ohshocker · 2 years
open starter location: neverland
Selene was looking for a change of scenery. She was bored, she wanted to get drunk, and she wanted to cause as many problems as possible. So far the night was a bust and it was honestly pissing her off a little bit. She couldn’t find a single person in this bar interesting enough to mess with and she was about to call it a night until someone who looked at least a little interesting sat next to her. She ordered herself another shot, flipped her hair, and stared at the person next to her with curious eyes. “Are you as bored as I am? I think this place needs something to liven it up a bit. It’s deader in here than a cemetery.”
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anastasiatremcine · 2 years
open, friday night. location: echo creek, neverland bar.
“Are you going to buy me a drink or what?” Anastasia slurred to the person that was sat next to her. She usually wasn’t a drinker, but the weekend always promised fun times, especially if you went in drunk. The bar was filled with regulars and a generous crowd as many people were finishing their workweek. Work was never finished for Anastasia, though, there was always something to post on Instagram or Twitter, even if it was short and sweet. Most people assumed that Anastasia was sweet, and most of the time, she absolutely could be. For God’s sake, she even assisted her sister leaving the Tremaine estate, and still attempted to cover for Ella. Ella deserved better, she deserved to be free, and Anastasia wished for the same thing.
“I mean, we could take turns too?” She suggested, fully turning her barstool towards the person sat next to her. “But we won’t stop, until we’re tripping out of here and find another fun thing to do.” With this town, there were plenty of things for them to do. Luckily, the town was riddled with events and things to do, so there wasn’t anything that could stop the duo. “You down for that or what? Hope you don’t mind that I’ll have to record it for Instagram or TikTok.” Sometimes her job was exhausting.
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iridescentbella · 2 years
This was what Isabella got for not paying attention. She had her magic down for the most part, she didn’t normally struggle controlling it, but sometimes when she let herself get a little distracted... “Oh, shoot!” She winced, momentarily blinded by the light in the palm of her left hand. Blinking the white spot in her vision away, she let out a nervous laugh when she realized she wasn’t alone. Hopefully it just looked like a flashlight mishap. “You, uh, you didn’t see that.”
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nottmommy · 2 years
open starter location: gaston’s tavern
Colette didn’t normally go out to drink alone. She normally dragged along her friends or found a temporary date so that she didn’t have to deal with strangers bothering her. Tonight she was in a good mood though, so she was fine with new people trying to speak to her. She could easily handle her own if it came down to it and if anything, she was looking forward to a few drinks and maybe conversation. For a while she slowly drank alone and that was perfectly fine. Nothing soothed her soul more than a drink after a long day’s work. Eventually someone sat next to her though and began to speak and Colette turned herself so that she could face them properly. “Non, non, non,” she said with a sigh, shaking her head. “This is not the night to have a simple drink! It is the kind of night that you ask for the finest thing they have and just go with it and see where the night takes you. Are you afraid to take a risk?” She held her drink in her hand. “This? Very expensive. But it okay. Because tonight will be a good night. Would you like me to order you one? I can pay for it this time.”
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chrissiehook · 2 years
@capncodfish​ & chrissie hook.  location : neverland. 
Life wasn’t what it was cracked up to be. At least, that was what ran through Chrissie Hook’s head perpetually. Everything always looked better on the outside where people put on the front of whatever they would like to, whether that was: cold, kind, thoughtful, angry, happy, and Chrissie had come to terms that she would never be outwardly happy; she could pretend to be a well-adjusted citizen, but it was a facade. But it didn’t matter when she pushed all of her emotions and feelings to the side when she was visiting her brother, after sending him so many stupid, little notes to him. It wouldn’t be a pleasant reunion between the two siblings, she wasn’t there for that, but it would be an entertaining visit on her end. 
Chrissie couldn’t help the smirk that slid along her face as she entered Neverland, a bar that she would frequent quite often a few years ago. It had been approximately two years since she had seen her brother last, and she would subtly try to mess with him, whether that was teaming up with Peter Pan, sending him teasing and/or condescending notes, or exchanging his prosthetic hand with a hook - it was truly never ending on her end. She wondered if he would get annoyed enough to seek her out and confront her, but he never did, and that was quite boring. The smirk remained on her face as she made her way to the bar-top where her wonderful brother was standing. “Well, well, well,” Chrissie started off, taking a seat on one of the barstools. “Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.” 
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charliechess · 2 years
open starter location: outside wonderland
Charlie loved getting a vibe for the crowd before he dipped into Wonderland on a night off. He liked seeing the faces of people who might come in, sense their energy, and try to see if he could change the minds of those who didn’t want to go in. As he watched, his mind wandered off to nothings of riddles and poems he had read earlier. His mind often wondered due to his nature to grow bored at a rapid rate, so when he finally spotted someone he thought was worth bothering, he had been in a bit of a daze already. He just poofed right in front of them, so to speak, so that they didn’t miss out on a moment to speak. “Evening,” he said, looking around a little bit before making direct eye contact. “Where you heading for the night?”
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stupiddogbagge · 2 years
Cooper took a step back from his handiwork, looking up at the scarecrow he'd managed to get standing again. The Old Man kept getting knocked over, and he knew it wasn't the wind, because there hadn't been any. Maybe someone had been coming in? Shuddering slightly at the thought, Cooper gave the scarecrow one last shake before picking up his hammer and starting back towards the little farmhouse. About halfway there, he heard a rustling to one side, and he turned wildly, raising the hammer up near his head. When he saw who it was, he let out a shaky sigh, and dropped his arm to his side. "Wh-what the hell are you doin' here?" he questioned, feeling like his heart was about to leave his chest.
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daphneblakexo · 2 years
open starter location: coulter’s beach and boardwalk
daphne was super excited to be near the beach and soaking in the good vibes from everyone there. echo creek had really outdone itself with the bursts of color on every corner, and the carnival itself just looked so lovely. daphne wasn’t even sure where to start and since she had yet to find her crew, she was just walking around aimlessly as she tried to decide what to do. she eventually stopped for some cotton candy and had been nibbling at it a little bit when she spotted a familiar face. “hey! so glad to see you here. have you gotten on any of the rides yet? i’m like, so overwhelmed that i don’t even know where to start.”
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