#andrew fun fact: his voice claim is spongebob.
derpy-thebdayclown · 1 year
Info on Tiffany and Andrew ? This pannel has me intrigued. Also sorry if me asking you about your ocs is annoying
it isnt annoying!! i LOVE talking about my ocs i actually get so excited about these asks!!! i appreciate them deeply hehe
tiffany is in sewing & knitting camp, she’s your stereotypical angry goth girl character lol. she’s very snarky and sarcastic, but is mainly popular in camp because she’s “cool”. tiff loves knitting, she’s almost always knitting, it calms her down when she is mad (which is often lol). she’s pretty confident in herself except for 2 things, which is the fact she has a speech impediment and the fact that she naturally has curly blonde hair (😨, a secret nobody can ever find out /j).
anyways, she’s mean and a teeny bit aggressive if she truly dislikes you. which leads to andrew
andrew is music camp’s sole member! …which is unfortunate, because he sucks at playing anything. he doesn’t know why he joined, he was just excited about going to a summer camp. he’s an incredibly goofy guy. alas, everyone hates him because he is too silly… no, he’s just incredibly annoying and clingy. it bothers a lot of campers to the point where they cannot stand him for long periods of time, because andrew will just talk their ears off.
andrew has a big ole crush on tiffany (he has a crush on a lot of people) and tiffany HATES HIS GUTS!! so she’s constantly childishly threatening him or attempting to lead him to his demise. fortunately andrew seems to be allergic to dying, so he hasn’t yet!
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