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Lupine Publishers | Updates about Vertebrobasilar Insufficiency in Dizziness
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Lupine Publishers | Journal of Otolaryngology
Vertebrobasilar insufficiency (VBI) is a result of transitory ischemia of the vertebrobasilar arterial system (VBS) that can produce a variety of symptoms that are on their own are ambiguous. Symptoms include dizziness, vertigo, lightheadedness, headaches, visual changes, diplopia, ataxia, weakness in limbs, pain and stiffness of the neck. Vestibular and visual symptoms can arise suddenly and dissipate rapidly as well, all while preceding more serious symptoms like stroke and death. There are a variety of tests that audiologists and physical therapists can perform as screeners for this impairment, but imaging is an essential component of the diagnosis. Neuroimaging with angiography, magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and transracial Doppler tests are commonly used. Diagnosis and treating VBI requires a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach. VBI has been documented to be exaggerated and over diagnosed in part due to the vague and transient nature of the symptomology. This paper will further outline the anatomy of the VBS, symptoms of VBI, risk factors, and diagnostic criteria.
Keywords: Atherosclerosis; Balance; Dizziness; Vertebrobasilar Arterial System; Vertebrobasilar Insufficiency
The vertebrobasilar arterial system (VBS) supplies the vestibular and cochlear nuclei and is comprised of the vertebral artery (VA), basilar artery (BA), anterior-inferior cerebellar artery (AICA), and the posterior-inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) [1]. The VA and BA supply blood to the pons, medulla, cerebellum, mesencephalon, thalamus, occipital lobes, and of course, the peripheral and central vestibular system, as mentioned above [2]. The reason why changes in the VBS have a greater effect on the vestibular system rather than affecting both cochlear and vestibular function is that the cochlear system also received blood flow from the carotid artery which protects it from suffering the same impairments as the vestibular system which only received blood from the labyrinthine branches of the vertebrobasilar arteries [3]. Furthermore, the ischemia of the VBS can affect both peripheral and central vestibular structures by causing isolated dizziness attacks resulting from ischemia to the vestibular nuclei and/or vestibular cochlear nerve, or directly affecting the labyrinth [3]. The typical cause of hemodynamic changes in this system are the result of atherosclerosis; but other causes are embolism, and arterial dissection, or rarely migraine, fibromuscular dysplasia, and coagulopathies [3]. Considering the anatomy and physiology, it is easy to understand how changes or limitation in blood flow can induce disequilibrium, vertigo, and/or vision changes. Symptoms include dizziness, vertigo, nystagmus, imbalance, lightheadedness, headaches, mental confusion, aural fullness, tinnitus, hearing changes, nausea, vomiting, syncope, diplopia, blurred vision, blindness, ataxia, difficulty swallowing, dysarthria, pain and stiffness in neck or shoulder, and weakness of the extremities [1–4]. While it is possible for isolated and sudden attacks of vertigo to occur, vertigo alone is does not meet the diagnostic criteria for VBI [2,3]. Visual disturbances are commonly congruent with vertigo in VBI patients, but in fact, visual symptoms such as diplopia, visual hallucinations, changes in visual field, and blindness are more common than vertigo [3]. Patient report visual changes, diplopia, palsy of the oculomotor nerve, and seeing spots [2,3]. The onset of symptoms occurs rapidly and can be described as an attack by occurring during the change of position or suddenly reaching maximal affect within 5 minutes of the start and lasting anywhere from 2 minutes to 30 minutes commonly (but has been reported up to 24 hours) [4]. The resolution of the symptoms (or attack) occurs quickly. The frequency and antecedent of symptoms vary making it additionally difficult to diagnose based on patient complaints alone. The incidence is difficult to calculate as it has been recorded that VBI diagnosis has been exaggerated and inappropriately used to diagnose other conditions [5]. There is however a sex effect in that VBI is more likely to be found in men (rather than women) after the fourth decade of life [3].
Differential diagnosis of VBI required careful examination to separate the symptoms from other conditions. Recording a detailed case history, performing the appropriate clinical measures, and having the essential imaging is required for adequate differential diagnosis. Case history will be necessary to identify possible risk factors such as: hyperlipidemia, hypertension, cerebrovascular diseases, carotid disease, heart disease, smoking, alcoholism, diabetes, and hyperglycemia [2,5]. Record and description of total symptoms at time of attack and clarifying any vagueness of response or other possible related incidences will be helpful. Also recognize that position changes like moving from laying/sitting to standing can induce symptoms. A vestibular assessment may be useful in differentiating the symptoms from other disorders. In the vestibular assessment the clinician may find that a patient with VBI and vestibular decruitment and hyperactive caloric responses [2,4]. Although hyperactive caloric responses may be observed, the two results of this test, canal paresis and directional preponderance, do not distinguish between an intracranial lesion or a labyrinthine impairment; however, the presence of decruitment/and or hyperactivity is indicative of an impairment as normal patients do not present with these clinical findings [4]. Some patients were also found to have abnormal function in the optokinetic pattern test, eye tracking, or visual suppression test in the videonystagmography (VNG) [1]. Another assessment conducted by the audiologist that may be useful in the Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) when the ischemic is in the AICA displaying a substantial increase in interpeak latency between waves I-IV and II-IV [1].
A retrospective study done in China by Hu et al. [5] found that out of 773 patients diagnosed with VBI only 67 (8.67%) of them had true VBI. Other conditions to consider are benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), Meniere’s disease, vestibular neuronitis, syncope, heart disease, abnormal blood pressure, sudden deafness, infectious diseases, and brain trauma [5]. Accordingly, neuroimaging will be useful in differential diagnosis. Tests include angiography, magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), transracial Doppler, angio-tomography, and cardiologic studies [3,4]. Arteriography is highly useful in diagnosing VBI, but fewer patients are willing to have this test completed due to the risks of arterial catheters, low blood flow, or stroke [4]. The non-invasive test of MRA can be completed to identify possible occlusion or stenosis in neck or intracranial vessels [1,3]. This test has already been useful by identifying that the proximal regions of the vertebral arteries is the location of highest incidence causing VBI, as recorded with MRA [3]. When investigating the basilar artery, the MRA and angio-tomography are found to have similar sensitivity and specificity. The use of transcranial Doppler test is a low-cost, noninvasive, and pain-free test that is used to measure the speed and direction of intracranial arterial blood flow [3]. The plasticity index (PI) recording from the Doppler test is useful in predicting early hemodynamic intracranial variations; however, there is a sex effect in that speech and PI results are opposing for men and women as they age [3]. As evident with the above explanation, there are many useful tests that can be completed to aid in diagnosis of VBI and the need to multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary team is essential.
Understanding risk factors and possible symptoms is helpful in differential diagnosis, however, the risks and symptoms are broad and vague. Patients may present with the exact same symptomology but have varying diagnosis. The use of objective measures, such as caloric testing, and neuroimaging will be vital to accurately diagnosis. Due to the vast symptoms and fluctuating presentations, there is no set diagnostic criteria that can be applied to all patients. This is a concern to protect patients from the progression of the impairment which are stroke and possibly death. Correspondingly, more research needs to be conducted to understand the progression of stenosis as it gradually worsens over time.
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Central Venous Catheters Market Overview, Merger and Acquisitions , Drivers, Restraints and Industry Forecast By 2027
The rise in prevalence of cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis, arrhythmias, coronary artery disease, Myocarditis, pericarditis, myocardial infarction, aortic dissection, aneurysm, and cardiomyopathy among adults are expected to propel demand of the central venous catheters market.
the global Central venous catheters market is expected to reach USD 2,234.1 million by the year 2026, in terms of value at a CAGR of 7.1%. Catheters emerged as an efficient delivery mechanism for surgical procedures and to treat other diseases. Central venous catheters are medical devices, which are used for the treatment of a large number of cardiovascular diseases and other chronic disorders. A catheter is often inserted in the arm or chest through the skin into a large vein. The catheter reaches the large vein through the internal jugular vein, subclavian vein, or femoral vein to administer medicines, fluids, nutrients, blood, and blood products. Also, these catheters are used to measure Central Venous Pressure (CVP), hemodialysis, and chemotherapy over a long period of time. The major driving factors that are propelling the growth of Central venous catheters market are the global rise in geriatric population susceptible to different cardiovascular diseases, government initiatives & grants and the increase in investment by private companies on R&D activities of central venous catheters. Also, Central venous catheters benefit in the administration of medication. Manufacturers in the Central venous catheters market are increasing the strategic business expansion activities through merger and acquisitions to expand their customer base and enhance the product portfolio, which supports the growth of the target market.
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Some of the key players operating in the Central Venous Catheters market include:
Edwards Life sciences, Angio Dynamics, C.R.Bard, Lepu Medical Technology, Kimal, Terumo Corporation, Vygon (U.K.) Ltd, Becton Dickinson Company, Medrad (Bayer AG), Johnson and Johnson, and Rochester Medical Co,
Segments covered in the report:
On the basis of regional analysis, the market is segmented into key geographical regions such as North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa. According to the analysis, North America is expected to dominate the market with the highest market share. Asia-Pacific is anticipated to show a significant growth rate owing to rising development and population demands.
By Product (Revenue, USD Million; 2017-2027)
Tunneled Catheters
Non-Tunneled Catheters
By Property (Revenue, USD Million; 2017-2027)
Antimicrobial Catheters
Non-Antimicrobial Catheters
By Design (Revenue, USD Million; 2017-2027)
Single Lumen
Double Lumen
Multiple Lumen
By Composition (Revenue, USD Million; 2017-2027)
By Sales Channel (Revenue, USD Million; 2017-2027)
Direct sales
Channel Sales
By End-user (Revenue, USD Million; 2017-2027)
Ambulatory Surgical Centers
Beneficial Aspects of the Report:
Global and region forecast of the Central Venous Catheters market from 2020-2027
In-depth analysis of market dynamics, industry outlook, market size based on types and applications
Details of value chain analysis, supply and demand ratio, production and consumption patterns
SWOT Analysis, Porter’s Five Forces Analysis, Feasibility Analysis, and Investment Return Analysis to provide a better understanding of the market and competitive players
Detailed insights on competitive landscape and emerging market trends
Research Methodology:
The market report is formulated on the basis of data obtained through extensive primary and secondary research. The data is further validated and verified by industry experts, research analysts, and professionals. The report considers regional demand and supply ratio, investments, market dynamics, capacity, end-use industry trends, and consumer behavior to generate a forecast report. The data is collected from verified sources such as government policies, regulatory published materials, journals, trade magazines, and verified data sources. The report uses advanced analytical tools such as SWOT Analysis, Porter’s Five Forces Analysis, Feasibility Analysis, and Investment Return Analysis to provide an accurate insight into the market scenario and competitive landscape. This report provides beneficial information to companies and new players to make lucrative business decisions. The market estimates and forecast data have been thoroughly verified through exhaustive primary research.
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Juniper Publishers- Open Access Journal of Case Studies
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Haemangioma on Tongue: A Case Report
Authored by Chaithra Kalkur
Hemangiomas are seen most commonly on cheeks, upper lip and upper eyelids on head and neck while they are observed in very small proportions on tongue. Surgery, corticosteroids, sclerosing agents, radiation therapy, diathermy, electrocauterization, cryosurgery, embolization, laser, radiofrequency, and interferon are used in treatment of hemangiomas. This case reports a case of haemangioma on the right later border of the tongue in a 38-year-old male.
Keywords: Hemangioma; Electrocauterization; Cryosurgery; Embolization; Laser; Radiofrequency
Hemangioma is a proliferation of the endothelial cells which lines vascular channels. It is a benign developmental abnormality, characterized by onset during infancy and regresses as the patient ages [1]. The development of Hemangioma takes place in three phases: proliferating, involution, and involuted. Hemangioma appears as a red macula, papule or nodule, depending on the congestion degree and on how deep it is in the tissue [2].
Hemangiomas can be classified as superficial, deep or compound. The superficial hemangioma/Strawberry or capillary hemangioma is red and nodular with no subcutaneous component. A deep hemangioma/or Cavernous hemangioma is a protrusion with an overlying telangectasia. Compound hemangiomas/or Capillary cavernous hemangioma compraises of both deep and superficial components [3].
Tongue hemangioma is a rare benign vascular tumor that causes bleeding, difficulty in breathing, chewing and speaking and pain. Hemangiomas commonly seen on skin, 80% of these appear as single lesions, while 20% are bilateral lesions. Male to female ratio is 1:3. Hemangiomas are seen most commonly on cheeks, upper lip and upper eyelids on head and neck [4].
Case Report
38-year-old male presented with complain of swelling in the mouth involving the right lateral border of the tongue since five years. The swelling in the tongue gradually increased to the present size. Pain, fever, difficulty in the speech and swallowing or any other associated features were absent. Past medical, dental and family histories were non-significant. Physical general examination was normal with all his vital signs being within normal limit.
Intra-oral examination (Figure 1) revealed a solitary dome-shaped swelling in the right anterior part of tongue extending both dorsally and ventrally, measuring about 2 x 2.5cm in size. The surface was smooth and granular with well-defined borders. Colour of the swelling was bluish purple with normal surroundings. Swelling was soft to firm on palpation, non-mobile, non-tender, and normal in temperature with no appreciable thrills but blanched on compression.
Patient was diagnosed as a case of haemangioma with differential diagnosis of lymphangioma, angiomyolipoma, angiosarcoma, hemangiosarcoma and Kaposi’s sarcoma. Patient advised for surgical opinion, but patient didn’t follow up later.
Haemangioma is a blood vessel tumor. The word “Haemangioma” is derived from the Greek word, where ‘haema’ means blood, ‘angio’ means vessel and oma means tumour. This is a tumor seen in infancy and in most cases appear during the first few days or weeks of life & resolve within the age of 10years [5]. Hemangiomas grow with cellular proliferation. In this 7% of tumors are benign. 70-90% of them are seen in the first 1-4 weeks [6].
Intraoral lingual hemangiomas causes cosmetic deformity, functional problems with speaking, deglutition, mastication and recurrent haemorrhage [7]. Clinical appearance as a soft, smooth or lobulated, sessile or pedunculated and may be seen in any size. The colour of the lesion ranges from pink to red purple and tumour blanches on the application of pressure, and haemorrhage may occur either spontaneously or after minor trauma. They are generally painless [8]..
There are several reports suggested the etiology of hemangioma. The proliferation of haemangioma is because of estrogen signalling [8]. According to North et al. suggested placental theory of haemangioma based on various histology and molecular markers like GLUTI, Lewis Y Antigen, Merosin, CCR6, CD15, IDO, FC, and gamma Receptor II. Recent theory suggested as haemangioma growth is related to somatic mutational events in gene involved in angiogenesis. VEGF, b-TGF, and IGF are the growth factors specifically involved in angiogenesis during the proliferation phases of haemangioma [9].
Many haemangiomas disappear without treatment, leaving minimal or no visible marks. Large haemangiomas can leave visible skin changes secondary to severe stretching of the skin or damage to surface texture. Facial lesions in particular, nose and lips need cosmetic surgery [10].
Management of haemangioma includes surgery, corticosteroids, sclerosing agents, radiation therapy, diathermy, electrocauterization, cryosurgery, laser, embolization, radiofrequency, and interferons. Total excision is difficult and high chances of recurrences are seen. Corticosteroids should be applied only in selected cases due to systemic side effects. Radiotherapy regresses hemangiomas, but it causes severe atrophy on tissues of the treated area especially on skin. For superficial lesions Cryotherapy can be applied [4].
Haemangioma in the oral cavity is of clinical importance. It often mimics other lesion clinically and requires appropriate clinical diagnosis and proper management.
For more articles in Open Access Journal of Case Studies please click on: https://juniperpublishers.com/jojcs/index.php
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antikorg · 3 years
Cisjordanie. Les colons israéliens pourront avoir accès aux vaccins, mais pas les Palestiniens ?
Cisjordanie. Les colons israéliens pourront avoir accès aux vaccins, mais pas les Palestiniens ?
2020-12-30 23:17:09 Revolution Permanente L’article original, écrit par Salvador Soler est disponible sur le site de La Izquierda Diario, journal frère de Révolution Permanente, traduit de l’espagnol par Ju Angio. Samedi, le Premier ministre israélien Benjamin Netanyahu a reçu une injection du vaccin contre le Covid-19, marquant le début d’un déploiement national du dit vaccin dans les prochains…
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dailykhaleej · 4 years
UAE stem cell remedy: Revolutionary treatment helps cure COVID-19 patients
Picture Credit score: WAM / DailyKhaleej
DUBAI: Grownup stem cell remedy is dubbed as the brand new therapeutic pressure of the 21st century, a lot because the web revolutionised the 20th.
Now, UAE researchers have demonstrated they’re in the vanguard of this breakthrough in drugs. Abu Dhabi-based docs have introduced pioneering work in stem cell remedy to restore lung harm attributable to coronavirus an infection. The startling about this new remedy: it is administered  by means of inhalation.
It is a potential “wow” second for immunotherapy and regenerative drugs — the Abu Dhabi group sucessfully handled 73 COVID-19 patients, who have been cured of COVID-19 earlier than hospital discharge.
It is an thrilling improvement within the medical group, at present reeling from the lethal coronavirus infections throughout the globe. Quite a few vaccine trials are undeway for COVID-19, however a secure and efficient jab that can be utilized on in any other case wholesome patients is at the very least a yr away.
What number of COVID-19 patients have been handled with UAE stem cell remedy?
Treatment was administered on 73 confirmed constructive COVID-19 patients, and was thought-about successful, after they have been cured of the virus by inhaling the treatment into their lungs after it has been “nebulised into a fine mist”.
The pioneering treatment is hypothesised to have its therapeutic impact by regenerating lung cells and modulating the immune response to maintain it from overreacting to the COVID-19 an infection and inflicting additional harm to wholesome cells.
– Abu Dhabi stem cell remedy group
The pioneering treatment is hypothesised to have its therapeutic impact by regenerating lung cells and modulating the immune response to maintain it from overreacting to the COVID-19 an infection and inflicting additional harm to wholesome cells.
COVID-19 patients within the UAE who’ve all been efficiently handled — and cured — of the virus by inhaling the treatment into their lungs after it has been nebulised right into a superb mist.
Who developed the stem cell remedy within the UAE?
The treatment was developed by a group of docs and researchers on the Abu Dhabi Stem Cell Middle (ADSCC).
A patent has been granted by the UAE Ministry of Financial system for the event of an modern and promising treatment for COVID-19 infections utilizing stem cells.
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The group from Abu Dhabi Stem Cells Middle (ADSCC) that has developed the treatment for COVID-19.
How does stem cell remedy work?
It includes extracting stem cells from the affected person’s personal blood and reintroducing them after “activating” them.
The treatment has efficiently undergone the preliminary part of scientific trials, demonstrating its security.
“THERAPY”: Treatment meant to alleviate or heal a dysfunction (from Fashionable Latin therapia, from Greek therapeia “curing, healing, service done to the sick; a waiting on, service”, first utilized in 1846).
IMMUNOTHERAPY OR BIOLOGICAL THERAPY: The treatment of illness by activating or suppressing the immune system.
Immunotherapies designed to elicit or amplify an immune response are categorised as activation immunotherapies.
immunotherapies that cut back or suppress are categorised as suppression immunotherapies.
Have been there any opposed results within the Abu Dhabi COVID-19 remedy?
Not one of the patients who’ve obtained the treatment reported rapid opposed results, based on the Abu Dhabi researcher.
Extra importantly, there have been no interactions discovered with the traditional treatment protocols for COVID-19 patients.
Regenerative drugs goals at restore, alternative of cells or organs to get better the impaired operate. It helps the physique to kind new purposeful tissue. It consists of cell therapies, tissue engineering, gene remedy and biomedical engineering strategies.
So, cell remedy and tissue engineering are components of the sector of regenerative drugs, whose purpose is manufacturing of secure and efficient therapies.
Stem cells current in virtually each kind of tissues and characterize an endogenous system of regeneration and restore. Subsequently, stem cells characterize nice hope for the way forward for translational drugs.
[International Journal of Stem Cells: https://ift.tt/35AMPND]
What’s subsequent?
Extra trials to exhibit the efficacy of the treatment are ongoing and are anticipated to be accomplished “in a couple of weeks”.
The treatment has been given to patients together with the traditional medical intervention and can proceed to be utilized as an adjunct to established treatment protocols slightly than as a alternative.
A UAE patent was granted for the modern methodology by which the stem cells are collected, or “harvested”.
The innovation represents a pay-off from quite a few scientific analysis work being carried out within the UAE and legal guidelines enacted to draw expertise from completely different components of the world.
It additionally guarantees to doubtlessly flip the tide within the international effort to struggle SARS-CoV-2.
What’s a stem cell?
A stem cell is a cell with the distinctive skill to turn into specialised cell sorts within the physique. It is the fundamental constructing block of life.
Sooner or later, they might be used to exchange cells and tissues which were broken or misplaced attributable to illness.
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The grownup stem cell can renew itself and might differentiate to yield some or the entire main specialised cell sorts of the tissue or organ. The first roles of grownup stem cells in a dwelling organism are to keep up and restore the tissue by which they’re discovered. Picture Credit score: DailyKhaleej / Jay Hilotin Supply: https://ift.tt/2Wyz5yP
They’ll turn into cells of the blood, coronary heart, lungs or different physique components. Stem cells even have a robust secretory operate, selling the formation of recent blood vessels, cell proliferation and differentiation and inhibiting inflammatory response, specialists say.
In people, stem cells might be subdivided into two most important classes: intrinsic and extrinsic stem cells.
A big number of cell sorts has been used for regenerative drugs, together with grownup cells, resident tissue particular stem cells, bone marrow stem cells, Umbilical wire blood stem cells, embryonic stem cells and the current breakthrough discovery of induced pluripotent stem cells from mature/grownup cells (iPS) (known as reprogramming, induced a pluripotent state in a beforehand differentiated cell kind). [Source: https://ift.tt/2KViEH6]
How does stem cell remedy work on the whole?
Stem cells can self-renew or multiply whereas sustaining the potential to turn into different sorts of cells.
For instance, proper now, your physique’s stem cells are working laborious changing your pores and skin each two weeks, creating new pink and white blood cells.
Does inhalation of stem cells truly work in repairing lung tissue?
Sure. Not less than two research had demonstrated this.
First, in 2016, a group of Egyptian specialists confirmed that stem cells help in lung regeneration, according to a study published in the International Journal of Stem Cells.
The airway epithelium is uncovered to inhaled particles and pathogens that will result in the event of a many infectious and inflammatory respiratory ailments. The research investigated promising stem cell remedy to deal with lung and tracheal tissue harm.
The second current research we discovered, published on Nature Communications on February 28, 2020, reveals that an inhalation treatment of secretome and exosome exhibited therapeutic potential for lung regeneration.
These have been primarily based on two experimental fashions of pulmonary fibrosis (lung illness by which persistent damage leads to scar tissue formation — as fibrosis thickens, the lung tissue loses the power to facilitate gasoline trade and supply cells with wanted oxygen).
SARS-CoV-2 is a newly-discovered pathogen that primarily assaults the lungs (and airway epithelium). This results in the event of an infectious and inflammatory respiratory illness, known as COVID-19, partly on account of the over-reaction of the human immune system which then results in acute pneumonia — and might be lethal. 
Exosome: They’re cell-derived vesicles encompassing lipids, DNA, proteins coding genes and noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs). They’re current in numerous physique fluids. They provide novel biomarker and drug remedy potential for numerous ailments, together with most cancers.
Secretome: The stem cell secretome produce tiny “communication vesicles” (paracrine soluble components) that work together with surrounding (stem) cells. Wholesome Mesenchymal Stem Cells do that intensively with indicators which have virtually completely “positive” results on surrounding cells and therefore change not solely the native tissue surroundings but additionally the entire immune system. The properties of the secreted components are anti-inflammatory, neuro- and angio-trophic, immune modulatory, anti-apoptotic, neuroprotective and anti-oxidatory. [Sources: https://bit.ly/2YnEBqp; https://bit.ly/2WnyfEI]
The place was the primary analysis on stem cell remedy in opposition to COVID-19 carried out?
In March, Chinese language researchers introduced they have been learning using stem cell technology in the treatment of people critically ill with the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), Xinhuanet reported then.
What number of patients have been concerned in Chinese language stem cell scientific trial?
4 COVID-19 patients who obtained stem cell treatment whereas in a critical situation have been reportedly discharged from hospital following restoration. The Chinese language researchers stated they are going to increase the scientific trial of the remedy.
What’s a stem cell? A stem cell is a cell with the distinctive skill to turn into specialised cell sorts within the physique. Sooner or later they might be used to exchange cells and tissues which were broken or misplaced attributable to illness. How does stem cell remedy  work on the whole? Stem cells can self-renew or multiply whereas sustaining the potential to turn into different sorts of cells. They’ll turn into cells of the blood, coronary heart, lungs or different physique components. Stem cells even have a robust secretory operate, selling the formation of recent blood vessels, cell proliferation and differentiation and inhibiting inflammatory response, specialists say.
Has stem cell remedy been used to deal with infectious ailments prior to now?
Sure. Stem cell remedy has been used within the treatment of some infectious ailments and problems. As an illustration, it has been tried in treating H7N9 avian flu and confirmed good outcomes.
In line with the Ministry of Science and Know-how, the Chinese language Academy of Sciences has developed a brand new stem cell drug, CAStem, which has proven promising leads to animal experiments.
The analysis group has utilized for pressing evaluation by the Nationwide Medical Merchandise Administration. Approvals by the ethics committee, and scientific commentary and analysis are in progress.
How does stem cell remedy assist in treating COVID-19?
In March 2020, a analysis group from the Chinese language PLA Common Hospital has introduced that it’s cooperating with hospitals and establishments in Wuhan, the Chinese language epicenter of the epidemic, and north China’s Tianjin Municipality to conduct scientific analysis on the protection and effectiveness of mesenchymal stem cell remedy in treating COVID-19 patients.
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Neuropathic Pain in Fabry Disease
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Authored by  Cetin Kursad Akpinar
Fabry Disease [FD] is an X-linkedly so somal storage disease caused by the mutations in the GLA gene codingforthelysosomalenzyme a-galactosidase in chromosome Xq 22.1. Thediseaseleadstoaccumulation of neutralsphingolipids in tissues. About 80% of Fabry patients [FP] suffer from a painful neuropathy that usually begins in the first two decades. About 80% of FP suffer from a painful neuropathy. Enzymereplacementtherapies with recombinant human alpagalactosidase A is reported to improve small fiber neuropathy and neuropathic pain after 18-23 months of therapy. Enzymereplacementtherapies has positive effects on neuropathic pain in FD. Quality of life was decreased in Fabry males in the domains of physical functioning and bodily pain and of general health perception in females. Carbamazepine alone or in combination with pregabalin is recommended as first line treatment in neuropathic pain of FD. Neuropathicpaindiagnosis in Fabry patients deserves no reattention especially inadolescents and women with increasing diagnostic skills. We believe neuropathic pain of Fabry Disease will be diagnosed more frequently.
Keywords: Fabry disease, Enzyme replacement therapy, Neuropathic pain, Pregabalin
Abbreviations: ERT: Enzyme Replacement Therapy; FD: Fabry Disease; FP: Fabry Patients; MSSI: Mainz Severity Score Index; NP: Neuropathic pain
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Fabry Disease [FD] is an X-linkedly so somal storage disease caused by the mutations in the GLA gene coding for the lysosomal enzyme a-galactosidase in chromosome Xq22.1 9 [1]. Thediseaseleadstoaccumulation of neutralsphingolipids in tissues. Undegraded glycosphingo lipids, especially globotriao- sylceramide Gb3, accumulate mainly in the vascular endothelium and peripheral nervous system [1,2]. Neuropathic pain [NP] episodes are common both in childhood and adulthood. Neuropathic pain develops as a result of lesions or disease affecting the somato sensory nervous system either in the periphery or centrally.
Pain crises with sudden sharp pain in digits may be triggered by changes in skin temperature through cold, heat exposure or fever during infections [3]. Despite the cardinal presenting symptoms in childhood of acroparesthesias, pain crises, and angio keratomas, FD is often misdiagnosed or overlooked [4]. Clinically, small fiber dysfunction contributes to recurrent episodes of burning and lancinating pain and paresthesias in the distal extremities. Such episodes can be typically triggered by changes of the environmental temperature, particularly by warming [5].
About 80% of Fabry patients [FP] suffer from a painful neuropathy that usually begins in the first two decades [6]. The degree of the painful neuropathy can be characterized by the use of standardized pain scales [7]. Female heterozygote carriers of the genetic defect might also develop symptoms of the disease. Neuropathic pain of the female carriers corresponds to the pain reported by male patients and usually also occurs in the first two decades [8].
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The most significant emphasis on Fabry neuropathic pain is on childhood form of the disease and adult FD with neuropathic pain are usually under diagnosed especially in countries where awareness of FD is low. Although adult hood is known to reduce the burden of pain in FP, there are not any studies comparing the severity of pain in childhood with the severity in adulthood.
Chronic burning peripheral pain, attacks of acute excruciating peripheral pain and autonomic dysfunction should prompt the clinician to consider FD and to perform appropriate tests [7]. The burden of the progressive neurologic disease should be assessed early because neurologic disability in FD increases with age, both in males and females.
The early neurologic manifestations of FD are initially often subtle and affected children are frequently misdiagnosed. Fatigue and emotional disturbances co-occur with Fabry- related pain. While some patients report that their physicians understand them, others feel their physicians do not believe them and/or think they exaggerate the pain [9]. In a report of an expert panel in 2011, the authors suggested that a thorough physical examination [e.g., angiokeratomas, corneal opacities] and simple non-invasive sensory perception tests could provide clues to the diagnosis of FD [7].
The burden of disease in women can be substantial. For example the Mainz Severity Score Index [MSSI] shows that men and women experience a similar impact from FD [8,9,10] and health related quality of life is similarly reduced in women and men with FD [11]. Without treatment, lifespan is typically reduced by 15 years in women with FD.
According to a cohort study of 36 women for 4 years, Brief Pain Inventory scores of the patients was reduced by ERT [p=0.001] and remained reduced through four years [1,12]. It was concluded that long termagalsidase alpha was effective and well tolerated in women with FD.
Enzymereplacementtherapies with recombinant human alpagalactosidase A is reported to improve small fiber neuropathy and neuropathic pain after 18-23 months of therapy. The authors stated that this effect resulted from glycol sphingo lipid clearing from perineural cells, axons and Schwann cells or from blood vessels supplying the nerves. Enzymereplacementtherapies has positive effects on neuropathic pain in FD according to Schiffmann et al. [13]. They reported that FP participating in ERT could reduce their regular pain medications [14]. Dutsch et al. [5] performed quantitative sensory testing in FP under ER[5].
Quantitative sensory tests are time consuming and are not widely used and popular among physicians who deal with FP most commonly. On the other hand, simple pain questionnaries targeting to diagnose the severity of neuropathic pain may be more user-friendly and practical.
Neuropathic pain affects quality of life in both men and women with FD [11,15]. Neuropathic pain interferes with both activities of daily living and quality of sleep at night, thus depression is often seen in these patients. Pain affects major daily functions of life.
Little is known on the impact of growing up with FD on psychosocial development [16]. Quality of life was decreased in Fabry males in the domains of physical functioning and bodily pain and of general health perception in females according to a study by Bouwman et al. [16]. They used Course of Life Questionnaire and the Short Form Health Survey [SF-36] in this study.
A validated disease severity scoring system for FD was suggested by Gianini et al. in 2010. Their study shows that the Fabry DS3 correlates highly with the clinical assessment by FD experts. It is obvious that validations of FDS3 should be performed in other countries where English is not the native language and thus validation studies will be needed and this may take time [17].
There is not a randomized controlled trial of an analgesic for the treatment of painful peripheral neuropathy in FD, only some empiric use of drugs has been reported [7]. Carbamazepine alone or in combination with pregabalin [rather than gabapentin] is recommended as first line treatment in neuropathic pain of FD. [18,19,20]. Antidepressants, particularly dual reuptake inhibitors of both serotonin and norepinephrine [SNRIs, venlafaxine, duloxetine] are also viable options although, tricyclic antidepressants have potential concomitant and difficult side-effects in FP [e.g accentuation of autonomic instability] [7,18,19,20].
Although experts of pain recommend pain scales, they have not gained popularity among clinicians who deal with Fabry disease mostly. One of the reasons for this observation may be the difficulty of usage in the pediatric population. Nevertheless we should not forget that there are adult patients having NP, thus simple diagnostic scales like DN4 may be practical to use in clinical routine. A neuropathy pain assessment scale should be used at the initial assessment and follow up examinations.
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Neuropathic pain diagnosis in Fabry patients deserves more attention especially in adolescents and women with increasing diagnostic skills and we believe neuropathic pain of Fabry Disease will be diagnosed more frequently and thus we need more studies involving Fabry neuropathic pain.
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azveille · 5 years
Angio-oedème héréditaire : extension de la prise en charge de Firazyr* en pédiatrie
Le Journal officiel de mardi a publié des arrêtés étendant l'agrément aux collectivités et la prise en charge au titre de la liste en sus du traitement de l'angio-oedème héréditaire Firazyr* (icatibant, Shire, groupe Takeda) en pédiatrie.
Firazyr* a obtenu une extension d'indication, dans le cadre d'une procédure européenne centralisée, en octobre 2017 dans le traitement symptomatique des crises aiguës d’angio-oedème héréditaire (AOH) chez les adolescents et les enfants âgés de 2 ans et plus présentant une carence en inhibiteur de la C1 estérase, rappelle-t-on.
La première autorisation de mise sur le marché (AMM), chez l'adulte, avait été obtenue en 2008.
Dans un avis daté de juillet 2018, la commission de la transparence (CT) a estimé que le médicament présentait un service médical rendu (SMR) important et pas d'amélioration du SMR (ASMR V) dans sa nouvelle indication.
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essaybrook-blog · 6 years
      The simulation scenario involved Mr Bright who had just undergone an angio
      The simulation scenario involved Mr Bright who had just undergone an angio
      The simulation scenario involved Mr Bright who had just undergone an angioplasty. A potential problem related to this procedure includes impaired tissue perfusion related to haematoma formation or bleeding. 
      You are required to find five (7) contemporary, valid research journal articles (no older than 7 years) relating to the care of the      patient undergoing angioplasty. Read the…
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Central Venous Catheters Market Trend, Forecast, Drivers, Restraints, Company Profiles and Key Players Analysis by 2027by 2027
The rise in prevalence of cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis, arrhythmias, coronary artery disease, Myocarditis, pericarditis, myocardial infarction, aortic dissection, aneurysm, and cardiomyopathy among adults are expected to propel demand of the central venous catheters market.
the global Central venous catheters market is expected to reach USD 2,234.1 million by the year 2026, in terms of value at a CAGR of 7.1%. Catheters emerged as an efficient delivery mechanism for surgical procedures and to treat other diseases. Central venous catheters are medical devices, which are used for the treatment of a large number of cardiovascular diseases and other chronic disorders. A catheter is often inserted in the arm or chest through the skin into a large vein. The catheter reaches the large vein through the internal jugular vein, subclavian vein, or femoral vein to administer medicines, fluids, nutrients, blood, and blood products. Also, these catheters are used to measure Central Venous Pressure (CVP), hemodialysis, and chemotherapy over a long period of time. The major driving factors that are propelling the growth of Central venous catheters market are the global rise in geriatric population susceptible to different cardiovascular diseases, government initiatives & grants and the increase in investment by private companies on R&D activities of central venous catheters. Also, Central venous catheters benefit in the administration of medication. Manufacturers in the Central venous catheters market are increasing the strategic business expansion activities through merger and acquisitions to expand their customer base and enhance the product portfolio, which supports the growth of the target market.
Get a sample of the report @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/sample-enquiry-form/2090
Some of the key players operating in the Central Venous Catheters market include:
Edwards Life sciences, Angio Dynamics, C.R.Bard, Lepu Medical Technology, Kimal, Terumo Corporation, Vygon (U.K.) Ltd, Becton Dickinson Company, Medrad (Bayer AG), Johnson and Johnson, and Rochester Medical Co,
Segments covered in the report:
On the basis of regional analysis, the market is segmented into key geographical regions such as North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa. According to the analysis, North America is expected to dominate the market with the highest market share. Asia-Pacific is anticipated to show a significant growth rate owing to rising development and population demands.
By Product (Revenue, USD Million; 2017-2027)
Tunneled Catheters
Non-Tunneled Catheters
By Property (Revenue, USD Million; 2017-2027)
Antimicrobial Catheters
Non-Antimicrobial Catheters
By Design (Revenue, USD Million; 2017-2027)
Single Lumen
Double Lumen
Multiple Lumen
By Composition (Revenue, USD Million; 2017-2027)
By Sales Channel (Revenue, USD Million; 2017-2027)
Direct sales
Channel Sales
By End-user (Revenue, USD Million; 2017-2027)
Ambulatory Surgical Centers
Beneficial Aspects of the Report:
Global and region forecast of the Central Venous Catheters market from 2020-2027
In-depth analysis of market dynamics, industry outlook, market size based on types and applications
Details of value chain analysis, supply and demand ratio, production and consumption patterns
SWOT Analysis, Porter’s Five Forces Analysis, Feasibility Analysis, and Investment Return Analysis to provide a better understanding of the market and competitive players
Detailed insights on competitive landscape and emerging market trends
Research Methodology:
The market report is formulated on the basis of data obtained through extensive primary and secondary research. The data is further validated and verified by industry experts, research analysts, and professionals. The report considers regional demand and supply ratio, investments, market dynamics, capacity, end-use industry trends, and consumer behavior to generate a forecast report. The data is collected from verified sources such as government policies, regulatory published materials, journals, trade magazines, and verified data sources. The report uses advanced analytical tools such as SWOT Analysis, Porter’s Five Forces Analysis, Feasibility Analysis, and Investment Return Analysis to provide an accurate insight into the market scenario and competitive landscape. This report provides beneficial information to companies and new players to make lucrative business decisions. The market estimates and forecast data have been thoroughly verified through exhaustive primary research.
To read more  about the report – https://www.reportsanddata.com/report-detail/central-venous-catheter-market
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Central Venous Catheters Industry Trends, Revenue, Key Players, Growth, Share and Forecast Till 2027
The rise in prevalence of cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis, arrhythmias, coronary artery disease, Myocarditis, pericarditis, myocardial infarction, aortic dissection, aneurysm, and cardiomyopathy among adults are expected to propel demand of the central venous catheters market.
the global Central venous catheters market is expected to reach USD 2,234.1 million by the year 2026, in terms of value at a CAGR of 7.1%. Catheters emerged as an efficient delivery mechanism for surgical procedures and to treat other diseases. Central venous catheters are medical devices, which are used for the treatment of a large number of cardiovascular diseases and other chronic disorders. A catheter is often inserted in the arm or chest through the skin into a large vein. The catheter reaches the large vein through the internal jugular vein, subclavian vein, or femoral vein to administer medicines, fluids, nutrients, blood, and blood products. Also, these catheters are used to measure Central Venous Pressure (CVP), hemodialysis, and chemotherapy over a long period of time. The major driving factors that are propelling the growth of Central venous catheters market are the global rise in geriatric population susceptible to different cardiovascular diseases, government initiatives & grants and the increase in investment by private companies on R&D activities of central venous catheters. Also, Central venous catheters benefit in the administration of medication. Manufacturers in the Central venous catheters market are increasing the strategic business expansion activities through merger and acquisitions to expand their customer base and enhance the product portfolio, which supports the growth of the target market.
Get a sample of the report @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/sample-enquiry-form/2090
Some of the key players operating in the Central Venous Catheters market include:
Edwards Life sciences, Angio Dynamics, C.R.Bard, Lepu Medical Technology, Kimal, Terumo Corporation, Vygon (U.K.) Ltd, Becton Dickinson Company, Medrad (Bayer AG), Johnson and Johnson, and Rochester Medical Co,
Segments covered in the report:
On the basis of regional analysis, the market is segmented into key geographical regions such as North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa. According to the analysis, North America is expected to dominate the market with the highest market share. Asia-Pacific is anticipated to show a significant growth rate owing to rising development and population demands.
By Product (Revenue, USD Million; 2017-2027)
Tunneled Catheters
Non-Tunneled Catheters
By Property (Revenue, USD Million; 2017-2027)
Antimicrobial Catheters
Non-Antimicrobial Catheters
By Design (Revenue, USD Million; 2017-2027)
Single Lumen
Double Lumen
Multiple Lumen
By Composition (Revenue, USD Million; 2017-2027)
By Sales Channel (Revenue, USD Million; 2017-2027)
Direct sales
Channel Sales
By End-user (Revenue, USD Million; 2017-2027)
Ambulatory Surgical Centers
Beneficial Aspects of the Report:
Global and region forecast of the Central Venous Catheters market from 2020-2027
In-depth analysis of market dynamics, industry outlook, market size based on types and applications
Details of value chain analysis, supply and demand ratio, production and consumption patterns
SWOT Analysis, Porter’s Five Forces Analysis, Feasibility Analysis, and Investment Return Analysis to provide a better understanding of the market and competitive players
Detailed insights on competitive landscape and emerging market trends
Research Methodology:
The market report is formulated on the basis of data obtained through extensive primary and secondary research. The data is further validated and verified by industry experts, research analysts, and professionals. The report considers regional demand and supply ratio, investments, market dynamics, capacity, end-use industry trends, and consumer behavior to generate a forecast report. The data is collected from verified sources such as government policies, regulatory published materials, journals, trade magazines, and verified data sources. The report uses advanced analytical tools such as SWOT Analysis, Porter’s Five Forces Analysis, Feasibility Analysis, and Investment Return Analysis to provide an accurate insight into the market scenario and competitive landscape. This report provides beneficial information to companies and new players to make lucrative business decisions. The market estimates and forecast data have been thoroughly verified through exhaustive primary research.
To read more  about the report – https://www.reportsanddata.com/report-detail/central-venous-catheter-market
Thank you for reading our report. Reports and Data provides customization of the report as per the needs of the clients. For further inquiry on customization, please connect with us and our team will ensure the report is tailored to fit your requirements.
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