daniiidenniiison · 2 years
open event starter
The event did say twenty and up, but Dani was fairly certain she was still the only one underage at the Sandersons’ party. In truth, she did not want to be there, already feeling on edge from the possibility of weird shit happening, as she’d learned that when it came to those three, shit was always weird. Still, she couldn’t just sit home while Max insisted upon coming, the fear of him doing something stupid like lighting a cursed candle a looming threat. With her brother nowhere in sight (despite their parents telling him to watch after her), Dani was left without someone to talk to or even so much as get her a drink. “Hey, you!” she called to the person in the back of the line for the bar. “I don’t know what the drinking age is in your part of town, but my ID is with my brother, who’s nowhere to be found, and no shot the bartender isn’t going to card me. Help a girl out?”
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blkcatmgic · 2 years
FOR: Open LOCATION: In the bar area
"I don’t know,” Binx looked at the shot in his hand, “I just know that it’s a slippery slope with tequila shots and me.” The last time he had let himself indulge in tequila Binx lost about two days trying to recover from it, then again, he had also done a great deal of drinking without eating that particular night.  The little voice in his head was reminding him that he had agreed to let himself relax and indulge tonight, but he wasn’t sure if tequila was pushing it or not. His blue-green eyes, the colors that resembled the ones of mountains, looked from the shot over to the person whom had handed it to him, “I’m not going to let you take a shot by yourself, though, that’s just rude. My only two conditions are that you don’t make fun of my tequila  dance too much and if I end up getting too heavy handed with the tequila just make sure I fall asleep somewhere comfortable,” he laughed, bringing the tequila glass over to clink against the other’s glass, “cheers!” He throws the shot, doing the inevitable wiggle dance he always does at the first taste of liquor, but he’s surprised at how smooth the shot goes down. “Next round is on me, are you ready?”
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colincubby · 2 years
Cubby couldn’t help but feel bad, after hearing about the falling out between Wendy and Peter. He knew it was bound to happen eventually, after all. Wendy was too smart to believe Peter’s lies forever, and Cubby still felt guilty by association. He never wanted to lie to her, too, but he also couldn’t go behind his best friend’s back and expose him. He’d been caught in the middle, and despite that the truth was out, he was still caught between them. His crush on her was still hidden, so in some ways he felt like he was still lying..
Seeing Wendy by herself, he took a deep breath and decided to approach her, to apologize. It was the least he could do. He waited until the guys were distracted so they wouldn’t say anything or interrupt. “Hey Wendy,” Cubby greeted her with a small smile. “Uh.. How are you?” @wendymadarlings​
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draculasmavis · 2 years
Mavis had some reservations from going to New Salem, she didn’t have any problem with the new neighbors at all but she did have her own Halloween event going on at the hotel the very same night. Hotel Transylvania always planned a celebration on Halloween and hearing another town hosting something caught her off guard. She’d been planning for more people to come around her establishment with so many more citizens now but instead the turnout at her own event was nearly non-existent other than families with young ones who weren’t allowed to All Hallow’s Eve. Even in the midst of disappointment, she couldn’t let down the few that did join her Halloween bash. She stuck around with a brave face until a lull in attendees hit and flew to New Salem to see what she’d been missing.
 A quick walk around the party was all that was planned, maybe talk to some familiar faces and dance to a song or two but nothing more since she did have her own party to get back to. Even from outside town hall she could see the place was full of partygoers and, overall, a better time than her own gathering. Mavis did just as she planned and wanted to leave as quietly as possible. She tried to find any way through the back and side doors but nothing opened, even with her double check the knobs were working. Her urgency to leave was met with confused faces and all she could to do was awkwardly laugh it off before finally trying the main entrance in the front of the building. Again, her attempt at leaving was unsuccessful and now she was growing impatient, “We can’t leave... why can’t we leave!?” She paced around until she found someone that looked capable enough to help her out. “I have to get back home but none of the doors are working. Do you know if there’s any way out of here?”
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wendymadarlings · 2 years
event starter for @northwestgirl​
Being in the same room as three people Wendy had liked at one point, and maybe even a a bit still, proved to be a more stressful problem than she’d been anticipating. Her mind was all over the place, and it was kind of tempting to just turn around and leave the building. For some reason, though, the doors wouldn’t open when she’d tried to open them from the inside, and Wendy was left stuck. There was only one person who was going to tell her exactly how to handle this gigantic mess straight to the point, and she went in search of a particular blonde. Wendy found Pacifica at one of the high-top tables surrounding the bar area, sipping on something as she stared off into the dance floor. “Pacifica! Oh, my goodness, it’s a mess. I haven’t even been here ... I’m not sure what time it is, but it’s a wreck, and the doors won’t open. Do you have any idea how to either leave this place or handle three different people you like in one room, together?”
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lillillians · 2 years
event starter for @emctionalwhirlwind​
Now that things were mostly back to normal in Lil’s life, she could finally focus on getting back to the way it was with Riley. Their impromptu stop at her bedroom window had led to a near sleepover with her visitor leaving in the early hours of the morning before the entire DeVille family woke up and realized. It finally felt right to ask her to the costume party as Lil’s date, which was exactly what she’d asked them before they left through the same window they’d entered. All Lil could now hope was that Phil and Kimi wouldn’t wind up starting another fight to put a dent in the night, but she was trying to keep her mind off of that and on her date. It was weird, saying it, but also felt right. “I can’t believe this whole place has just been here the whole time and we had no idea,” she said in awe as they approached the town hall. “I’m kicking Phil’s ass this time if he tries to ruin our night. Promise you’ll hold him down for me?” Lil joked, reaching out her hand. “You ready?”
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elsvh · 2 years
open starter location: halloween party (event)
Elsa was...really regretting her costume right now. She cursed herself for wanting to be authentic more than she wanted to be comfortable. When she had seen X in theaters it honestly changed her. It might be her new favorite horror series, even. But why she chose Maxine in her overalls as her costume? She was trying to get out of her own head and do something somewhat sexy because she knew how parties like this went and she didn’t want to look like a complete geek on the outside. But now she was inside, and even though her boobs were covered right now, she had to be careful not to drink too much or she was going to be flashing everyone who knows her and everyone who didn’t before the night was over. 
She also really should have brought herself a jacket. As she made her way through the crowds and the strangers, she paused when she found the bar. Shivering, she took a seat on a barstool before flashing somewhat of a smile to whoever started looking at her. “Great evening for a party, eh?” she said before crossing her arms over her chest to cover herself up a bit. “It’s a bit cold in here though. I thought for sure the mayor to my precious hometown would have invested in some heating by this time of year.”
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directorpickles · 2 years
“I’m glad you decided to dress up with us!” Tommy smiled as he clinked his drink against Kimi’s. Though her brother was dressing up with Phil instead of the rest of the gang, he hoped that the event would still clear some tension and bring the friend group back to where they should be. He didn’t want to bring it up, but he knew it was bound to happen at some point. For now, though, he kept things light and fun. The drink they both got was sweet, and he scrunched up his face a little. “What do you think? I don’t hate it, but ...” He shrugged, not an expert on alcohol, anyway. “It’s definitely strong.” @itskimibtch​
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punzgothel · 2 years
event starter for @smolderholder​
Rapunzel had been a bit scarred by the last event that had happened for the entire town, and she wound up having to be dragged to both the bonfire and this Halloween party. The only way she was going to say yes was if Flynn would dress up with her, as she’d never even known about the concept of Halloween before leaving the tower. It was kind of weird, the way people used old stories as an excuse to wear costumes, but it was also fun. In the tower, Rapunzel had just dressed in costume when she’d felt like it or when Peyton came over when her mother had been gone to help her act out a terrible play she’d written. Now, though, she was in public, and it was mesmerizing, seeing everyone look like someone they weren’t in front of her eyes, all in one place.
“Will you be careful with that?” she scolded with playfully rolled eyes, gesturing to his costume prop as they headed down an empty hallway of New Salem town hall. “You’re going to wind up getting hurt.” Rapunzel had thought it would be a bad idea to bring add-ons for their costume, but the flyer hadn’t advised against it, and Flynn had insisted. It was the only way she’d get him to dress up with her. “If you don’t put that down you’ll--oh, shoot, don’t tell me you cut yourself on that, did you?” Instinctively, she took his hand in hers, ready to heal it. “I’ll just say the glowing hair is part of the costume. Let’s be quick. Flower gleam and ... wait, what the heck?” 
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chmiclreaction · 2 years
Honey was having a blast. When was she not? Sure, she probably should’ve used the night to recoup after all the work she’d been throwing herself into instead of going out, but she was so curious about New Salem, she wouldn’t be able to rest anyway. She appreciated alone time but she was a social butterfly, she thrived on nights like these. As soon as she walked in she knew she’d made the right decision coming. The party was spectacular; the music, the decorations, the outfits. Speaking of--- “Your costume looks so good!”
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animaniahq · 2 years
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New Salem has invited everyone to host our annual All Hollow’s Eve Costume Party at their town hall! So join us on Halloween Night in New Salem, where the food and entertainment will be a wicked good time! The mayor and her sisters are set to perform when the clock strikes twelve and the Hex Girls will be performing right before them! We are to remind people that the event is for 20 and up only, so no children will be allowed to run amok at the party! Under the cut will be the details! 
PLOT TWIST: Our Halloween event is in gear and it has a twist! Once the people enter the party....they cannot leave until the sun rises the next day! A magical border is surrounding the town hall, but it is unseen to the naked eye.  It has sucked in the magic that enters, so no one’s magic is working. Beings with enhanced abilities have been dulled as well. As far as everyone is concerned they think they are trapped there for the unforessable future. So tonight everyone will be dancing....until they die!
The event starts on 10/24/22 and will be ongoing until 11/5/22.
Please make sure you tag any outfits/costumes with animaniahqoutfit and that any event starters are posted with animaniahqahe! Have fun!
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colincubby · 2 years
Though most of the lost boys were pretty aware of Cubby’s feelings toward Wendy (besides Peter), he was glad that Tiara was also still unaware. Knowing her feelings toward the other girl, he had a feeling she wouldn’t be too big a fan of his crush, and he intended to keep her out of the loop for the time being. Especially with everything going on, some things even he was still unaware of, it was better to remain causal and not bring too much attention to himself. “I almost didn’t recognize you in the costume,” Cubby admitted with a chuckle, motioning for her to join him in line for a drink. “Where’s Peter at? I thought I would’ve spotted him by now.” @tiarabellxo​
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wendymadarlings · 2 years
event starter for @captainpeter​
The last time Wendy had seen Peter after the bonfire went pretty poorly. They’d barely spoken, despite her desire to ask him if he was going to explore the very town that they now stood in. Wendy wouldn’t have been all that surprised if he’d gone with some of the boys, but it still would’ve stung. All she’d ever wanted was to be considered one of them, to be asked on their adventures without second thought. Instead, she was here at the same time as everyone else, in the same civilized room over being out exploring. It was a start, she supposed, and that was all she could really ask for at this point.
It was tempting to ask him if he’d been here before when she saw him across the room with some of the other boys, but instead, Wendy made her way over with a more friendly greeting in mind. Part of her just wanted to put what had happened with the lying and Phil behind her and try to get back to being just friends, the way it had been. “Peter!” she shouted over the music, giving her hand a small. wave. “I’m sad to hear you guys aren’t performing tonight, but I guess the Hex Girls are pretty good, too,” she said with a grin, keeping it at the surface for now. “Have you gotten to, um, dance or anything yet?”
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directorpickles · 2 years
Tommy surprisingly didn’t feel self-conscious in his costume tonight, though he was a little cold. He knew it was all in good fun, and he definitely got a few good pictures and laughs tonight so far. It was too bad he hadn’t thought to bring his camera to film some of the event — he’d just have to make do with the memories that would stick with him, and maybe record a few videos from his iPhone.
He couldn’t help but notice a familiar face he’d met awhile ago while working at the movie theater looking in his direction. Smiling and giving a friendly wave, he approached Kim to see what was up. “Hey! I’m guessing you’re wondering what’s up with this—” He chuckled, motioning to himself and the lack of clothing, the only thing covering him being the very short gold shorts he wore. “Rocky Horror, my brother’s idea.” @beepkim​
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directorpickles · 2 years
Tommy had a feeling Dil would want to do something unique for costumes this year, and they did not disappoint. Although Tommy was pretty cold tonight dressed as Rocky, he didn’t really hate it. It was funny and different, and he knew his brother was going to love it. Besides, with their friend group currently a mess, it would hopefully help to have most of them doing costumes together to make it seem like things were still somewhat normal. Tommy wasn’t mad that some of them were doing their own thing, but he knew it would’ve been better if they all stuck together.
It couldn’t be that hard to find Dil — they always stuck out like a sore thumb, and tonight would be no different. Once he spotted his brother in their costume, Tommy grinned and gave them a pat on the back. “There you are! Where’ve you been hiding?” @alienboidil​
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directorpickles · 2 years
It seemed like maybe Phil was going through something, Tommy thought, and maybe tonight he could somehow get to the bottom of it. It was even out of character for Phil to decide to do his own thing costume-wise rather than stick with the group, but he didn’t mind that him and Chuckie were doing something together. He just wanted the best for all of them, and he hoped that Lil or Kimi wouldn’t be mad at Tommy for getting in the middle and trying to get to the root of the problem.
He’d heard Phil’s Mama Mia! From across the way, and he couldn’t help but chuckle. “Not bad, Phil,” he mused playfully, a drink in his hand. “How’s your night going, dude? Where’s your sidekick, Luigi?” @philthedeville​
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