#annie trying to help actually has me CRYINGGGG like please shes just trying to make him happy
ughgoaway · 9 months
bff anon is a fluff stan first but an angst fan second tbh..... so long as canonically they are meant to be id love to read some angst of the 'I F they actually broke up' etc ohmygod it would wreck me but i can't wait to see what u come up with ace!!
thinking of matty completely regretting it after and just feeling so awful for what he said to you and wallowing in his misery...and annie suddenly comes up to him and she doesn't really know what's happened and just innocently asks when you'd join them for dinner (a poor attempt at cheering her dad up bc he almost always lights up thinking of u) and the way it just shatters him completely,,,,, let me cook 😍
- bff anon :D
no way!!! omg, I was thinking when I came up with the concept, "Will bff Anon hate this..." So I am veryyyyy happy to hear that you are an angst enjoyer, hehehe! very unexpected from you bff...
they are definitely cannonically together and happy with annie and baby boy, but it is fun to consider the other reality... ahh I hope you enjoy whatever my brain spits out.
oh he would be WALLOWING. not shaving, watching his favourite movies on repeat and not leaving the house. all he does is replay what he said to you over and over again. he thinks about what he would do differently, what he would say differently.
how he would just do everything completely opposite to what he did.
she'd notice matty being a bit distant and think she was helping... ohhhh, that's so sad. especially when he initially lights up and then remembers it's his fault you're not here already.
he has to fight the tears as he lets her down gently, explaining that you are going to be busy for a little bit and won't be around. but after she goes to bed he just fucking shatters. calling one of the boys and breaking down to them.
bff your mind.... unmatched fr.
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