crimsongodss · 5 years
🎁 ( jasper/alastair), (cass/jace), (gray/amelia)
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I went out to buy you a Christmas present, but wound up getting things for your dog instead. Woops. - Jasp
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to Jason. 
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A jigsaw puzzle. One of my favorites. - A
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crimsonfaux · 5 years
(for oliver) what is one thing you love about each of your family members?
“Do you..got..some..time for this?”
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“Less start in order.. y’know.. 
Caleb ( @calebduval ) I love his nature to not undermine every little thing I say. 
Effie ( @effiefaust )   y’know reminds me a lot like mum, but I love her spirit. Even if I find it frustrating at times the disconnect because of our ages. 
Jasper ( @crimsongodss ) . well I love him for being solid.. I would say.. but.. y’know he left..so dunno there. 
Cassidy ( @cassidyfaust ) love that he tries to do what he thinks is best for the family, but also I acknowledge that..he just may not.. y’know actually want to do it. 
Danny ( @thextrxubled) has this fucking charm on him, and his loyalty is unwavering.
Hana ( @gracelcssx   )is my little light and I love that I can still see humanity through her. 
Ronnie ( @thcsecqueen)  I love the drive she has..especially when she’s manning the ship. 
Darcy ( @polcrity ) I love his quirkiness especially when it comes to his.. pets to his.. hair. 
Grayson ( @societyabandoned), I love his bravery for sticking through.. especially what you see when you’re in the military I know it’sh hard y’know
I love Baby’s ( @theinocenta )imagination, even though she seems to be a lil.. of a killing machine y’know. I love that the only thing 
Esmeray ( @beautefctale ) stresses me out about is the books, and that I don’t feel like I’m going to go into cardiac arrest when I speak with her. 
I love that Baxter( @fraayd ) has a brilliant mind to contribute to the family. 
Blue.. ( @blux-baby) I love that he’s a good driver, just wish he would.. y’know stay off the.. sidewalk and not call me daddy. do not like that. 
Juno (  @crimsonsongs)    .. I love that he’s a kind soul, but I hope he realizes that kind souls.. can still keep ssecrets. 
Moni, kah ( @monikaadler ).. I love her fire. I loved it before she even became a Faust y’know? There was this one time…nevermind.  
Teddy( @wtcddy) .. where do I even begin with him? I love that he always has my back, even if we’re having a standard kitchen argument on why he can’t bring ramen into the house. 
Sam ( @samanthaofchicago ) … I love her creativity, especially when it comes to y’know…burying…things..
Valarena ( @valarcna ) I love her ability to grasp onto the culture that she wasn’t born into. It wash a great joy to y’know.. know her mom and to teach her englissh. 
Eva ( @evaxclarke )..i love everything about her, there isn’t one solid thing that I don’t. She was with me..back in y’know..when the…anyway. 
Lotte ( @lottecarter ) I love her sense of personal style, the way she articulates herself. 
Tony ( @dxgiacomo ) love his fresh perspective to how things are. He reminds me of a young.. Jaxon.. y’know. 
Alyssa ( @vprssmile ) , ah I love her fierce attitude when it comes to her job especially working security. Seen her throw some blokess out y’know.
 Al ( @angelhrns ) ..I love his ambitious nature, but I think if he’s not careful…that will get him.. sixty feet.. down. 
Tati ( @thesteeleforce ) I love the power that she exudes, it’s a pure power that hadn’t been corrupt by any criminal member.. until she chose us.
 Lucas ( @thextrxubled ), I love his efficiency when it comes to medical practices. He seems like a good kid. 
Oh man, there’s.. Remus.. Remus Moon.. no Ralph moon.. no no, christ.. Ryan moon. He’s a good bloke too y’know? I love his resource when it comes to the laws and his passion for his work. Shit I think it’s ..uh.. .Raymond.( @remoon )
Trystan ( @firebrxnds) I love his theatrics in the courtroom. It’s pretty amusing for me to watch y’know really. 
Dean( @killixgs ). I love his protective nature, it kinds of reminds me of a..hehehe bear.
Matty.. I love him. All of him. I love his innocent mind, even though he’s obsessed with the word.. glock.
Is just..that.. I love my family.. and they are all..my family.. y’know?
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crimsonxrogue · 5 years
Location: The Faust Manor Open: @angelhrns​
There was a familiarity to the manor that few other places held for Blake - it was an all-encompassing sensation of scents and sounds and memories. Everything here was an evocation, an echo of moments long-gone, and it was at once a place that Blake couldn’t live without and a place that he couldn’t live with. It depended entirely on what memories his mind chose to sort through that day, and that was sometimes a terrible, unpredictable thing. When he arrived, he didn’t go straight to Ally’s room - instead, he lingered in his own room for a few moments, checking for signs of life in his plants (someone had watered them for him apparently), and finding the book he’d been looking for in his garage just yesterday. As if the familiarity of his safe space had grounded him, he ventured out again, book in hand and heavy thoughts on his mind. 
By now, time felt like a blur of moments, rendered this way by several sleepless nights and the haze of listlessness - he was tired, but most of all, he was all the feelings he couldn’t yet identify and didn’t care to. It was a carefully nurtured habit of his, to forego dealing with his own feelings and wait for them to recede into the back of his mind. He slipped quietly through the door, uninterested in the whole ceremony of knocking and aware that Ally was waiting for him anyway. The whole street had probably heard him arrive, considering it was one of those days that felt like burning tires and the sound of engine screaming in a lower gear. The door clicked shut with a soft sound as he eased against it, leaning his head back against the wood, “Well shit.”, he ran his teeth over his bust bottom lip, thought how very eloquent he was being with a hefty sigh, “I’m going to fucking suck at this.” And by this he meant nothing in particular and all of it at the same time - the scenario of this room felt timeworn and familiar but placed in the context of everything that had happened left Blake feeling a bit out of sorts. “I’m guessing I shouldn’t approach it with the usual assortment of flippant remarks so that basically means I’ve run out of approaches.”, he lifted his head finally, a weary, barely-there smirk flashing across his lips, “I’m glad you’re alive, and while I do appreciate the whole aesthetics of bruises, I gotta say I kinda prefer you without them.”
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wildblood · 5 years
After saying hello to the family and making a list of names that needed to be dealt with in the morning, Samuel made a quick text to his favourite piece of ass. Sue him. New York had been lonely and all he wanted was to get back to his normal life here in Chicago. Normal life included Alastair. Aka the best sugar baby that a man could ask for. God, that ass. You could bounce a dim off that ass. He was something else and Samuel hadn’t see Al in months. Which meant that first things first, he was getting his dick wet tonight. Anyone who had a problem with that could have there name added to his list for tomorrow. 
With his text sent, Sam made his way to their hotel and took their normal room. Number 17. One queen bed, thick walls, and a bathroom that had a tub so big you could swim in it. He took a shower getting the day off him before dropping into bed and phoning the front desk. He told them to leave a key for angel at the front desk for his room. Sam didn’t bother dressing, he just leaned back and started to clean up the glock he kept on him at all times while waiting for Alastair to show up. After a solid few minutes, he rolled over and popped a flower into his mouth as he heard the hotel door open. “Sweet cheeks!” Samuel greeted with a smile around the rose between his teeth. 
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loversoftheisland · 5 years
Closed Starter for @angelhrns 
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Alex had tried his best to stay away from looking at the catalog of escorts, he didn’t really know what he would if he hired one and being a virgin...he didn’t really want to lose it to someone that he was paying. But curiosity got the best of him one night, it was getting a bit late, almost midnight as Alex shifted through the book and he really couldn’t believe his eyes on the name he saw. With a ring, he asked for Nathan to come down to his bungalow before moving out to stand in front of the door.
Nathan was his childhood friend, they were bestfriends as kids and he hasn’t seen the other in years. Alex looked down the wooden dock towards the island, wondering if it was the same man or someone who just shared his name.
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xoverzealousx · 5 years
“Just because I cannot see it, doesn’t mean I can’t believe it.” (grayson)
find it here.
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crimsoncityhq · 5 years
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crimsoncityhq · 5 years
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crimsoncityhq · 5 years
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crimsoncityhq · 5 years
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Please just refollow these blogs. Blogs had to be swapped out, etc.
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