#anguria eccitato
necroneos · 2 years
The part 5 (Vento Aureo/Golden Wind) OC trio.... IS COMPLETE!
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We got: two ex-cops (Abbacchio and Alessandra), a weirdo and a horny neurochemist (Melone and Anguria), and the poster child for anger management and girl with anxiety associated with anger and conflict (Fugo and Liliana)
Thank you @kuuniichi for these wonderful commissions ❤️ I HIGHLY suggest anybody looking for a reasonably priced commission to go to them. They're fast and before starting your commission they'll do a rough sketch and touch bases for any modifications before payment and starting. They're very nice and it's been a pleasure commissioning them for these three drawings to bring my characters to life! Please check them out, as commissions are always open and they need the money.
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sciatu · 3 years
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Biancomangiare mandorle e cannella, Parfait mandorle, Africano, fichi crema di ricotta e cioccolato, Gello all’arancia, Gelo all’ anguria, cassata semifreddo, Parfait mandorle, semifreddo al limone, semifreddo al pistacchio.
Sex and Food - Il Cavalier Febronio
Il Cavaliere Febronio Interdonati guardò dalla vetrata della camera da pranzo la strada assolata e vuota dove vedeva l’aria arroventata danzare salendo verso il cielo che lo scirocco aveva dilavato dal suo intenso azzurro. Osservò nel cielo il velo glauco e sbiadito che aumentava la sensazione di caldo rendendo, l’afa ancor più appiccicosa e togliendo il respiro e ogni forza vitale. Il Cavaliere osservò un vecchietto camminare sul marciapiede e fermarsi a lato di un albero di arance e asciugarsi il sudore con un fazzoletto ansimando intensamente. L’osservò guardare il marciapiede che doveva ancora percorrere e quindi lanciarsi per superarlo velocemente, per poi fermarsi all’albero successivo ansimando ancor di più. Il vecchio si guardò intorno ormai allo stremo e vedendo la porta di un bar si diresse in quella direzione per entrarvi e riposare, approfittando dell’aria condizionata del locale. A lato del bar dove era entrato il vecchio c’era una farmacia la cui insegna luminosa, dotata di termometro, segnava implacabilmente 45 gradi. Il cavaliere osservò compiaciuto la temperatura “È il momento giusto” si disse il Cavaliere. Con noncuranza si avvicinò alla tavola che il filippino stava sparecchiando e si riempì nuovamente il bicchiere con po' d’acqua che quella strega della moglie pretendeva dovesse essere a temperatura ambiente per evitare fantomatiche congestioni digestive e lo svuotò d’un colpo “ Febrò se bevi così ti fa male: potresti strozzarti” Disse la vecchia strega con la sua voce nasale e il suo tono da madre inconsolabile “sento caldo gioia. Ora però devo lavorare, per favore non mi far disturbare per nessun motivo” “Febrò ma lavori sempre. T’ha ripusari antichitta” “Dopo gioia, ora devo finire una relazione” E dopo averle dato un bacio sulla fronte che sapeva di naftalina, si avviò verso lo studio dandosi ancora una volta dello stupido perché aveva intestato tutti i suoi beni a quella laida mavara (disgustosa strega). “ Febrò siediti dritto sulla sedia, se no ti si blocca la digestione”. Gli disse la mavara e lui per risposta, non visto, si toccò gli attributi maschili. Si diresse con le mani dietro la schiena e la faccia seriosa verso il suo studio ed una volta entrato chiuse a chiave silenziosamente la porta. Era meglio non fidarsi della vecchia che avrebbe potuto portargli una di quelle tisane digestive bollenti di cui era una convinta propinatrice. Andò verso la finestra e aprendola accostò le persiane di legno in modo che lo studio fosse nella completa penombra. Nel chiudere la finestra assaporò con gioia la vampata di caldo che saliva dal cortile bollente. Chiusa la finestra si avvicino alla libreria e si levò la vestaglia giapponese di seta e quindi la canottiera appoggiandole ben piegata sulla scrivania Luigi XVI. Si levò le ciabatte ed i calzini inglesi restando a piedi nudi. Restò qualche secondo a guardare la libreria come a raccogliersi prima di un rito importante. Poi si avvicinò con i boxer eleganti che la vecchia gli aveva comprato a Parigi e schiacciò un bottone nascosto tra i libri. Si sentì un tac e lentamente si aprì una sezione della libreria e una luce bianchissima lo investì insieme ad una folata di aria fredda. Nel sentirla chiuse gli occhi facendosi avvolgere dalla nube di condensa che l’aveva accompagnata. Quando aprì gli occhi vide gli scaffali di un enorme frigo pieno di dolci. Osservò eccitato il Gelo all’anguria il Parfait alle mandorle, il semifreddo limone e fragola, le vaschette di gelato disposte a seconda del colore (bianco limone, rosa fragola, verde pistacchio, e poi nocciola, zuppa inglese torroncino, gianduia, bacio) a creare un arcobaleno di divina dolcezza. Lo sguardo si spostò su altri Geli al limone, alla pesca, alla cannella, e poi Africani di tutti i tipi, con il pan di spagna ricoperto di cioccolato al latte, cioccolato bianco, cioccolato fondente. Avvicino lentamente un dito alla grande forma di Gelo al melone ricoperto di granella di pistacchio e con un dito lo smosse per vederne il tremolio gelatinoso sensuale ed invitante. Prese un cucchiaino sul lato del piatto e lo immerse nel gelo ed esitando lo portò alla bocca chiudendo gli occhi per gustarlo meglio, alzando la testa come se quel cucchiaino gli stesse donando una nuova vita nel suo gelido scendere nel suo corpo accaldato. Ingioiò con soddisfazione il dolce e aprendo gli occhi osservò a lato una mattonella di Parfait già mezza divorata e ripeté il gesto beandosi della dolcezza e morbidezza del dolce, pensando al termometro della farmacia che segnava 45 gradi, all’ ansimare del vecchio stordito dalla calura, alla luce abbagliante della strada, alla danza dell’aria che saliva dal marciapiede rovente, alla vecchia mavara con le calze di lana. Pensare tutto questo, mentre la lingua spalmava sul palato la frescura del dolce, lo eccitava esaltandolo quasi. Prese una piccola tazza con dentro del bianco mangiare spolverato di cannella e ricoperto di gocce di cioccolato, chiuse con delicatezza lo sportello del frigo camuffato da libreria e sedendosi sulla poltrona della scrivania, allungò i piedi su di essa incominciando a gustarsi, lentamente, il dolce. Pensò alla mattonella di semifreddo che ancora non aveva iniziato e allo zuccotto ripieno di gelato nocciola e zuppa inglese, sentendosi ancor di più eccitato al pensiero di trasgredire agli ordini della moglie che aveva proibito al filippino di comprare dolci, responsabili secondo la sua mente contorta e miserrima, di provocare il cancro e meno che mai di mettere nel frigo gelati di qualsiasi tipo responsabili di innominabili disastri gastrici e intestinali. Pensò alle tisane bollite di biancospino e ortiche per la digestione o a quelle di caruba e lupino che dovevano salvarlo dal diabete, alla coperta di lanetta con cui lo faceva dormire la notte con l’aria condizionata spenta. “ Alla facciaccia tua” Si disse il Cavalier Febronio, toccandosi, mentre mangiava, per sfregio alla sessualità precocemente appassita della vecchia mavara. Mentre continuava a giocare con la ciolla, fece scivolare la lingua sui denti cercando ogni più piccolo rimasuglio di granella e raccogliendo il gusto del dolce in ogni angolo del palato godendosi la sensazione di frescura e di immensa libertà che provava nella penombra del piccolo studio in cui era rinchiuso.
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necroneos · 2 years
I've always been curious about running an ask/roleplay blog of one of my Jojo's Bizarre Adventure OCs 🤔 It probably wouldn't gain any traction tho, outside of (possibly) other OC blogs (if I had to guess). Does anybody think it'd be worth a try? I was thinking my part 5 OC Anguria Eccitato but I don't see a lot of Melone writers haha. But overall I'm open to any jojo OC of mine. Any suggestions anybody?
A brief (as brief as I can make it) summary of the OCs and their relationship between their love interest:
(Battle Tendency) Patricia Abbandonato - a bitter and jaded woman that judges people prematurely based on first impressions because of the hardships she's faced in life. Works at a busy cafe to support herself and formerly her father before he passed. Suzie-Q helped her through said situation and the two are good friends. Meets Caesar one day at the cafe and is immediately disgusted with his behavior around the woman he brought along, assuming he has it easy. Treats him coldly and bitterly until she's fired from the cafe and hired at Air Supplena island (upon Suzie-Q's request), where the two get to know about each other.
(Stardust Crusaders) Jessica Desjardins - The adoptive daughter of Joseph after he discovered her homeless on the streets via a tip from the Speedwagon Foundation. She was abandoned at an orphanage sometime after birth by her father, unable to afford raising her. Her extroverted nature naturally drew people to her but the bonds were always superficial. She had an insatiable desire to learn and has a high IQ. At 9 she manifested her stand. At 13 people noticed she was talking to herself and picked on her. At 16 she fled from the orphanage and to the streets. She was homeless for three years and if people tried to attack her, her stand attacked. Speedwagon Foundation caught wind of the talk people made on the streets. Joseph scoped it out and seeing her state, he adopted her. At 24 she was called (unwillingly) in by Joseph to help the Crusaders while Avdol healed, taking on his role temporarily. She and Polnareff easily bonded, the two of them a mischievous pair who joked and pulled pranks on the others. They also just naturally clicked.
(Vento Aureo/Golden Wind) Alessandra Allanorma - Everybody can only do something for so long before they can't take it anymore. A former coworker of Abbacchio who's still in love with him. She was abandoned on a park bench during a thunderstorm by her scared mother who did not know she was pregnant. She's discovered by a woman hurrying home but Alessandra is taken to the hospital where she'd later be adopted by the woman who found her. While she wanted to help the people as a psychologist, she was only able to get part of her education. She joined the place as an alternative to helping the people. Former naivety and vigilance drove her to protect the people despite what was going on behind the scenes. She was friends with Abbacchio's partners and in love with Abbacchio, who unfortunately only saw her like a sister he had to protect. After he was kicked from the force, she put forth the effort to climb the ranks until a year later she was Captain. By then, she had seen more of the world, turned cynical, but still retained some of her former personality. After learning the man who killed Abbacchio's partner lived, she sought him out, killed him, and earned a scar and blindness in one eye. 8 months later (before Giorno's arrival) a chance encounter with Abbacchio pushes her already teetering (from her job) self over the edge. Despite his distant attitude, it gave her a reason to finally quit. After taking the test, she would go on to stubbornly pursue Abbacchio and prove to him she was a woman, not the weak little sister he knew.
(Vento Aureo/Golden Wind) Anguria Eccitato - An intelligent neurochemist with a near insatiable sex drive (inherited from her father). Got through college with a doctorate because of an inheritance her father inherited. She was bullied/isolated in school by most of the kids around her as the 'ugly girl's (think hive mentality). By middle school, she was bending over backwards for people just to make any sort of friends despite the lack of common interests. A facade in the end. By highschool, she started using makeup and suddenly all the eyes were on here. While she didn't want to change herself, her wardrobe, and personality if it made others accept her it was worth it. During a science class, she learned of neurochemistry and it caught her interest. In college she studied it and gained a doctorate. She'd go on to be hired at a neuroscience research institute. After a particularly bad day at work (both her and Melone) she meets Melone at a bar where they get drunk off their asses and have a one night stand. She leaves him with her number if he wants a 'round 2', as she is unable to forget the most passionate night she's ever experienced. A friend with benefits slowly turns into a romantic relationship.
(Vento Aureo/Golden Wind) Liliana Ribollita - Born as the result of a butler raping a maid and getting pregnant (both work for the Fugo family). The maid is forced to marry the butler so she doesn't lose her job. After her birth, she was raised in an environment filled with anger, conflict, fights, and abuse that she and her mother were the victims of. During the day, things were peaceful. But at night after work, things were almost never good, a result of her father's temper. The accumulation of all this caused the formation of anxiety related to anger, violence, conflict (verbal and physical), shouting/yelling. She has an aversion towards this as well. The abuse would go on to meld part of her personality as one who is meek, cowardly, complaisant, insecure, and anxiety-ridden. Despite all this, however, her mother still instilled in her the importance of being kind, loving, compassionate, optimistic, and to always persevere. She met Fugo when they were both 5 and became quick friends with Liliana being a bright spot in his life. At 6 his temper showed and she shrunk back. But an apology and promise to never hurt her if he could help it easily mended the relationship. She would start school later where they spent less time with each other. At 13, Fugo left for college and her mother died a year later. She was taken in by her aunt and would get a job at Libeccio to help support her younger brothers and help pay for her education. At 16, she has a brief reunion with Fugo that is cut short (he has her fired and she gets a job at a new restaurant, wanting to keep her safe). She doesn't see him again until post-Purple Haze Feedback via Giorno's assistance. While a relationship between a girl who has anxiety stemming from anger and conflict and a mafia member with a strong temper don't seem to match, it's their strong friendship from childhood and affection for each other that keeps them together.
Trivia/Fun facts:
- Fugo, when getting angry/is angry, will send Liliana a small glare as a silent warning to leave or not say anything. It helps ease some of her anxiety because she can prepare for it.
- Patricia is often seen as off-putting to others do to her curt and distant attitude. She also suffers from night terrors sometimes, typically of the first few years of her life where her mother physically and verbally abused her and her father.
- Jessica daydreams a lot. People tend to mistake her for a space case because of this despite her high IQ.
- Alessandra fears abandonment and thunder. This can sometimes paint her as clingy if she's particularly close to somebody she cares for intensely. Jessica also fears abandonment.
- Anguria comes off as confident and charismatic but really she's very insecure with her body. All the years of pretending has affected her personality as well. Instead of just being a facade, some (keyword: some) of her confidence and charisma has slowly become a part of herself. She's an ambivert.
- Alessandra, before Abbacchio being kicked off the force, wasn't very muscular and wasn't as engaged in police reports (to investigate). This made others see her as weak and defenseless. During Abbacchio's absence, she exercised and currently her body has an athletic build.
- Liliana from the beginning was meant to look like the girl next door (brown hair, brown eyes). To contrast the current standard of strong women who have a witty personality and don't need to be saved, I made her the opposite; What women in some old fiction were like. Her personality was based off of a concept I had for a 'x reader' - what if Fugo had an s/o with anxiety that's specifically focused on things like anger, conflict, yelling, etc. I expanded on this concept and Liliana came to being. I knew that under normal circumstances these two would never meet, hence why I made them childhood friends.
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necroneos · 2 years
Records (1.4k words), Melone x OC (Anguria Eccitato)
Summary: Having heard from Anguria about her coworker Dante bullying and harassing her many times, Melone decides to take action.
 “You've had your face buried in your computer all day, the hell are you doing Melone? I mean, your face is almost always buried in it but you've been typing away without stopping. Clearly it's something important or else your face wouldn't be two inches away from the screen.”
    Formaggio stared at the focused lilac-haired man from two feet away, sitting on the same couch. It was weird seeing him work so fervently like now. Usually he worked at a casual yet quick pace and finished his tasks easily. But the gray-haired male shrugged it off as Melone being Melone.
    A small ping came from the busy male's phone. Melone stopped his feverish typing to pick up the phone without a word.
    9:35 – Today sucked. Dante tried something new today and it was so gross. I know he doesn't like me and has been trying to get me fired, but today he actually tried to cop a feel! The guy grabbed at my ass and gave it a squeeze. Ew...I feel so gross.
    9:35 – B
    9:36 – Oh, sorry, didn't know you were still working. Talk to you later then
    Although his expression remained calm, he felt a mild anger begin to bubble within. Only another reason for him to continue his current task.
    By the time it was one in the morning, the male had finally got ahold of everything he needed. The only thing left to do was take action. He closed his laptop and rubbed at his uncovered eye, blinking a bit afterwards. He needed to sleep for tomorrow's event.
Neuroscience Institute of Italy, 8:30pm
    Dante decided today that he'd put in some overtime hours. But it wasn't just that, he also had to finish his report for the day. It was a pain to do but he always got it done. After the report he'd start on the overtime he set out to do. As he typed away at the computer in the empty building, he stopped when he heard a male speaking in a thoughtful voice.
    “Hmmm...Dante DiMaggio, 52 years old and born August 21, 1949. A Leo, which makes sense. A well known and respected man in both his field and community. Known as a hard-worker and has discovered new and amazing things in regards to neuroscience. Has also helped some doctors in solving patient's cases.”
    Dante swiveled his chair and stood up quickly. “Wha - ! Who the hell are you!? This building is closed to everyone but the employees. How did you get in here?”
    Sitting on a nearby desk was Melone, blue-green eyes scanning some papers held in his right hand.. His lips curled up into a small smile and he looked up, his eyes cold as he stared into Dante's.
    “How interesting. Four counts of rape. Two of four were with underage individuals. But with the power of money, you were able to keep yourself from being put on the list of known pedophiles. I also see here you have a history of sexual harassment in the work place. That seems to have been covered up as well.”
    “With the field you're in now, you'd need to cover it up to get through college and earn the PhD you currently hold. My, Dr. DiMaggio. Not only are you respected by people in your field and community, but you're also considered an expert. I wonder what would happen if everybody learned of this.”
    The doctor swallowed, gaze nervous. “W-What do you want?”
    Melone chuckled. “Well, you see, somebody I know works here. I'd appreciate it if you stop copping feels and trying to get her fired. She works very hard and I'd hate to see her in trouble.”
    “Just what are you getting at?” Dante demanded, growing even more anxious.
    “Well, I could leak all this information,” The mafia member waved the papers in his hand,”Or I can just keep it to myself. That all depends on you though, doctor. Keep bothering her or lose your job.”
    His casual smile was still plastered on his face and his eyes were still icy as he continued to stare at the other man in the room.
    “F-Fine...just don't leak that information, I beg you.”
    “A reasonable man. I like that.”
    The lilac-haired male jumped down from the desk and turned away from Dante, waving at him from over his shoulder.
The next day, 7:23pm
    7:23 – Melone, you won't believe it! For once that damn doctor didn't try anything! He seemed oddly nervous around me though. Kinda weird but whatever.
    7:30 – That's good. I was starting to get a little worried with how much you were talking about him.
    7:31 – Aw, you were worried about little old me? How cute.
    Melone stared at his phone screen with a small smile and chuckled. He set it down and got back to the many tabs open in his browser window. He had some work to do.
    After he finished his work, he walked out of the main room in his team's headquarters. He made his way to the cordless phone that sit in the other room and picked it up, dialing down the first number on his written list. With this phone, he was able to stay anonymous while he called.
    “Yes, hello. Is this Station 9? I'd like to inform you of something I believe you'll like.”
Friday, 6am
    Melone sat in his apartment on the couch, grabbing his remote. He'd called nearly all the local news stations and sent e-mails of Dr. DiMaggio's criminal record last night alongside it. He'd never planned to just let those records stay secret in the first place. While he himself could be quite the cold and calculated individual, he seemed to lose some of that cool he had when it came to Anguria. He flipped through the channels until he reached the first news channel.
    “...And in other news, shocking information was submitted last night by an anonymous caller. An e-mail containing the criminal records of Dr. Dante DiMaggio was submitted as well. A respected man in his field and community, as well as a leading expert in neuroscience.”
    “His records have revealed four counts of rape and numerous charges of sexual harassment of female coworkers. Two of these counts of rape have been found to be with underage individuals. These actions taken by Dr. DiMaggio were covered up by him through a hefty sum of money many years ago before he acquired his PhD. The board of directors are currently looking over the information with Mr. DiMaggio currently suspended.”
    The assassin's lips quirked up into a confident smirk. His work had paid off.
Friday, 4pm
    4:10 – HOLY CRAP, MEL!!!
    4:15 – What's up?
    4:17 – It's Dante! He wasn't here today and I asked a few of our coworkers. They didn't know what was up themselves. So I went to the manager and asked about it. He told me that Dante was put on suspension! I asked why and thankfully since the manager trusts me he told me. Four counts of rape and some sexual harassment! I almost can't believe it.
    4:23 – Mind if I come over at 7?
    4:23 – You don't even need to ask anymore at this point, silly. You have a copy of the apartment key.
    4:27 – A poor decision, really. I just thought I should at least ask first.
Friday, 9pm
    Anguria laid in bed tiredly, her arms wrapped around the slim and slightly bony frame of Melone. His arms were wrapped around her as well, absently drawing aimless patterns on her back with his thumb.
    “I wonder how those records got leaked though...” She murmured.
    “Doesn't matter now.” Melone only replied.
    He leaned over slightly, pressing a gentle kiss onto her head. She blushed and was thankful that he wouldn't catch it in her position. She wasn't ready to say anything to him yet as she still wasn't sure the nature of his feelings. He was a hard person to read. But she also didn't major in psychology.
    Bashfully, she leaned upwards and pressed a few slow kisses on his jaw, leading up to his cheek and eventually stopping at his neck where she nipped twice.
    “Keep going and I think we'll be awake all night.” He mused teasingly.
    “You know we both wouldn't mind~” She replied, wiggling her eyebrows and grinning.
    Because right now, Anguria only wanted to focus on the bright side. Things were going to be easier for her now.
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necroneos · 2 years
Crumbling Facade (1.3k words), Melone x OC (Anguria Eccitato)
Summary: After a passionate dance between the sheets, Anguria goes to take off her makeup and thinks back to her younger years. And just how imperfect she looks.
 As Anguria laid in a sleeping Melone's arms, she was thinking those thoughts again. Over and over she could hear the voices of young boys and girls laughing. Brutta ragazza. Brutta ragazza. Brutta Ragazza. While she was around the lilac-haired man, she always found her self-confident facade slowly crumbling away. In the beginning, it was easy. It was only a simple one-night stand. But because of the wonderful experience she had that night, she gave him her number. And one thing led to another.
    The two of them laid naked in her bed after a few sessions of sex but she couldn't sleep. All she heard was the soft snores coming from Melone as he held her in his sleep and quiet purrs coming from her kitten Melata. It was his presence and the fact that she was left with just her thoughts. It was the perfect set up for her insecurities to sneak up on her and attack.
    With a sigh, she carefully disentangled from Melone and pulled the covers up a littler higher on him. She quietly treaded towards the bathroom in her room but didn't bother to close the door. She pulled out a few items from the drawers underneath the sink and set them on the counter. After fetching them she turned on her sink and tried to keep the stream as quiet as she could while having enough water to take off her makeup.
    Anguria took the makeup remover first and washed it into her face, cleaning it off with water soon after. She patted her face dry with a hand towel and finally applied moisturizer after. Once finished, she looked at her bare and naked form in the mirror. The face before her was foreign and familiar at the same time. Ever morning she'd cover up her features to paint a beautiful picture for the people around her. It was a sight she was so used to seeing that her natural features almost didn't seem right.
    Lips not as plump as normally seen. Eyelashes that weren't as long as others believe. Brows that weren't as highly arched. No, the face in front her was just a little over average. Nothing special that men would fall at her feet for. The one that others saw was the one she made to make her believe she was beautiful and desirable. It saddened her that she had tell herself she was pretty and put makeup on to actually believe it.
    She sighed and looked down at her feet, expression somber.
    “What's wrong?”
    She nearly jumped out of her skin when she suddenly heard Melone's voice. She yelped and swiveled around, eyes wide as she faced the male.
    “O-Oh, it's just you Melone. You scared me there. I thought you were asleep. If I woke you up, i'm sorry.”
    “I woke up when you left the bed. It got a little cold suddenly and I heard the water running.”
    Before he spoke again, however, he paused to take in Anguria's natural face. The makeup she'd put on each day definitely accentuated the features she naturally had. When he met her, part of him was drawn to her beauty. But upon seeing her now he knew that that was just what she showed to others.
    But she seemed to realize after calming down that she was showing her natural looks to him. She quickly turned away from him, facing the mirror again.
    “I'll get back to bed in a few minutes. You should get back to sleep.”
    Melone ignored her suggestion and instead took a few steps forwards until his back was almost pressed against Anguria's. He leaned over her shoulder and pressed a small kiss to her cheek before pulling away to rest his hands on her shoulders.
    “You're beautiful.”
    She blinked in surprise, a small blush covering her cheeks. “...H-Huh?”
    “Anybody can tell that you're judging yourself as you look in the mirror. After all, nearly every human does it. We're never satisfied with how we naturally look.” He pointed out.
    “Yeah, but i'm ugly.”
    “Ugly? Now what makes you say that, tesoro?”
    She reached over her shoulder and rested one of her hands on top of his.
    “Well, I've known you for almost a year now Mel so I think I can trust you.” She whispered.
    “I'm sure you know what group mentality is. When I was in primary school, a few girls bullied me. They always called me brutta ragazza.”
    Although Melone's expression was calm, just those two sentences angered him.
    “They acted like I was something gross and avoided me. If I was anywhere near them, they'd say stuff like 'ewww, go away! I don't want to catch your ugliness!'. But it went from just a few girls to all the people around me. Obviously not the whole school but the people who were around me the most often.”
    “The girls continued to call me by that nickname and the boys,” Anguria swallowed, tears starting to form in her eyes,”They said I was so ugly that I didn't deserve their attention and that I wasn't good enough.”
    “Nonsense!” He interjected, voice slightly raised.
    He caught himself though and calmed down.
    “You're beautiful, cara.” he whispered softly.
    To be honest, Melone wasn't sure why he was feeling the way he was. Perhaps it was from the near year that they've known each other. As her friend, he was angry for her. While she knew little about him, he knew things about her. And it's common knowledge that the more you know somebody the more you become emotionally attached to them. His choice to approach her after their one-night stand was an oversight on his end. He was in deep with her.
    “What's so nice looking about me?”
    “I'll tell you. First, it's those eyes. Eyes that brim with life, determination, charisma, and humour.”
    He pulled his hand away from one of her shoulders and reached over her to grip her chin gently and glide his thumb across her lips.
    “Next are these lips. So soft as they press against my own and against my skin. When they pull up into that impish smile of yours.”
    Anguria blushed again. She never saw it like that and hearing Melone say those words made her heart swell.
    “Your body as a whole is beautiful.” He continued, letting go of her chin and skimming his hand across the front of her body.
    “These breasts that I love to rest my head against as I hold you.”
    He smiled deviously then. “And these thighs that I love to be squished between.”
    Her face went even redder. “Mel!”
    “I especially love to hear your voice as you talk, even if it's nothing important.” He continued.
    “And these hands. They're the ones that run over my body and the ones that hold me. But most importantly, they're the ones that bring me messages from you each day.”
    By the time he finished tears were running down her cheeks and she sniffled. Staring at herself in the mirror, she saw herself and Melone. But when she looked a bit closer at herself and thought about everything he just said, she began to see it. The small details.
    “Thank you.” She whispered.
    The other hand resting on her other shoulder pulled away. With his hands free he turned her around and wiped away the tears that fell down her cheeks without a word. He pulled her up against his chest and into his arms. With her against his chest, she could not see his somber expression. Every word he said to her made him realize. Those words and descriptions aren't ones you'd say to any kind of friend. They were ones you'd say to your lover. To the person you loved.
    “Let's get back to bed. It's starting to get cold and I think both of us would like to avoid that.”
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necroneos · 2 years
I was listening to the radio earlier....
@bennycake @dark-side-of-passion @jenorca
Then ‘Don’t Cha’ by The Pussycat Dolls came on and for some reason my mind immediately went to my Part 5 JJBA OC, Anguria Eccitato (Melone’s love interest) lmao. If none of you know anything about her, you can find everything I have for her in the #anguria eccitato tag on my blog.
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necroneos · 2 years
Welp, I got the design for Melone's love interest OC nailed. The first pic is her reference. The second is a really quick drawing I did for concept and overall get an idea for how I'd like her to look. Third is to get used to drawing her. Pose for third picture is by Kate-Fox. I decided to name her Anguria Eccitato. It means 'watermelon' and 'horny' 😂
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Big boobies like, Ds or DDs? Nice hips. Has a high sex drive. I don't have her personality nailed down quite yet.
An idea I have currently for her and Melone is that they met at a bar. Melone amused the idea of going to a bar one night to unwind and met her. Both got tipsy enough or outright drunk and dragged their asses off to the nearest hotel/motel to jump each other after enough flirting. He surprises her though because wow?? That's the greatest sex she's ever had (idk I HC that Melone read the Kama Sutra in full and stuff about pleasuring an individual because he was bored) ?? And he was decent enough a guy to provide some after care unlike other one night stands. Gives him her number (Knowing Melone he'd probs leave after he wakes up) and tells him she 'wouldn't mind a round two'. But instead of sounding casual so actually sounds excited/desperate. Idk I kinda feel it sets up a friends with benefits situation since he probs figures it's harmless enough. A friend-with-benefits-to-something-more thing.
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necroneos · 2 years
So I drew this a few days ago and I like it kinda. I feel that unless JJBA characters are in their own style or close to it, my style would do them a great disservice. So here's Anguria and Melone 😌. I, unfortunately, could not find who drew this reference pose pic. If anybody knows, let me know so I can properly credit them ❤️ edit: I found the artist. I'm a dumb dumb and didn't notice the artist written in the bottom right corner 🤣. So reference done by: _kamats
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