now, I know this might just mean Den recognizes he can't explain why it seems many people seem to experience this exact phenomenon of the 4 minutes time travel (which by itself is weird and opens up room for debate on what it means, even on a purely medical level) but I believe it can be used as evidence that something else is going on. That whatever that time travel means it goes being current human medicine, you know?
Even if not, it does prove my earlier point that what we're seing is only a fraction of the truth, that there is more to uncover. And a clear indication of the series (although it might be subtle to many) that we should be looking beyond on what lies on the surface and what Den is telling us.
2 - We're Being Shown Events in the Timeline Where Great Has Powers that Great Couldn't Possibly Know Because He Wasn't There
This is one of the strongest evidence points for me. Because explain to me how and why this man knows what Tyme told his grandma this episode.
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Or how he knows conversations that happened between Dome and the medical staff?
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Sure, Ig you can argue that maybe his brain imagines that's what happens, especially in Tyme's case since, I suppose it would be a nice thing to keep going for to think that your lover is rushing your way but... He barely knows Dome outside of being his classmate so that rule doesn't apply there. The events of Dome's life are, matter of fact, nearly irrelevant to Great's life (outside of the way in which they change Tonkla and Korn's relationship and, therefore, Korn's actions - which is why he was so hurt this episode to be demanded to let Tonkla go, since Tonkla's brother never dies and so he never met Win, thus they never broke up).
And what does anyone even have to say about what we're shown about Dr. Den's research? How does Great know that? Is he making it up? Does he know this in the original universe? How? He doesn't have the powers in the original universe, does he? Did Tyme tell him? Just casually? Idk, it could be, but...
Based on a very good point @yakdee (great URL btw) made on this post about how different the circumstances, motives and depth of GreatTyme's relationship and how they seem to be way more distant than in the current timeline, I do believe it's farfetched to think that Tyme would give Great any free info on his life and that of people around him. Much less on something so specific and seemingly uninteresting to Tyme (how can he, that topic is fascinating) as Den's research. I don't think it would even come to his mind. Matter of fact, I think it's only more prevalent to him in the current timeline bc of what Great told him. Otherwise, he couldn't care less.
Plus, if we think about it more closely... How many lives is Great's brain processing at once, then?? Isn't that kind of a lot?? Doesn't it make more sense for this to be an entirely different timeline where this things ARE happening??
PS: I know I could've also used Korn's dialogues as evidence but since he's the bridge between Great and Tonkla, I think it's hard to use his scenes as evidence for anything bc they could be happening in either Past 1 (the bad past with a bit of an oddity) or Past 2 (the past where Great time travels) [if you want to understand more of why I refer to these timelines this way, pls check out my previous theory]. I don't tink they change much regardless, Korn seems to be the person whose life is the least affected by the changes, out of all the main characters, but... Regardless, I don't think it's good practice to build over a shaky foundation so I have not.
3 - Great Can't Fix His Mother's Death
Now tell me why
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(Ain't nothing but a heartache and a mistake, indeed, my friends) But that wasn't where I was going...
What I meant was: if your brain is making up a better reality where you can fix everything you did wrong, then why the fuck would it choose for your mother to die anyway??? Why, out of all things, was the only thing you could never fix your mom dying??
And sure, I know, I know, people will make the argument that it's the trauma and, like, yeah, Ig if you wanna believe that, that must've been that man's most traumatic moment, sure, I agree. But is that enough? The answer, I think, is: we don't know. Maybe, maybe not...
So... You can believe whatever, so far, I suppose, but the fact is that it leaves it open to interpretation why the events are so. Which means, it can be speculated that, the actual reason behind she dying again is because, for the 1st time since we've started to see Great's trajactory with his powers, he made the wrong choices.
And this is not me saying he's dumb, by the way, like... It's easy to ask for help for someone who's dying. It's only midly hard to land a punch on an murderer, even when he's your best friend. And it's certainly not unthinkable to open up to your crush, even when what you have to reveal is that you're a little bit crazy.
But I think it's extremely hard to stop a man with a gun. Even when your mom's life is on the line.
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In a way, maybe, there is no timeline where Great can change that moment when it comes. Maybe timelines where he can avoid that moment from happening in the first place, yeah... But none in which he can avoid it if it's already there. (remember what I said about Greek Tragidies last week? yeah... it's coming up nicely)
And maybe this is not evidence for some people, which I respect, but to me, narrative intent and logic can be used to make a point. And I think making certain tragidies repeat themselves is part of what the narrative of 4 minutes is about too.
I know last time I talked about the power of people's actions and butterfly effect but that is only part of reality. A lot is under our control but a lot also isn't. And I think it's fair to assume, if the 1st part of this series was about the power, the 2nd will be about the impotence (which is not the sexual kind but I think the amount of sex we've seen in the 1st part is definitely a narrative tool and the fact this was the 1st episode without any sex scene [the flashbacks obviously don't count] is also being one).
Thus, my theory makes narrative sense.
4 - Tonkla's Weird Experiences Exist Outside of Great's Knowledge AND the Timeline He's In
Okay, I get it. It is possible to find alternative explanations to what I'm interpreting here and maybe that makes you doubt me. Fair. But then explain to me what the actual fuck is happening to Tonkla. Pls.
How is that man hearing his dead brother's voice? Seeing his dead cat walk around??
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What does that mean? How can we be seing that if it's just all in Great's head??
I explained in my earlier theory (please check it out) that we're being given direct access to 3 different timelines: the one where Great is in the ER (pre-opening scenes), the one where Great has superpowers (Great-related scenes) and the one where Tonkla hears his brother and sees the cat (Tonkla-related scenes).
Based on that I can't possibly assume Great in the ER who's creating the timeline of Great with superpowers knows what's going on in the Tonkla timeline. He just can't. How would he even? He has no idea (as far as we know) who Tonkla is, that Dome is his brother, that bro had a cat that got killed by his father and that he buried it in Uni grounds... So we can't place that, no matter what, as just another figment of Great's imagination. Those events have to be real.
And if those events, which seem to be caused by Great's interference with the space-time continuum, are real, then that means, no doubts, that the Great Has Powers timeline also has to be.
So What Does It Mean??
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Good question, Miley.
Luckily I have a beautifully tragic answer for you:
It means that when/if Great wakes up from the ER in his timeline nothing will have changed. The events of his life will be exactly the same and life will go on with the consequences of the choices he made the first time. Just like they are for Lukwa who woke up exactly in the same universe as she lost consciousness.
HOWEVER, while for that Great things will be as shitty as they were when he left, it also means that, far away from him, just like there must be another Timeline for Lukwa, there is a different timeline, with a Great who made different choices and, therefore, got a different end.
How different? I don't know. We're yet to see. But I think when we know, we'll be able to compare the two or three (maybe even more, we'll see now that the Great with Powers is also without oxygen in his brain) timelines we're being shown and take our own conclusions about the weight of our actions and the meaning of mistakes.
Final Thoughts
I think this series is doing a great job of making us question a lot of things like what is reality, how time works, what is the real weight of a choice, what is a choice, etc... And I can't wait to see where it leads us. I'm really hyped to understand this narrative.
As usual, if you guys wanna comment or add anything or ask anything or whatever it is, please do! Let's give soul to this fandom and interact with each other, yeah?
In the meantime...
All the love! 💜💜💜
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starlit-serenade · 4 years
Blanket Pile
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💜 Summary: Your assignments have been weighing you down and stressing you out, but thankfully, your friends know exactly how to cheer you up.
💜 Word Count: 1,364 words
💜 Pairing: No Pairing / Characters: GenderNeutral!Reader; Bang Chan; Lee Minho (Lee Know); Seo Changbin (Changbin); Hwang Hyunjin (Hyunjin); Han Jisung (Han); Lee Felix (Felix); Kim Seungmin (Seungmin); Yang Jeongin (I.N);
💜 Rated: E / Warnings: Some school anxiety / Genre: GenderNeutral!Reader; Fluff;
💜 A/N: I did a Oneshot bc I've been much more in a Oneshot mood, rather than a reaction mood recently I hope that's ok! 💗
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You've been sitting in this chair all day, staring at your computer screen and doing nothing for what feels like hours. A list of all of your assignments due sits nearby, and you can't bear to look at it again, else you'll just be reminded of just how overwhelmed you've been feeling and why.
You have two windows open on your computer. One is a half-written essay due tomorrow, and the other contains a thirty-something page document you have to read and annotate for a seminar the day after. That's just two of the many assignments you have to do this week, and you don't have the energy to complete these two assignments, much less the several other ones.
You have several assignments to do. And you know you have to do them. But when you even think about them, you feel the world crashing down on you. You're so overwhelmed and feel so stuck. Your back is killing you from the stress. Or maybe it's because you've been sitting in this chair, hunched over the table for possibly much longer than what's good for your posture. But what else can you do?
You put your head in your hands and groan. You're grateful your friends let you come over here to their dorm to work on your studies. You had mentioned that their dorm is easier to focus in than your own bedroom. And their chairs are much comfortable for your back. But nothing can help the pain and stress from feeling overwhelmed.
Just as you feel you're about to burst into tears, you hear the front door of the dorm open, followed by laughter and lots of footsteps. You recognize the voices immediately as your friends, the members of Stray Kids, and smile. They must be done with practice for the day. That's perfect, they always know how to cheer you up and make you feel better.
"Y/Nie," you hear Jisung say from the doorway. He comes over and wraps his arms around you in a comforting hug. "Hi Y/Nie, how's schoolwork goin'?"
You let out the heaviest sigh, relaxing the slightest bit into Jisung's hug, and hear footsteps as someone else enters the room.
"That bad, huh?" Bang Chan asks, and you nod. You can see him out of the corner of your eye, looking at your to-do list of assignments. "Looks like you already got through four of them! That's half already!"
You shake your head. "I'll just get two more tomorrow. Won't make that much of a difference."
"But you don't have them now. Have you been able to take a break yet?" Bang Chan asks. You shake your head.
"No. I feel like I haven't done enough. But I can't do anymore right now. Brain won't let me."
"Y/Nie, you should take a break," Jisung says.
You wiggle out of his grasp and place your forehead on the desk.
"I still have a couple assignments left to do," you grumble, and you can feel tears coming to your eyes. "I need to finish them."
You hear Jisung sigh.
"Y/Nie." You lift your head at the new voice, and see that Changbin is kneeling next to you, looking at you with worried eyes. "You've been at this for hours. And you can't even focus anymore. Look at you, Y/Nie, you're exhausted. Give it a half an hour break, ok?"
You sigh heavily. You want to continue work, but you know that there's nothing left to force out of your brain right now. You can feel the tears brimming your eyes, and squeeze your eyes shut, shaking your head. You don't want to cry over some schoolwork . . . some schoolwork that's been causing you stress all week.
And you turn around to break down and cry into Jisung's chest. He rubs your back gently, murmuring comfortingly to you, something about how it's okay, you have time, something about the rest of the boys in the living room, so you nod and let him help you out of your chair.
You follow Jisung, Chan and Changbin out to the living room, and your eyes light up at the sight. The other five boys Minho, Hyunjin, Felix, Seungmin and Jeongin, had moved the table against the wall opposite the couch, and in its place, had gathered all of the pillows and blankets of the whole dorm to make a giant pile or nest of coziness. That's at least eight blankets and maybe more than ten pillows that the boys are arranging or sitting on.
"Y/Nie!" Jeongin says, grinning from ear to ear, sinking into the blankets. He sees how tired you are, and that you're all teary, and his entire expression changes as he pushes himself to his feet and walks over. "Y/Nie, are you okay?" he asks, voice filled with worry as he cups your cheeks between his hands. His thumbs brush over your tear-stained cheeks as he looks at you.
"I'm okay," you mumble. You can feel Jisumg squeeze your hand next to you, encouraging you to continue. "I'm just stressed. From all of my homework and studying. It's been weighing me down a lot."
"Has it? I'm sorry Y/Nie. Are you taking a break?" Jeongin asks, one of his hands moving down to your free hand to squeeze it reassuringly.
You nod. "Yeah. For maybe half an hour to an hour."
"Y/Nie!" Felix calls out, and you squint to see him in the nest of blankets and pillows. He's buried under some of them, his head poking out from between two pillows. "Y/Nie, you should come and snuggle in the blanket pile!"
He reaches out for your hand, and you walk over to him, letting go of Jisung and Jeongin's hands to take Felix's. As soon as his hand touches yours, he grabs your hand and pulls you into the blanket pile.
You fall on your side in the pillows, eyes squeezed shut as you expect to fall through and hit the floor. Instead, you find that eight layers of blankets is so much cushion that it feels like you've fallen into a cloud.
You let out a laugh, amused at the thought that you can't feel the floor through the layers and layers of blankets. You close your eyes and let yourself sink into the blankets, allowing them to swallow you whole. You feel like, instead of being at the dorm with a week's worth of homework on your shoulders, you're in the sky, in the clouds.
Someone pokes your cheek and you open your eyes and look at Hyunjin, who still has his hand outstretched.
"You smiled!" Hyunjin says, poking your cheek again, causing you to let out another laugh. "And you laughed!"
You smile. "I did! I just thought it was funny how fluffy all these covers are."
Hyunjin throws a pillow at you. "Cutie."
Jisung jumps onto the covers next to you. "You're right! This is fluffy," he says, giggling and smiling.
You laugh and throw the pillow back at Hyunjin. Jisung lifts the end of one of the blankets and throws it over you and starts rolling you up and bundling you in the covers, which makes you burst into laughter.
"Cutie," Jisung says. "How're you feeling, Y/Nie?"
You breathe out a laugh, content in the blankets swallowing you. "I'm feeling good! Cozy!"
Jisung grins widely. "That's good! Feeling better?"
You nod. "Mmhmm! Much much better."
After a bit of lying down in the blankets and pillows, someone turns on the Korean drama you guys had been watching a while ago. Someone brings you a bowl of ice cream, and you all snuggle together in the blanket pile while watching the drama. You feel relaxed, and it feels like the homework and back pain has dissolved into nothingness.
You know that this bliss isn't permanent, but you also know that the stress of the work isn't permanent either. And right now, you get to bask in the comfort of lying in these blankets, surrounded by your closest friends. And you're content with this distraction and comforted knowing that they'll always be here for you.
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ask-them-bois · 3 years
Ship questions for Musrio and Yersin?
Oh... lord. @pyrotrolls
How did they first meet?
During a judgement meme, lmao. I guess that would count under "they just bumped into each other."
What was their first impression of each other?
Oh, instant dislike, but also intrigue? They recognized one another as intellectuals.
Did any of their friends or family want them to get together?
After they met each other's quads, yeah. Drayco approves of Yersin, and is proud that Musrio has grown so much as to trust having a spade again. They also like Yersin's morail, Kinsra, as a videogame buddy. Kinsra approves of Musrio, too, as a boyfriend for his morail.
Who felt romantic feelings first?
There is little romance here, but probably Musrio? He was seeing spades on their first hang out.
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
They certainly tried sdfjsdljfsd. Both of them just kinda gave up after awhile, in an "okay, this is definitely happening" way.
If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
I think it might make both of them laugh. Neither of them are the soulmate-y type.
What would their lives be like if they had never met?
Musrio would definitely not be the same as he is now. More than likely, he'd still be terrified of relationships, and he wouldn't have accepted the fact that he's undead so fast if Yersin's first reaction wasn't "so can I pump you full of bacteria and see what it does?"
Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
Initiated? These fuckers can't even hold hands without it being weird. Bc Yersin has no feeling in his hands. They initiate nothing, things just happen and they regret it.
Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
Yes. Yersin injected Musrio with diseases and Musrio tried to restore the feeling in Yersin's hands. Disappointing results all around. They also nearly came to blows over whether coffee or tea was better.
What was their first kiss like?
Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
What’s their height difference? Age difference?
Yersin is 5'0, and Musrio is 5'7. In ages, Yersin is in his early twenties, and Musrio is technically 18, but he's been 18 for several years now.
What’s their relationship with each other’s families?
Musrio thinks Kinsra is cool, and has only ever seen Yersin's lusus from a distance, but he dislikes Pestis. Yersin seems chill with Drayco, and has never been introduced to Musrio's lusii. Musrio would rather not introduce Yersin to his cringe fail of an ancestor.
Who takes the lead in social situations?
Neither of them. Yersin doesn't talk that much and Musrio would rather avoid conversations. Someone walks up to them and they look at each other and go :|
Who gets jealous easier?
Neither? They're not jealous types.
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear?
Absolutely neither of them. Musrio would rather die.
Who said “I love you” first?
There is no here. They've certainly told each other they hate each other, though.
What are their primary love languages?
Quality time. Neither of them are very touchy or gift give-y.
Who uses cheesy pick-up lines?
Neither. Drayco will use them for Musrio, literally hit on his spade for their boyfriend.
How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
Again, they don't. Yersin has no feeling in his hands, and Musrio is shy about physical contact.
Who initiates kisses?
Who’s the big and little spoon?
Musrio's horns kinda make it hard for him to spoon, so more than likely he'd end up on his back and Yersin would snuggle against his side? If they ever cuddled, that is.
What are their favorite things to do together?
Try to give each other diseases and bring back a dead brother. sldjfsljfsdlfsd for real tho? Just vibe. Read, study, share each other's research.
Who’s better at comforting the other?
These emotionally dead dumbasses? Musrio can kinda do it on a good day but it's so awkward. He makes it so awkward. Yersin would just call him ugly.
Who’s more protective?
Neither, really, but Musrio is more snappy at people.
Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
Verbal, or just hanging out in silence.
What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise?
I always think of Just Like You by Falling In Reverse, because they're so similar and both assholes.
What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
The moment Yersin calls Musrio Mushy, Musrio is throwing hands.
Who remembers the little things?
I think they both do, they just won't admit it. Musrio has a few boxes of tea in his pantry for when Yersin comes over, and he knows Yersin doesn't like to talk out loud, so he never tries to make him.
If they get married, who proposes?
Heh, ew. Musrio nearly got married to a spade once, he's in no hurry to do that again. IF they were to get married, Musrio would probably have to be the one who proposes.
What’s the wedding like? Who attends?
Their quads, and probably their quad's quads. Musrio would invite Decaying just to be nice, but it's a 50/50 on if his ancestor would even show up, and if he did, he'd bring multiple people with him.
How many kids do they have, if any? What are they like?
They have no kids but Pyro made one for them a long time ago and I 🥺 love her so much. I think about her a lot.
Do they have any pets?
Musrio has 200 frogs. Yersin has Pestis.
Who’s the stricter parent?
I think neither of them would be that strict? They'd lay out a handful of rules, but ultimately not care.
Who worries the most?
Musrio, hands down. I can count on one hand the amount of days where he hasn't had a caffeine-fueled anxiety attack.
Who kills the bugs in the house?
Probably Musrio. He just tosses them outside, though. Yersin doesn't seem to care about bugs.
How do they celebrate holidays?
They haven't celebrated any together.
Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
OOOH.... That'd have to require either of them getting any sort of sleep.
Who’s the better cook?
Musrio doesn't like to cook, but he can, and Yersin can't use his hands.
Who likes to dance?
Musrio absolutely can't dance. He can rave, and has joined his fair share of mosh pits, but he can't dace. He's always wanted to learn how to waltz, though.
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blueboltkatana · 3 years
GUrll ur so sexy... Like you're Hot. I don't care if you were bullied in school, you're sexy, they lied.
Also bitch I KNEW i related to you too much our ascendants are both in leo we're so hot.
Ok ok no now I'll stop complimenting and start with the roasting here we go:
So the sun is your sense of "self" it represents you on the more base level i guess you could say, like what most people think you're like is represented by your sun. With Sagittarius being your sun it means you're very energetic Especially for those things you are passionate about, you might have gone through a LOT of hobbies, only a few of them stuck around but you like to try things. You're curious about the way people's minds works, you wanna figure them out. If the conversations you have don't involve some form of psychoanalysis or philosophy you might loose interest. You are a Talker, maybe you talk very fast or you are often told to lower your voice but you don't do it on purpose you're just very very animated. You are kina volatile, in the sense that you value freedom in everything, love, work, hobbies. You have a huge rebellious streak and you kinda like testing your luck. Think adrenaline junkie. It's cliché but with this much Sagittarius in your chart you prob love traveling, like i said you will chase freedom because you associate it with happiness. If you find people that make you feel free then you feel happy. Rules don't go well with you. You don't really like being involved with fights per se but you LOVE debating, if you can beat a motherfucker with nothing but facts and logic you will and you will enjoy it.
Your way of flirting or making friends is "lowkey bullying" or my favourite "verbally throwing hands". If they shoot back you get heart eyes (my mars in sag agrees). You can be tactless as fuck tho. Like you will say some outrageous shit that MIGHT be funny if the timing is right or MIGHT make everyone in a 5 mile radius mad.
I NEED to talk about your moon in sag bc Babe, babe the moon tells us about our emotions and how we deal with them, how we express them and how they shape us. But BABE. Sagittarius moons are so bad at comforting people it's embarrassing, trying to make them think of smth else or do smth else to distract from the situation is NOT a good way to deal with your emotions... Avoiding your emotions like the plague is not gonna invent a vaccine... Saying "everything is fine :)" DOESN'T MAKE ANYTHING FINE PLEASE GO TO THERAPY. ok to give you some credit, you don't let shit bring you down, no matter what you always get up and that is a *strength* that i admire, but love you're burning the candle at both ends, especially if you get yourself in More problems by trying to distract yourself from One problem.
Also you've had a horsegirl phase or a dog obsession phase or both huh. AND your love language is sarcasm but the type that you will make someone laugh when you're insulting them. You're also hilarious irl you're prob the "funny friend" but with that scorpio mars and venus baby inside ur sad and dark as fuck ripp.
I also wanted to talk about your mercury in sag... Babe... Do you know what a brain to mouth filter IS?! do you recognize that word?!?! Cuz you have never used yours i think. Like you are hilarious but that's because you have dolphins in the head cavity baby. Not trying to say you're stupid, you're actually very smart and opinionated, probably have been told that you'd be a great lawyer or smth. But miss gurl please think before you speak for the love of god ur gonna make someone cry. Also ur mouth is foul. Have you ever spoken a sentence without a "fuck" or a "cunt" somewhere in there?! God bless.
Now for your scorpio Venus I'm just gonna say, more confirmation that ur Sexy as Fuck, scorpio venuses are just sexy, amazing partners, VERY passionate, whoever dates you will never forget you, for better or for worse you'll forever be on the back of their mind. You had a harsh emo phase huh, maybe loved some obscure shit like witchcraft or just love dressing all black like someone's mother died, i bet you wear silver jewelry a lot, maybe necklaces or rings or chockers. If this isn't how you dress now it was prob a major phase in your life. Or maybe you just love horror movies idk
Being as passionate as you are you don't take well to being mistreated or lied to, you might like to plot revenge and things like those, you wouldn't do anything... You actually prefer letting things go but you WILL make an elaborate scenario in your head at 3am or even as you stare right in the persons face.
With mars in scorpio you might be kinda passive aggressive, maybe you act like things don't really bother you but you throw a comment or two once in a while just to stir the pot bc you can't move on lmfao.
You are attracted to people that are introverts or generally just mysterious, like i said above the nature of the Sagittarius is to Learn and to Study. People that you can't immediately figure out intrigue you. All your crushes are either on geminis or water signs lmfao.
The best careers for you are the ones that allow you some freedom of either movement or expression and something that can keep your mind from flying away, something that keeps you intrigued, like research or writing. You're a very "all or nothing" person and it can sometimes scare people away, i advise you to work on compromising, being less stubborn and more open with your emotions and desires.
(part one bc I'm taking too long and I don't wanna keep you waiting so much) I'll reblog this with part 2
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Alright here we go part 2 of Roasting hella until she finds out I'm hiding in her walls.
I will skip over some planets that are Very slow moving and usually don't talk about you as an individual but refer to your generation as a whole.
I wanna focus on lilith for a sec bc worstie lilith talks about our fears, our more "darker" side that we hide from ourselves as well as the people that we love. Lilith in aries in the eleventh house tells me you might be afraid to take charge, you gravitate towards positions of leadership but you let go on the last second, almost afraid to have too much control, very often self sabotaging your own success. Your anger and you own ambition might scare you, you might be afraid of appearing too aggressive bc under your skin you have a deep rooted anger and rebellion that you wish to relieve but you can't find a good enough outlet, some things soothe it but you always feel like it never leaves. It might be related to some form of resentment that you never truly dealt with and now it sits uncomfortably with you and you just can't get over it and it bothers you. You might have been shy in groups as a child, maybe you talked a lot but it was always from a fear of the silence not always because you had something to say. The eleventh house is that of groups and friends and social awareness, technology and your hopes and wishes for the future, having lilith in this house talks about someone who had a hard time feeling comfortable around people OR someone who wasn't very accepted. You might have desperately wished for friends but have found it hard to find any. Or if you did, you deep down felt very alone. I would advise to learn to accept your anger and deal with it in healthy ways instead of brushing it off and repressing it.
The north node talks about what you need to focus more in your life for example in your case with Gemini in your North node you need to focus more on your communication letting go of anxiety and your relation with other people you need to become more interested in intellectual pursuit and growth. You need to let go off the need to always be right and look more at details instead of focusing on on the bigger picture all of the time. When your North node is is in Gemini then your South node is in Sagittarius which tells me that what you should focus less on is your pursuit of freedom and your rebellion. Be more aware of your words and use them with maturity.
Now let's have some fun with the ascendent in leo which we share and now i see why ur so relatable. The first house or the ascendant is that very superficial layer of our personality, it includes the way we carry ourselves, our style, the little habits or quirks we have. One thing about leo ascendants is that we have an obsession with our hair. Hair is important to us, some have huge hair that might remind you of a lions mane, others just have very unique style or color but we ALL are lowkey or highkey obsessed with it, either constantly touching it, pulling it, chewing on it, cutting it or dying it in unique ways you name it. You might have a rather large nose or cat like eyes.
This ascendent is full of life and light, very funny, light hearted and luxurious, you want to live that good life and i don't blame you. A negative aspect is that we come of as intimidating to others. ALL of my friends AND my ex have at some point told me I was intimidating to them. It makes us prone to overcompensating for it later in life so maybe now you're super outgoing and extroverted and you approach people first and try to be super friendly. Also you're an attention whore (affectionate) with a flare for the dramatics, very flamboyant, you basically fill the room with personality, it attracts attention and you love it. You're what people would call a "sunny" person.
You're hella competitive (get it lol) and you LOVE fighting your way to the top and crushing the competition. You're probably a weirdo that low key likes school. Not the way it's run or the teachers or whatever, but the "idea" of school. If you could just learn all your life you absolutely would.
Second house in virgo. The 2nd house is the house of money, work, income, daily routines, values, material possessions, habits, work ethic ect being in virgo it means you can have an extremely good work ethic, you put a lot of thought in planning and mapping your work, you might get overly critical on your work though and often undermine your own success and efforts because they didn't fit your impossible standards. You can be very organized in your work, you want things to be a certain way and if they don't follow your plan you will Make them. Its a good position for virgo but yoh need to be aware of not overworking by trying to do Everything on your own. Let others help you, and let people in your work do their own things don't try to help if not asked to because you will overwork yourself.
The third house is that of the mind, thinking, communication, siblings, interests and early education, in your case it is in Libra which means that you're early education might not have been very stable or it was a period of time that you look back with a lot of fondness but not much substance. You are a good talker but you get lost when it comes to details, you are indecisive when it comes to settling on an opinion on something if you don't have All the facts first, you always want to be right. You are pretty open minded and easy to talk to but you might have the bad habit of rambling off topic. You change interests constantly and you prob like to talk about others, you wanna know the tea if it kills you. You prob had a crush on a childhood best friend or on a hot neighbor. Your relationship with your siblings might be pretty good, friendly, no particular resentment or anything like that, you might be the one that everyone treats a little better, people let you get away with things more often, you might be the one that takes 2 hours in the bathroom lol.
Oof fourth house in scorpio babe how are the mommy issues? 😬 How is your relationship with your femininity? Having trouble with keeping secrets? So the fourth house is the one responsible for your home roots, your family, self-care, emotions, your mother, women and your femininity and having Scorpio here tells me that you might have very strong ties to your family, but they weren't healthy or emotionally supportive. You have grown with people that might have undermined your emotions, people that didn't teach you to set healthy boundaries and maybe even manipulators and gaslighters. You might have been the type to put your foot down a lot a home, assuming a very dominant role as well as the defender. You're very private about your family life and don't want to let people too close.
Ah i just noticed u have like 3 planets in this house including ur Sun and Moon, babe this house is what you need to focus on when you go to therapy. This almost secretive, guarded approach to understanding your own emotions is very prominent in how you see yourself, how you feel and with Pluto there, how you change. I could say the biggest changes in your life have happened in these areas and they have left the biggest impacts on you. Yes you are passionate and protective but don't let bad feelings marinate forever, address them and then move on from them because they're just weighting you down.
Fifth house in sag, also the house of your mercury. This house represents Love, romance, creativity, self expression, joy and childlike spirit. It tells me the way you express your creativity is through words which makes sense since you're a great writer, but not only, the way you express Love is also through your words, expression and free thoughts are your way you tell your loved ones how much you mean to them, think poetry, long rants, music recommendations bc of specific song lyrics, you have been writing form childhood and it's one of the ways you express your view on beauty as well, to you love is freedom and freedom is expression.
Capricorn in the sixth house paired with both uranus and neptune being in it tells me there is something about your knees, joints, bones or teeth in particular that stands out when it comes to your health, maybe you tend to break your teeth, maybe you like chewing on crunchy foods, maybe your joints crack a lot, idk but I'd drink my milk if i was you, take care of your joints and bones. Also for you, being emotionally unwell often translates to being Physically unwell as well, so be mindful of your emotions because they do affect you physically. You need to keep hydrated also and your health plan needs structure for it to work bc that neptune makes everything very chaotic and uranus constantly makes you bored and wanting to spice things up. Take care of your emotional needs just as much as you would with your physical ones. And for the love of jesus be CAREFUL with alcohol or smoking because that neptune in ur health house could mean serious trouble if you let it become an addiction, don't push it.
Aquarius in the seventh house of relationships, marriage, contracts, business partners ect means you are untraditionally traditional. That makes sense in my head let me explain. Aquarius is a sign that seeks individualism desperately, it likes to feel like a special person, impossible to understand. Yet always feels comfortable in the structure of traditional and safe paths. So for example you might marry someone in a way that is not traditional but at the end of the day you wish for your marriage to have a stability you would feel safe falling into. Also it says ur gay. Air signs in the relationship house says ur gay i Make the rules.
Pisces is in the eighth house of sex, intimacy, shared finances, inheritance, taxes, loans, property, mystery, partner's resources. This tells me you fuck with feeling lmfao. Or you simply make your love life something "special", a connection that only you and ur person can share, it's what makes you an amazing lover and an unforgettable one as well. But as amazing as you are at creating a otherworldly atmosphere, ur just as shit at setting boundaries and saying something when you don't like something. You don't like to see things that you love ending and a failed relationship makes you blame yourself too much, you have the tendency to stay in situations where you are being mistreated but you tell yourself It's on you.
A recurring theme I'm seeing is some weakness when it comes to liars or manipulators in your life. So either you irrationally fear people are lying to you because you "lie" to them about yourself or a lot of people in your childhood might have used lying or gaslighting as a way to keep you under control. I would advise to try not to overthink and become paranoid, people love you and they believe in you and they aren't deceiving you, they don't secretly mean something different from what they have said. Listen to your intuition about people sure, but don't confuse it with anxiety.
With lilith and aries in the 9th house of travel and higher education and religion I'm gonna assume you might have religious trauma. Religion might have been a way that people used to try and control you, if not religion then some form of system or government law. Being queer i completely understand the sentiment but in your case it's take a step further because you Value the ideals of this house so much, with lilith here, it's like at som point in your life you were finally awakened to how much injustice there was in the world ant that has made you very inclined to take action, you cannot stand unjust government or non tolerating religions. You might have felt crushed under an unjust system and it took you a lot of will and conviction to find your individuality and build yourself how you wanted once you were free.
Your midheaven in taurus tells me you are one that will achieve any goals you set your mind to. It might take you time, you might procrastinate around it, but at the end of the day, you will do it and you will do it well and it will be rewarding. If your father isn't a Taurus then he was a stable figure in your life, very much a rock for better or for worse. In your career life people will see you as very competent, very down to earth and helpful but you know you just procrastinated till the last second possible and stayed up all night do finish your work... You will seek careers that you believe will guarantee you stable income and a comfortable life. You might indulge in luxury from time to time because you think in order to get the position you want at work you need to look the part. Ultimately it's your sheer stubbornness and spite that gets you all the way up to the top of the food chain.
The eleventh house of groups, friendships, humanitarianism, and social awareness is in your case in gemini. It tells me you value friendship extremely and you surround yourself with a diverse cast of friends, you couldn't mix your different friend groups if you tried and you have tried. You have the habit of being too friendly to everyone which makes you end up with more friends than you know what to do with. You are approachable but people can get the impression that you are putting up a show or a facade and your emotions arent genuine, it's not always the case but you need to be more truthful and assertive, put some boundaries and don't let people get away with shit you don't like. Your public persona is very well liked, seen as fun and bright and smart and overall a joy to be around.
Now that last placement... 12th house cancer, i have the same placement and babe I'm sorry for all the shit you have been through. You deserve the freedom to be unhappy and to express that unhappiness in healthy ways. You deserve to be given unconditional love and support no matter how many mistakes you say you have made no matter how overly pessimistic you are about yourself it doesn't matter you're amazing and i love you and you deserve the world.
With jupiter the planet of expansion in the 12th house of endings, spirituality, solitude and karma?! Gurl i did say u were a cult leader but i didn't think it was astrologically backed up rippp. But it also says you might have a hard time getting the motivation to finish things, you might take a long time to finish a project. This house placements also tells me you're amazing at writing emotional ass fantasy stories which by now we have confirmed, but if you have like, an original idea for a book don't hesitate to get it started babe bc u have a very promising placement for that. Don't get too dragged into a sad whirlpool of emotions and daydreams but bring your creative ideas to life and you'll be fine.
This is all I'm doing today and i think it's enough lol. I'm posting this I'm sorry to my followers for the long ass post I'll tag it so you can filter it. This was a whole psycho-astrological analysis of our favourite writer Hellspawn1975. I have wanted to study her like a new lizard species for a while and i finally got the chance thank you hella for the opportunity.
Final words to @hella1975 i hate you and I'll fuck ur mom tomorrow, gn babe <3
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bakugou-tm · 6 years
HELLO IMYSM i hope youre having a relaxing christnas break bc u deserve to rest!!!! anyways may i request a scenario where katsuki's s/o is in college then with all the due dates and requirements she can't visit him or smth? then suddenly he just appears in her campus and everyone's swooning over him like that, she feels so happy bc she misses him and all,,,,, thank you so much!! have a great day 💜
Awh this one is sweet of course I shall
“What do you mean you can’t come this weekend?!”
Wincing a bit at the loud voice on the other side of the phone you let out a sigh, guilt coursing through your body. You weren’t wincing because of your boyfriend’s aggressive manor, you were used to that. You were wincing because of the slight pain you heard in his voice, though you would never admit.
Every month or so you and your boyfriend would meet up for a weekend due to the long distance relationship you had been put in. While he was off working trying to build his brand as a hero, you had left for your dream school that happened to be two hours away.
Of course he would never step in the way of following your dream, he also refused to cut the relationship off for that matter. It had been decided you would both visit every month until you could graduate and move back with him.
The only problem was, these past couple of months you kept having to call off your meetings due to harsh due dates since you were nearing the end of the semester.
This was the fourth time you had to call your boyfriend and give the dreaded news that you couldn’t come, and it only kept getting harder and harder.
“I..I’m sorry Suki, I wish there was another way…” You said sadly through the phone, “I tried to convince my professor to move back the due date but with exams in less than four weeks, there was no way for him to push it back.”
Biting your lip you closed your eyes painfully as you only heard your boyfriend sigh in response, the sound itself holding every bit of pain he felt.
“I really am sorry Katsuki, I..I miss you so much…” You breathed out, a slight hiccup in your voice as you felt warm tears come to your eyes, “I would do just about anything to see you again.”
Hearing the hints of saddness in your tone Bakugou was quick to speak up, “Don’t think to hard about it shitty girl I understand, as long as you come over here after your exams.”
Perking your head up a bit you smiled, remembering you would be able to graduate just after exams, “Yes yes I will, I promise! I’ll spend everyday with you baby I promise!”
“Damn straight you will..” Bakugou replied, a soft smile on his face as he looked out the window of his suite, “Good luck with your exams babe.”
Smiling giddily at the change of moods you let yourself dance around your room before leaning against the wooden door to your dorm, “Thanks Suki, hey… I love you by the way!”
Blinking for a moment the ash blond remained silent, the last time he heard those words was the day you left for college just four years ago, every time those three golden words came from your lips it took his breath away.
“I love you too (S/o).” Bakugou said softly in the tone causing a surge of warmth to flow through your body before you hung up.
You couldn’t wait to see your Bakugou Katsuki soon.
Just a two weeks later you found yourself even more swamped with work. Don’t get it wrong, as much as you loved what you were doing, the study of design interesting you greatly, with so many due dates and assignments it was slowly making you envy the subject.
You tried your best to remind yourself it would be worth it in the end, but with the heavy work load it was growing harder and harder to stay focused.
Throwing on a pair of leggings and a random hoodie out of your closet you walked towards the mirror so you could do your hair.
Snatching your brush from the vanity you began to brush out your (h/c) locks before you slowly stopped, recognizing the orange and black hoodie to be your boyfriend’s hero merch.
Ever since he started his own brand for himself, his marketing team decided to get him all new merch inspired by his hero name, Ground Zero.
It was incredibly smart, the cups, shirts, hoodies, backpacks, anything you could think of were soon to be sold out for the season.
Luckily your boyfriend had sent you a ‘limited edition’ hoodie signed by Ground Zero himself which he made sure to cockily brag about until you threatened to sell it for big bucks.
Giggling to yourself when you remembered those warm moments you shared you let out a sigh, shoving your hair up into a messy bun before you looked at the trademark Ground Zero logo with a determined expression.
“I’m gonna see you soon Katsuki, hang in there..”
Bakugou already hated this place, and he had only taken roughly ten steps on the campus.
Everything about this university screamed you, the beautifully creative structure, the hundreds of students zooming around; not without offering a greeting or smile of course. Everyone here was so cheerful even though the aura of the school was clearly tense and stressed.
Shuffling his boots down the cobblestone path to look for any sort of directory, his body froze when he heard an all to familiar cry with those dreaded words he was doomed to hear everywhere he went.
“Is that Ground Zero?!”
Dread flowed through Bakugou’s body as the sound of footsteps scampering over to him came near, sounding like a stampede of animals in a zoo during lunch time.
“It’ll be worth it for (S/o)..” Bakugou grumbled under his breath, his sharp crimson eyes glaring up to the herd of students that surrounded him, cameras already out and ready to fire.
The ash blond should’ve known better than to come to the your campus without a disguise, the fact that he was wearing his hero uniform boots not helping the case either.
Bakugou had just been so excited to get here. After getting off the phone with you and remembering the pained tone of your voice, he couldn’t not come over here. You had one last week at this hell hole, and Bakugou would be damned if you ruined it over the massive stress you were carrying.
The young hero’s agency was far from pleased when they heard he would be under the radar for a full week, but they weren’t in any position to tell him no. At this point Bakugou ran that agency, they depended on him more than he did ever since his popularity boomed.
In less than a year he had been the first teenager to ever be in the top ten, proving to be the youngest successful pro hero in history.
Did this inflate his ego? Yes, yes it did. Did he care? Not a chance. And luckily he knew a certain (h/c) that loved his massively large ego.
The feeling of people grabbing his arms is what snapped him back to reality, his head whipping down to see multiple people shouting twenty different things at once.
“Can you sign this shirt for me?”
“Get a selfie with me Ground Zero!”
“Are you coming to this college permanently?”
“I don’t have a pen, can you just set a mini explosion off on my arm?”
Bakugou let out a growl of annoyance and a bit of disturbance at the strange demands he was receiving, didn’t these students have work to do or something?
Flicking his eyes up in hopes of seeing any sort of directory anywhere, he let out an annoyed sigh when there wasn’t anything in sight. Maybe these kids could be useful for something.
“I’ll sign all your shit later but I have a mission first,” Bakugou barked, effectively silencing the entire group as they awaited his word, “Any of you know where the hell the design wing is?”
Bakugou regretted his idea when an uproar of students began shouting out different answers, rubbing his head he let out another loud yell to silence them.
“Grape hair only, where is it.”
The tall boy in the front blinked for a moment when the pro hero pointed to him before quickly pointing over to the second building in the middle.
“Are you looking for someone?” A girl questioned from the back, causing Bakugou to look over to her direction.
“(L/n) (F/n).”
A few people in the crowd perked up at this, obviously recognizing your name.
“I know (L/n)!” A girl shouted, shoving her way to the front before pointing over to a stone pathway, “I saw her walk over there a few minutes ago with her laptop, I bet she’s finishing up her sketches for exams.”
Flicking his crimson eyes from the path to the girl he gave a curt nod of gratitude before shoving past the students, ignoring their obnoxious goodbye’s and pleads to come back soon.
As annoying as this place was, it sure was beautiful.
The stone path shortly had turned into gravel as he got deeper into the trail, the multiple sculptures he had passed beginning to disappear as the atmosphere began to look more botanical.
While he couldn’t help but admit the path was fairly neat, he was also growing fairly annoyed. He just wanted to see your beautiful face already so he could snatch you up in his arms and never let go.
Ducking over a short stone arch that was wrapped in a messy vine that contained pale blue flowers, the ash blond’s dream finally came true as he saw your rugged form laying down on a blanket in front of what looked to be a koi pond.
Just as he was about to walk over to you, he paused when he heard a sharp growl escape your lips. While it wasn’t a foreign sound to him, it certainly was a rare one.
“Come on brain think of something! What else can I add to this to make it different?” You cried, tugging at the loose strands of your hair that already seemed to be falling out of it’s place in your messy bun, “Why is my brain so.. so.. ahhhHhhh.”
Bakugou chuckled quietly to himself as your mini rant went onto a slurred new language of your letting out a mix of growling and groaning noises.
“You know I was pretty scared I wouldn’t be able to find you,” Bakugou spoke up, causing your head to jerk up before you whipped your head around to lock eyes with the ash blond, “But your annoying ass whining was pretty easy to follow.”
Ignoring the harsh insult Bakugou through at you, your eyes lit up upon seeing your boyfriend, quickly stumbling up from your blanket and running towards him.
Bakugou stumbled back a bit from your sudden attack but was able to catch you eventually, lifting your form into his arms as he spun you around with the added momentum you gave him.
“W..What are you doing here?” You said breathlessly, your lips in the most beautiful smile he had ever seen.
Placing a rough kiss on your lips the ash blond plopped you back down on your feet while keeping his arms tight around your waist, “I knew you were probably stressing the fuck out on your last week of exams.. and by what I heard earlier I was correct per usual.”
Rolling your eyes at his cocky tone you placed another quick kiss on his lips before nodding for him to continue on.
“I couldn’t just let you bomb anything because you missed this pretty face so much, so I decided to stay down here for awhile.”
Letting out a few more giggles as the ash blond attacked your face with more quick kisses you squeezed your arms around his neck tightly before looking back up to him, “What about your hero agency? Aren’t they going to be mad that you’re missing a full week?”
Bakugou scoffed at your words, his crimson eyes cockily looking down to you as a smirk flashed across his lips, “Tch.. to hell with that shitty agency, they couldn’t fire me if they even wanted to. Honestly if I said I was leaving I would have all those fuckers on their hands and knees.”
Bursting into laughter you placed yet another kiss on his lips before running your fingers through his ash blond locks playfully, “That’s my cocky little shit.”
Grinning excitedly down to you, the ash blond lifted you back off your feet again causing your laughter to fill the air once more as he swung you around before stumbling backwards, his back falling against the smooth grass while you landed on top of him with a grin.
“Walk much?” You questioned cheekily, causing him to narrow his eyes as he stole a kiss from you most likely to shut you up.
Pulling away softly, you kept your face close to his own, both of your eyes locked on each other as each of your breaths collided with each other’s lips.
“I missed you so fucking much (S/o).” Bakugou muttered just loud enough for you to hear, his hands running down the small of your back.
Inhaling deeply you kept your fingers gliding through his hair as you looked down to him lovingly, “I did too Katsuki, more than you will ever know.”
After what seemed like forever of staring, the two of you shared one last final kiss. While any kiss with Bakugou would always be somewhat rough and demanding, this one held a certain passion and love with it.
A passion of two lovers deeply missing one another’s touch. You couldn’t begin to explain how wonderful your heart felt, as if every bit of stress had flown off your shoulders. The two of you could never be happier. 
Breaking away only because you ran out of air the two of you panted slightly, still looking at each other with joyful loving eyes. 
That is, until you felt a pair of wondering palms.
“You look sexy as fuck in these leggings by the way,” Bakugou said with a mischievous grin, his palms giving your cheeks a firm squeeze causing you to squeak slightly before his grin formed into a somewhat impressed smirk, “Somebody’s been working out, that ass is firm babe.”
Rolling your eyes you placed a warm kiss on his cheek before resting your head on his chest, “And there you go ruining the moment yet again.”
Opening his mouth to rebuttal, both of you came to silence when the all too familiar sound of stampeding feet were heard.
“W..What on earth is that?” You asked softly, sitting up from his chest as the sound grew louder and louder.
Bakugou let out a growl as he sat up, carefully holding onto you so you didn’t slide off of him, “Your fucking classmates, I forgot to disguise myself so they went fucking crazy..”
“And the news spread..” You finished with a gulp, sharing an annoyed yet fearful expression with your boyfriend before an idea popped in your head.
Scrambling off Bakugou’s lap you quickly grabbed your blanket and laptop before yanking the ash blond off his feet.
“The hell are we going?”
Looking back to Bakugou you smiled, grabbing his hand and yanking him down another unmarked trail, “I know this little secret trail back to the campus, that way we can sneak to my dorm hopefully un-noticed.”
Deciding to follow your lead, the ash blond ran side by side with you, taking your laptop and blanket so it would be easier for you to run while you lead him down the messy path.
Bakugou had only been with you for ten minutes and chaos already seemed to be unfolding, but much to his surprise he didn’t mind, quite frankly he actually liked it. It felt like the good old days when they were at UA, just goofing around and living in the light hearted chaos you both grew to love.
But if there was one thing Bakugou knew back at UA and sure as hell knew now, he never wanted to stop living in the chaos with you.
He wanted to rule this world of chaos with you by his side..
Forever and always.
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