#angela blanc rp
fxiled-fxithful · 1 month
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🪽 Canon Divergent Angela Blanc
🪽 Mun 30+
🪽 Black Butler / Hazbin Hotel / Obey Me! Crossover
🪽Main focus on Unholy Crusade verse ( Stat Sheet)
nsfw side blog
🙏 Adored by Xixi
☆ Writer shall respond to messages and asks in character unless indicated with ooc marks such as this: ( text. )
☆ Patience is a virtue. Please be aware that writer may not be online at all times. Prayers will be answered in due time. 🙏
☆ A relocation of asks, should there be a desire to continue, is requested to be placed within a separate post, if you please.
☆ Sining (nsfw rp) is reserved for ships only. -> Current Ship Tags
♡ aesthetic for ship#1 ♡ - First Ship Angela x God (@/hxly- fxther)
❣ aesthetic for ship#2 ❣ - Second Ship Angela x Philza ( @/mages-pandoras-box) aesthetic for ship #3 - Third Ship for Angela x Mammon (@/pupmusebox)
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angelicxmassacre · 3 months
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"Ah, how dreadful a tainted heart is. Corrupted, stagnant, dark."
>Angela Blanc from Black Butler. Female counterpart of Ash Landers. Can RP both the maid & angel aspect of her personality. Please specify which you prefer when it comes to memes and starter calls. >MVRP Friendly > Side Blog to @cannibalxroses
>Mun is 30+ >Muse is an Angel (fallen) > Rules for blog follow rules from main account
ll Bio ll
~Adored by Xixi
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Name: Ash Landers
Series: Black Butler
Continuity: Manga
Age: 24 (physical appearance)
Height: 6'1"
Orientation: Biromantic / Demisexual
Species: Angel
Occupation: TBA (Based on RP's)
Sibling(s): Angela Blanc (Unknown status)
Ash Landers is a low ranking angel who's true age is completely unknown. While he was alive when the first angel fell, he was such a low rank and so far from everything as he enjoyed the beauty of Heaven that he didn't quite witness anything. Since he was created, he's long had a love of the simple things in life such as tea making and flowers.
Though he's slowly risen through the ranks, he's still quite low and not even close enough to touch the circle of the far more powerful angels. Yet it doesn't bother him for ranking higher meant he couldn't do what he cared for most, answering prayers.
When a human prays in the depths of despair or plea their life to the Lord, an angel is to come down and answer their prayer. Even if someone prayed for something like money, it still makes him happy. It means he's helping a human, a creature that Ash finds such innocence to even when some were plagued with sin.
Yet one thing he despises is when he is told to turn his back upon a prayer. When a human is filled with too much sin or their family as comitted too much sin for God to handle, the angel has to turn their back and refuse to help. This always devastates Ash, especially when he had heard the cries of two children beg for him. They were from a family called Phantomhive, a family Ash had heard of in Heaven when angels spoke of the tragedy that the wife was here but the husband...Well...
Ash wanted to come to those children, to go against HIM and rescue them. The pleas of such innocent lives like children, a special type of human that Ash adores with all his heart, perhaps it was in that moment he could understand why some angels fall.
Yet he didn't. Instead, Ash had to simply turn away from the sounds of the crying Phantomhive children that rang in his ears for weeks and carry on with the pleas of others. Ash never weeps, yet it was hearing the cries of two children that he did weep for the first time.
Who knows if those children are alive or not, it wasn't Ash's job to know in that sense. Yet sometimes, it wasn't just a simple hand over of a bag of coin or a kiss to alieve physical pain. Sometimes, Ash had to make contracts.
Angelic contracts were that of a holy promise. The human would have to promise to stay away from all temptational sin in the eyes of the holy in exchange for any wish they want to be granted. Though it sounds easy enough, the punishment for this crime was severe. What was the punishment? Their soul were to be erased to save them from hell or forced reincarnation into a life worse than hell. It was rather dependant on the severity of the 'crime'.
It was lucky that Ash never had to do such a thing, every human he's made a holy promise to was good enough to follow.
Yet Ash isn't always forced to stay in the clouds, often he is permitted to go and explore the human world. Though it seems the world grew darker and dreary with every visit, Ash still loved to be by the side of humans. His personal favorite thing is to live in a small home in the city and spend his time making different types of teas.
Ash is a very sweet man with a charitable heart. He'll answer any call upon him yet he isn't always so happy either. There's a melancholy to Ash, a sense of guilt as well from having to turn his back on the cries of humans he cared for so much. Was it wrong of him as an angel to care so deeply towards humanity? Who truly knows, but Ash is ready to help any human who asks for it.
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blindedguilt · 2 years
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———  Basics! ♡
(PEN)NAME:  Simon/Simone (Either or! Swap between them, i don’t care lmao)
TAKEN OR SINGLE: Single, mentally I’m in an Uziga Waita manga tho
———  three  facts!♡
I’m sucky at small talk but tend to get way too excited about shit online to the point I get exhausted of reading my own texts
Uhhh.... I have some OC’s and a little universe thingy I’m very passionate about, though I don’t talk about it much lmao (It’s one of the bigger projects in my life right now). I wrote a book for it at one point when I was like 14 which almost got published but I VERY narrowly avoided that bullet lmao
———  experience ! ♡
.... Since 2012-2013, I think? G+ was my first platform, and my early days were on and off lmao. I only started SERIOUSLY roleplaying recently, at like 2015-ish I think. I used to use a lot of OC’s, mainly two very special girls of mine named Zinnia and Alice, but my longest and “original” muse was Ash Landers/Angela Blanc from Black Butler (Ashamed as I am to admit, I was a very big BB fan before this), who I used from early 2015-early 2020. They’re still kinda special to me for that! I’ve been using my OC’s a lot less since G+ shut down, but even now I have one RP I’m doing on Discord with my boy Barnabas, and a forever in-progress RP blog I still have to get around. Uhhhh... This blog was made on October 25th after remembering Drakengard existed, going “what the fuck was even UP with that game lmao”, searching it on Tumblr and seeing a certain Caim blog. I got inspired, figured “Well, can’t hurt if I try, right?” I was between Seere, Leonard, and Inuart. Inuart got crossed off early because I knew I’d get bored playing him, and I almost didn’t do Leonard because I’m scared of hate. But I was starting to get REALLY into his character, went “I’ll do it for a week and then switch to Seere”. Made my first post, got noticed and... ... Well. Seere still isn’t completely safe, though.
———  muse preference !  ♡
Man, I dunno... I think I drift towards the more controversial muses (In a way that’s meaningful and not just baseless shock value) because of how fun it is to really explore those mindsets and how they percieve and/or deal with their own issues. And that’s absolutely what drew me to Leonard, just like Ash/Angela! Leonard is a bit funny because I normally roll my eyes at the “Big intimidating dude who’s actually soft” because,,, well, it seems like just a way to poke the hearts of fans and flip “images” on their heads without really doing anything, and if there is a reason most the time it’s not even that bad. But with Leonard, who’s genuinely frightened and disgusted with himself rather than just being a bit shy, well,,,, that fixed the issue right up for me lmao. Another big thing is theme! What morals they have, what message they were trying to send, if that’s not interesting to me 9 times outta 10 I don’t RP the character. Leonard being a moral conundrum in every aspect though is *Chef’s kiss*  Through experience however, I don’t write very introverted or sexually charged/themed characters. Ironically, I’m more well-versed(...??? Well, comfortable) with writing smug asshole characters - In certain flavours, that is. (Lukhege, Barnabas, Alice, Zinnia, Edwin, Maria, Margarette, Colin, etc.)
———  FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT! ♡  
FLUFF: Broken, but could be fun to fix! With Leonard he’s one of the more “normal” in the cast just by the fact that if you’re not a little boy he’s a very kind and polite little guy - However, there’s no denying he IS sad, and since Drakegnard itself just never gives him a break... Basically anyone who comes along to brighten this guy’s day in any capacity is a friend who is ALWAYS more than welcome to the Thanksgiving table. In other words: I fucking ADORE fluff (Not just for Leonard, but in general! It’s one of my favourite things to write~) and it gives me many emotions lmao
ANGST: Look at my muse. What do you think? .... I mean, I love that angsty shit, but I try not to lay it on too thick with the “everything is going wrong and has gone wrong and isn’t it all just soooooo fucked up :(” and make it an edgefest like I used to in my cringier days lmao, but BOY I’ve been getting a lot better at writing it thanks to this fella <3
SMUT: *Cough* I mean, admittedly outside of this blog I can’t say that all my RPs have been SFW.... *Cough cough* Then again, outside of partner RP (Where I’ve only ever used OC’s), I’ve only written written smut like once, in all my years of RP.  So far as this particular muse is concerned, it’s... A sensitive topic. Not completely off the table because who doesn’t want to fuck leonard  but like,,, i don’t actively participate myself in that stuff and prefer anything be decently built upon/chatted out before jumping the gun. In general I admit I like smut a lot more than what I say out loud, though.
PLOT / MEMES: I’m shyyyyy I want to respond to starters and send memes but one half is like “Can I really follow through, though?” and “Will they respond/Be actually happy to see me?” Because sure, we sometimes just can’t get the energy to reply to things (As is often the case with me) but if it becomes frequent enough (At least, without any notice) I kinda freeze up like “Did I overstep their boundaries somehow? Is it a motivation thing? Have they just moved on from wanting to RP with this character/fanbase?” and stop sending things with that pit of anxiety ready to haunt me for the rest of the month. XD And I know a lot of people get that too, so I always try to notify them in one way or another, whether through post or DM that it’s just a me thing - Because 99.99% of the time, it is!  As for hosting them on my own end, I have trouble driving the conversation. I love to collect memes, but sometimes it can be hard to find ones that really fit (There are a lot of shipping-dedicated memes to sort through). I enjoy tossing casual ideas around, but as for keeping a conversation going/spitballing ideas without trying to come off like I’m pushing it or shoehorning the other person into a particular plot/concept, I have a lot of trouble really,,,, putting anything effectively, ESPECIALLY coming back to things later without seeming like I’m being a hound. That said, plotting with me can be a pain unless you catch me at an extremely rare moment that I happen to have a lot of muse and am thinking about our characters that very second because trust me, i do, and i have to limit the number of memes i send at times if only to prevent being an obnoxious little kid dinging up your dms every second. Because of those issues, I often try to structure plotting questions in a way that’s like “What do these characters mean to each other right now?”  “Where is their relationship strong? Where is it weak?” “How can we develop/challenge that?” “Is there a particular aspect of both our characters and/or their relationship with each other that we as muns really want the two to explore?” And so on. Lord help me from turning into an online survey bot when I get to plotting with some poor soul (As some will soon be subjected to), if I don’t have my thoughts organised into neat, colour-coded little boxes then I don’t know what I’ll do with myself. Thanks for reading!
Tagged by: @voicelesshatred​ I Tag: I forgot who else was tagged in the previous post and I’m too lazy to check it out, so if you like this meme, don’t be shy and please take this as your sign to tag! Just please tag me if you do because I love to see the answers~
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grelleswife · 4 years
Besides Grell Sutcliff, who would you ship Hannah annafellows with? 😌
Hi, anon! Grellefellows is my main OTP involving Hannah, but I’ve also taken a liking to Hannarin (Hannah/Mey Rin) after the Aidan rp @bapydemonprincess and I did a while back. The melancholy demonness and sheathe of Lævateinn plus the deadly but sweet-tempered sniper? There’s potential there! 💖
I could also see the appea of an enemies-to-lovers ship with Hannah and Angela Blanc, though I’d need to spend more time “getting to know” Angela by writing her to say for sure.
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Oneness is the only way 
“Once you are cleansed will you be fit for the Father”
Canon / OC / Crossover Friendly
*as with all my anime & real person fcs they interact with all muses real person or anime in not only their “world” but others as well.
Written by A~
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holy-flower · 6 years
list of my rp blogs + ask links. updated as needed.
Fandom 0fool -> x Minato Arisato from Persona 3 ai-zonbi -> x Giselle Gewelle from Bleach darkest-sun -> x Gwyndolin from Dark Souls I
empress-phantomhive -> x Rachel Phantomhive from Kuroshitsuji
firearming -> x0 Juli Kidman from The Evil Within
ignis-anima-mea -> x Arieth from Daughter of Smoke and Bone red-chainsaw .> x Grell Sutcliff from Kuroshitsuji the-loving-idol -> x Rise Kujikawa from Persona 4
unholy-holy -> x Ash Landers and Angela Blanc from Kuroshitsuji
vampires-smile -> x Yuki from The Dishwasher: Vampire Smile witch-of-britannia -> x C.C. from Code Geass
yanderuu -> x Desir from Karakuridouji Ultimo - Original Characters beautifulkatana -> x Saitou Kasumi, a Sixth Courier from Fallout: New Vegas OC, comes from a long line of Assassins and cares not for the civil war between the Legion and NCR, as she has assassinated people on both sides for other reasons.
elven-lich -> x Liridon, a dark version of the Dragonborn from The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim, known as the Oblivion Walker, oldest friend of Mannimarco, his name is known and feared. Bards no longer sing “The Dragonborn Comes” because of him.
holy-wastelander -> x Aleksander Morozov and his companion Angeloid, both are Fallout: New Vegas OCs. He is a Nomadic priest after the fall of Nipton, where he had set up his church. He found Angeloid in his search for a sign from God and took it as his sign that he should carry on spreading love.
scarlet-poppies -> x Gothica Ashdown, a Boyfriend to Death OC, and an unknowing lichling that frequently forays into The River, a space between Life and Death where the soul has to move on, but rejects the circle of life with specialized brews that bring her back from her death-like state. Reapers frequently try to stop her, as she is a more frequent visitor than Lawrence Oleander and other faerers.
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fxiled-fxithful · 14 days
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{ RP love child between Mammon and Angela.
Damien Blanc.
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