#andreil foster home for peculiar charity cases
capcavan · 1 year
Andreil foster home for peculiar charity cases - @jtl-fics
@jtl-fics Thank you for help with writing @noomyart <3
Exy career was everything Neil expected it to be, it was his dream come true, his life. But his life no longer had an expiration date. Any missteps he made on the court (Actual missteps, pulled tendons, and torn muscles) followed him off the court.
He was 27, and he already sounded like David did when he needed to sit down on their low set couch. And David was overplaying it just to get an amused but loving glance form Abby, and a kiss on a cheek when she joined him. Neil's back hurt. Most of his bones did. His right arm felt cold and tingly more often than not and keeping his ankle iced was not solving the issue of his inflamed nerve.
But Neil expected that.
What he was not expecting was seeing a mirror for those issues in Andrew. Andrew, who was strong enough to hold the weight of Neil's problems and stand straight. Was. Neil was glad they weren't hiding this, at least. He was glad Kevin wasn't living with them any more to witness as they allowed their bodies to fall apart. Neil, unable to hold a pen long enough to write sentence (Andrew was right about not giving a fuck about autographs). Andrew, unable to hold his own weight, never exactly comfortable with his own spine any more.
How long could they do this to themselves?
Neil looked at Andrew
To each other?
Andrew was already looking at Neil. “I Am not leaving you alone on the court.”
Neil needed to find a way to quit Exy.
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capcavan · 11 months
in for a penny, in for a pound, my last ask is about the Andreil foster home for peculiar charity cases
Andreil foster home for peculiar charity cases PREV amazing beta by @jtl-fics who made this scene made sense and was the mastermind behind the happening Andrew woke up to the early morning light. He tried to adjust to go back to sleep but no matter what position he tried his lower back ached. Back - Bad. Stomach - Uncomfortable. Left side - Wrong. Right side - worst, so bad that Andrew almost let out a perfectly worthless grunt of discomfort. “You don’t have to pretend to be asleep.” He hissed.
Neil turned away from Andrew at the sound of his hiss. Andrew was always crankiest when he was in pain first thing in the morning. Neil could soothe him with a warm bath and a bit of a massage but not when Andrew was trying to pretend it didn’t hurt. He could offer those things later when Andrew has given up and taken his painkillers like a functioning member of society.
“You’re not awake?” Came a voice muffled by their bedroom door before it swung open without so much as a knock.
“Kevin, what the fuck?!” Andrew barked his anger blunting the pain of his lower back enough to stand on his feet without the need for painkillers. His charge had Kevin retreat only a step before Andrew’s back ached and he had to lean on the doorframe for support.
“You’re almost out of almond milk.” Kevin said holding up a mostly empty glass bottle that held just a single gulp’s worth of milk.
Andrew pinched the bridge of his nose, he had enough wrinkles as it. In a way it was impressive how Kevin always managed to sculpt the ever present scowl on Andrew’s face into something worse every time the two of them spoke. Andrew thought briefly that it was a good thing that Kevin didn’t remain an arts student at Edgar Alan.
“I need almond milk. That would make this situation better.” Andrew glowered as his golden eyes met Kevin’s green, “Let’s go get some tree nut milk, that is exactly what I need with the way this morning is going.” He said.
Kevin’s brows furrowed as he looked at Andrew, “Wait, aren’t you allergic to tree nuts?” He asked moving the bottle away from Andrew as if the damage wouldn’t have already been done if that container had ever had almond milk in it.
“Do we not have anymore milk?” Neil asked and Andrew turned abruptly towards him but his anger had faded and the pain was back. He heard a rattle from behind him and turned to see Kevin holding a bottle of his pain medicine. Andrew snatched it and the milk bottle out of his hands as he took the medication with the last swig of the milk.
“We’re out.” Andrew says handing the bottle to Kevin, “Didn’t you move across town?” He asks.
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capcavan · 1 year
I need you to know I ended up rolling one of my d4s to figure out my decision. My Rose embedded d4 chose a Wip Wednesday for your
3. Andreil foster home for peculiar charity cases
I can't wait to read all your writing <3
- @thefoxesraven
<3333 ilu! thnak you so much!!!! @thefoxesraven Beta check by lovely @jtl-fics Andreil foster home for peculiar charity cases (2) PREV
First, there was practice, a skirmish, and then a charity game.
He watched his teammates’ bodies and wondered how much each of them could take before they would break. His eyes lingered on a few knowing that some of them were already past that point years ago now.
“You’re doing it again.” Jean said, he lacked Kevin’s tolerance for Neil’s bullshit. This, of course, included his not at discreet staring and what Jean had derisively called ‘Running Exy Diagnostics’. “Are my stats dropping Capitane?” He said the title derisively, as always.
“Yes.” Neil returned, utterly blunt. In the silence that followed it was easy for Neil to hear someone drop the soap with a curse in the shower room next door.
Jean looked angry enough to start using Neil's past Aliases.
“Your knee hasn’t healed up yet. You should sit out the next game.” Neil continued as if not talking about a death sentence.
“I can play, the doctor said so, the coach said so.” Jean hissed through clenched teeth as he shifted his weight to his injured leg as if to make a point.
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capcavan · 11 months
Andreil foster home for peculiar charity cases!
Andreil foster home for peculiar charity cases PREV Sorry for taking so long have bit longer one also thanks to amazing edits from @jtl-fics <3
It wasn’t as if Andrew had forgotten that Kevin had moved across town, it was more to put a spotlight on the fact that even with the distance it still, apparently, hadn’t been far enough. Not far enough to stop waltzing into their house uninvited as if he were merely walking into another room of his own home. It had been months since he had moved out of their house and into his own when Jean had made the National team. A few months just wasn’t enough to erase habits built through the years. Routines that he had formed his life around, routines built with the help of two, slightly more functional, men. Living at the nest had robbed Kevin of many ‘common’ things. Simple joys like a long hot shower. Mundane annoyances like standing in line at the grocery store. Obvious things like the knowledge that he could just leave his house at any given moment for no reason. Sensible things like remembering to set up automatic bill payments for his insurance and his car payments.
Kevin had admitted that it hurt whenever his own father’s face twisted whenever Kevin struggled with these ‘common’ things. Wymack was a man who purposefully surrounded himself with tragedy and still was gutted every single time he saw it. Wymack agonized over every hurt kid and Kevin, now 30, was pretty tired of feeling like an injured child. So Andrew had remained Kevin’s go-to person. Most of the time Andrew didn’t even mind it. The big 2 story house with a fenced private garden was Kevin’s playground where he could learn to function and Andrew and Neil had both taken pride in being the family Kevin turned to. “…I was in the neighbourhood, so I thought that I’d make you both a healthy breakfast.” Kevin forges on with the obvious lie and Andrew’s too tired this Sunday morning to contradict him. They all knew that there was no reason for Kevin to be around. There was no ‘in the neighbourhood’ for Kevin Day a man who could only go outside if he had a task. “The closest store is an hour away Kevin.” Andrew reminds Kevin as if the man had not bitched about it mightily when he had lived there. “We could go together and get groceries?” Kevin suggests because he also knows that Sunday morning is when him and Neil usually peel themselves off one another to go buy their groceries for the week. It was funny that Kevin had clung onto this tradition more tightly than any of the others since he’d been the one who had initially put forth the idea of getting groceries delivered. Andrew and Neil had rejected the idea outright both too used to lives where they saved every penny and never wanting hired help to nose around in their private business. If Andrew set something down somewhere then he wanted to be able to categorically blame Neil if it wasn’t where he left it.
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capcavan · 11 months
Wip game! [status:OPEN]
Sent name of the wip and get a snippet in exchange! [100 words minimum Can sent multiples! (i will be seriously grateful for it it will help me actually write stuff ) MASTERPOST 1. Roadkill canon divergence riko does not get shot/ canon typical TW's currently on hold i need to plan it out better 2. Ship of Theseus AU in which riko left the nest at age of 18 and regretted it ever since /topics of self harm suicide grooming / slow burn recovery , very miserable but hopeful 3. Andreil foster home for peculiar charity cases slow burn recovery 4. Badger in fox den in which neil regrets not shutting up 5. Tsundere Maid Jean Jean works at tsundere maid cafee to pay off debt 6. Sex is something other people have some posts for this one will have mature content filter on- sexual themes ! (check your content filter settings to not miss the posts) Will reblog with a snippet later after i get it looked over by a friend <3
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capcavan · 9 months
i made space in my shedule i am fuckging ready
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capcavan · 1 year
Since I started personal writing challenge (1k words a day Ash invited me to play the ww uvu ) game by @/ kedreeva's
It’s WIP Wednesday (except it's Sunday bc I need headstart and to see what to focus on), time for a little accountability, sharing your work, and getting a kick in the pants.
Here’s how it works:
In a reblog of this post (so people can find you in the notes) or new thread (w/ rules attached) if you want to play on your own, post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to play!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can't share from (for example, an event or gift fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post. I’ll be searching the reblogs to find people to send asks to!
If you’re reading this, you’re invited! If you see someone posting a WIP Wednesday Game snippet, send them an ask! Make them write. Feel free to sent multiple asks All of them contain Riko as centrepiece
1. Roadkill canon divergence riko does not get shot/ canon typical TW's 2. Ship of Theseus AU in which riko left the nest at age of 18 and regretted it ever since /topics of self harm suicide grooming / slow burn recovery , very miserable but hopeful 3. Andreil foster home for peculiar charity cases slow burn recovery 4. Badger in fox den in which neil regrets not shutting up
big thanks to @noomyart for being my beta bc my english sucks and @jtl-fics for writing advice and creative support and any support I ever need
Snippet from Badger in fox den Riko was a fox now. Only by name though. Really, he was just a badger wanting to wait out the winter in their den. But even that wasn’t true, because the Fox Tower was off limits to him. After allegedly murdering Seth, supposedly breaking Kevin's hand and serving Andrew few weeks worth of psychological torture, he didn’t expect anything else. What confused him more, was his brother. His brother who looked much taller in person, more so because Riko never before felt so small and exposed, as he sat on the chair in the middle of the room. His arm ached as the drugs he was given wore off by now. He held onto the pain to keep himself whole, much more used to its presence than absence. “Ichirou,” he choked out with glossy eyes. Because his brother finally came to save him, the culmination of a lifetime of dreams shattered though with the press of cold metal to his temple. But the shot did not come, because in that moment the money and resources Riko sunk over the years for his senseless power plays were outweighed by the possibility that some of his blood could find a way on Ichirou’s pristine suit. Neil looked disappointed, even before Riko took another underserved breath, or Ichirou made a motion to pull the gun away. Neil could tell that the man who held their lives in his palm never killed someone with his hands, never saw the gruesome display The Butcher had forced them to witness. No, the Lord specialized in different kinds of pain. The disappointment turned into regret when Lord Moriyama looked back at him. Because now Riko was thrown to the Foxes, the Nest was closed, and Palmetto became the new patronage project of the Moriyamas.
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capcavan · 1 year
Fanfic snippets
1. Roadkill canon divergence riko does not get shot/ canon typical TW's (1) (2) 2. Ship of Theseus AU in which riko left the nest at age of 18 and regretted it ever since /topics of self harm suicide grooming / slow burn recovery , very miserable but hopeful (1) (2) (3) (4) 3. Andreil foster home for peculiar charity cases slow burn recovery (1) (2) (3) (4) 4. Badger in fox den in which neil regrets not shutting up (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 5.Sex is something other people have (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
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