#severen fanfic
waxxxwork · 2 years
Run the Night by waxwork
Fandom: Near Dark (1987)
Pairing: Severen/Caleb
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Nothing really? Blood? Read the tags.
Excerpt: “That’s it. Let me hear you, Sugar,” Severen whispered feather-light into his ear before he skimmed his teeth across his neck and anchored his hand at his throat. Caleb felt like he was losing himself into this, sinking slowly into the dark. He scanned the other man’s face and Severen saw a scared rabbit in his eyes for a split second before his gaze softened and Caleb reached his own hands up to pull his hands harder against his throat.
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prettywhenibleed · 1 year
Hey Bestie, could I request a yandere!Severen from Near Dark? He finds the reader and becomes obsessed with her and wants her to join him? He'll literally do anything to have the reader and doesn't mind playing dirty in order to have her by his side? ❤️
Of course bestie!! I love Severen so much and the idea of Yandere Severen *chefs kiss* I haven't really written any yandere stuff before, only very mild for yandere Dwayne, so I hope this is what you wanted. Also, sorry if it was a bit short. 😭
𝕵𝖔𝖎𝖓 𝕸𝖊 𝕴𝖓 𝕯𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖍 (Join Me In Death)
Fem!Reader x Yandere!Severen TW: Yandere, Death, Language, brief mention of abuse Summary: Severen didn't care what he had to do, he would make you his. Because as far as he was concerned, the second he laid eyes on you, you already belonged to him. You just didn't know it yet.
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From the second Severen laid his eyes on you, he was obsessed and knew that he was going to make you his. Whether you liked it or not. Though he would first try to win you over with his charm and good looks, I mean, how could you resist him? But if that somehow didn’t work, he would just have to take more drastic measures. And by ‘more drastic’ he meant kidnapping, but he was sure it wouldn’t come to that. Not with his ability to lay on the charm and make a girl feel special, especially when you most definitely were special. As soon as the sun had set and he and the others had woken up, they all made their way over to the bar that he had seen you at the night before. He was more than ready to see you again. Last night, he didn’t get a chance to talk to you but he sure as hell was going to talk to you tonight. The bar wasn’t too packed, only a handful of patrons sitting in various spots in the bar. Severen was bouncing his knee up and down, anxiously awaiting your arrival. Though he wasn’t nervous, no, he was excited as hell. The others were watching him, curious as to why he seemed so excitable tonight. More than usual. Well, that was until you walked into the bar with some guy by your side. Severen scrunched his face up at the sight. ‘What the fuck, man?’ He thought to himself as he watched you and the guy sit down at the bar together. Jesse and Diamond shared a look with each other, now knowing the cause for Severen’s behavior. A girl, of course. Though they were still both curious to see how this would play out, knowing that Severen was the obsessive and possessive type and seeing that you seemed to already be with someone, would make for an interesting night for sure. For the next half an hour, Severen watched the two of you with disgust. The disgust was not directed towards you, but towards the guy who seemed to be your boyfriend. He hated that you were with someone else, not that it was going to stop him from claiming what was, in his mind, rightfully his. This just meant that he would have to get rid of your boyfriend first. That thought brought a smile to his face. Oh how he was going to enjoy ripping that piece of shit apart. 
Finally, your boyfriend left to go to the bathroom and Severen used this as his opportunity to talk to you. He swiftly made his way over to you, leaning against the bartop and giving you his most charming smile. “Howdy there, darlin. What’s a pretty little thing like you doin in a place like this?” He flirted. Your cheeks heated up at this and you slightly turned your head away and brought a hand up to your face to try and hide your blush, which he found absolutely adorable. “Umm, sorry but I’m here with my boyfriend.” You told him politely. While he hated that you had a boyfriend, he appreciated the loyalty. Not that it was gonna stop him. “I don’t see him.” He said, feigning looking around for him, his smile never dropping. Not until he saw your face drop. Severen looked behind him in the direction in which you were looking, wanting to see what caused you to have this reaction. Your boyfriend had come back from the bathroom and he looked pissed. Severen looked back at you and that’s when he took notice of the bruising around your wrist where the sleeve of your jacket had risen up a bit. This caused feelings of anger and protectiveness to bubble up in him. How fucking dare this human shit stain lay his filthy hands on you. Oh he was really going to enjoy killing him now. Once your boyfriend had made his way back to you, he roughly grabbed you by the arm and pulled you up out of your chair and shot Severen a glare. “What the hell do you think you’re doing, man? She’s with me.” He spat. You let out a quiet whimper at your boyfriend's tight grip on you. 
“Doesn’t look like she’s real happy to be with you, asshole.” Severen spat back and puffing his chest up, just itching to lay into this dude already. He looked over at the table where Jesse, Diamond, Homer and Mae were sat. Jesse gave him a nod and that made him grin ear to ear. Seeing as there were now only four other people here, besides him, his family, you and your boyfriend, it wouldn’t matter if they all had a little fun. Not that more people ever really stopped them anyway. “What the hell are you smiling at?” Your boyfriend angrily asked. “Oh buddy, you’re about to find out!” Severen said as he suddenly ripped your boyfriend's hand from your arm and socked him right in the face. You gasped and cringed at the sound of what had to be his nose breaking. Severen then let out an enthusiastic howl as he proceeded to press his boot to your boyfriend's throat and lean down. “Well now, this seems pretty funny to me!” Severen said to him, a sadistic grin on his face. He then looked up at Jesse. “What do ya think, Jess? Ain’t this funny?” He asked. Jesse, along with the others laughed. “Pretty damn funny.” He agreed with a smile on his face. Severen then looked over at you, his grin still wild but it softened slightly when he met your eyes. “What do ya think, darlin?” He asked you, his voice a little softer, as he pushed his boot harder into your boyfriend's throat, causing him to choke and try to pry Severen’s boot from it, but to no avail. You looked like a deer in the headlights as you stared at him, eyes wide and mouth opening and closing like a fish as you tried to speak. Just then, the bartender pulled out a shotgun from under the bar and cocked it, aiming it at Severen. Severen reluctantly diverted his attention from you and to the bartender. “Aww gee whiz. Ya got me!” He jested, mock surrendering. “Now, you and your friends leave on foot or in body bags.” The bartender threatened. This only caused Severen and the others to grin and laugh. Jesse got up and slowly walked over to the door, closing it. The bartender quickly redirected his aim from Severen, to Jesse. “What are you doing?” He questioned. “Just giving us a little privacy. We prefer to eat away from prying eyes.” Jesse told him as he leaned against the wall, sending Severen a look. 
That’s all Severen needed, as he swiftly lifted his boot before swinging it back and forth, slitting your boyfriend's throat with his spur. You let out a scream before covering your mouth with your hands, watching in fear as blood poured out of his neck. Just then, a loud bang filled the bar and you dropped to the ground and buried your face into your knees, just wishing this night would end. The other three people in the bar started to scramble but were quickly stopped by Jesse, Diamond, Homer and Mae. Severen stood there for a moment as he looked down at his stomach, now a bloody mess. He looked back up at the bartender and grinned. “WOOOOOO! What a kick! DO IT AGAIN!” He shouted, his voice deranged and exhilarated. The bartender went to reload the shotgun as Severen walked over to the bar, jumped on top and started kicking glasses and bottles off of it and in the bartender’s direction. Fumbling with the shell, he didn’t have time to reload it before Severen repeated his actions from before, raising his boot up and moving his foot back and forth, slitting the bartender’s throat. Severen then jumped down from the bar top and crouched down to the bartender, pulling him up to his mouth and making him a meal. The others had the same idea, as they began to devour their own meals. You sat there, your knees to your chest and your face still buried, not wanting to see the carnage around you. Suddenly, you felt hands on your arms, moving them out of the way, then lift your head up. “Howdy.” Severen said to you, his face covered in blood. Tears flooding your eyes and small sobs leaving you. In your mind, you were next. Severen sat down on the ground in front of you as he tried to pull you to him. “Hey, hey. I’m not gonna hurt ya, darlin.” He cooed, trying to reassure you that he meant no harm. Not to you anyway. “P-please. Don’t kill me.” You cried. 
Severen cupped your face and made you look at him. “I’d never do that. I love you too damn much to ever hurt a hair on your pretty little head.” He told you with a smile. You felt your heart sink at his words. The words of someone truly delusional. “I’m gonna take you away from all this, okay.” He said as he petted your head, smoothing down your hair. “I’m gonna make you just like me and then we can live happily ever after. How’s that sound?” He told you, his smile never fading, even as more tears began to stream down your face. He couldn’t believe it. You were finally his. He was gonna take real good care of you and make sure no one touched you ever again. Sure you might not accept his love just yet, but you would learn to. He just knew it! You two were made for each other, he knew it from the moment he saw you.
Taglist: @6lostgirl6 @britany1997 @bloodywickedvamp
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savagecowboy · 8 months
A raucous holler, “ YEEEEHOOO ! ” Cut through the sound of gunfire, somehow louder than the rain of shells clattering to the marble floor.
“Is he always like this?” Diamondback panted, pressing herself tighter into the alcove of safety formed by the corner of the counter; still unused to the idea of immunity to bullet wounds.
“Yup”, Homer answered her, sighting in another of their assailants.
“I think it’s charming” Jesse said sinking down next to the woman as she struggled to reload her gun.
The crazed blast devolved into a series of weak clicks as the tommy gun spent its supply. Disappointed, Severen tossed it aside and wiggles his fingers over the handle of the holstered revolver at his side. A bullet whizzed by his head as he looked down at Jesse, who is finally getting Diamondback’s gun in some kind of working order.
“Fifty bucks says I can knock all their hats off” he gives a manic smile, licking his teeth in anticipation of the self proclaimed challenge.
“No trick shots!” Jesse shouts at him, peeking over the counter and unloading several rounds out the window of the bank they are trapped inside.
“I’ll take that bet” Homer says, slamming another magazine into his semi-automatic.
“Attaboy!” Severen whoops, drawing his gun with flair, spinning the cylinder out of habit and bracing his palm over the hammer.
Six officers are barricaded on the far side of the building, some of the last left alive. Six shots are fired, each one echoing deafeningly as they angle into and out of each man’s skull.
“Woo!” The vampire pumps his fist into the air with a cheer, “You were always a poor gambler little man”.
The tease riles Homer and he stands with rage in his eyes.
“And you were always a damn cheat! His hat’s only cockeyed!”
Severen rolls his eyes, “No it ain’t, not my fault the wall’s right there”.
“Stop shakin’ peckers and clear out those last two”, Jesse snaps in a tone of voice they know not to question, “forget this piece’a shit darlin’ we’ll get you sumethin’ better on the road”.
He tosses her gun and gives her a quick kiss, seeing that despite everything she’s already been through, this new lifestyle can still rattle her. She grins at him brushing her knuckles against the stubble of his cheek.
“I’m ok Jess, guess it’s just my first rodeo”. She laughs and he gives her a genuine smile in response, their love still newlywed sweet.
“Aw gee, need me to hold your pony?”
Severen cuts in acidly, two shots ringing out, as two last bodies fall. Diamondback steels herself against the man’s jibe, she’s suffered enough jabs from others to take this one on the chin. She won’t let him ruffle her feathers. Jesse lowers his eyes and stands, reaching his hands down to her to help her up now that the building is silent.
“C’mon, you an’ Homer grab the bags and we’ll take one’a their rides outta town. Make it to the state line before sun up”.
She nods curtly and does as bid, helping the boy— or what she can’t stop thinking of as a boy— stuff wrapped bills into the satchels, tying tight knots at the top. Severen is dumping empty casings from his pistols as Jesse approaches, boots crunching over broken glass. He purposefully avoids his elder’s gaze, knowing he two-stepped over a line that he’d been warned about.
A firm hand clasps his shoulder and squeezes.
“We’ve been on this train nigh on 40-50 years now, you reckon?” His words are slow, almost ponderous, as if frozen by the icy tone of his voice.
“Ya”, Severen responds shortly, feeling the hot iron raised and waiting for the sear.
“You always been one for raisin’ sand, and it don’t bother me none, because we have an accord”, Jesse paused, Homer and Diamondback passing by them.
“Now, when I told you I’d taken a fancy to our Diamondback, I was real clear on the terms and conditions of joining up with our little posse, just as I was with you, right?”
Severen sighed through his teeth, squirmy in the face of tension; Jesse’s grip tightened, the press of his jagged nails biting into the worn leather.
“She’s as much a full fledged member as any, and while I won’t cry foul at your particular brand of unsavory humor, you need to give more than a lick an’ a promise to makin’ her feel welcome”.
The younger of the two rolled his eyes and tried to shrug away his shoulder, Jesse bore down, and the two locked eyes.
“I’m dead serious boy. I know you ain’t keen on change, gets your dander up, which is why I give you my time and I explain myself. That’s respect, you paid it forward in turn, which is why we are the way we are”.
The stressed emphasis on his last words marks them. All at once Jesse let go, neither broke the stare.
“I never intended on finding my lady love, but she is my own an’ you best be treatin’ her how you would me”.
This Severen seemed to understand, the petulance faded and the man Jesse met on the prairie all those years ago stood before him again.
And with that affirmation the air cleared between them.
The two rustled up whatever else they could salvage for profit or future battle from the wreckage and dashed out to the motorcar, its engine idling. Jesse went to the driver’s seat while Severen clambered in the back with Homer and the duffels full of their ill gotten gains.
“I got it to start, but I’m not too good a driver” Diamondback said shuffling over so Jesse could slide in behind the wheel.
“Not to worry darlin’, that’s my job”. He gave her a winning smile and she patted his knee.
Severen piped up from the back, rubbing a grubby cloth over the barrel of his revolver, “Diamondback, don’t you worry any about learning the trade, no one better at it than me’n Jesse, an’ I can teach a blind man to shoot a fly at twenty paces”. She looks back at him still with a grin on her face.
“It’ll take more than a poor turn of phrase to get under my skin sweetie, but I may take you up on your offer regardless”.
Something passes between them, a pact established.
“Maybe with something less likely to act up on me though”.
Severen leans over and slaps the seat behind Jesse.
“You still got your knife?”
“Sure, why?”
“Thinkin’ it might well suit our purposes”.
Diamondback catches his drift before Jesse does, “I did do a little carnival act where I threw knives once. People said I wasn’t half bad”.
Severen shows his teeth in a smile.
“Wouldn’t that be sumethin’”.
Jesse laughs, “It sure would”.
“Severen couldn’t teach his grandma to suck eggs” Homer pipes in, the accused sitting back in his chair to comically glower at the smaller vampire.
“Don’t forget that fifty you owe me, an’ I want it from your share, don’t go shortin’ a pile thinkin’ I won’t notice”.
“And here I wasn’t sure you could count”.
Severen grabs for him and the two tussle in the back seat making the car sway on the road.
“Simmer down back there!” Jesse shouts at them, “worse than a couple’a horny broncos” he grumbles.
But the worst is over, the town lies behind them, the safe house they marked out only a few miles more, and then they’d be able to lie low for a while, take things a little slower— savor the night again. Diamondback catches his eye and gives him an affectionate wink.
“We’re in for some fun times ain’t we?”
“You can take that one to the bank”.
Hearty laughter fills the car and filters out onto the dark road they speed along.
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rock-n-macabre · 3 months
Not me over here wishing the fanfic gods & goddesses will hear my cries of yearning for Severen x Reader x Johnny Ringo stuff .....I need help. Both Brainrots are coming together.
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trash-gobby · 2 months
✨🦇 Trash Gobby Intro 2.0 🦇✨
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AO3: severenvansickle
Ways of Supporting me
Ko-Fi Link!!!
Redbubble: DreamScapeSev7n
Hello! I am trash_gobby, also known as trash. I kinda disappeared for a really long time from this tumblr account, only really showing up in small spurts to post or reblog stuff.
I've been dealing with a LOT of personal stuff that has made it really hard for me to keep up with this blog in general. Not for lack of desire. What's been going on in my personal life isn't really something I want to share here or anywhere regardless of my anonymity. Needless to say it's been rough and now things have really started to improve for me. I've even gotten published in an indie published anthology which was a real special thing for me.
Now I've been focusing a lot on my original works of fiction and improving things personally. I still want to post here. However, I won't be taking requests anymore and will be reformatting my content around posting only fanfics or headcanons which I will come up with. There are some stuff which people have requested in the past which I may consider working on if the mood strikes me.
A lot has changed for me in the past two years so I want to focus more on content which personally interests me right now.
There will most likely be a follow up post which goes into more detail about formatting and how things are gonna be organized once I've actually found time to devise a proper system for my old works. It might take a while though, considering I'm working full time now, and also doing a lot of important life stuff outside this blog.
1. I will DON’T encourage anyone who interacts with NSFW content who is underage.
2. Be respectful!!! No hate speech allowed (this includes anything transphobic, homophobic, transphobic, racist, fatphobic, antisemitic, ableist, Islamophobic etc.)
3. Constructive criticism is ALWAYS WELCOME!! This is a place where I want people to feel welcome to give respectful critiques of my work as I’m always trying to improve.
4. I won't be writing things from specific fandoms I've grown a certain sourness towards (usually because of the person who is in charge and not the fandom itself). I.e. Harry Potter is a bit of a sore spot for me and I have no interest in writing for it (I don't have an issue with others doing so since it's not up to me what others write and I think everyone is entitled to their own opinion and feelings about a fandom or work).
5. Relating to rule 2. - please don't bring any anti-palestinian sentiments to this space (this is not an invitation for others to be anti-Semitic so don't get things twisted. I support Judaism and the right for Jewish people to exist in peace and security within ALL countries and to be able to self determine. I think the same rights should also be extended to the Palestinian people who have been ignored by many and have had their rights and humanity stripped from them). This is not the blog of a Zionist and I would encourage others to follow or unfollow accordingly. Free Palestine 🇵🇸
✨ What I Write!!: Fluff, Headcanons, platonic/friendships, NSFW, Dating/SFW, LGBTQ+, tragedy/angst, crossover, reader x insert, character x character, mini-fics, character preferences
✨ What I WON’T write: p*dophelia, r*pe/non-con, tortue p*rn, BDSM that’s to outside of my comfort zone, b*astiality, incest, raceplay
Fun Facts About Me
1. I crochet lots of things for fun
2. I am a gender gremlin
3. My favourite all time characters are Severen (Near Dark 1987), Bishop (Aliens 1986), David (TLB 1987)
4. I am a huge A24 movie studio fan, because I am a pretentious film school graduate (I'm not a fan of Christopher Nolan or Quentin Tarantino though. Which I guess means I'm not as pretentious as I thought?? 🤔)
5. I have an AO3 account which has more stuff on it then this blog.
6. I am an aspiring author with a short story already published in a small indie press anthology (won't name here because my irl name is in the anthology). Little Ghost Books is the publisher though, and I would encourage y'all to check them out if you like 2SLGBTQIA+ horror often published indie and major horror titles. They are very worth it 💖
Masterlist for works
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venus-haze · 1 year
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I’m Battie (she/her), in my 20s, and I write fanfic🦇 I’ll expand this masterlist as I post more, but since I write explicit content, please do not interact with my blog or posts if you are under 18. Do not interact if you post ED/thinspo content.
Many of my fics have dark themes, and I include detailed warnings for each one. Please read the warnings carefully before deciding whether you want to engage with the fic. If you feel there is a warning I should have included for a fic, please let me know and I’ll add it. I do not condone the behavior depicted in the yandere/dark fics in real life. These are works of fiction.
You can find most of these fics on my AO3 also.
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Baby Firefly (House of 1000 Corpses)
Watch It Bring You To Your Knees (female reader, dubcon, dark themes, smut)
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Bo Sinclair (House of Wax)
Howl (female reader, noncon, dark themes, smut)
Adam Raised a Cain (female reader, dubcon, smut)
Creep (female reader, dark themes, smut)
Who's Sorry Now (female reader, dark themes, smut)
It's a Nice Day To Start Again (female reader, dark themes, smut)
Brother's Keeper (female reader, noncon, dark themes, smut)
Night Shift (female reader, noncon, dark themes, smut)
Damned If You Do (female reader, dubcon, dark themes, smut)
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Driller Killer (Slumber Party Massacre 2)
Mr. February (female reader, dubcon, smut)
Rip This Place Apart (female reader, dark themes, smut)
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Mickey Altieri (Scream 2)
Rip 'Em To Shreds (gender neutral reader, dark themes)
Bad Obsession (female reader, dubcon, dark themes, yandere elements, smut)
Girls on Film (female reader, noncon, dark themes, smut)
Working for the Knife (female reader, dark themes, smut)
Mickey being told “No” when he’s in the mood (gender neutral reader, dubcon)
Mickey x Ghostface!S/O!Reader (gender neutral reader, dark themes)
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Otis Driftwood (House of 1000 Corpses)
Pretty Tied Up (female reader, dubcon, dark themes, smut)
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Father Paul Hill (Midnight Mass)
Sinnerman (female reader, dark themes, smut)
Power in the Blood (female nun!reader, dark themes, smut)
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Foxy Coltrane (3 From Hell)
Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf (female reader, dark themes, smut)
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Severen (Near Dark)
Rebel Yell (female reader, noncon, dark themes, smut)
Open All Night (female reader, dark themes, smut)
Eat Your Heart Out (woman reader, dark themes)
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Thomas Hewitt (Texas Chainsaw Massacre)
Celebrity Skin (female reader, noncon, dark themes, smut)
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Vincent Sinclair (House of Wax)
Enjoy the Silence (female reader, dubcon, dark themes, smut)
Bad Ritual (woman reader, dark themes)
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msookyspooky · 7 months
AI or Some Random Fanfic: "He picked you up easily. Not wanting to look down at you any longer. You were so small compared to him-"
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(ISTG it trips me out knowing I'd be almost eye level to Bo or Severen or that Billy is as tall as Severen almost 🥴)
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ash-eats-film · 3 months
Would anyone be interested in a one shot fanfic crossover of Near Dark and Wolf with the characters Severen/Stewart?? Idc if you are I’m writing it anyways
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xowlan · 4 years
𝖎𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖊𝖆𝖉 𝖔𝖋 𝖓𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙 ---- 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖓𝖊
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𝔣𝔞𝔫𝔡𝔬𝔪:    near dark                         
𝔭𝔞𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤:     severen x ofc                        
𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔡𝔰:         1,450                   
𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰:   cursing                      
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The frown was clear on Anna's face as she parked her car at the back of the club. With the bag in the back of her car, she was ready to start her shift and as she normally was in the mood for it, she clearly wasn't for that night. Not after what she just saw. It's not like she didn't expect it, that two of her best friends would fuck, but the sight really grossed her out as it also made her realize something; she was the only single person left in the group of her friends.  Of course, having a relationship isn't ideal for a stripper and Anna knows that as she sleeps while most people are awake. Her job was the main reason for her many failed relationships, that and she hasn't found a man yet that can handle her.
Getting out of her Ford Mustang, she hugs her leather jacket tighter around her tattooed body as the cold air of the early night surrounds her.  Her red locks flew in her face while her heels click against the hard pavement as she makes her way towards the entrance. Considering it's in the middle of the week, it isn't that busy which is visible of the lack of a line that normally occupies the space around the entrance. Anna's green eyes fall on Dwayne, the club's bouncer.  "Good evening Anna," the giant bald man greets her like how he did every evening. When he first did it, the other girls were surprised as Dwayne was known to be an asshole to everyone, which he was to her too. But that all changed when Dwayne realized that Anna might have bigger balls on her body than he does, and he does have to admit that his are pretty big.
"Hey, D." A smirk plays with her lips as she sees his Adam apple move up and down. Even after two years the man still carries fear with him. Winking, she tries to get past him when he suddenly takes her arm.  "Be careful tonight, there are some strangers inside and I don't have a good feeling about them. They also have a kid with them." Anna raises an eyebrow at his words before her eyes fall on the sign behind him that clearly says 18+. Dwayne's eyes follow her gaze before he turns back to her. "The oldest chick threatened to kill me."
Normally Anna would've laughed, but seeing the fear in his eyes, she knew that whoever these people are, they aren't good news. With a nod, she squeezes his arm before entering the club.  The red and black interior welcomes her as Anna goes through the hallway where some men were talking while waiting to get in the bathroom. She could feel some eyes checking her out but right now she didn't care. She had to find these people.  When she finally walks through the giant door, she locks eyes with Peggy, who is helping the three men behind the bar. Looking around, she realizes that there are more people as she expected, yet she hasn't caught sight of the child that normally wasn't welcome.
Her feet drag her over to Peggy who was drying some glasses while talking to a man in a black leather jacket with some patches on it. Not paying him any attention, she goes to stand next to him while slamming five dollars on the counter. "Your normal drink?" Peggy asks making Anna nod. While Peggy moves to get the glass of Jack Daniels Anna decided to hear from her about the weird situation.
"You know anything about what happened with Dwayne?" Peggy froze for a split second, letting her eyes slide to the man who she was talking to. His blue eyes were focused on her while his ears were clearly focused on the red-haired girl next to him.  "I don't know what you're talking about?"
"Apparently, a group of people threatened to kill him if he didn't let a kid inside." Finally, the man next to her turns his head so is looking straight at her.  Anna gulped softly as she realized how close the two of them actually were. Despite noticing his handsome looks, she gets a feeling that made her guts tell her to run. But like the naive girl she is, she ignored that dangerous feeling.
The stranger opened his mouth as a deep voice asked her; "What about it?" The hairs on the back of her neck stand straight at the tone of his question. It seems that he is mocking her. Pushing aside the rising fear, she puts a sneer on her face. "Look, I don't know who the fuck you are but no one comes in here and threatens the staff. Besides, how sick must you be to drag a child in a strip club."
The man laughs loudly as he throws his head back.  This attracts the attention of his family as they all turn around in the booth they were occupying. Because of the simultaneous movement, her eyes flicker to them making her notice the child that sat on top of the table. Peggy, who was watching everything, threw her towel to the side, before walking over to Anna who was actually getting pissed off. She tries to hold the twenty-three-year-old dancer back, but Anna yanks her body out of her grip as she takes a step closer to the still laughing man. She looks up at him, ignoring the fact that he is a head taller than her, and stares angrily into his eyes.  His laughter dies down, and eventually, not even a grin is on his features.
Peggy notices the stranger's family stand up and walk over to him. The oldest male places a hand on him as he softly spoke his name. "Severen." But the call for his attention was no use, he was still staring at her, even as Anna has adverted her eyes from him and turned them to his family. Peggy looks between all of the people, noticing a young blonde girl in the back. She had a hand placed on the child's shoulder while watching the scene with wide eyes.
Anna took a step back. "I think you should leave."
"We don't have to do anything, sweety." The oldest woman of the two, even though she only appears to be in her mid-thirties, spoke up. She licked her lips as she took in the glare of Anna. Peggy leaned towards her colleague and friend. "Anna, we can't do shit; They haven't done anything wrong and we don't have any proof if they truly threatened Dwayne."
"What if we are?" The child said. Anna and Peggy share a look. But as Anna turned her head to look over her shoulder, Severen clenches his fist as his eyes spot the flesh of her neck.  His jaw clenches and at that moment he turns around to face the others. Seeing the expression of Severen, the oldest male nods. "What's your name?" He directs his question to Anna. With a frown, she tells him her name.
Anna huffs and looks over her shoulder in disbelief. "Seriously?" Peggy looks down and shrugged her shoulders.
"Listen we don't mean any harm." The young blonde in the back speaks up. Anna raises an eyebrow and crosses her arms over her chest. Severen's eyes flicker down to her breast that are pushed forwards before he sets them back on her face, staring at the faint freckles that cover her nose.
Anna clearly doesn't believe the blonde. "I'm sorry, but you've scared one kf the toughest guys in this town and you all kinda look like psychopaths." Anna says, not feeling at ease when she sees the oldest women play with a knife while shooting her a smirk. It is as if she is enjoying this.
"Well, Anna, we're sorry about threatening Dwayne. We will leave now." Ignoring his wife's confused stare, he spots Anna's slow nod. It looked as if she finds it hard to believe that they're just giving in. Without another word, the group leaves while Peggy and Anna stare them after.  "That was scary," Peggy commented. Anna didn't answer as she took her bag from the black ground and walked towards the back.
The night continued without any problems, which was Anna grateful for. When she finally left the club at four o'clock and got in her car, she started to replay the previous events in her head. She really had a bad feeling about these people. Throughout the entire conversation, she felt like a sheep in front of hungry wolves. And then there was Severen. The way how he changed his attitude when she sized up to him, confused her and she still didn't have an explanation for his behavior and clearly neither did his family.
With a sigh, she parks in front of her house. Hoping to be able to sleep and forget about the last evening, she dragged herself inside. Throwing her bag on the kitchen counter, she went to turn the lights on.  When they do turn on, Anna feels a hand grip her neck tightly as she gets pushed with her back against the white wall. Staring in blue eyes, she swallows as she realizes who was right in front of her. It was the man from the bar, Severen.
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fanficdumbchic · 2 years
Hi may I please request a nsfw or severen claiming his mate please
Being Claimed By Severen As His Mate
Headcanon - Severen × Fem Reader - NSFW
🔞 This fiction contains NSFW content that is not appropriate for minors. 🔞
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AN: Comment if you'd like this to become a smutty Severen series. God knows we need more Sev smut.🥵❤
You were just hanging out in a sleazy bar, waiting around for friends that ditched you.
You see a strange family with a threatening aura roam into the watering hole.
But one of them immediately catches your attention. Head to toe he looks like trouble and you like that. He walks in with an unapologetic swagger. The tall, dark, handsome stranger with intense blue eyes immediately pushed the sunglasses down his face when he laid eyes on you.
He sauntered over to you and leaned on the bar next to you, starting up a conversation, "Howdy, darlin'."
You were gushing, he had a dangerous allure you couldn't deny.
It wasn't long before you both had tumbled into the lady's room, your lips not leaving eachother. He had lifted you onto the sink and was pulling at your panties under your skirt.
You unbuckled his belt and pushed your hand down the front of his pants, gasping, "Well, that's a big surprise." You stroked him gently, feeling that he was already throbbing for you. He moaned into your mouth with each touch.
Kissing at your neck, he whispered in your ear, "I'm gonna get ya nice and ready for me, darlin'." He reached under your skirt, pushing your panties to the side and rubbed your clit with his calloused finger tips. He circled gently at first, progressing to a jerking motion that sent waves of pleasure through you, prompting your legs to tighten around his waist.
You moaned as his tongue explored your mouth, tangling with yours. You were fully in the moment, absorbed by your lust completely.
You could feel yourself approaching climax but just as your legs began to shake, he pulled his hand away. He pulled you close to him, feeling his twitching cock firm against you, "You ready to take it darlin'?" You nodded yes frantically, spreading your legs for him.
He started teasing you with cock gently, making you beg him for it. And beg, you did.
When he finally pushed inside you, you could no longer hold back the loud moans of ecstasy as he rammed himself right into that certain spot inside. Your legs quivered, wrapped tightly around him as he thrust into you with passion. Your hands wandered frantically, from his neck as he pressed his lips to yours and up his back, feeling the movement of his muscles as he ravaged you.
He growled in your ear as he fucked you harder, "I'm fittin' to make ya all mine, darlin'. You wanna be mine?" In your haze of lust and pleasure you moaned an enthusiastic yes. But little did you know, his proposal wasn't mere pillow talk, it was a kind of contract which could not be undone.
Your nails dug into his back while he pounded away between your legs, lifting you higher and higher to the pinnacle of ecstasy. You could tell from the way he groaned that he would soon approach that point himself.
His jaw locked onto your neck. His teeth gradually dug deeper into your skin but you never minded a biter.
Just as you reached the feeling that made your legs spasm and your voice cry out without care for who heard, you felt his teeth sink into your neck in a way that hurt. You hardly felt it with the coinciding climax and the intoxicating sounds of his muffled moans as he finished inside you.
You were trying to catch your breath when he pulled away from your neck and you looked up to see your blood coating his front teeth and dripping from his lips. You gasped in horror, pulling away from him.
He grabbed your legs and pulled you back into him. Gently wrapping a hand around you neck and pulling you close, he spoke into your ear, "When I said I'd make ya mine, I meant it darlin'. And I ain't done with you yet."
You looked down to see he was still hard and from the devilish glint in his eyes, you could tell he was looking for a second round.
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barnabastomcollins · 3 years
Ah, yes. The sexy evil villain brain rot is particularly strong tonight I see
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savagecowboy · 8 months
“ Jesus it’s bright ” Severen hisses, hand raising to shield his squinted eyes from the fluorescent blaze assaulting them. They all make similar sounds of discomfort, trying to find anywhere less brilliantly lit to look, but the intense light reflects viciously off the endless white linoleum. “It ain’t too bad” Mae tries, but she’s just as blinded, even with the most experience in the luminance of this world. A voice cuts through their agony, “Welcome to Walmart”. It is said drolly, not even disturbed by the strange figures stumbling into her domain.
“Ma’m ” Jesse acknowledges with a nod, clapping a hand on Severen’s shoulder and pushing him through the entrance proper, the rest of them following in their wake. They duck into the first row of aisles to get their bearings, and their salvation; an end cap sporting various glasses. They each don a pair of the darkest tinted lenses they can find. The greeter watches them vaguely, finding them odd, but hardly the strangest thing she’s seen on the job. She quietly goes back to her book.
Now with protection against the overbearing brightness, the family of nocturnal creatures surveys their surroundings with open interest. The aisle they have retreated to is stocked with hygiene products, some of which Mae and Diamondback are intrigued by, the latter especially. The former vaudevillian stares at the boxes of hair dye, a far cry from the peroxide and toothbrush method she is used to.
Severen is bored fast and charges down the main thoroughfare eager to roam. Homer trails after, and Jesse too, but not before kissing the crown of Diamondback’s head— for which she gives him a loving look. The boys come upon the sporting equipment, weights and fishing reels, tennis rackets and basketballs. Homer is drawn to the bikes, hands eagerly running over the display models, eyes alight with possibility. Severen scoffs at him, but not ill-naturedly, pulling down a model that looks to Homer’s size. The smaller creature saddles the bicycle and tests the pedals while Severen holds the handlebars in place.
“This is nice” Homer sighs, completely enraptured with the conveyance. Jesse stands at the end of the aisle smirking at the two looking like siblings, a break in their typical squabbling--an affirmation of sorts of their brotherly kinship. “We can get it” the patriarch says, feeling a sense of cheer at the light in Homer’s eyes. The old boy was often fraught, seeing him truly enjoying himself was a pleasure infrequently witnessed. Severen does not share Jesse’s satisfaction in generosity.
“Hey, if he gets one I want one!” Just like siblings. The Silvered One does not humor this with comment, but rolls his eyes and moves on, there is no point in arguing with the man, he would take what he wanted regardless. Even in the next aisle over he can hear their bickering voices.
Jesse finds himself looking at golf clubs. He has never played— and has no interest to— yet admires the gleaming, weighted steel for what it is, luxury incarnate. Such a frivolous excess, what humans took joy in, perhaps that was what made them taste so good— their gluttonous need to fill themselves with any distraction from their own humanity. He lifts one of the oddly sculpted mallets from the rack and gives it a perfunctory swing. It does feel good, but he can’t appreciate what the suggested weight is supposed to convey to him, supernatural strength making it just another stick in hand.
The boys have quieted. Jesse is now concerned.
He puts the club back and peeks back around the corner to discover they have abandoned him, no doubt tearing around on their newly acquired bikes. He’s starting to regret having allowed this.
Mae and Diamondback go from beauty care to the clothing aisles, the older woman astounded by the wide swath of fabrics and designs. She rubs material through her fingers, and marvels at the touch. “You should try this!” Mae declares handing Diamondback a patterned dress, it does look nice and she smiles warmly, but when they get to the dressing rooms they find them locked and the attendant missing— if there was one to begin with. They are both disappointed. “Get it anyway” Mae insists, “Severen can sew, maybe he can fix it up if it doesn’t fit”. “Sweetie, what Severen sews are patches, and tears. I don’t think he knows the first thing about ladies’ clothes”. They share a laugh, and go back to the racks selecting a few things each with casual abandon, each making a little show of their discoveries.
The cowboy slowly glides down the wide aisle, head turning back and forth to see what goods are available to be perused. He has lost his smaller companion, but worries not for the little brute’s safety; this is a sleeping place and they know not what monsters they have let under their bed. He picks up his pace to bypass the electronics, their high pitched whine making his head ache and teeth grind compulsively. He slows at the display of books. It is a single cover that intrigues him, an image of a woman in seductive repose, a man indulgently bracing her in his widespread arms. His face is turned toward what is assumed to be the moon, his eyes dark, subtle points of teeth visible against reddened lips. The title is in the same vein of unsubtle subtext, “The Night Kiss”, and Severen openly laughs at the romanticism both try to convey.
A woman he had not bothered to clock stands near his elbow and lets out a huff. “It’s a very powerful series, it’s won awards” she chides him, as if her sole purpose in this world was to defend this creation from derision. He faces her, peering through his dark lenses at her indignant face, thinking about what she might look like screaming. “It sure looks rivetin’”, he says, the words slow, displaying his teeth as he talks. She can’t quite put her finger on what is so disturbing about him, but whatever it is it causes her to about face and hurry away; sparing only one glance back, which earns her a little wave from him— she picks up her pace.
“Makin’ friends?” Jesse has caught up, he is holding a book himself, some war history or another. Severen doesn’t share his nostalgia for the past. “Just takin’ some recommendations”. They chuckle and move on, catching up with Homer in the toy section. The eldest of them has parked his bike and is fiddling with a puzzle cube, hands moving fast over it, engrossed in finding the solution.
“Got some readin’ material down yonder”. Jesse tells The Little One, who nods, distracted but listening, he will surely be heading there next when he finishes with his current interest. Severen has bypassed both of them and is looking at a shelf of plastic, vaguely gun shaped objects. His mouth is open as he stares, slightly befuddled. Pulling one down he eyes it hard, squeezing the trigger and hearing a click inside.
“Nerf?” Jesse reads over his shoulder, just as intrigued. When they were boys a toy gun was whatever stick you found, this sculpted, fantastical depiction of a firearm is the first time in what feels like an eternity that Severen can feel an inner child calling out. He rips it out of the packaging and loads the foam darts into the barrel of the device, the heavy, chunking click as he loads it not as satisfying as the real thing, but fun still. He aims at a sign above them declaring something about ‘Rollbacks’ and shoots. The rubber tip sticks just outside the center of the ‘o’.
Severen clucks his tongue. “Bad weight” he comments, but has not lost any love of his new found contraption. He moves down the aisle to admire more styles and designs of the bizarrely crafted weaponry. Jesse grins, but catches sight of the time on an overhead clock. “Not much longer, we still gotta eat, I’m gonna round up the herd, meet me up front”. “Uh huh”, Severen distractedly answers.
Homer is exactly where Jesse expects, a stack of books near his feet. He gives him the same warning. Homer finds an abandoned basket and loads in his selections, hanging the handles off the grips of his bike and following in Jesse’s wake. The ladies are found sharing horrible smelling candles with one another. Even the good ones are too perfumed to enjoy, but their true delight seems to be finding the worst available. Diamondback forces one on Jesse making his eyes water. They laugh at his displeasure, while he grants them a weary grin, rubbing his nose.
Homer still has his face buried, acknowledging nothing but the words on the page, lost in the art of fiction. Mae knows him best in these moments, remembering the pretense he had approached her with as a shy boy seeking her help. There is nothing false about his love of knowledge or reading, and the sight of it endears her to him. She reaches out grasping his hand, without looking up he clasps her palm and they walk side by side with the other couple to the checkout.
Severen is there waiting, getting nagged at the cashier for committing some offense. His playful— dangerous— smile is a sure sign that they need to wrap up the excursion, nothing but trouble comes from the most violent of them falling idle. “Sorry bout the trouble ma’m” Jesse cuts in, stepping past Severen to scatter his purchases across the conveyor belt. The rest follow suit, tearing the tags off their glasses and passing them forward rather than removing them. Severen tosses the pack of gum that had caused the dispute on top of the pile. “Told’ya I’d pay, I’m no thief”.
The cashier glowers at the speaker, moving their chosen items along over the scanner down to where Diamondback begins to bag them. Other than Jesse sharply telling Severen to help with the bagging—anything to break his hungry stare— the transaction continues in silence. Instead of reading out the total, the woman points to the number and Jesse counts out a few large bills.
“No change” he tells her, it’s the first time her hard expression flickers, looking again from the total to the amount of money he has given her. They tried to be as unmemorable as possible; after tonight Jesse thinks they could use a little help in making people forget. They round up the bags, Diamondback forcing Severen to carry most of them despite protest. “Ain’t you supposed to be a gentleman?” She reprimands pointedly, which silences him. He has learned to read the underlying motherly terseness, knowing this is a battle already lost. Homer snickers as he pushes past the overburdened one.
They head back out to the parking lot. Jesse mounts Homer and Severen’s bike to the rack on their current RV, lucky that this one had such a contraption already installed. They haphazardly load the rest of their acquired treasures inside; showing each other their new boons as a course is set for food and shelter. “What’re ya’ll in the mood for?” Jesse calls over his shoulder, as he starts the engine, figuring tonight will be one of their rare group hunts. “Sumethin’ easy, I’m tired” Homer yawns. Mae swats a dart aimed at him out of the air and gives Severen a mildly irked look. He chuckles in response. “I think I saw a little place” Diamondback chimes in, “hill above a drive-in. This late probably be some couples who got “lost in the moment” up there”. It’s a good bet, Jesse gently squeezes her chin affectionately.
She had been right, and it had been an easy meal, enough for all with Homer and Mae sharing. Severen was the only one who griped, but he never was one for cologne— especially to the degree in which his victim had applied it. At an hour until sunrise they made it back to the little RV village they had been camping at, far to the back where their taped windows didn’t draw questions. Each readied for slumber, Jesse and Diamondback at the front so they could quickly make their getaway if needed, Mae and Homer on the open floor in a pile of blankets should the daylight bleed through, and Severen in the alcove at the midpoint of the vehicle allowing him an angle of attack in either direction.
With hunger sated, and the exhaustion of the night’s activities setting upon them, one by one the hunters fell to sleep. The camper filling with Severen’s snores and Homer’s tormented murmurings.
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heximagines · 2 years
I’ve seen a couple of fanfic writers do this when it comes to vampire mates it’s like purr thing sometimes it’s just to show that there content but it’s mostly for calming the mate and nulling them to sleep
Do think near dark vampires do it
(Because if they do I think it’s cool I would sell my kidney to read severen doing that he be so embarrassed if anyone heard him) ( ͡♥ ͜ʖ ͡♥)
Soooo I personally don't think that they purr. Buuuut this is too fun and cute to pass up so let me pretend they totally absolutely do.
Severen never purred. Not once. He'd heard the others do it. Mae and Caleb almost constantly. Diamondback whenever her and Jesse settled in for the night. Jesse on rarer occasions where he fully let his guard down and rested in DB's arms. And even Homer after a good meal, lounging on his back was know to purr here or there. But not Severen.
He didn't think much of it really. So what if he didn't make that stupid sappy rumbling sound? He actually couldn't understand how the others weren't humiliated when they did. It just felt way too soft and vulnerable to him. He was glad he didn't do it as a matter of fact. At least that's what he told himself.
That's why when he met you he wasn't prepared. It was such a little touch. The brushing of your fingertips across his upper back as you squeezed past him in the bar brought an odd tickle to the back of his throat. He choked on it and coughed, making Caleb shoot him an odd glance. He caught Severen staring as you passed, eyes wide and jaw slack. He chuckled and leaned in. "Seein' something you like?" He was on his feet, ignoring Caleb and making his way to you.
That night as he carried you, freshly turned, back to their ride. He could still feel that strangled itch in the back of his throat. He tried to clear it but the blockage wouldn't go so he ignored the weird feeling. Instead he focused on your weight in his arms an your pretty sleeping face.
He found a calm quiet spot in the back corner of the RV and pulled you close against his chest, fingers combing though your hair affectionately. It wasn't long before you began to stir, eyes cracking open and a confused hum leaving your lips. "Hey there sweetness," he murmured softly to you.
You shot up and he sat up along with you. The mixture of shock and confusion tinted with a hint of fear that painted your face pulled on his heart. Your head whipped around as you realized you were in a moving vehicle. "Where are you taking me?" He reached out to smooth his thumbs over your cheeks. "It's okay. We ain't gonna hurt ya. C'mere." He pulled you back in and laid down with you over his chest. Despite your nerves you can't help but ease into his gentle touch. You felt like your heart should be pounding but you could barely feel it.
"I don't understand what's happening," your voice shook like you might cry. He opened his mouth to hush you but instead a quiet strangled sound made its way out from his chest. An interrupted sound, skipping where it got caught in his larynx. He slammed his mouth shut but it didn't stop. Slowly growing as the blockage in the back of his throat began to clear.
Severen purred at you, a droning rumble from deep within his chest. And the sound made you melt deeper into his grasp. It reverberated under your ear and you hummed back at him, not quite the same sound but something similar forming in your own chest. He watches as you eased entirely and your eyes fell closed again. All your worries seeming to ebb away.
His head whipped around but it seemed that none of the others had noticed what was happening, which was just fine by him. If he had it his way they'd never hear him make this sound. But you? He looked back down at your sleepy form and squeezed you just a bit tighter. You could hear it any time you needed.
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vympirestake · 4 years
This isn't an ask but I just wanted to say THANK YOU for creating a Severen X Reader thing. I don't know how long ago it was when you wrote it but, it's amazing, I mean there's literally NO Serveren X Reader fanfics in existence, and when I say NONE I mean it so...Thanks for that.
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venus-haze · 1 year
What fanfics are you going to post this weekend😄❣️
Tonight, I have a Driller Killer fic and a Black Noir fic as well as Starlight headcanons. I'm also finishing up a Severen fic that'll be posted tomorrow night🖤 These are all requests from my 1-year celebration last month.
After I post those, I have another Severen request and 2 more Homelander requests to finish and post! It's been fun writing them, but now that I have a multi-chapter fic I'm working on, I can't see myself opening requests again😅
🦇 Battie
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msookyspooky · 4 months
You’re one of my favorite accounts and I always look forward to seeing you post (also you have the best tags)
Hi babe!!! Ik I have been so overwhelmed with life idk the writers block is hitting in the most stupid ways 😭 I need to look at my dash so I can see your post and rb ur one of my favorites too 🖤🖤🖤
TRUST ME. I have been planning a Severen x Reader slowburn for like a year wtf it's reader if they were there in the movie prior 🙃 and even a 37 year old Bo (Like the movie) x A female reader around the same age he had a crush on when they were young and she left before shit hits the fan and nearly 20 years later comes back to Ambrose to visit not knowing what has happened 😤😭
Like I need to get on those fr as well as my Scream fanfic cause I miss posting on here thank you for the kind words cause they fuel me 💘💘💘
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