xowlan · 4 years
𝖎𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖊𝖆𝖉 𝖔𝖋 𝖓𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙 ---- 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖓𝖊
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𝔣𝔞𝔫𝔡𝔬𝔪:    near dark                         
𝔭𝔞𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤:     severen x ofc                        
𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔡𝔰:         1,450                   
𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰:   cursing                      
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The frown was clear on Anna's face as she parked her car at the back of the club. With the bag in the back of her car, she was ready to start her shift and as she normally was in the mood for it, she clearly wasn't for that night. Not after what she just saw. It's not like she didn't expect it, that two of her best friends would fuck, but the sight really grossed her out as it also made her realize something; she was the only single person left in the group of her friends.  Of course, having a relationship isn't ideal for a stripper and Anna knows that as she sleeps while most people are awake. Her job was the main reason for her many failed relationships, that and she hasn't found a man yet that can handle her.
Getting out of her Ford Mustang, she hugs her leather jacket tighter around her tattooed body as the cold air of the early night surrounds her.  Her red locks flew in her face while her heels click against the hard pavement as she makes her way towards the entrance. Considering it's in the middle of the week, it isn't that busy which is visible of the lack of a line that normally occupies the space around the entrance. Anna's green eyes fall on Dwayne, the club's bouncer.  "Good evening Anna," the giant bald man greets her like how he did every evening. When he first did it, the other girls were surprised as Dwayne was known to be an asshole to everyone, which he was to her too. But that all changed when Dwayne realized that Anna might have bigger balls on her body than he does, and he does have to admit that his are pretty big.
"Hey, D." A smirk plays with her lips as she sees his Adam apple move up and down. Even after two years the man still carries fear with him. Winking, she tries to get past him when he suddenly takes her arm.  "Be careful tonight, there are some strangers inside and I don't have a good feeling about them. They also have a kid with them." Anna raises an eyebrow at his words before her eyes fall on the sign behind him that clearly says 18+. Dwayne's eyes follow her gaze before he turns back to her. "The oldest chick threatened to kill me."
Normally Anna would've laughed, but seeing the fear in his eyes, she knew that whoever these people are, they aren't good news. With a nod, she squeezes his arm before entering the club.  The red and black interior welcomes her as Anna goes through the hallway where some men were talking while waiting to get in the bathroom. She could feel some eyes checking her out but right now she didn't care. She had to find these people.  When she finally walks through the giant door, she locks eyes with Peggy, who is helping the three men behind the bar. Looking around, she realizes that there are more people as she expected, yet she hasn't caught sight of the child that normally wasn't welcome.
Her feet drag her over to Peggy who was drying some glasses while talking to a man in a black leather jacket with some patches on it. Not paying him any attention, she goes to stand next to him while slamming five dollars on the counter. "Your normal drink?" Peggy asks making Anna nod. While Peggy moves to get the glass of Jack Daniels Anna decided to hear from her about the weird situation.
"You know anything about what happened with Dwayne?" Peggy froze for a split second, letting her eyes slide to the man who she was talking to. His blue eyes were focused on her while his ears were clearly focused on the red-haired girl next to him.  "I don't know what you're talking about?"
"Apparently, a group of people threatened to kill him if he didn't let a kid inside." Finally, the man next to her turns his head so is looking straight at her.  Anna gulped softly as she realized how close the two of them actually were. Despite noticing his handsome looks, she gets a feeling that made her guts tell her to run. But like the naive girl she is, she ignored that dangerous feeling.
The stranger opened his mouth as a deep voice asked her; "What about it?" The hairs on the back of her neck stand straight at the tone of his question. It seems that he is mocking her. Pushing aside the rising fear, she puts a sneer on her face. "Look, I don't know who the fuck you are but no one comes in here and threatens the staff. Besides, how sick must you be to drag a child in a strip club."
The man laughs loudly as he throws his head back.  This attracts the attention of his family as they all turn around in the booth they were occupying. Because of the simultaneous movement, her eyes flicker to them making her notice the child that sat on top of the table. Peggy, who was watching everything, threw her towel to the side, before walking over to Anna who was actually getting pissed off. She tries to hold the twenty-three-year-old dancer back, but Anna yanks her body out of her grip as she takes a step closer to the still laughing man. She looks up at him, ignoring the fact that he is a head taller than her, and stares angrily into his eyes.  His laughter dies down, and eventually, not even a grin is on his features.
Peggy notices the stranger's family stand up and walk over to him. The oldest male places a hand on him as he softly spoke his name. "Severen." But the call for his attention was no use, he was still staring at her, even as Anna has adverted her eyes from him and turned them to his family. Peggy looks between all of the people, noticing a young blonde girl in the back. She had a hand placed on the child's shoulder while watching the scene with wide eyes.
Anna took a step back. "I think you should leave."
"We don't have to do anything, sweety." The oldest woman of the two, even though she only appears to be in her mid-thirties, spoke up. She licked her lips as she took in the glare of Anna. Peggy leaned towards her colleague and friend. "Anna, we can't do shit; They haven't done anything wrong and we don't have any proof if they truly threatened Dwayne."
"What if we are?" The child said. Anna and Peggy share a look. But as Anna turned her head to look over her shoulder, Severen clenches his fist as his eyes spot the flesh of her neck.  His jaw clenches and at that moment he turns around to face the others. Seeing the expression of Severen, the oldest male nods. "What's your name?" He directs his question to Anna. With a frown, she tells him her name.
Anna huffs and looks over her shoulder in disbelief. "Seriously?" Peggy looks down and shrugged her shoulders.
"Listen we don't mean any harm." The young blonde in the back speaks up. Anna raises an eyebrow and crosses her arms over her chest. Severen's eyes flicker down to her breast that are pushed forwards before he sets them back on her face, staring at the faint freckles that cover her nose.
Anna clearly doesn't believe the blonde. "I'm sorry, but you've scared one kf the toughest guys in this town and you all kinda look like psychopaths." Anna says, not feeling at ease when she sees the oldest women play with a knife while shooting her a smirk. It is as if she is enjoying this.
"Well, Anna, we're sorry about threatening Dwayne. We will leave now." Ignoring his wife's confused stare, he spots Anna's slow nod. It looked as if she finds it hard to believe that they're just giving in. Without another word, the group leaves while Peggy and Anna stare them after.  "That was scary," Peggy commented. Anna didn't answer as she took her bag from the black ground and walked towards the back.
The night continued without any problems, which was Anna grateful for. When she finally left the club at four o'clock and got in her car, she started to replay the previous events in her head. She really had a bad feeling about these people. Throughout the entire conversation, she felt like a sheep in front of hungry wolves. And then there was Severen. The way how he changed his attitude when she sized up to him, confused her and she still didn't have an explanation for his behavior and clearly neither did his family.
With a sigh, she parks in front of her house. Hoping to be able to sleep and forget about the last evening, she dragged herself inside. Throwing her bag on the kitchen counter, she went to turn the lights on.  When they do turn on, Anna feels a hand grip her neck tightly as she gets pushed with her back against the white wall. Staring in blue eyes, she swallows as she realizes who was right in front of her. It was the man from the bar, Severen.
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lost-in-the-80s · 4 years
Give Me A Chance
Pairing: Slash x fem!reader
Words: 1,196k
Summary: You’ve made your biggest mistake, falling in love with your brother's friend who would never like you back. Or so you think. (fluff)
A/N: George Michael’s Careless Whisper was going in and out of my head while I wrote this lol.
PS: Also, I’d like to thank you guys for your patience with Kink Roulette, I’m writing your requests, but at a very slow pace, once I finish all of them I’ll make another kink weekend and post all of them at once :)
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You looked at yourself in the mirror, applying some red lipstick on, remembering how you had managed to steal it from a nearby store some weeks ago. 
Times were difficult and being one of the only people who worked, you had to put all your money into paying the bills. 
Being Izzy’s younger sister had its advantages, but sharing the apartment with four other dudes wasn’t one of them. They were always drunk or high, yelling and laughing at anything, and you were lucky if you could come out of the shower and not find one of them using the toilet, since the apartment’s locks didn’t even work properly.
It was hard in the beginning, getting used to their personalities and habits, plus all the bitterness among themselves, but slowly, day after day, you started to like them, they started to feel like family, people you were comfortable to be around.
You liked Duff’s jokes, and the way Steven would always keep you company when going to the beach, you liked the way Axl would come up with a different nickname for you every day, just to let Izzy pissed, always making you laugh. And oh, Izzy, how was it good to have him around, always looking up for each other.
But the one you had gotten closer to was Slash. You couldn’t simply choose one thing you liked more about him… you loved everything. You loved the way he’d get excited and talk for hours about his passions in life, the way he’d always make you smile, the way he smiled, and how his curls bounced when he moved around. 
You had fallen in love with him, long time ago, and you simply couldn’t hold yourself from spending the last minutes of your day imagining how it would be to be with him, to be his, to feel his fingers against your skin, or to hear him calling you baby, or-
Duff’s voice cut your thoughts.
“Your date’s here!” He shouted from the living room.
You sighed loudly, getting your purse and slowly walking towards the main door. 
Slash didn’t like you, he would always see you as Izzy’s little sister, or so you thought…. 
So here you were, about to go on a date with Travis, your co-worker, who had been asking for a chance for months now. 
“Call me if anything happens, ok?” 
You gave Izzy a thumbs up, before opening the door. 
Travis was leaning against his car, his arms crossed in front of his body as he looked at you, his mouth parting a little when he checked out your outfit.
“Ready?” He asked, opening the door for you.
About an hour had passed since you arrived at the restaurant, you had already eaten and Travis was telling you what seemed to be the most exciting story about his childhood, but you just couldn’t listen.
A song playing in the background made your mind travel to Slash’s face, and then to his voice, and you silently damned the universe for being cruel enough to not give you a chance to be with him. 
“.... and you’re not listening,”
Your head snapped towards Travis. 
“Huh?.... Sorry, I was-”
“Thinking about someone else.” He finished for you.
You didn’t say anything. How could you justify yourself, being transparent enough that he knew you didn’t really want to be there.
“I always wondered why you didn’t give me a chance, and then Joan said you liked this guy, but I thought that maybe if we went on a date you’d… I don't know… start liking me, maybe?” 
He laughed at himself. 
“I’m- I’m sorry, Travis.”  You looked down.
“It’s ok, Y/N. It’s not your fault.”
You looked back at him and took a deep breath. 
Why can’t things be easier? Why can’t I just like someone who likes me? You thought.
“Do you want me to drive you home now, or do you want to get dessert first?” He offered you a smile, trying to lift your mood. “Their cheesecake is awesome! You gotta try it!”
You thought for a second.
“Hey, it’s not because it didn’t work out that we can’t be friends.” He shrugged. 
“Cheesecake sounds good.” You said after a few seconds.
You left your shoes by the door as you quietly walked to your room. It was around 9 pm and you were sure the boys had left for some nearby bar.
Entering your room you screamed startled when you turned the lights on and found someone on your bed, Slash, more precisely.
“Slash! What the hell are you doing here?”
He looked up at you through his curls, placing a bottle of cheap whisky on your night table. He seemed as startled as you, as if he didn’t expect you to be there so soon. He had a piece of paper that looked like a picture in his hand.
“Shit, sorry, Y/N, I just…” He didn't seem to be drunk, even though the bottle was half empty.
“It’s okay.” 
You placed your bag on a dresser before sitting on the edge of your bed. 
“What’re you doing here, Slash?” You asked quietly.
“I was just… looking at this picture.” 
He moved to sit beside you, showing you a picture of the two of you together. 
“It’s a good picture.” You smiled, remembering the day it had been taken.
There was silence for a second, both of you staring ahead, avoiding each other’s gaze, too afraid that the other would be able to read your eyes and see all you had been hiding. 
“How was your date?” He asked.
“It didn’t work out.” You said after some seconds.
“Shame.” He looked at you.
“Yeah.” You looked back at him.
You stared at each other for what seemed like forever and then he slowly started to lean in, his face so close to yours that you could feel his hot breath against your face, so you closed the distance between the two of you, kissing his lips delicately.
Soon he deepened the kiss, his tongue invading your mouth as his hands pulled you closer. You could taste the whisky in his tongue as it explored every inch of your mouth. 
“Give me a chance.” He said when you pulled apart. “I know that I’m not boyfriend material and that you deserve someone much better, but if you give me a chance, I promise you that I’ll make you happy.”
You would never be able to describe the happiness that filled your heart when you heard that. A huge smile appeared on your face and for a second you thought you would cry. That was all you had ever wanted to hear and you couldn’t believe that it was true. 
“I- I thought you didn’t like me back.”
“Of course I do! I always did. But I knew that Izzy would get pissed and that I would end up hurting you- but, Y/N, I swear that I won’t,  I’ll give you my best! I promise!”
“I know, Saul, I believe in you.” You cupped his face with your hands, pulling him closer for another kiss.
Thank you for reading this <3
Tag list: @born-to-lose @slashscowboyboots @ginny-rose-sixx @dynamitebabe @tuffduff @gamsbeans @gnrfandom-music3 @ladieswttda @teasid @hoovoolooblue @littlemisscare-all @rumoured-whispers @1800endmeplease @izzys-nose-ring @motley-cruer @angxlxc @oihanasstuff @apovanity87 @julessworldd @annaavibes @makemeyourwife-loveofmylife @stradlin-cold-heartbreaker​ @glam-rock-up-your-ass @thesecondjedi @anfoxtale @stars-kiss-the-sky​ @almosthonest​
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lost-in-the-80s · 4 years
Heaven in Hell
Pairing: Axl Rose x reader
Words: 1,060k
Requested by: Anon. I mixed your request with an idea of mine, hope you don’t mind <3
Summary: Lafayette can be hell to many people, but you and Axl managed to become each other’s heaven. 
A/N: Axl is going by the name of Bill. I kinda want to make a part two, with them going out or something...
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You sat in the back of the classroom, your literature teacher going on and on about something you just couldn’t care less about. Your notebook was empty, just like it had been the whole year, except for some small drawings that you’d make when bored.
Winter had arrived in the small Lafayette, sprawling shades of gray and dark green everywhere. You gazed through the window as the cold wind attempted again to enter the room, making the glass shake slightly beside you.
Everything seemed so slow, so lifeless, especially during the winter, the sun would shine less and less and so would you. 
The only constant source of light you had in your life was him. His orange hair brightening everything around him, like Apollo, the Greek god of the sun, who’d ride a chariot bringing light to the world around him. 
If only he could see himself as I do. You thought to yourself.
And so he entered the room, late as always. His brown flannel shirt contrasting with his light blue jeans as he slowly walked in, his gaze fixed on the floor as he approached the teacher, a small paper in his hand, probably justifying his delay.
The teacher scanned the paper quickly before taking a look at him.
“Sunglasses aren’t allowed in this class, Mr. Bailey.” 
He stopped for a second, before silently removing the black sunglasses from his face. 
“You have been fighting again, I see.” The teacher said in disapproval as he saw Bill’s purple eye, while the ginger’s eyes crossed the room, meeting yours.
Pain. Sadness. Anger. 
You could read all of that behind those green orbs.
The class finally came to an end, and you quickly threw all your material inside your backpack, crossing the classroom towards his desk in record time. 
“It was him, wasn’t it?” You leaned down, delicately touching his face and analyzing the damage his father had caused.
He didn’t say anything, just grabbed his things and got up. 
“I’m sicking tired of it.” He finally spoke up as you walked down the corridors, his sunglasses now back at his face.
“I know, baby.” You said quietly, taking his hand. 
He stopped abruptly. “Fuck, I’m not in the mood for this bullshit, I don’t wanna take another fucking class and pretend everything’s perfect, pretend that everything’s ok.” 
His voice was filled with so many emotions and tiredness that concernment washed over you.
“What do you mean?”
“I just… want to go away… from all of this”
You thought for a second, before looking around you, noticing no-one was around.
“Let’s go then.”
“What?” His eyebrows lifted a little in surprise.
“Come on, ginger.” 
Leading the way, you ran through some corridors before reaching the parking lot, a wave of relief sprawling over your body as the two of you didn’t get caught. You quickly unlocked your car and soon enough the two of you were far away from that goddamn school. 
The road had always been a friend of the two of you, leading you away from all of your problems and slowly, mile after mile, bringing you closer to your dreams, closer to your freedom. 
There was a place about 20 minutes out of town, a large field, now empty due to the weather. The two of you would go there every time things became too much to handle. You’d lay on the back of your truck, and spend hours talking. Just like you did this time. 
You were silently watching the grey clouds that covered the sky when he spoke up.
“I- I found something.”
You didn’t say anything, waiting for him to go on.
“Some papers….” He made a pause. “Fuck, I don’t even know how to explain.”
Laying on your side, watching his face as he frowned, trying to form words inside his head.
“He-he's not my father.”
“Stephen…” He took a long breath. “I found these papers last night, and, fuck…”
He took a picture out of jeans’ pockets and handed it to you.
There was a man in a car, he had short blonde hair and looked just like Bill. 
“That’s not even my name.” He interrupted you. “This- this is William Bruce Rose,” He pointed at the picture. “I- I think he’s my dad.”
Your eyes went wide as you couldn’t think of what to say. 
“My name is William Bruce Rose Jr, Y/N.” He turned on his side, facing you.
“What- why would they hide this from you?” You were starting to grow angry. 
“Wish I had the answer for that.”
“Is- is that why Stephen did this?” You asked in a calmer tone, slowly touching his purple eye.
“We got into a huge discussion, I wanted answers, they didn’t want to give ‘em.”
“Oh, baby, I’m so sorry.” Moving closer to him, you touched your forehead against his, sensing as his body relaxed with the contact.
He circled your waist with his arm, pulling you closer, and the two of you just laid there for a while, your eyes closed as you silently shared unspoken words.
“Fuck, how I hate my life.” He moved a bit away from you. “Some days I don’t even know why I was born in the first place.”
“Hey, don’t you dare say that again!” You pointed a finger at his face.
“You’ll do great things, you’ll get where no-one has ever gone to. I know it, I can feel it. You’re special, Bill.” 
He scoffed. “I’m not good at anything, Y/N.”
“That’s bullshit. You sing like a goddamn angel, Bill! You give me the chills every time you sing at church.”
“You think so?” His eyes shone with happiness and love as he listened to the words that left your mouth. 
“Yes. God, how I wish you could see yourself as I do. You’re magnetic, Bill, you were born for much more than this.”
He smiled, leaning in to kiss you passionately. 
“I love you.” He whispered against your lips. “You’re the only good thing about this place.” 
You smiled. “I love you too, baby.”
“So you liked it when I sing, huh?” He asked after some seconds, smirking, to which you simply nodded while smiling. 
He laid on his back, your head finding comfort on his chest as his arms brought you closer.
“Well, choose a song then.”
Thanks for reading <3
Tag list: @born-to-lose​ @slashscowboyboots​ @ginny-rose-sixx​ @givemefuel​ @dynamitebabe​ @tuffduff​ @almosthonest​ @gamsbeans​ @stars-kiss-the-sky​ @ladieswttda​ @teasid​ @hooloovooblue​ @littlemisscare-all​ @rumoured-whispers​ @1800endmeplease​ @izzys-nose-ring​ @motley-cruer​ @angxlxc​ @oihanasstuff​ @apovanity87​ @julessworldd​ @normatural​ @axysbbygurl​ @cherry--rose​ @thesecondlastjedi​ @annaavibes @anfoxtale
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