#anne buchoy
k7l4d4 · 3 years
Amphibia AU Cont. (Plus New AU)
*Groggily stumbles to computer. Eyes snap open at sight of time*
I AM LATE!!! *Mumbled curses and screams of self-loathing* All right, time to bust out the continuation to my Amphibia AU, Gifted Calamities, also known as Alone Together! (Which I was supposed to post an hour ago)
As the new era emerged, life had changed. Humanity had long forgotten the Three Gifts and the blessings they gave them. All of humanity, that is, bar a few. The Guardians of the Treasured, an organization born of the descendants of that little village that gave so much to protect the Gifts, have watched over humanity all this time, waiting for the day the Gifts returned to this plane, and for the Order of the Beast to crawl out of the darkness to pursue them. For many years, the Guardians held to their duty, watching, training, and most of all, waiting for the day everything would change. And now that day has arrived...
As if by magic, people gifted with incredible powers and abilities starting springing up overnight. Some chose to use their gifts to benefit others, stylizing themselves as heroes, defenders of the weak and innocent, others chose to use their powers for mundane matters, turning towards the civilian and commercial sectors, and others... others turned to their most depraved impulses. As more and more people came into the world with powers, conflict inevitably followed. Clashes of superhuman beings raged across the world, towns, cities, and even some small countries wiped off the face of the Earth by these monsters in human skin, these Calamities.
In response to this conflict, task-forces and elite units gathered, specializing in the neutralization and elimination of Calamities. The greatest of these units, Basic Order Industries, gathered such acclaim and success that they were revered as saviors by those who had lost homes and loved ones to the conflicts of the Calamities, preaching of their greatness in cities and nations all over the world. Young children grew up listening to how incredible Basic Order was in the same vein as comic book heroes. But... what caused the Calamities to come about? And how?
An: My AUs name for Anne. A young Calamity born with immense empathetic powers, she knew the fundamental nature and emotions of all she encountered as if they were her own. As a born Calamity, she was often ostracized and bullied by her peers; friendless and adrift, she and her family wandered from town to town, hoping to find refuge for her. Tragedy struck, one day, when a band of Anti-Calamitists tracked them to their house. A fire was struck, her parents beaten within an inch of their lives and tossed into the flames, still conscious, for the “crime” of raising An instead of “drowning the abomination when it was still weak.” Lucky, or, depending on your view, not so lucky, the murderers were horrifically drunk and unbearably loud, the sheer hate pouring off them sending a flare to her wherever she went. And so, An ran, with nothing but the clothes on her back, and two heart-shaped birthmarks to guide her.
Marci: My AUs Marcy. A Calamity gifted with a massive intellect and an uncontrollable hunger for knowledge, she could see the fundamental possibilities of all she saw. Concerned with what the future would hold for her, Marci’s parents called Basic Order and gave her up to their care to raise and protect her. Marci is an innocent youth, unfamiliar with the cruelty of humanity, and burning with a desire to help others, she often serves as the unwitting poster child for Basic Order, always under the care of her guard and nanny. As she grew older, Marci grew progressively more and more frustrated with her limited ability to help people in need. In a bid to quell her desire for excitement, Master Levi, the Head of Basic Order, reluctantly allowed Marci to go into the world and see it for her own, yet unbeknownst to her, Marci was being secretly shadowed by her caretakers. Now if only she could find out the secret of her birthmarks, this would be a perfect adventure!
Sash: My AUs Sasha. Born to wealthy socialites, Sash was the ugly secret of the family. Ever since her birth, Sash was held in isolation, raised on scraps and educated by the whispered pieces of conversation that caught her ears. One day, Sash awoke to commotion. Soldiers had broken into her home! Filled with an unfamiliar rage, why did she NOW care about the intruders?, Sash unleashed her Calamity powers for the first time, shattering the walls of her prison room to dust in a single blow. As she finally took stock of the world she only heard through a concealed wall, the ruined halls splattered with the blood of the intruders who had been killed by the soldiers, she turned, howling in anger, ready to rip and tear until it was done, only to be cut off by light puffs of air and sharp pricks suddenly burning form her arms. As she collapsed from the tranquilizers now coursing through her body, Sash had no idea that she had broken free of one hell, only to enter another...
Alright, now onto the second AU: This AU is for the Owl House, and is known as the Outcast Coven AU.
Outcasts. People who don’t fit in with what society allows to be acceptable. In the Boiling Isles, these poor saps are lucky if they can skulk in the shadows, avoiding the leering eyes of the Cruel Conformatorium guards. Unfortunately, not everyone makes it. This is based on the idea of, what if the prisoners Luz freed tracked her down to thank her?
Fransheen: A witch with a passion for fanfiction and food, she blended her loves by creating stories of anthropomorphic food falling in love. Eh, it’s not for everyone, but it makes her happy. After tracking down Luz, she often enjoys writing stories and comparing literary strategies between each of them. As the Second in Command of the Outcast Coven (everyone vetoed the name Bad Girl Coven as, while awesome a name, it was exclusive towards male and non-binary members *Eda still won’t stop grumbling about it*), Fransheen basically does all the actual work, not that she minds as it gives her more emotional fuel for her fanfics, giving advice to Luz and acting as the de facto chef of the Owl House (All that love of food resulted in her honing her skills as a chef before it branched into literature).
Higo: The eye-eating Prisoner, he is surprisingly knowledgeable on anatomy, or maybe not so surprising considering his habit, and often helps patch up Luz when she gets a bit too reckless. Quickly pegged on to Eda’s curse, he helps her manage her condition and provides her with help getting her elixer.
Tiny Nose: Also known as Tino (pronounced Tie-Noo surprisingly), she is a well known local conspiracy theorist and a passionate critic of the Emperor and the Coven system, though she abashedly admits to enjoying its benefits when she can. Her wild theories and her open disdain of the Emperor more or less the favorite of Eda among the Three New Freeloaders.
Will have more of this someday, hopefully soon.
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k7l4d4 · 3 years
Two New AUs (Loud House & Amphibia)
Today I am rolling out two new AUs for all you folks looking for something to help fill the hole in your lives that only inspiration can! ...That was too over the top and I apologize for it. First off, my Loud House AU, Ring Me Up!
Did somebody call for a hero!? I had an idea for DC Crossover with The Loud House, and I was hoping to share it with everyone. Has anyone heard of the H-Dial? Not to worry for those who haven't, as I will explain! The H-Dial, also called the Hero Dial, is a device that allows someone to tap into a location known as the Hero-Verse, a dimension where every possible superhero that ever was, is, or will be, no matter how improbable, is connected. By dialing HERO, the wielder of the H-Dial can turn into any hero throughout the Multi-Verse! But it's totally random, so you can get either something totally amazing, or incredibly bizarre, and the second is far more likely unfortunately. Enter Lincoln Loud, a seemingly ordinary boy with a less than ordinary family who find the H-Dial. The version he finds is a bit different, as it is an experimental proof-of-concept with an unusual nature; rather than turn the wielder into a hero, it turns someone close to the wielder into one instead! To use it, Lincoln enters HERO into the Dial, and then presses a number. 1: The Determined, heroes with nothing special to them, with either very weak powers or none at all, they became heroes due to the hard work they put in and nothing less. The avatar of this number is Lori. 2: The Gentle, heroes whose greatest strength isn't their powers, but rather their compassion and connection with others, they will reach out to save anyone, even a villain. The avatar of this number is Leni. 3: The Gifted, heroes who were lost in life, without purpose or direction, until something or someone not only inspired them to be more, but gave them the ability to do it. The avatar of this number is Luna. 4: The Manic, heroes who don't always fit in to society, filled with boundless energy, and a though process that is absolutely unique. The avatar of this number is Luan. 5: The Mighty, heroes of strength and prowess, the ferocity within them can never be restrained, whether for good or ill, they invariably have powers that either let them hit, or be hit, harder and longer. The avatar of this number is Lynn. 6: The Tired, heroes who are not accepted by society, defined by the suffering they have endured, they constantly walk the border between the light and the dark. The avatar of this number is Lucy. 7: The Wild, heroes of nature, they aren't afraid to get rough and tumble, and thrive off of what most civilized folks struggle with. The avatar of this number is Lana. 8: The Elegent, heroes who have it all, grace, beauty, power, they constantly battle the temptation to do bad with all that they have, as beneath their beauty lies something twisted. The avatar of this number is Lola. 9: The Brilliant, heroes defined by their minds, who dedicated themselves to using their gifts not just to benefit mankind in the long-term, but the here-and-now as well. The avatar of this number is Lisa. 0: The Future, heroes who embody all the hopes and dreams of a brighter tomorrow, who have walked to the abyss and seen not horror, but unrealized potential and beauty. The avatar of this number is Lily. What do you all think? The above AU requires no hard knowledge of DC Comics, as the only element from DC is the H-Dial, one of the most obscure relics of power in all of DCU Publishing History!
The next AU is for Amphibia, and is what I like to call, Alone Together. Note: This is meant to be a Superhero Reconstruction AU, in which the idea is to breakdown the premise and uplifting notions of comic books heroes, and then build them back up. Here we GO!!! Also, the name of the AU is Gifted Calamities.
Long ago, the Outer Rulers were, well, bored. They had existed for so long, experienced so much, that they struggled to find anything to break the monotony of their immortal existence; it would not be wrong to say that they had been driven mad from boredom!! Yet, soon, they came across a world, just starting to fill with life, and thought of an idea. They had experienced so much, why not make something instead? Falling to the world, which had only just started developing its civilizations, they came upon its people, the humans. With mischief and intrigue within whatever counted for them as hearts, they blessed upon the simple race three gifts: Wisdom, Strength, and Heart. With the seeds of their entertainment planted, the Outer Rulers vanished, eager to see what fruits would bloom under the labor of their unknowing pawns.
As humanity found the Three Gifts, they were enthralled; with Wisdom, no knowledge was beyond their understanding, with Strength, no feat was too daring to accomplish, and with Heart, no soul was beyond salvation. But as with all power, there came those who coveted it for themselves and themselves alone; the Order of the Hungry Beast. This ancient brotherhood found the power as enthralling as their brethren, yet where the others saw beauty, they saw only their most depraved wants and whims come to life. With Wisdom, no scheme could fail, with Strength, no nation could not be conquered, and with Heart, no soul could not fall under their sway. As the Order grew in influence, they encroached upon the Gifts, drawing them deeper and deeper into their clutches. Yet, one day, a young nomad, gifted in the ways of Heart, came upon them in the dead of night, as they schemed to kill the village that held the Gifts and seize them for themselves. Horrified, the nomad, roared in alarm, her furious shriek rousing the village to action. Coming in droves, the humble village, tasked for all these years with guarding the Three Gifts, stormed outward, horrified to see that the members of the Order, those they called brother, sister, mother, father, son, and daughter, were plotting against them.
A great clash rocked the land as the Order of the Beast and the Villagers, headed by the young Nomad, battled to decide once and for all how the power of the Gifts would be used; would they be gifts of wonder, bringing humanity closer together, or gifts of strife, driving humanity against one another in eternal darkness? As more and more members of each side fell, the Nomad looked on in sorrow; for every one of the Order who were taken, three or more of the villagers were lost. It was a battle of attrition, one that they were losing! What could be done? Yet, over the din and cacophony of battle, the Nomad could here two fierce cheers; the young inventress, barred from the conflict due to a broken leg, and the chief guard’s apprentice, who volunteered to protect the children, both yelling to the heavens: “Don’t give up. You haven’t lost. You can still win. We believe you will win, so win!” As the Nomad, heard them cheer, her heart filling with joy and resolve, something... sparked. 
Just as the feeling came, it quelled at the sight of two soldiers from the Order rushed the cheering onlookers, hell-bent on silencing their voices that bolstered the hearts and resolve of the Villagers. As her heart filled with dread at the no doubt bloody sight to come, the Nomad reached out, screams of warning resting on her lips, only to fall silent as the two cheering onlookers sprung into action; the injured inventor pulled a peculiar apparatus, and launched a bolt of sharpened wood into the soldier nearest to her, and apprentice guard sprung into action, crashing down onto the hapless enemy with a fierce grin. Both turned to the Nomad, seemingly seeing her across the carnage and chaos of the battle field, and nodded. As the spark once more burned into her heart, the Nomad turned to the oncoming hoard of Soldiers and said this: “You may rage and struggle, lash out and torment with your cruelty and selfishness all you like. But you will never win. Not because we are stronger than you, that we are more than you, but because, unlike you, we have not forgotten the first Gift humanity ever had. The Gift of HOPE!” With a roar, hearts filled with the Hope burning through the Nomad’s cry, the Villagers, resolve honed into an unstoppable force, leapt into the final clash.
It was over. The Villagers had one. With the final rally of the Nomad, they pulled together the strength to break and scatter the cowardly Order. Yet, in the end, the victory was bitter-sweet. The Nomad, a kind stranger who none knew the name of, had fallen in battle, the corpse of the Order’s leader cooling beneath her. The apprentice guard, so full of life and fire that drew all into her orbit, died standing, guarding the door to the children held within, the corpses of all who tried to cross the threshold piled around her, unwavering in her duty even in her death. The inventor, heedless of her injuries, had lured a platoon that had broken into the Hold into her workshop, and collapsed it all around them, a defiant smile beaming across her face. As the Villagers took stock of the ones who had given so much for them, a noble stranger who could’ve left them to their fate, an absent-minded inventor who constantly worried the village with her studies sacrificed her prized inventions, that which she held more sacred than even her own life, to fell the enemy, and the young guard who went above and beyond her duty for those she loved, they knew what must be done. Taking the Three Gifts and the bodies of their three heroes, the Villagers committed all to fire, both to honor those who gave them their future, and to keep the Gifts from EVER falling into the hands of the Order and their selfish crusade. The Gifts were destroyed, the heroes bodies lost. All they had to do was pick up the pieces.
Thousands of years have passed, and a new era has dawned. The Gifts have returned, as has the order. The only question is: what happens now?
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