#and you know those heart locket closing 'kiss' gifs?
proseka-headcanons · 7 months
hear me out... SHIZUMIZU!!!
mizuki definitely shizuku to be their personal model for their costumes!! OH OH and ofc they have shopping dates all the time!!
the picnic event made me think of them and I'm going crazy now
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oneofstarkskids · 2 years
love letters, roses, and lockets
pairings: emily dickinson x sue gilbert
genre: fluff, angst?
warnings: !lower case text! also it's kind of an AU where sue isn't with austin. !unrevised!
summary: a dickinson valentine's day
*not my gif*
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after brushing through her chestnut brown hair and letting the curls drape down her shoulders, emily went to the field to meet with sue.
the brunette's heart was racing with the excitement of secrecy. the idea of women loving women wasn't a very common concept in this day in age. in fact it was an abomination in the eyes of society.
emily never had been one to care what others thought.
besides, loving sue was never a choice. it just kind of...happened. emily caught herself missing the sound of sue's bubbling laughter when she was away.
every time their hands would accidentally brush, it felt like electricity crackling against emily's skin. she longed for that feeling. again and again.
when emily would spiral and get lost in her thoughts, sue became her anchor.
loving sue came naturally. it was exhilarating and sometimes painful, but even if emily was given the choice she would choose to love sue. always.
on her way down the stairs emily's younger sister, lavinia, shouted for her, "emily! mother says you need to complete your afternoon chores before the guests arrive!"
emily practically ignores the comment, as there is only one thing occupying her mind, "yeah, okay! i will."
lavinia knew she wouldn't.
sue was waiting under emily's special tree. she was lost in a book with a far off gaze. as emily approached the spot, hair tousled by the wind, she froze. emily wasn't an artist, but if she were, she would paint a thousand pictures of sue.
instead, she tries to go unnoticed as she takes in the sight of sue's peaceful aura. she traps the memory in her mind, hoping that it never slips away.
her lips tug upward at the corners, ever so slightly, before she runs over to sue.
"emily!" sue says, eyes sparkling, as she sets down her novel.
emily pulls her in for an unexpected kiss. sue's body relaxes against emily's and she holds sue closely to her, but it's never close enough.
neither one of them breaks the kiss until they've surely run out of breath.
emily rests her forehead against sue's and closes her eyes. she savors every sensation and feeling of being near the woman she loves.
sue laughs lightly, "what was that for?"
"tomorrow more hearts will be shattered than those that will be filled with truly requited love," emily replies.
although emily didn't entirely answer sue's question, sue had learned over time to understand some of her lover's riddles.
"valentine's day?" sue asked.
emily nodded with a pout. "i want to show you how much you mean to me, sue."
"oh, emily, i know you love me. you tell me endlessly," sue shakes her head, "you don't need to perform some grand gesture."
emily frowned, "but i do. isn't the greatness of one's love determined by the actions of that person. and if so then i must show you just how much i love you."
"words are not enough," emily whispers softly.
"that's funny coming from a poet," sue quips.
emily can't help but match the smile on sue's face with her own. sue's joy was as contagious as any disease and it spread to emily like wildfire.
emily kissed sue one last time before running back home to prepare everything for the next day.
she slipped past her mother, actively avoiding her chores, and went straight to her room.
she'd already planned to get sue the perfect flowers. she didn't want to buy roses, that's what everyone bought. emily didn't want her love for sue to be diminished to something so common.
no, instead she remembered the kalanchoe integra, one of the many flowers she'd collected and studied. although simple in physical appearance, the plant is known for its long lasting blooms. it's generally associated with love, persistence and prosperity which is exactly what emily wanted to show sue.
another gift she planned to give was jewelry. most people got diamond rings or lockets for their lovers, but emily decided to get sue a compass. yes, a compass to wear around her neck and no it was not functioning.
the dials on the compass point north and they never move. emily thought that she could think of it as being a reminder that no matter where sue goes, there's only one place emily will ever be. in her heart.
the last present should've been a simple task. nothing but a love letter, and in typical emily fashion, her love letter was in the form of a poem.
and although writing felt like breathing to emily, this poem didn't seem to want to come easily to her.
most days sue was emily's muse. in fact, she didn't know how many poems exactly she'd written about the woman but it had to be a number amongst the thousands.
emily sat at her desk, quill in hand all night long. she was awake when the animals settled and the wind whistled, and she was awake when the sun rose groggily and the birds woke their mothers.
yet all she had written was a single line.
"shit!" she cursed under her breath as she jolted up from falling half-asleep once again.
she looked down at the paper that read, "You know the song inside my heart..."
emily balled up the paper and tossed it aside before burying her face in her hands feeling defeated.
without a knock, emily's mother burst into her room with a smile, "are you coming down for breakfast, emily?"
emily sighed, "yes mother."
her mother showed no concern for emily's condition. after the woman had left, emily sluggishly got up from the chair and dramatically walked over to the door.
her entire family, including sue, was at the table for breakfast.
emily sat down with a slump and propped her elbows up on the table.
"emily, have some manners," her mother snapped as their irish maid, maggie, dishes out breakfast.
william, emily's father, sits quietly reading the paper.
emily sighs loudly hoping someone takes notice.
nobody does.
she sighs again.
"emily, are you alright?" sue asked.
emily pouted, "no. i think i have...i can't even say it, it's too painful."
"you're ill?" emily's mother questions.
"yes, indeed. ill with an awful contagious disease that kills you slowly." emily complains.
everyone gasps.
"a disease that refuses to allow any intelligent thought to take hold in my mind and hinders me from writing the words that describe my truest feelings."
william pulls his paper down and arches a brow in confusion.
lavinia rolls her eyes at emily's performance, "she has writers block."
"oh," william says uninterested, "served you right. a woman is not meant to be a poet."
oh god...not this again, emily thought to herself. her father tried to crush her dreams almost daily, but she was quite a head strong young woman.
"william," emily's mother says warningly.
emily shakes her head, "no mom, let him speak. go ahead. tell me how i'm an embarrassment to the family name. how i'm unnatural or unusual and that no man will ever love a woman who wants to write."
"emily that's enough," william says sternly.
emily sits there for a minute as tears start to glaze over her eyes due to her father's lack of compassion. she pushes her chair back and rushes out of the kitchen.
the front door is slammed so violently that the table shakes and a glass shatters onto the floor.
emily's mother shakes her head in annoyance, "maggie." she directs towards the shattered glass and maggie goes to get a broom.
"excuse me," sue says politely before chasing after emily through the field.
emily feels her heart in her chest. it beats so ferociously she thinks it will leap away. all she hears is whipping of the wind.
she finally stops, far away from the house, and stares up at the sky. her chest rises and falls heavily as she tries to catch her breath.
she was so caught up with herself that she doesn't notice sue standing beside her. sue's hair was disheveled and her lips were parted in an attempt to get air into her lungs.
"emily," she says softly.
emily turns to sue.
sue reaches her hand up and brushes hair out of emily's face. her eyes are filled with sympathy.
emily squeezes her eyes shut as sue's fingertips dance along her skin.
"maybe he's right. maybe i'm not a poet. maybe i'm just a hopeless woman who has no talent and no worth and never will," emily winces as if her own words stabbed her in the chest.
sue smiles and shakes her head, "no emily. that isn't true. you're a woman and a poet which is twice as better than any man deserves."
sue can tell emily is still unconvinced, "emily, your poetry is more than just words. it's art. it's like a melody that i can't get out of my head. or a far off land in a book that i yearn to travel to. emily, i love your poetry...because it's you."
emily leans in and grants sue a fervid kiss. words are not spoken between the two, but the confessions lie between their flushed lips.
I love you, forevermore
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marvelbbyx · 5 years
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Heart-Shaped Candies (Natasha Romanoff x Gender Neutral Reader!)
Request: @babyvers “Ok since Valentine’s Day is coming up, can I get some Natasha fluff? Please and thank you! 😊”
That heart candy gif cracks me up. 😂
My first imagine, so please be kind. I hope I did it justice! Sorry if it's short.
Summary: Natasha struggles on what to get Y/N for Valentine’s Day, so she gets Steve to help her. Turns out her and Y/N end up buy the same gift for each other.
Warnings! None really.
“God, this is so hard.” Natasha groans, laying her head down on her laptop.
It was two days before Valentine’s Day and Nat was swamped on what to get you. You’ve been together for three years and yet she still struggled with getting you the right gift. You would always tell her that she didn’t have to buy anything for you, but being the sweetheart that she is, she had to.
“Valentine’s Day jitters?” Natasha hears someone ask from behind her.
She picks up her head to see Steve leaning against her doorframe, a playful smile gracing his face. “I wouldn’t say jitters.” Natasha says lowly, laying her head back down on her laptop.
“Oh? Then what?” Steve inquired.
“Same thing every year, try to find a gift for Y/N.” She replies.
He lets out breathy chuckle. “I thought they said that they didn’t want anything? As they say every year.”
“They don’t,” Natasha says curtly. “But it’s Y/N, I have to get them something.”
“I suppose there’s no arguing that,” He smiles. “Here, I’ll help you.”
Natasha sits up and scoots over in her chair to make room for Steve. She opens her laptop to a Google search that read: Gift ideas for your significant other. Something that she had bookmarked the night before. Surely, Steve could help out with something like this. He’s had relationships in the past right? So hopefully he could give Natasha some pointers...right?
“You should get them that.” Steve pointed to a lingerie ad in the bottom left corner that was advertising a hot red lace garment which was quite revealing in some places.
Natasha’s face flushed a bright red. “I am NOT getting them that!”
He furrowed his brows in confusion. “Is that not appropriate? I assumed that because it’s Valentine’s Day, you two might-“
“Yes.” Natasha says abruptly. “But that’s none of your business.”
“Fine, sorry I said anything.” He laughs with his hands in a surrender. “But the more you torture yourself over this, the harder it’s going to be to find a gift.”
“Why don’t I just get Y/N those little heart-shaped candies?” She asks, forming her hands into a small heart. “You know, the ones that say ‘I love you’ on them?”
He cocks a brow. “You mean the ones that taste like chalk? No. You’re not getting them that.”
Natasha lets out an audible sigh and slumps down in her seat. “Then I don’t know.”
“Think about how much you love Y/N,” Steve suggested. “What do you love about them? Then put that towards your gift.”
At this point, the thought of you potentially not liking her gift would crush her immensely. You were very important to her, there was no doubt about that, and Natasha wanted her gift to express just that. So, she took Steve’s advice and started thinking about the things that she loved about you.
She always loved how kind you were, often saying that you had a smile that would light up the room, she loved how patient you were when it came to her missions, because you knew how long they could take. She loved the way your eyes crinkled when you laughed really hard.
But most of all, she loved that you always supported her. Even when she thought that her ideas were stupid you’d push her to go through with them, when she was sad you were always there to hold her, and when she was angry you would be there to calm her down. You were always there when she needed you, no heart-shaped candy could measure up to that.
“How about this?” Steve points to a silver heart-shaped locket with the words ‘Forever in my heart’ engraved on the front. “It’s better than that chalk candy you mentioned, in my opinion.”
Natasha lifts herself up to look at the screen, instantly falling in love with the piece of jewelry. “It’s perfect! And there’s matching ones!”
“So is that a yes?”
“Yes! Of course!” Natasha springs out from her seat, snatching her laptop off of the table. She kisses Steve on the top of his head before dashing out of the room. “Thanks!”
“Where are you going?” He calls after her.
“The jewelry store!”
Time Skip: Valentine’s Day
Natasha fiddled with the black velvet box as she waited for you in your room. You were helping out Thor doing god knows what around the compound. In a way, she was thrilled that you weren’t here yet, that’s all she needed was to mess up right when she’s trying to give you your gift. It was the last one at the jewelry store, and as much as Natasha wanted to buy two for both of you to wear, it just wasn’t on the agenda.
She felt herself freeze the moment she heard the doorknob rattle. She threw the box behind her and kept herself still as a meager attempt to try and hide from you, her plan fell through once you stepped in the room.
You grin the minute you see her. “Hi, honey bunch.”
“H-Hi,” She stammers. “Um..what did thunderhead want?”
“He wanted to see how long he could hold his breath against Tony. Kinda silly if you ask me.” You reply with a laugh. “But I missed you.” You go to sit down next to her.
“I missed you too, babe.” Natasha smiles then looks down into her lap. Her heart was racing. It was a miracle that you couldn’t feel it being so close to her.
“Oh, now that you’re here,” You hop off of your bed and stand in front of your closet. “Close your eyes hold out your hands.”
“Are you sure?”
“Can you just close your eyes, please?”
Natasha closed her eyes and held out her hands as you went to look for her gift. After a few minutes, you place a small sliver gift bag in her hands. You could barely keep your excitement in once you told her to open her eyes. Your heart fluttered as she looked through the tiny bag, bobbing on your toes in anticipation.
She reaches her hand in the bag and pulls out the same black velvet box that she hid behind her back, flashing you a quizzical look. It very well could’ve been something different, but Natasha knew exactly what it was without even opening it. You watched as her long fingers lift open the tiny box, revealing a gold heart-shaped locket that you’ve already taken the liberty of putting your picture in.
“D-Do you like it?” You ask with a shaky breath.
“Y/N...” Natasha began.
“You hate it.” You say disappointedly.
“What? No, it’s just that...” Natasha reaches behind her back and grabs the box, holding in front of you. “I got you the same thing but in a different color.” She looks down at her lap, bashfully. You know for an assassin, she sure did get flustered a lot. “If you don’t like it, Y/N. I can return it.”
“I love it.” You say.
“Do you?” She asks.
You nod. “I loved it from the moment that I saw it in the display window, when I found out that they were a matching set. I looked everywhere to find the other one. I suppose I was looking too hard.”
Natasha gives you a soft smile. “I know you said that I didn’t have to get you anything, but...I love you, Y/N, and I want you to know that every day.” She stands up, taking both of your hands and caressing them with her thumbs. “You mean so much to me, honestly if you weren’t by my side I don’t know how I would function, and unfortunately for you, I’ll never leave yours.”
You smile. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
In a moment Natasha presses her lips against yours, it was slow and soft, comforting in ways that words would never be. A warm feeling spread throughout your entire body. Her hand made its way to your cheek, pulling you in until there was no space left between you. You could feel the beating of her heart against your chest.
You pull apart, leaning your foreheads against each other, a closeness that no one else could even begin to understand. Natasha smiles softly, planting small kisses on your nose, forehead, and your cheeks.
“You know, I wanted to get you those little heart-shaped candies that have messages on them. But Steve said no.” Natasha says with a laugh.
“Why didn’t you?” You questioned. “I actually really like those.”
“Must’ve slipped my mind I guess.” Natasha forces out a chuckle.
Steve’s going to die the next time that she sees him.
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scvereignty · 5 years
introduction i.
A D E L A I D E  W I N D S O R (  p r i n c e s s  o f  e n g l a n d  )
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bespoke houndstooth blazers, watching your mare come second place, exposed lace garters, sipping from a bottle of warm champagne, grey skies, french erotica, a wet slip dress with nothing underneath, white roses, reciting passages by heart at parties, mascara-stained sheets, sitting by open windows despite the cold, black velvet, heavy books by pretentious authors, jewels at the breakfast table, the dirty hem of a long dress, hidden gardens, purple hickeys on pale thigh, smoking in secret, sleeping naked, perfect tennis whites & an immaculate backhand, bows in tangled hair, audrey hepburn films & grace kelly sensibility, placing their hand over your neck mid-kiss and squeezing hard, oversized sunglasses paired with red eyes and dark circles, never wearing the same coat twice, the weight of history, the shot that puts down a lame horse, perfect posture, lingerie and silk in the library, sucking whip cream off of strawberries, making love in the stable, watching the sunrise from the garden in an evening gown.
age: twenty-one
nicknames: di, rosie, little princess
sexuality: heterosexual ( publicly ) / bisexual ( private, exploring )
gender: cisgender female
title: her royal highness
( + ) elegant, graceful, intelligent, clever, intuitive, adaptable, creative, impulsive, sensual, motivated, self-confident, hard-working, mature, modest, reliable, outspoken ( - ) pretentious, aloof, melancholy, judgemental, private, elusive, deceptive, guarded, secretive, unforgiving, sensitive, affected, mistrusting, self-destructive, changeable, indecipherable
the youngest windsor & only princess of england!
i’m currently keeping her actual childhood/family background undecided until i get the chance to plot with her brother(s), but as per the connection description: the siblings were initially v close while their parents were rather absent
notably, adelaide & her brother james had an extremely special relationship. as the eldest and youngest of the brood, from the time adelaide was born, james’s affection for her was almost paternal in many ways — and she loved him to pieces.
literally, like, there are shots of james walking adelaide hand-in-hand into her primary school, and even as they got older, she considered him her best friend and biggest protector. this is highkey inspired by my own grandmother & how she describes her relationship w her own late brother uwu
a charming, odd child, who was labelled as an old soul very early in life. very well mannered and mature, but prone to somewhat unusual flights of fancy 
a lowkey trouble maker -- or rather, incredible adept at being subtle. with at least one wild elder brother, it was both easy to learn from their mistakes and appear innocent in comparison
as adelaide got older, that old soul developed some of the troubles they’re ought to. she craved art, passion, love, justice, intense emotion, experience. she engaged in these behaviours moderately and with subtlety, particularly in comparison to silas. she was/is less about wild partying and more about deep experiences, and as such there have rarely been any stories about the little princess and drinking/inappropriate behaviour
she had always had a changeable nature and was susceptible to bouts of depression, but the death of james hit her in a way she has yet to recover from. while the whole family was devastated, no one took it harder than adelaide, who to this day calls him the love of her life
for the two years since his murder, adelaide has been in a poor mental and emotional place. unable to fully move on despite the time that has passed, she has both retreated further into herself and sought out unhealthy methods of coping ( ie. the usual -- alcohol, travel, and occasionally drugs )
hence she’s chosen to come to genovia, a decision that surprised even her parents. remaining in london has kept her in the throes of mourning, so she hopes to let go of some of her grief by arriving somewhere new and attempting self care
reputation & aesthetics tend to be very immaculate and proper, so it’s often a surprise to those that find out the young princess has that darker, troubled, sensual side to her - that she can drink gin straight without wincing, or has bruises and hickeys beneath her silk blouse
has never had any desire to rule/never considered it an option, but instead focuses her life on the betterment of people but domestic to the uk and worldwide through charity & philanthropy
the nickname for her in the uk is “the english rose,” or several variants (“the little rose,” etc) due to her fair complexion & nature. her reputation is very princess diana-esque: a modern, classy woman who devotes her time to philanthropy & charity
considered a fashion icon! 
an extremely accomplished horse rider, considered one of the best competitors in britain despite not actively competing in years. she’s down showmanship, jumping, dressage, & eventing. yes, she is the horse girl
despite her tiny height, form, and general fairylike facial features, this girl can drink a surprising amount of people under the table. is this a sign of a Problem? CERTAINLY
if you think you are the most beautiful and/or incredible thing to walk this earth, she thinks you are incredibly stupid. she’ll name 14 pieces of art right NOW that are more interesting than ur looks 
makes a habit of calling out those that are arrogant/rude
she started smoking when she was fourteen. her parents still don’t know.
camilla macaulay, grace kelly, and princess diana are probably her biggest inspos
very accomplished liar - she has an incredible poker face
she wears a locket james gave her every day. he had it specially made with an inscription (either a quote from a little princess or the secret garden, i haven’t decided), but since then she’s had the other side inlaid with a photo of him :c
her favourite disney movie is alice in wonderland, which is also one of her favourite novels
the best friend: self explanatory! very open to how their friendship came about and when, but someone who knows adelaide intimately, and one of the few that can still read her even when she’s putting on her otherwise immaculate facade
the no-good: someone that would have been her corrupter, perhaps, or thought to be -- until they realized she was not the delicate thing one would seem. could be friends with benefits, drinking buddies, someone who encourages self-destructive behaviours, or any combination of this.
the counsel: young as she is, adelaide knows herself intimately, and as such knows a great deal about women in general -- this muse is coming to her for advice on how to court mignonette (or another lady)!
the lionheart: a dear friend, and someone similar to adelaide insomuch as her old soul, maturity, devotion to philanthropy, etc. someone to either decry or poke fun at the triviality of so much around them
the skinny love: it’s been the wrong time since childhood. but it’s always been the right time to hold terrible affection for each other. how heartbreaking, to keep on watching but never kissing.
the charged: inspired by this gif set. the true terrible influence, unhealthy relationship, disaster in a glass bottle. they infuriate each other, say the worst things that can be said. then they let it out in bed -- or almost go. getting closer every time
the antagonist: preferably a princess or someone of noble enough birth that they could have attended the same academy in their teen years. alternatively, could just be a pair that runs into each other frequently at those fancy aristocratic events. ( x ) is someone that leans into that queen B(itch) trope, or otherwise is confident to the point of arrogance/is unphased by potentially offending others by saying what they want, when they want. adelaide, blank-faced over her glass, calls this person out for their behaviour. as such, an intense dislike starts to brood between the two
the affair: we talking sex, we talking scandal, we talking familial outrage. we can talk more about specific circumstances, but i am very solid on the aesthetic of That Scene in atonement: aka green dress, up against the library walls during a dinner party, walked in on at the perfectly terrible moment. my initial thought was that these two met for the first time when the windsor’s were hosting a dinner/ball/celebration or something in honour of this royal/important family, and adelaide and ( x ) had incredible chemistry -- or at least sexual attraction. it only takes a few hours and several glasses of champagne for them to end up in the library in an entirely compromising position before someone walks in on them and snitches to the family. the whole evening is absolutely ruined, both sets of parents in disarray, and while the press never hear why the night was the fiasco, there are now rumours of tension between the two families/nations. alternatively, this could have been started some time long ago and wasn’t 100% a one-off
the young love: adelaide’s longest relationship, which began sometime in late high school or early college and lasted several years. preferably someone of royal blood, because this was in many ways - especially aesthetically - the Perfect Relationship. not only was adelaide wildly in love with them, but their relationship was public, and the press considered it an incredible feat that a prince and princess would naturally begin dating. this kind of aesthetic, ja feel? everyone that knew them felt they would get married, including adelaide. but for whatever reasons you like, this little prince broke up with her, and subsequently broke her heart & dashed her dreams. prior to james’s death, this was the greatest pain she ever endured. still do this day if she references “my ex,” or compares a man to someone, it’s this guy. despite whatever time has passed between break-up and now, adelaide still treats him with some disdain -- she’s both still hurt, and still harbouring lingering affection for him.
the exploration: the first woman that made adelaide question her sexuality !! i’m open as to what this is, how it happened etc; whether anything physical occurred or they were merely flirtatious and physically close; if it was one-sided or reciprocated, etc.
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happy birthday part two
summary: Elijah wants to make your birthday perfect, or at least, as perfect as he can. The two of you end the night by taking a romantic walk through the town, talking about any and everything. By the end, he shares a secret with you, a secret you never expected to hear.
read part one first: x
warnings: none
word count: 1,674
A/N: I just want to say thank you again for all the support on each of my one shots, I’m really proud of them and it makes me happy to know you all are enjoying them. This is the first time I’ve posted any type of writing on tumblr so I’m still getting used to the way things work. *gif is not mine*
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Your fingers lightly played with the pendant of the necklace that hung around your neck. You just couldn’t stop fiddling with it or looking into the windows of the shops you passed to catch a glimpse of it in your reflection. It was a gift you would cherish forever. You were sure for the next couple of months, you woudn’t even bare to take it off. You almost felt like a giddy teenager again, what with the locket and your major crush on Elijah.
The two of you had left the Grill about twenty minutes ago. Elijah had found it far too depressing to continue to sit there. It was your birthday after all, you shouldn’t be sitting alone in a decorated restaurant listening to the latest Ariana Grande song play on repeat. You should be out, enjoying the beautiful night instead of being closed in and bored.
He had offered to take you on a walk, after all it was a warm evening. This time of night meant that the streets would start to empty as people went home to eat dinner or put their children to bed. There was a slight wind that blew through the branches of the tree and pricked at your skin. The sky was clear, not a cloud in sight and the stars twinkled brightly in the dark. There was a hooting of an owl off in the distance along with the songs of crickets rubbing their legs together.
It was lovely. The silence was not awkward between the two of you, it was peaceful. There was no tension, just a comfortable quiet that settled between you both. For the first time that night, you were rather thankful that your friends had to take off because if they hadn’t, you wouldn’t have spent your birthday alone with Elijah.
“Beautiful, aren’t they?” Elijah had asked after realizing you had stopped walking.
You were standing there in the middle of the sidewalk with your eyes gazing up towards the stars. You were amazed by the brilliance of the constellations that painted the night sky. They were stunning, the way they shined so brightly against the black canvas took your breath away.
“I don’t think the word beautiful can describe it,” You told him, a grin spread across your face but your gaze did not falter away from the sky above you.
As you stood there, he stared at you watching you became amazed with the world around you. But it was not the constellations, the moon, or the stars that had captured his attention. It was you, nothing but you. Despite all the remarkable things this world had to offer, it was you he found the most breathtaking.
You were so enchanting to him; your laughter was like music to his ears, sending his mind into a static mess. Your smile was unexplainable, it left him speechless. Though your beauty was alluring, it was your personality he found the most divine. You had a big heart, always offering a second chance to those who did not deserve it, your kindness was unlike any other. You were soft, passionate, and deep. Your mind was something he would love to spend hours exploring.
From the moment he met you standing in that antique shop a year ago, he knew he’d never be able to escape the feeling he felt when you were in his presence. Nor did he want to be free from it. It made him feel alive. You made him feel alive.
“I always like looking up at the stars, they remind me that there’s more to life than just Mystic Falls.” You told him, finally tearing your gaze away from the sky to look at him.
Your cheeks began to heat up when you noticed him looking at you as if you had been the one to put each star into the sky, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. Had he been staring at you this entire time?
“You don’t like it here?” He questioned, raising an eyebrow.
Though you desperately hoped he didn’t notice the deep red blush appearing on your cheeks, he did. He was just far too kind to point it out or poke fun of your flustered nature like other guys would have.
 “I don’t hate it, it has its charming quirks. Despite the whole supernatural thing happening, it can be a really cute town,” You explained, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear. “But it’s not where I imagine myself in five years.”
Elijah seemed rather curious as the two of you began to continue your walk. His eyes lingered on you the entire time, listening to what you had to say intently. He cared about what you had to say, it was refreshing.
"And where do you see yourself in five years?” He asked you. The tone of his voice had surprised you, he really wanted to know. He wasn’t just asking to make simple conversation.
You were quiet for a moment, your eyes studying the details of his face. “Um, I don’t really know. I want to travel, I don’t want to be stuck in one place forever.” You finally answered, a faint smile appearing across your face. “I just want to see what the world has to offer, you know?”
He nodded, seeming to understand how you felt. “The world is a big place. Not seeing it would be a shame,” He stated, his voice was soft as he spoke. “Where would you go first?”
You had stopped walking again and turned towards him, tilting your head up as your eyes met. He was standing close to you, his hands in his pockets as his brown eyes searched yours, as if they were looking for some kind of secret you had yet to share.
"Spain,” You answered without an ounce of hesitation. “Ever since I was little, I’ve always been really interested in Spain and its culture. I was kind of obsessed with it after the second Cheetah Girls movie came out.”
Elijah raised an eyebrow, a laugh erupting from his mouth. That sound made your heart pound, it was something you’d love to listen to every day.
“A classic,” He had joked, pulling his hands out from his pockets as if he wanted to do something with them but then stopped. It was almost as if he had wanted to grab you or hold you, either one you wouldn’t have minded but he didn’t. His arms stayed at his sides. “I’ve been to Spain, once or twice, it’s a glorious place. You’d love it there.”
And suddenly, it was just silent. You had found yourself lost in his eyes, the way they looked at you and the way they shimmered in the light of the street lamps. You had been so distracted that you had not realized his hands found their way to your face. His warm hands were pressed gently against your cheeks, cupping your face and bringing it closer to his. His fingers brushed against your soft hair, sending a chill up your spine.
“Elijah,” You whispered, feeling butterflies flutter around the pit of your stomach and your heart leap from how close the two of you were.
“I have lived for many years. I have spent my life traveling, running after my brother to every corner of the world, trying to keep my family from falling apart. I have seen marvelous things, learned wonderful knowledge of places and people that once roamed this Earth. I met thousands of people, beautiful people.” He whispered and you were unsure as to where this little speech of his was going but you were intrigued. “But when I met you, it was like I was breathing for the very first time.”
You felt a lump form in your throat at the words that left his lips. You reached up, clutching his suit jacket with your hands as if you were afraid he’d pull away. You didn’t want him to pull away, you wanted him close, so much closer. The world around you seemed to disappear and all that mattered was to you in this moment was him.
“Out of everyone I have met in this world, you are by far the most heavenly,” He told you, his warm breath hitting your face caused your mind to turn to static. You were sure your face was as bright as a ripe strawberry, your heart was beating so rapidly it almost felt as if it would break through your rib cage and land on the ground at your feet.
You couldn’t think, you couldn’t speak. So many thoughts tumbled inside of your mind. Was this a dream or some kind of fantasy you created as you sat alone at the Grill? Was this even real? Was Elijah Mikaelson, the same Elijah you had feelings for, sharing that he cared for you the same way you did as him?
“I-I...You…Thi-This...” Not a single coherent word could escape. You were too much of a flustered mess to speak.
Elijah didn’t seem to care, his fingers tangled themselves in your hair finding their way to the back of your head. He pulled you closer, the gap between the two of you finally closing as he pressed his lips against yours. He tasted sweet, like chocolate with a hint of bourbon. Your small body was pressed up against his chest, your fingers clutching desperately onto his suit jacket as you melted into the kiss. It sent a spark through your body, every hair on the back of your neck on your bare arms stood on end.
But the kiss ended far too soon for your own liking. The two of you stood there, foreheads pressed together and your eyes still closed from the passionate kiss you had shared just seconds ago.
Elijah had opened his eyes, a lopsided smile on his face. “You have no idea how long I have waited to do that.” He murmured before pulling you into another kiss.
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bloodiedskirtts · 6 years
Love & War | Part 10: Rewrite The Stars
Summary: Y/N is reunited with both her boys in England
Pairing: Bucky xReader x Steve
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: Smut 18+. Soz
A/N: Come on, we needed some smut with post-serum Steve and Bucky.
If you want to be tagged please let me know x
Feedback is always appreciated! Thanks for reading. I hope you guys like it! Also gif is not mine, credit to owner.
Love & War Masterlist
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‘See you Monday,’ she called, pulling her coat around her as she left the building for the weekend.
Despite the war efforts, she managed to get some free time from trying to break Hydra codes. Over the weekend there was a skeleton team working, which rotated to make sure everyone got some time away from the dank basement. Thankfully, Y/N had this weekend off and she even got to leave early on Friday, even if was just by twenty minutes. Not that it meant much, she had been living in England for the last few months and hadn’t made any friends that she wanted to spend time with. She rarely spoke to anyone outside her team of codebreakers, and Howard Stark and Peggy Carter, the rare times they came to visit. Almost a month ago, both of them arrived and Y/N was over the moon. However, Peggy’s face made her heart drop, she knew something was wrong the moment she saw her.
She solemnly told her that both Steve and Bucky had gone missing behind enemy lines. Steve AKA Captain America, she couldn’t help but roll her eyes at this whole thing, had went on a rescue mission after Bucky’s unit had been captured by Hydra. Neither of them had been heard from in weeks. Of course Steve would have risked everything to save Bucky, but this meant that she had now lost both of them. Neither Peggy nor Howard stayed long at the Allied base in the UK during their visits. The war kept pulling them both away from her. Howard asked how things were going in the codebreaking area and she were eager to fill him in.
And now she was eager to try and figure every single coded message the organisation sent just in case there was some word about her boys. But there of course had been no luck, although the team were able to crack some of the messages. Just nothing about where Bucky or Steve could be - although she had known that Hydra wouldn’t waste time on sending messages about them.
‘Y/N?’ a voice called, causing her to spin around. It was one of the very pretty blondes who worked upstairs, her lips were curled into a cheeky smile.
‘Hey, Lorraine,’ she replied. ‘What’s up?’
‘Did you hear that a plane just touched down full of soldiers on leave for the weekend?’ she smirked. ‘I even heard Captain America is back from the dead and right here.’
While she didn’t care about a group of sexually deprived soldiers hanging around the base, the mention of Captain America caused her ears to prick up. 
‘I...But everyone said he’s dead?’ she gasped.
Lorraine laughed, ‘I know right. But clearly ya can’t kill that man and he saved all these men. It was truly amazing, apparently! I was gonna head over, see if I could bag the great Cap himself. But I’m stuck in the office.’
This caused her heart to soar what if he had managed to save Bucky too? She had moved her engagement ring from her finger, adding it to the chain that held her locket. She wanted both of her boys close to her heart when she thought she had lost them. But now they could both be alive?
‘Where are they?’ she gasped out.
‘You think you can woo Captain America?’ Lorraine asked, her eyebrow cocked in disbelief.
Y/N tried to fake a smile at her comment, ‘Just wanna know, Lorraine.’
She shrugged, ‘The plane came in an hour ago. So I’d say in the pub?’
Without bothering to say goodbye, she turned on her heels and started to make her way to the pub. She didn’t care that she was still in the dress she wore to work or that she was carrying her handbag filled with work notes. She pushed any loose hair behind her ears, a woman on a mission, as she marched towards her boys.
It wasn’t a long walk from the army base to the pub and she barged through the door. Rolling her eyes at the wolf whistles that came her way from the horny soldiers, her eyes scanned the room. The pub was filled with soldiers and smoke lingered in the air making it difficult for her to maneuver through the establishment. Her heart was slowly sinking, what if Lorraine had got her information wrong? She was all but ready to go when she heard it. That laugh, she would recognise that laugh anywhere.
Steve Rogers, looking like a god in his brown army uniform while Bucky Barnes sat by his side surrounded by a group of men.
‘Room for one more, Captain Rogers?’ she said as she walked over to him, one hand on her hip. 
Both Bucky and Steve’s head snapped up at her words, eyes widening as she stood in front of them. Neither of them could believe that she was there, close enough to touch. Bucky nearly threw his chair back as he got up and grabbed her waist pulling her into a needy kiss, that was all tongue and teeth. She could hear the cheer go up in the pub as the dozens of soldiers saw the two love birds. Neither of them seemed to care.
‘Well, hello Sergeant,’ she breathed out when he finally pulled away. A fat tear rolled down her cheek as she looked up at him.
‘I thought you were dead,’ she whispered.
‘So did I,’ he replied, a smirk forming on his lips. But she noticed that something was different about him, that carefree attitude he had before he left Brooklyn was gone, replaced with something much darker.
Her eyebrows furrowed as she looked at him, but he had pulled away, introducing her to the group of men around them. They called themselves The Howling Commandos. She smiled and laughed along with them, sipping slowly from the Gin and Tonic that appeared in front of her. Suddenly she felt a hand slip up her skirt and settle on her thigh. Her eyes widened as she realised that Steve was the one who had made the very bold move.
But before she could say anything, he stood up. ‘I’m sorry guys, but I’m calling it a night!’
There was groans around the table, but suddenly Bucky was on his feet, 
‘Steve’s right,’ he shrugged. ‘It’s late. I’ll walk you back to your apartment, Y/N.’
She narrowed her eyes knowing that this was not simply as innocent as they both made it out to be. But she nodded, pulling her coat on before she threw back what was left in her glass.
‘Barnes, I see why you like this one,’ one of the men called out, as she blushed slightly. 
Bucky shot him a cheeky grin before dragging her through the crowded pub after Steve.
‘So are ya gonna tell me how both of you are still alive? After going behind enemy lines into a Hydra base?’ she asked as they began to walk.
Steve chuckled and began to tell her exactly what happened, from jumping out of a plane, to escaping the burning building. Bucky held her tightly as she listened to his words. Her face covered in shock.
‘Are you sure you’re the same skinny idiot who couldn’t walk in a straight line without tripping over his feet?’ she asked, as they rounded the corner to her apartment building.
Stark had set up the America codebreakers very nicely. She had presumed that she would be living with a group of other girls, like most women involved in the war efforts did. But working for Howard Stark had it’s perks, so he had made sure they all had their own apartments to themselves. They all lived in the same building but at least she had her own space. It was extravagant and she hadn’t had guests in it before. But as she turned the key in the lock, looking back at both Steve and Bucky’s faces she knew that they didn’t care what her apartment looked like.
As soon as the door closed behind them Steve’s lips crashed against hers, while Bucky kissed down her neck, his chest pressed to her back.
‘I thought I’d never see you again,’ she whispered as Steve pulled away. ‘Peggy told me you were both dead.’
She shook her head, trying to fight the tears that had been threatening to fall ever since she saw them both. Bucky kissed her shoulder softly, his lips ghosting up her neck to her ear.
‘You’ll never lose us again,’ he promised, before spinning her around to kiss her.
Steve’s rough hands slowly untied her dress from her waist, before pushing it down onto the crowd. She shivered softly as his lips trailed down her neck and across her shoulder. Bucky’s tongue was still exploring her mouth, soft gasps falling from her lips as both men’s hands ran across her exposed skin. Bucky’s hands wrapped around her to unclasp her bra.
‘You boys don’t waste anytime?’ she asked, as he finally let go of her mouth. Just for his lips to fall to her breasts.
Steve chuckled darkly behind her, ‘If this war has thought me anything, you never know when it’s your time to go.’
His hands dipped to her ass giving it a hard squeeze, she could feel his erection press against her back. Bucky’s eyes flicked up to hers as his tongue danced over her nipple, as his left hand toyed with her other one. She let out a soft moan, her head falling back against Steve’s chest.
‘I think we need to go into my bedroom,’ she gasped out. ‘And as much as I love those uniforms, they need to go!’
They both chuckled at this as she pulled them by the hands into her bedroom. It wasn’t very big but neither Bucky nor Steve were concerned about the size of her room, as they pulled off their jackets and ties. Looking up at Bucky, she sank to her knees slowly, undoing his belt and trousers. Her fingers took their time to free his hardened cock, she loved teasing him. Usually Bucky would let her, but this time he gripped her hair tightly causing her to gasp out before he guided her mouth to his waiting cock.
She looked up at him as she began to take his length in her mouth, opening her jaw as wide as she could to take the thickness of him. About half way down his dick, she could feel him push against the back of her throat. Using her hand she gripped the rest of him to pull him off she hollowed out her cheeks to suck him. He groaned slowly as her eyes found his, never breaking eye contact as her head bobbed back and forth.
Suddenly she felt Steve’s hand grip her hair, causing her to stop. He smirked up at Bucky, as his free hand snaked around to play with her tits.
‘Do you want Sergeant Barnes to fuck that pretty mouth?’ Steve asked, causing her to shiver.
She nodded eagerly, which was enough for Bucky to thrust into her mouth with such force she would have fell backwards if it wasn’t for Steve. Neither of them seemed to care that tears ran down her cheeks as his cock hit her gag reflex over and over, until he suddenly pulled out. 
‘On your knees, doll,’ Bucky demanded, pulling her onto the bed.
She did as she was told, pushing her panties off as she climbed onto the bed. 
‘You’re gonna suck Captain Rogers’ dick, while I fuck that pretty pussy,’ he hissed in her ear. ‘Then he’s gonna fuck your cunt, because from what I’ve heard he can go all night. You want that right?’
She nodded eagerly, looking up at Bucky. Steve chuckled as he pushed his trousers off and got on the bed in front of her.
‘Gonna need to hear,’ he told her, his blue eyes darkened with lust.
She had to saw this more confident and demanding Steve really got her worked up. Thank God for that serum.
‘Yes, I want that.’
‘Yes who?’ Bucky snapped.
‘Yes Sergeant.’
‘Yes Captain,’ she moaned out desperate for one of them to touch her. 
She was already soaking wet from their hands on her tits, it had been so long since she was touched. She didn’t expect any of them to last very long and when Bucky pushed into her, she thought she would cum straight away.
Steve rubbed the tip of his head over her lips, before she parted her lips in a moan as Bucky’s hand began to play with her clit. Steve took his chance to push his dick into her mouth. Her moans were stifled around his length as he began to fuck her mouth in the same rhythm as Bucky was fucking her soaking pussy. Both men’s moans began to fill the room, as her muffled screams fell from her lips.
She was so turned on by the sight of both of them and it was the first them all three of them had been together since Steve became the great Captain America.
Without warning, Steve came hard in her mouth, cum hitting the back of her throat as she swallowed him up. The taste causing her head to spin, Bucky’s thrusts were growing more erratic his hand on her clit growing harder. 
‘Cum on Sergeant Barnes’ cock, Y/N,’ Steve demanded, and his words pushed her over the edge.
Her moans fell from her lips just as Steve pulled his dick out of her mouth. She could fell her pussy pulsate over Bucky’s cock. Her eyes growing fuzzy as she came hard for both her boys. It wasn’t long before Bucky was following suit, she felt the hot spurts of cum fill her pussy. 
He pulled out of her letting her fall on her back, as she tried to catch her breath. She threw her hands over her eyes as she felt the bed shift.
‘Oh, darling, I’m not finished with you yet,’ she heard Steve say just as he pushed into her.
She screamed out.
‘I don’t think we’ll be leaving this bed all weekend,’ Bucky purred.
@xjustanotherlonelygirlx , @itzmegaaaaaaan @projectxhappiness @7minutes-tomidnight, @mrs-marvel-addict, @vxidnik, @justmesadgirl, @sophiatomlinson23​,  @bloodyvalentine93​, @schilj79​, @myrabbitholetoneverland, @javapeach,  @whooolemilk​, @marsnothere,  @rainbowkisses31​,  @spideydaddyboy​,  @marvhellove​
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