angelbaby131 · 3 years
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HIS BLOOD was Red $5 ea Lead & Nickel free #paparazziaccesories #paparazzi #mensjewelry #accessories #paparazzibusiness #jewelry #anjewels #angelbaby #fivedollars #fashion #necklaces #rings #bracelets #earrings #sexyjewels #pretty #gorgeous #beautiful #goldjewelry #silverjewelry #gunmetaljewelry #rosegoldjewelry #sparkle #shine #ilovejewelry #ilovepaparazziaccessories #shine #loveyourjewelry #jewelryaddict https://www.instagram.com/p/CZbJRNjuOoU/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mysistersaremice · 5 years
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makomoonlight · 7 years
I just want all you people to be blessed by this version of All Night!
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vonahalv · 3 years
The Debriefing
((Following the conclusion to the “Mystery” series, Anjewel continues to make use of her bad luck/good luck karma and attends a debriefing with the Uncrowned.))
I shouldn’t be so nervous. It’s not as if I haven’t done this before.  Anjewel kept trying to talk her knees out of knocking and her stomach from dropping as she stood.  I hate public speaking.
She stood in a room underneath Dalaran, in front of a table surrounded by five chairs. Candles burned in their holders and torches danced on the walls.  One by one they walked in and took their places around the table. As they did so, she was given leave to sit herself, and she gratefully took a seat.  They had allowed her to delay her report due to her injury, and while she could now get around, the ankle was still a little sore.
“Make your report Anjewel.”  The voice came from an elderly man at the head of the table. Today he was dressed in gray with blue piping, and his gray hair was pulled back.  
“Yes Lord Ravenholdt.”  Clearing her throat and taking a moment to focus herself, she began.
“You see, I was out on a walk,” she paused as some collective groans moved through the table, “when I saw Finn entering the Slaughtered Lamb.  I’ve known Finn for years and this was out of character for him.  I kept my position on the roof,” and paused for another round of groans and chitters,” and waited for him to leave.  He came out with a large coin pouch hooked to his belt, one he did not have before.”
She swallowed hard, bracing herself for the embarrassment she knew was coming.  “Then I fell from the roof.”
“You what?!” Tess Greymane had half left her seat before forcing herself to sit back down.  “First, openly walking on rooftops and then you fall from them?”  All Anjewel could offer in her defense was a small shrug.
“It worked out though,” and she heard a chuckle from somewhere in the room. “The distraction I caused gave me a chance to look around while people were busy gawking.  I saw a draenei leave the Slaughtered Lamb and made note to investigate that later.  Later came sooner than expected, as he turned out to be working in one of our own facilities.  He was the doctor on shift when I arrived to have my ankle mended.”
Anjewel paused to take a look around and noted concern on several of their faces.  “I had mostly faked my injury to cause Finn to believe I was as clumsy as he thought, so I took the time fate offered me to question the doctor instead of receiving treatment.  He stated he was a middle man, that he and Finn had been working to undermine the First Warlock of the Black Harvest and that the number of people missing were their responsibility.  They wanted to pin the murders on Va.. on the First Warlock and weaken her power here in Dalaran, possibly to remove her from her position.”
“And how is your sister?”  This time the voice came from Taoshi, a nimble Pandaren who sat to the left of Tess.
Anjewel smiled in her direction. “She is well, Taoshi, thank you.  I have noted the eyes you have on her and am pleased to see she remains safe.” Her gaze returned to meet the eyes of Lord Ravenholdt.  
“He attempted to attack me, and though I realized the potential loss of information, I had no choice but to kill him.  From there you know the rest.  Evette and John assisted in cleanup. We dispatched a message to the First Warlock. I wanted her to leave Dalaran and to come where I could keep eyes on her.  She stayed with me during my rehabilitation. During that time Finn went missing.  I still have no idea how or why, especially as he still believed me to be in love with him.  I can only surmise that perhaps the death of his employer scared someone who took the time to remove the other piece of the puzzle.”
Her debriefing complete, Anjewel waited in silence as those at the table considered both her words and actions. 
“I still can’t believe you fell from the roof.”  Tess sat before her, exasperated. “We know you have a way of stumbling into situations of import, but must you ~always~ ~literally~ stumble into them? By the gods Black.”  Anjewel worked to suppress a grin and instead looked at her hands currently folded into her lap.  “I regret that I’ve never quite lived up to expectations.  I’ve the heart and mind of my father, and the reflexes of… well... “  No one in the room questioned why she trailed off, the memory of her father known to everyone sitting around the table.  
Anjewel’s father, known simply as Black to his friends in the business, had taught her from a young age.  She eagerly absorbed his knowledge and dreamt of the day she would wear leather, sneak around in the dark, get paid to eavesdrop and spread disinformation throughout the night.  It didn’t turn out quite as she dreamt, but she still loved this line of work and attempted to honor him every day. 
Lord Ravenholdt spoke up, “No. You don’t. Yet you consistently bring us information of import as he did. He would be proud of you. No one expects it of you Anjewel, which is why you’re so integral to our plans. Stop fighting who you are, or who you thought he’d want you to be.  Play the fool for the world and undermine our enemies at the same time.  You earned your place here when you retrieved those Fangs.  Hold onto them any time you question yourself.”
Anjewel allowed herself to look up and meet his gaze.  The intensity in his eyes never ceased to frighten her, though she also felt oddly comforted at the same time.  “I will not forget your words m’Lord. And thank you.  I’ve lost everyone but Valdis now.  I will attempt to stumble my way into keeping her safe then, if I can, and with your permission.”
“We will discuss next steps.  You are dismissed for now.  Stay close, we will call for you soon.”
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yumeno · 7 years
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bukbot · 4 years
Sustainably and Pastured Poultry online for them!
Celebrate THE BIRTH IN THAT LITTLE TOWN OF AGUA FRIA RODE A STRANGER ONE FINE DAY. Anjewel age 7. Let me build a fence. My minds this cave!
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artseducation2024 · 3 years
Art lingo By Anjewel Nacel
During the course of my first semester at CCNY, I registered for my first art education course. I didn’t expect a more engaging project which was my artist presentation. I choose to present about Candy Chan. I had no prior knowledge on who she was, what she has created, and what her message was. I chose her blindly and solely because I liked her first name and wanted to be spontaneous. Little did I know she was going to become one of my favorite artist of all time. During my research on Candy Chang I came across a ted talk she had done a couple of years ago. The first five minutes made me cry, every single word resonated with me to my deepest core. I have never felt such a strong personal connection with an artist before. She had lost someone close to her and that was what propelled her into her “Before I Die” project. I had lost my older brother a few years ago to suicide and I felt exactly what she was feeling. I have struggled with mental health, anxiety, depression, and at times have felt so alone. Candy made me feel seen, she made me feel hope, and inspired. When I lost my brother I kept myself isolated because it made me feel safe, I could be around a crowd of people and dissociate myself because I believed no one could ever relate. Mental health in my family has always been a taboo topic, no one ever spoke about their emotions and anxieties. Watching Candy Chang publicly talk about her loss, being so vulnerable, she created one of the best public art instillations of all time. People all over the world came together to write about their aspirations, their dreams, fears, anxieties, etc. She created a mural of truth of what we all as humans will go through, death. Through her adversities she created a moving and inspirational piece of art, and I could only wish to be as successful as she was in executing a project with this much gravity. As an artist I didn’t know what my motivation was until this project. It was like a fire was lite in my soul and something clicked, I know I have to try to make an impact in sharing my story. Commonality in emotions, grief, happiness, joy, sadness, that is our common string with each other. Art is my language. 
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Anjewel Nacel
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jessyradams · 4 years
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Anjewel bug!!! :D #chiweenie #puppers #doglife https://www.instagram.com/p/CDm-iAXnJLN/?igshid=vz9o6ez295q0
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josephml99 · 4 years
RT @anjeweler: everyone be careful these THUGS are carrying around cinder blocks https://t.co/CCCSy97f4x
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angelbaby131 · 3 years
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Making it do what it do #angelbaby #Anjewels https://www.instagram.com/p/CW1Ba-tFvTj/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mysistersaremice · 5 years
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Anjewel (age 7)
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f-ou-mi · 7 years
■1月 1/18(水)…AKB48・16期生コンサート ~AKBの未来、いま動く!~ @東京ドームシティホール 1/29(日)…AKB48 8thアルバム「サムネイル」発売記念サイン会(村山彩希・谷口めぐ) @SHIBUYA TSUTAYA
■2月 2/4(土)…高橋しょう子フリー握手会 @SHIBUYA TSUTAYA 2/12(日)…16期研究生公演 @AKB48劇場 2/22(水)…こじまつり〜小嶋陽菜感謝祭〜 @国立代々木競技場 第一体育館 2/25(土)…CP+(魚住誠一×池田ショコラ×永尾まりやポートレイトトークショー) @パシフィコ横浜 2/26(日)…anjewel「だって会いたいんだもん2017.2.26 1st Fan meeting」 @幸福の科学ヤングブッダ渋谷精舎
■3月 3/1(水)…AKB48 8thアルバム「サムネイル」発売記念特別LIVEイベント @チームスマイル豊洲PIT 3/18(土)…祝・メジャーデビュー!NGT48ここからプレーボール!《デーゲーム》 @HARD OFF ECOスタジアム新潟 3/18(土)…祝・メジャーデビュー!NGT48ここからプレーボール!《ナイトゲーム》 @HARD OFF ECOスタジアム新潟
■4月 4/1(土)…HKT48春の関東ツアー2017 ~本気のアイドルを見せてやる~昼公演(多田愛佳卒業コンサート) @さいたまスーパーアリーナ 4/1(土)…HKT48春の関東ツアー2017 ~本気のアイドルを見せてやる~夜公演 @さいたまスーパーアリーナ 4/7(金)…Dorothy Little Happy『FOR YOU /デモサヨナラ(2017ver)』ミニライブ&特典会 @TOWER RECORDS 渋谷店 4/9(日)…16期研究生公演 @AKB48劇場 4/15(土)…Dorothy Little Happy『FOR YOU /デモサヨナラ(2017ver)』ミニライブ&特典会 @TOWER RECORDS 渋谷店 4/16(日)…anjewel「もっと会いたいんだもん2017.4.16.2nd Fan meeting」 @幸福の科学 牛込拠点 4/21(金)…Dorothy Little Happy『FOR YOU /デモサヨナラ(2017ver)』ミニライブ&特典会 @TOWER RECORDS 渋谷店 4/22(土)…AKB48「サムネイル」劇場盤 発売記念大写真会 @幕張メッセ
■5月 5/5(金)…三上悠亜フリー2ショット写メ会 @EARTH CAFE 五反田店 5/6(土)…武道館アイドル博 @日本武道館 5/7(日)…anjewel 3rd Fan meeting「もっと、知りたいんだもん」 @幸福の科学 ヤングブッダ渋谷精舎 5/20(土)…「GEOアイドル部」レギュラーインストアイベント“THE FIRST JOB” @SUPER 2nd STREET 大宮日進店
■6月 6/3(土)…ときめき♡宣伝部 ~5th SEASON~ メジャーセカンドシングル リリースイベント @万代シテイ イベントスペース 6/3(土)…NGT48 チームNⅢ「パジャマドライブ」 @NGT48劇場 6/12(月)…℃-ute ラストコンサート in さいたまスーパーアリーナ〜Thank you team℃-ute〜 @さいたまスーパーアリーナ
■7月 7/8(土)…NGT48『青春時計』発売記念全国握手会 @幕張メッセ 7/9(日)…アイドル横丁夏まつり!!~2017~ @横浜赤レンガパーク 7/16(日)…AKB48 48thシングル「願いごとの持ち腐れ」劇場盤発売記念大握手会 @幕張メッセ 7/22(土)…16期研究生公演 @AKB48劇場 7/22(土)…江藤彩也香『ヒメゴト19』DVD・BD発売記念イベント @ソフマップAKIBA 4号店 アミューズメント館 7/23(日)…Dorothy Little Happy forever 〜the last stage we’ll do〜 @Mt.RAINIER HALL SHIBUYA PLEASURE PLEASURE
■8月 8/4(金)…TOKYO IDOL FESTIVAL 2017 8/5(土)…TOKYO IDOL FESTIVAL 2017 8/6(日)…TOKYO IDOL FESTIVAL 2017 8/12(土)…Rock In Japan Festival 2017 8/13(日)…「=LOVE」リリース記念 ミニライブ&握手会イベント @イオンモール幕張新都心グランドスクエア 8/19(土)…AKB48 16期研究生「レッツゴー研究生!」SKE48劇場出張公演 @SKE48劇場 8/26(土)…@ JAM EXPO 2017 8/27(日)…@ JAM EXPO 2017
■9月 9/2(土)…NGT48 チームNⅢ「誇りの丘」※8月・9月生まれのお客様生誕祭 @NGT48劇場 9/9(土)…純情のアフィリア「この世界に魔法なんてないよ」・エラバレシ「怪盗♡ブラックキャッツ」合同リリースイベント @サンシャインシティ噴水広場 9/18(月)…ファンキー加藤8thシングル「冷めた牛丼をほおばって」リリース記念ミニライブ&握手会 in 栃木 @ベルモール カリヨンプラザ 9/24(日)…もったいないフェア宇都宮2017(歌う海賊団ッ!) @宇都宮城址公園 9/29(金)…AKB48 16期研究生「レッツゴー研究生!」公演 本間麻衣 生誕祭 @AKB48劇場
■10月 10/1(日)…春日部警察署 安全で安心なまちづくりキャンペーン(一日警察署長 AKB48チーム8 埼玉県代表・髙橋彩音) @イオンモール春日部 10/8(日)…AKB48グループ感謝祭 ~ランクインコンサート~ @幕張メッセ 10/8(日)…AKB48グループ感謝祭~ランク外コンサート~ @幕張メッセ 10/9(月)…ちびっ子集まれ!☆ワイワイキッズパーク☆(歌う海賊団ッ!) @ファミリーキャッスル細谷 10/14(土)…AKB48 49thシングル「#好きなんだ」劇場盤発売記念大握手会 @幕張メッセ 10/31(火)…渡辺麻友卒業コンサート ~みんなの夢が叶いますように~ @さいたまスーパーアリーナ
■11月 11/3(金)…第45回東京モーターショー2017(ニッポン放送・街角ステーションpresents 9nine トーク&ミニライブ) 11/4(土)…AKB48 49thシングル「#好きなんだ」劇場盤発売記念大握手会 @パシフィコ横浜 11/5(日)…モリワキユイ インストアライブ @HMV&BOOKS TOKYO 11/12(日)…AKB48 16期研究生「レッツゴー研究生!」公演 @AKB48劇場 11/25(土)…TOYOTA presents AKB48チーム8 全国ツアー 〜47の素敵な街へ〜 秋田県公演 @秋田県民会館 11/26(日)…第55回技能五輪全国大会(AKB48チーム8 スペシャルライブ) @��レックスアリーナ宇都宮
■12月 12/2(土)…「SKE48福士奈央のまいしゅうどんちゃん」公開収録(出演:福士奈央・青木詩織・松村香織・菅原茉椰・髙畑結希) @ベルモール カリヨンプラザ 12/10(日)…純情のアフィリア ライブDVD先行販売イベント ミニライブ&特典会 @TOWER RECORDS 錦糸町店 12/16(土)…魚住誠一 × 永尾まりや スペシャルトーク (魚住誠一写真館TAMRON × Seiichi Uozumi) @anthrop Espresso & Biblio 12/23(土)…福山雅治 男性限定LIVE『福山☆冬の大感謝祭 其の十七 野郎夜!!4 "野郎夜は永遠に"』@パシフィコ横浜 12/24(月)…=LOVE 2ndシングル『僕らの制服クリスマス』発売記念 全国握手会 @上野公園 野外ステージ 水上音楽堂
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vonahalv · 3 years
The Mystery (Part 4/4)
Later That Day in the Sewers Underneath Dalaran
“Mistress Valdis.  A messenger for you.  Her name is Evette and states she has a direct message from your sister.”
Warily, Valdis looked up from a scroll she had been perusing.  What has happened now? She knows better than to call on me at work.  I’ll never get this spell to work if I keep getting interrupted.
“Bring her in.”  
Evette walked into Valdis’ chambers, and Valdis noticed that Evette took it in stride. Not many did.  Valdis’ walls were covered in torches burning green flame, skulls were used as book holders, and an imp whimpered in the corner, clearly unhappy to be here.  “Who are you and how did you find me?”
Evette curtsied and replied, “I am with the Uncrowned. The Black Harvest are not unknown to us, Netherlord.”  Presenting the letter, Evette stated, “The Ruby misses the Sapphire. I am expected to take and deliver your reply immediately.”
Valdis’ eyes widened.  Anjewel has never played this card before. “Wait here. I will read this and craft a reply directly.  Can I get you anything?”
“Nothing Netherlord, save your speedy reply.  Miss Anjewel is terribly hurt and eagerly awaits your news.”
Valdis rushed to her desk and cut open the letter.  As she read, Evette took a moment to look her over.  They could be twins, save that I know Anjewel is the younger sister.  Where her hair is auburn, Valdis’ is jet black and she favors more colorful makeup. Aside from that they could nearly pass for one another. I will make a report of this. It may be useful should the Netherlord need help from the Uncrowned. 
A letter was being pushed roughly into her hands and Evette snapped out of her thoughts.
“Go. NOW. I am preparing everything needed and will follow you by half an hour. Is she resting at home?”  Evette nodded, “Yes Netherlord.  We have taken care of her.  Finn escorted her home, but we had eyes on the way.  They are with her now and she is safe.  Just as you will be upon your arrival.”
Evening - Old Town District. The Window Outside of Anjewel’s Home
It was low, but it was there.  Thankfully Finn seemed not to notice.  He was stoking the fire and taking several long deep breaths.  “Finn. Would you mind? I’m terribly thirsty. The pain medication is giving me a bit of dry mouth.  Would you mind fetching me water? I’m not able to drink until this medicinal treatment is done.”
He turned, doing his best to smile, “Yes, absolutely.  I’ll be back shortly.”
The moment he left her window opened and Evette entered.  “As you requested Miss Black. Her response. She will follow my arrival by about half an hour.”  And with that, Evette turned and left, closing the window behind her.
“My dearest Ruby,
WHO WAS IT? ARE THEY DEAD? IF NOT, CAN I KILL THEM?  Why am I asking you here?  Of course you can have my company for a few weeks. I am dropping everything now and prepping the ingredients I need to bake for you.  I had not yet time to reply, but I did read your letter and look forward to talking about anything other than boys.  
Anjewel sighed in relief.  Valdis was still Valdis, so that much was good.  Perhaps she would have some ideas on what to do with Finn.  Anjewel wanted him to suffer for the lives he took, but so much evidence pointed to Valdis.  So much that I nearly believed it. Or did believe it. Or wasn’t surprised enough to disbelieve it.
Caught up in her ruminations, Anjewel hadn’t realized how much time had gone by.  The next she knew, she heard Valdis’ voice downstairs.  “You WILL step aside. I don’t care who you are. Where is my sister?”  Anjewel couldn’t make out Finn’s reply, but didn’t need to.  A familiar noise of heels on wood rose from the staircase and Valdis broke into Anjewel’s room.
Valdis took in the room:  Anjewel’s ankle was propped up on pillows, an empty water glass by the table, a fire that looked about to go out, and a smiling sister whose grin said, “I’m sorry, I may have overstated how injured I was.”
Rushing to her side, Valdis laid on the bedside, wrapping her arms around her sister.  “I missed you too Anj. I’d have overstated an injury to see you too.  I’m sorry I haven’t had enough time.”  Anjewel heard her voice grow cold as she continued, “I brought everything I need for cookies.  Why don’t we have a chat about just how you want them baked?”
Anjewel laughed and hugged her sister.  In a whisper she replied, “He is downstairs. I cannot talk freely until he leaves. Would you mind sending him home? I’ve been stuck with him since early afternoon.  And check my side table by the couch on your way up.  If anything is still on it.”
Valdis rose and smoothed her gown.  As she left the room she turned and said, “I’m surprised you’re asking for my cooking.”
It was several minutes before Valdis returned.  In her hand she held a glass of water and some burned papers. Anjewel just nodded.  “I expected that the moment he saw you walk in the door and come upstairs. Was there much left?”  She gratefully took the water offered and sipped slowly.
“There was enough.  Is this why you wrote to me? You were frightened I am killing off the boys who hurt you?”  Anjewel looked away, ashamed.  “He made it seem so… and you are so… and the cookies, the jokes…”
Valdis chuckled.  “Well, the cookies are real, and I did kill a couple.  But only the ones who REALLY hurt you. Like, the soul sucking, you were crying for months kind of hurt.”  Like the one who hurt me when she took Emmy.  “Can you prove it’s him?”
Anjewel walked Valdis through the day's events and the confession of the doctor.  “It’s him, Valdis. And I can’t cover up another one so close.  We have…. Procedures.  And this is really kind of … um… your kind of problem now isn’t it?  I took care of your guy - sort of.  So. You know.  Cookies.  We just need to find out who paid off the doctor.  But not today.  After all, I’ve a broken ankle.”  
Valdis brushed Anjewel’s hair back and adjusted her blankets.  Soon, Anjewel felt her energy start to fade and her eyes droop.  Looking at her now empty glass she said, “Valdis - I’m feeling sleepy all of a sudden.  What did you do?”  
Valdis’ eyes narrowed.  “Nothing love. Just gave you some water.  Rest well.  In the morning we’ll have coffee and cookies for breakfast.”
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レプロ・本間社長の守護霊降臨 出家の真実、本間社長の霊的真実が語られるwwwww
167:2017/02/15(水) 09:32:46.88 レプロ社長の守護霊降りてきたぞ まななん ( anjewel )@anjewel_mananan 「レプロ・本間社長、守護霊インタビュー」が開示されました! 富美加ちゃんが出家した本当の理由、本間社長の霊的真実などが語られておりますので、ぜひ見てただきたいです こちらはお近くの支部、精舎で拝聴できます https://twitter.com/anjewel_mananan/status/831651847291088897 レプロ・本間社長守護霊インタビュー | 幸福の科学 HAPPY SCIENCE 公式サイト https://happy-science.jp/info/lecture/2017/23457/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter 本間憲社長…
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yudarakks10154-blog · 8 years
0:名無しさん:2017/02/13(月) 12:34:56.78 ID:moneynews2ch ��優の清水富美加さん(22)が宗教団体「幸福の科学」の活動に専念するとして、芸能界引退の意向を明らかにしたことを受け、あるアイドルグループにネット上で注目が集まっている。 それは、「幸福の科学」学生部の信者で結成された「anjewel(アンジュエル)」というグループだ。今回の清水さんの「出家騒動」を受け、ツイッターには早くも「清水富美加がアンジュエルに電撃加入の予感」などと期待する声が相次いでいる。 http://news.livedoor.com/article/detail/12667372/ 22: 河津掛け(SB-iPhone) [TW] 2017/02/13(月) 11:14:45.57 ID:Q9ngQF9b0.net 2ちゃん教 続きを読む Source:…
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kennytan509-blog · 8 years
オヌヌメ:【悲報】急死したアイドル、救急隊が駆けつけた時の様子がこちら・・・ http://js.gsspcln.jp/t/043/151/a1043151.js 1: 名無しさん 2017/02/13(月) 21:11:39.76 ID:ZM0UI4od0?2BP(1000) 清水富美加、「アンジュエル」加入はあるか メンバー続々「出家歓迎」ツイート J-CASTニュース 2/13(月) 14:32配信  女優の清水富美加さん(22)が宗教団体「幸福の科学」の活動に専念するとして、 芸能界引退の意向を明らかにしたことを受け、あるアイドルグループにネット上で注目が集まっている。  それは、「幸福の科学」学生部の信者で結成された「anjewel(アンジュエル)」というグループだ。 今回の清水さんの「出家騒動」を受け、ツイッターには早くも…
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