#and/or stop caring what the guests wear so much! why would u make a pinterest board when u could be idk making ur invites look less tacky!!
ephemeral-winter · 3 months
wedding invite dress codes driving me insane. this wedding is "upscale cocktail" whatever that means but! the bride helpfully put a pinterest link on her wedding website so i clicked over. well baby this is a mix of evening formalwear and midday afternoon tea dresses so once again. what does this mean
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earfquak3 · 5 years
FLUFF alphabet - e.d.
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Summary: Just a cute little fluff alphabet with Ethan
Warnings: none except a whole lot of fluff
Word count: 1963
A = Affection
Ethan absolutely loves showing affection. He does it all the time. Maybe he’s holding your hand, or kissing your cheek, but this boy always has to touch you in some way.
B = Baby
He obviously wants kids some day. Ever since he saw you play with his baby cousin at Christmas, he can’t get the idea out of his head. He wonders if it’ll have your sparkling eyes and his cute nose, or your beautiful, wavy hair and his pink plump lips. No matter what, he knows he’ll love that baby forever.
C = Cuddling
You already know this boy loves his cuddles. He might not want to admit it but this boy loves cuddling (and being cuddled). On the couch, in the car, in bed or on a beautiful flower field. It doesn’t matter where, but this boy will cuddle. He loves to wrap you in his big, strong arms, and pull you into his chest. You guys spend hours just laying in each others arms, talking about all and nothing.
D = Dates
You guys go on dates all the time. Wether it’s small dates at home in bed, or fancy ones in the expensive Hollywood restaurants. You have mandatory date night every Saturday, because it’s very important for the both of you that you spend time together. It also really helps, if you’ve had a stressfull week.
E = Equality
You can’t really say that any of you wears the pants in the relationship. You’re very good at making mutual decisions, but sometimes you use the ‘puppy eyes’ card, to get your way. Even though it’s pretty equal, who makes the call, Ethan is the dominant one when it comes to the bedroom;)
F = First ‘I love you’
Ethan was the one who said it first. He had randomly blurted it out, while you guys were having a playfight. At first you thought you heard wrong, but after looking into his eyes, and seeing that there were nothing but love, you knew it was true. Now you don’t go a day without saying it at least once. You’re very verbal when it comes to love, because one of your biggest fears, is losing someone you love.
G = Grayson
Grayson is your best friend. You love him just as much as you love Ethan, but in a friendly way (obviously). You three do everything together, and you know each other inside out. People often ask Ethan if he ever gets worried, that Grayson will steal you away from him, but the answer is always no, because Ethan knows you're his, and so do you.
H = Holding hands
Whenever E is close to you, he has to hold your hand. It doesn’t even have to be like full on hand holding, it can just be holding onto one of your fingers, while you're strolling through target. Or playing with your fingers while you're watching a movie, on a stormy night. Also when you're making love, he finds himself reaching for your hand, when he’s nearing his high. Ethan is, and will always be, a sucker for holding hands.
I = Impressions
Ethan was blown away from the first time he saw you. The second he laid his eyes, on that beautiful face, he knew you would spend the rest of your lives together. Of course you thought he was just another fuck boy at first, but as you got to know him, you learned that he’s actually the sweetest kid ever.
J = Jokes
As we know, Ethan loves pulling pranks. Wether it’s on you, Grayson or some third person, he’s always doing some sort of prank. He once pulled a cheating prank on you, and you got so sad he completely stopped pulling pranks on you. Poor Grayson has to take twice as many now:(
K = Kissing
Ethan is always in for a kiss. Doesn’t matter if it’s a full on make out session, or if it’s just a quick peck on the cheek. Ethan loves your lips, and he’s not afraid to show it. 90% of his photos on instagram, are of you kissing, so I think it’s safe to say that he doesn’t care about PDA.
L = LA
You guys love LA, you really do, but sometimes it’s just nice to get away from everything for a while. Sometimes you go on roadtrips to beautiful places, and other times you fly back to New Jersey for a little time out.
M = Memories
You love making memories together. Like that night Ethan woke you up at 3 am, to go on a hike to the Hollywood sign. Or that time when he tried to bake you a cake for your birthday, but ended up almost burning the kitchen down, so you and Gray had to buy a cake from Target.It doesn’t even have to be big moments, like when he asked you to be his girlfriend, it can also be small moments, like when you came home from a long day of work, and Ethan had done all the laundry even though it was your turn. It’s not always the big things that stick. Sometimes the smaller they are, the more we remember them.
N = No
Ethan can hardly say no to his princess. She doesn’t have to use the puppy eyes that often, before he gives in completely. But he can’t help it. This girl has him wrapped around her finger, and he knows it.
O = Orange
Whenever you’re with Ethan, it’s like you're exploding with colors. Even on the darkest, most grey days, he manages to get all the colors to shine through. Your cheeks turn pink at the smallest things, and when you kiss, it’s like you can taste the rainbow.
P = Polaroids
Apparently it’s not enough to document, all the stuff you guys do on video, but Ethan has his baby blue polaroid camera with him at all times. He always catches the moment. He keeps all the pictures in a box under the bed. It has all kinds of photos. You cuddled all up in a blanket after you had fallen asleep on his lap, or a picture of you post-sex with wild hair, and a huge grin plastered on your face. 
Q = Questions
Being in the spotlight, you guys are constantly being asked tons of questions. Like if you’re engaged, or if it’s true that Ethan was spotted coming up with a chick at the beach yesterday (which was actually you). One time someone started a rumour that you were pregnant, after you posted a picture of you in your sweats. Needless to say the media had a field day that day.
R = Reassure 
Ethan had always been very insecure, so you constantly had to reassure him that you loved him, and only him, whenever you would get too friendly with a guy, for his liking. Although that’s just another reason why you love him.
S = Sad
Just like good days, bad days are bound to happen. We all have our ups and downs, but you guys are just lucky enough, that you have each other, so you don’t have to go through the tough times alone. The other person is always there, welcoming with open arms. It’s not always easy getting up after falling down, but it’s 10x easier when you have someone else to help you.
T = Trips
You guys love to go on trips. Ethan got this stupid idea from pinterest, that he’ll kiss you in every continent (so far you’ve kissed on 4). You also have a map in your room, where you put a red pin in all the places you’ve visited together, and your goal is to fill out as many as possible. Travelling is always fun, but it’s 10x better when you do it with someone you love.
U = Universe
You used to be one of those girls who thought love at first sight and soulmates were bullshit, but after you met Ethan you’re certain all of it is true. It’s like you’ve been missing a piece of yourself all your life, but when you met Ethan you finally felt whole. He was that missing piece., and you're sure you're meant to be.
V = Vaunt
Ethan loves to show you off. He wants everyone to know you're his baby, and oh boy they sure do. When you're in public he makes sure you're always within arms reach, and whenever you do something, he's always the one cheering the loudest. He's your biggest supporter and everyone knows it. And of course it never hurts if he makes sure to leave a hickey or two before you leave the house;)
W = Wedding
Ethan is convinced you're going to get married, and you are too. He doesn’t know when, but he knows that he’s going to make you his forever. Sometimes he catches himself looking at wedding rings through a store window, or he finds himself looking for venues. He can’t help but imagine how it’ll be on that unforgettable day. You would be wearing a beautiful white dress, gorgeous as ever, and he’ll get tears in his eyes when you walk down the aisle. You’ll dance to your favourite song, and when the wedding is done, and all the guests have left, you’ll go back to the hotel, and you’ll stay up for hours talking about all and nothing. Ethan isn’t certain about a lot of things in life, but on thing he does know, is that you’ll be together forever.
X = Xylophone
You had always been a fan of Harry Styles, ever since the one direction days, so when Ethan heard he was playing in LA, he rushed to buy tickets. You got them for your birthday, and you almost started crying out of excitement (let’s just say Ethan definitely got a thank you for the gift if you know what I mean) When the day finally came, and you were about to leave to the venue, you were almost bursting with excitement. Ethan couldn’t help but smile at how cute you were. You sang your heart out to every single song he played, but one song stuck with you more than the others. When Harry was singing Meet me in the hallway, Ethan couldn’t help but stare at you. You were just so beautiful, how did he get so lucky? When you looked back at him with those beautiful eyes of yours, he knew that he loved you. At first you were shocked that he said it, of course you loved him back, but it was just so unexpected. You almost burst into tears, and grabbed his face and kissed him. You don’t think you've said ‘I love you* as many times as you did that night. That song will always hold a special place in your heart.
Y = yearning
Ethan is very clingy, so he has a hard time staying away from you for too long. One time you went away for two days, and he called you, crying and saying that he missed you, on the first night. Of course you would rather spend time in your boyfriends arms, than be at a boring college lecture, but Ethan takes it to a whole new level. But of course that’s just one of the reasons why you love him.
Z = Zebra
Ethan has always been a big pet fan, as well as you. You always talked about getting a pet, but that was kinda hard with Grayson in the house. But you guys made a deal that when you had your own house, you would buy all kinds of pets. Even a zebra!
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teditonks-blog · 6 years
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TED TONKS. former healer, current mediwizard. chronic fixer. lover of baked goods. family man. bit of a slob. kinda tired. if there wasn’t a war, ted would be running a bakery and solving crossword puzzles all day.
hello pals !! i’m liz and i also write bellatrix ( ted’s polar opposite™ ty ) !! thank u for coming to my ted talk ♥ it’s a bit long, but i’ve tried to highlight important bits with capital letters / bold letters and stuff so hopefully it should be easier to read!! also i won’t be offended if u don’t read everything obviously since i’ve written a mini essay about teddy : ~ ) ♥
bill weasley ( very chill, that ‘ i could kill you but i definitively won’t ‘ aesthetic, likable, would die for his wife, academic overachiever ),  chidi anagonye ( kinda pretentious, likes riddles, overthinker, a little bit quiet ), terry jeffords ( family guy, probably digs yoghurt, strong and friendly, stays in his own lane ), nick burkhardt ( that ‘ i can’t believe you’ve done this ‘ vibe, moral compass pointing in the right direction most of the time, doesn’t see everything in black and white ), jackson avery ( values kindness, protective of what he loves, willing to fight for what he believes in, tired of stereotypes about his family background ), scott lang ( cheeky jokes when you least expect them, man of honor, would definitively hack a corporation and give back to the wronged workers if the opportunity presented itself ), merlin ( selflessness has no bounds, very smart, tongue in cheek humor, pokes fun at himself ), newt scamander ( can find good in anything, quiet, a little awkward, kind ), nick dunne ( there’s a line where the nice guy ends and something else begins, somehow manages to look like a teddy bear and an asshole at the same time, fiercely loyal until he’s not, pathological smiler ) and ray palmer ( smart, persistent, likes science ).
gimme shelter - the rolling stones // bel air - the church // midnight rambler - the rolling stones // this must be the place ( naive melody ) - talking heads // close to me - the cure.
mick jagger during the late 60s, a quick wink in the corridor as he walks past, hands dug deep into washed out jeans, tears burning in your eyes as someone dies in your arms, the smell of vintage books, waking up screaming, blood splatter on your neck, always carrying medical supplies ( there’s always a fight, somewhere ), the smell of freshly baked cookies, a heart beating out a hummingbird’s melody, soft eyes slowly growing colder, muggle pens behind ears, rock and roll playing from old gramophones, never getting the blood out of your favorite shirt, raised eyebrows, faded hickeys and fake smiles to make someone feel better.
name: edward ambrose tonks nicknames: ted, tedward, teddy occupation: mediwizard former house: ravenclaw date of birth: may 7th age: twenty six +: easy going, altruistic, sharp and kind. -: phlegmatic, guarded, detached and indulgent. wand: 13′’, unicorn hair, acacia wood. patronus: a brown bear.
Ted grew up on Valentia Island, a small muggle town on Ireland. His father was a science teacher, and his mother a mathematician and researcher. He grew up on formulas and numbers and facts and science. Anything that he could make sense of, he found comforting. Like home.
[ Alcoholism tw:// ] Money was always an issue and they could just make ends meet, never any room for luxuries. Though that didn’t stop Ted’s father from finding himself looking down the barrel of a bottle a little bit too much. That also put a strain on the family, and the economics.
His mother, Eliana Tonks ( née McNamara ), mostly worked from home. She balanced her research career in maths ( trying to get published, applying for grants, doing the occasional guest lectures at schools ) with motherhood. She had two children from a previous marriage, both older than Ted. She was a caring mother, but also somewhat unstable, prone to mental breakdowns.
Ted also spent a considerable amount of time with Eliana’s mother, Dorothy McNamara —- and some of Ted’s fondest memories are from her farm, the scent of newly baked cinnamon rolls seemingly always hanging in the air.
Also helped out at her farm a lot and took care of her animals.
[ Alcoholism tw:// ] His father, Brian Tonks, the secondary school science teacher, was mostly just very tired. For years, he constantly worked overtime, took on extra work, barely ever saw his kids or his wife. Still couldn’t quite make ends meet. So he found comfort elsewhere, whiskey numbing his feelings, his soul, his thoughts.
Ted has four SIBLINGS — two older half brothers, and two younger sisters. Pretty early on, Ted took on a lot of responsibility regarding his siblings (really wanted to help his mom out, mostly), and spent countless hours playing with his sisters, taking them out on the ferry, trying to distract them from the problems at home. Ted is great with kids so !!!! That’s that!!!!
The LETTER arrived with a peculiar man on a rainy Monday morning. It was explained to the Tonks family that their middle son, Edward, was a wizard. Brian got a good laugh out of that one. It would take a couple of weeks ( and another few visits ) to convince him that this wasn’t a con. Brian was a man of science after all - and men like him did not believe in magic.
So Ted was shipped off to Hogwarts, and became a HATSTALL ( just for long enough that Ted was sure that the hat had changed his mind about him, send him right back to Ireland ). Stuck between Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, the hat eventually settled on Ravenclaw.
Ted was SHAMELESSLY MUGGLEBORN, from the very start. Homework was written with a pencil, instead of ink, muggle bands could be heard playing from his dorm (mostly the Rolling Stones), his mother sent him issues of national geographic and new scientist, which he read over breakfast at the Ravenclaw table. REBELLING against the wizard norms was 100% Ted’s brand.
But also fully EMBRACED WIZARD CULTURE!!!! Was that kid who always asked questions, tried everything that he could and always craved more!!!
Had a FROG for the first three years at Hogwarts ( called Toad, we love being practical ), and then got a cat instead ( called Neptune ).
During the summers, Ted was enrolled in SUMMER SCHOOL, and took muggle classes.
His FAVORITE CLASS at Hogwarts was probably arithmancy, but he also excelled in charms, herbology and transfiguration.
Attempted to join the QUIDDITCH TEAM during his third year, but didn’t make it. Continued being an avid supporter instead.
While at Hogwarts, Ted was FAIRLY POPULAR. He was always taking care of the younger kids ( even though he was never made prefect ), could be seen wearing jeans and a tshirt on his off days, was quite charming, told cheeky jokes to make people around him smile and overall just gave zero shits about what people thought of him. He was also that big, muscular dude who at first glance, you’d totally expect to be a crude jock, but then he’s not, and instead walks you to your dorm, always the perfect gentleman. Ted was lowkey just everyone’s cool older brother.
Ted was mostly interested in LEARNING. He wanted to learn about everyone around him, about magic, about their history. Also studied his ass off, and was at the top of his class. 
As a person, Ted was always KIND, a nice guy to his very core. But he was also COLD, somehow used to dulling his emotions, his senses, his heart ( he really is his father’s son, isn’t he? ). Instead focusing on other people - their hardship, their emotions, how can he help? He got used to always PUTTING HIMSELF LAST early on, already as a young child, so it was hardly any different at Hogwarts.
Definitively sneaked into the kitchen a couple times a week (and definitively found the house elf situation mortifying too, lbr).
Ted was of the conviction that if he tried hard enough - he could MAKE FRIENDS with anyone. Never met a stranger. Unfortunately that wasn’t quite the case, and he became the target of BULLIES during his first four years at the school. Ted always gave as good as he got though, quickly finding where his kindness ended - and where something darker began.
Had a pretty CAREFREE HOGWARTS EXPERIENCE, overall though? Mostly stayed in his own lane, studied a lot, went to parties, probably read every book in the library. Made a lot of friends but also some enemies. 
Ted graduated with top marks, but had no further great ambitions beyond that. The dream was to open up a BAKERY, run it for a few years, and then move on to the next big thing.  He’s a firm believer in that there is a certain science to the perfect cake - that it takes more than a recipe. He’s also a firm believer in getting to know people, and what better way to do that than over cake, right?
Unfortunately, the war looming on the horizon pulled him in another direction. So after Hogwarts, he studied to become a healer, a work that although meaningful, never really excited him. So he worked at St Mungos for a couple of years, and did what he had always done. Stitched people up, put them back together. Completely detached from what he was doing, everything just felt like PRETEND. He perfected his bedside manner, a false smile always resting on his lips. He pretended not to notice when someone’s dark mark slipped. Everyone’s the same, to Ted, when he’s working. He doesn’t differentiate between the sinners and the saints, the good and the bad. 
After two years at St Mungos, he had a sudden change of heart, and made a swift career change. Hospital was changed in for the battle field as he became a MEDIWIZARD. 
And suddenly, he found himself in the center of the storm. Quickly patching people up, dodging spells, finding body parts. Somehow he finds himself always covered in someone’s blood. Sometimes it’s his own.
10000% uses muggle techniques out in the field too! If it works, why shouldn’t he? 
He only works in the medical field because of NECESSITY. He has no great aspirations to become a high level healer, and the job itself doesn’t draw him in. Though being in the field gets his heart racing, it’s not something he particularly enjoys and he mostly just does it because he wants to HELP. Can’t stand seeing all this mayhem, all this pain. It’s in his very nature to want to pick up the pieces, it doesn’t matter who it is. Ted grew up in an environment where he was the constant fixer of things, the glue that kept the family together, the little diplomat. That never changed.
What did change however was his DRIVE! Over the years, Ted has grown more and more DETACHED from what he does, what he sees. It’s incredibly hard to stay gentle in the society he lives in ( where a large group of people want to see him dead ), so Ted has grown more and more closed off. His heart is still made of gold, but he’s detaching himself from it. Coldness seeping into his bones, his blood. He hasn’t realized it himself, but he stopped properly caring a long time ago. He’s so tired.
LISTEN! These days, the only thing that Ted really, really cares about is his family!! Can you blame him? People want to kill him for who he is and meanwhile all he’s trying to do is save people :/// damn it :///
OKAY SO - let’s talk about THE ORDER!!! Ted helps out, when he can. But he doesn’t directly involve himself in their business, because 1) he suspects that some of his wife’s family members are death eaters, and he doesn’t want to do that to her / to have to fight his extended family. 2) Ted is definitively not a fighter - he’s the fixer, the healer, the guy you go to when you have a problem you can’t quite figure out on your own. 
Aligning himself with a side thus doesn’t feel quite right to him, since he’s out in the field, trying to remain objective, trying to help people on both sides. Not saying it isn’t a challenge, but homeboy is trying!
SO ----- Ted is a big old SOFTIE with a heart of gold. He embodies kindness down to his very core, and there usually isn’t a mean bone in his body. His name suits him well --- Ted is a teddy bear.
Ted is also incredibly TIRED. Years of working right in the middle of the war has taken its toll on him, and he’s getting fed up with all of it, tbh. Not that he’d ever say so. 
At this point though, Ted is starting to become more and more RESERVED, because as a medic, he has seen the things people do to each other, the things they are capable of. It makes him sick, and he’s growing increasingly detached from the people around him because of it.
Though guarded, Ted is pretty OUTGOING still! He just doesn’t let anyone (except for his wife!!!!) too close, anymore. Prefers to keep everyone at a distance. Ted has buried a lot of his friends and he’s getting pretty tired of that too. :/
Ted is so nice that he can be sort of INDULGENT? Lets people get away with a lot, and is overly permissive / forgiving & lenient at a great personal cost.
Also very SELF SACRIFICING. Puts EVERYONE before himself, always. It’s a problem.
Total OVERANALYZER and occasional overthinker. Typical Ravenclaw.
But also very easy going - literally the most chill guy ever. For better or for worse.
Try getting a rise out of this man!!!! You can’t!!! You could literally spit in his face and he’d just wipe it off and continue on with what he was doing. He does not give a single fuck - his skin is made of steel.
Tip: insult his wife / daughter and he might crack!!!
Can be incredibly APATHETIC!! Every now and then, the light in his eyes goes out, flickers and fades, and his usually SOFT HEART grows cold.
With that said, you wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of Ted’s hatred. It’s very rare, but absolutely SEETHING. Ted’s a patient guy. He can wait until the moment is right to strike back, ya feel.
Ted is sort of OBSESSIVE. Especially with the idea of fixing things ---- putting things back together. It stems from his childhood ( which I talked about earlier ). He’s a problem solver, a chronic fixer, a helper. He doesn’t know any other way to be, so he physically can’t stop himself from getting involved. 
In Ted’s mind, there is ALWAYS a solution. ALWAYS. Hence why he is taking this war so hard. He can’t solve a whole war, but he’s having a hard time coming to terms with that. Unfortunately, logic and reason can’t fix this. SUCKS.
[ PTSD tw:// ] Ted is slowly developing PTSD. He is ALWAYS there for the worst parts of the war and its aftermath. He has seen so much. So the nightmares never stop - at this point, they continue when he wakes up too.
In chaotic / dangerous situations, Ted just SHUTS DOWN. Acts on auto pilot. Becomes incredibly stoic, calm, lifeless. Phlegmatic to a fault.
Currently, Ted is mostly just done. #over this war!!
Definitively a vegetarian!!
Favorite color is green.
LOVES cooking and is lowkey an experimental chef? Likes seeing what happens when he adds stuff together.
But leans more towards baking!!! He’s still chasing that perfect cake. There’s a chemical reaction out there, somewhere, that he WILL find. Give him time!
Very Dad!! Loves Dora SO much. Wants to change the world for her.
Quietly teaching Dora math and science at home. Also slowly introducing her to muggle history and muggle technology and muggle music. It’s important to Ted that Dora knows where she comes from. That there is nothing wrong with who she is ( who they are ).
On that note, Ted cares so much about math and science! He loves anything that just makes sense. To this day, Ted will still read science books and magazines. 
LOVES animals and is so good with them too, which he learned when he worked his grandmother’s muggle farm as a teenager !!
Would... adopt ten dogs and five cows if he could.... someone hook this man up....
Doesn’t drink alcohol... yet. Doesn’t want to turn into his dad. I may do something with that later.
Wears a lot of washed out jeans and rolling stones shirts.
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