#hes fine! (hes not)(he’s still smilin tho)
derpy-thebdayclown · 1 year
Info on Tiffany and Andrew ? This pannel has me intrigued. Also sorry if me asking you about your ocs is annoying
it isnt annoying!! i LOVE talking about my ocs i actually get so excited about these asks!!! i appreciate them deeply hehe
tiffany is in sewing & knitting camp, she’s your stereotypical angry goth girl character lol. she’s very snarky and sarcastic, but is mainly popular in camp because she’s “cool”. tiff loves knitting, she’s almost always knitting, it calms her down when she is mad (which is often lol). she’s pretty confident in herself except for 2 things, which is the fact she has a speech impediment and the fact that she naturally has curly blonde hair (😨, a secret nobody can ever find out /j).
anyways, she’s mean and a teeny bit aggressive if she truly dislikes you. which leads to andrew
andrew is music camp’s sole member! …which is unfortunate, because he sucks at playing anything. he doesn’t know why he joined, he was just excited about going to a summer camp. he’s an incredibly goofy guy. alas, everyone hates him because he is too silly… no, he’s just incredibly annoying and clingy. it bothers a lot of campers to the point where they cannot stand him for long periods of time, because andrew will just talk their ears off.
andrew has a big ole crush on tiffany (he has a crush on a lot of people) and tiffany HATES HIS GUTS!! so she’s constantly childishly threatening him or attempting to lead him to his demise. fortunately andrew seems to be allergic to dying, so he hasn’t yet!
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lehoodbotanistrx · 5 years
*Part 3*
Divine was 6’2, muscular build and had the smoothest dark caramel skin I had ever saw for a man and as if that wasn't enough he had my abuela’s gray eyes.. like I said; Divine was fine.
Its been almost 9 years and I still hate the rain, but scared money don't make no money.. and well neither does traumatized money. Truth is I was traumatized but instead of letting it break me I used that shit to continue Divines’ legacy. Shit all I remember is running into the living-room with B and POP! That quick Divine was gone and so was my childhood. I still remember the warm feeling of his blood on face, the salty metallic taste of his blood on my lips the look on his face shit..
STORMI?! Whats wrong?!
“I cant breathe, I cant breathe B I cant ...”
9 years later.. I can still taste his blood.
“Stormi, you sure you dont want me to finish these runs today? Juice on his way with ya favorite pack of woods and some new fruity shit. Chuckles you know his ass always got some weird name for his shit haha!”
Is Juice Bringin’ Zeek with him?
“Yea dont he always bring Zeek with him??”
You Right!
(Burst out laughing)
You and Juice can make the last couple moves and ion know maybe ill entertain Zeek for once. Make his dreams comes true hahaha
“Yo you so dumb! Haha! Well at least I know when we come back if he smilin like a kid in the candy store why”
Yes Bitch, today I am the candy store.
Zeek was sexy no doubt about it, without having to ask bitches were ready to pop they pussy. Not Stormi tho; for these niggas? Ha! I show them no love. Beyond looking good thou Zeek was a valuabe asset to my empire, he was loyal and knew how to make some of the baddest bitches submit & for me...but how today going Stormi might submit to him..maybe not. But I might let him eat my pussy. I dont submit to anything but one thing and you guessed it..MONEY!
I knew it was Zeek because my pussy always got wet when he came around. Not because of his fine ass looks but because aint nothin more exciting than a nigga coming threw to make me money.
“Wassup Stormi”
Heeyy Zeek, You lookin like money as usual. How you feelin?
“im ight, Better now” Zeek licks his lips
Oh really? & why is That?
“You know the moves, we bout to double up Shorty”
MMM, I like that… Where’s Jui..
Ayeee bro! Whats Good yo! (Hugs)
“shit, B rang and said you aint feelin to hot so I figured if ya 2 favorite people came through things would be different; feel me?”
“Ayo B Hurry ya ass up we got moves to make!”
I’m coming damn, you know I had to make sure I had all my shit right.
“Ight sissy, we out enjoy the candystore..”* winks *
“You going somewhere without me Stormi?” (licks lips)
“Nah, today you gon cum with me Zeek..Lets go upstairs & Roll another spliff”
Zeek almost choked mid inhale when I told him I wanted to relocate. I saw the change in his eyes I felt the lust build in the air the energy was different just that quick.
“ladies first” he said with that tone.. Zeek just had this tone to his voice when he was talking business that always got my pussy wet.. so I did just what he instructed and led the way up the stairs, or what I like to refer to it as “ the staircase to heaven”.. I mean thats where Goddesses lay they head right? Ight then.. stick with me..
Stay tuned for Part 4
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montagues-starlight · 5 years
Tag game!
:0 thanks for the tag @silentlyfangirlingselfshipper !!!
Rules; Once you’ve answered everything, tag 10 bloggers you want to know more about!
Name/Alias: Just Katie! My actual name is Kaitlynn but I prefer Katie, as that’s what I’ve always gone by!
Hair Color: Dark Brown! Like when it’s wet it looks black hfhfhf
Zodiac Sign: Taurus!
Height: 5’5! I’ve been told before that I’m 5’3 or 5’4, but the most I’ve been told is I’m 5’5, so that’s what I go by! My doctors always varied on my height :\
Hobbies: I like drawing, writing, and collecting plushies! Oh and playing video games! One of my favorite things to talk about though is programming!!
Favourite Color(s): Orange!! I’ve always loved that color~
Favorite Books: MayBird and The Everafter has always been a comfort favorite! It actually started my interest in writing (my first writing was a fanfic— you can ask if you’d like but it’s.... hvfjbfh I wrote it in 4th grade I’ll leave it at that—)
Last Song I Listened To: BFF from the Spongebob Musical— it’s been stuck in my head all day
Last Movie Watched: I think the Child’s Play remake?? Yeah I’m pretty sure it was that.
Things I Love: hfhbfhfgh my friends(+) for one and my family as well! Self shipping, my stuffed bunny Jaxa, I don’t wanna ramble but those were the first things that came to mind!
What Brings Me Peace: definitely talking to my friends+ (the plus includes the guy I’m teeeechnically dating- forgot to mention that above). Seeing any butterfly at all, but specifically blue monarchs as they represent my mom (who passed away 4 years ago), my religion, and drawing! Oh and listening to music!
Meaning Behind My URL: nothin much really. I wanted something kinda catchy? Idk something easy to remember. I guess my personality can be “glowing” so that part of my url represents my optimism. Selfships is self explanatory hfhbfhvf
- I’ve had Jaxa since I was 1! I got her at one of those Walmart photo shoot things and I’ve had her ever since!
- While its still just “technically” dating (tho my friends say there’s no technically and we are in fact dating), the relationship I’m in is the first relationship I have ever had.
- I have literally no clue what my heritage is or my family’s medical history, as I was adopted and my birth mom never knew my birth dad. I could get a dna test but I’ve never gotten around to it.
I’ll tag @two-pairs-of-blue-eyes @bittersweet-n-smilin @rance-rance-revolution @selfshippingalien @dumb-kaiju-in-love @slugs-self-ships @macabre-corvid-grim @makaramiracles @olliesselfshipblog and whoever else wants to do this! If you don’t want to then that’s fine as well ^^
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thefanggang · 6 years
CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT MEME repost. do not reblog.
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FULL NAME: Jack Drake. Don’t ever call him Mr. Drake, though-- records of his mortal surname exist, but its not going to impress him. Just ‘Jack’. Don’t even include the Smilin’, that’s just an adjective to describe his expression more often than not.
GENDER & SEXUALITY: Cis male, pansexual. Prefers women. It is worth noting that he doesn’t label himself as pan; he actually just doesn’t care. 
ETHNICITY & SPECIES: Vampire. Specifically from Clan Leather Jacket Brujah.
BIRTHPLACE & BIRTHDATE: Both unknown. Both he and David like keeping their secrets about their origins. I place Jack as being from the Emerald Isle and from the year 1611, and I can tell you he’s a Sagittarius. 
GUILTY PLEASURES: He has none, because he’s a pretty open book about the things he enjoys.
PHOBIAS: Well fire, simply because-- all Kindred are terrified of it inherently because the Beast is-- but Jack, like many of his clan, also enjoys setting fires, so he has a sick fascination with it, I suppose you could say. Sunlight, but that one goes without saying.
WHAT THEY WOULD BE INFAMOUS FOR: The better question is, what isn’t Jack infamous for? His Trick is infamous. His name is infamous. Even his action of blowing up LaCroix and Venture Tower is infamous.
WHAT HAVE THEY/WOULD THEY HAVE GOTTEN ARRESTED FOR: If he could be? Assault, various degrees of murder, slaughtering the entire ship crew on the Elizabeth Dane, various counts of property damage and vandalism, arson, conspiracy....
CHARACTER YOU SHIP THEM WITH: To be frank, I don’t know. I can see him with a lot of muses, but at the same time, Jack.... is never going to be always be around, if that makes sense? You really can’t depend on him not to just up and disappear one night, only to turn back up five years later. That’s the sort of guy he is, so it doesn’t really make for lasting relationships. As long as that’s understood, or its kept casual, then fine. But a deeply devoted relationship, I’m really unsure about the requirements there, other than knowing they’re going to have to be able to take care of themselves -- they will have the Camarilla, the Sabbat, and anyone else who has a problem with Jack coming after them. There’s also going to be a lot of omission on his part, about what he does, where he goes, who he speaks to, etc. Again, doesn’t make well for healthy...ness.
CHARACTER MOST LIKELY TO MURDER THEM: Strauss, or someone at equal power to him, is the only one I see capable of actually being able to do it. I also don’t see Jack going up against any other character I might name. (As an aside: not even Okulos, if Jack hadn’t known his death was for the Greater Good of the thin bloods. He let himself die canonically.)
FAVOURITE BOOK GENRE: Jack doesn’t care to stop and read. Sure, its great, when he’s got the time-- but when does he have the time? (*And no, it wouldn’t be feckin’ pirates, if he did read in his downtime.)
TALENTS OR POWERS: Suffice it to say, Jack has crossed enough paths that he’s picked up many tricks over the decades; the one people know him for is a combination of the Dominate and Obfuscate Disciplines, both of which he was taught as they are not typical Disciplines for his clan. Neither is the Thaumaturgy he can do-- specifically, he can do the Lure of Flames. He’s also a Brujah, so he is incredibly strong.
WHY SOMEONE MIGHT LOVE THEM: He’s a very mellow guy, for a Brujah and in his own way. (Meaning the Rage comes out in other ways.) He’s also one of the less judgmental Kindred in game.
WHY SOMEONE MIGHT HATE THEM: Uhhhh, because there’s every chance he could manipulate them into doing something for him without ever asking for a boon to be repaid? Because he’s Anarch scum and proud of that? Because he’s a slimy fuck even if he is fighting for what /he/ thinks is better? Take your pick.
HOW THEY CHANGE: Jack never changes. In fact, if we’re talking in present time, and I’m allowed to say Jack is aware of everything going on currently in Los Angeles? He would be disappointed as shit in how complacent the Anarchs have become, and how nothing they all did seemed to fucking matter overall. The Camarilla were still in LA, still /are/ in LA, They caused the Second Inquisition, worse still. Meanwhile Nines has just sat back and seemed to take this, and their coterie appears to not be ANYTHING like the one he knew, according to Nines himself-- oh, he’s mad. He’s so mad, y’all. I’m mad about WW erasing him, but he’s mad at the sorry state of things. And they still treat thin bloods like shit, what the fuck did he die for.
WHY YOU LOVE THEM: Read this whole thing, every answer to every question. That’s why. Also, he is the only one in game who always remains relatively neutral to you no matter what decisions you make, like he’s the one who will still talk to you even if you’re fucking over the Anarchs. (He may not be nice about it, tho.)
Tagged by: @omercuri (thanks!) Tagging: @barbiebclle, @crackedmxgic, @ncwhxrx, @sacredandwild (jewel), @duskconsumed, @akindredmausoleum, anyone who wants to, just say i tagged you!
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killian-whump · 6 years
OUAT 2x06: Rewatch Blog
Heeey everybody! Welcome to my rewatch liveblog of episode 2x06, “Tallahassee”. This one’s about the capital of Florida, which is called ‘The Sunshine State’ because there’s a lot of sunshine there when alligators aren’t eating you and/or meth addicts aren’t eating your face off.
Wait, what? Oh, my research team has just informed me that this episode isn’t actually about Florida at all - it’s about beanstalk adventures and flashbacks to Emma’s history with Neal. So no alligators most likely. Okay.
Well, let’s get started!
Well, this is off to a great start already! Every episode should start with Killian Jones tied up in some way, shape, or form. Nice!
“Freakier than I remembered from the story.” YOU AIN’T KIDDING.
“Reminds me of death.” Whoa, now that’s a little melodramatic.
Awww, lookit his face D: “Please untie me missus” *flails at him*
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Mmm... Angry untying. That’s nice. The leather’s back. Saucy Hook, yay. “Don’t be afraid to, you know, really get into it.” Haha, he’s so cute <3
Flashback Emma’s glasses really bug me. Like, we see NO sign of poor eyesight in any of the young Emma flashbacks, and no signs of poor vision in present day Emma. It’s like she developed poor eyesight for an isolated year or two in her late teens and it just... cleared up?
Oh, I know, I know, she could’ve switched to contacts. Right. However, we see no evidence of that, either. No glasses in the morning or late at night. No issues with spending an extended time in the Enchanted Forest without access to either glasses or proper contact lens care. No vision impairment on Princess Emma in S6 who wouldn’t have access to glasses OR contacts, etc, etc.
So maybe Lasik surgery? Okay, but how would she have access to an expensive medical procedure that insurance didn’t cover (assuming she even HAD insurance, which, given her age and financial situation, is doubtful)?
It’s like the writers gave her glasses as a cute little character quirk in this awkward “ugly duckling” stage of her life without having any idea how glasses and bad vision actually work. Which would be ridiculous, considering Adam and Eddy both fucking wear glasses.
...and then they went and did it again with Robin in S7. No glasses on her primary persona, but her cursed persona needs them to see. And after the curse is broken... she still apparently needs them. WTF, show?!
Okay, but that outfit is super cute, glasses and all.
Yellow Bug origin story, guys! Is there a ship name for Emma and her car? Like, SwanBug or something? There should be if there isn’t. It’s so pure <3
Hahaha, Neal, you little shit. That grin of his is kinda cute.
Not sure why antis pick on that line of Neal’s about women. I mean, I’m not a huge fan of his, but it’s pretty obvious he’s reading the cop and (correctly) guessing on how to play him to get him to let them off. And Emma even calls him on it immediately - and he basically implies that’s exactly what he was doing. Antis don’t make any sense sometimes.
Okay, not as cute now... kinda smarmy. (Hi Ashley!)
Aaaaaaaaaaaand back to the beanstalk!
Oh, they kinda are getting really into it, aren’t they? Haha.
You know, I find it really hard to believe that Killian Jones would ever use the phrase “Tick, Tock” in casual speech. I’m just saying.
“I was hoping it’d be you.” :D
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ “Don’t think I’m taking my eyes off you for a second.”
“I would despair if you did.” ∩(︶▽︶)∩
One of my favorite Captain Swan moments riiiiight here:
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And he follows after her like an eager puppy. Total subbie.
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*sips beverage* Still climbing, huh? Seriously, though. Did they climb that far without talking at all? Or did Hook just chatter endlessly the whole time? Somebody better have written a fic of him babbling at her for hours.
“I love a challenge!” Hee hee! <3
“That’s not perception, that’s eavesdropping.” And he doesn’t deny it, lol.
“No, I’ve never been in love.” Okay, but she’s obviously lying. That’s a terribly transparent lie, Emma. You can do better.
The sniffing face, heehee.
That’s a pretty good ruse, though. I mean, really. People just sort of trust expectant parents. Although I’m sure it worked better 10 years ago than it would today.
Imagine if she’d pointed higher up. “Our future awaits us in... Detroit.” “Umm, lemme point again.” “No, no, that first point was legally binding.”
“I don’t really... sleep now.” Oh, sure. That’s normal.
This scene’s kinda boring :/
♫ Welcome to the laaaaaaaaaand of CGI and Giiiiiiiiiiiants ♫
“What happened here?” I mean, he kinda told you earlier in the episode.
“Giants can smell blood... and I’m always a gentleman.” <3
The cheerful way he says, “It’s rum!” XD
...and now my entire female reproductive system has died. That is the seventh time this month, dammit. This man is a menace.
Milah angst. Someone hold me T_T
I kinda don’t care about Neal’s problems.
I like this shade of lipstick on Emma, though. Okay, actually, I just like that shade of lipstick. Fun KW fact: Whenever I’m out and buy a new shade of lipstick, when I get home, I always discover it’s the same as all the other shades of lipstick I’ve bought, thinking they were different and so pretty. They’re all this color.
Colin sounds weird when he says, “You ready?”
You swing that bone, big guy! The things this show had him do XD
...It’s Jorge!!! :D Hi Jorge!!! :D I love him! I loved him on Lost, too. He’s just got such a lovely smile. He not smilin’ now, tho. Looks kinda grumpy.
“You big git!” Hahaha, that’s the best he’s got, apparently XD “You wanna kill a human, eh? You wanna kill a human?” The way Colin says “human” here makes me laugh for some reason, and he does it twice XD “Come on!”
“Come on then! Come on then!” I wonder if Colin’s flashing back to that role he played as a football hooligan in Love Is the Drug XD
Him popping up. This scene is so silly and ridiculous. I confess, it’s not one of my favorites, because it kinda borders on cringey in it’s ridiculousness, but it’s also unintentionally hilarious, so...
She’s so relieved <3
This is a good scene. I don’t have much to say about it, but it’s a good scene. Laying the groundwork for the big reveal of Henry being in the room. Ooooh. Also, I love Snow looking after Aurora.
And Aurora’s tiara or hair decorations or... whatever that is... is so pretty.
“What’s your rush?” Hahaha, you adorable idiot. “How long do you think magic knock out powder lasts?” “I’ve no clue,” as he sniffs coins like a derelict. “That’s my rush.” Like, why does she even have to explain this to him? XD
“Everything we need is right in front of us!” Everyone always turns this into some kind of big CS line, but I always thought it just... triggered a memory for Emma, hence the segue into the next flashback. They weren’t even really facing each other when he said it, so I don’t think it was intended to be foreshadowing. Just my opinion, though. Not legally binding :P
Nice sword, Jack. Not pompous at all.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Epic scene alert. “That’s a plausible excuse for grabbing me, but next time, don’t stand on ceremony.” Yooou fucking idiot <3
EAR SCRATCH *jumps on him* *rides him home*
Yeah, I know. All the liveblogs are gonna be like this. I’m so sorry.
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Emma, too, is wondering what she’s gotten herself into. “Oh no. He’s sexy and absolutely ridiculous all at once. I am so fucked.” I think this was the moment she realized she liked him. That fucking menace.
Ugh. This train is just speeding towards derailment D: I hate storylines like this, when you just know the shoe’s gonna drop and-
Uh huh. Here’s August now, dropping shoes all over the place.
That drove me nuts the first time, not knowing what was in the fucking box.
And why did she have to go to jail? Like, dump her, leave her alone, fine, but sending her to jail is a bit... extra, isn’t it?
Ah, she’s so broken :( Alexa, play Despacito.
“Try something new, darling. It’s called trust.”
WHUMP! It’s whump!!! Buried in Rock Rubble Whump!!! :D
She’s even more panicked this time. Nice.
Jorge is mad.
Hahaha, I can’t stop seeing Jen in the green donut, though.
This scene is all pretty great, really. I forgot I was liveblogging.
Sweet, summer child. You’re so enamored with Emma and the compass and... Aw, geez. This is why Colin’s a menace. It doesn’t matter who he’s playing or what you think of them. He puts these faces on and tugs your heartstrings and suddenly you’re like, “Oh, look at this sweet, sincere little nugget!”
And then this happens...
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And then his voice shakes a little. “What are you doing?”
“Emma... Look at me. Have I told you a lie?” D:
“Why do this to me now?”
“You’re just gonna leave me here to die? Let that beast eat me, to crush my bones?” T_T
“SWAAAAN!!!!” He’s so fucking scared D: I died.
I love how Aurora’s the only one who asks about Hook XD
Congratulations. You get a car. And a baby. When you get out of jail.
...and the end! PEW PEW PEW!!! <3
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part 5
Will POV
Will is sitting down to eat breakfast with Guy. He's got the usual of toast and juice, not feeling confident venturing into the local delicacies this morning, and Guy is making do with a large black coffee. They hadn't really talked much, as Guy seemed to be engrossed in reading some book on mechanical stuff, but as Jonny shakily slipped into the seat next to Guy the two look at each other worriedly. Jonny is staring into the distance and alternates between shuddering and a horrified expression.
"Jon, are you OK?" Will starts.
"Yep. Sure. Great... I'm great." Jonny doesn't look great. There's no colour in his cheeks but green and Will can see this heighten as he glances at the food on the table. Will is about to say something else when Jonny makes a low sound of disgust and folds his arms across the table, resting his face on top staring directly downward the "eugghhh" sounds emaninating almost like sobbing. Guy tries to lighten the mood.
"So, did you fix your guitar yet?" The noises get louder and higher pitched. Guy just rolls his eyes, chugs the remainder of his coffee and stalks off to his room. Will is awkwardly patting Jonny on the back from across the table.
"Why don't you go and see where Y/N is at, that'll cheer you up." Jonny's red-flushed face springs up instantly.
"I'd rather not thanks!" With this it instantly descends back onto his arms. Will frowns, not quite knowing what to do.
"Look Jon, just tell me what's bothering you so much." His voice hardens. "Is it Chris?" Jonny says something but all Will hears is a mumble through arms and table. "Try that again?"
"I said, yes - if you must know." Wills eyes narrow.
"Has he done something to Y/N?" A ruby blush forms on Jonny's cheeks and the guitarists face contorts in almost pain.
"I guess you could say that." Wills heart drops, it better not be what it sounds like.
"Does... Did Chris book Y/N her own room?" Jonny hesitates and then shakes his head. 
"It...um... Didn't look like it" Will looks entirely unimpressed, bordering on angry and Jonny gives up holding back and lets it all spill out. "OhgodWillitwassohorrible... I mean he's my best friend and I DID NOT NEED TO...Eugh it just feels so wrong and Y/N
..." His head half slams against the table as he whines into it. "I never needed to see that, I've seen enough of that girl... Oh god it feels illegal and I ... I" Will calmly let's Jonny finish his outburst and as he sags, deflated, into his chair let's his expression rest into that of cold calm calculation. Jonny clocks it. "Are..um.. are you OK Will?" Will doesn't respond, simply places down the piece of toast he was eating and takes a deep breath inward, nostrils flaring. Jonny looks more and more concerned the more seconds pass without Will moving. Suddenly the reason for Will’s emotional state dawns on him and he swallows, hard.  Will is silently cursing himself for trusting his front man and supposed friend. He has to work hard to suppress all the emotions that come to mind when he considers him... Doing that. Will wants you protected, Will wants you safe, Will does not want Chris' hands all over you. That man needs to be forced to control himself if he can't manage it himself, he thinks darkly and his expression turns slightly sinister, whatever it takes.
"Right before we finish up, has anyone got anything else to add?" Just as Will asks Chris stumbles through the door, a red slap mark visible on his cheek. He falls into one of the empty chairs and Will stares daggers at him across the table. Jonny rolls his eyes and gets up to leave. 
"Aren't we meant to be doing the set list?" Chris asks. Will scoffs and also leaves his chair.
"Yeah, two hours ago. I don't have time to wait, Guy can fill you in." With that and a tell tale nostril flare, the drummer leaves the room - with Jonny hot on his heels. Guy looks with curiosity at Chris' injury.
"Who'd you piss off this time?" Chris winces at the memory.
"Well I thought one of the girls from catering was into me." He grimaces. "She was not into me." Guy laughs at this, raising his eyebrows at his friend.
"Dude I swear you have no game." Chris' eyes glint dangerously.
" 'S not what that girl from the party would say. What was her name again... Monica? Was it Monica? Something like that." Guy's smile has been wiped entirely off his face at the memory of Chris swooping in on a girl he'd had a crush on for months and collecting a token one night stand to add to his collection. He tried to not let Chris see how much the comment affected him and attempts a jibe back.
"She was pissed and a slag Chris, not exactly an achievement. Just accept it, girls don't just fall at your feet anymore. You've lost it." Chris squares his jaw challengingly.
"Pick me out any sober, normal girl you like and I'll prove you wrong Berryman." Guy smirks back.
"I think I'll take you up on that"
 "Left hand side, about 15 people along - the one by herself with the eyes"
Chris had half a plan. He'd make sure to pay special attention to the girl during the concert, then he'd either try and catch her as she left, or try and get her backstage somehow - he hadn't quite decided. Guy had been as difficult as possible in choosing a girl pretty far into the show so he'd have to work fast. He moved quickly toward the left-hand side of the stage, trying to look casual. His eyes contacted hers as he sang and moments later he saw her collapse directly onto the ground. Oh.
  Give me one, cause one is best
In confusion, confidence
Give me strength, reserve control
Give me heart and give me soul.
~~An extract from Politik by Coldplay
 You had known fully well that by not taking clothes into the bathroom you'd have to walk across half your hotel room in only a towel, and yet you did it anyway. You tried to ignore the way Chris' eyes darkened as you slid from behind the door and instead focused on making it to your suitcase. As you went to bend down to open it you felt a very warm, very male, body behind you. Chris wraps his arms around you from behind and hums happily into your ear, sending shivers down your spine. You try to restrain yourself and catch a glance of the clock, reading 9:57.
"Um Chris?" You squeak and he hums again in response. "Don't you have a band meeting at 10?" You feel his arms tense slightly before relaxing once again.
"I can think of things I'd rather do." His words so close to your ear are almost unbearable but you don't want him to fall out with his friends and have to fight your urges.
"They'll be pissed.” You remind him and he doesn't respond. "Chris, I promise I'll make it up to you." You lean your head back to rest on his chest. "Later." You see the deliberation in his eyes and as you look up at him he heavily brings his mouth down on yours for a quick, hard kiss.
"mmm…You better." With that he gently releases you and begins to pull on clothes.
 You take so long dressing you miss breakfast, which disappoints you greatly. Chris and the band have already taken off to prepare the stage for tonight and as Chris promised to send a car for you this evening you find yourself with not much to do to fill your time. You try and write something in the diary you've been failing to keep for years but can't really think of anything good - and you keep getting interrupted by texts from Chris.
 SEXY: don't think I'll forget about ur promise darling xx
YOU: wouldn't dream of it :-p xx
SEXY: this sound check is so boring xx
SEXY: will is driving me up the wall xx
YOU: play nice and u might get rewarded ;-) xx
SEXY: what u do to me is worrying xxx
YOU: good, I hope? xx
SEXY: you don't know the half of it xx
SEXY: play nice and you might find out xxx
You sigh. If you didn't change the subject soon you'd lose all control you had left.
YOU: is Jonny OK? xx
SEXY: won't talk about it to me xD xx
SEXY: will is v. pissy tho, idk y xx
YOU: b extra nice. xx
SEXY: I'll tryyy xx
 Will was so kind and lovely to you, you couldn't understand why he and Chris had so many altercations. You'd never seen any in the flesh, but Chris always seemed to be moaning about Will doing something or another - though mostly just in passing. He didn't really talk about his friends much in the present tense, at least not to you. He told you old tour stories and tales from his university days, but nothing recent. Nothing even slightly recent. You guessed that maybe they'd all got a bit more responsible on this tour, and so hadn't done much worth telling and so hadn't really been bothered by it. You did find it sometimes hit you that Chris was 29, compared to your 19. He sometimes made references for things before you were born and you worried that he would easily bore of you and your immature ways. To you he seems so sophisticated and organised, he knows what he wants to do in his life and is right in the middle of doing it. He knows all about fine wine, fancy dining, can speak multiple languages - he's just so grown up. The last boy who had been interested in you tried to win your favour with a game of beer pong, so this was certainly a step up. You hold Chris in the highest esteem, he is measured, controlled, kind and yet so fun and spontaneous at the same time. He is just as perfect as you always thought he would be and it is like a dream to be with him.
 SEXY: do you have the dress on you? Xx
 Shit. Totally forgot about that.
 YOU: how bad would it be for me to say no? xx
SEXY: a problem easily solved babe xx
SEXY: a lady can't wear the same dress twice anyway xx
Oh god, what was he going to do.
YOU: I got some stuff to wear dw xx
SEXY: leave it with me xx
YOU: Chris I can dress myself :-P xx
SEXY: ur job is to put the clothes on xx
SEXY: I endeavour to undo ur hard work xx
SEXY: so I may as well provide the clothes ;-) xx
 Well you can’t say no to that.
 You leave Chris' hotel room and catch a glance at yourself in the mirror as you do. The fuchsia silk, box pleat dress barely grazes your knees and your white ankle strap heels give you an extra inch of height you're not used to. You had been slightly worried when the concierge had arrived with the fancy "Nanushka" box - a store you had seen the outside out from your taxi ride and resolved that you'd never have enough money to enter - but the dress was beautiful and you had text Chris to try and thank him. Sure, he hadn't replied yet, but the car would be here soon so you had to get a move on. You had discovered the pockets seen into the sides of your dress, and so slipped your still silent phone inside as you let the door lock shut behind you.  Your hair is gently flowing in a sheet behind you, with two small plaits emerging by your temples and meeting at the back of your head to hold it back. You had managed to remember your makeup when you packed, so your eyelids are dusted with white and silver and your lips darkened slightly. You have never been amazing at full makeup transformations, but you liked what you could do and you feel as if you've done a good job. You seem to fit in among the regular clientele of the hotel as you make your way towards where Chris had told you the car would wait. As you step outside you take the sunglasses from your hand and slip them over your eyes. It's not that late yet, and the Hungarian sun is still viscous. Luckily for you, your car seems to have just pulled up at the valet entrance. You had made Chris describe the exact male and model, so you didn't accidentally get into someone else’s, and you are 99% sure this matches up. The driver hurries out.
"Madám YL/N?" He questions hesitantly,
To avoid the language barrier you nod, and he opens the back door - looking quickly and resolutely at the floor. You brush it off as some sort of cultural difference and settle in the soft leather of the back seats. You check your phone again. Nothing. Not even a single text. You try to hold down the disappointment. Ever since you and Chris had been talking you were convinced it was a joke and the doubts still longer slightly in your mind. You can't comprehend why he would ever want you. He could have pretty much anyone he wanted, and yet here you were in a car paid for by him, going to his concert, in a dress he bought you. Thinking about that again makes you frown. Although the concierge had tried to hide it you had caught a glance at the bill in the bottom of the bag. Doing the math in your head the 126 thousand Hungarian Forint was over three thousand pounds. Three thousand pounds! That didn't even count the heels, or the concierge fee. Part of you was desperately excited at Chris' habit of eccentric spending on you, but most of you felt mildly uncomfortable. There's no way you could do anything like that for him, you've barely seen three thousand pounds let alone spent it on a gift. You are simply petrified he's going to get bored of you; you have a perfect, kind, loving boyfriend and you feel like any second you could lose him.
 The car pulls up to a side entrance to a huge stadium. Your door is opened and you slip out, thanking the driver. Two men are standing in front of the door. One looks up and you recognise him to be Matt. He looks taken aback for a second and the man next to him is alerted to your presence, growing as he looks you up and down. His eyes linger slightly before elbows him hard before smiling rather unnervingly at you.
"Hey, nice to see you again." His eyes are fixed onto your own and you attempt a smile back. He notices your tension and hurries to move his Hungarian co-worker out of the way to open the door. "I got stuck on ID today, so lucky for you I can let you in." The smile is back and it's really starting to worry you. You open your mouth to thank him but you are interrupted. "Oh! I've been told to direct you to Chris' dressing room. You're a bit early so you might have to wait for a bit, I have no idea where he's at." You nod and he seems too eager to personally show you the way. You are left, sat on a chair in a pretty small, yet we lit dressing room, awaiting Chris.
 As you sit, your mind wanders. Your hands toy absentmindedly with the neckline of you dress, wishing it was an inch or two higher. It's not that you don't like it. Not at all. You just aren't really used to wearing such... Out there... Clothing. Greys and pastels were your usually colours of choice and the reddish pink that currently encapsulates you is a step out of your comfort zone. Not that you've been anywhere near your comfort zone for weeks. You still felt partially like you were in a dream that was going to end any second now, and your whole body is shaking with nerves. The texts you have been getting from Chris today have been extremely... Well... Suggestive doesn't really cover it. You are torn between thinking it's his idea of a funny joke and taking him seriously. Either way it's made the reality of the entire situation much more doubtful to you. The romantic side of your mind tries to convince you that it all makes sense, he was drawn to you in that crowd and somehow had decided he likes you enough to keep you around, but you just can't fully make it all click in your head. You get tired of sitting and stand to inspect a rather abstract painting hanging on the far wall of the room.
 You are midway through deciphering one of the splodges when you hear the door open. A quick check over your shoulder confirms it's Chris. His expression changes to one of smug desire so quickly that you don't really register the sour scowl present before. His smile gave you butterflies and you suddenly remember how nervous you are and try to hide the shaking that threatens to overtake you. Chris doesn't seem to notice and steps into the room, firmly clicking the door shut behind him.
"Hey there beautiful." Your eyes are drawn to his lips as he speaks and you attempt a reply, feeling as faint as the day you met.
"Hey there yourself" You smile gently, eyes widening the closer he gets to you. "How was sound check in the end?' 
"Boring, as usual with added bonus boring." He replies as if his eyes aren't admiring the handiwork of his fashion sense. You laugh softly and his eyes rise to meet yours again. You are still stunned by just how blue they are in person. You'd seen Chris' eyes in many a situation and you are enthralled with how different they can look. Sometimes you see stormy seas, sometimes soft, calm ponds, but today you see mesmerising whirlpools. You just can't look away and don't even hear as he asks you a question. Eventually he notices your predicament and slowly moves closer to you, a smirk growing on his face. He brings one finger up to softly poke you between the eyes.
"You know I never found out if you set me as your screensaver again on your new phone." A quick blush from you answers that question and the dark smirk grows further. You blush further at being caught lost in his eyes, but Chris seems to find this endearing and laughs at you. He gently places his arms around your hips. "You know I really missed you today." You blink in surprise. He leans down to whisper in your ear. "Really missed you." You pull back to check for truthfulness in his face, but he seems genuine. A hesitant smile blossoms back at him. 
"I missed you too." You say and his eyes dilate at your words before roaming your outfit again for a while, while your heart rate increases by the second.
"Did I mention how good that dress looks on you?" His voice is low and gives away a portion of the desire he feels. His face moves tantalising close to yours, studying your features intently before continuing. "I vote we see if it looks even better off." The enthusiastic nod seems to be automatic, you made up your mind a while ago. You are, however, taken aback by the directness of his offer, but bring your hands into Chris' hair as he begins to kiss you. Your mind feels frozen but your body is driving itself, reacting perfectly in time with the man trying to manoeuvre you toward a wall. Once he manages this, he takes his time in making his way across your face and neck until he gets inpatient and begins to wrestle with the zip on your back. By this point you are entirely beyond rational thought and hook your hands under his shirt in return. When your cold hands reach his skin he growls and practically throws you onto the corner sofa.
Checking the time hadn't been Chris' first priority. You are biting gently on his lips, sat on his stomach with your hands in his hair. The next thing you know he has let out a shout and has slipped out from under you, manically throwing on clothes from a rail that you had previously knocked over. He doesn't say a word, just leaves with your lipstick still covering him and his hair directly giving away his previous activities.
"Chris!" You shout after him as the door slams behind him, the feeling of the lazy kisses from just moments before a ghost on your lips. You look around the dressing room, your clothes are scattered across the floor along with his. You're alone.
 You sigh as you get up and make yourself decent again. You note that the zip is slightly torn thanks to Chris's rough treatment in his impatience. Despite how truly amazing the last fifteen minutes of your life was you feel somewhat used and dejected. What if you weren't good? What if you were bad? You don’t want to leave the room and watch the show, instead your mind takes you into a spiral of worry for hours until the door clicks open and Chris walks in looking guilty... and sweaty.
"Y/N I'm so sorry!!" He rushes over but stops short of where you're sitting, as if he doesn't know how to handle this. You get up to aid the poor man. The look on his face dispels any doubts you hold for now.
"It's okay, Chris." You smile, putting your arms around him and looking up. "It wasn't your fault." You murmur quietly as he brings his mouth down onto yours as if picking up where he left off. He pushes you back against the wall and you nibble his lip like you were before he left. You barely hear the footsteps getting closer. His hands move from your shoulders to your back, from your back to your waist and from your waist they move downwards agonisingly slowly, sending your delirious mind into a frenzy, your hands gripping his golden curls just a little tighter by the second. Footsteps draw closer and you're dangerously close to being undressed again when a knock on the door stops Chris in his tracks.
"Chris c'mon we've gotta go!" Guy's voice sounds from behind the wall, "Will's gettin' pissy enough as it is!"
"I'll be right out." Chris calls back and you hear the footsteps begin to fade.
"You know, I haven't seen Guy since I got back." You smile and move towards the door, figuring you should probably thank him for the bass lessons - even if you are terrible.
"Where're you going?" Chris's eyes widen in panic and he quickly moved in front of you to block the door.
"To say hi?"  You shrug as if it's obvious.
"You can't right now." He demands childishly.
Realising his mistake his face changes to the lustful smirk he had on before. "Because I want you all to myself." He purrs, moving towards you and positioning his hands hands low on your hips. You roll your eyes and kiss him quickly and deeply before pushing him gently away.
"Chris we need to be more careful." You murmur, not really wanting to stop what you're doing but knowing that if Guy had walked in it would've caused all sorts of mess for everyone.
"I know, baby we will. Let's get back to the hotel, yeah?"                                                  
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