#ani's anecdotes
ani-bunnie13 · 12 days
we’ll be a fine line
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we’ll be alright
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book one to book five
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solarpunkani · 1 year
Hot 4am take but I feel like if we want to get people more interested in making their yards a more habitable space for wildlife like insects, we have to acknowledge that ‘Don’t want bugs in your house’ is still a 100% fair and valid point of view. ‘Loves nature’ and ‘doesn’t want roaches spiders and mosquitoes in the house’ aren’t opposites.
And with that in mind, when we propose to people that spraying pesticides around houses is Not A Good Idea, Actually, I feel like we need to give an alternative asides from ‘deal with it.’
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jvzebel-x · 8 months
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here's an update for all the "tOuRiSm iS fOr ThE pEoPlE" fucks. always remember that the second anyone steps foot on that land in the name of "tourism" or any other haole institution, that is colonizing&that person is a fucking explicit modern colonizer who made the conscious decision to be one and has spent a lot of fucking money on that trip to get their title. only that kine want more of their kin there-- don't pretend that shit is for anyone else.
drop dead of spontaneous combustion specifically, not even the sharks would want that pīlau fucking meat.
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mixelation · 1 month
i think it would be fun in minato reunited team disaster in their late teens as like a "OP team for PR/can take any mission" type of move. then suddenly a bunch of older admin are coming out of the woodwork like
"oh, you want to talk to that team? you want to talk to tori. everything she will say to you will be a trick. somehow she is still the best choice, just follow these rules. UNLESS you specifically need these things--" like how when my insurance paid for me to get a rental car and my adjuster was like "the rental agency will call you. they will offer you all of these things with your rental agreement. DO NOT ACCEPT THEIR OFFER" like getting sent on a quest to speak to the fucking fair folk
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tweeterwilbury · 3 months
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There are catedhrals everywhere for those with eyes to see
testimony by Robbie Robertson (2016)// Lily, Rosemare and the Jack of Hearts by Bob Dylan (1975)//You're gonna make me lonesome when you go by Bob Dylan(1975)//Bob Dylan about Robbie Robertson (circa 1966)//Tangled up in Blue by Bob Dylan (1975)
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solarwreathe · 5 months
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christmas with no limits
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really, this art was all an excuse to show you this image. i miss when old movie promo photos were awkward as shit.
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limeade-l3sbian · 5 months
If anything were to happen to me, I hope that the most significant message I conveyed was that you matter, and that there is always hope. Even if a flame goes out, there are always ways to reignite it.
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cerise-on-top · 2 months
could you write about Laswell and Farah having a s/o that loves to cook/bake?
Hey! Yeah, sure!
Farah and Laswell with an S/O that Loves to Cook and Bake
Farah: She can be a pretty big eater, actually. She can’t always be, and she doesn’t need too much food either, having learned fairly early on how to get by with very little food, but if she found something really good, and there was plenty of it as well, then she could just dig right in and eat two plates full worth of food. She loves the fact that you know how to cook, and cook well as well. Considering her past, there wasn’t always an abundance of food in her life, and fairly often the food she did get to eat wasn’t very good, so she can definitely appreciate you cooking her a good, nutritious and healthy meal. Will eat your food right up and tell you just how good it is every time, telling you how grateful she is to have you as well. While she won’t always be able to conjure up all the necessary ingredients, you can count on her to bring you some of the things she finds, knowing fully well that you can make something incredible with it. Although she isn’t too big on sweets, she will eat the occasional piece of cake or cookie you make. It won’t happen too often, since she can’t afford to gain too much weight, but she’ll eat it. She’s more likely to take your baked goods and distribute them to her fighters as a small morale boost. All of them know you by now and that you’re a great cook and baker, so everyone always looks forward to what you make. Either way, even if she doesn’t often have the time to do so, Farah loves helping you out whenever she can. Sometimes, when nothing urgent is going on, she might play around with you in the kitchen as well. Putting some flour on your nose, for example, while laughing a bit at your reaction. She won’t waste resources like that often, but she is down to clown around with you when she can.
Laswell: While she may not be the greatest cook out there, she can make some decent meals. She used to have a better feeling for it while she was studying at university and didn’t have the money to just buy some fancy food. Back then she would cook for herself fairly regularly, but these days she doesn’t have the time or energy to cook for herself anymore. She never was into baking either, though. Laswell can appreciate you, who loves cooking and baking, a lot. While she won’t always let you cook on your own, she does love helping you out when she can, there might be times where she can botch just how much of a specific spice goes into the meal. It’s better if you do it. However, you can tell her to do just about anything else, though, and she will. Doesn’t complain about it either, it’s the least she could do when you’re preparing such wonderful meals for yourself and her. Always compliments you on your cooking since it’s always a treat. Like Farah, she will also help you out while baking. She has even less of a clue how to make a good cake, but she can stir the mixture until it has a nice texture and add some ingredients according to you. As she doesn’t have the best feeling for how much goes in, she always uses a small scale you have lying around. When the cake goes into the oven, she usually stays behind a minute or two to watch it for a bit. However, she’s also the one who usually checks up on it to see if everything is going well or if the heat needs to be readjusted. She won’t do so without your okay, though. Once the cake is done she’ll always be the one to take it out, afraid of you burning your hand. Laswell is more inclined to eat sweets than Farah, so she’ll always eat a piece of cake or maybe a cupcake if you’ve made some. Gives you a kiss afterwards if your sweet good turns out especially good, which is almost always in her eyes.
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kevip · 24 days
ok can someone tell me why my sense of smell is so spotty? ever since the pandemic / my first bouts with covid, i just assumed my sense of smell had been permanently dampened.
But im noticing that my senses of both taste & smell get better when I pull myself away from studying and socialize with friends for at least a day or two after.
all that to ask— can sensitivity to smell (and taste) be a depression thing?????
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peachdoxie · 25 days
Maybe I ditch the job search for now and instead take my mom up on her offer to live at home over the summer while taking some Coursera courses to make my resume a little spicier.
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ani-bunnie13 · 27 days
you look lonely,
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i can fix that
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iamthepulta · 2 months
How much outdoor experience did you have BEFORE choosing Geoscience as a major? Poll Results and Analysis
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Despite total response at 67 people, I think the curve is very interesting. Traveling and being outdoors does seem to be a reason people choose geology.
If I could run the poll again with a larger sample size, I would include Year of Graduation (if possible), to see if there are changing trends over time, and also a Rural Travel/Rural Non-Travel to see if there are specific trends within Rural community responders.
-=- Discussion -=-
Geoscience programs show declining enrollment across the world and many smaller programs have closed due to that lack of enrollment.
I argue from the poll results that this trend might reflect larger cultural trends. The people who choose geoscience are driven by curiosity in the differences of the world around them. Exposure to those differences is enhanced by Travel, second only to the outdoors being readily available in rural areas.
Yet in America at least, travel is often cost-prohibitive except to Middle Class to Upper-Middle Class families. I propose that the decline of geoscience as a major might be connected to a decline in outdoor exposure, whether than be in time available to go hiking, outdoor access, travel being cost-prohibitive, school field trip funding, or suburban areas.
-=- Description of Options Given -=-
Not a lot (grew up in the suburbs/city; no hiking)
Urban Exposure (grew up in the suburbs/city; outdoors a lot)
Travel Exposure (grew up in the suburbs/city; traveled and was outdoors a lot)
Rural Exposure (grew up in a smaller city/town; outdoors a lot)
Familial Exposure (urban or rural community; family member was in geosci)
Familial and Natural Exposure (Lots of outdoor experience with family member in geosci)
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altschmerzes · 9 months
like i should not have to say in the notes of my fics on ao3 'this is a gen fic, it is clearly marked as a gen fic, it is not meant to be shippy, please respect that' when the fic is already clearly marked as gen and with tags indicating the dynamics are not romantic/sexual.
and then it still doesn't work. people still do this shit, no matter how loudly or clearly people say that on their fics. nobody can make you read and interpret a fic a certain way but what is it gonna take for you to understand other people's gen fics are not about your ship and you absolutely should not be saying things about your ship to the author based on their gen fic. most of fandom is already about you and what you're interested in can you not be happy with that and leave me and my fics and every other gen fic out there the hell alone.
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orinthered · 5 months
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2010 release meant for xboxes being played on systems a decade younger than the engine it was built on vs 2020 release by a game studio with a legion of redditor circlejerkers behind them hailing this game as the second coming of christ
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marisatomay · 5 months
Anyway that’s the last I’ll say on that because it’s really not even interesting. There’s nothing enigmatic going on. There’s nothing to parse. Everything is right there on the surface. What’s the point of a celebrity if they don’t make me want to put them in a jar for study.
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uniiiquehecrt · 7 days
It's like the Prequels again. Everyone blamed the actors when it's the director who deserves the blame.
Now that I've gotten that out of the way: to put my full thoughts into words... I want to say first that Robert Downey Jr. has this to say about Chris (in response to Chris feeling like he's not as important or as cool as the other heroes):
"Thor as a character was super tricky to adapt [...] but he and Ken Branagh figured out how to transcend, make him somehow relatable but godlike. Hemsworth is, in my opinion, the most complex psyche out of all of us Avengers. He's got wit and gravitas, but also such restraint, fire, and gentleness."
And this is SO true. He took the words out of my mouth.
Reading the article.. and how and where Chris notes feelings of inadequacy, or feeling he's complaining to much (and therefore being narcissistic by complaining), the burning himself out, etc. Suffice it to say I was struck by one thing in particular: There's a lot of Chris in Thor. A LOT of Chris in Thor. It's not a surprise to me, in that case, that he felt down and out about his role in the Avengers, and the MCU as a whole when Thor is, inherently, consequently, alien. But alien in the sense of being SO important, SO regal, so otherworldly in sheer scope and in depth that where he fit in was ... quite simply grander than the others in the overall scheme of things.
It was the Asgardians who brought the Tesseract to Earth and safeguarded it, and the Aether. Two entire infinity stones within their protection. That, is Thor. Who was the one to have a vision about the role of the infinity stones? Thor in "Avengers: Age of Ultron". Who was the one to bring the Vision to life? Thor, also in "Avengers: Age of Ultron". Who was the one to realize as far back as "The Avengers" (2012) that someone was working behind Loki? It was still Thor.
And what I find most interesting is that Chris isn't exactly wrong about what he says here:
"Sometimes I felt like the security guard for the team," he says. "I would read everyone else's lines, and go, Oh, they got way cooler stuff. They're having more fun. What's my character doing? It was always about, 'You've got the wig on. You've got the muscles. You've got the costume. Where's the lightning?' Yeah I'm part of this big thing, but I'm probably pretty replaceable."
Ignoring for a moment that this is absolutely not at ALL the truth, it's not a surprise to me that he felt this way for... particular people and branches within the overarching fandom spaces I won't name for the sanctity of this post. And it is unendingly sad to me to have undeniable proof from the horse's mouth that Chris lost sight of how much depth and beauty he brought to the table as Thor. And how important Thor is as a result.
And yet, I honestly don't blame him FOR losing sight of that. There's a lot he had to - and still has to - contend with. And almost everybody sleeps on his portrayal of Thor in particular. It's depressing to see.
RDJ saying he's got the most complex psyche is so true. Gentle and gravitas, restrained but filled with fire. I love that about Thor. I will always love that about Thor.
I genuinely hope, with Chris seemingly realizing just how far out of touch he fell whilst chasing the high that Taika Waititi's dipshit behavior allowed him to chase, that he does do better. Performs better. But I mean that more in the sense of...
Chris, should you ever happen to read even a small part of this: I hope that you fall back in love with Thor. And I hope you see how lovely he is - and has always been - specifically because of your portrayal of him. You and Thor are not replaceable. You're not boring. At no point have you ever been. And I hope for your last foray into Thor's franchise you get to feel the energy you did when you first put on the costume in the first place. When the costume came on, and it felt like it just fit, and you were transformed into the character entirely. I hope your final goodbye to Thor is filled with all of the love that you first welcomed his part to play with; for you and for all of us.
– and sappiness aside, genuinely, I really do hope that Thor 5 can be a film that Chris feels proud to be a part of. A note he's proud to end on. He deserves it; we all do.
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