#andy barber x fem reader
navybrat817 · 10 months
Pairing: Sugar Daddy!Andy Barber x Female Reader Summary: You get to know Andy a bit more and put in your notice, but your boss doesn't it take it well. Word Count: Almost 4.4k Warnings: Slow burn, getting to know each other, sugar daddy contraction, tension, flirting, slight insecurities, inner monologue, yelling (apologies to anyone named Sean), Andy Barber (he's a warning, okay?) Graphic talent and thanks: Banner - @sgt-seabass, Divider - @firefly-graphics, Header - yours truly Previous Part: Sign the Dotted Line A/N: Welcome back to my Terms and Conditions AU! Hope you lovelies enjoy. Beta read by the lovely @whisperlullaby but any and all mistakes are my own. ❤️ Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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The feeling of floating on cloud nine wasn't something you experienced much in your life. There were high points, of course, but nothing like the elation that filled you as Andy went to make a copy of the contract. It was almost dizzying to think that for the next three quarters of a year, everything was going to be okay. Better than okay.
All thanks to Andy.
Estelle shrieked as she pulled you to your feet. “You're a sugar baby! You're a sugar baby!” she sang, making you laugh as she did a little dance with it.
“I thought you said I was going to be his ‘companion’,” you teased.
She leveled you with a look. “It’s the same thing,” she said, grabbing her bag. “And since your new ‘companion’ is taking you to the diner, why don’t we celebrate tomorrow? You better give me all the details.”
You giggled again at the implication as she squeezed you in a tight hug. If you weren’t happy before, you would've been thanks to her infectious attitude. “You sure don’t need me to head down with you?”
“No, I’m good. You just enjoy the rest of the day,” she said, winking at you and pointing at Andy when he came back. “Have fun and be good to her or I’ll destroy you,” she told him as she walked by with every ounce of confidence you wished you had. “And nice meeting you!”
You half expected there to be an air of awkwardness once the two of you were left alone and were surprised not to feel it at all. It was hard to describe the atmosphere outside of that, but it was something both familiar and new. Maybe that was because Andy continued to put you at ease all while exciting you. The next chapter of your time would be unpredictable in ways that you were looking forward to encountering.
Did he feel the same way?
Andy chuckled after a moment, the sound bringing a smile back to your face as he held up the papers in his hand. “I realize this is probably a bit outdated since everything is done electronically, but I prefer it this way.”
“I don't think it’s outdated,” you assured him as he handed you the contract, his fingers brushing yours. Would you ever get used to the jolt of electricity you felt at his touch? “It’s less of a chance of it getting leaked.”
Though it was you he worried about, you still wanted to protect his reputation.
“Yes, it is,” he said, smiling to himself when you tucked the papers carefully in your folder. “Estelle is serious, isn’t she? She’ll destroy me if I hurt you?”
“Oh, yeah. She isn’t afraid of anyone,” you said as you shifted slightly on your feet. “But I wouldn't worry about her. I don't expect you to hurt me.”
He had to know that.
Andy took a step closer. “She’s a good person to have on your side,” he commented, butterflies fluttering in your stomach at the soft look in his eyes. “And I have no intention of hurting you.”
You carefully considered his words with furrowed brows. “Aren't you supposed to say you promise not to hurt me?”
A sad smile touched his lips. “People make promises and usually do so for the right reasons, but they don't always lead to the desired outcome,” he replied as if he peeled back a small layer of himself that still left you with questions. “Take the weeklong silence, for example. I inadvertently hurt you by not reaching out.”
Your cheeks flamed, almost wishing you hadn't mentioned it. “But we talked about that. You didn't mean anything by it.”
“Yes, we did talk about it and I'm glad you told me how you felt. I still caused doubt in your mind though,” he said, his tone gentle and understanding without breaking eye contact. “So while I do want to promise that I’ll never hurt you, I'd rather promise that I have no intention of ever hurting you. Because I don't.”
It took a moment to recall that Andy was married once years ago. While you weren't sure why things ended, did his divorce give him a new perspective on making and keeping promises? Or was it his time as a lawyer?
Whatever the reason you had to respect him for his outlook.
“I appreciate that and I will hold you to that,” you said, falling in step beside him as you headed for the door.
He raised an eyebrow as he held it open for you to go through, allowing you to catch the scent of his cologne again as you walked past. You almost asked what brand it was just so you could get a bottle and spritz your worn in sweatshirts. “Isn't this the part where you promise you have no intention of hurting me?” He questioned.
“I don't think I have the power to hurt you,” you replied, not looking behind you as you headed toward the elevator. You were positive you didn't have that kind of influence nor did you want to hurt him. “But I promise that I have no intention to do so.”
You froze when he leaned in close, his beard ticking your ear and it took all of your inner strength not to turn your head toward him. “Never underestimate how powerful you are, honey,” he whispered, your breath rushing out of your lungs as he stepped back and gestured to the open elevator doors. “Shall we?”
“Sure,” you replied, your voice more breathy than you intended as you stepped inside. You swore you caught him smiling before he joined you.
“I gave my driver the afternoon off, so you’re stuck with me,” he said, pressing the button for the lowest level before the doors slid shut. “I hope that’s okay.”
“I think I can handle you driving,” you teased, happy that the two of you would be alone for part of the evening.
He chuckled before he went quiet again. The silence was comfortable, the soft dings as you passed each floor the only sound in the space. It gave you a moment to admire the man beside you. With his perfect posture, chin held high, and pristine suit, you tried to picture how he looked when he simply relaxed. No eyes on him. No one expecting anything from him.
Maybe he can show me that side of himself sometime soon.
“You’re staring,” he stated.
You smiled, not at all embarrassed that he caught you without looking your way. “I guess it’s because I’m still trying to figure you out.”
That and he was still one of the most handsome men you had ever seen.
But who was Andy Barber beyond his money? Your hero and your second chance at a better life, but what else? What did he do for fun? What did he want out of life, years from now?
Andy swung his head toward you as the elevator came to a stop. “I guess that makes two of us then.”
You found yourself in his car a few minutes later. The Audi still had that “new car” smell to it, the passenger seat sleek and not at all broken in. There wasn’t a spec of dust on the leather interior. Either he didn’t drive it often or he made sure to keep it in next to perfect condition.
Your mind drifted back to Andy’s earlier statement. What exactly was he trying to figure out? If he meant that he was trying to figure you out, he didn’t have to look too deeply. And if he was still trying to figure himself out, that was normal. Searching for your true self was a lifelong journey. And with your newfound sense of freedom at your fingertips, you’d be able to explore your own passions and visualize your ideal self.
But part of you figuring Andy out was getting to know him.
“Why the diner?” You asked, glancing over at him as he concentrated on the road in front of him. “I mean, why go there for coffee or food when you can go anywhere else?”
Maybe upscale places weren’t his usual style. He took you to the Courthouse and looked at ease there, but maybe the diner was an escape. Something different.
“I didn’t grow up with much, but my mom made it work as best as she could,” he admitted, a wistful note in his voice. “We never went hungry and she got creative with some meals so I wouldn’t get tired of eating the same thing. Things like fast food were considered a treat and diners were fine dining.”
You shifted in your seat as you listened, touched by the unexpected vulnerability. “I’ll bet she looked forward to those moments,” you said.
“She did and so did I,” he smiled over at you. “On the rare nights when she was able to save up and take us to a diner, she got a large breakfast or dinner meal for us to split. Best way to stretch her dollar and make sure neither of us felt hungry after.”
You almost reached over to take his hand, but you didn’t want to overstep. He was giving you a piece of himself by revealing a part of his past. That was more than you could ask for.
“I went to diners in college, too, when I was struggling to make ends meet,” he continued, stroking his beard for a moment. “I guess they kind of stuck with me because they reminded me of happier times. They also serve as a reminder to be thankful for what I have. It’s important to remember who I was then and who I am now.”
You let out a breath and closed your eyes as he turned onto the next street, wishing you could thank his mother for raising such an amazing man. “Thank you for sharing that with me.”
His hand covered yours unexpectedly when your eyes opened. “Thank you for asking.”
You turned your wrist so your palm met his, your stomach flipping as he held it a little tighter. Opening up was never easy, even if Andy made it sound effortless. You felt closer to him after hearing that important piece of his history. Even the crackle of electricity felt different this time. Instead of a jolt, it was like a steady hum.
Maybe that closeness was the reason you didn’t want to let go when he parked his car in front of the diner.
“Are you okay?” He asked.
You swallowed as you glanced out the window, the flashing lights from the sign of the beckoning for you to go in. “I just can't believe I'm actually going to quit,” you said, clutching your bag with your other hand. “I mean, I do believe it. I have my resignation letter here and everything.”
“Even when you had that bit of doubt that the contract wouldn't go through, you had your letter ready,” he smiled.
You toyed with the strap of your bag as you tried to hide your smile. “I guess I did.”
Preparation never hurt anyone.
“But if you’d rather hold off until tomorrow, I understand. I can even drive you back here if you want to wait,” he offered.
For a moment, you questioned if you should wait. As you bit your lip to fight your smile more and squeezed Andy’s hand, you made your decision. You signed the contract. You were more than ready.
Most of all, you deserved to start your path to a better future.
“I’m ready,” you assured him, reluctantly releasing his hand before you unbuckled your seatbelt. “Are you going in or did you want to wait here?”
“I’ll grab a coffee while I wait,” he said, stopping you as you reached for your door handle. “Allow me.”
You smiled to yourself as he went around to let you out. “Are you always a gentleman?”
“Not always,” he said without missing a beat, winking as you joined him on the sidewalk.
You licked your lips and gazed into his bright blue eyes. Could he see the want in yours? What would it take to make him lose control?
“I’m looking forward to seeing that side of you, Mr. Barber,” you smiled, brushing past him as he inhaled.
But first things first.
The bell rang as you walked inside and you paused to take it all in. Taking Andy’s earlier story to heart, you wouldn’t allow yourself to forget that this diner was part of your story. It not only led him to you, but also kept you from becoming homeless. It was a blessing.
“Hey,” Casey, one of the veteran servers, nodded to you from behind the counter before she looked over your outfit. She seemed to forget all about you as Andy as he walked in behind you. You didn't blame her. “Hi there. Sit anywhere you’d like.”
Andy put his hand on your lower back before he leaned in, your breath hitching slightly. “Good luck, honey,” he whispered, releasing you as Casey gawked in your direction. “I’ll just have a coffee, please,” he said as he took a seat at the counter.
The usual warmth Andy exuded was down a notch. Still friendly, but different. Or maybe you were just telling yourself that in order to feel special. “Is Sean here?”
“Yep. In the office,” Casey answered, pouring Andy a fresh cup of coffee. “Just got here.”
“I’ll be right back,” you told Andy, feeling his eyes on you as you headed through the employee only doors.
Sean had his head buried in some paperwork as he grumbled to himself. With a deep breath, you knocked on the open door. He didn't speak to you much outside of your shifts and hardly praised you for a job well done, but he wasn't a bad boss. You felt bad disturbing him, but it was now or never.
“Hi. May I come in?” You asked as he looked up.
“Yeah. Don't shut the door though. Lock’s broken,” he said, nodding to the chair in front of his desk. “Didn’t expect to see you today. What are you all dressed up for?”
“Oh, I had a meeting,” you answered, which wasn’t a lie. You did meet with Andy. “That’s actually what I needed to talk to you about.”
“A meeting?” He repeated with a frown. “Don’t tell me you’re quitting.”
Your stomach began to twist in knots. The last thing you wanted to do was disappoint your boss, even if he wouldn’t be that for much longer. Being a waitress also wasn’t your dream job, but it helped you when you needed it.
Now you have to help yourself.
“Yes, I am. I’m putting in my two weeks notice,” you said quietly, taking the letter out of your bag and placing it on the desk when he stared impassively. “I found another opportunity and I’m going to take it, but I’m happy to take any shifts I can over the next two weeks to help.”
Sean didn’t speak for a moment as he drummed his fingers on the desk. “Two weeks? No, that's not gonna work. We’re short as it is,” he said, shoving the paper away before he leaned back in his chair. Was he serious? “You're gonna have to make it four weeks and then we'll revisit after that to see if we need you to stay on longer.”
“No. I'm giving you two weeks,” you reiterated, your tone unwavering. You wouldn’t let Sean bully you into staying longer, even as guilt crept up since the place was short-staffed. “That's standard and I can't do more than that. I'm sorry.”
“Oh, no. I'm still in charge and you'll give me four weeks. That’s final,” he argued, waving his hand dismissively as you shrank a bit in your chair. “Unless you have anything else to add, I’ll see you next shift.”
You clasped your hands in your lap to keep from shaking. You didn't expect him to react this way. “No, that’s not final. I can't give you four weeks,” you said as calmly as possible, even as you began to feel more uncomfortable. “I would if I could, but I can't. I’m sorry.”
“Can't or won't?” Sean asked, almost making you jump as he raised his voice. “Listen here, you've been a solid employee and I'm not going to lose you in two weeks or four weeks. Do you understand? And if you don't show up you can forget about ever getting a good recommendation from me. Might as well kiss that ‘opportunity’ of yours goodbye.”
Your eyes burned as your mind flashed back to when you were told you were laid off from your previous job, the compassionate tone of your old boss the opposite of the man in front of you. The situations were different, but both made you feel so small. Especially since Sean was essentially threatening your future endeavors. You refused to cry though.
He wouldn’t witness your tears.
You cleared your throat and maintained your resolve. “Two weeks, Sean. That’s it. I said I’m willing to work as many shifts as I can over the next two weeks, but I can't do more than that. I won’t,” you firmly spoke as his eyes widened. “I really don't want to end this on a bad note, please.”
He pushed himself to his feet as he thrust a finger toward your face as if it would somehow make him appear intimidating to tower over you. It wouldn’t sway you. “Listen here, you little-”
“Is everything okay?”
Andy’s voice made both of you jump as you spun in your chair. He stood in the doorway but didn’t look your way. He trained his gaze on your boss, his normally bright eyes narrow and cold.
Your boss must’ve felt malice in that stare since he sat down immediately. “Oh. Mr. Barber,” he said. Did he know him as a regular customer or merely recognize his status? “It’s just an issue with an employee. This doesn’t concern you.”
“There is no issue,” you corrected him.
“Actually, she’s with me, so it does concern me,” Andy spoke as he took a step into the office, staring your boss down with a clenched jaw. The space no longer felt like Sean’s. It was as if Andy owned it along with everything in it. “If you want to raise your voice at someone, I’m right here. You won’t speak to her that way though. Do you understand?”
The deep timbre almost knocked the air out of your lungs, your heart pounding from Andy defending you.
Sean coughed a bit as color filled his cheeks. He should be embarrassed. “I didn’t realize she was with you. I wouldn’t have…” he trailed off.
Your blood simmered. He wouldn’t have raised his voice at you if he knew you were with Andy. Was this a taste of what things were going to be like? How people were going to treat you moving forward?
“Who she’s with shouldn’t matter. Not to mention, your customers and employees could hear you since your door was open,” Andy added, disappointment thickly laced in his voice. “You said she was a solid employee. Why would you speak to her like that?”
Sean’s eyes flickered to you as you waited for an answer. “We’ve been short-staffed and I’ve been stressing over it. That’s no excuse. I'm sorry,” he said to Andy, making your blood go from simmering to boiling. A customer, a powerful man, got the apology, but not you. “Won’t happen again.”
“Maybe remind yourself to be kind to the people who work for you before you raise your voice again. They’re the ones who keep your business running,” Andy said.
With a hang of his head, your boss sighed. “Two weeks, huh?” He asked, the wind completely out of his sails as you nodded. “Okay. Two weeks it is.”
“Thanks,” you whispered before Andy walked over and held out his hand to help you to your feet. Luckily, you didn’t tremble as you took it and gave it a small squeeze. It was nice that he was on your side.
“And one more thing?” Andy added as Sean glanced up. “I’m not the one you should apologize to.”
You held up your other hand when Sean looked your way and opened his mouth. “No. The only reason you’re going to say you’re sorry is because he’s here,” you stated, looking at Andy momentarily. He responded with an encouraging smile. “And I don’t want an empty apology. You can keep it.”
It was nice that Andy wanted an apology on your behalf, but it wouldn't feel believable.
Sean’s face fell, but he didn’t argue. Up until today, he treated you decently. The pressures of running a business were tough, but he had no reason to take it out on you. At the same time, you felt bad for him.
“But thank you, Sean. You gave me a job when I needed one and I won’t forget that,” you added gently. “I’ll see you next shift.”
“Why don't I meet you outside? I just want one more quick word with your boss,” Andy said as Sean audibly swallowed.
“Sure,” you said, the knots in your gut unraveling as you left the two of them alone.
You exhaled as you walked back into the dining area, avoiding the gazes from a few of the customers. Your hand shook as you gave Casey a small wave. At least she didn’t look upset with you.
“Quitting, huh? Lucky duck,” she smiled sadly. “You okay? He had no right speaking to you like that.”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” you nodded, taking another breath. You didn't like anyone raising their voice at you, but you wouldn't allow yourself to dwell on it and didn’t need her to worry. All you could do was make the transition as smooth as possible over the next two weeks. “Didn't expect that kind of reaction. Didn’t expect anyone out here to hear it.”
“Sean’s voice carries and he’s probably just pissed that he’s losing another good one while he’s stuck here,” she guessed, glancing over her shoulder before she added in a whisper, “Oh, and that guy you’re with? He looked furious when he heard him.”
“He did?” You asked, an almost goofy smile appearing on your face.
“Yeah, he did. He had fire in his eyes. Put a bill down, got to his feet, and immediately walked back there. And I wasn’t about to stop him,” she said, her smile widening as she leaned on the counter. “I’d say he’s smitten.”
Your heart skipped a beat. First Estelle, now Casey. Though the latter had no clue about the arrangement. “He’s really something, isn't he?”
“Oh, yeah,” Casey said, straightening up when the employee door swung open.
Andy’s eyes landed on you as he walked through, his eyes soft again as he held out his hand. He also looked pleased with himself. “Ready?”
“Ready,” you said, taking it as you gave Casey a nod. “I’ll see you soon. Hope the rest of your shift is okay.”
“Me, too. See ya,” she said before she went back to assisting other customers.
“You okay?” Andy asked softly as he led you outside.
“I’m fine,” you promised, not wanting him to worry either or get upset. “But what did you say to Sean?”
“Nothing for you to worry about,” he answered, shaking his head. “Listen, I’m sorry if I overstepped by intervening. I just couldn’t let him talk to you like that.”
He easily deflected your question and you decided to let him have that victory for now.
You went in for a hug but kept space for him to breathe. He wrapped his arms tightly around you before you could pull away, your body melting into his. The bustling city around you faded as you focused on the warmth of his firm body. It made you forget all about Sean’s reaction.
“I’m glad you did,” you said, stepping back with a tiny smile. It meant the world that he defended you. “I tried to hold my own.”
“You did. You could've snapped back or walked out, but you didn't. That’s commendable and powerful,” he assured you, his gaze serious. “But I don't care if it’s your boss or a stranger or your best friend, I’m not about to let someone take their frustrations out on you.”
Warmth settled in your chest. You learned something else about Andy today: He truly wouldn't tolerate anyone disrespecting you. He continued to prove that he was a man of his word.
You also experienced firsthand how things worked in his world, how people would bend toward his will. If it was a test, you wouldn’t say you failed since you stood up for yourself. It wouldn’t always be that easy. Whether someone questioned your motives or place with Andy or not, you had to learn to grow a thick skin. Not just for your own benefit, but Andy’s, too.
He needed someone strong by his side.
“Thank you, Andy.”
“And, listen, if you don’t want to work those shifts or if he gives you a hard time-”
“I’ll be fine,” you promised. You doubted Sean would make it a hostile work environment, but you could handle it if there were any issues. “But I think I’d like to go home now.”
Andy blinked and gave you a single nod. “Sure. If that’s what you want.”
Is he disappointed at the thought of me ending the day right now?
You smiled as you tugged him in the direction of his car. “I’d also like you to see my place,” you said, his eyebrows shooting up. It surprised you that you offered, too. “It isn't much, but it’s comfortable. Maybe we can order takeout?”
It wasn’t exactly the ideal way to celebrate, but he shared a piece of himself on the drive over. The least you could do was let him see your apartment. And who knew where the evening would take you?
“Only if you’ll let me pay,” he smiled.
“You're not going to let me pay for anything, are you?” You smiled back.
“Not if I can help it,” he replied, opening the car door. “Let's get you home, honey.”
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We all need a man like Andy. And what's going to happen at the apartment? Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Andy Barber Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
906 notes · View notes
georgiapeach30513 · 2 months
Two Good Reasons, Part 1
Summary: Andy was supposed to be in the past. There's where he should have stayed.
Pairings: Andy Barber
Rating: explicit
Warnings:  explicit language, explicit sexual content, mentions of teenage sex, unprotected sex, PIV sex, daddy kink, degradation, body issues, oral sex (M receiving), breeding kink, creampie, cheating? 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 4.3K
Series Masterlist
*dividers created by @firefly-graphics
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The woman in front of you babbles on a few more seconds before you look at your computer confused. You are in over your head, and don’t know where to begin. Maybe lying on your resume was a terrible idea, and you were better suited for the coffee shop. They didn’t let you choose what hours you wanted to work, and you needed that. At least at this office you are given that luxury.
You were underqualified, and a kept woman of sorts. “Ma’am,” you glance up at her quickly. She has kind eyes, and an upturned nose. She was just a bit younger than you, and you want to trust her, but there’s that prickling feeling inside of you that makes you not trust younger women. “Do you know what you’re doing?”
You shake your head no, ashamedly. “I’m a fast learner though.”
“So was I,” she takes a moment to look around the office. You are the only two around, so you’re not sure why she’s so concerned. “Listen, take your time. It’s not that hard, but unfortunately there is a layout to things. You’re here, and I kinda like you. Mr. Drysdale isn’t a terrible human, and you’re at the front desk. So all in all you’ll be fine.”
You thank her, and nod your head. How the hell did you wind up here? Not just in your situation but this stupid place. You knew nobody, and now you’re left wondering if that was the point. That you wouldn’t be able to reach out to someone for help. You had no inner circle. No one to just vent to. It’s how he liked it. And what did that cost you? You look down at your left hand, and get angry all over again. You were past feeling sorry for yourself. Past begging and pleading for a different outcome. He hit you where it hurt.
Now you’re doing what is right for everyone. You’re becoming independent. Nothing is going to stop you. You’re not going to rely on a man. Or allow one to make you feel less about yourself. You’re going to make them proud. You’re going to…
Your head ducks down quickly as a tall man walks through the door. He gives a quick glance your way, but you miss the crooked smile. You wouldn’t look at him. You couldn’t. You wouldn’t acknowledge his existence.
He bustles past you, directly to Mr. Drysdale’s office, and you finally stand up. Moving to jump in front of him. “I’m sorry, Mr. Barber, you’ll have to schedule an appointment with him.”
“So you do remember me?” How could you ever forget one of the most perfect human beings you’d ever met. You’re everything. Every first you ever had was with him. Every plan that you could ever make was with Andy. Everything was Andy’s. And that’s when he was younger.
His hair was lighter then, and he didn’t have that full delicious beard. He definitely didn’t seem this tall, or broad. Or scrumptiously thick. He was just a boy then, but now he is everything you knew he would be. He walks like he has so much power. Still commanding a room, and even the breath that you breathe, he steals from you.
You exhale slowly, nodding your head. What do you even say to this man? Quick look at his hand. He doesn’t have a ring, and now you feel invasive. But he’s got his hand on display. “I don’t remember you this quiet,” he smiles again.
He’s just as beautiful as you remember. Years ago the two of you had named all your children. You’re sure you have it tucked away somewhere. You even had your wedding planned. You had everything until he moved off. Distance became more than just the miles away that you were between you. It became the lack of communication. Then no communication. And as much as it pained you, you knew that he was gone, and he was forever going to be the one that got away.
Living a few decades had done his body good. He was — immaculate. Much taller than you remember. But apart from his physical appearance he still has that ability to make your stomach feel like mush. Like everything in this world ceases to exist because Andy Barber is around. You’re not a child anymore, but he still feels like he can stop time. Because when the two of you are together it’s the way that it was meant to be.
”Doe? You okay, sweetheart?” he asks again. You are sure you look like the biggest dork, standing in front of him to block the way to Mr. Drysdale’s office.
“You remember?” That little nickname was your undoing. How Andy managed to come up with it, he never told you. But it’s so soft and shy, something you weren’t then.
“There’s nothing I don’t remember with you,” why did that sound so sensual? It has to all be in your brain because you’re lonely. And he’s Andy. “You look good,” okay, now he’s lying. You look like a hot mess. Your makeup is mostly smeared on. Your clothes are things you found at a thrift store. Your eyes are bloodshot from lack of sleep. And your weight fluctuates too often for you to keep up with. Depression can do that to a person.
“I look — nothing — you just — better.”
“You never could take a compliment,” he gives a wink, and takes one more step towards Mr. Drysdale’s office. “Is something wrong?”
“You need an appointment to meet with him.”
Andy looks down at you with a smile. You swear he’s taller than he used to be. You can almost feel the way his fingers would dig into your skin as you — stop it. You’re at work. And he’s Andy. “Ransom, get your ass out here.”
You hear a chair roll back, and are irritated that Andy is going to make it look like you aren’t doing your job. Mr. Drysdale opens the door, standing in the doorway with both hands on his hips and shrugs. “You’re about five minutes late.”
“Your secretary has been keeping me. For good reason though. Maybe you should let her know who the District Attorney is,” your jaw goes slack as you look at him. He did it. He really fucking did it. Next stop, judge. “Doe, care to join me for some coffee afterwards, and you and I can catch up?”
“I can’t,” it’s not a complete lie. You can’t just go and get coffee randomly. Things have to be planned out. You have people you have to call.
“She can’t,” Mr. Drysdale agrees, opening the door wider. “Stop trying to steal my office managers. He’s not hiring. He’ll lie to you, constantly. I pay better, and have better hours.”
“I’m the DA though, and you’re just the…”
“Shut up, and get in here. We’re not talking about it. But seriously, don’t listen to him. He’s a dangerous flirt,” Andy is definitely dangerous. And that terrifies you. He shakes his head with a smile, but you know the truth. Andy is poison to you. The best tasting poison. You’d find yourself falling without even trying. Because he was once your everything. And then you both grew up.
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He darkens the doorway again, and you look back down at your computer. This is getting a bit ridiculous. You are trying to hold strong, and he is doing anything but that. He is a parasite sucking the life out of you until you fold to his desires. You’re not doing it. Losing Andy in the past was hell. Losing him now will be much more difficult. You’re an independent woman, goddammit.
“You don’t have a meeting with Mr. Drysdale today. And tonight we’re closing early so people can enjoy the office party,” a party that was designed to celebrate another year of Andy being the DA. It was all very self gratifying for him. “Mr. Barber.”
“I don’t want you calling me that,” you glance up at him before returning back to your computer to just stare. You can’t even pretend to be working because you’re not. You’re just avoiding him and those looks, “Did I do something wrong?”
“Maybe calling me my childhood nickname? Nobody does that anymore, Mr. Barber,” he rolls his eyes before leaning over your desk. He’s too close. You can count the freckles that splay out over his nose, and smell his intoxicating cologne. The one you wish you knew what it was so you could be the girl that sprays a shirt and you can get a fill of him without having him. “Andy, what do you want?”
“For you to stop fighting my invitations to coffee. Or the office party. Or to dinner. Unless you have a perfectly good reason to tell me no,” he glances down at your left hand, and you feel sick. Would things be different a year ago? Would you still entertain Andy this long? The ego boost is working nice for your fragile self esteem.
But the way he looks at your left hand hungrily has you ready to actually vomit. This isn’t where you saw your life. Working in the Assistant District Attorney’s office while the DA barges in and compliments you, and asks you out on a daily basis. No. You were supposed to be keeping a house. And making sure your husband had dinner when he came home. And now you’re in fucking Newton and alone. Sort of.
Your tanline from your finger has since faded, and so should your conflicting feelings. Life wasn’t supposed to be so difficult. You know you sound like a child, but your dreams have been shattered so many times, and now here’s the first one waltzing back into your life asking for damn coffee. Or dinner. Or the office party. Next week will be something new.
“What if I just want to get drunk?” You had the means to go to the party. The means to do whatever you want. You didn’t have anyone relying on you tonight.
“Then I heavily suggest you let me make sure you get home safely and that nobody takes advantage of you.”
Do not allow this man to make that sound sweet. It’s not. It’s just basic human kindness. Stun him. Make him wonder and worry. Make him — want. Not just want, make him beg for the taste of you, “What if I want someone to take advantage of me?”
His eye brow cocks up, and his mouth turns up into a crooked smile. Andy’s knuckles bleach with how tight his fist is at the not so subtle suggestion. Good. You affected him as much as he’s been making you weak. “Any suggestions?”
There it is. The possessive Andy. The one that wants to let everyone know that you are his, and you are off limits. You want him to tell everyone that you belong to him. You want him to claim you in ways that the two of you feared when you were younger. You want him to own you. And you want him to leave you alone. One night. Just to prove to yourself you still got it, and then you want to live your life.
“Sweetheart, I won’t let anyone take advantage of you. You’re too precious for that.”
“And what if I want you to?” He growls. Actually growls. A rumble rolls up his chest, and he grits his teeth. His jaw pulses with desire. “Just one night.”
“There’s never been just one night between us,” you scoff. He’s making things difficult.
“You’ll just have to make it that way,��� he wouldn’t want your baggage anyways. The two of you are adults now. You can’t be running around acting like teenagers and fucking everywhere you land. You have responsibilities and a job. A life. And…
“If you think you can say no to me after one night,” he challenges. Prick.
“It’s what it will have to be.”
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He slams the two of your bodies against the door, and you shudder. Arching your back to bring your body closer to his, and his meaty hands slap over your ass. Sliding down the spheres before lifting you up, and you hungrily wrap your legs around his waist. Bringing him to your core, ripping your dress, but sighing at feeling his bulge next to you. Thankfully it was only ten dollars at GoodWill. Focus!
He grinds his hips into your aching body, and your vision blurs at the sensation. Head pointing up to the heavens while you offer up your sacrifice to Andy. Gasping for air, and his mouth traces down your neck. Tasting and nibbling your heated glaze, and your fingers make work of his button up shirt.
“You’re eager,” he rolls himself into your center, and you gasp at how hard he is. These slacks leave nothing to the imagination. You can see the perfect outline of him, and you need him naked now.
“Shut up, and fuck me,” removing your back off the door, he carries you down the hallway. Clawing at the back of your dress, and it’s fine, it’s already ripped. Tearing at the material with the need to only get you naked, so he can have you.
Andy drops your back onto the bed, untangling his arms so he can remove the rest of your dress. “Don’t worry, I’ve got some sweats for you,” you wish he would stop talking.
“Fuck me!”
Standing up, and off your body, you hate the loss of him, but enjoy him pulling and tugging on your underwear. Disposing of your bra, and he holds your legs open wide. Tilting his head to get a good look at your spread and weeping cunt. “Mmm, you look good enough to eat. Doe, you’re prettier than I remember.”
Why is he lying? Stop staring. It’s making you feel uncomfortable. You don’t have the body of a teenager anymore. Time is cruel, and the longer he stares, the more you want to just walk out of here. “Fuck,” his eyes roll in the back of his head when he enters a finger into your warmth. “Just as tight.”
Lying again. He probably says this about all his fuck buddies. You sit up in the bed and start jerking off every bit of clothing on his back. Making way to his pants, and you slowly undo his zipper. Peeling away his boxers, and you moan when his fat, thick, veiny cock bounces up in your face. “It’s yours. Go on, and take it,” Andy watches you with so much enthusiasm as you lick his precum off his slit.
Mewling at the musky taste that can only be described as Andy Barber. Your body liquifies and arousal pools in your core. You kiss down his shaft, keeping your eyes on him. There’s a lot of things that time can change. Your ability to suck a cock like a pro is one of them. Getting to the base of his length, your tongue twirls around the velvety steel, and you trace kisses over his sack. Keeping your eyes on him as you suck one into your mouth, and he lurches.
“You’re a goddess,” he groans, and you move over to the other. Massaging the testicle with your tongue before letting it fall out. Laying your tongue flat, you trace that delectable vein up his glorious dick before you reach his spongy head, and you swallow him. You try to swallow him whole, but come short. He somehow became bigger.
Wrapping both hands around his base, you bob on him. Gagging and slurping up the wetness before his hands grab both sides of your head, and you let your hands drop to your side, “Are you wanting me to fuck your mouth?”
Hollowing out your cheeks, you place your hands to grip onto his toned thighs. “You’re such a slut for me,” he says before his hips piston into you. Hitting the back of your throat like a man on a mission, and you let him take it. His pleasurable sounds are better than you remember. Maybe he’s just more comfortable. He’s older. More experienced. Not as timidly as the young man he was.
He halts his ministrations before pulling himself out of your throat, and you long to taste his cock again. His hands go under your armpits before he throws you up the bed. His wide body keeps your legs spread, and gripping his base, he runs it up and down your slit. Gathering up your juices. “Andy!”
“Shh, I’m enjoying seeing you spread open and begging for me to fuck you. Use your manners,” no. You can leave at any time. But you don’t want to. You want him to use you like his own personal sex doll. “Don’t be such a fucking brat. Say, please.”
“Is that all?” Oh, who is being the brat now? “Go on. Say it. My cock does want to sink into your warmth, and have you quaking and spread so wide. Keep you full and…”
“Please, fuck me, daddy,” the whine of your voice has him snapping his hips. Plunging into your needy cunt in one move, and you reel. Fingers gripping onto the bed sheets, and seeing stars with the depths that Andy reached. “You’re huge!” You gasp for air.
“So you’re saying when we were younger?”
“Not this — oh god — big!”
“I always loved it when you would go dumb on feeling me inside of you,” this cock is dangerous. It’s what all fantasies are made out of. Long, but not too long. But so fucking thick. Stretching you so wide that your toes curl. Back lifting off the bed because you can’t get enough of him. When was the last time you felt this satisfied by a human? The answer to that is depressing.
His movements are deliberate. They’re smooth like your body was made for him. He wouldn’t have to do anything, but just let you warm him. Keep him close to you forever. One night. Maybe a second night. No. Don’t fall for him. Don’t dream about his cock. He doesn’t need your mess of a life.
He pumps into you so slow, and you’re wrecked. This is better than you remember it. But you won’t allow your head to imagine that now is yours and Andy’s time. You won’t allow yourself to get worked up. You were teenage lovers that drifted apart, and you’re doing this one more time. That is all. Not more than that.
“Doe,” god, his voice. It tingles through your body, and you look up at him. He says your real name, smiling down at you. His voice dropped a few octaves with age, “Stay with me, baby. I know it feels good.”
“Don’t pre…”
“Aye! That happened one time. And it was our first time,” you can’t help but smile. You both were each other’s first, and it was less than stellar. It was raw, and unexpected. But you did it together. “You like this, huh?”
“That obvious?” He stabs into you with a quick hard thrust, and your mouth droops open. Fuck. He’s good. He’s too good. He’s too right. Does this ever have to end? Can he just stay seated inside of you forever? That’s not really the way you want to live life, but it’s a nice quick and fleeting thought.
It’s almost too slow and intimate. Like the way he’s fucking is more worshiping you and promising you another time tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day. And you’re fighting that with all the resistance you can muster. You need him to fuck you and fuck you so hard and deep that it has a lasting effects and you won’t need him again. Even though you know that’s a lie.
“Andy, I…” his expression is pained, like he knows what you’re asking. “Please, don’t make this difficult.”
“I don’t want to. I want to make you mine,” the sentiment is too good to be true, and you hit on his shoulders. Letting him fall to his back before you saddle on up. Grabbing the base of his cock, you sink down over him, and fuck him. Use him for your pleasure. Bucking on top of him like you were made to do this. Your hands press hard into his toned chest. He got so much better with age, and then you are just you. Just plain. Just a woman that nobody would want in the daylight.
Getting yourself off is easy since he’s being a vocal man. You’ll let your legs be rubbed raw if it means you get to take him fully and to the hilt. It’s gotta last. It just has to. If life were different and it was easier, you could make this happen. You should tell him. Let him know the truth that changed your world. “I’m not able get pregnant,” keep it simple and easy. He doesn’t need to know the details.
You don’t know how he did it, but he has you off his body. Pushing your front onto the bed, and keeping you on your knees when he crawls behind you. Hands tightly on your hips as he slides all the way home. The only sound in the room is wet skin slapping on each other and needy hungry moans. Reaching under your stomach he lifts your back to his front as he pounds into you.
“Then let me fuck you like I’m going to breed you,” you whimper out his name, and an arm wraps around your neck. Holding you tight against him and adding pressure to the soft column. Cutting off a bit of your airflow, and making you dizzy. “Let me fuck my seed so deep in your belly, and make you mine.”
The words are so sweet and still so vulgar. “Yes! For real this time,” a few too many accidents in the past led to pregnancy scares. You don’t want an accident. You want him in your belly. You need him there. “Fuck me harder!”
He fucks you so hard that you know your going to bruise. The way he grips onto your soft curves tells you how badly he wants to keep you with him. “Look at me. Doe! Look at me!”
With furrowed brows you turn your head to stare into his eyes. “We’re about to come, and you’re going to keep your eyes on me, okay?” You nod your head as your orgasm builds in your belly. Bubbling and frothing just below the surface like a hot deadly volcano. Rumbling below the surface as he ruts into you like his life depends on it.
“Don’t take your eyes off me. Swear it!”
“I swear it,” one more slap into you, and your volcano erupts. Walls clamping around his cock. Placing him in a vice grip as thick ribbons of cum spurt inside of you. So much cream that you feel bloated, and so satiated. “Thank you,” you whisper as your eyes start to get heavy.
“Only a short nap. We’re going again. And again.”
“But I said…”
“You said, just for tonight. Not just one time,” you didn’t care to argue. You revel in the feeling of him in your belly as he starts to pull out. “Can I look?”
“What?” How does something so filthy seem sweet now. He wants to see himself inside of you.
“I’ve always wanted to look at you leaking without fear,” giggling you nod your head, and roll to your back. Spreading your legs open wide, while Andy settles in between your thighs on his belly, watching so closely and with bated breath as pearls of his seed drip out of you. “Perfect,” he hums, and starts fingering it back inside of you. “If I make it stick, you’re mine.”
“You won’t,” he hears the pain in your voice as you respond, and crawls up your body. Placing the softest most tender kiss up your imperfect body. Showing you love you can no longer give yourself. He ends on your lips, and kisses you so passionately that it takes your breath away. He won’t. And you can’t ever be his.
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Andy looks at his text message from Ransom, making sure this was your house. Suburbs. This didn’t strike him as your home. But Ransom assured him it was. He walks up the steps to your home, and stumbles back.
“Andy? Why are you here?” Scott Huffman asks. A little girl clings to his leg, and she looks up at him smiling. “Aubrey, please, baby, get off daddy’s leg,” Andy looks at the little girl oddly. She has your eyes. “Go check on Suede.”
“Bubba!” She screams, getting off her dad’s leg. And he steps back. This is wrong. This can’t be right.
“What are you doing here?” Scott asks again. He grimaces when a loud bang reverberates inside the house, and he looks at his watch annoyed. “God, she’s late. I should have known she would be. Andy?”
“Umm,” he holds onto your clutch that you left at his house. Looking at Scott confused. He says your name, and Scott looks at him accusatory. “She left her — here.”
“How do you know my wife?”
“I’ve got to go,” Andy says, shoving the clutch into Scott’s arm as he walks away. No wonder you said that he couldn’t have you. You pranced around Ransom’s office without a ring. You trapped him. No. That’s not really the word for it. You said you couldn’t get pregnant, probably because you had your tubes tied after two kids.
What the fuck? How could you lie to him like that? He knows things didn’t end the way they should have. But cheating on your husband is another thing. Scott wasn’t really in his department, but he is aware of the lawyer. Ruthless. Come to think of it, he didn’t wear a ring either. He didn’t want to be in whatever sick bullshit you and your husband were playing.
He wants you. Wanted. Wants. He doesn’t know. And it doesn’t matter what he wants. Because you’re going to come home and be the perfect wife to your husband and at least two kids. And he’s going home alone.
Taglist: @tis-thedamn-season @marveloustaylortot @pono-pura-vida @peaches1958 @seitmai
@smile1318 @andydrysdalerogers @cjand10 @midnightramyeoncravings @kmc1989
@pandaxnienke @kmm-fluv @rogersbarber @theinheriteddutchess @buckybarnesisdaddy
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cevansbrat0007 · 6 months
Request: Andy Barber & Baby Girl having sex during a thunderstorm.
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Through the Storm
Summary: Andy helps you overcome your fear of thunderstorms.
Warnings: Astraphobia, Smut, Anxious Reader, Dominant Andy, Manhandling, Fingering, Spanking, CMNF (Clothed Male, Nude Female), Safe Sex, Cuddles, Cursing, Minors DNI
A/N: Finally finished this WIP! This request takes place early in Andy and Reader's relationship. Part of my ongoing Growing Pains Series, but can also be read as a standalone. Not beta'd. All mistakes are my own. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
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You stare out into the backyard, watching sheets of slanted rain pelt against your boyfriend’s newly installed patio. While it wasn’t much, it was enough to give the compact enclosed space the cozy feel it had long been missing. You’d even helped him with the landscaping, much to your chagrin. 
Andy had been quick to learn that while you enjoyed gardening you were also terrified of virtually all things creepy crawly, like bees. Especially bees. Your man hadn’t known what to make of that one, which had certainly made for an entertaining afternoon. 
A loud crash of thunder suddenly booms overhead, startling you so bad that you nearly drop the bottle of water in your hands. You fucking hated thunderstorms, a fun little nugget that you had yet to share with the man who was currently waiting for you to join him upstairs. 
Truth be told, you hadn’t even planned on staying over tonight. You were supposed to be home by the time the storm rolled in, tucked away safe and sound on your couch. All the while clutching your stuffed bear, Mr. Sprinkles, for dear life and watching your favorite comfort films until Mother Nature decided she was done with her tantrum.
But dinner with friends had gone long and then the show had started late. Well, the dinner itself hadn’t actually been with friends – more like one of his work colleagues. But the guy’s wife had been nice enough. And after enjoying one last round of drinks, you four had wandered across the street to take-in a production of Aladdin on Broadway. 
Of course musicals weren’t really your thing, but since it was a childhood favorite of yours you’d been all for it. Your boyfriend didn’t know how much of a Disney fan you really were. Which was okay. Because he was older, more mature. And as such, you always tried to come off more sophisticated than what you actually were.
He’d already been married once before and had a child. One he’d lost a few years back. You two had yet to actually have a true conversation about that one but you were almost certain it was coming.
It had to be, right? Because it wasn’t like you both could skirt around the topic forever. But, at the same time, it’s also not like you could be the one to bring up. Like, how would a conversation like that even go? 
Exactly. It wouldn’t. Because you couldn’t. It wasn’t your place. 
So, you would allow that door to remain shut for as long as it took to allow him to open it and guide you through. You could be patient. 
Alright fine. You would make yourself be patient. And until then you would keep trying to demonstrate the right amount of emotional maturity needed to prove that you could be a good partner and support system. Or at least a little worldlier than you probably came off.  
But all of that would be pretty hard to do if Andrew Barber knew that you were secretly afraid of thunderstorms. He wouldn’t get it and you would only end up tripping all over yourself if you tried to explain. Which meant that you had to make a decision.
Either you could be brave and climb the stairs so you could crawl into bed – his bed – wearing nothing but a pair of panties and one of his oversized t-shirts. Or you could sneak upstairs, grab your clothes, and dash out your man’s front door into the night like a madwoman and hope that he would be too stunned to chase you down. 
“Whatcha doin’ down there, Baby Girl?” Andy bellows from up above, making you jump.
“Noth–coming!” You shout back as you pad towards the stairs, still trying your best to devise a plan. Andrew Barber was deceptively fast, which meant running was out. So you were most likely gonna have to suck it up until he fell asleep and then you would be free to tremble in peace. 
The city’s hottest attorney could not know that he was dating the world’s biggest scaredy cat. If he ever found out, you might never recover from the embarrassment.  
You find yourself holding your breath as you round the corner before stepping inside Andy’s bedroom. Your man looks up from his phone when he notices that you’ve finally joined him. A warm smile spreads across his handsome features as he leans back, allowing his big body to relax against the frame. 
“Thought I was gonna have to come looking for you.” His husky purr sends a tiny shiver coursing through you, all the way down to your toes.  
“Uh, nope. Here I am.” Your eyes stray towards your overnight bag nestled innocently in the corner. Because if you weren’t mistaken you were also beginning to sweat. “But I was thinking that maybe I ought to – nooope!” 
An loud, unexpected clap of thunder has you diving towards the bed with a shriek. You seek refuge under the blankets, ignoring the sounds of a bewildered Andy calling your name. He tries to lift up the edge of the comforter, but you refuse to let go. 
At this point, you have no desire to acknowledge just how ridiculous you were being at that very moment. Because you were scared.
And also a smidge mortified.
“Um, honey..?” Andy works to keep his tone light. “What’s going on?” He pauses briefly as one big hand comes to rest on what he assumes must be your head. “Are you okay?”
“Yep!” You squeak out, clutching the blanket even tighter around you. “But I’m also really, really sorry.”
“Sorry for what?” Again he tugs at the edge of your makeshift shield, prompting you to try and roll away. “You haven’t done anything – can you at least look at me? Please.”
“Um, I…I don’t think so. No.” Your words come out slightly muffled.
You’re rewarded with a heavy sigh followed by a brief moment of silence. Although you’re not sure what you expected him to say, you’re still surprised by what comes next.
“Well, if you won’t come out, then I guess that means I’ll just have to come under there then, won’t I?”
Fine by you. Because you were pretty sure that you were only seconds away from dying of embarrassment anyhow.
“Let me in, princess.” 
Relief fills him when he sees you finally relax your grip. Seconds later he joins you under the blankets, cocooning you both within the plush softness.   
“Hey.” Andy breathes as his eyes strain to adjust to the light.
As if of its own accord, one of his hands reaches over to gently brush your curls away from your face. A quiet sigh makes its way past your lips as you feel yourself melting into his touch. In a way it acted as an unspoken reminder. 
You were safe with this man. Which meant it was time to fess up. 
“Umm…” He makes an exaggerated show of looking around. “Why are we hiding?”
“Because.” You whisper, only to flinch when another crack of thunder echoes above. 
“Because?” Your man drags out the word. “Because what? Are you–?” He cuts himself off before trying again. “I’m gonna guess that all this has something to do with the storm. Am I somewhere in the ballpark?”
His question has hot tears pricking the backs of your eyes.
“I don’t like it.” You croak before giving into temptation and burying yourself in his tattoo-covered chest. “In fact, I hate it.” 
Good Lord, you sounded so pitiful right now. 
“All of it.” You confirm as you begin to tremble ever so slightly. “The lightning, the thunder, the heavy winds, the sound of the rain. S’too much.”
“I see.” Is all he says, even as his hand goes to rest on the small of your back, rubbing in easy, soothing circles. 
“I’m sorry.” You feel even worse when the tears spill over onto Andy’s bare skin. 
“Hush.” Comes the soft-spoken command, drawing you flush against his much larger body. “There’s no need to be sorry. I just wish you would’ve said something earlier. Is that why you were so adamant about going home tonight?”
But then your handsome ogre just had to go and be difficult.     
“And I convinced you to stay.” Andy huffs out a disappointed breath at the same time as he drags his knuckles along your spine. “I should’ve noticed something was wrong. All I could think about was how much better I sleep whenever you’re next to me.” You can tell he’s annoyed now – not with you – but with himself. “Should’ve thought to ask why you seemed so skittish.” He drops a brief kiss on the top of your head.   
“I’m sorry, Baby Girl.” He grunts, pulling away so that he can get a good look at your face. “No–” He continues when you open your mouth to interrupt. “I should’ve been paying better attention. That’s on me.” He takes a moment to whisper his sensual, full lips over your own. 
“It’s okay.” You assure him before pressing a tender kiss on his left pec, just above his heart. “I probably should’ve said something earlier. It was just…I guess I was embarrassed.” You finish with a shrug. 
“Why?” He cocks his head to the side as he patiently waits for you to answer. Although it was hard to read his expression in the dark, you knew he was genuinely curious. 
“Because it’s a stupid.” You mumble a few seconds later. “It’s stupid and I’m stupid for–”
“No it’s not.” Andy swiftly interjects. “And no you’re not. So please let that be the last time I hear you refer to yourself that way.” His gruff tone leaves little room for argument, not that you were in the mood anyway. Seconds later, another clap of thunder, followed by a flash of lightning, has you diving back into the safety of his arms.
“Fuck.” Pissed at himself, he quickly wraps his arms around you before gently rocking you back and forth in an effort to calm you down. “When did it start?” More thunder booms overhead the whole house, loud enough to shake the whole house. 
Andy frowns when he hears the tiny whimper that escapes your throat. .   
“It’s silly.” You warn, even as you close your eyes and force yourself to take a deep breath. 
“Try me.”
He’d stay up all night if that’s what it took to get you to talk. The last thing he wanted was for you to shut down on him. Again.  
Guess that was your cue to start spilling your guts. 
“Wh–when I was a little girl, I couldn’t have been more than six or seven, there was this really bad storm. I mean later we would find out that tornadoes had touched down all over the region. But that night – I swear the rain was coming down so hard it sounded like hundreds of baseballs were being pelted against the roof. And the wind was blowing so hard that it kept rattling windows.”
“Mmhm.” The small, noncommittal sound rumbles from somewhere deep within his chest, spurring you forward. 
“So my dad woke us all up, me and my siblings, and herded us down to the basement. I guess he’d been watching the news and figured we’d be safer there. My mom had laid out blankets and sleeping bags for us. At first it seemed kinda fun – almost like we were camping out.”
Another bright flash of light briefly illuminates the bedroom, but you’re too engrossed in your story to really care. Plus, you had Andy to keep you safe. Nothing bad ever seemed to happen when you were with Andy.
At least not so far. 
“I could see that.” Your boyfriend affirms, before giving your hip a light squeeze. “Bet you probably had a cool sleeping bag.” 
“I totally did. I actually had one of those Disney character sleeping bags.” The memory makes you smile as your initial anxiety begins to lessen. “Come to think of it, we all did. But mine had Genie from Aladdin on the front of it. I remember because I got to pick it out myself.” 
“I knew I had the right idea when I invited you out tonight.” Andy muses, brushing his mouth against your curls once more. 
“Yeah, Big Man. I’m a Disney girl. And I sure did love that sleeping bag.” You take a moment to lace your fingers through his, needing the connection. “Which was why I climbed right on in and let my mother zip me up. At that point, I think my little sister started crying or something, so I let her crawl inside with me. After that she went right to sleep.”
“But I’m guessing you didn’t.”
“Nope.” Your grip on his hand tightens, but your man doesn’t pull away. Even so, you allow your thumb to sweetly caress along the ridges of his knuckles. “I stayed wide awake for what felt like hours just…listening. Listening as the wind picked up, as the thunder got louder and louder. Until it became so loud that it sounded like the storm was happening right above our house. And then suddenly there was this crash that shook the entire house – almost like a bomb went off.”    
“Listen, I know sometimes storms can seem–”
“It was a tree.” You quietly forge on. “The storm had knocked down a tree. It fell through the roof, into the room I shared with my sister. Of course nobody was hurt, but ever since then I’ve been terrified of thunderstorms.” You finish, somehow feeling even more foolish than when you’d first started. 
“Holy shit.” Andy exhales before briefly nuzzling your nose with his own. It was a simple stress touch, nothing more. But at this particular moment, it means everything. “I mean, I’m sure this probably goes without saying, but I’m so glad you weren’t in there when it happened. You or your sister.”
Wordlessly you nod, still wishing that you’d found a way to make it home tonight after all. Come tomorrow you’d finally bite the bullet and start looking for a therapist. Perhaps it was finally time you found a way to move past some of your childhood trauma. And maybe then–
Your thoughts are interrupted by the deep, rich timbre of Andrew Barber’s voice. 
“I’m afraid of clowns.” Your boyfriend grunts in a very matter of fact tone. “And spiders.” He tacks on with a slight grimace. “Can’t get near either one of them without breaking into hives.” 
“Oh.” Is all you can manage, clearly surprised by his sudden openness. You hadn’t been expecting that at all. “So I‘m guessing anything to do with Pennywise is probably – ahh shit!” You cry out when the familiar sound of thunder makes you lose your train of thought, leaving you unable to finish your small attempt at humor.
Almost immediately, you feel two strong arms band themselves around your waist, drawing you closer even as you try your damnedest to scramble away. You throw off the covers before attempting to swing your legs over the side of the bed so that you can make a mad dash in the direction of the basement.     
“Hold on, baby.” Andy growls, wincing when your elbow accidentally connects with his ribs. “Just settle down for a second, okay? We’re gonna get through this, I promise.”
“Nope – I’m good! Just let me go, please.” Instead of doing as you ask, he flips your bodies, using his considerable weight to keep you still. “I’m serious, Andrew!” You tell him, thumping his back with your fist for good measure.
“Hush.” He takes advantage of your positions long enough to glide his lips along the column of your throat, leaving a trail of goosebumps in his wake. “Just focus on me – on us – and let everything else fade away.”
Hmph. Easier said than done, handsome.
Andy gifts you with a glimpse of his pearly white teeth before slanting his hungry mouth over your own. He moans into the kiss, gently sucking on your bottom lip and releasing it with a slight pop. When you don’t respond he does it again, this time tracing the curve of your lips with his sinful tongue. 
“But what if –.”
“Shh.” Your boyfriend pauses his sensual assault long enough to stare down at you while he braces himself on his forearms. “You have my word that nothing bad is gonna happen while I’ve got you here, with me, in this bed. We’re safe, Baby Girl.” He then angles his head to nip along your jaw. “Let me show you.”  
“Do you trust me?” Where had you heard that before?
“I…” You trail off as he continues to nip at your heated flesh, paying special attention to the sensitive shell of your ear. “Y–yes.”
Apparently that’s all the permission Andrew Barber needs, because the next thing you know he’s sliding one large hand up your thigh, his lightly calloused palm sending pinpricks of pleasure straight to your core. Seconds later, you both are treated to the sounds of tearing fabric. 
Well, there went your panties. They’d been shredded to hell just like every other pair that went before it. 
Next up is your shirt. He manages to whip it over your head with relative ease before resting his delicious weight on top of you once more. Clad in only his boxers, he makes a show of grinding rapidly hardening cock against your damp pussy.
“Andy.” You whine, wantonly arching your hips in time with his thrusts. “Don’t tease me right now.”
“Why not?” He purrs as a hand moves to fist itself in your hair, wrenching your head back with just enough force to make you feel dizzy with lust. 
Reaching up, you capture his face between your hands to pull him down for another kiss. The scruff of his neatly trimmed beard feels so good against your skin.
“Fuck me, please.” You hiss, seeking a much needed distraction as a flash of lightning threatens to send you running for the hills. Since this man wouldn’t let you leave, your next best option was to let him bury his thick cock inside you so hard and so deep until you no longer had the capacity to think. 
Or walk properly, for that matter.
“Your wish is my command, baby.” Your boyfriend groans as he continues to circle his hips. With that said, he then makes quick work of removing his boxers before tossing him aside in the direction of his hamper. He misses, of course. Which is why you silently vow to pick it up later.
Now freed from its confines, you watch Andy’s impressive manhood immediately spring to attention, lightly smacking his abdomen as it bobs up and down.
Good God, you’d be lying if you said the sight didn’t make your mouth water.  
His mouth curves into a roguish grin as he purposely slides himself between your slippery folds. He revels in your wetness, loving the way your slick coats his aching cock. Shit – if he wasn’t careful he risked blowing his load before it was time. 
Which absolutely would not work. You always came first. That was the rule. There were no exceptions, unless you were playing a game or something.
Reaching over you, Andy grabs a foil packet from his nightstand. Tearing it open with his teeth, you lean back on your elbows while he handles his business with the condom. Maybe next time he’d allow you to put it on for him. You’d always wanted to try…
You also weren’t quite sure of exactly when he’d gone and removed his boxers, but you also weren’t complaining either.         
“Now, sweetheart.”  Your man begins as he takes a hold of your calf, tenderly draping it over his muscled shoulder as the wheel continues to howl outside. “All you’ve gotta do is lay back and focus on how good you feel.” He leans forward so that he can trace his tongue around your nipple before sucking the delicate flesh into his waiting mouth.  
Your back bows as you thrust your chest forward in silent offering. Andy groans as continues to toy with your pouting nipple before switching to the other. You let out a sharp cry as he brings the pebbled tip in his mouth, lightly pinching it between his teeth just hard enough to make you writhe beneath him. 
That’s part of what always made this feel so good. The way he always seemed to mix pleasure with a little bit of pain. 
His mouth eventually finds yours again as your hands smooth their way over the blades of his shoulders, allowing you to run your fingers along the contour of his muscles. And when you finally reach the firm globes of his ass, you can’t help but giggle as you finally give into the temptation to smack it. Hard.    
Just the way he liked it.
“Remember, sweet brat. If I’m gonna wear your handprint then I think it’s only fair you wear mine too. Understand?” Of course he doesn’t wait for you to answer. Instead he maneuvers himself up so that he can expertly flip you over onto your stomach before pulling you up so that you’re now resting on your hands and knees before him. 
Instinctively you arch your ass in the air, inviting him to make good on his promise. This man loved spanking your ass every chance he got. And what’s more, you seemed to enjoy it almost as much as he did.
“Now be a good girl and put your hands where they’re supposed to go.” 
A small shiver of anticipation courses through as you move to obey. He chuckles softly as he watches your eager fingers grip the headboard. Later he would tell you how proud of you he was in that moment, that he was honored by your faith in his ability to distract you from the violent storm taking place right outside his window.
It meant the world that you trusted him enough to take care of you at a time like this. 
“Fuck, you’re perfect.” Andy purrs as the heavy weight of his palm comes down on your upturned rear with just enough force to make your naughty pussy gush. Unable to stop it, you can’t help the groan you emit when he does it again, loving the way he kneads and caresses your most intimate curves.  
“So are you.” 
Your body jerks when he decides to focus his attention on your greedy little cunt. Nimble fingers spear you open as they between your glistening folds to tease your throbbing clit. It’s not long before your hips begin moving in time with his ministrations. 
Soon your eyes flutter closed as you bear down, shamelessly grinding yourself against his calloused palm. At first, Andy is content to simply watch as you slowly work yourself into a frenzy.
Because this time, when the sound of thunder crackles throughout the room, you barely react. In fact, you hardly hear it. You’re too engrossed in the pleasure, too caught up in just how good your man is making you feel, to remember to be afraid. 
“Easy, greedy girl.” Andy hums after another beat goes by before finally removing his hand. The fucking bastard.
“Nooo!” You whine, hating the way your impending orgasm lingers just out of reach.
"Yeees.” There’s a slight mocking edge to his tone that has you glancing over your shoulder to shoot him a glare. 
“Swear to God you’re so fucking beautiful. Even when you’re trying to turn me into dust.” He winks at you then before allowing his hands to settle on your hips. Goosebumps pebble across your sweat-dampened flesh when you feel the head of his impressive cock nudge at your entrance.
“Please.Please.Please.” That one word is whispered over and over, like a fervent prayer. 
Just then, a stroke of lightning brightens the room, treating you to a fleeting glimpse of your man right as he thrusts himself inside of you, all the way to the hilt. Your eyes threaten to roll back in your head as he forces you to take every deliciously thick inch of his cock, stretching your tight pussy until you can’t help clench around him.     
Andy starts off slow, gradually building up the pace as your velvety walls continue to milk him for all he’s worth. His fingers dig into your curves as you rear back to match his movements. Soon, he adjusts the angle of his thrusts, allowing him to go even deeper. 
“S’good, Andy!Fuuuck!” You moan as Andy continues fucking you into oblivion. “Yes!Harder, pleeease!”
“My baby wants it harder?” He growls, adjusting his position to give you exactly what you asked for. A desperate sob bubbles up from your throat, prompting you to bury your face in a nearby pillow.
Too bad your man is having none of it.        
“Oh no.” One large hand moves to wrap itself around the delicate column of your throat, applying just the right amount of pressure to make your pulse spike. “You don’t get to hide that pretty face from me. Not tonight.” He grunts before allowing his free arm to encircle your waist to haul you against the hard wall of his chest. 
A hand soon finds its way to your breast. He lifts the tempting weight, before plucking at your nipple with his thumb and forefinger, evoking the most exquisite sensations. 
“You’re doing so good, Baby Girl.” Andy rasps, tweaking his angle so that he can find your spot. “So good. Told you I’d keep you safe.” The sounds of flesh slapping against flesh echo throughout the room, creating an erotic tempo. “Would never let anything bad happen to you.” 
Your boyfriend’s Boston accent grows thicker and more pronounced with each passing second – letting you know that he’s close to losing control. That’s when you decide to push him closer to the brink by reaching behind you to pull his head down for a kiss. It’s hot, wet, and deep. And by the time you both come up for air your heart is hammering in your chest. 
“I…I know.” And you did know.
Tipping your chin back, you allow your walls to flutter around his fat cock, making him twitch. Your core begins to spasm as you feel the coil in your belly tighten even more. Andy makes sure to keep a tight hold on your sweat-slicked body as his lips continue to whisper kisses along the curve of your jaw.  
White hot pleasure dances along your skin, meanwhile Andy’s thrusts continue to grow more and more erratic with each passing minute. One of your hands slips from the headboard to help keep you upright. 
“Cum, princess. Give it to me.” He snarls through clenched teeth before reaching down to deliver a slap to your pussy. It feels so good that you beg him to do it again and again. “Be a good girl and fucking cum!”
That’s all you need to hear before you go tumbling over the edge and into bliss. “Fuck!Fuck!Fuck!” Ecstasy slices through you, making you cry out loud enough to wake the neighbors. Thank goodness there was a storm going on outside, otherwise someone might’ve taken it upon themselves to call the police.  
Chest heaving, you continue bouncing on your man’s cock. He felt so amazing it bordered on obsession. And you knew he’d feel even better once you had him in your mouth. Andy shudders behind you, his big body trembling with the force of his orgasm.  
Completely spent, you both flop down on the bed. You’re both naked and sweaty, but neither of you really cares all that much. You curl up in his arms, resting on his chest so that you can listen to the soothing sound of his heartbeat. 
“You okay?” Andy murmurs a little while later when he notices that your eyes have begun to droop. “Do you need me to–”
“Mm…” You purr, stretching your arms above your head as you stifle a lawn. “I’m thinking I need some more of that. Like tonight.” 
You grow quiet once you realize that you no longer hear the sound of the rain. Or the wind. Or the thunder. All is as it should be. Thank goodness.
“Give me ten minutes to refuel and I’m all yours.” He grunts before disposing of his used condom in a nearby garbage can.. 
“Thank you.” You mumble, feeling your cheeks heat. “For tonight, for what you did.”
“Not sure if I did much of anything.” Andy smiles down at you, his brilliant blue eyes filled with sincerity. “You’re always safe with me, princess. So just relax."
“I believe you, Andy. But the storm –"
“Is about over. We fucked right through it, baby.” You don’t have to look up at him to know that he’s got some kind of shit-eating grin plastered across his handsome features. "But most of all, thank you for trusting me with your secret.”
“Thank you for not laughing.“ Your hand reaches up to stroke your knuckles along his bearded jaw. 
“Hm.” Andy mutters. “Maybe next time we’ll have to try making love in the rain. What do you think, princess?”
“Um, baby steps, Andrew.” You counter, expertly dodging his first question. “Let’s go smaller. I’m talking waaay smaller.”
“Fine. I’ll settle for a kiss during a light drizzle.” Your boyfriend concedes, laughter and warmth suffusing his tone. 
“Consider it done, handsome.” You mumble as sleep threatens to overtake you.
Later, Andy would tell you that he let you fall asleep that night on purpose. Your earlier anxiety had really done a number on you, which is why he was content to let you rest. Instead of complaining, he holds you close, silently willing his heart to beat in time with your own. 
And when you wake in the middle of the night, cocooned in the safety of your man’s arms, you know without question that you are cherished beyond measure.
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youthereader · 1 year
Andy bends you over his desk.
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pairing: andy barber (defending jacob) x assistant fem!reader
summary: 1.9k words. andy reprimands you for wearing an inappropriate skirt at work.
rating: e; smut, barebacking, semi-public sex, some praise kink, boss-employee relationship, spanking
a/n: not the usual here but this idea got the best of me.
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You consider your working relationship with Andy to be a friendly one. You talk about the weather, some sports, a restaurant opening in town. It’s light and fun and it’s probably the best job you’ve ever had, being his assistant.
Because of this, you care a lot about him on a deeper level, too, and it probably crosses into unprofessionalism, but it doesn’t hurt anyone since nobody knows you’re harboring a huge crush on him. And it makes sense! He’s so handsome, and so smart without being condescending, something you’re not used to. Your Hinge dates are downright depressing at times because you keep comparing everyone of them to your boss. You think to yourself, why can’t they be more like Andy?
It's only natural to daydream about him taking you out instead of those disappointing guys, and it’s harmless fun. There was the one time he caught you looking at him when you sat by his side in a meeting, your pen poised to take notes, and he winked at you. It made you feel all warm and giggly, your cheeks flushing as you pressed your lips together to smother your mirth.
You start buying new clothes, justifying them as work purchases, knowing you’re picking things you hope Andy will appreciate. The most daring is a short leather skirt with a slit that comes up mid-thigh, and you specifically choose to wear it on a day you know Andy plans to dedicate to being in the office, his paperwork having got away from him. You’ll have plenty of opportunities to grab his attention, and then you’ll open your app at the end of the day to find someone more realistic, more tangible, and then ride the high of confidence into the weekend. It’s a win-win situation.
You rise from your desk as he walks in, greeting him with coffee, and his eyes drop immediately to your legs when he picks up his Styrofoam cup. He blinks twice, his response delayed.
“Good morning.”
He glances at his watch, muttering a curse word before he departs. It’s not what you hoped for, but it’s not nothing, either. You get back to your computer and answer the phone. Andy doesn’t leave for a couple hours and when he reappears, he’s on his cell phone, distracted, barely looking at you.
Maybe he’s not a leg guy? Maybe he just doesn’t think you’re cute?
You try not to feel let down by this, plodding along, until he comes back a bit before noon, your eyes meeting as he passes through.
“Any messages?”
“Yes,” you reply, retrieving your notepad. “I told them you’d call them back. Also, your dentist keeps playing phone tag-”
He lets out a huff of a laugh, shaking his head. “Uh, yeah. Please call Dr. Fisher back and apologize to her. I’m sure she’ll have a lot to say when I finally see her.”
“Plaque not top of your priorities?” you tease, sinking back into your chair, swivelling in it to face your monitor once more.
You catch his eyes following your movements, and you’re suddenly far more aware of your skin. You pick up the phone receiver.
“Just call her back, please,” he says, not matching your tone.
He sounds almost impatient with you, which has never happened before. You nod, going quiet. You do as you’re told, and the receptionist sighs on the other end of the line, rescheduling for you yet again.
“There’s a cancellation fee.”
“Yes, he is aware,” you reply. “And he sends his apologies.”
“Tell him it’s not good enough.”
You won’t do any such thing; he’d fire you for sticking your nose in his business like that. Frankly, it’s not up to anyone to pass judgement on Andy, knowing what he’d been through in the past few years. If his working life took over everything for him to cope with all the rest, that makes a lot of sense to you.
When you hang up, you sigh, glancing at the calendar. He doesn’t have many spaces for anything other than meetings. You hope he has some time for himself, even if it’s just a couple hours a day. You remind yourself it’s outside of your control, and more importantly, not relevant to you.
The phone rings and you glance at the digital display, seeing it’s Andy. You pick up.
“I need to speak to you before you go to lunch.”
“Sure,” you reply, and you hang up, stomach suddenly full of knots.
With how he snapped at you earlier, you mind goes straight to the worst possible outcome – dismissal. It seems a little extreme, but he’s never been so… mean to you. But maybe you’re being paranoid, or maybe… maybe you’re being sensitive, and he didn’t snap at all. Still, he wasn’t warm as he usually was when he saw you. You thought he liked having you as his assistant.
You walk over to his door, wiping your sweaty hands on your skirt before opening it and slipping inside. Your head turned to shut it, you hear him say:
“Please lock that.”
You oblige, and then glance over to his desk, seeing him resting on the edge of it, arms crossed. His jaw tenses, his eyes falling to your skirt.
“What did you need, sir?” you ask, placing your hands behind your back.
“We’ve got an issue,” he says.
You swallow. “Oh? What’s happened?”
Sometimes a client is pricklier than others. Or something high profile comes through the firm and you have to be aware of press sniffing around. You don’t expect what comes out of Andy’s mouth next.
“It’s your skirt.”
“Oh, God,” you say, and you flush. “Yeah… it’s a little much. I’m sorry—”
He puts up a hand, but you keep going.
“I can go home and change, now, on my break. I’m sorry.”
He shakes his head. “No, that won’t do.”
Your heart sinks. He’s going to fire you over your outfit? That has to be discrimination. You gape.
He pushes off his desk and you freeze. Andy strides right up to you and takes hold of your chin between his thumb and forefinger, eyes boring into yours.
“You think you can wear something like that and there not be any consequences? I can practically see up your skirt.”
You can’t speak. Your heart hammers, her whole face and neck burning with shame.
He moves forward, hips on yours and you stumble backwards, his other hand grabbing your hip to steady you. Underneath the fear and humiliation, you know he’s getting you wet by touching you like this, as if he’s entitled to do so.
His thigh fits between your knees and he searches your face, eyes narrowing.
“Well? What have you got to say for yourself? You got my attention. Is that what you wanted?”
“I…” You gape some more, useless. “I-I did want that. I wanted you to look at me. But it’s not appropriate, I’m sorry…”
“No, it’s really not.”
He kisses you, hard, open-mouthed and hungry. You gasp, his tongue pressing into your mouth to tangle with yours. Your hands grip his shirt sleeves and you close your eyes, kissing him back, riding the wave. He still holds your face, but by your jaw, his lips moving down to kiss your neck, his short beard grazing your skin.
You moan his name and he chuckles, pressing his hard-on against your thigh. He’s huge. You’d bet your life on that. His hands rove your body, squeezing your tits, your hips, your ass… you whimper as he sucks at your skin, grinding against you.
“Come here.”
You obey, tugged along to the desk. He pushes you in front of him, bending you at the waist.
“Jesus Christ,” he whispers, and you look over your shoulder at him, watching as he stares at your ass in the leather skirt.
He pushes it up, hand coming down with a sharp slap to your right ass cheek. Of course, you couldn’t just wear any underwear with this skirt – your thong is all that covers you there, and he grabs it, tugging it tight.
“Andy,” you say, and he looks at you, chest giving a heave.
“Can’t wander around in that tiny black skirt and then act surprised when I want to fuck you-”
You bite your lip, canting your hips at his words, your ass lifting. He spanks you again, and you hope no-one hears that, the two slaps, or your bitten off moans.
He glances down. “Spread your legs. Fuck… you’re so wet.”
He undoes his belt, then his fly, taking out his cock. He tugs on himself as you anticipate the stretch of him. You nod, and he chuckles, shaking his head.
“You’re so cute when you’re needy.”
He takes hold of you by the neck, angling you for a filthy kiss, his other hand petting your behind, before slipping down between your cheeks to glide through your wetness. You moan into his mouth, his fingers spreading your arousal around, teasing your clit for a steady minute, and you’re whimpering for him.
“Did you wear this just for me?” he whispers, and you nod. He rocks his cock up against you. “Does that mean this is all mine now?”
He means your cunt. He plays with your clit, dips his fingers into you, riling you up. These are the consequences he was talking about.
“Yeah,” you breathe. “It’s all yours.”
He fills you and you both gasp. He holds your shoulder, letting you fall forward onto his desk, rocking back and forth in shallow thrusts. The stretch makes you tremble, slick with want. Your nails scratch at the heavy wood when he picks up speed, hips hitting your ass, your thong stretched to the side.
You don’t know how much you can take, your feet lifting out of your shoes so you stand on tiptoes as he drives into you. All you can feel is how he stretches you to perfection, your mouth drooling from pleasure.
“Oh, fuck…”
Your thong snaps as his hands take hold of your hips, and he utterly wrecks you, skin slapping together as the world slips away. How are you meant to walk after this? Hang on – how are you meant to look Andy in the eye after this?
“Andy, Andy, Andy…”
You’re so close, you just need that little something, and you tense up, trying to muffle your moans in your arms… then you feel him find your clit again and rub, and you think you might burst into tears.
Your orgasm slams into you and your vision whitens, clenching around him as he fucks you through it.
“Good girl, that’s what I wanted,” he pants. “That’s what I wanted to feel.”
You feel something wet down your thighs and you realize you’ve squirted a little at the same time Andy does, and he huffs, close to the edge.
“Jesus, where have you been hiding?”
“Nowhere, I was at my desk,” you slur, and he laughs, breathless.
“You’re like a dream,” he praises, and then goes still, emptying into you. “So… fucking… cute.”
He sighs, hands coming up to pull you back, your next kisses more tender but still messy, the room reeking of sex now. You think of the carpets, the possible stains.
He keeps kissing you, stroking your cheek with his sweaty hand.
“After we clean up, do you wanna get some lunch together?” he whispers, and you nod, smiling lazily.
“I think we’re way past that, sir.”
His eyes sparkle with an unexpected fondness, before he kisses you again.
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Thank you for reading! Let me know if you liked it. ❤️
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imyourbratzdoll · 2 years
I would absolutely love a Andy Barber or Ari Levinson Best Friends Dad fic
Maybe they sneak into your room late at night and start touching you while you’re asleep, leading into more
Anything like that would be great
hello. I'm sorry this took so long. I thought I'd write both men. also, the smut not be that great, so I do apologise for that.
summary - you've been teasing your best friend's dad and his best friend for months, and they've finally fallen into your small trap.
warning - smut, threesome, creampie, daddy kink, breeding kink, best friend's dad, older men, slight somno, dubcon, swearing, oral sex.
18+ only please, the gifs I use aren't mine, divider by @newlips
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Ari and Andy sneak into your room, their cocks hardening as they see you sleeping bare. Ari immediately called his best friend Andy when his daughter told him you were staying over, and he’s glad he did. You were a sight for sore eyes.
They move closer, and their large hands touch your body softly. Groaning as you feel so smooth, your legs widen, giving the men a great view of your glistening cunt. Together they begin to rub your swollen clit. Their other hand moves to twist your nipples and squeeze your breasts.
“God, she’s such a fucking slut, even in her sleep.” Ari hums in agreement, smirking as you whimper in your sleep. 
“A whore like her must be punished for being a tease.” Both men slowly crawl onto the bed, their clothes left on the floor, and their cocks stand tall. Andy grips his cock tightly, rubbing his leaking tip against your plump lips while Ari lines up with your weeping entrance. Both groan as their so close to finally getting what they want.
A whine leaves you, your eyes slowly opening as you wake. “Mr Levinson? Mr Barber, what are– OH!” Ari thrusts deep inside you, and the loud moan that leaves you is interrupted by Andy shoving his cock into your mouth.
“Shh, baby girl. Let us take care of you.” Ari grips your hips, stopping them from moving as he pounds harder and faster into your tight cunt. “Jesus fucking Christ! If I had known you’d feel like heaven, I would’ve fucked you in your little dresses ages ago.” His eyes nearly roll to the back of his head, never having felt someone as heavenly as you.
Andy grunts, his hands squeezing your breasts as he thrusts deep into your throat. Feeling you choke and gag on his cock makes his head fuzzy. “Fuck! That’s right, honey. Keep choking on daddy’s cock.” He leans back, watching his cock go in and out of your mouth, feeling his balls tighten at the lump in your throat. “So good, honey. You suck cock so well!”
Soft whines and whimpers escape your full mouth, your body withering underneath the prominent, older men. You wonder what your best friend would think if she walked in and found you like this. The thrill of getting caught causes your cunt to squeeze her father’s cock, tingles spreading throughout your body with this newfound pleasure. 
“You like this. Don’t you, baby girl?” Your eyes water, trying to nod as he keeps fucking into your sweet spot. One hand gripping each man, your nails dug into their flesh as they brought pleasure to your body. “Fuck– shit! I’m going to cum! You’ll be so full of me, baby girl, that you’ll soon be round with my child.” The thought of you round and plump, walking around with a part of him inside you and having to lie to everyone causes his balls to tighten and his eyes to roll as he erupts. Filling your puffy cunt to the brim with his seed.
Andy groans, thrusting faster into your mouth. The moan you let out sends vibrations up his throbbing member, causing his cock to twitch as he empties into the back of your throat. “Shit– fuck! You made me cum like a fucking teenager!” Both men groan as they pull out, Ari’s eyes transfixed on his cum leaking out of your stuffed cunt. A squeal leaves you as he pushes it back deep inside you with his finger. “Swallow it, honey. Make your daddies proud.” Andy smiles as you listen to him, his cock twitching at the sight.
You pout, eyes wide as you stare at them. “More, please?” 
They finally fell into your trap. All the hard work of acting innocent and teasing them definitely paid off. You couldn’t wait till they marked you all over the house. The next place you had in mind was your best friend's room… The thought of them wrecking you in there made your cunt clench around nothing.
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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cottagecheese1 · 2 months
unhinged worlds 4
summary: A few years after your father died, your mother marries a new man, to you having a new family meant new beginnings, but what happens when your new beginning comes spiraling apart just because of the people that made them.
paring: dark stepdad Andy Barber x reader x dark dbf Lloyd Hansen x reader x dark stepbrother Johnny storm x reader x dark bbf Colin Shea. warnings- (DDLG undertones) stepcest, Johnny is NOT Andy's biological father, he is the adopted son. smut, do not engage if you are uncomfortable with any of the following, spanking, blackmail, p in v, edging, thigh riding, oral, fingering.
Series master list right here
Another day, that's what you always seem to think when you wake up and the sun burns through your eyelids, when the seemingly 8 hours of sleep comes to an end, but this morning just seemed worse than the other ones. Mostly because you knew and dreaded what was coming as Andy grumbled, and pulled you tighter to his bare chest as he tried to hide away from the sun peaking through the blinds.
As you laid there stiff, scared, and a bit shocked at the previous night activities circulated through your head, but one seemed to never stop nagging you. You close your eyes and furrow your eyebrows thoughtlessly, as you recall the conversation the night before that Andy had brought up, and had desperately scared you when he mentioned a man named Lloyd. Who was this man? Your heartbeat quickens at the thought of another man coming in with the intentions of the men who were supposed to love, and protect you when your mother went away.
Andy grumbles and tosses around some more and you tense up and mentally curse yourself, secretly hoping for some more time with your thoughts, as you sigh in defeat and hear stomping and kitchen drawers being pulled open roughly. Andy groans and you feel him lean over the top of your head and pepper kisses all over the side of your face with a hum, while he strokes your sweater covered arm with a smug smile.
“Morning' honey..how did you sleep babygirl?” Andy says with a deep rumble as he strokes a stray piece of hair away from your face when you refuse to look at him.
You pause for a moment and your real response races through your head, scared, worried, afraid. Knowing that's not an answer he’d accept you sigh, “Fine.”
He looks at you with a little irritation when you cut him a short answer, and he sighs with annoyance, “Honey..I know you're angry, but you better knock the attitude off before I do..”
Andy grabs your face roughly, forcing you to look at him and his expression softens, “Daddy loves you sweetheart, but the last thing I wanna do is punish you first thing in the morning. Especially when we have a guest coming over today”, he smiles softly and loosens the grip on your cheeks slightly.
You nod slowly, and you notice how quickly his temper rises and falls within all of 40 seconds. You force yourself to give a small smile and sit up slowly. Not wanting to provoke the larger man in some way, your mouth feels dry and croaky as you open your mouth to suggest something, “we should..”, but the words get caught in your throat and you manage to force them out anyway, “we should get some breakfast..”
Andy chuckles and leans in closer, inches away from your face and pushes you back down flat to the mattress, “ah, give me a kiss first and we can go eat..” he smiles smugly and brushes your hair back.
Chills seem to run up your spine and you swallow nervously, while managing to keep your small smile, you lean up slowly to press a small kiss to his lips. Before you can pull back Andy grabs the back of your head gently with a bit of roughness, as he deepens the kiss and manages to slide his tongue in while he hums in contentment. Your eyes widen and attempt to push him away as you plant your hands on either side of his broad shoulders, and after a moment of him enduring your struggle, Andy finally pulls away with a chuckle while leaning over you.
“Just having some fun honey..no need to act like that”, Andy winks with a smile and lets you sit up. He gets out of bed, watching him throw on a plain white T-shirt with some gray sweatpants, and you both hear a knock on the door.
“Hey! Can you two hurry up already..Lloyds been bitching about wanting to see her already”, You furrow your eyebrows and what you can make out to be Johnny on the other side of the door, and then you realize that the man you’ve been scared to meet is on the other side of the room.
You glance over to Andy and he rolls his eyes while he lets out a huff, “tell him to hold on..! And that he’s in my house” he yells loud enough to where Johnny can hear, and Andy glances over at you while walking over to your side of the bed, then kneeling down to grip your hands in his larger ones as he stares into your worried expression, “I know your scared honey, and trust me. I was gonna talk to you about this, but he came earlier than expected, so all you need to do is be a good girl..can you do that for Daddy?” he says softly and for a moment you feel safe.
You nod your head and get up out of bed, in only Andy’s sweater and panties. Before you look at the door nervously and you glance behind you to see Andy's hands on your shoulders softly as he smiles down at you, “um..can I get some shorts.? Or pants would be ok to..” You say nervously.
Andy hums softly and nods, before looking down at your bare legs and panty clad ass in front of him, “of course honey..I don’t want anyone else seeing that pretty ass first thing in the morning either..” he winks before pulling out a pair of shorts that he seemed to take from your room, and you sigh in relief as he hands them to you.
Taking the shorts eagerly, you slide them on quickly as Andy watches you hungrily. A twitch to his cock makes him groan a bit when you bend over, his disappointment shows when you stand back up, turning back around to look at him and he gives a hum in contentment while motioning you out the door, which leads straight into the kitchen.
You turn the door handle and push the door open in unwanted anticipation. You feel Andy push you further out the door like you were a scared puppy, and he leans down to whisper slowly into your ear, “Remember to be a good girl..” a shiver runs through your spine and you nod.
“Morning sweetheart, you got a special someone who wants to see you..” Colin teases you playfully before Johnny elbows him in the side, before smiling at you with a bit of a mischievous glint to his eyes.
You try to ignore the two men standing in the kitchen before you see a taller man walk from behind the two boys, and you feel Andy's grip tighten on your hips as the man walks closer. He smiles down at you and pulls you roughly away from Andy with a laugh, “There's my pumpkin.! Oh look at you, such a cutie..gotta nice ass too”, the man known as Lloyd pulls you into his chest and gropes your ass playfully.
The mustached man leads you into the living room, and you can faintly hear Andy groan in the back while the laughter of Johnny and Colin stop. Lloyd sits down on the couch and pulls you roughly onto his lap, “Oh come to daddy pumpkin.. I just couldn’t wait to see you sugar, I know you're tired of these fucker-”, Lloyd gets cut off by hands grunt.
“I’m daddy, you moron..why didn’t you tell me you were coming this early?” Andy says with irritation, and Lloyd just shoots Andy an amused grin while pulling you closer into him and pressing a soft kiss on your cheek, which confuses you.
“Then I can be daddy when you're not around dickhead..like I said I was saying, I just couldn’t wait to see my pumpkin so I wanted to get here as early as possible..how about you sugar? You wanna ride in daddy's private jet? I think you do..” Lloyd coos at you as he grabs your cheeks teasingly, before Johnny scoffs behind him.
“She’s not going anywhere with you..let alone back to wherever you came from” Johnny states with a little humor in his voice, and you shuffle awkwardly on his lap. They aren’t actually gonna let his weirdo take you home with him right?
Andy immediately pipes into the conversation and waves his hand in a dismissing motion, “no, no, no..your not taking her anywhere with you, let alone on a plane or since I’m already pissed off at you” he says sternly while crossing his arms, and you just decide to stay put and listen.
“Oh stop being a little bitch, I’ll show her a good time..she behaves so well anyway” He scoffs for a minute before turning back to you with a teasing smile as you sit uncomfortably in his lap and look the other way.
Your actions seem to make a rise out of him and he grabs you face to make you look at him, and his hand wonders under your shirt until he pinches your nipples, and you jolt a bit and whine which seems to make everyone chuckle except for Andy, “Such a good girl..quiet as a mouse to aren’t you pumpkin? You haven’t even said a word to me yet”, he smiles and caresses your cheek softly, and you whine when he pinches your peaked nipples much rougher this time.
Colin seems to laugh at that and join in, “She's shy..barely even said more than a few sentences to us, not to mention how pretty she was whining. Desperate to cum when her pussy was getting some special kisses isn't that right baby?” Colin teases you relentlessly as his mocking tone makes you put your head down in embarrassment.
Lloyd Laughs at your shyness, and everyone seems to laugh along, including Andy. Lloyd tilts your chin up to look at him and runs his thumb over your bottom lip, before he slides his hand down your flimsy shorts and you whimper, looking at Andy for some kind of help but he just groans in amusement and adjusts the bulge in his sweatpants. As does everyone else and you can’t help but feel like you're being used. Mocked.
“Is that right pumpkin? Well you're shy now but you won’t be once I give you some special attention..daddy will make sure to spoil his princess” Lloyd teases and rubs your damp pussy through your cotton panties and you let out a soft moan and lean back against him.
“That's right baby girl..nothing wrong with a little attention, you like it don’t you?” Lloyd whispers lowly into your ear as you feel his thick fingers slide past your panties and you squeeze your thighs together in unwanted pleasure, as the others behind you groan in pleasure and you feel your climax coming closer than ever.
You grid against Lloyds fingers needily and let out shameless soft moans as he rubs quick small circles on your clit while he smiles at your neediness. “Thats it pumpkin..I know your close, go ahead and cum” he says deeply and you feel the coil in your lower stomach unravel and you let out a moan and slump back against Lloyd, as he takes his fingers covered in your juices and sucks them clean while the others smile and look down at you with lust and desire as your eyes are half lidded in pleasure, Andy chuckles.
“That was real sweet baby, but way more where that came from...”, Andy says darkly while Lloyd lays your back on the couch, and suddenly your back where you started out.
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A/n: Sorry it took me so long to continue, let me know if you have any recommendations for part 5
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onsunnyside · 2 years
¹⁵.⍭ 𝐏𝐮𝐭 𝐌𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐌𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞
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𝗣𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 | Ari Levinson x bunny hybrid!reader (to Major Crossover—Ari Levinson, Andy Barber, Lloyd Hansen and Steve Rogers x bunny hybrid!reader)
𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 | bunny hybrid!reader, owner!Ari, Mob AU (loosely implied), dom/sub undertones, DD/LG undertones. boss!Ari, mean daddy!Ari and daddy’s mean friends!Andy, Steve & Lloyd. AGE GAP, power imbalance, size difference, breeding programs (for hybrids). SMUT - minors DNI, boot riding, daddy kink, dirty talk, degradation, dumbification, finger sucking/gagging, dacryphilia, size kink, fingering (f, v & a), spit kink, bulge suckling (over pants?), p*ssy slapping, balls sucking, oral (m), squirting, overstimulation.
𝗦𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆 | Every pet needs an owner and in your case, your daddy loves sharing you. Written for Kinktober 2022, loosely based on this ask. 
𝐨𝐧 𝐀𝐎𝟑
𝗪/𝗖 | 4.53K
𝗔/𝗡 | *reposted bc it was causing me problems.* consider this my crossover fic for kinktober if my other one doesn’t come in time. aside from the mafia, ari and his friends work in the breeding industry too. dear anon, i'm so sorry i basically changed your whole request !! ari owns me !! Title from Put Me in a Movie by Lana Del Rey. No gifs/photos belong to me, check the Pinterest board on my kinktober masterlist, all credits go to the original creators. All mistakes are my own. [all asks]
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝐅𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 & 𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐨𝐧 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲: @𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲
˗ˏˋ𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟐 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭ˎˊ˗ ⋰˚ 𝐂.𝐄. & 𝐂𝐨. 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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There are a lot of things that Ari is thankful for. From his respected family name, his close friends, and the luck or diligence that has gotten him this far. Given the number of bullets he’s dodged growing up, it’s a wonder he ever got to the top in the end. But right now, he’s most grateful for you, his little pet, on your knees and drooling all over his knee. He loved when you were a pathetic mess. 
Another whimper slips out from your lips, drawing all eyes to you once more. 
“Bunny, what did I say?”
You quickly wipe the spit from your face and strain to meet his eyes, your hips stutter when he raises his foot as you grind down, torturing your soppy folds with a single motion. 
“To b-be quiet…” You clutch at his pants, dropping your head in submission. “Sorry, daddy.”
Ari’s gaze softens. He reaches out and pets your head, lightly brushing the soft fur of your ears, making you purr. “It’s okay, baby. I know you’re just a dumb little bunny. You’re lucky daddy’s friends are so patient with all of your interruptions—” He slips his digits into your mouth and forcefully turns your head, “—you should apologize to them.”
Your gaze falls on the man next to him and those thick thighs straining against his wool slacks. “I-I’m so-wwy…” Your eyes drift over each of them, shivers crawling down your spine at their intimidating stares. “I—” Ari jams his fingers to the back of your throat, making you gag and saliva drip down your chin. “So-ugh-rry! I’m sorry for interruptin’!”  
“I don’t know if I forgive you, pet.” Mr. Hansen tsks from the other couch, “why don’t you show me if all of that wasted time is worth it?”
His words would’ve gone ignored if Ari didn’t choke you on his fingers again, pulling you out of that dizzy headspace. You suckle on his digits and heave, tears well in your eyes as your panties get slicker. Rocking faster and harder, you chase that euphoria that makes your clit tingle. Pitiful whimpers escape your full mouth, you don’t want to stop, it feels too good. 
Ari’s fingers withdraw from your mouth with a lewd pop, “C’mon, we don’t have all day.” He points up his foot, making you cry out. 
You quickly raise your hips and bend over, nuzzling your owner’s crotch while the other men leer at the shiny leather and soaked fabric covering your mound. Just spotting the sticky outline of your swollen folds and your needy button begging for relief. 
“We can’t see anything with your wet panties in the way, dummy.” Mr. Rogers chuckles, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees. “Take ‘em off.” 
With a final nod from Ari, you slip off your underwear. The rush of cold draws a gasp from your throat, and your hot, weepy centre is not only victim to the cool air, but the eager eyes of your owner’s friends. Cream coats your pussy and your hole clenches around nothing, your puffy clit showing just how much you’ve been teased. After all, you have been riding Ari’s boot since the ‘meeting’ started. 
Your knees are sore but you don’t care, you wanted any piece of Ari he would offer. Aching for him and his warmth, you whine and feebly attempt to get closer from your position between his spread thighs. Your cheek presses against his stiff bulge and your mouth waters for his heavy weight on your tongue—but you’ve been a bad, interruptive bunny, you don’t deserve playtime with daddy. 
“Poor baby, why are you crying?” Mr. Barber asks, dark eyebrows furrowed in concern. 
“Want—I want daddy’s cock,” your bottom lip trembles, “wanna suck his dick and taste his cum.” 
A switch flips and Mr. Barber smirks, all of the worry replaced with sick glee. “Are you sure you just want his cock? I’ve heard you love having his sack on your face and sometimes you just suck on his balls.” His words only make you cry harder out of pure want. You nod helplessly, making all of the men chuckle. “Sweet bunny wants daddy’s milk so bad, you’ll just—what did you call it, Ari?” 
“Nurse on my balls,” Ari answers smugly, rubbing your head. “She’ll just wait until I’m close and shove my cock down her throat. I’m surprised she has room in her tummy at all—pretty thing always wants to taste my cum.” 
“What a slutty cum-bunny.” Mr. Hansen’s eyes are still locked on your drippy cunt. “She has cum for brains, I bet.” 
“Curtis and Bucky are gonna be pissed when they hear about what they missed.” Mr. Rogers snorts, “they both have a thing for little cum dummies.” 
“Well then, maybe next time they should keep their word.” Ari rubs that special spot behind your furry ear, making your eyes glaze over and your jaw go slack. They could almost see every thought leave your head. “Right, pet? Aren't Curtis and Bucky just so mean to forget about you?”
You nod in a daze, staring up at him with so much love and trust that he almost devours you right there. “So m-mean, daddy…” 
You don’t notice that the other men have moved closer, Steve and Lloyd looming behind you while Andy inches closer. His fingers trace to your other sweet spot behind your other ear and you nearly forget to breathe. Their gentle touch could soothe you to sleep like a lullaby and also make you immensely needier from the sensitivity. You know it’s more of the latter considering the heat fluttering in your stomach. 
“Sweet, submissive girls like you shouldn’t ever be pushed aside. You deserve the spotlight.” Mr. Barber coos gently, “Don’t you agree, fellas?”
“She’s meant to be a star.” Lloyd crouches down behind you, slowly slicing your nightie with his knife, the silk falling to the floor and exposing more of your glowy skin. He leans close, inhaling your sweet, heady scent. “You wanna be a star, bunny?”
Again, you nod. “Yes, pl-please.” You say politely, jumping when Steve’s hand lands on your ankle, prompting you to spread your legs wider. 
“I think you need to ask your daddy, dummy.” The blond tuts. 
You lean forward, arching your back just like your daddy taught you—your owner liked it and his friends did too. A broken whine flows from your lips when someone brushes your puffy tail at the same time one long finger pierces your tight cunt, sliding knuckle deep and teasingly brushing your spot. 
You turn just in time to watch Lloyd spit, his saliva runs down your puckered hole to your cunt, joining your creaminess. You moan and bite your lip, wiggling your bum in a silent plea. The brunet smirks knowingly and spits twice more, this time, getting close enough for it to harshly splatter on your rosebud and sticky pussy.
“Dirty bunny, you’re such a good little set of holes.” He praises, pulling out his finger to trail up and down your slit, smearing your wetness. “Been too fuckin’ long since I’ve had a taste.” 
Your head snaps up, “Can Mr. Hansen taste me, daddy?”
Ari makes a thoughtful hum, “You want him to lick your pussy?”
“And o-other things…” You exhale shakily when Lloyd’s fingers return to your hungry hole, penetrating and easily building a slow and steady pace, “I want him to, uhm, suck on my thingy…”
“On your what?”
You squeeze your eyes shut, “my bunny button.” You were his plaything, his obedient pet, but you could never get used to saying nasty things. “I want—can Mr. Hansen suck on m-my bunny button, daddy?” You give him your best pout and even tuck your hands under your chin, “can he?” Your white ears fall slack against your cheeks, framing your face.  
He always said that if you were a real bunny, your ears would drag on the floor and you’d trip on them. 
Ari stares down at you, his head cocked to the side and his long brown hair brushing his cheekbones. “No. You didn’t say please.” 
Your ears perk up in distress, “But—” Your voice breaks into a squeal when Steve grips your tail firmly. 
“Better watch your next words, bunny.” 
“I-I wasn’t gonna say something bad…” You shrink under all of their hard gazes, trapped under the shady blue. “Never say anythin’ bad to daddy… I promise, just ask him. Right, daddy? I don’t say anythin’ bad?”
Ari squints playfully, “but were you thinking of saying something bad?”
“No! Always thinkin’ nothing!”
The men laugh at your cluelessness. 
Steve loosens his grip and threads his fingers through the soft fur of your tail, “You’re so soft, bunny. Your daddy takes such good care of you, keeping you all clean, healthy and pretty. You know how many other bunnies would be jealous that they don’t have a good daddy like you do?” 
You don’t want to think of that. Regardless if he meant it, your mind instantly went to other bunnies taking your daddy. You’d never let that happen! You despised being away from him for more than a day and couldn’t handle losing him to someone else. 
You hated thinking about it, but your short time in the breeding program was the loneliest you’ve ever felt. The silent darkness would eat you up, only to spit you out when your next appointment came. Thankfully, you were never bred because Ari saved you before that, but you heard horror stories about the sessions from his friends. 
Those tales are lived nightmares for some, where your kind is reduced to nothing but a hole, fucked and tossed aside until a more fertile subject came along. 
Hybrid numbers have been declining for decades, and in turn, the breeding industry has been steadily growing until recent years when the business started booming. Your kind was bought and sold, traded around until landing in the breeding program put in place to fix the diminishing numbers. 
That’s where you were before Ari found you, unowned and desperate for any sort of connection. That’s why you latched onto him so tightly, clung to him like he was your lifetime—because that’s what he was. You never had an owner before him, so you didn’t know what was expected of you. Ari, as patient as can be, taught you everything you know and continues to give you lessons every day. 
You’ve only made it this far because of him. Of course, you wanted to save the other hybrids, but you refused to give up your daddy. 
Craving that sugary-sweet intimacy, you start pawing at his crotch but fail to unbuckle his belt. “Your cock please, daddy.”  
“I think Steve asked you a question.”
Frustrated and upset, you faceplant on his dick dramatically, you wanted to at least mouth at his bulge, but he didn't give you permission yet. You weren’t a naughty bunny, but you didn’t want to think, you didn’t want to speak, you just wanted to feel close to Ari and have him in your mouth. “Ugh! Don’t know! L-Lots?!”
“All of them.” Another finger slips in alongside Lloyd’s and both slowly stretch out your hole, prying you open. “All those whores in the breeding industry wish they could be you. Getting coddled, loved on, and given everything you could ever ask for…” 
“Your daddy saved you from there, bunny.” Andy finishes with a pointed look, “You better be grateful or else he’s sending you back.” 
Ari wouldn’t ever do that, but he doesn’t correct his friend. He wants to see those fat tears pour from your eyes.
“No, daddy! Don’t send me back!” As if on cue, you start crying again. Not only from the fear of going back to that terrible industry and losing your daddy but the four fingers stuffed into your pussy and working you open thoroughly. They hit deep and in sync, splitting you wide as more spit splatters on your core. Your stomach tightens as a mixture of their saliva and your slick dribbles onto the floor. 
Daddy was gonna make you clean that up later, you just knew it. 
“Where are your manners?” A palm collides with your ass and the pain sizzles up your spine to your foggy head, shoving you deep under. 
You struggle to meet your owner’s gaze with most of your upper body weight on his lap, and if you could, you’d crawl into his warmth. Even now, your body has a mind of its own and thrusts against the two hands behind you, “Please, daddy, don’t send me back… I love you.”  
The three other men snicker about how cute you are. 
You can’t hear them very well over the rush of blood flowing through your head. You squeak when a finger circles your rosebud, and doesn’t waste any time in sliding to the hilt. Your bones turn to sludge and your face lands on Ari’s hard cock again. 
His teeth dig into his bottom lip as he smiles, “And, I love you, bunny.” He pets you before securing a hand on the back of your head, shifting his hips until his dick rubs against your lips. Your mouth opens automatically and you suckle at his bulge, tongue gliding over the denim. 
“Look at that, bunny still wants daddy’s milk,” Andy murmurs, wiping your tears before sucking them off his fingers, groaning lowly at the bitter taste. 
“She’s gonna get a lot of milk today,” Ari growls. 
With your eyes shut in bliss, you fuck yourself on Lloyd and Steve’s fingers, muffled ah, ah, ah’s pouring out into the hot air, harmonizing with the sopping wet sounds. Their fingers are so big and thick, and even though they aren’t your daddy’s, they’re good in a different way. Good enough to make your thighs quiver as they speed up. 
“Little bunny is going dumb.” Lloyd mocks, increasing his pace as your juices run down his arm, “Steve, fit two more.” 
You see the light for a millisecond as all touches abandon both of your holes. The air fills your lungs with a deep inhale before you’re plunged into the depths again. Lloyd has replaced Steve’s two fingers in your cunt, filling you up with four of his, immediately hooking inside you to hit that rough patch. He pumps into you, feeling awfully tempted to slip his thumb in and give you something to really cry about—none of this you didn’t say please bullshit.
A warmth brushes your face before the familiar musk seeps into your head. Your eyes shoot open and you latch onto Ari’s sack, nuzzling your nose into his pubic hair to take one of his balls in your mouth. Low purrs ripple from your throat, sending vibrations through his body. 
“Fuck, that’s it.” He jerks his leaky cock, breathing heavily. “Good bunny, such a good little pet for daddy. Finally getting what you want. Thank me for all the fuckin’ cum I’ve given you.” 
Andy is unable to look away from your full mouth struggling to both of Ari’s balls, you’re trying so hard but you’re so small and dumb, nearly choking yourself. Your saliva smears down your chin, following in the trails of your previous tears, making you look like the perfect slutty pet. 
“Look at you, nursing on daddy’s sack.” Ari grunts, tapping your temple until your eyes flutter open. “Stupid baby loves having all of her holes filled, she’ll just cry if she doesn’t get daddy’s milk.”
You nod dumbly, blinking up at him through watery eyes, still messily suckling his sack. You sneak a few licks up his length, tracing those prominent veins with your tongue. 
Ari gathers the droplets from your face and brings them to his mouth again, “Fuckin’ cumdump crybaby, keep those tears coming, you know how much we love the taste.”
You hope you’re giving them all that they want— your tight holes, your salty tears, and giving your daddy his special thank you. You don’t realize you’re close until someone tugs on your tail, prompting a rush of slick to flow down your thighs and the elastic in your tummy to tighten. 
Steve’s fingers prod at your puckered hole before penetrating, he works you up to it. Starting with one that’s soaked with your arousal and his saliva before adding the next and spitting some more, then repeating until he has four fingers in your tightest hole. 
Too much, you try to say but your mouth is occupied. 
“I know you can take four, dumb bunny. You’ve had two cock’s up here before.” His Brooklyn accent rings in your head, along with your daddy’s deep groans. 
You fall further forward, trying to escape the eight fingers spearing you open. 
Ari grabs both of your ears and pulls you off his balls. A string of saliva connects your lips to his wet skin. “Why are you being bad, sweetie?” 
You struggle to speak with swollen lips and a sore jaw. “N-Not, daddy!”
“Now you’re being a liar too?”
You sniffle, hiccuping a quiet sob. “It was just—too much, daddy…”
Beside Ari, Andy rubs over the tent in his slacks, hungrily eating up your sad little face. “Sounds like you really want to go back to the breeding program. Is that what you want? Because I’ll have my friends take you back there tonight, you won’t even get a final sleep in your princess bed or your pretty cage.” 
“No, no, please.” You beg, pressing your face into Ari’s thigh. “Don’t wanna go back ever, daddy.”
He pets you gently, calming you down and moving your face back to his crotch. “Better make it up to those nice men behind you then, bunny.” 
Now a sniffling mess, completely caught between the pleasure of their dexterous fingers and the nervousness filling your heart, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry—please, forgive me—” Your tail is tugged and you’re forcefully pulled back onto their rough hands. You mewl, arching your back before you latch onto Ari’s sack again. 
From this angle, the two men look enormous. Their wide shoulders squared, and the light fanning around their heads like a halo. They’re all you can see, your daddy is all you can taste, and Steve and Lloyd are all you can feel. 
You don’t know how long they play with you, all you know is that Steve and Lloyd have successfully covered you in their spit, stretched you open, tortured your clit and spanked your ass raw. One after the other, their palms strike your behind, turning you into a stupid, blubbering mess. 
Ari has alternated between pulling your sensitive ears and squeezing them. Right now, your furry ears are held back by his hand so he could watch you slobber all over his heavy sack. “You gonna come, bunny? Show daddy’s friends how messy you can be, how much you fuckin’ love being used like a little fleshlight.”  
Your gaze falls onto Andy, and more importantly, his unbuttoned shirt and massive length dwarfing your hand. Your fingers can’t meet around him entirely, but that doesn’t stop him from fucking into your fist. He controls your pace too, guiding your hand with his larger ones, making you squeeze his base and rub over the drippy tip. 
“Cocksleeve, cumrag, cumdump, fleshlight—wish there was something we could call you for loving balls so much.” 
“Sackslut.” Lloyd chuckles cruelly, “ballsbitch.”
“Ain’t that cute? Are you gonna thank Lloyd for giving you such pretty names, bunny?” Ari asks. 
You would if you could but you were so all over the place, stretched out between four dominant men until you were a thin sheet of silk, floating in the wind and going wherever the breeze took you. 
This particular breeze brought you to garbled moans and unstoppable tears. 
Ari and Andy’s dark eyes lock on your face contorted in helplessness, their jaws clenched tight under their thick beards. 
Just barely, you recall when they passed you around like a doll, making you ride their faces one after the other, rubbing your poor folds raw with their facial hair. You couldn’t walk for days after that, Ari had to carry you around like a real pet and bring you to all his meetings. Oh, and you had to look at all of his business partners that day, knowing well enough that five of them—counting Mr. Everett and Mr. Barnes—would be staying back because of Mr. Levinson’s famous hospitality. 
They were as big and bad as your daddy, and just like him, they could be mean and cold-hearted but also sweet-talkers who gave the best kisses and cuddles, always bringing you gifts and turning your world into an array of colours and tingles. 
Ari was everything you could have wished for, and his friends only multiplied that. 
You’ve never had an owner or a daddy, and now it feels like you have six. 
All it takes is Ari roughly tugging your ears when Steve pulls your tail for the wave to crash over. You cry out obscenely as blinding white erupts in your mind. Ari and Andy hiss when your nails pierce their thighs, locking them close as tremors rock through you. 
Your juices spurt out, coating Lloyd’s hand and adding to the pathetic mess below. Your cunt convulses, forcing his fingers out as Steve becomes relentless, hungry for those little twitches and gasps you do whenever it gets too much. Right now, he wants it to be too much. 
“Keep sucking on daddy’s balls, bunny.” 
Pre cum smears on your face as you nuzzle deeper, suckling on his sack greedily through irregular breaths and sobs. Your knees are numb from the position and when Steve finally yields, you collapse forward. 
“M-Milk, daddy.”
“Not yet, baby.” Ari hisses, his arm veins tense as he fists his base, fighting off his high but you’re greedy. You sloppily kiss up the underside of his length, just reaching the bulbous tip before he shoves you away. “I said not yet. You’re lucky if you even get a drop after that.” 
“But I want you, daddy.” You weep, gnawing at his pant-clad thigh, your spit soaks the fabric. “Please, want you so bad—need you.” 
Despite your pleas, he halfheartedly tucks himself away. Your bottom lip trembles when his throbbing flesh is back in his pants, the bulge still proudly prominent but you can’t see him, taste him. Andy follows suit and soon, you’re the only one still exposed. Sweaty, aching and ruined, knelt between the four of them like vulnerable prey. 
Ari pets your spot. “I know you do, but remember what we were talking about before?”
Disoriented, you shake your head. Your orgasm still prickles at your skin, low vibrations flowing through your system as it dies down. You're about to ask him to clarify when a harsh spank lands on your clit. The burn is soothed by two, rough fingers. They circle your nub harshly, making you weakly squirt again.
“Poor bunny button—so swollen, huh? I bet it hurts if I just—” Steve is cut off by your whimper as he pinches your clit. Meanly rolling the nub between his fingers, bullying your most sensitive spot. 
“Steve, she can’t think if you’re doing that.” Ari chastises. 
“She doesn’t think anyway.” Lloyd rubs up your back, feeling the heat of your flesh. “She’s just a dumb and ditzy baby.” 
Steve begrudgingly obeys. He just loved your bunny button—playing with it, sucking it, he loved watching it get swollen and responsive. He has yet to convince Ari to try out other methods of stimulating your tasty nub, but he refuses to give up. 
After giving you a final pinch, he pulls away and licks his fingers, unable to resist your taste. “Remember last time, pet? Just you, your daddy and me.” 
“She wanted you instead of me.” Ari scowls bitterly, “you like him more than me?”
“No, daddy! I just—” It was Ari’s beard. He had ruined you the previous night, eating you for dessert in the car back home and for breakfast the next morning. You couldn’t handle that coarse treatment thrice in a row. 
Steve pinches your button again. “She thought she took the easy way out.” 
Out of all of your daddy’s friends, Steve was always clean-shaven, so he was less brutal on your cunt, but he loved to torture you. Overstimulation was his favourite thing and he’d draw orgasm after orgasm out of you, making you fall into a heap of sweat, spit, and cum. And while you’re half-conscious, he’d torment your clit until you fully woke up again. 
Lloyd crawls next to you, cupping your face with the same hand that was knuckle-deep inside you. “Ask your daddy to make you a star.” 
Another slap on your cunt has you falling forward and tears springing from your eyes. Your cheek lands on Ari’s thigh and his muscles flex under his slacks. You’re so close to his cock, a few inches more and you could suck him through his pants. 
“God, what are these fuckin’ ears for.” Lloyd huffs, “did you hear me? I said to ask daddy to make you a star.” 
You gulp nervously, “Can I, uh, please be a star, daddy?”
“How could I deny you when you ask so nicely…” He trails off, his voice leading the way for the rest of your senses to slowly flood back in. 
They come in pieces, from the sunlight pouring in through the sheer blinds, to the feel of the velvet couch before you, and to the smell of sweat and sex in the air. 
“To make you a star, we’ll have to make a movie, bunny.” Ari tilts your head up with his knuckle, “You wanna make a movie with daddy and his friends?” 
Making a movie? Like the ones you’ve seen on television with the explosions, convoluted storylines and ambiguous endings? You couldn’t imagine yourself in one of those. 
“What kind of movie?”
“Oh, just a special one. It’ll show how close we all are, and how much we love you.” Ari explains loosely in a low tone, “how much you love us… how much you love what we do to you.” 
Without much thought, you agree. “Okay, daddy, we can make a movie.” 
All of their faces break out in matching grins, brighter than the sun and stars combined but with endless sin lingering behind. 
Ari raises his hand and the tall, glass french doors open, and two men enter. One is younger with frosted tips and circular glasses. The other has long hair that brushes his swaying shoulders and a sick twinkle in his eyes. 
You wonder how long they've been waiting, or if they saw what just happened, but your short attention span brings you to the strange things they’re carrying in. 
It’s a bunch of equipment you’ve never seen before, from cameras to lights and a discrete black box. 
“That’s Jensen and Mr. Pronge. Daddy picked them just for you, they’re the best in the business and they’re gonna help us make you a star.” Ari pets your special spot again, making your head fall slack on his thigh, inches from his clothed throbbing length. “Because my bunny is so perfect that the whole fuckin’ world deserves to know it.” 
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𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: my kinktober should’ve just been called Aritober bc he’s taking over my life. I also wrote another character coming to ‘help make the movie,’ a certain Dr. D but took it out, I wouldn’t mind posting the little drabble though 👹
𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞! check my kinktober masterlist for the doctor ransom drabble !!
As always, I hope you all enjoyed this and I’d love to hear your thoughts/feedback !! <3 — ☼ 𝐃𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐲 𝐊𝐨-𝐟𝐢 ☼
I don’t do taglists anymore. ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝐅𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 & 𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐨𝐧 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲: @𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲
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ktficworld · 1 year
Lies and Lavish
Chapter 1: introduction
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Pairing: soft dark! Andy Barber x reader, soft dark! Steve Rogers x reader, soft dark! Clark Kent x reader, soft dark! Bucky x reader, soft dark! Bruce Wayne x reader
Summary: You finally pull your head out of your studies and go to your long time friend's wedding to relax. And it's going to be alright, even if the infamous five brothers tend to linger around you a little too long, even when you share a past with one of them, even if their darkness is slowly approaching you. It's going to be okay, right?
Warnings: angst, mutual pining, manhandling, violence (by reader)
A/n: phew, it's finally here. Let me know what you think and please reblog it. It give ke motivation.
The wind whistled in the air mingling with the horns and roars of the cars, more expensive than your soul.
You sighed at the gigantic iron gate before you as the straps of your backpack dug into your shoulder. You were really second guessing your visit but the thought of your friend made you shake your head. After all, it was your childhood best friend wedding, even if it was to Ransom Drysdale. How did she managed to win that throttle? You would never know. But then again, not everybody's life revolved around school and sleep.
You glanced at the two additional bags you brought. Your backpack had essentials and your books. Even though, you came to relax, you'd still squeeze in some study. Business was no easy major and your finals were four months away.
You gripped your trolley bags and meekly shuffled towards the gate and entered the Drysdale estate through a smaller door-like gate. You sighed and looked around for any worker or someone who could help you with this maze.
You jumped, clutching your racing heart as the loud noise pulled you out of your reverie. You began turning your head to glare at the motherfucker who almost gave you a heart attack, when an oh-so familiar voice called out your name.
"Luna! Come here."
You caught a glimpse of a Rolls Royce with a familiar sticker before you turned to beam at your friend, Alaïa. She waved at you with a megawatt smile and you thanked your lucky stars for working today as you dragged the bags and yourself towards her.
"Hi Alaïa, oh god! I can't believe you are getting married. Congratulations!" You said while intertwining your hands with hers, bouncing giddily.
"Thanks sis and gimme this," She pulled the bag off from your shoulders and deposited it on the nearby trolley bag. She glanced around and beckoned someone to where you were standing. "Leo, can you put these bags in the guest room I set up. Thank you." She politely ordered and off went your bags.
"Wow, Alaïa. You're living like a queen, huh?" You said, distracted by the large man taking away your luggage.
"Well, perks of marrying a rich man."
At that your smile faltered. You gradually dragged your gaze back to her. "Listen, Alaïa, you know I don't beat around the bush so I'm just gonna ask you. Are you okay with Ransom bringing more wives in the future?"
That was the new normal now. Apparently, 50 percent divorce rate was too alarming for the governments around the world. Add the loneliness statistics and now getting a divorce was nearly impossible. However, those who had the money to keep multiple partners, were allowed. Yes, polygamy was now legal. But the financially dependent partner had no say in this arrangement and that was why you feared for Alaïa.
Alaïa grimaced. "I know you're blunt. But you don't have to put it like that and don't worry. Ransom has promised to stay with me and only me."
They meant nothing. You were promised too. "But Alaïa, people change. What if he just said that to trap you? What will you do when he brings home some bimbo twenty years younger than him?"
People do change sometimes, even overnight. Or maybe they just hide their true face so perfectly that you couldn't see past those roses and sweet nothings.
Alaïa's lips tugged upwards into a half, bitter smile. "You think I'm a gold digger, don't ya?"
You gasped at the accusation. "God, no. And even if you were a gold digger, there's nothing wrong with it in this economy. The golden days are long gone. I'm just concerned about you, Alaïa."
"Hmmm, I know you only want the best for me. And I was just teasing you. I have signed the open marriage arrangement."
You heaved a sigh of relief but couldn't help thinking that somebody had definitely shamed her with that tag. "You scared me. It's great Ransom offered you that. Maybe, he is actually really committed to you." There were men and women who would allow the courtesy of an open marriage to their financially dependent partner, in case they marry again. So, if Ransom was really risking his fragile male ego, then he really meant it in your opinion.
"Yeah, maybe we can find you a committed one or two here. Look, their eyes are already wandering over you." She said with way too much enthusiasm and pointed behind you where few men were eyeing you with interest.
You whipped your head back to your friend, now accompanied with a sharp glare. "Absolutely not! I don't plan on marrying. Ever. And especially not to those dogs lolling their tongue."
Alaïa laughed at your little outburst and hooked her arm with yours. "I'm joking. Now, come on. Let's get you to Harlan." And began leading you inside the mansion.
But you planted your feet on the ground, causing her to stagger back to you. "Why would I meet Harlan?" You asked, bewildered.
She looked at you sheepishly. "I may have bragged about your writing and business skills way too much. Because as soon as I said you were coming today, he instructed me to bring you straight to his office."
What did your friend tell him that Harlan Thrombey wanted to meet you? And not just meet you but meet you straight away? It annoyed you nonetheless. "Alaïa, but-"
"No if and buts. You are going to the office right now." She declared and dragged your whining body with her.
"Harlan, look who's here." Alaïa announced as she pushed open the large doors.
You stood beside her and smiled at Harlan when his eyes lit up. "Oh, Luna. Welcome dear. I have heard a lot about you." He said with a good-natured smile.
"I don't know what she has told you but I'm definitely not what you think." You said, stepping towards him.
Harlan huffed out a chuckle. "I call it nonsense. I have seen you work, I have seen your articles. You are an asset to have-"
"How are you doing, Harlan?" A dark baritone voice called from behind as the doors flung open, sending shivers down your spine.
You gazed back and your breath hitched in your throat. In walked The Five Brothers, the richest and most dangerous people in the world. If one percent of the world's population ruled the 99 percent, then they ruled the hundred percent of it. They had unimaginable power, both legally and illegally.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know you had company." The eldest, Andy Barber said. You didn't catch the intrigue in his voice.
Because among them was him. He was the last one to come in, your eyes locked for a second and an emotion you couldn't decipher passed through his eyes before he completely disregarded you and returned to his nonchalant attitude.
And why would he care? You meant nothing to him. Or he wouldn't have left the way he did. It was just a second of eye contact but for you it felt like eternity as the bittersweet memories flashed before your eyes. They were tainted by the black cloud of reality but for you, they meant everything. Because even if you were a mere lay for him. You liked that bastard. Loved even, if you allowed yourself that pain.
"Luna, I didn't know he'd come. I'm sorry." Alaïa said but you were already too out of your mind to care about her words.
You were drowning. Drowning in pain, in the memories, in the abandonment after swearing to never love, seeing your parents example. Only to open your heart to that asshole and have it smashed into a billion pieces.
Your lungs were bursting and tears were prickling your eyes. You didn't want to cry over that fucker, never, not again. But your breath was already coming out in short puffs and it was getting difficult to remain discreet. You were going to cry, you couldn't help it.
"Harlan, my head is hurting like crazy. I think coming here in this scorching heat caused it. Can we talk at night?" You blurted out as you released a shuddery breath, unshed tears bluring your vision.
Harlan's eyes softened and he gave you a compassionate smile. "Of course, dear. Take care of yourself."
You nodded with a wry smile and turned to leave. Attempting to bypass the large men that had engulfed the entire study.
There was no furniture at the door, no plants but you still gasped as your feet hit something, disbalancing you as you fell. However, before you could fall, a pair of strong arms caught you. You knew who caught you, you knew that scent too well. You looked up to glare at him. He made you fall.
"Woah, babe. I know women fall head over heels for me but I didn't mean it literally." He chuckled and you screwed your eyes shut to stop yourself from slapping the fuck out of him.
"Maybe you are way too sick. Should I escort you to your room?" He said and you snapped your gazes up at him.
You wanted to squirm out of his hold. Maybe stomp on his feet. You wanted to run away but the bruising grip around your waist didn't allow you the courtesy. His signet ring digging into your skin, as if pleading to agree, to hear whatever he wanted to say or do.
"Please." You whispered, you didn't know what you were asking. To tell you the truth and finally give you closure or to not break your heart again.
You squealed as he collected you in his arms. Promptly trapping you.
"Yeah, Bruce just go and drop her. Don't mess around here, okay." Andy said with a sigh.
"Of course, brother. Why would I do that now?" Bruce said with feigned innocence, causing all of his brothers to scoff.
He turned to Alaïa and stared at her expectantly. "Oh, third floor, last room on the left side." She hastily informed.
He nodded with his charming smile and dashed out the door. But you knew he wasn't taking you to your room.
"Bruce put me down." You said with calm firmness. Finally getting a hold of your emotions.
"No." He said with an attitude as he marched up the stairs, the forcing rocking you hard in his arms as you clutched his shoulders.
"Bruce, I said let me go and don't give me that attitude."
No answer.
"BRUCE LET ME DOWN." You were suddenly pushed into a dark corridor. His entire weight pinned you down to keep you from squirming away.
His head whipped to the right side, inky hair cascading over his forehead as your slap echoed in the hollow corridor. He did not move his head, did not bat an eye, hell! He looked like he wasn't even breathing.
You snapped his face to the left as you hit him again and again. You knew it was wrong. You knew he wasn't feeling more than a pat on his cheeks as you were no match for his strength but you still did it. Once, twice, thrice. You did it till tears rolling down your cheeks blurred your vision, till your hands hurt and shook, till they were covered by larger ones.
You wanted to cry on his shoulder, like how you did when you didn't get the expected result but you refrained from it. And leaned against the wall instead.
"Want to hit me again? Go ahead." Bruce whispered, his thumbs soothing your aching palms. There was emotion in his voice now, the care that he lacked before.
"You left," You said through sobs. "You left after we lost our virginity together!"
"I did. But I never wanted to leave you. I had to." He replied, his voice cracking in the end.
"That is not a good fucking excuse, Bruce Wayne." You bit back and tried to wriggle out of his hold but you were further pressed into the fall when he caught onto your escape plan.
"I'm not making any excuses Luna. I had no choice, we had no choice! They were so close to uncovering our identity. We would have been done for."
"Who they? What they? Bruce do you seriously give this explanation to every single woman you fuck and abandon? When you take their virginity or sack a married woman? You are a pathetic excuse of a man, Bruce." You were just his practice. Someone he lost his virginity to, nothing more, nothing less. You were done. You didn't want any closure, any explanation if this was what you were getting. You wanted him out of your sight and life. Even if it meant leaving your best friend's wedding.
"I swear on my dead mother's grave I didn't want to leave, Luna!" Bruce roared and you finally halted, coming down from your hysteria. You looked at him as you both heaved.
He swore on his mother. The mother who he loved dearly. Who was kicked out on the streets with his other four brothers by their father and mistress, throwing them out of the life of luxury to beg on the streets. The one who died in front of him in a car accident when he was just eight.
Bruce told you all this when he was too drunk or too sleepy to care. So you weren't relying on gossip here.
Now you listened to him as he took a deep breath. "Do you think I like it? Moving from one place to another on a day's notice? Working minimum wage jobs even though we were far more capable? Changing identities like clothes? Do you think we liked living in fear? I had a red dot on my forehead, Luna. Heck! Maybe I still do and when I say I didn't have the time to even say goodbye, I mean it. And no, I didn't sleep with married women, didn't take anyone's virginity. All hook ups were consensual and I don't give anyone any excuse or explanation."
"Is this really the truth?" You asked, exhausted and relaxed at the same time.
"It is, Luna. I never wanted to leave you. I-missed you." He whispered and gingerly touched his forehead with yours and when you didn't jerk away, he released a shuddery breath.
"I don't forgive you." You whispered back, touching his stubbled jaw. God, his warmth, he still used that aftershave. It brought back so many memories.
"You don't have to."
"Are you asking for it?"
To your dismay, a hope bloomed in your heart that maybe, you would be able to forgive him with time and rekindle the unsaid. However, you quickly crushed that desire. You were worlds apart now. You were still grinding your ass to study and get a good job while he was one of the richest men in the world. You didn't belong here. He did.
You slid your head from his forehead to his chest as he buried his head into your hair. You let a few more tears fall off your eyes as a pang of headache hit you. It was great while it lasted.
"Bruce-oh! You know her?" A surprised voice startled you as Bruce tensed underneath your hold.
He sucked in a deep breath and whirled around so quickly it gave you whiplash, his tall stature shielding you completely. "And now why would I tell you, shorty? Were you stalking me?" He said with a sardonic smirk as you gaped at him.
This was not the sensible, careful and vulnerable Bruce. This was the rude, condescending and arrogant rich asshole everybody knew him as. Granted he always had a bad temper with an even worse mouth but this was not him. Maybe he changed overtime.
Bucky didn't even bat an eye over his height's judgement and said. "No, I wasn't stalking you. You were taking too long so Steve told me to check if you were behaving. Now who is she?" Bucky's mouth also turned upwards, his almost green eyes twinkling with mischief as his chocolate hair fell over his forehead. Even if Bucky was on the shorter side, it did nothing to deter his beauty.
Your thoughts were interpreted by the loud snort of Bruce. "Come on, Buck. You are becoming such a pet of our Stevie. I don't know what treats he gives you but they sure look worth it. And as for her?" Bruce turned to you, head cocked with a raised eyebrow.
You sidestepped Bruce and came face to face with Bucky. You told him your name. "People call me Luna, I'm his friend from college."
Bucky let out a breathy chuckle. "Honey, he changed colleges like clothes. You'd have to be more specific."
"Very first college, Buck. You know." Bruce said nonchalantly and your head snapped to glare at him. You were half upset when you thought his brothers didn't know about you but as Bucky's flicked over you and your cheeks heated up. You wanted them to forget about you.
You glanced at Bucky with an awkward smile as realisation dawned on him and his mouth curved in a o shape. He stuck out his hand for you with a warm smile. "Don't worry, doll face. Only I and Bruce know about you and his… friendship." You shook it.
"Bruce, I didn't know she was such a beauty. You should have told us. We would have taken her with us." You and Bucky laughed. However, Bruce only narrowed his eyes and his jaw ticked.
"I should escort her to her room." Bucky said.
"But that's my duty."
"No, Harlan wants to discuss AI so he needs you. Plus, I have a message to deliver to, doll face."
Bruce huffed and nodded reluctantly. All three of you went to the stairs before diverging. However, you still felt Bruce's eyes as you glanced over your shoulder and found him looking longingly at you. You gave him a smile before he disappeared down the stairs.
"So what is the message you have to deliver, Mr. Barnes?" You ask in a whisper.
Bucky suddenly hooked his arm in your and pulled you towards him, making your breath hitch at the closeness as his heady scent made you dizzy.
"It's Bucky Alaïa wants you to meet her in the garden at 5. She wants you to meet Ransom." He whispered back in your ear and you gulped as it sounded like a dark lullaby to your brain.
"O-okay." You stammeredq out as your room finally arrived.
"Bye, bye, doll face." Bucky rasped close to your face and you were almost disappointed that you arrived so quickly.
Now that Bucky had left, his words registered in your brain. Why the fuck did Alaïa want you to meet Ransom? Was she planning on making you a mistress? You should really stop reading those reddit stories.
You dressed into a black, long dress after taking a nice shower and scrubbing away all the dirt and sweat. After shower feeling was the best feeling.
You gilded down the stairs, stepping into the bustling living room. You promptly avoided all of the people and made a beeline for the door leading to the garden. But you stumbled forward, almost falling to the ground as someone had just stepped on your dress. Perfect!
You turned around and your scathing words died an untimely death on your tongue as your eyes landed on the burly man. A phone pressed between his shoulder and ear as his brows were furrowed in concentration and frustration, his pink lips jutting out as his blonde hair made his blue eyes shine even brighter.
Steve Rogers. Even if he looked a tid bit more approachable than his twin, he still wasn't someone to mess with. And if you cussed at him, well then you could say goodbye to your career.
You sighed and tentatively stepped closer to him. Gingerly, you touched his bicep.
"Hey, stay away from him!" A coarse, deep voice thundered, making you shriek away from Steve as it left you shaking with fear.
This caught Steve's attention as he looked at you and then at his right. "Clark, where are your manners? Yelling at a lady? And for no reason?"
Clark hissed but you weren't able to look at him. "Shit, brother. I wasn't yelling at her. The man behind you, he has a knife."
You furrowed your brows and turned behind to a worker holding a knife with a deer caught in headlights look.
Steve raised an eyebrow at him as he quickly stuttered out. "This is to open a package." And tossed the knife to a nearby worker who disappeared to the storage room.
Steve sighed heavily. "Clark, I can defend myself, you know that right? Why do you overreact so much? And did you not see her?" And pointed at you.
Clark replied after a beat of silence. "I genuinely didn't. I'm sorry…" He started walking towards you but you only recoiled into Steve with each step he took.
You didn't want his apology, at least not right now. You were far too shaken to think coherently.
Steve sighed and coiled an arm around your clinging form and caressed your side. "Clark, not right now. She's far too shaken up to not cry or scream at you. Try again, later."
"But, brother-"
"Leave." He said through gritted teeth.
Clark's footsteps faded away as you involuntarily hid in his chest, his earthy scent grounding you as he shushed you. "Hey, doll. It's okay, it's alright. He won't hurt you, no one would. It was just a misunderstanding, stop shaking babydoll." He cooed.
His soft deep voice relaxed you but as soon as the fear was gone, embarrassment burnt your cheeks as you stepped away.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to… " You rasped. Did you just rub yourself on The Steve Rogers like a needy kitten?
"Don't say that, doll. My brother caused it so I must fix it."
"Thank you and-" You yelped as you descended down the floor. His foot was still on your dress. Great!
You braced yourself for the impact but bounced in two strong arms as your hands flew to his forearms.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know I was standing on your dress." He said when you snapped your eyes open.
You were swimming in his blue gaze of concern and sincerity. "Yeah, that's what I was trying to say."
"What's your name, doll? Hmmm?" He asked after brought you back to your feet. Your eyes fluttered as his knuckles ran softly over your cheek.
You told him your name.
"Doll is much better, suits you well. Where were you going, anyway?" He quietly asked.
"I-um, I was going to meet Ransom."
"Oh, I was going to meet him as well. Let's go together."
"No, thank you." You politely declined.
"Come with me." He said and dragged you towards the garden.
You talked with Ransom till seven, he wasn't at all like the media projected him. Maybe he changed for Alaïa as he was really committed and determined to do things right. They had your blessings to put your feelings into words.
After Steve dragged you to the garden. He was courteous enough to let you talk to your friend and Ransom privately before he joined.
Then you went to finally meet Harlan and had the overdue talk. He wanted to discuss the latest trends in the writing industry and how to incorporate it in his company's branding. So, that it could appeal to younger audience.
It was a long and draining conversation and you deeply sighed, leaning against the wooden door of Harlan's office. You were finally going to the garden, which you wanted to revisit since you stepped foot in it.
You gasped at the voice and started for the stairs but Clark's body blocked your path, pushing you against the door.
"I didn't want to scare you." He said, genuinely remorseful.
"You are doing that right now." You snapped and he put up his hands in surrender.
"It's not intentional, I swear."
It might not be. The brothers were tall, except Bucky but Clark was a beast. His biceps were larger than your hand and he practically dwarfed you with his sheer shadow. His eyes were also blue but they had a brown sprinkled in them. He had a little beard with a moustache that made him look even more intimidating and sexy. You had never seen a man who looked this sexy in a moustache.
"Well then be more mindful." You bit back.
He nodded and snaked his hand behind him and pulled out a rose. And not just any rose but a black rose. Where he found it you had no idea but it mesmerized you nonetheless. It was something you had only seen on television and seeing it in real life left you agape.
He offered the rose to you. "I'm sorry, princess." He whispered, the nickname heating up your cheeks.
You gingerly took the rose and let a giddy smile tug on your lips. "Okay, I forgive you. Just remember you are way bigger and stronger than most people. Use your strength wisely." He nodded with a bunny smile and you smiled back before heading to the garden.
You loudly and walked into the garden in peace. Walking in the open at night was another level of tranquillity that you didn't get very often, thanks to your dorm in the concrete jungle.
You twirled the rose in your hand, halting at nearby flowers. You bit your lips wanting to pluck some and put them in a vase. Even though they wouldn't last forever, the contrast would still look appealing.
But you didn't have the permission of any of the Drysdale.
"Couldn't sleep?" A dark baritone voice said from behind.
You flinched and turned around to be greeted by Andy Barber, wearing a simple white tee and sweats. A silver chain peeking through the collar as a smirk danced across his bearded cheeks.
"Pleasure meeting you, Mr. Barber."
"The feeling is mutual, miss. How's your headache now?" He raised a brow.
You told him your name and nickname. "And it's much better now, thanks for asking."
"Hmmm, Luna, so fitting for the person and the setting," He erased the distance between you two in two long strides and glanced at you. "I couldn't blame you. The night is beautiful."
"But the garden is even more beautiful." You said as he glanced at you.
"I don't get to dwell in the greenery much." You resumed your walking.
"How so?" He followed.
"It's just study, sleep and sometimes relax for me."
"What are you studying?"
"Business, last year."
"Freelance." You said with a shake of your head. Andy somehow liked your presence and so did you. He was like the ocean.
"And won't you ask me about my work?" He teased as you were back behind the bushes of colourful roses.
"I know everything about that, Mr. Barber."
"It's Andy, darling," He said and only then did you notice the distance, or lack thereof between you and him. "And so confident about it, darling?"
You swallowed through your smile. "Well, everybody knows about how your work is going. So I'm pretty confident."
He chuckled. "I like it. Tell me more."
You resisted the urge to narrow your eyes as he seemed way too interested in a mere student and you have also grown tired.
"A black rose?" He voiced suddenly, lifting your hand to examine the item.
"Yes, isn't it unique?"
"That it is. Who gave you this?" He demanded softly.
You hesitated before speaking. "Mr. Kent."
"Who?" Andy asked as if you had told him the answer to the Bermuda Triangle mystery.
"Mr. Kent " You squealed as his thumb brushed the underside of your hand.
"Because he accidentally scared me by screaming."
He huffed out a chuckle. "Typical of Clark," He walked closer to you, ceasing the distance between you two completely. You averted your eyes as the tension grew. "It'll look better with some companions."
His hand went above your head and you gasped as he presented you red, yellow, white and light pink roses.
"Andy, you don't have the permission for that." You breathed and shook your head.
"Oh honey, I have all the permission you need." He said and handed you the roses. "Take them, they'll look good together."
You nodded. "Ah, actually I'm feeling sleepy and I'm kinda an insomniac, so it's an opportunity I can't miss. We'll resume our conversation tomorrow." You lied.
He pondered over your words, making you nervous before he smiled and nodded. "Of course, sleep is important. Especially to a beauty like you."
You offered a parting smile and walked away. You hugged yourself as a chill ran down your spine. It was not because of the cold night but the gaze that bore into you and the dark aura that clung to you, you couldn't shake it off even when you tried.
You felt something would change drastically, what and how. You didn't know.
Taglist: @goldenharrysworld , @magnificentsaladllama , @iloveavengers , @charmed-asylum , @moonstruckbirdie
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xsapphirescrollsx · 2 years
Bitch! Please write Demon Dr. Barber x plus size BLACK reader & Make it Nasty!!
Demon Dr Barbar x Plus Size Black Reader
@titty-teetee Deffo rusty, lol but I tried! I hope you like it <3
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Andrew Barber, Andy for short and Doctor Barber to his patients, tossed the razor sharp edged blade to the wood floor of your bedroom. He watched your hip writhe under his grip as the rest of your underwear fell away. On his knees, his fingers delicately unfolding you, spreading you open as a bible to a theologian. Andy’s eyes burned with hate but his heart, if you could call that black void a caring center, filled with obsession. 
He licked long, tasting what was now his, the bushy hair of his chin tickled your skin in the wake his tongue and you shuddered. His long fingers glided over the curvy lines of your hips, he pushed his face in harder to your core and pulled you closer as he sunk his tongue all the way in. An unexpected shriek from your throat hardened his dick. The tortured squirming, the hurting and yearning panted whimpering he caused you to express exploded pride in his chest.
Andy felt his eyes cloud, he wasn’t afraid but he knew you might be as he rose from between your thick legs. It was time, he decided. He was was glad of the dim light shade, but as the darkness swirled inside him it pulled away the golden hue illuminating the room. He watched you now, laying there your skin glowing under what might be described as moonlight. You opened your eyes looked toward him as Andy slowly descended over your body.
His legs between yours, spreading you further open, he felt the jump in your heartbeat as your eyes met his now completely blackened orbs. He smiled down at you while grabbing your wrists in anticipation that you might try and fight back. 
“It’s time to pay your due,” his deep voice whispered. 
He watched you blink once, twice, and struggle to understand what you were seeing. And like he knew you would you did try move from him. Andy held you there, his hips pushed forward. This was his favorite moment, your eyes widen as he invaded your will, your body.
Wicked. If demons could love this was it. Pouncing on the woman, you, that he wanted to possess body and soul Andy began to ensure that you took every inch of him. And when your mouth fell open in a silent scream he put his mouth over yours. His devilish forked tongue, surprisingly warm and wet slid in. He jerked your hands over your head, picked up his thrusting pace and kept taking your breath away with every rub of his tongue over yours. Consuming you and feeling you give over your will to only him Andy promised himself this one would be different.
This human woman would live. Even as ghostly wisps of black shadow descended over and with every breath you strived for started to feel as if your lifeforce was draining. Andy held back and waited.
Your pained moans turned to yearning whispers after every kiss. You cinched around him the shorter his strokes became. Faster, more driven thrusts had your body shaking until you reached the pleasurable end. But Andy kept going. Once again devoting himself to holding back his instinct to send you into a delicious anguishing experience for his pleasure. He allowed another desire to take root, one that usurped the will of his human mother. The one his angel father used to conquer a mortal womb.
Andy let go, pouring sinfulness into you and the room went black.  
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navybrat817 · 1 year
Easy as Pie
Pairing: Andy Barber x Female Reader Summary: You bake pies for Andy, but you're still his favorite treat. Word Count: Over 2.6k Warnings: Explicit sexual content, cockwarming, slight body worship, sensory deprivation (blindfolding), established relationship, light D/s vibes, mention of insecurities, Andy Barber (he's a warning, okay?). A/N: Fic #2 for Navy's Trick or Treat Nonsense! Special thanks for suggesting soft Andy, @whisperlullaby (body worship and sensory deprivation) and @drabblewithfrannybarnes (cockwarming). ❤️ Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Divider by the talented @firefly-graphics. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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Baking was a hobby you enjoyed and what better time to make pies than in the fall? When you asked Andy that morning if he'd prefer to have a pumpkin or apple pie for dessert that evening, he told you to choose for him. It was tough for you to decide. For pumpkin, the earthy pleasant flavor and creamy filling was a wonderful contrast to the flaky trust. For apple, the sweet and tart combination was both delicious and complex.
After a quick mental debate, you decided to bake Andy one of each so he could have the best of both worlds.
“I guess I'll just have to surprise you,” you told him before he left for work.
“Either way, I'll still want you for dessert.”
You were looking forward to that.
It would've been easy for you to buy crust or filling from the store, but you preferred to bake from scratch. As tedious as it was to get the consistency right, it was fulfilling to see your progress from beginning to end. You also told Andy that baking engaged your senses, from touch to taste to smell. It relaxed you as well as energized you. It was almost like the aroma pushed you to the finish line.
By the time you finished baking and cleaning up, it was late afternoon. You were proud of how the pies turned out. Plus the smile on Andy's face when he walked into the kitchen was worth double the work.
“Right on time,” you smiled, removing your apron as he glanced over where the pies sat on display. “How was your day?”
“Better now that I’m home,” he said, loosening his tie before he leaned in and pressed his lips to yours. He brought his hands to your waist to hold you close, your body molding easily against his. “Did you have a good day?”
“I did, but it’s better now that you’re home,” you said in return.
“You had a good day baking a pumpkin and an apple pie for me?” He questioned as you nodded. “You spoil me, honey. Thank you.”
It was almost laughable that he considered you baking pies as spoiling him. He worked hard as a lawyer and was still a loving partner even with his often busy schedule. The least you could do was take care of him in some form, though you were certain you got the better end of the stick by being with Andy.
“Don’t thank me until you taste them. They may not be so great,” you teased.
The hands on your waist gripped you a little tighter. “Don’t do that.”
Self-deprecating was something Andy didn’t care for, especially when he knew how hard you worked. He understood that there would be days when you wouldn’t think the world of yourself, but he never wanted you to put yourself or your skills down. Even if you were joking and nothing more, he preferred that you saw the best in yourself. If you didn’t, he found ways to tell or show you how special you were.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do that,” you said, shrinking slightly under his fierce gaze before you brushed your fingers along his thick beard. “I’m sure they taste great.”
“I’m sure they do, too,” he said, the blue of his eyes darkening as you moved your fingers to his hair. “Now say something nice about yourself.”
You chewed on your bottom lip as you sifted through your thoughts, doing your best to find something positive to say that didn’t sound like you were bragging. “I put love into everything I do and that’s what counts.”
Andy’s piercing gaze softened as he gently held your chin, bringing a smile to both of your faces. “That’s how I know your pies will taste delicious. Because you made them with love.”
Praise was something you typically shied away from, but it was different with Andy. You welcomed the way warmth blossomed from your core and embraced how it spread from your head to your toes. “Double the love since you wouldn’t decide which one you wanted,” you said, his chest rising a bit as he chuckled. “Now you have to pick which one you want to try first. Unless you want to wait until after dinner.”
His brows pinched together slightly as he considered your question. He couldn’t go wrong with either. “I think I’d rather skip dinner and go right to dessert,” he answered, venturing over to the counter.
You watched as he carefully cut and plated a slice from both pies, your breath hitching when he licked some of the apple filling off his finger. He wasn't trying to seduce you at the moment, but it was working. “I don’t mind that at all,” you said as he went back to you, your fingers wrapping around his tie to have him close again. “And where would you like to have dessert?”
“In the living room,” he replied, running his free hand up and down your arm. “And there’s something else I want to try.”
“And what’s that?” You asked curiously.
“I want you to sit on my cock,” he began, bringing his hand back to your waist as you inhaled. It was always a good time for you when he wanted to play. “And I want to blindfold you.”
You whimpered, eager to give him what he wanted. Him robbing you of your sight as he stayed deep inside you would enhance everything else around you. Would his cock feel harder than usual? Would his hands and lips make you tremble more than normal?
“And you’re going to sit perfectly still while I have a slice of each pie,” he continued, his voice gruff as your breathing picked up.
“You want me to sit still while I keep you warm?” You questioned as he kissed your forehead with a smile.
“That’s exactly what I want,” he whispered, dragging his lips down to the tip of your nose. “You naked and blindfolded while my hands and mouth wander, letting me worship you as I eat those delicious pies you put so much care into.”
You made some sort of embarrassing sound at his words, wondering if was going to keep his suit on while you kept his cock warm. It was such a power move and one you loved exploring with him. While he was physically dominant over you, he was also verbally appreciative and tender. He loved you exactly the way you needed him to.
“Maybe I want to worship you, Andy,” you said. He deserved for you to love him the way he needed you to as well.
“Not tonight,” he said, a hint of dominance starting to seep in. There would be no arguing with him. “Not when I’m going to eat you out after I pump you full.”
“And what’ll happen if I don’t stay still?” You asked breathlessly, shivering when his mouth touched the corner of yours, his beard tickling your skin.
“You won’t come,” he replied, smirking when you took a step back and narrowed your eyes. “At least, not right away.”
“That's just mean, Mr. Barber,” you said with the smallest of pouts. He only edged you if there was a reason to do so. Though it wouldn't surprise you if he dragged it out for your self-deprecating comment earlier.
“I won't be mean tonight, but I will need you to be patient,” he said, nudging you toward the doorway. “Go to the living room and strip. I'll be there in a moment.”
Glancing over your shoulder, you smirked as you said, “Yes, Sir.”
The smirk fell as you began to undress in front of the couch with shaky hands. Though the curtains were drawn, the light in the room was bright enough that you wouldn't have a chance to hide from Andy's stare. The thought had your heart racing faster because he cherished every part of you. Any imperfection to you was a thing of beauty to him.
“Fuck, you really do spoil me.”
The rich timbre of Andy's voice made your hands fall to your sides, the ache between your thighs stronger as he walked toward you. Your nipples hardened as his eyes swept over you, like he actually touched you. It was embarrassing how wet you were when he hadn't laid a finger on you yet. You didn’t even close your eyes until he moved close enough that his nose brushed against yours.
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered, his lips almost touching yours before he set the pie down. “You ready to take a seat or should I check?”
“I think you should check,” you said, opening your eyes as you widened your stance.
His gaze moved lower as he cupped your pussy, his fingers brushing along your slit. You were patient, letting him tease you when what you wanted was for him to stab his fingers deep. Watching him bring his glistening fingers to his lips to taste you seconds later, it was a feat your knees didn’t buckle.
He didn’t beckon you any closer as he lowered his pants and underwear, his cock springing free. His gaze devoured you still as he took a seat, lightly stroking himself with a moan as you stood there waiting. Your mouth watered at the thought of dropping to your knees and swallowing him down. It was another way to keep him warm. But he was in charge and what he wanted was your pussy.
You wouldn’t deny him.
“Come here,” he urged, taking your hand to help you into his lap. He stroked your thigh with his other hand as you straddled him. “Take me in.”
Gripping the base of his cock, you stared into his eyes as you lined him up with your entrance. Prolonged eye contact was another thing Andy taught you to appreciate. Watching the swirl of emotions in his eyes as you began to sink down made your heart almost beat out of your chest. Both of you sighed as you continued to move down, not wanting to go too fast. It would hurt him if you got hurt.
“Good girl,” he praised as you took a moment to appreciate how good he felt. He removed the tie from around his neck when you tightened slightly around him. You almost forgot he planned to blindfold you. “You let me know if this is too much, okay?”
“I will,” you promised. You never had to use your safeword with Andy, but knew he’d stop right away if anything made you uncomfortable. Communication was everything to him. “I trust you.”
He paused, a raw expression on his face as he didn’t reply. You framed his cheeks, wordlessly telling him that he didn’t have to speak. Trust wasn’t something either of you gave easily. Something about him made it easy. Maybe it was how deep your love for him ran.
“Thank you,” he said, his voice thick as he covered your eyes with the tie. He didn’t make it too tight, but you couldn’t see a thing. “Now be good for me.”
You gasped when one of his hands closed over your breast, your back arching to get more of his touch. You had to bite your lip to hold in your moans when his mouth enclosed around your nipple, his tongue suckling the hardened bud. Your cunt throbbed as he switched, giving equal care to each side with his hand and mouth.
“So lucky to have you,” he rasped as he released your nipple, your breathing heavy as you heard the fork scrape along the plate. Your cunt throbbed when he moaned, the sound filthy and deep. “Have a taste.”
You breathed in deeply through your nose, but Andy didn’t bring the fork to your mouth. He kissed you instead, making you cling to him as you tasted the spices on his tongue. It was stronger than normal, the flavor exploding in your mouth. You practically saw colors dancing behind your eyelids, giving various shades to the sweet taste he shared with you.
“Sweet just like your cunt,” he growled, arousal pooling in your gut as he moved his lips down your neck. Your hands were free, but you felt completely at his mercy. Your pleasure was in his hands. “Doing so well. Just keep me warm while I eat.”
You were desperate for more, but you stayed as still as you could. He kept a hand on you as he took bites, between gently grabbing your ass or rubbing your thigh. His lips and tongue touched wherever they could reach, bringing little whimpers out of you. The one thing he didn’t touch was your clit, which was begging for attention.
How long would he tease you?
“Andy, please,” you whispered, almost shifting in his lap in the hopes to get some relief.
“Almost done, honey,” he assured you, drawing a soft cry from you when he suddenly thrust his hips up. “You need me to fuck you, is that it? Can’t wait until I’m finished eating the dessert you made just for me?”
His finger brushed your clit only once and it was almost enough to hurdle you over the edge. Each touch, every lavishness of his attention, was pure ecstasy. “I-I want to make you feel good.”
“Honey, this is making me feel good,” he said, rocking his hips again as your chest heaved. You couldn’t see his face, but you knew his gaze was hungry. “Watching you like this, letting me touch you, praise you. Don’t you feel how fucking hard I am?”
“I do,” you exhaled. You felt every inch of him along your sensitive walls. “Feels good.”
He kissed your cheek, the scent of cinnamon filling your nostrils. “You feel good. So wet and tight and it’s all for me. So fucking lucky to come home to you. Love you so much, honey.”
The fabric of his tie felt damp and you realized it was your sudden tears causing that. Between his words and how sensitive your body felt, it was a lot in a good way. “I love you, too,” you whispered once you took a breath.
He dragged his mouth to your ear as he brought his finger back to your clit, rubbing gently as you both groaned. “You want me to feel even better? Show me how good I make you feel. Drench me and I’ll fuck you with my cock and tongue.”
“Please, please, please,” you begged, gripping his arms in an almost bruising hold, determined to give him what he demanded.
That was your undoing, the tide washing you away as you drenched him the way he demanded. He quieted your cries with his mouth, swallowing them down for himself. You whined as he stopped rubbing your clit, the spasms from your walls still strong as he whispered how much he loved you.
You loved him, too.
“Beautiful,” he commented as you came down, allowing you to collapse against him as you caught your breath. His heart raced against your chest, almost as fast as yours beat. Pleasuring you pleased him and you wondered how you hit the jackpot with him.
“The pumpkin was good,” he began, running a hand up and down your back. “But I think I prefer the apple pie. It’s sweet, like you.”
You laughed breathlessly, making your walls spasm a bit around him. “Noted,” you said, reaching for the blindfold.
He stopped you before you could remove it. “Leave it on. I’m not done worshiping you yet,” he said, shocking you by tracing a bit of whipped cream on your lips. “And if you want my cream, you'll behave.”
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He deserves the world! Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Andy Barber Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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georgiapeach30513 · 25 days
Two Good Reasons, Part 5
Summary: You and Andy have family fun
Pairings: Andy Barber X Reader
Rating: explicit
Warnings:  explicit sexual content, explicit langauge, unprotected sex, oral sex (F receiving), fingering, PIV sex, mentions of infidelity, depictions of an allergic reaction, baby Suede 🥺18+ ONLY
Word Count: 8.4K
Series Masterlist
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“Stop,” you giggle, trying to push Andy off your back by bumping him with your ass. He likes this way too much to ever stop, and you don’t actually want him to. His mouth permanently plants on your neck as you mix up some chicken salad.
“Andy,” you can’t help but squeal. Knowing that you have things that you need to do, but he feels so good. Too good. His lips know exactly what to touch on your body, and judging by the heat radiating from his crotch to your ass, you know he’s wanting to break the bed in.
“First lunch,” it’s such a weak boundary that you’re willing to fold on.
“The only thing I want to eat is you,” his voice is so hoarse as his hips roll into you, and you feel his hardening length. Dizzying your mind immediately. Those meaty hands knead on your breasts, and you back yourself more into him. You need more. You need all of him, “See, who needs lunch?”
“Mmm,” you groan, closing your eyes as you just focus on Andy and his ministrations. Now he is the only reason you haven’t spent your weekend pacing around the house, staring at your phone, wishing that Scott would at least read that you asked him to let the kids call you this morning. Now it’s after lunch and you still haven’t got to hear their voice, or see their giggling faces.
“Andy,” you’re so weak when it comes to him, but at least the feeling is mutual. The spoon drops into the bowl, and your hand grabs his cheek, pulling him to your mouth, closer to where you need him, and you melt into him. Pushing your ass into his engorged pants, and arching your back so you can gain better access, you preen at just how hard he is for you. You need him ways you have never needed someone before.
The wait and journey were worth it, and now you didn’t feel rushed, you wanted him to fully take his time. His tongue rubs over your lips, and you part them the same way your legs part. Andy makes quick work of your button before plunging his hand down the front, and right to your core. His fingers gather your slick, and then move back to your bundle of nerves. He creates the slowest circles with not enough pressure, and you whine.
“You’re so wet for me, Doe. So very wet. How about we put this in the fridge, and then…” his movements pause, and your eyes go wider. You get a sweet smile before he’s pulling his hand out of your pants, and you spring to your bedroom. You didn’t even pause. The new bed, and bedding just feels better, and didn’t cause that awful memory to imprint in your mind. Andy hadn’t been defiled by your disgusting husband; he is still here, and ready for a life with your and your babies.
The bed hasn’t even been defiled by your boyfriend — yet. It feels good to say your boyfriend. You nearly slide into your bed as you reach for your phone, you click it on, and say hey still breathless as your beautiful babies’ faces come onto the screen.
“Hi, mama!” Suede squeals, trying to lean more into the screen. “Mama, hi!”
“Hi, Suedey, give sissy some room, too. What are you guys doing?” Audrey’s eyes look beyond the phone. You assume she’s looking up at her dad as she smiles up at him. Despite it all, you’re glad that she’s continued to have a relationship with Scott.
“Daddy and Taylor are taking us to soft play!” You hope that Scott realizes just how happy she sounds and looks. Even the bright smile on Suede’s face makes you feel more at ease. If only Scott could hold those memories in his mind, so when they ask to play with him, he understands the joy it brings.
“Chess! Me pay!”
“And daddy said he’s going to get on the trampoline with us,” both kids are smiling ear to ear, and looking beyond the phone. You miss them, but when they look at ease and this happy, it helps.
“Daddy jump! Chess!” He throws his hands up into the air, and you sigh in relief as he looks up and behind the screen again, holding his fist up for a bump. “Aye!”
“Yay!” Scott repeats. You hope that he can see how much they enjoy playing, and how much more special it is to play with their parents. Especially with Suede. Him and Scott have such a strained relationship, and he was a baby. Your children just want to make Scott happy and proud, and you think there’s a part of him that often forgets that, and it’s no longer your responsibility to remind him. He chose this path, not you.
“Na Na at?” Suede puts on a serious face, and he gives a growl. “Mama, Na Na at?”
You’re leaning over onto the bed, laying on your belly, and Andy’s fingers graze up the backs of your thighs, before gripping tightly to your ass, and he leans into frame, the kids none the wiser of how Andy’s hard cock is settled on your back, “Na Na! Me pay!”
“I hope you have so much fun, too,” Andy is such a turd, keeping his hand groping your thighs, and trying to inch back to the unbuttoned jeans, but him being so sweet to the two little on the phone is confusing your brain. “You gotta see if you can jump higher than your dad.”
“Me tan! Ump high!”
Audrey is too busy paying attention to her dad, smiling up at him to be fully involved with the conversation. She misses him so much. They had a sweet bond sometimes. Even if her dad pushed her academically, he also made time to play with her. “Alright, tell your mom bye,” of course he wouldn’t acknowledge Andy’s presence. Just for that comment, Andy’s hand moves from your thigh to in between your cheeks, and under you, cupping your throbbing cunt. And his face is the picture of innocence.
“Mama bye! Na Na bye! Ove ooo!”
“Love you, Suedey. Bye, sissy. Have fun today, and watch bubba.”
“Okay, mommy. I love you,” and with that, Scott’s finger comes into view as he clicks the end button too quickly, and you just stare at where their smiling faces once were. You suppose Scott didn’t want to hear if Andy loved his kids or not. You’re at least happy that Suede wasn’t crying, and that Audrey is being her smiling self. It hurts when they’re away, but them having fun makes it more bearable.
Andy grabs the phone out of your hand, and flips your body over, having you lay on your back before he sinks to his knees. Carefully removing each sock, “I think you need to take a day off and get a pedicure,” you roll your eyes, but his hands slide up your legs, and up to your hips where he starts tugging at your still undone jeans.
“I’m serious,” he whispers, kissing over your panties. Starting at the elastic before dipping lower, and lower. He didn’t pull the pants low enough, so you can’t even spread your legs further, and give him access to where you want him, “Why so needy, honey?”
His voice is like silk as it rumbles right at the start of your split. “Mmm,” you whine more than moan. Trying to tug your jeans down, and then your panties. You want him and need him over every inch of you.
He chuckles, jerking your jeans completely down, and you tug on your panties. “Uh uh,” he tsks, removing your hands, and pinning them to the sides of your body. And when you whine, he smacks at your quivering cunt.
“Can you just let me enjoy myself?” You start to protest, but he flattens his tongue, and licks up your entire covered slit, and you want to drool. The way he’s obsessed with you, and making out with a different set of lips. Licking, nibbling, kissing, devouring. Close, but not close enough. Where you want him, but not how you want him. Your lace panties are ruined. Soaked through and you don’t know if it’s your juices or Andy’s, and it’s probably both.
He moans like he is eating a delectable dessert. Laving up every bit of your honey, and you’re so into this moment. Forgetting where you are, and just feeling him. And when he slips the thin material to the side, he smiles up at your wrecked face before gorging himself on your slick. Stabbing two thick fingers into your hole while he sucks on your clit. In and out. In and out. He makes excellent work on two forms of stimulation.
Andy then presses on your stomach, adding a bit more pressure there, and it’s as if he opened nerve endings you didn’t know existed. Everything becomes more sensitive, like you can feel every bit of his calloused fingers, and exactly what part of your pillowy walls they’re touching. Curling his fingers, he drives harder into you, and you scream his name up at the ceiling like a prayer, mixing in non-words to emphasize the pleasure coursing through your veins.
Asking for him to have mercy on you as a deep rooted coil twists tight in your belly. A feeling you’re familiar with, but then it’s so much more prominent. It’s toe curling. It’s out of body. It’s a high you could become addicted to.
You try to lift off the bed, and can’t, he presses down harder, and with this odd amount of pressure, things build. Build. Harder. Tighter. Heating up. You whimper out his name in a long laborious moan, and your dam breaks. Juices spray over Andy’s face and down his shirt, and his movements slow.
Going slower each second as he coaxes you down from your high, and he leans back on his ankles, panting, and smiling at you. His chest heaves right along with yours, and you sit up on your elbows, smiling at him. “What was that?”
“Well,” he licks his lips, and you look down at his soaked shirt. If you didn’t remember what his shirt looked like beforehand, you would wonder how the cotton became drenched, “You learned a new trick.”
“No,” you giggle, watching as he removes his ruined shirt. You’ve never been a woman obsessed with tits, but his are massive. So pillowy and still hard. Still so scrumptious, and you just find yourself wanting to bite and bury your face in his titties, or at least squeeze, bite, kiss, lick, or touch them. Whichever came first. “I can’t squirt.”
“You couldn’t before, but now, clearly you can, and it was the hottest shit I’ve ever seen. Maybe nobody has ever made you come so hard, and that was only with my fingers and mouth,” he stands up with his devilish smirk, yanking his pants and boxers down in one go, and his cock flares up to life. Bouncing to attention, and shining with beads of precum, and you’re so thankful you can’t get pregnant because you want nothing to separate you from Andy. As he steps out of his pants, you pull off your shirt, and it’s as if something smacks you in the gut.
You go blank as a quick flash of Taylor riding Scott jumps into your mind. Your body freezes, and you stare at nothing. You’re numb, and falling. It’s like a black hole sucks you up when you realize where you are. And then a pair of beautiful blue eyes breaks into your darkness. “Only look at me, Doe. Stay with me.”
Andy crawls onto the bed, using his thick stature to keep you spread. His throbbing cock runs through your slick and smears his precum through your opening. “Are you with me, honey?”
“Do you want me?”
“Like I’ve never wanted anything before,” slowly he inches into your body. Hooking his hands behind your knees he lifts up your legs. Making them follow his descent into your warmth. He pushes them wide, and makes your head and legs go in ‘the same direction. Keeping you spread and at an angle that he can bury himself to the hilt. Not stopping until the spongy tip of his head kisses your cervix, and you sigh.
“Andy, I love you, but I’m ruined,” he deserves someone better than you. Someone that didn’t have all this baggage, and an impending divorce on the horizon.
“I know. You’re ruined by me. But you, my beautiful sweet little deer, are not ruined. You’re perfect. I don’t care if you have your moments. Just keep your eyes on me. It’s just us, okay?” You nod your head, breathlessly trying to stay with him. As he slowly rolls his hips into your body. “Give me a good reason. Just one good reason.”
You gulp, “Because it’s always been you,” Andy draws himself out of you, and pushes back through slowly, and you feel that thick vein drag through your weeping cunt. You feel every inch of him. “It was only ever you,” your eyes stay locked on him. Only on him. You didn’t even know where you were, you just know you are with him. Only him. Nothing else matters but the way that Andy has you fully filled.
All you have ever wanted were moments with him. Adult moments that you two only ever talked and teased about. The two of you connect as one with no barriers, just like now. Wet hot skin on wet hot skin. The way he would enjoy filling you up with his seed, and then his child. The way you thought up names for your unborn children. All of this was supposed to be for him, and now you can’t give it to him. Except the one thing he really wants.
“We’re not in a rush,” he assures you, his pace starting to pick up. Each thrust met with a grunt from his voice, “And we’re already a family,” tears fill your lash line. You didn’t know how this man could be so perfect, but it wasn’t the same. “We’ll adopt. Or have a surrogate,” you keep looking into his eyes so full of sincerity. You’ve never wanted intense eye connect with anyone during sex, except Andy. You would bare your soul for him, “Or we could get lucky.”
Smirking, he rolls the two of you over without leaving your warmth, keeping you on top. He pulls your hands to his chest, and he grips onto your hips so tightly. His eyes gaze upon you like you’re the most perfect thing in the world. Like you’re a goddess that is so precious to him. You move over him once.
“Use me, Doe. I am here for you to use. Take out your anger and frustrations on my body. Enjoy yourself. Claim it back,” with every word he says up to you, you move faster. Harder. A grind turns into bounces. “There she is. You feel so good. I love you, and we’ll do what we have to. But I’m yours. All of me is yours, and it always was.”
You ride on top of him so fast, and still hold his stare. He meant it. Meant every word. And you need to hold them inside of you, and want to protect those promises. Scott might have dragged you down little by little, but he didn’t destroy you. Your babies didn’t allow him. “I’m. All. Yours,” he repeats as you slam your body over his, over and over again. Sucking him in so deep that you see stars.
Andy’s voice is pained as he tries to stave off his orgasm. “Let go, baby. Let go for me. Let me feel your body surge around me, so I know that you are mine. Every inch of you is mine. You belong to me,” and everything tumbles down to the ground. He didn’t take down your walls brick by brick, he sent in a wrecking ball and destroyed them. Obliterated anything that separates you and him. Perfectly at the same time, euphoria cocoons the two of you in a matrimony of pleasure and the sweetest sin, and you sigh as Andy’s hot cream coats the inside of you.
You will never get tired of this feeling. The way his sticky heat fills every inch of you, and you hope one day, any day could connect the two of you together with Andy’s flesh and blood. You want to give that to him so badly. It’s what he deserves. He pulls you into his chest as he peppers kisses over your lips.
“We wasted so much time not doing this before.”
“We were too young, and we were terrified of getting pregnant before you finished law school,” while the sex is amazing, there’s something almost sweet about him softening in you, and dripping out of you. “I saw on the internet there’s these blankets that are waterproof. You just lay them over your bed, and your bedding doesn’t get, well, you know — wet.”
“Filthy and drenched in your squirt.”
“Stop! I did not squirt.”
“You most certainly did, and I drank it all up. We’ll get you your fancy blanket,” he stares at you a moment, no words between you, just putting this moment into his core memories. “Doe, hypothetically speaking, our plan was never to have you working,” leave it to Andy to bring into question your job.
“Our plan didn’t involve me in paying for a divorce, and no, I will not allow you to pay for it. This is something I need to do on my own.”
“But,” you push a finger up against his mouth, silencing him.
“I need to do this,” Scott is your problem. You loved Andy for giving you the support that you desperately need, but you also need to handle your shit.
“But you could be at home with Suede.”
“Don’t tease me! Yes, I would love to be at home with my baby, but this is my problem, and I need to resolve it, and then we’ll talk about everything else.”
“Give him the house,” you roll your eyes, starting to look away, but he squeezes your cheeks with his fingers and thumb, making you look at him, “It can take awhile to find one. We’ll casually be looking for our home. But he can have this house. Not have him move in it now, you need it for the kids. But you heard what I said, I won’t be living here, and I won’t be living without you. Now, say, ‘Okay, Andy,’” you start to giggle, and he stifles his own laughter, “No, say it.”
“Okay, Andy. And in the meantime,” he gives you every bit of attention that you have longed for in years. Nothing else matters but you. “I think — you should — start staying some nights here.”
“You’re sure?” This is a huge step in general, but when you have children, and this is their space, it’s different. This is their space, their home. And you can’t make them feel uncomfortable.
“Or every night,” you can’t look away from him if you wanted to. You’ve never lived with Andy, and this is what you’re suggesting. You have a deep desire to beg him to move in. You didn’t want to spend a single second without him, “Whatever you’re comfortable with.”
“You’re the one that needs to be comfortable. This is yours and the kids' home,” and you understand that. You just want him ot be part of the equation.
“I know. They already want slumber parties with you. There’s empty space in the closet,” you hadn’t bothered with expanding your own clothes. Spreading everything out wide, and having the closet all to yourself.
“What are you suggesting?”
“If we’re going to be buying a house, we could save money if you sold the condo,” Andy nods. Things right now are more talk, but he knows Scott could have stipulations on you while you’re going through a divorce. And part of those stipulations could be where Andy lives. He’d make something up about someone not being able to officially move in with you. But six out of seven days isn’t fully living here.
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You hum as a sleeping Andy pulls you closer to his front, his own taut body curling into yours in the perfect spoon. You’d been awake for a bit, but wanted to just soak him up this morning, knowing the kids are snuggled up in their beds, unaware that Andy had stayed the night. You worry how they’re going to react to seeing another man in the bedroom, even if they were excited about the new bed.
His soft beard tickles on your neck as he inhales, and you can’t help but to trace the vein on his arm. You could get used to this too easily. It’s so perfect. So comfortable and cozy, and today is going to be a perfect day. It is your weekend, and it is a beautiful fall day to spend with your family. Yes, Andy is part of that family, and if your kids didn’t adore him as much as they did, you might think twice about him staying until they wake up.
His lips pucker against your skin, and his breathing changes. Silly man, he is kissing you in his partial sleep addled state. You wonder how light of a sleeper he is now because you already hear the door to Suede’s room crack open. Can hear his heavy footfalls as he goes to see if his sissy is awake. There’s only minutes from him going in there until they’re padding down the stairs. Suede scooting more than anything.
Slowly they creep into the living room, and you hear Suede gasp, “Mama at?” His voice hurts you a bit because he sounds concerned. He’d become too accustomed to you sleeping on the couch.
“She wouldn’t leave us,” Audrey breathes in deeply, sniffing the air, “She’s not cooking.”
“You go check.”
“I think you should,” they go back and forth a few times, and Andy kisses the back of your neck for real this time. It is a little bit groggy, but he does it.
“You are scaring them. Just say their names.”
“Shh,” you want them to genuinely just spot Andy when they come through the door. It wouldn’t be too much longer now. Their footfalls get louder, and then the sweetest mama whispers off Suede’s mouth the same time as the door starts opening, and his head peeks through first with Audrey shortly after.
“Mama?” The question on his voice is easy to infer. Easy enough for Andy to sit up so Suede can see his face, and he giggles, dashing to the bed along with Audrey. They’re both so fast, and then pulling their bodies onto the bed, and looking at the two of you. “Why?”
“Because we’re going to the pumpkin patch today.”
“And we’re going right after breakfast,” Andy responds. You look at both kids and realize that you’re all smiling, including Andy. “So we should get started right now!” He sits fully upright so quickly that you all three start laughing. “Doe, you want to pack us some snacks for the day, and then I’ll make some breakfast?”
The amount of times that you realize how much more superior he is over Scott is too many to count, sometimes you wonder if this is just a dream. A figment of your imagination that you made up, so being alone wasn’t so hard.
But now, you’re going to be able to accomplish tasks so much faster because he is willing to help. He wants to get things going at the same time so it didn’t take as long. You didn’t have to be in a foul mood already because he wants to sit on the couch and watch the game. He is truly a part of the day in every sense.
“I’ll pack snacks. Let’s see what you got for breakfast.”
“Mommy,” Audrey gives a whisper as she tiptoes into your bedroom. You have just finished pulling on your boots. She gives a quick spin, “I really like this,” smoothing out her dress. She walks over beside you wrapping an arm around your leg, “Can we wear kinda matching clothes more often?”
“Of course sweetheart. Are you ready?” She twirls again before following you out of the bedroom, and your heart swoons at Suede in Andy’s lap. Both laid back watching Bluey, and Suede’s hand is petting on Andy’s beard. Andy in suits is hot. But Andy in flannels with your baby boy in his lap is quite possibly the sexiest thing you have ever laid eyes on.
“Yes! We’re ready, and look at you two, you match,” he scoots his body towards the edge of the couch, allowing Suede to get down, and he makes a sound you hadn’t really heard before, and then he walks out of the living room and towards the playroom. “I’ll have two beautiful girls with me today.”
“Ouch!” You turn around to see Suede stomping his foot, a toy falling behind Audrey, “Suedey that hurt!”
“Suede Theodore Huffman, you apologize to your sister right now,” Audrey tries to hold back tears as she kicks the block away, and rubs the back of her head. “We don’t throw things.”
“Me, too!” He screeches, tapping on his chest. “Me, too!”
“Audrey doesn’t have to say sorry, you do,” Suede normally is the average two year old. And then sometimes he has fits that typically included him not being able to tell anyways what he really needs.
“No no! Me, too!” His foot stomps again, looking at Andy. “Me, too, Na Na!” He smacks on his chest repeating his words over and over again, becoming more frustrated when you don’t understand. “Na Na! Me! Pease!”
Suede’s cheeks turn blotchy as tears stream down his face. “Bubba, it’s okay, I guess,” now Audrey is the one slamming herself down on the couch, and crossing her arms pouting. These moments are the ones you fear will cause Andy to rethink this relationship. Children are little people with emotions too big for their bodies, and things like this happen. And sometimes they happen often.
“Mama, me, too. Na Na!” You turn back to look at Andy, apologizing. He had been rubbing on the back of Audrey’s head where the block hit her. “Na Na! Me!” Your attention is back to Suede who gets that awful sound in his throat. This didn’t happen often, but during a few times when his frustration of having to vocalize something in so few words makes him so upset his breathing stops, and the crying takes over.
Dropping to your knees, you calmly kneel in front of your son. Trying to gently persuade him to breathe, so you don’t panic, “Suede, look at mommy. I need you to breathe,” it’s staggered and painful, but the screaming stops, but not he’s still unable to catch his breath.
Holding his hand you put it over your mouth. Inhaling and exhaling slowly. Methodically, “Buddy, breathe, we’ll figure it out,” his chest heaves, and he watches as Audrey runs into the kitchen. “Eyes on mommy, buddy.”
“Suede, breathe, and then you can tell us what’s wrong,” Andy squats down beside you, getting on Suede’s level instead of towering over him. Making him feel comfortable instead of making him feel fear for nothing being able to communicate. Becoming a safe space of communication instead of Scott’s screams that prolong the ordeal.
“Here, bubba,” Audrey hands him an applesauce pouch. “I know you didn’t want to hurt me,” she’s too kind, and he still will apologize once he’s calm.
“Hey, you wanna tell me what’s wrong?” Suede points at his pumpkin shirt, and then at Andy’s. Babbling as he points at you and Audrey, but always ending with his chest and Andy’s, repeating ‘Me, too.’
“Na Na.”
“Andy?” He asks, and Suede nods his head. A smile tickles the edges of his mouth when he realizes that Andy is following along.
“Me — too,” Suede exhales so slow. It’s long and drawn out, but it helps him regulate the oxygen to his lungs.
“So,” Andy looks at you and Audrey. His eyes looking over your outfits before back to Suede, “Are you upset that you don’t match mommy and Audrey?” Suede shakes his head no, tapping on Andy’s chest, and repeating Na Na. You pout, knowing exactly what he’s trying to convey.
Andy smiles and nods his head, “Are you wanting to match with me?”
“Chess!” Suede starts wiping at his eyes, and then rubs over Andy’s flannel. “Dis. Ike dis.”
“You like this? Well, does he have flannel?” If you weren’t doing a hands off policy with Andy, you’d kiss him right now. That was one of the shortest temper tantrums with Suede ever. Obviously it was the first with Andy. Again little bodies and big emotions. “First, I think you need to tell your sissy you’re sorry. And next time, maybe we can talk before you throw things?”
“Tay,” Suede walks to Audrey, and gives her a big hug. The two of them giggle a bit, “Ree.”
“Okay, go find your shirt so we get good pumpkins for the stairs,” Suede grabs onto Andy’s hand, pulling him towards the stairs, and Andy picks him up. Carrying him up the stairs to rummage through his clothes. It was a moment that could have been avoided, and yet you still feel some butterflies that your son wants to dress like Andy. Wants to match him like you and Audrey match.
You just have never thought about buying matching outfits for him because Scott never would wear that. He preferred to pick out his own clothes, and didn’t want to look cutesy. “Auds, you want an applesauce pack, too?”
“Yes, please. Do I need to help with the car?”
You can see that she’s buzzing with excitement about Suede getting to dress like Andy. His flannel pairing nicely with yours and Audrey’s outfit. “No, baby. Here you go. I’m going to put the stroller, and stuff in the car, okay?” She blows you a kiss before heading up the stairs to babysit, of course.
With there being a lot of walking, you take the double stroller in case Audrey gets tired of walking. Carrying the bag of snacks and drinks to the garage, you smile a bit at Andy’s Audi beside your mom car. While this might not be your home with him, it’s the little things of your car and his being next to each other in the garage that make you happy. It’s the big things like Andy being the one to figure out Suede’s tantrum. And the sexy things like him being a good dad and keeping Suede busy while you got ready.
It’s the way that the three of them walk into the garage. Audrey holding his hand, and Andy holding Suede. They weren’t identical, but close enough to make your baby have the biggest proudest smile on his face. The way he looks even sexier as a dad. You bite your lip as Andy hands you Suede. He leans in for a kiss behind your ear, “You’re drooling.”
Oh, he’s walking with a bit more of a swagger than before. The flannel somehow emphasizes his shapely tits that you can't get enough of. He smirks, walking past you to open the door for Audrey. Helping her get in, and you have to contain yourself enough to get your toddler in his own seat. “You look handsome, bubs. You want to dress like Andy?”
“Chess!” Blowing raspberries on his neck, you place him into his seat. “My Na Na,” oh. Oh, that hits you hard. It’s not just you falling for Andy, it’s also them. They’re falling just as hard as you. The comfort, and the lack of weirdness today. You can never be sure how children will react to change in their home. And everyday is going to be different, but today has started off so good. The tantrum wasn’t great. But the result couldn’t have been better. Especially seeing Andy and Suede dress similarly.
Suede blinks hard over at Andy, and Andy winks back before closing the door. Both of you get in together, and just so there’s not any weirdness, you wait until he backs out of the garage, and gets turned around, and you settle your hand into his. Weaving your fingers together, and Audrey giggles, but Suede beams up at you and Andy.
“So which cheesy 80s music are we listening to today?”
“No! Play Taylor Swift!”
“Tip Tip.”
“No! I don’t want to listen to Tapleton. Play Taylor!” Andy smiles in the rear view mirror before turning on some AC/DC. It isn’t what either wanted, but Suede taps his foot along with it. “After this can you put on Tapleton for Suedey, and then a Taylor song for me, please?”
“Yes, since you asked nicely, and wanted to share, Chris Stapleton is next, and then Taylor,” you settle into the ease of the ride. You didn’t care what they listened to. It is the fact that everyone is happy and together. Stealing a glance at Andy, he squeezes your hand a bit. Today is going to be a good day.
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“Andy! What about this one?” Suede grunts, trying to pick up a large pumpkin, while Audrey points at the pumpkin in question. “It’s kinda blue!” They have spent the better half of the afternoon picking out pumpkins, and trying to get Andy’s attention more than yours. Running up ahead of you and Andy, just to stop and make sure you’re both paying attention.
You had caught Andy’s prideful smile as the employee helping you on the hayride commented on his beautiful family. He smiled so big as he thanked him, and then clamored behind you and Audrey. Suede rarely left Andy’s arms, or lap, or hand. He has found him his buddy, and he clings to him constantly.
There’s a tiny part of you that is ridiculously jealous, but another part that loves that he has someone that Suede feels comfortable with. Someone he’s proud of. A man that he has chosen, too. “Can we have this one on the steps?”
“Chess. Ugh…big!” Suede stops trying to pick the pumpkin up, but points at it, until Andy leans over to grab it. You get a cheeky look at his scrumptious rump, and Suede keeps a hand on the pumpkin, ‘helping’ of course.
“Don’t ever stop checking me out, Doe,” he whispers, putting the pumpkin in the wheelbarrow. He drives you crazy with his whispers. These private flirty conversations with just him drives you wild!
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” how has life turned so happy? There’s an intensity, but it’s not tense. You keep calling it easy, but even that doesn’t fully explain everything. Comfort. Joyful. Cute. Hot. Sexy.
“Did you know you do this clicking noise with your tongue when you’re thinking about what you want to do to me?” the kids have already run off again, and you can look at them as an excuse not to stare at your beyond sexy boyfriend. “They have three more pumpkins to pick, and then we get to decorate the stairs for fall. Tell me you weren’t checking me out.”
“I shouldn’t lie.”
“You’ll admit that, but not that you make a noise? It must be involuntary then, hmm? It’s kinda hot though, so don’t stop. I love knowing I turn you on,” he steals a kiss before returning to the wheelbarrow, but first he pulls up his flannel shirt to give you a better view of his ass before following the kids. He’s in a flirty and cheeky mood today, and you’re loving it.
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The both of you decided to let the kids guide the way in the corn maze. You and Andy stay behind as their giggling little voices trail ahead, discussing which way they’re going to turn. “I really like today,” Andy says out of nowhere. His eyes have stayed on them just as much as your own, and the way that he hasn’t hesitated to hold onto your hand.
“I’ve always wanted these moments with you, ya know?” Audrey and Suede stop at a crossroads, trying to figure out which way to go, and Andy pulls you in for a hug, and a quick peck. Releasing you before they make the decision. “It’s so simple, but these moments are just — the best. Can we make this a tradition? Pumpkin patch on the second weekend in September?”
“I love that idea. And,” you start walking once they’ve decided the direction they want to go. “I always wanted these moments, and I think I lied to myself in thinking that anyone could have replaced you.”
Andy sighs, squeezing your hand a few pulses. “Because I know how much you enjoy this, and want this, and you’re going to treasure these moments just as much as I do. So thank you. Their dad never did things like this with us. If we did this, it was just me and them. I think Scott just wants to do what he wants to do, when he wants to do it.”
“Daddy!” You and Andy both start walking faster as Audrey turns a corner, but Suede comes running back to you, holding his hands up for Andy to pick him up. Andy scoops him up right as you hear Taylor’s obnoxious cheery squeal.
“Oh, great,” groaning, you decide to be cordial. They’ve already spotted Audrey, so it’s not like you can hide. “Hey, Scott. Taylor,” you nod. With Scott holding Audrey, you see Taylor put her phone back in her pocket, a photo clearly just being taken. No doubt she’ll add some stupid caption on her Instagram, pretending to be the perfect step mom.
“Took you long enough to check on our daughter,” he emphasizes ‘our’ when he sees Andy holding Suede. “What are you doing here?” The bigger question is why is he here with Taylor, and wouldn’t be caught dead here with your and your children.
“I thought that the kids would like to enjoy some fall activities,” if Scott knew anything about Andy, he’d know how clipped his words seem, and just how irritated he sounds. “Tell your dad how many pumpkins you picked out,” Suede’s head picks up from Andy’s chest, and he holds both hands up.
“Ten pumpkins, huh? Wow. If you want, Scott and I can take the kids, and you and — whoever this is can have some time alone,” Taylor’s smile is sickeningly sweet. You want to like her, but the image of her disrespecting your marriage can never be forgiven, even if it was an already ruined marriage.
“Oh, no, they’re fine. We haven’t even got to see the kids’ play area,” some people didn’t understand you could have fun with Andy and the children. Knowing Scott as soon as he got a free moment without kids, he’d sneak her off somewhere to get in a quickie.
“Oh, it’ll be nothing. Suedey, you want me to hold you?”
“No,” Suede lays his head back on Andy’s chest, and you almost feel sorry for Taylor. Almost. She’s trying to win against you, and now Andy. She might be able talk Audrey into walking around with them, but never your son.
“Baby, it’s fine. They don’t need help with the kids,” vomit. Baby. You wonder if he realizes how gross it sounds to be calling this twenty-three year old baby, when he’s twenty years older than her. She’s literally young enough to be his baby. This relationship shouldn’t have moved past sex.
“I think they need to babysit their mom and Andy anyways, huh, Barber?” Ugh, Scott is such a pig. Everything has to be about sex. One day he would realize you and him have built a relationship that extends past the physical parts.
“You two know each other?” She’s fucking clueless. Of course she is, she could barely understand the nuances between you and Scott.
“Barber here is the DA.”
“What’s a DA?” You look at Scott instead of her. How could he not truly explain his career with his fiance? She truly is a clueless ditz.
“District attorney,” Audrey giggles. She does a little dance in between the four of you, oblivious to an odd pisisng contest between Andy and Scott.
“Oh, so you’re like a lawyer?”
Andy’s grin is so condescending as he looks at Scott, his brows raised a bit. Her age shows with more than just her looks, “Yeah, I’m the chief prosecuting officer. I’ve been in court against Scott a few times.”
“So you’re like the bad guy?” Scott presses his hand on his temple in annoyance, and Andy just shrugs. You hope he enjoys every stupid conversation with her.
“Depends on who you think the good guy is.”
“Andy wants to become a judge,” Audrey adds. Smiling up at Andy as she does so. She lifts her hands up to you, and you pull her up in your arms, even though Scott clears his throat. You dare him to tell you not to hold her, ‘she’s too big to be held.’ She’ll be held if that’s what she wants.
“The man with a hammer! That’s really neat,” neat? This girl was meant to only be a babysitter. You seriously question the fact that Scott has this woman helping him on his weekends. Who is having questions that a child would be asking.
Audrey giggles again, “It’s not a hammer, silly goose, it’s called a gravel.”
“Gavel,” Scott can correct his daughter, but not his grown fiancé, “Baby,” Scott clears his throat again, leaving Taylor to smile awkwardly at him. I guess he found a woman that will pick up on his clues for behaving, unlike you… “It’s their — her weekend to have the kids. And how and who she chooses to spend her weekend with at this time is her prerogative.”
“Andy has been the only person sharing our weekends with us. But you two have a great time. I’m sure you’ll get lots of photo opportunities for instagram,” her genuine smile makes you feel bad for making fun of her interest in posting aesthetically pleasing photos. She’s young, that should be what she’s doing. Not becoming a stepmom. And yet your care also just wasn’t there.
“I know! They have these amazing caramel apples. Want to see my pictures? Oh!! The kids will love them. They have some with pecans and chocolate, and one with walnuts and…”
“Suede can’t have walnuts,” Audrey interjects. Frowning as she looks at her. “He could die!”
“Oh, that’s right. Little nugget. No matter. The food they have here is amazing!”
“She usually packs Suede lunch. He has to miss out on food at places like this a lot,” yeah. That’s your cue to leave. If Scott wants to point out Suede’s differences and how he might not get to experience things like others, you didn’t have to listen to it. Suede’s lunches were a just in case type of thing, and you always made them fun for him!
“Well, you two have fun. Tell daddy ‘bye’, guys,” Audrey responds quickly, blowing him a kiss, but Suede won’t look at him. “Suede, tell daddy, bye. We’re going to go to the kids’ playground, and you and Audrey can run around until it's time to eat!”
“Bye, daddy,” Suede doesn’t lift his head, and barely even looks at Scott, but he waves his hand, and drops it back to Andy’s chest. His fingers gripping onto his shirt, like if he lets go that Scott can pull him off Andy. Now to grab the stroller again, and let the kids get out some energy. You try to not see Taylor as much as possible, and this is the reason why. She infuriates you.
“How are you feeling?” You and Andy sit at the picnic tables, while the kids play. You squint in the sunlight, keeping your eyes on them, when you really wish you could give Andy your undivided attention.
“I’m fine. I just hate that he doesn’t see how controlling he is. How he doesn’t see that he is just using Taylor as a way to make himself feel more like ‘the man’. She’s easy to control because he’s significantly smarter, and experienced in life. And he makes the money, so she shuts up and deals with it, until she’s tired of his tyranny, and most likely move onto a man that won’t have to pay child support and alimony.”
“You got all that with the interaction, too?” Peeking over towards Andy, you nod your head. “Does he really think she can be a safe option for your kids? She couldn’t even remember Suede is allergic to walnuts?”
“And she shouldn’t have to, and yet, here we are. The only thing I blame Taylor for, is the fact she was well aware that we were married. She babysat them while we went on dates. I think they both suck for that. But,” you turn your eyes away from them as you smile up at Andy. “I should thank them. We’d been in Newton for a few years now, and you were always right there. Had I met you before now, I might have been the one cheating. No, I definitely would have,” Andy leans in for a chaste kiss.
Your hand rubs up his chest, holding the kiss a few moments longer. The disintegration of your marriage is so layered. What killed you that day is the one thing that set you free. But admitting that had you known Andy was right here, you would have been the one cheating is liberating. He was always the one, and always worth it.
You revel in this moment of comfort. Hearing the sounds of kids playing in the early fall weather. It’s just happiness. Pulling off Andy, you gaze up at the most amazing man you have ever known, and know that there’s no way to explain just how much he means to you.
And of course happy moments have been short lived for some time. Suede’s blood curdling scream hits you first, and you jump up. Scanning the play area when you see his feet stomping around. Holding out his hand, while Audrey swats at something. Andy and you sprint over towards him, and you know something is worse when his cries change. It’s a sound you have never been able to get out of the depths of the darkest places in your mind.
“Andy, my bag. Get it fast,” tears blur your eyes, but you’re on autopilot going over to him. Picking up both kids and getting away from a swarm of yellow jackets, and you set both down, kneeling on the ground. Suede’s breathing labored, and his cries are completely gone as he struggles for air.
His mouth opens and closes, and no sound comes out of him. His airways cut off, while tears pour from his bloodshot eyes. Your sweet angelic baby turning into a nightmare before your eyes. Visions like these haunt you. Your worst fears materializing.
“Andy!” Audrey cries up at you, and you start undoing Suede’s pants, the pen working better without a barrier. Andy drops to his knees beside you, and you reach in for Suede’s EpiPen, pulling out the separate pouch, so it’s easy to grab. “Hold her,” you can’t handle her own tears when your only focus is oxygen to Suede.
Suede’s face gets all blotchy, the color changing with the lack of air, and you press the pen in his leg. Counting the seconds it takes for his airways to clear, and he looks so scared as that first strangled breath is inhaled. “We gotta go to the ER. Buddy, hey baby, just keep looking at mommy,” you wipe away the tears that stain his face. “It’s okay, baby. Andy is going to get us to the ER, okay?”
“Mama,” his voice is the sweetest thing right now. Even if it’s difficult for him. Even if everywhere on his body is swelling. “My mama,” how many times did those fucking beasts sting him?
“Yeah, baby, mommy is right here. Andy and sissy are getting everything, and we’re going to make sure my baby is okay?” You are already making your way to the parking lot. Andy can handle Audrey and the stroller, you just want your baby out of the crowd, and away from all the people asking if he’s okay. It’s just you and him. He needs to just see you.
“Mommy?” Audrey meets you in the parking lot, and hugs both your legs. “Can you sit in the back with us?”
“Yes, sweetheart. Did you get stung, too?”
“Just once, but Suedey had them all around him. I couldn’t get them away.”
“My brave strong amazing girl, you did amazing. You showed no fear when it came to yourself and bubba. You did perfect, baby, and I’m so proud of you,” she knows you’re upset with a steady flow of tears running down your face and dripping to your neck, but she hugs you back nonetheless.
“Alright, come on,” Andy helps Audrey into the car, buckling her up, and you shudder to think you have to put Suede out of your arms. You just want to hold him, so you can feel his breathing. “Doe, honey, if you want to hold him, you can get in the third row. Never feel bad about it.”
“You’re sure?” You rarely question what you’re doing as a mother, but right now, hearing that it’s okay has relief rushing through your body. The adrenaline finally subsiding, and your fear spikes. You’re so exhausted, but the thoughts of putting your son in his car seat is making your heart race. The fear of seeing him like that can never be erased. Add that to the fucking list of allergies that he has to endure.
“Of course, honey. Let’s get him to the ER. Here, I’ll hold him, while you get in. Just make sure to hold Audrey’s hand, okay?” You nod as you hand Suede to Andy. Knowing how much harder this would be if you were alone. It’ll be okay. It’ll be okay because it has to be.
It’ll be okay.
He’ll be okay.
They’ll be okay.
You don’t even matter anymore.
Taglist: @tis-thedamn-season @marveloustaylortot @pono-pura-vida @peaches1958 @seitmai
@smile1318 @andydrysdalerogers @cjand10 @midnightramyeoncravings @kmc1989
@pandaxnienke @kmm-fluv @rogersbarber @theinheriteddutchess @buckybarnesisdaddy
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cevansbrat0007 · 6 months
Hey Brit! Did Andy survive April fools this year, sans any fake spiders in his cabinets?? 💞
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Warning: Fluff, April Fool's Day Shenanigans, Minors DNI
A/N: Takes Place in my Growing Pains Series. Not beta'd, all mistakes are my own. Likes, Comments, and Reblogs appreciated.
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I'm so glad you asked, especially since I didn't get around to writing a fic the way I had initially planned. Here's what happened:
As you might have guessed, April Fool's is a day that is near and dear to Baby Girl's heart. However, her loving husband, Mr. Andrew Barber, also made it known that he would like to have a spider-free day.
In fact, he actually made a point of emphasizing just how much he would prefer it.
And our girl, who is ever the doting wife, heard him loud and clear. Her poor husband did not want to be subjected to arachnids of any kind. And to be honest, she was fine with that.
But no one said anything about a possessed doll.
With her plan now in motion, she stopped by Target while out running errands to purchase this doll, along with some clear wire and some heavy-duty duct tape. Baby Girl was so filled with mischievous glee that she cackled all the way to the checkout lane.
After that, all there was left to do was wait. Although she did practice just a little. She watched a couple of tutorials and did a brief test run while the kids were out with Grandma. It took her a little bit, but once she got the hang of it she could hardly contain her excitement.
On the big day, Baby Girl knew she had to play it cool. Mostly because Andy woke-up feeling automatically suspicious, on account of the fact that he now has trust issues. All because of her.
It took a while, but by around 2:00pm in the afternoon, she had successfully lulled her Big Man into a false sense of security. So much so that he actually felt safe enough to fall asleep on the couch in his own home.
A rookie mistake.
While he was napping, our Girl quietly busted out the step stool and somehow managed to rig her demon doll to the ceiling fan without waking him. Next she grabbed the corresponding remote before retreating to her designated hiding place.
And then she called Andy's name.
It took a few tries, but the moment began to stir she turned the fan on low and waited to see his reaction. And boy, he did not disappoint.
As soon as that unholy doll began to "fly" around the room, Andy let out a positively terrified scream before trying and failing - not once, but twice - to scramble over the top of the couch before landing on his ass with a resounding thunk.
By the time their kids wandered into the room to see what all the commotion was about, it was to find their Mama laughing so hard she could hardly breathe. And once she managed to stop laughing long enough to explain her little prank to their brood, they got a kick out of it too. Junior and Rory found it especially funny.
Meanwhile, Andy was so put out by the whole ordeal that he didn't speak to his wife for the better part of an hour. Of course they made up later that night. But it doesn't change the fact that that poor man has officially had a new fear unlocked in the form of creepy ass dolls.
Thanks for the ask!
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Baby gazing
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Comments Welcome and reblogs welcome to not repost translate or publish anywhere 18+ just in case as always nothing but fluff chris being a dad if thts a warning
Part 2 here
I woke up suddenly. Not to a baby crying or a shrieking but rather me reaching out and finding a cold spot a very cold spot
"Chris?" I said softly maybe he was in the bathroom or I don't know. I sat up. Still confused. The ensuite was open slightly the light was on
"Chris?" I said into the opening I heard nothing opened the door fully and walked in. It was empty. So I turned the light off and closes the door. He would've heard me if he was in the walk in but if he was there instead of bed I'd murder him. Why I dont know. I blame hormones.
"Chris?" I hiss out the door. I didnt hear anything. And Sodger wasn't here because of the baby. The baby. Of course but the bed was very cold. I quietly walk to where the Nursery is, not too far from our room and the door is open and hes just standing there staring.
I wish I had my phone to take a few pictures. My phone. Ugh what am I in a bad horror movie I should always take my phone.
I walk up to him taking his hand
"Chris, honey what are you doing?"
"Watching her."
"She sleeping."
"I know she's so beautiful look at her so peaceful."
"She is isn’t she. And her hair. I think she has the cutest curls." I really wanted to play with them but now was not the time. If she woke up she'd want cuddles and to eat and my body heat or Chris for the rest of the night and mamas gotta sleep so does dada but his brain isn't receiving memos correctly
" I went to get water and I wanted to check on her."
"You got water from the bathroom."
He had turned and looked at me
"You left the light on. Not exactly the on the way back from the bathroom."
"I took a detor"
"I can tell," I wisper, "pretty far detour considering it's not in our room. Babe you have camera and monitors. Shes fine. Look I love her just like you but we need rest hon. Hes pouting and it's the cutest thing ever but its not making me change my mind and what let him stand here hours on end. Nope.
I get Chris to come back to bed and lay across his torso like dead weight because I know what will happen the ninute I fall a sleep and he chuckles.
"Is it so bad to want to watch my baby girl." He plays with my hair.
"I guess not but what if she does something so unbelievably cute or starts to climb and your miss it cause your tired?" I pout
"Or even more, trying to watch two of them you have less than nine months to figure it out." I smirk turning on my side
"You heard me," I smirk. I play Chris like a fiddle. Hopefully he'll get some sleep, after all we're watching our friends baby for the weekend. But I have a feeling Chris won't figure it out for a bit. Hehehe
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@nana1000night @sapphire-rogers @hawkeyes-queen @patzammit @sparklybarbarianninja @coltrainbat
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sstan-hoe · 2 years
◇ 𝒊𝒊𝒊. 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝑰𝒔 𝑨 𝑻𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉 𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅 ◇
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𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 — mob!andy barber × fem!reader × mob!lloyd hansen
𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 — they wanted you, they enjoyed the hunt just as much as you enjoyed being chased. You didn't make it easy for them but it only prepared you that life with them wouldn't be easy.
𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 — SMUT (at the end), violence, allusion murder, oral (f receiving) tongue fucking (at the end), heavy make out sessions, no p in v
𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆 — reblog, comment and follow | what do we think? I'm loving those four honestly, this chapter? a fucking pain in the ass, it took so long and instead of the p in v you only get oral. Well you gotta wait till 4th chapter
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Lloyd circled the man bound to the chair, he had several cuts in his knees and a cloth stuffed into his mouth. Two broad men stood by the door, preventing the man bound with ropes from escaping.
His rage about to boil over, a glare on his face as gripped the man’s throat. “You dare to ambush my girl, you think you have the right to scare her?” Lloyd flicked his knife into the thigh of his victim who’s scream was muffled through the cloth.
“What’s your plan huh? I know there is more,” something about this man felt familiar to Lloyd but he couldn’t quite place it.
“You two, try to get something out of him while I tend to my girl,” he instructed the two men at the door who nodded. The blonde opened the door for his boss while the brunette strode over to the bounded man.
He walked back to you and Andy. As he opened the door the sight in front of him almost had him on his knees.
Your head laid on Andy’s lap, your eyes closed while his fingers threaded through your hair and Alf laid on the other side of Andy. You looked so peaceful and comfortable.
Lloyd stepped inside with a soft smile, “how’s she doing?” he asked and sat himself next to Alf who lifted his head and turned his body towards the mob boss. “Better, she cried and then fell asleep,” Andy told him with a worried expression.
“I think there is more behind this man, stalking her for weeks? There has to be more,” Lloyd said leaning back against the couch.
Andy nodded along, agreeing with him. It was weird, they had to find out if it was only him and who the man was. “I don’t want her to be alone…what if there is actually someone bigger and they send someone else?”
The worries that Andy brought up were justified, but how would they tell you? “I don’t think she would feel okay to live with us,” Lloyd had a point, however they couldn’t think of another solution at the moment.
“She won’t, but what else can we do?” Andy was just as desperate as Lloyd and all they wanted was to protect you.
“We should wake her,” he added with a sigh, wanting everything but to wake you, you looked too beautiful.
Lloyd stroked your cheek gently, whispering into your ear, “sunshine, wake up, come on….” A soft hum left your lips, and a yawn escaped you, slowly your consciousness came back, and you began noticing your surroundings.
Slowly lifting your head, you saw Andy and Lloyd looking at you, rubbing your eyes it didn’t take a second before you had a wet nose against your cheek.
“Alf,” you giggled and stroked through his fur, he wiggled his tail excitingly. Sitting up you felt a hand wrapped around your waist which belonged to Andy, “how are you feeling?” he instantly asked.
“Better, did you catch the guy?” you came right to the point. This could finally be the end of all the nights you spend in bed paranoid he would break in and do horrible things.
“We did, but it’s more guys than you might think,” Lloyd said, and your eyes widened in shock, fright washing over your face at his reveal. Behind you Andy groaned annoyed, slapping his hand against his forehead.
“Way to go Lloyd,” he muttered with a sigh. There was no easy way to tell you this, but this isn’t how it should have been done.
Fear took over your body, goosebumps running down your neck. There was more, there were more, how could this happen? Why were they after you, why you? Out of instinct you stood up and walked towards to the door, Alf immediately followed you.
Alf pushed his body in front of you to stop you from leaving, “no, no, Alf if there are more I have to go. I can’t be here, I need to leave, if they come,” your breath quickened and a tight feeling spread through your chest, “I can’t breathe, I can’t-.”
Two strong arms closed around you and a familiar scent reached your nose, Lloyd. “You’re save, I promise sunshine,” he whispered against your shaking body.
Gently and slowly, he guided you back to the sitting area, he moved you to sit first, “now lay down, on Andy’s lap with your head and feet on up,” he instructed. Your breathing became shorter as the tightening in your chest closed.
“Blacks, come here,” Lloyd patted the spot next to you, Alf followed the ask and sat in front of you. The sight of you panting and feeling bad made him sad, he didn’t want you to be in pain.
Andy followed his partners actions and realised what he was doing, like before his fingers began stroking through your hair. Alone this action had you calming down a little, not as much as you wanted, but it helped.
“Lay your head on her chest blacks,” the mob boss guided the dog’s head towards you who obeyed his wish.
With Alf’s head in your chest the breathing became easier, your hand found his head which you scratched. It calmed down your nerves and you were able to take normal breaths while the tightening slowly vanished.
It felt like magic, your body calmed, your mind calmed, everything calmed. However, the scary thoughts were still present, and you had no idea how to make them leave.
“What happened,” the past ten minutes felt like a blur. “You had small panic attack,” Andy explained, his fingers combing through your loose hair.
A panic attack? You never had one before or thought one would feel like this. Everything was too much, and you needed a break, a safe space. You tried thinking about a place however nothing came up that made sense to you.
Wanda lived with her husband together and as much as you loved her, they fucked like rabbits. Besides the red head you had no other friends which never worried you before, would have come in handy now knowing more people.
You couldn’t go back to your own flat, if Lloyd was right – which he very much could be – then they knew where you lived. Was there even a place you could go?
“Darling, we don’t think you can go back to your flat,” Andy words came right out of your mind, his tone sincere while he never stopped touching you. The feeling of his rough yet gentle hands cooling your nerves.
“Then where should I go, huh?” your voice was dry, you couldn’t understand why all of this was happening to you.
Your eyes found Lloyd’s who’s gaze was on Andy, you couldn’t see his expression however it clicked in your mind. Instantly you sat up, accidentally pushing Alf back before glaring at both men.
“No, no, no, fuck no! Who knows what you two do when you’re alone?” Was this some kind of movie? A book? Something completely fictional? This would be the most stupid idea you ever heard.
Alf put his paw on your shoulder and looked at you with his puppy dog eyes, “not you too, Alf we can’t…we barley know them,” he whimpered in response which had you shaking your head, “I know I wanted to go on a date with them but that doesn’t mean I’ll move in with them,” you explained.
Lloyd’s head snapped towards you at the last words, hope blooming in his stomach. “You wanted to say yes?” his eyes sparkled like the stars in the night sky.
The question pulled you from your conversation with Alf, at a lose of words no tone came from your lips.
Suddenly Lloyd kneeled in front of you and took your hands in his, “you wanted to accept even though the lines were complete trash?” A small smile adorned your lips, Lloyd’s reaction was adorable.
“Yeah, they were trash, but I guess it did work,” you admitted.
Internally Lloyd was beaming and when he met Andy’s eyes the bearded man wore a proud smile, they shared a silent conversation.
“It will be the best date you’ve ever had, darling,” Andy promised, his eyes meeting yours and the need to kiss him erupted in your stomach again. Now you were able to really see them, they showed you that they weren’t just assholes – well Lloyd showed it to you.
They were gentle, sweet and caring, add to that they liked Alf and he liked them. This meant the world to you.
Alf nudged your side with big eyes, you knew exactly what he wanted. “Fine, I will live with you but I want my own room, we have to get my stuff from my flat and you two don’t try any funny business. Clear?” you looked at them expectingly.
“Crystal,” they said unison, without wasting another second, they stood up and motioned you to follow them. First stop, your flat.
It was quite a lot you took from your home, Alf things overtook 40 % while the rest were all kinds of clothes, shoes and some blankets as well as a pillow. You needed something that reminded you of your home when you would be in this new environment.
Andy and Lloyd helped you with everything and even animated you to take more, but you feared that it would be too much after all it was still a mystery how big the room was.
The drive to their house from yours wasn’t a short one and had you wondering if they drove to your café this long way every Wednesday just to see you.
Lloyd was driving and stopped in front of a big ass house, your mouth fell open at the sight of the beautiful house, no scratch that. It was a fucking mansion. Then it downed on you, of course that would have such a big house.
Once inside you couldn’t stop admiring the beautiful interior design, it looked modern yet had a vintage touch.
You followed the two with Alf who wiggled his tail, both men stopped and Andy opened an oak door to reveal the bedroom in which you could sleep for now. Two different men came up behind you and brought your stuff along with Alf’s.
“You have your own bathroom and closet right here, if you need us we’re right across from you. Good night, darling,” he held your waist as he kissed your cheek. Your cheeks warming up.
Next was Lloyd, “good night, sunshine,” he went to kiss your cheek but you laid your hand on his cheek and guided him to your lips. To say Lloyd was surprised would be an understatement, however he didn’t waste a second to kiss you back.
You expected his lips to be rough, but they were as soft as a pillow. He moved his lips over yours as his tongue licked along your bottom lip asking to be invited in.
The way he kissed you made you want more of him, a burning fire lit inside your body. It took everything in you to pull away.
You panted heavily, your lips swollen and lightly red. Lloyd didn’t know what to say, he was flabbergasted, “sunshine…,” “I kissed Andy in the restaurant, I didn’t want you to feel left out and maybe I really wanted to kiss you,” your head hung low, a bit embarrassed to admit this.
“Desperatly,” he suddenly said with a smirk. Your eyes snapped up, taken back by his statement, “what?” “you wanted to kiss me desperately, you kissed me as if you were starving,” there he was again, the cocky Lloyd.
“You think so? I kissed you as if I was starving?” you stepped closer to him, “then you better feed me enough, don’t want me feeling bad…,” he still towered over you, but that didn’t stop you from teasing him.
You snaked your arms around his neck, nose to nose with him now. “You would like that wouldn’t you…feeding me with your…,” you never finished the sentence, instead you pushed him out of the room where Andy was already waiting. “Good night,” were your last words to him before closing the door in his face.
“Your dick is hard,” Andy stated as he slipped his hand into his dress pants pockets with a sigh. The sight the played out aroused him too, you and Lloyd together was something he dreamed of.
“Rock hard,” Lloyd agreed while grimacing, you would pay for that later. “Want me to help ya out?” Andy lifted his brow he could need some help himself. With a strained nod Lloyd agreed and walked towards their bedroom, Andy followed suit with a chuckle.
Inside the room you laid in bed with Alf cuddled up against you, “what did we get ourself into huh Alfi?” you whispered while leaning your forhead against his.
It didn’t take long before your eyes fell shut, too exhausted from today to keep going. It felt good finally being able to rest without having to fear anything, just laying there and relax your muscles.
The night went by faster than you’d liked, a wet nose nudged yours before a tongue licked over your face having you giggling.
You tried pushing Alf back, but he kept coming back, “okay, okay, I’m gonna get up,” at those words the black dog jumped up towards the door.
Huffing you opened the door for him knowing he would be on his way to find Lloyd and Andy. You found it truly remarkable how much he liked them, throwing on a sweatshirt along with pants your first finished your normal morning routine.
As you saw yourself in the mirror everything that happened in the 24 hours began to rewind in your mind. What were you doing here? You couldn’t stay here, what if all of this is a trap to get you to like them? You couldn’t go out there…but then they would come to you meaning there was no way out.
Taking a deep breath, you decided to go after Alf, you put on the confidence and buried the fear deep inside.
From downstairs you were able to hear a soft music drumming around the walls, you didn’t recognise the song though it did sound pleasant. You walked into the direction of the music which led you to the kitchen where you found Andy in a black apron flipping pancakes.
He looked so domestic, like a husband who made breakfast for his wife whom he loved more than she could ever imagine. It was truly a sight for sore eyes and you never wanted to look away.
You had to tear your gaze away when you heard Lloyd coming in with Alf, confused you wondered where they had been.
All three didn’t seem to notice you yet and that resulted in Lloyd sneaking Alf a stripe of bacon from the pan. Your mouth agape you couldn’t believe what he did – okay you could.
“Now, now, what do we have here,” you drawled out and leaned against the door frame.
All heads shot up your dog hid behind the counter. It clicked in your head and you slowly crept around the marble knowing Alf was right on the other side waiting for you.
“Ha! Caught you,” jumping around to surprise him, with a wiggling tail he pushed his body into you and then zoomed around you while you stroked through his fur wildly. “Did you eat bacon huh?”
As you played with Alf the mob bosses couldn’t take their eyes off you, completely starstruck. You looked beautiful, hair a little messy, the sweats you wore made the feel like you were comfortable in their home and around them, it also looked like you belonged here with them.
Standing up with a smile you saw Andy and Lloyd staring at you, with heated cheeks you sat down at the kitchen isle. Their gazes trailing after you in the process.
Andy was the first one to snap out of it and walked back to the stove where he continued making breakfast. He swiftly moved around the kitchen knowing your eyes were on him the whole time. Why did he have to look so fucking handsome while cooking? A thought running through your head without end.
“How did you sleep sunshine?” Lloyd asked while putting a plate in front of you along with a glass of apple juice.
Andy put a pancake, two stripes of bacon and placed a bowl of strawberries next to it. “We thought this could be our first date,” the handsome cook in front of you proposed as his partner placed go more plates on the counter.
The idea wasn’t bad, it actually sounded good. A cute, romantic breakfast alongside Andy and Lloyd could be fun, you also didn’t have to go out which you were thankful for as you had no nerve in your body that wanted to go out. “Yeah, I’d like that,” you agreed, smiling shyly.
Lloyd grinned and sat down opposite from you just like Andy. At first there was a awkward silence surrounding the room, you weren’t sure if it was your nervousness or theirs.
But could they be nervous? “What’s your favourite colour?” Lloyd asked out of nowhere. Yep, they were nervous too.
“Oh, well I don’t really have one I think...I do like red though,” you while munching your pancakes which were delicious. “Do you have one?” you asked back, catching Lloyd of guard, “’m not sure, maybe…,” he trailed of.
“What’s your favourite movie?” Andy went on this ask as Lloyd was still thinking what his favourite colour could be.
The questions they had confused you, it was normal small talk of course but there could be so many things to talk about other than the standard questions. It had you wondering if they’d ever been on a date before, time to ask, “have you two been on a date before?” you chuckled.
The question wasn’t one they had expected, “no, not really…I fucked a lot of women but I didn’t date them,” Lloyd admitted, the confession caused your eyes to widen.
“I was on one, however it’s been years since that,” Andy added and Lloyd snorted, “yeah the bitch was the only one,” receiving a glare from his partner Lloyd shrugged, “it’s the truth,” he had no regrets in saying this.
“I know, but we don’t have to talk about her yet. Unlike you I don’t talk about other women I slept with on the first date,” Andy bit back as he took a sip from his coffee. “Like you have slept with that many women, there was the bitch and maybe a hooker then you couldn’t get it up with any other women after you saw her,” at the ‘her’ Lloyd motioned towards you.
Wow, okay, too much information, you thought as you chewed on the bacon however the scene was quite amusing.
“Because your dick is any better? Who helped you last night after you got hard huh?”
Now you really didn’t know what to say, Andy literally implied that he at least gave Lloyd a hand job. Well, now the question was answered if they fuck each other. Not that the sexual tension you felt between them wasn’t giving it away, but you could have been wrong.
“So, neither of you really been on a date in the last few months. My favourite movie is Legally Blonde, I have a dog called Alf, I don’t talk to my parents and I had sex with three men so far,” their expressions were priceless, “your turn,” you propped your chin on the back of your hand.
To say the two were shocked would be a little understatement, suddenly Andy realised what he said and what revealed of himself. You weren’t supposed to know about his ex-wife yet – or never he wished.
Lloyd didn’t seem to realise everything he said yet because he smirked or he did that because he was proud of it, no that didn’t make sense…did it?
“Can we go back to before the talk about who we slept with?” Andy pleaded. A light wave of guilt rushed through your veins, you knew how hard it could be to talk about the past and what it could do to people.
“I’m sorry,” you took his hand squeezing it gently, it was a silent promise that you were here if he needed to talk, a promise that you wouldn’t force him to talk about. Andy looked up at you with a grateful smile.
It took Andy a long time to process what Laurie, his ex-wife had done to him. She made him depend on her while she did everything she wanted and made Andy think it was his fault if she met with other men.
He was isolated from everyone only went to work then home and cooked for Laurie who came to scold him for everything she found. Then he’d try to make it up to her, her good mood would last a few day.
Lloyd was the one who got him out of there, cursed Laurie to hell and threatened her with everything he had. She ran for the hills.
After all this it took Andy a long time to heal and trust people, until now he only trusted a handful of people. One of them being Lloyd and he desperately hoped he could trust you.
“Here try this,” Andy held up a strawberry covered in chocolate cream, “I made it myself,” he said proudly. Without hesitating you took a bite, the sweet chocolate mixed with the strawberry tasted amazing and felt like heaven to your tastebuds.
You accidentally moaned loudly, “this is amazing, god.” Both men shared a look, this could end very different from what they had planned.
“If everything you cook is that good than I’m jealous Lloyd gets that every day,” you exclaimed ditching the strawberry into the cream again, “really fucking good,” another quiet moan rolled of your lips.
“Sunshine, if you don’t stop moaning I will bend you over this table and fuck you until you’re moaning my name,” Lloyd growled and slammed his hand on the marble plate.
“What…,” you swallowed the strawberry, completely caught off guard by his words, “I, uh, really,” stumbling over your own words as Andy stood up and rounded the counter. He came to you, towering over you.
He laid his hand on your cheek letting his thumb trail down to your lips, “if I had know you’d make such sounds, I would have cooked for you a lot earlier…,” his gaze was intense, you didn’t dare to move your eyes.
With his thumb he stroked your bottom lip, “you liked it? Liked the way my cream tasted?” the last sentence was whispered against your ear, his face so close to you it had you clenching your thighs together.
You were too lost in Andy that you hadn’t noticed him stand up and walk behind you until his hands gently gripped your waist.
“If you want us to stop, say it now,” he whispered against your skin while kissing up your neck. “We know it’s early, but we can’t hold back anymore. You’re beautiful, kind, funny,” Andy explained resting his forehead on yours.
To you it felt good that the respected your choice, that they gave you a choice. Though you had to agree with them it was still early, your first date was still going but who could say no to those men? Exactly.
“Stop the sweet talk and get on with it,” you commanded leaning your head on Lloyd’s shoulder who made a tsk noise, “so, bossy.”
His hand slide beneath you sweat pants, finger tips colliding with your sensitive nub. You jerked slight at the contact.
“Mhm response little girl...,” Lloyd rasped, his tone deep and fulfilling. Two digits moved your panties to the side slipping through your wet folds. “She’s wet Andy, so wet,” he raved.
Andy chuckled before placing his lips on yours, at first it was a little peck but then he pulled away. You chased after him to catch his lips in a passionate kiss. In desperate need of his tongue, you opened your mouth for him, a satisfied moan leaving your throat as your tongues danced over dominance.
The kiss almost swallowed you, had you rocking your hips against Andy’s and if it wasn’t for Lloyd’s hand on your cunt you would have fallen of the stool.
Lloyd entered your leaking hole, his fingers already big enough to have you gasping. He curled them against your spongy walls hitting that spot in a span of a one minute. Who or what was this man? Could he be a wizard, how did he find your g-spot that quick.
A black shadow in the corner of your eye had you pushing Andy away instantly, “bedroom, we need a bedroom, dog,” was all you managed to say but both understood.
Unfortunately, Lloyd had to take his fingers away from your heat, a whimper left your mouth at the loss of contact.
Andy carried you into their bedroom, throwing gently on the soft cushions. At first his body was right above you, then he was gone...along with your pants. “Ready darling?” he asked smirking.
Confused you looked down at him, a second later you were pulled closer to the edge of the bed and Andy latched at your cunt like a starved man. A high-pitched moan slipped from your mouth. His tongue truly sinful.
Meanwhile Lloyd had discarded his polo shirt and rounded the bed. Your eyes found him, and it gave you a chance to admire his muscled chest, he looked like a Greek god. Well build and toned skin, how could you have let this man slide huh? If that was how Lloyd looked beneath his clothes than you couldn’t wait for Andy.
Lloyd’s big hand grabbed your chin to make you look at him, “does that feel good? Tell Andy how good it feels,” he commanded.
“Feels good, feels, oh so fucking good,” you arched your back as Andy dipped his tongue into your needy hole. You spread your legs further apart to grant him more access. He chuckled and slipped his hand under your thighs gripping them in a tight hold, “move and you will regret it,” he murmured.
His lips wrapped around your clit and sucked harshly. You cried out, your hands searching for hold on the bedsheets.
“Mhm, you look so beautiful falling apart on Andy’s tongue,” Lloyd told you and leaned down to capture your lips in a searing kiss. You moaned into his mouth when the man between your legs stroked over your clit with his thumb, on the finishing line to bring you to your climax.
Lloyd loosened your hand and guided it to his neck to help you get a better hold as Andy devoured you. The knot in your stomach tighten, you bit into Lloyd’s bottom lip and your hand threaded into his soft hair.
You pulled on his roots, a silent scream running through your body as your orgasm hit you. “Andy, god don’t stop,” those weren’t your words, they belonged to the man who had his nose in your neck while you gripped his hair.
They way you held onto him, he groaned it felt too good. It didn’t go unnoticed by Andy how Lloyd reacted, the sight was one he would never get tired of seeing.
His fingers dipped into you, pumping in and out quickly as he ravished your pussy, pushing you through your high. “I won’t stop, don’t worry…you don’t want me to stop do you darlin’? No, you want me to ruin you…,” god, his tongue was truly filthy.
How did you deserve this? What Andy did was the best oral you ever received and you wanted more. He slowed his movements down and your body calmed.
“Do you want to keep going?” His tone is softer and more gentle than before. Honestly? You would love to, but you felt exhausted from just this little, you needed a few minutes first, “need a minute Barber,” you told him as you head fell back. Lloyd chuckled at your words and dragged you a bit more towards the headboard.
Andy covered you with a blanket and laid down next to you just like Lloyd. You felt dizzy, still not able to comprehend how you were this spent after one orgasm.
“How long do you think you need?” Lloyd asked, stroking your hair from your forehead. “Give me five minutes buddy.”
“If I didn't wanna fuck you this bad I would teach you manners first…but you will learn them soon enough.”
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𝑻𝑯𝑬𝒀 𝑪𝑯𝑨𝑵𝑮𝑬𝑫 𝑴𝑬 𝑭𝑶𝑹𝑬𝑽𝑬𝑹 — @smile1318 @wintasssoldier @xcaptain-winterx @georgiapeach30513 @alina02 @rogersbarber @antisocialwritingx @jobean12-blog @buckymcu12
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 | @sstanhoe-updates blog where new fics will always be reblogged in case you're not interested in the taglist as it has conditions
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imyourbratzdoll · 1 year
𝒃𝒐𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒏 𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒎𝒑𝒊𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒅 𝒍𝒂𝒘𝒚𝒆𝒓
🍓the strawberry shack masterlist🍓
summary - andy has been having a tough time between his job, his wife and his son in the hospital. he decides to treat himself to something sweet.
warning - smut, oral sex, gloryhole, cheating, swearing, daddy kink.
18+ only please, the gif and headers I use aren't mine. thanks to @lomlisarilevinson for sending in the requests that started this au.
Warnings and Reminders - Please do not plagiarise, copy, repost/republish, adapt, or translate any of my work on any social media platforms, apps, or third-party sites. The only platforms I post my work on are: Tumblr and Wattpad. I do not own any character of any franchise (Marvel etc.) All my works are fiction and may be dark or triggering content: READ ALL WARNINGS BEFORE PROCEEDING.
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Andy couldn’t keep dealing with his wife and his work. He had been so stressed, having to deal with the asshole trying to steal his cases and then coming home to his wife nagging him, making him miserable and wishing he was anymore else other than there. It hadn’t been the same as in the beginning, not since she intentionally crashed the car with his son inside. Their son was lying in a hospital bed, in a coma, all because of his wife, but he couldn’t find it in himself to leave her. Laurie had pushed him to his breaking point today, causing him to walk out, slamming the door and head toward a bar, only to be stopped by the flashing pink sign next to it.
He had always wondered about this place, wanting to see what it was all about but knowing it wasn’t suitable for him as he was married. Not that it had stopped many men, but still. Andy liked to think he was different from all the rest. Maybe if he still held love for his wife, he wouldn’t be walking through the door of The Strawberry Shack. Perhaps if she didn’t make him feel so drained and dead, he wouldn’t be putting cash onto the counter and walking through to where the girls were held. 
Andy surveyed the room to see who would be perfect for this little affair. He wouldn’t waste this. What was the point of cheating on his wife if the other woman wasn’t worth it? It wasn’t like he was getting anything at home, so the woman he chose here had to blow his mind. Andy walked over to your area, feeling himself harden in your presence. Something about being around you without actually seeing you did something to the men. As though you were a siren, luring the poor defenceless men into your trap. He decides to start small, wanting to test the waters before fully committing. Andy’s hands move down to his slacks, unzipping them slowly and taking his hardened member out, groaning as he strokes his hand up and down, swiping his thumb over his leaking tip. 
He moves closer to the hole in the wall, feeding his thick cock through it and groaning when he feels your wet tongue flicking across his swollen head. You slowly suckle him into your mouth, hollowing your cheeks as you take his cock deeper, moaning around him as you taste his salty taste. You choke on him, becoming messy with your movements, unknowingly causing the man on the other end to try and find something to hold onto as he feels his soul begin to leave his body. You suck hard on his tip, swirling your tongue around his leaking slit, slurping him wonderfully. Andy’s eyes roll to the back of his head, wondering if he has suddenly died and gone to heaven. No one had made him feel like this. The way you were sucking his cock felt amazing, and it was so worth cheating on his wife for.
His head falls forward, connecting with the wooden wall as he pants, feeling his cock start to twitch, and his balls tighten. “Ugh, fuck! That’s right, darling. Milk daddy of all his cum!” Andy groans, moaning as you swallow him, picking up your pace until hot cum spurts from his mushroom tip deep into your mouth. You moan around him, swallowing every last drop of him before cleaning Andy up, licking him clean from the white cream. Andy pulls out of the hole, tucking his softening cock into his dress pants and zipping them up. “Thanks, sweetheart.” He doesn’t even feel a pang of guilt as he looks down at his wedding ring, shrugging his shoulders as he already plans to return to you. 
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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cottagecheese1 · 7 months
Chapter 2
summary: A few years after your father died, your mother marries a new man, to you having a new family meant new begging's, but what happens when your new begging comes spiraling apart just because of the people that made them. paring: dark stepdad Andy Barber x reader x dark dbf Lloyd Hansen x reader x dark stepbrother Johnny storm x reader x dark bbf Colin Shea.
warnings- (DDLG undertones) stepcest, Johnny is NOT Andy's biological father, he is the adopted son. smut, do not engage if you are uncomfortable with any of the following, spanking, blackmail, p in v, edging, thigh riding, oral, fingering.
Series master list right here
The day was new, sadly, after last night you didn’t know if leaving your room was a good option in the first place, well of course you’d live, but the embarrassment you felt at the moment made you feel like the world was ending. You always felt a little sensitive and awkward towards every little situation that came your way. When you say it in your head it always sounds like a bad thing even though there are worse things in the world, and you shouldn’t even come close to feeling unfortunate in any situation–or thats what your mother would tell you, at a point your life your mother used to make you feel vain–blaming you for your fathers death saying it was your fault, of course you knew your mother had loved you, I mean she was also going through the grief of losing her husband, you shouldn’t be selfish–thats what she would also tell you.
After a long two hours of laying in bed, you rolled in bed and looked at your alarm clock that read 9:23am, and you could already hear the shuffling and laughter of the boys in the kitchen, deciding to just suffer through it and just hope nobody brings up the previous night, they all probably forgot about it by now, right? You could only hope because you sure haven’t forgotten.
Making your way down the hall where the chuckling and the sizzling of bacon started to make itself more present as you stepped into the kitchen, your head automatically goes down towards the floor when the chatter abruptly stops–the awkward sizzling of bacon mocking you as you walk towards the bread.
Andy stops and turns toward you with a small smile while leaning on the marble countertop, finally deciding to break the silence, “good morning honey, I made breakfast if you’re interested, bacon and uh maybe some pancakes if Johnny will save some for the rest of us.” he says the last part while turning towards a shirtless johnny stuffing his mouth full, mumbling out a “sorry”.
You tilt your head up toward Andy, and grab the bread, “no thanks Andy, maybe later–thanks though–well not that I don’t want any it's just-” you stutter out, until Andy interrupts you with a soft chuckle.
Andy walks behind you–tucking a piece of hair behind your ear before he leaned down to press a small kiss to your temple, “Oh pumpkin, what am I gonna do with you hm? With your cute self.” your cheeks tinted red, and besides that you could hear Johnny, and Colin snickering–probably making fun of you.
Not really knowing how to respond, but suddenly another thought comes to mind–where's your mother? Now curious, you turned and asked Andy, face still red as a beet, “um- where's my mom?” Andy half listens to you as he plays with your hair softly.
“She’s on a business trip, won’t be back for a few weeks, so you get to spend some alone time with us.” Andy says as he smirks.
You advert your gaze back to the toaster and give him a quick “okay”, before turning back around he huffs dramatically grabbing his keys swiftly, but before he heads out, he stops before the two chuckling boys.
“You boys be nice, treat her good until I get home, okay? Oh honey, if you need anything just give me a call, okay? Johnny should help you with anything, if not, I’ll be back around 11:00. Be good you two.”, and at that Andy was out the door, now it’s just you and them.
Johnny sighed and got up dramatically, “I’m gonna go take a shower, you kids have fun.” he said as he walked toward his bedroom.
Now it was just Colin and you, but as soon as you heard the toaster pop up, you scurried to your room–not even bothering to grab the butter–once you got to your room, closing the door you sighed and switched your phone on for the next hour.
After another 30 minutes of contemplating if you should leave your room or not, you do. Opening the door slowly, and walking down the hall to the living room, where you thought watching TV would be an option for you, but Colin seemed to be taking up the couch and the entire atmosphere, and God was it intimidating.
Before you could turn away, and advance to the comfort of your own room–Colin stopped you abruptly. He threw his head back over the back of the couch, and called your name out.
“Hey!- don’t leave, come join me, I’m watching 21 jump street, I want you to come watch it with me.”
He sounded so demanding, but maybe that's just his way of expressing himself, so you watch as he scoots over a tad, and pats the spot next to him. This is when you seem to notice he doesn’t have a shirt on under his thin jacket, but you still sit down awkwardly next to him.
Suddenly he scoots closer to you, and wraps an arm around you, pulling you to him slightly as he says “relax baby, just getting comfortable, you wanna lay on me?”
“Oh, well I’m ok right now, I wouldn’t wanna-” he cuts you off by his own words, “cmon baby, I don’t mind, it's just some friendly cuddles, don’t gotta be all shy about it.” he says the last part chuckling.
You stay silent as he speaks again, “Here–I’ll help you.” Coin grunts a bit as he pulls you on top of him, and pushes your head onto his chest, softly stroking your hair. As much as you’d hate to admit it, it did feel kind of nice, maybe because he was nice and warm, and solid–Colin interrupts your train of thought when he speaks again.
“Isn’t this nice baby? All nice and relaxed…You're such a good girl, you know that?” he says with a mischievous glint in his voice while stroking your back, his voice still vibrating off of you he continues, “So, so quiet. Bet you're a virgin huh? All pure and untouched, from the way you're grinding on my dick and acting all innocent about it, you have to be.”
You feel stiff all the sudden, like you can’t move, now you're overly aware of the fact that his dick is poking your thigh. Then to make things worse he leans down toward your ear, “You know me, and Johnny talked about fucking you last night? Or how adorable you would look trying to wrap your lips around our cocks–and the tears that would run down that pretty face as we both fucked you till you couldn’t walk–or talk–bet you're a cock drunk bitch when you have the chance, huh?”
This is when you really started to freak out, trying to shove away from him eagerly, “Stop! Get off me! Andy will come back any time.”, and Colin just laughed at your plea, which made you slightly confused.
“Oh Baby, you poor girl, Andy’s the worst of both of us, if you knew all the dirty shit he’s said about you, you’d be crying–or well you already are–your new daddy just wants to pound you into his mattress until you're crying honey, and so much more.”
Your eyes widened at his statement, that couldn’t be, Andy cared about you..right? The thoughts that ran a million miles in your head suddenly got interrupted by another presence entering the room. Johnny.
Crying out for him as Colin licked and sucked on your neck, making you whimper pathetically in the process, “Johnny, please get him off of me..” you said pleadingly.
Johnny stared at you mockingly as he bent down to your level, where you still laid beneath Colin helplessly. He stroked the side of your face teasingly before he said, “Now why would I do that hm? Not when you’re whimpering so sweetly baby.” Colin then let up off you, leaning back into the couch, pulling you into his lap in the process as you felt your thighs subconsciously rub together.
After Johnny made his way beside you and Colin–sandwiching yourself between them as result, he stroked your thigh up and down, slowly making his way to your clothed core, “Look how fucking red you are, just from some teasing hm? you wanna feel me sweetheart? Don’t even try to hide how wet you are–bet you haven’t even had your first kiss yet.”
You had to be slightly surprised at his forwardness, no you haven’t had your first kiss yet, but you just told yourself that you're waiting for the right person. Colin chuckled at Johnny’s antics, this is also when you noticed that Johnny was not wearing a shirt–or pants for a matter of fact, this realization made you feel hotter all over.
Colin leaned over and looked at Johnny, “You know the old man won’t like it if we take her first kiss without him being here."
Johnny rolled his eyes and scoffed, still stroking your thighs, “Fuck that old geezer, I'm taking what's min-” Johnny got cut off by a loud slam of a door and jingling of car keys jingling. You three looked over toward the door to see Andy in the doorway, his arms crossed intimidatingly.
“what's going on here fellas..trying to break her in without me?” Andy said with a smirk as he reached the end of his sentence. He walked over to you slowly, and took your small face into both of his large hands, “And what about you honey? Having fun without daddy, hm? Good thing I’m here now.” He ends the last of his words with a chuckle.
Pleading for help wouldn’t even save you right now, after what Johnny and Colin just confessed to you–especially Andy–all you can do is hope for the best.
A/n: sorry for the short late chapter ya'll (I edited it at the end because the order was fucked up for those who were as confused as me.)
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