#aniol is ann yule
dam-those-words · 5 years
15 Questions Tag Game!
I was (kinda) tagged by @georgiacambrielwritblr!
Rules: Pick a character (or two in my case) from your WIP and have them answer these 15 questions, then tag 15 people!
(Also, I already had this post done but when I tried to post it Tumblr went Thud appearently and deleted it instead, so I had to start over. Sorry for the long wait Georgia lol)
1. What is your full name?
" I'm Aniol Kaminski," The dirty-blonde male on the interviewer's right ruffles his red and gold wings. It takes most of the interviewer's willpower to not stare at them while shaking his hand; of course they've seen wings before, but never like these.
"Mattea Sarai," Says the platinum blonde on the interviewer's left. She completely disregards the interviewers outstretched hand and instead sits back in her wooden chair and crosses her arms.
2. What does it mean?
"Mine means something like, 'Stone Angel,' in Polish, so that's pretty cool." Aniol's voice is a growly-type deep, and paired with his thick accent, it takes the interviewer a second the realize what he said.
"You're so lucky. [Throwback to when his name was actually Lucky lmao] My name means some bullshit like, 'Princess,' or 'God's Gift,' or something. Makes me wanna barf just thinking about it." Mattea says, making a puking gesture.
"Woah there, young lady. Who taught you to cuss?" Aniol grins at her, but the way he flashes it makes it seem more like baring his teeth.
Mattea raises an eyebrow. "What do you mean, 'Who taught you to cuss?' Have you heard yourself?" She leans forward in her wooden chair, putting her elbows on her knees.
Aniol leans forward, copying Mattea. He whispers-- well more like growls-- something too quiet for the interviewer to hear, but makes the rage in Mattea's eyes simmer.
The tension in the room makes the interviewer realize that the wooden table in between them would do nothing if the got into a fight as bad as they'd been rumored to. The interviewer clears their throat and asks the next question.
3. Do you two have any nicknames or other names?
"I don't really have any, but this little devil does call me Bird Boy more often than she calls me Aniol," Aniol nodded towards the girl across the wooden table.
Mattea had snatched a peanut butter cookie from the gold-lined plate in the middle of the table, and now had a mouthful of cookie. She somehow still managed to say, "Are you forgetting about Jexi calling you Ann? Like, Ann of Green Gables?"
Aniol simply rolls his eyes, replying, "I'm not forgetting, I'm just ignoring the fact that you've appearently eavesdropped. And don't talk while eating,"
"Its not like I try to listen to everything that happens in your guys' rooms, especially at night when you guys--"
"Anyway, why don't you tell them what your nickname is?" His cheeks are a bright red as he talks.
Mattea smiles, relaxing a little and shrugging. "I don't really have any, either. Oh, well, Mayson calls me Matt sometimes. But other than that, none."
4. What's your gender?
"Male, obviously," Aniol says, the pink already fading.
"Female," Mattea answers.
"God, we're so boring. I wish we had Dani so they could spice it up," There's a tinge of sadness in his voice. He frowns down at his hands where he holds a small paperclip he had been figiting with, his short and jagged hair falling into his eyes.
Mattea's eyebrows scrunch for a split second before a mask of arrogance passes over he features, and she says, "Speak for yourself, amigo. I'm the most interesting out of the entire Assassin's."
Aniol's returning look is so full of an emotion that the interviewer can't place, but still makes them look away and clear their throat yet again.
5. What is your sexuality?
"I'm pansexual," Aniol says quickly, sitting back in his chair and grabbing a cookie.
The confusion must have shown on the interviewer's face, since Aniol adds on, in a matter-of-fact tone, "It means that I can like anyone, regardless of their gender."
The interviewer nods and turns towards Mattea for an answer.
She had become a completely different person than she was about five seconds ago: she had somehow scrunched in on herself, grabbing her arms as if she were cold. Her lips were pursed.
"I--uh, I don't... I think--" Mattea is interrupted again by Aniol, but this time her expression changes to relief instead of amusement.
"We've talked about it before, and Mattea would like to not answer that question. If we could move on, that'd be great." He says in the same matter-of-fact tone as earlier.
6. Where are you from?
"Poland, though you can probably tell," Aniol says, his accent somehow becoming thicker than before.
Mattea clears her throat, the tension slowly leaving her body. "I'm from here. Akida."
7. How old are you?
"I'm 25. I was born on October 2nd, 2005." Aniol says.
"I'm only two years younger than him, and yet he somehow thinks that he's sooo--" Mattea does jazz hands as she speaks. "--much smarter and wiser than me, even though I obviously am the smarter one."
Aniol rolls his eyes, throwing the last bit of his cookie at her. He hits her directly in the forehead. His eyes go wide.
There's a moment of silence before they both burst out laughing. It fills the small room, and the interviewer can't help but join them.
8. Any special talents?
"Not really. I mean, I'm pretty good at baseball, but my wings get in the way for any sport." Aniol ruffles his wings again in emphasis. The interviewer silently thanks themselves again for remembering to get a special chair to accommodate his wings.
"I'm good at using most weapons, besides those stupid miscellaneous ones. I'm also good at braiding my own hair, which is something even Jexi can't do." Mattea figits with her hair tie, throwing Aniol an arrogant grin.
"Hey, you should put all that on your future resumes. I'm great at weapons, also known as murder, I can tie my hair back like any normal human, and I can be incredibly stupid! I'm the whole package!" Aniol mocks, making his deep voice extremely high.
The interviewer tenses, but is pleasantly surprised when all Mattea does is laugh and look expectantly for the next question.
9. Any kids?
Mattea bark-laughs again, shaking her head vigorously.
Aniol only shrugs his shoulders and says, "In the future, if my partner wants them. But none right now,"
10. What's your aesthetic?
Mattea interrupts Aniol before he has a chance to open his mouth, ticking the subjects off on her fingers as she talks, "Water fountains, pale roses, lip balm, pastel colors, stationary--"
It's Aniol's turn to cut her off, asking what an aesthetic is.
"It's like... your vibes. Like, for you it would be something like... maybe lots of grey and orange things." Mattea explains.
"That sounds stupid, but whatever. I guess mine is cobblestone, rain... uh, bright orange feathers and pumpkins. I don't know what it means, don't laugh at me!" He adds when Mattea tries to cover her laugh up with a cough.
11. Who's your best friend?
"Are you sure it's only best friend? Nothing else?" Mattea prods at Aniol's answer.
"Oh shut up. What about you and Mayson, huh?" He snaps back. Her cheeks turn as red as Aniol's cheeks earlier.
"That's not important,"
"Mhm," Though their words suggest tension, their eyes are full of amusement.
12. Would you ever get piercings or tattoos?
"I already have a tattoo," Aniol says, pulling up his grey sleeve to show a black and white tattoo of an arrow on his bicep.
"Wait, when did you get that?" Mattea asks, leaning forward to see it better.
"Jexi gave it to me when we were nineteen,"
Mattea's eyebrows rise. "Jexi did? And you still refuse to acknowledge the fact that she's--"
"Did I not make myself clear, Matt?" Aniol snarls, letting his sleeve fall down.
Mattea snarls right back.
The interviewer hastily asks the next question, hoping to change their focus onto them.
13. When are you happiest?
Aniol throws Mattea one last death glare before ruffling his wings yet again. "When I'm flying,"
"With a certain someone," Mattea tries to whisper but the interviewer hears her anyway, smirking.
"Do you have a death wish or what, Matt?"
"Name a time when I didn't,"
Aniol starts to respond but is cut off by the interviewer, still desperately hoping to get through this interview without a fight. The interviewer asks Mattea the question again.
"If I'm honest, I really like sketching. And archery. And I do like to banter with this idiot," She smiles again, but it's (thankfully) filled with much less venom than before.
That quickly, the tension leaves the room. The interviewer was amazed at their ability to start and end an argument in less than a minute. No wonder these two were always in trouble.
14. What's your biggest secret?
"Oooh, that's a good one. Why don't you go first, Aniol?" Mattea claps her hands, threading them together and putting them on her now crossed legs.
"Oh, uh. I guess... I'm terrified of spiders. Like, I hate then with my whole being,"
Mattea seemingly can't help but laugh at that, trying again and failing at turning it into a cough.
"Hey, you're scared of them, too! Don't you remember when you made Noah switch sleeping bags with you because you thought there was a spider in yours?" Aniol hastily defends himself.
"Yeah, but," Mattea is laughing so hard she can barely talk.
It takes longer than the interviewer would have liked for Mattea to finally calm down, and to ask the question again.
"I think my biggest secret is how I got this necklace and why." Mattea answers, holding out a silver chain with a half-cresent moon dangling on it.
When she doesn't continue, the interviewer decides to move on and get this interview over with.
15. Last question: What's the first thing you notice about people?
"Hmm. I think I notice how they move firstly. That alone tells you a lot about them," Mattea answers, nodding at her own answer.
A grin creeps onto Aniol's face at her, but he only says, "I notice their eye or lips first. I don't really know why, and I honestly should notice their movement first, but," He shrugs.
Oh jeez, I'm sorry for the long post lmao!
And idk about 15 people, since tumblr might decide to not actually tag them, but I'll try as many as I can think of!
@supersockosis @toboldlywrite @quillwritten @quilloftheclouds @fruzsiwrites @reeseweston @writeness @bartlebyboys @pens-swords-stuff @msmeaghanrey
As always, you dont have to do this is you dont want to (or already did it), and if I didnt tag you feel free to do it anyway and say I tagged you!
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