brlngelsahome · 4 years
This is the Elsa I know and love
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This is a random hippie forest lady who walks around barefoot with a lizard and a bunch of rocks. 
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Not our Queen. 
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hereisisa · 4 years
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Ohhh see. She had a reindeer to pet.
I KNEW she had a good reason to abandon her sister, her family, her job, her home, her people.............
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anhanelover · 5 years
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Please do, Anna. P L E A S E
Credit: https://weibointl.api.weibo.cn/share/111220011.html?weibo_id=4456408302763630
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Oh wait, so this is real from KB????? lololololol
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starlight2111 · 4 years
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Sooo Anna's new outfit on the book cover inspired me so much that I was eager to draw some elsanna stuff!
I couldn't choose which filter I liked more for the second stage, so there are two of them
I know Elsa's sleeves in this outfit are different from what I've drawn, but just wanted to keep them this way x)
Don't repost, please! Reblog is welcome!
Hope you'll like it!
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breckstonevailskier · 5 years
I agree with everything this author says.
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kingkrisofarendelle · 4 years
Here's an unfriendly reminder that if you support #bringelsahome #relocateelsa #annaisherhome or any other of these stupid tags, you're not welcome here and it'd be better if you just block me
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Kristanna are no chemistry and development relationship already. After all, Anna really don't like him as boyfriend but as bestfriend. After all, they're not true love and not matching. I wonder if Elsa can be a nicest and charming prince to Anna. And Elsamaren is weird. Honeymaren just give information about the forest. I have no doubt with Elsanna. Elsanna has more Chemistry than the others. @Bringelsahome cause @Annaisherhome. I don't think KA relationship will stay forever.
Sorry that real life and fandom drama got in the way for me to answer your messages :) i’m gonna get on it now.
In the real world I’m sure KA wouldn’t last 2 days together. I’d give them a week, max, until they realised that they’re too different anyway and work better as friends. Anna seems to be with him out of fear of being alone which is terribly sad bc she’s got Elsa, but the books and canon stated that they don’t talk much so fuck Disney for being lazy and unable to imagine a world where women talk to each other instead of just compete who’s more beautiful or who gets the guy first.
About elsamaren.... LOL
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sakuraayanami · 5 years
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brlngelsahome · 4 years
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What will Disney do when they realize F2 was a flop?
Sure, people went to see it because it’s Frozen branded... but the lack of awards and achievements stands out against F1s popularity and acclaims. Why didn’t people like F2?
Because they separated Elsa and Anna (duh)
Right now I assume it is too early to even think about a Frozen 3 for them, especially since F2 was so high stress and a very much failure besides the box office revenue. Once the time comes through, they’ll realize they have essentially nowhere to go besides bring Elsa home.
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hereisisa · 4 years
I will not watch the documentary but my friend @99884321​ did and told me everything I should know about it. All credit goes to her. This post covers the first 3 episodes out of 6.
This documentary is extremely well made (unlike the movie) and shows the blood sweat tears of everyone involved. There are good things, especially about the beautiful animation, and it shows how everyone put so much work and passion into it! It’s actually enjoyable. But they were misguided in their passion. One or 2 wrong ideas throw them completely off base. Jenn takes the final decision so in the end it’s her merit/fault.
- Jenn wanted to call “Show Yourself” “I’m home”, she wanted to change the whole songs to Elsa finding her "home" in the glacier, but the Lopezes were opposed because it was too similar to “Let it Go”, where Elsa’s home becomes the ice castle, so they convinced her to tie it to the lullaby, so this is how the voice became Iduna’s voice. The focus of “Show Yourself” is on the voice showing itself, and helping Elsa transform into her new self and find her power, BUT the glacier = home idea still stands. It’s simply not the focus of the song. In fact...: - there’s a whole segment about how the blue colors of the glacier reminded them of Elsa and how this is her home now tho. So even if they didn’t change the lyrics of SY into something more specifical, the idea behind it stays the same:
Jenn says the glacier would make Elsa feel like coming home. Her ice connecting with ice that was thousands of years old. Ice that was of nature fully It would speak to her and be an emotional experience. Elsa’s home is the glacier, she lives there. When Chris Buck said it time ago I wondered if he really meant it, now I know they do. This is what they had in mind.
At least a part of the fandom can stop saying she lives in the forest and she has another family now. She is alone, in a glacier.
- This is an image of Elsa seeing her future self. To me she looks like a ghost...
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This is what they wanted of Elsa, a supernatural spirit with nothing human who lives alone in a glacier with nothing but memories.
She traded the company of her sister’ for her dead mother’ voice. Tell me about mommy issues! lol
- “See the sky” was a Northuldra/Mathias song they cut. All they said about “See the Sky” was that it was supposed to put pressure on Elsa to sacrifice herself for these 2 groups of people (Arendelle soldiers and Northuldra) but it didn't land the way they wanted it to during a screening so they cut it. Also Anna wasn’t part of the story, she was there at the end of the song but the focus was “Elsa is here to save the Northuldra and the arendellian soldiers”, so that’s another reason for them to cut it.
They had questions about how “See the Sky” contributed to the tone of the movie and played some snippets of the song. Something about how words and weapons do no good and Elsa was the answer to the riddle they searched for but she's just one person, and Anna was excluded. So they cut it.
- Yet Anna is completely excluded from the Elsa-Iduna story.
They said that’s what they wanted: Show Yourself is about Elsa and Iduna. Anna is out.
- A nice elsanna comment from Rachel Wood, she said these 2 girls have overcome the worst that life has to offer because they have each other. She should have said they HAD, since they wanted to turn Elsa in a ghost who lives in a glacier.
- Anna’s song: KB did not talk about codependency at all , just moving one step at the time. She talked about her depression and anxiety and how this works for Anna, and Chris Buck’ son.
So far the documentary is good, and everyone one who worked on it did technically a good job....but those 1-2 wrong ideas fucked up the whole thing for me, @99884321​ (and others).
My idea is that it’s obvious they didn’t understand Elsa and why people love her. (most) people loved her cause she was relatable, a shy and awkward queen who overcame her insecurities to rule her people and took control of her magic.
Instead they made her even less relatable. :(
The main idea, IMO, was: let’s get her out of the way cause Anna has to be Queen. Elsa will be perfectly at home in a scary glacier with nothing but memories, right? It’s blue like her dress! yay! While all her world was Anna. Anna was her home and should still be.
I feel like they wanted one sister as human, queen, alive, and the other as spirit, ghost, magical being. And I really really really hate it.
So congrats on the hard work, but jesus christ WHY??? WHY???
@99884321​ let’s rant about part 2 once you’re done watching it all, ok? :D And thank you so much for the recap!
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anhanelover · 5 years
Can anyone help me edit this to make it look better? 🤣
I am suck at editing so if anyone can help me, I will send you clear and separated version of these arts 😅
Commission by Kryomei Kat (Vietnamese artist)
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brlngelsahome · 4 years
Has anyone considered that Elsa, now that she’s decided to become a hippie and live in the forest with natives, most definitely now shits on the ground instead of a toilet.
It’s all fun and games deciding to take a gap year camping trip until you realize you have to 💩 in public...
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hereisisa · 4 years
I just want to say how much fucked up the deleted song is.
Here’s the words:
See the Sky
Mattias: Please understand the hope you bring Your highness, we've tried everything We even once tried getting along Mattias,Yelana: It didn't stick. Yelana: Nature wields an iron fist Mattias: You twisted it and caused this mist Mattias, Yelana: And everything you stand for is wrong! Anna: Tension. Ryder: But that's behind us Ryder, Honeymaren, Soldier: Our words and weapons do no good Yelana, Mattias: You're the answer... Yelana, Mattias, Honeymaren, Ryder, Soldiers: ...to a riddle All: We never understood Anna: She's just one person! All: Yes You The gift nature gave us! You Are here to save us! Use your power, hear our cry! You're our only hope To ever see the sky You Our only salvation Elsa: I want to give this to you! All (cont.): You Could be the solution Elsa: I want to give this to you! All: You Are our resolution Elsa: I'll do all I can do!
All: Sky or die! It's do or die! Do or die! Do or die!
Anna: Can we NOT use that word?! All: This is the day To see the sky You are the way We're gonna see the sky! Set us all free To see the sky You are the key We're gonna see the sky!
They are openly asking her to DIE FOR THEM.
lol Even Honeymaren, like....what a ship elsamaren is, the girl just wants her to DIE FOR THEIR FREEDOM and some people ship them? LMAO!!
It’s CLEAR from the song there’s only ONE PERSON WHO CARES FOR ELSA and that’s ANNA.
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brlngelsahome · 4 years
The ending of Frozen 2 really confused me, and I saw it like 5 seperate time in theaters :0 
I had to come onto here and learn that Elsa apparently lives in Ahtohallan??? A literal giant, abandoned cave of ice?
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I guess Elsa is too busy playing with her imaginary friends in Ahtohallan to pay attention to Anna ?
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brlngelsahome · 4 years
I’m sorry to break it to you, EM stans
Disney never intended to make HM a “main” character... she was a tool for exposition, and she served her purpose. The only reason she’s be in F3 is in THE BAKCGROUND (where she belongs 😒)
Enjoy this time where you have a delusional thought that your ship will become canon, because the next Frozen installment has no choice but to show which ship remains focus.
Hint: it’s not ElsaMalaria, or the het one 😜
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hereisisa · 4 years
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Not sure i want to know how they fucked up over and over....for 6 episodes.
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