erisxnyx · 7 years
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#AndYetItMoves #StudioCampus #Paris #Bastille #Pantin #14jul2017 #LauraStJude #DaleBarclay #MartinoMostacci #JesperLapp #JonasDuus #PaulBarclay #RamskullVintage #HotPantsTouring #NewMaterial (at Studio Campus)
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kylehowells · 7 years
After narrowly returning back from berlin with the rest of the family, this music video navigated itself out of my brain and onto the social airways. It’s the newest Andyetitmoves material. Berlin is an amazing place, and we were hit with nothing but luck and good times. The majority of this flick was filmed in an old abandoned children’s hospital we came across.
Take a look for yourself.
We head out on tour mid may and the next chapter will begin, so now you’ve been made aware of this sound, keep your ears to the ground. There’s storms more on its way!
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pollyimiles · 8 years
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#Repost @16beasleyst ・・・ And Yet It Moves, The Hope and Ruin, 13.11.16 #AndYetItMoves #TheHopeAndRuin #Brighton
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oncethrown · 8 years
Okay. Now it's time to fight.
I'm seeing this sentiment a lot, and I just keep shutting down. How? How do we fight? What do we fight? We fight for information and progress. Everyone who reads this- find a lawmaker or a bill in your district and research it. Have an opinion, publish your information. Protest can effect laws. Look at the reproductive rights fight in Poland. We still have voices. We still have hope. Bring your info here. Tag it #andyetitmoves. They want to stop progress. They want to stop justice. We can't let them. The want the culture to stand still. And yet it moves.
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crossroadsalpha · 9 years
In Between by German developer gentlymad is a gorgeous 2D-Based, Story-Driven Puzzle-Platformer, where you play as the imminently dying protagonist reflecting on his struggle for existence. Needless to say that In Between is an incredibly heavy game, the protagonist often questioning his purpose and place in the world between and throughout the numerous fiddly puzzles [...]
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venusinorbit · 9 years
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#AndYetItMoves || Quote by #Galileo made after recanting his claim that the earth moves around the sun (heliocentric model). In 1616, Galileo's discoveries were met with strong opposition by the Catholic Church and that same year it declared heliocentrism as heresy. Books containing this information were banned and the astronomer ordered to stop teaching and defending his ideas. In 1633, the Roman Inquisition found Galileo guilty of heresy and sentenced him to indefinite inprisonment. He was kept under house arrest until his death in 1642 despite strong evidence validating his claims. || These days, the new "Galileos" are the political prisoners, whistleblowers, and those who advocate for the rights of the marginalized. Some of them are well-known and controversial: #PussyRiot #NelsonMandela #MalcolmX #AungSanSuuKyi #Gandhi #Snowden and some are lesser-known (yet equally important): Daniel Ellsberg (Pentagon Papers), Frank Serpico (NYPD corruption), W. Mark Felt (Deep Throat), Bunny Greenhouse (Halliburton war monopoly), Chelsea Manning (Iraqi War logs & LGBT rights) and more. Who is your Galileo? || Art by @bd_white @jpoart for @lomanartfest @thelisaprojectnyc on Mulberry St., Lower Manhattan, NYC || #bdwhite #jpoart #thelisaprojectnyc #lomanartfest #graffiti #streetart (at New York, New York)
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napok óta csak ez pörög....
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And Yet It Moves, The Clare - 17th June 2017
Today saw the final performances of And Yet It Moves, Neighbourhood Theatre’s latest community show, created in response to the Young Vic’s Main House production, Life of Galileo.  Running from the 15-17th June in the Young Vic’s Clare Theatre, and performed by an exceptionally talented cast of twelve, it was written by Molly Taylor, and directed by Joe Hancock.  
The play explores questions surrounding "how we know what we believe we know”.  The play tells the stories of three characters’ attempts to find their way through their respective social systems in order to change their lives for the better.  Their stories invite us to consider the struggle faced by those who challenge the status quo and social structures which define their lives, while reminding us of the trials faced by those with specific needs and vulnerabilities.
The powerful performances seen in rehearsals for the play (see post below) was here brilliantly highlighted by a fully realised production.  Naomi Kuyck-Cohen’s imaginative set, along with an atmospheric lighting design, enhanced the characters’ claustrophobic and nightmarish predicaments, immersing both audience and actors in the action.  Through its clever use of moving screens, the set could be used to box in characters - or sections of the audience - and either shut people out or create a particular perspective on a scene.
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erisxnyx · 7 years
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#AndYetItMoves #live #StudioCampus #Paris #14jul2017
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Production Photograph of Community Show And Yet It Moves
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And Yet It Moves Rehearsals - 1st June 2017
NhT members have been fully involved in the creative process for the upcoming community show, And Yet It Moves - even those not in the cast.  Having had the opportunity to attend Research and Development sessions for the show earlier this year, with director Joe Hancock and writer Molly Taylor, members were invited to attend this afternoon’s rehearsals to see the work in progress.  In addition, there was also the chance to attend a design workshop for the show with designer Naomi Kuyck-Cohen (see post below).
It was great to see rehearsals for this exciting show in full swing; and to see how the themes from a classic play like Bertolt Brecht’s Life of Galileo (currently playing in the Young Vic’s Main House theatre) could inspire a powerful and thought-provoking piece of new writing.  Like Life of Galileo, And Yet It Moves explores questions surrounding "how we know what we believe we know”, but in a modern context.  And Yet It Moves focuses on three characters’ attempts to find their way through their respective social systems in order to change their lives for the better.  Their stories invite us to consider the struggle faced by those who challenge the status quo and social structures which define their lives, while reminding us of the trials faced by those with specific needs and vulnerabilities.  One of the characters, for example, is living in very cramped accommodation and is on the housing list to be moved.  We witness her frustration and anger with the processes that control her living conditions and, therefore, her life.  
As the company rehearsed a scene set in a housing office, and another in which neighbours discover offensive graffiti written by the character described above, it was quickly clear that the power of the writing is strongly reflected in the power of the acting of the cast.  Even in a rehearsal session, the passion and emotional commitment to the piece was palpable.  Joe worked with the actors on detailed moments in the script, layering and building up scenes to make them more nuanced and alive, and trying different things out.
Several of the cast are new to the Young Vic, and they were singing the praises of the creative team, as well as the play and project as a whole.  Despite describing the idea of performing as “terrifying”, these actors were also finding the process “fun”, and were clearly deeply committed to the project.  Other actors in the cast are NhT members, or about to become NhT members in Year 2. As different members of NhT came in to see the work in progress today, it was great to see people recognising each other, and catching up in break times.
And Yet It Moves will play to an invited audience in The Clare, 15th-17th June 2017.  
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Rehearsals for And Yet It Moves
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And Yet It Moves Design Workshop - 1st June 2017
This afternoon, Neighbourhood Theatre members had the opportunity to attend a model box presentation and design workshop with designer Naomi Kuyck-Cohen, for the upcoming community show And Yet It Moves. The show, directed by Joe Hancock, is a response to the Young Vic’s Main House show, Life of Galileo, and its talented cast includes several members of NhT. During the workshop, there was also the opportunity to sit in on the afternoon rehearsal for the show. The Young Vic are keen that Neighbourhood Theatre members are involved in the creative process for community shows, as well as advocating for them amongst friends and acquaintances. Earlier this Spring, a number of NhT members attended Research and Development sessions for the show with its director, Joe, and writer Molly Taylor (see Joe’s Guest Blog below for more on these sessions). Today’s session was an opportunity for members to see how the work had progressed since those early stages. It started with a presentation of the model box for the production - literally a model of the set as it will be built in The Clare theatre, 1/25th the size of the actual theatre. Members learnt that the audience will be seated in traverse, and moveable wooden screens will be used to box in areas of the stage and/or audience, creating different effects and perspectives. As lists feature heavily in the play (one of the characters is on the Housing List, and also writes lots of lists herself, and other characters start to write them), the set will also feature different lists, surrounding the audience on the walls of The Clare. Participants were asked to contribute to the set itself by writing some of the lists that will adorn the theatre’s walls during the performance. Naomi had provided a range of different pens and pencils and paper. Participants were able to choose a pre-written list and create a character based on this (imagining what kind of person would write that particular list), and then choose the pen/pencil and paper that they imagined that character might use - for example, a character writing a list of their favourite actresses on the back of an envelope in pencil is arguably different from a character who writes a list of reasons they dislike their flatmate in bright red capital letters on an A3 sheet of paper. Later, participants were invited to write their own personal lists for inclusion. The idea that NhT members can contribute to the very fabric of the set of a community show is really lovely, and very exciting because it potentially takes their involvement in NhT activities to another level. Participants in this workshop clearly loved this idea, and set about the tasks with real enthusiasm.
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pollyimiles · 8 years
#andyetitmoves sounding fucking huge right now! @thehopeandruin Doors 7:30 Tickets otd #Brighton #postpunk #noise #fuzz #psych #krautrock @meltdunes @yonoseband #motherfootworship #lagging
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