#and yusaku is so at peace in his own skin (though not necessarily comfortable) and yuya Isnt.
zxal · 8 months
God made yuya and yusaku not exist in the same universe because he knew they would be unstoppable as canon best friends
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considergoldenkamuy · 6 years
ooooo golden kamuy! the community is growing! could you do a fluffy scenario with ogata?? idrc what's actually in it as long as it's cute i just crave for ogata content lmao
okay this will be hard, ogata + fluff doesn’t mix well lmao but i’ll give it a shot. also i know exactly who you are you can’t fool me you fuckin shortie lmao. i put a little angst in there if it counts as angst idk, i may have written that angsty sugimoto/f!reader one-shot you proofread for me but not for the cat bitch
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It was difficult to faze the sniper with how naturally cold and blunt he was. He kept his cool no matter what, but there were a few things that never failed to get to him. Ogata wouldn’t necessarily say he regretted killing his younger brother but there was just Yusaku’s philosophy that just continued to haunt him till this day.
if circumstances were different, we could have been good friends, even good brothers.
Whenever that line ran through his mind, his grasp on his rifle would tighten, lips thinning a bit more than they already were. But each time he would feel a gentle hand rest on his and Ogata would immediately relax, seeing your worried eyes trailed to his own. Silent conversations were common, so this was nothing new, expressions on your face flickering as you displayed the appropriate responses to whatever he said.
How you never failed to understand him so well annoyed him somewhat, but it would be the biggest lie he’d ever told if he said he didn’t appreciate an understanding person at least a little, and that says a lot for a trickster like him. Your hand would drift onto his, lacing your fingers between his which remained lax and giving his hand a reassuring squeeze, smiling softly before releasing him and going back to whatever you had been doing.
But tonight was different. Tonight was one of those nights that his entire being was filled with a genuine, strong and terrified panic, sitting up suddenly covered with sweat, breaths uneven.
Still he suffered from the memory of seeing his brother’s corpse, from the tightness in his chest whenever he mulled over it. Was this what was meant when someone said they atoned for killing by remembering all those individuals’ faces? But this was different, Ogata didn’t think of Yusaku’s face when he thought of him, he simply thought of a young man who held some sort of blood relation to him.
His younger half-brother, the flagman, his naive younger brother, his young and stupid sibling. And despite all these insults he tossed at Yusaku’s memory, he couldn’t help but scowl at the aching he felt so deep inside him. He shouldn’t feel this way about killing someone, he’s killed tens, hundreds of men. Ogata had no qualms with doing such a thing. And yet here he was agonizing over a single man.
His breathing began to lighten, evening out when once again he felt a kind hand brush over the knuckles of his own and Ogata glanced downwards to see your form lying beside him, bare, his marks coating your skin, painted across the canvas in the most beautiful yet repulsive manner.
But despite everything, despite how much he tried to push you away from someone like him who would only cause you pain, you kept coming back to him, that same loving and fond smile playing on your lips as he bluntly asked you why you were still there.
“Ogata…it’s late,” your voice was groggy as you sat up beside him, taking his hand into both of yours, concern swimming within your eyes as you looked at him, his gaze still avoiding yours. “Was it another nightmare?”
“Yes,” he stated simply, not elaborating and you sighed. You pulled him back down onto the bed, leaning on his chest, finding a comfortable position before leaning over to him and placing a small kiss on his jawline. Ogata didn’t even spare you a glance, but you weren’t hurt. He was just like this.
“Do you want to talk about it?” There was the legendary question, the one you always asked, you kept asking, you wanted answered so badly, but never pressed when he gave his typical answer.
“No.” Ogata’s voice was harsh and distant, wanting to avoid the conflict entirely but you were having no such thing this time, frowning.
“If you don’t tell anyone about it, it’s going to weigh on you forever. I want to help you, Ogata. We’ve been like this for years, can’t you trust me?”
Trust. What a strange word, he mused, but still didn’t meet your stare as he thought. His long pause didn’t do him justice, though.
“…I guess that’s a no,” you hid your disappointment and sadness well, but this was Ogata. You couldn’t fool him.
“You’re right, I can’t ‘trust you,’” you flinched at his words, but he kept talking, even as your arms around around his form tightened. “I don’t feel trust. It’s not something I have the capacity to have.”
“…” You looked away from him, eyes focusing on anything but him, his expression so passive, as if what he said, being so hurtful, didn’t matter, as if it were as casual as speaking of the weather.
This didn’t matter to him. Not at all, and you’d known. You didn’t matter as much to him as he did to you, and you both had accepted this when you started to see each other. But that didn’t mean just hearing it wouldn’t shatter a good half of your world.
“However, I feel that at certain times, I can rely on you.” You blinked in slight shock. “I do not tend to feel that way around anyone, but you are…the exception. In some rare cases. But no matter how much or little I feel like I can rely on you, there are some things I’d like to keep to myself.”
You paused, absorbing his words, before leaning over him and kissing him, on the lips this time. It was short and kind, something he never responded to, but something always flickered through his dead eyes that kept you believing that maybe, just maybe he could feel all the things you felt.
“That’s fine, Ogata,” you murmured. “You don’t have to tell me, but I’ll always be here if you need me.”
For the first time in what had felt like an eternity, his eyes stared right back into your tired own and you smiled again, tilting his head towards yours and pressing your forehead against his. Ogata seemed strangely soothed by this gesture, actually closing his eyes as you did it, taking in the scent of him and you still smeared together across your stained skin. His shoulders loosened and he reached one of his arms around you and pulled you a little closer, shocking you. He’d never done this before.
A few seconds passed before you saw his breaths slow down and you couldn’t help but chuckle a bit at his antics. What a strange man. But you were fine with this. As long as you could feel his arms around you, gaze at his serene and peaceful face as he slept, kiss him without being rejected hatefully, you were happy.
He didn’t have to trust you to make you feel truly complete.
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