#anon i am sorry this took so long i had nearly every panel done for literal months
tonyage · 1 year
rusty downloads candy crush in an attempt to seduce vulnerable widows but actually just ends up getting addicted and spends several thousand dollars on powerups
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does a prompt ever just capture you
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capricornus-rex · 4 years
What You Fear To Lose (3)
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Cal Kestis x Reader
Requested by: Anon | Prompt:
Okay so maybe a fic where Cal keeps having nightmares and visions when   he meditates of the reader dying and the events leading up to her death.  He starts being really protective and the reader tries to reassure him  shes fine. But on a mission things start happening that he saw in the visions before the reader dies and gets really on edge. You can decide how it ends, aka reader dying in cals arms to make me cry or him saving  her to also make me cry! Sorry if this is too much!!💕 
Tags: Near-death! Reader
Previous: Part 2 | Masterlist
3 of 3
The Fifth Brother finally drops you to the floor, half-dead and barely holding onto your last thread of life.
Cal flung himself back on the surface and landing a strike on the Fifth Brother. Astounded, the Inquisitor witnesses the rage of a Jedi—their strength and biggest downfall—he realizes that he is not yet done with this fight. Cal’s heart rate is going through the roof, factoring from the race against time in completing the objective and saving you, along with the head-to-head duel with the Fifth Brother.
“You think your sudden burst of power will save you? Foolish boy! Join her in death then!”
Stuck in a clash of blades, Cal managed to turn the Inquisitor’s guard down, slipped past him and afforded himself a strike from behind. You struggled to turn your eyes to the battle, you raise a weak hand directed at the Inquisitor, and while Cal was busy trying to lower the enemy’s guard, you stole the Inquisitor’s lightsaber—in one last effort, you flung it while it was still activated straight into the main power pillar.
White sparks flew in all directions from the main power pillar, with the surge of power clashing with one another, the Fifth Brother’s lightsaber was destroyed in the process.
Before the Fifth Brother could further react, Cal kicked him down the shaft, his back colliding with the lower walkways as he fell. From the outside, Cham saw the result of your work and the fighters have picked up their momentum. Cal ran up to you, fell to his knees, and cradled you.
“[y/n]? [y/n], stay with me, baby. Come on…”
You struggled to keep your eyes open.
“Cal… I can’t… it hurts…” you sobbed.
“Okay, it’s okay,” he whispered frantically.
“You have to go…”
“No, I’m not leaving you!”
In a last resort, he attempted the only thing that he has never done up until now. He tried to remain calm in a span of a few seconds while hell was breaking loose. He places his hand on your stomach, just near the stab wound, and focused whatever Life Force he can muster into you. For a moment, it felt like cold water was running across your skin until the sensation touched your organs.
In return, Cal felt exhausted and sluggish. It’s as if the toll of the duel had finally reached his body, though he felt the rush even after he’d kicked the Fifth Brother down.
It felt good… but it was only enough for the both of you.
“[y/n]…? Can you stand?”
“I… I’ll try…” you whimpered.
All of a sudden, standing up became difficult for him; it felt too much of an effort for him—in addition to having you hanging by his shoulder—as he hobbled you out of the chamber.
“Come on, [y/n], we’re almost out of here,”
The path that seemed like a quick sprint for him transformed into a strenuous, long trek. He brought the commlink attached to his gauntlet to his mouth.
“Cham, the main generator’s destroyed…! We need reinforcements in the stronghold… now!”
“My men are on their way to you already!” Cham radioed.
“Hurry, [y/n] is hurt real bad!”
“Hold fast, we’re coming!”
The urgency in Cham’s voice was a relief, but the probability of his men reaching you seemed bleak. Cal has never been this terrified in his life and this was a horrible first time for him. Never in his life did he expected a premonition to come true. He used his strength to scoop you up from the floor and into his arms as he strode through the hallway, destroying the control panels of the blast doors to bar the Stormtroopers that might tail him.
I thought… I could stop it…
I thought… I could protect her!
And now she’s dying!
“Please, [y/n], not now!” he begged.
“Cal…” you barely breathed. “I can’t… anymore…”
“No, we’re gonna make it. You’re gonna make it!”
“I don’t think…”
“Come on now, just a few more steps! We’re almost there!” he whimpered tearfully, holding you ever closer to him. “Please, don’t go out quietly on me!”
His determination was also in shambles. His conscience has been shattered into half—a part of him believed you can make it, the other believed that this premonition is materializing, no matter how it went, the result shall remain the same as it was in the dreams: Cal will witness you die right in front of him.
As he dragged his lethargic body along with his precious cargo in tow, all the while, he’s mentally struggling it all. He has come this far already, he wouldn’t let himself go down this easily.
“Cham… where are you? Cere…?” Cal sobbed. “Please… help…”
Eventually, the young Jedi fumbled to the floor. His vision began darkening around the edges. He crawled behind a metal crate and dragged your body with him. Your eyes were closed and you were very still.
“NO! [Y/N]!!”
That cry siphoned out a lot of energy remaining in him, he repeated your name many times until your eyes could open again. He cradled you again, shaking you with every time he said your name.
“Cal…” your voice was barely within his earshot, but he heard it. He heard it.
“I’m here… Baby, I’m here…!”
“I’m sorry…” you weakly muttered, barely able to string words together form a complete sentence. “Save yourself…”
“No, no, it’s okay! Cham is coming, help is on the way…” he choked on tears. “I promise!”
The exhaustion is creeping up to him, slowly devouring and numbing his body. His eyelids were heavy, he could barely keep his eyes open. The explosive burst of the blast door didn’t do much in getting a reaction from him anymore, a familiar face shows up right in front of him.
It’s Cere.
“Come on, we’re getting you out of here!” she said with a tenacity and an uncontrollable desire to protect.
“Cere… came through… save her…”
The poor young Jedi, having the burden of the battle weighed on him, blacked out after registering in his mind that Cere has finally arrived.
Cal later wakes up in what ought to be the medical bay of the stronghold. The blinding white lights danced behind his eyes, the low humming of the air-conditioning rung close to him, he found his hands stripped of his gloves and climbing claws only to be replaced with bandages. A slight nudge of his arm made him feel the cold tingle of a drip needle stuck into his arm.
“Boo-woop! Boo!” BD-1 chirped.
“Oh, you’re awake,” Cere, standing at the foot of the bed, greeted.
“BD? Cere?”
“We did it, Cal. Cham has reclaimed the stronghold. He decided that this med-bay would be a better option that the medical supplies back—”
“Where is she?” he immediately snapped.
Cere exchanged glances with the little droid sitting on Cal’s lap. She swallowed the nervous lump in her throat as she carefully gathers the words in her mind that she’ll say to him.
“Is she safe? Is she alright?”
Cere sighed, the same resigned look was painted in her face again, only this time it was more somber.
The medical droid supported Cal in sitting up and finally bringing his feet to the floor. Cere took over and supported Cal by his side, making herself his crutch as they hobbled out of his med-bay room. Luckily, the ward where you’ve been placed is not far from his.
“We’re here,”
They come across a room whose front wall was a whole sheet of thick glass. In the center of the room, a group of medical droids—namely a GH-7 medical analysis droid, an FX-6 medical assistant, and a 2-1B. Cal watched them hover around your unconscious body in all sides as they extract the necessary medical data, reflecting their findings in hologram projections that were visible to even the visitors outside the room.
The GH-7 droid hovered towards Cal to report its diagnosis. Its emphatic voice was somewhat reassuring and soothing as it spoke, its perceptiveness on the patient gave Cal a stroke of comfort when he demanded to know the status of your health.
“She is very lucky,” the droid’s empathic voice purred. “And very strong.”
Cal noticed the hanging tone at the end of its sentence, he prompted it to continue.
“Fortunately, the penetration wound found in her abdomen did not rupture any of her vital organs. In fact, it barely missed the bottom of her left lung. However, the severity of her wounds factored to her needing immediate surgery. It’s a miracle that she was able to hold on in such a nearly-long period of time. The weapon used on her—to some extent—saved her. It cauterized her wounds both on the arm and torso, therefore lessened the blood loss. If it was any other weapon, she would have bled to death, and she would’ve died instantly.”
“Has she woken up ever since she got here?”
The droid hung its flat-faced head and gestured with its arms attached with various apparatus.
“No, I am afraid she is in a state of comatose. Her chances of waking up appear bleak. We are currently figuring out how long she’ll remain unconscious; until then, we can only hope. It is in my analysis that comatose patients—albeit in a sleep-like state—are still capable of hearing voices when being spoken to. You may do so in a few minutes. Please, excuse me.”
The droid gave a quick bow before turning around and hovering back into your ward. A few minutes later, it kept its promise and allowed you to go inside your ward. Cal sat down by your bedside, studying the hologram projections of your vitals’ readings as the droids hovered about, continuing their data extraction.
“[y/n]? We did it,” Cal whispered. “You did it, my brave little girl.”
He gently took your hand into his, feeling the softness of your palm and the warmth that you radiated. Even before he could utter a word, he was already choking while blinking away the tears welling up in his eyes.
“Please…” he muttered as he stared at the stillness of your face. “Please, fight. Please wake up soon. Until then, I’ll be waiting for you. Be strong, [y/n].”
He fought back the tears, telling you how brave you were in fighting the Inquisitor, if it wasn’t for you then he wouldn’t have defeated him. He promised you things that the two of you would do once you’ve awakened—he’ll take you to a trip to Takodana, knowing that you would love the fresh air and swimming in its great lakes, he’ll make Maz serve the best booze in the castle just for the two of you, and so many more things that you would have absolutely loved.
“Only if you promise me you’d wake up, won’t you, [y/n]?”
“Cal,” Cere tenderly called, not intending to break up his moment with you. “Come on, you need your rest too if you’re gonna keep your promises to her.”
“Yeah, I just… give me another minute,” he wiped the tears off his cheeks with his bandaged hands. He leaned closer to you, planting a kiss on your forehead before he leaves.
“Rest well, my love.”
As he turned away, he didn’t see the single tear that escaped the corner of your eye and the faint twitch of your fingers.
His voice, his words—you heard them all.
Even in your subconscious, you coax yourself harder than ever before to fight back, to regain your strength and fulfill your end of the promise.
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grandtheftstarship · 5 years
Not Yet (Leonard McCoy x Fem!Reader) [Request!]
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Prompt 21 with Leonard McCoy! 🖖🏻💙 -Anon
Thank you for your request anon :) Sorry for making you wait! I’ve been really uninspired lately and when I write and I’m uninspired then my work doesn’t have my heart in it. I really want the stories you request to be the best they can be, so I tried to write when my writer’s block was absent there for a minute! I really hope you understand and enjoy! 
also heartbreak but that doesn't matter
IMPORTANT!!!! I am going to be going on a quick hiatus to work on a larger fic on my AO3! It isn’t Star Trek, but let me know if you want to read it anyways. I will be finishing all current requests that I have. You can send in a request but just know that I won’t get to it very quickly!! Thank you!!
The next requests are: 1. Kirk 2.Spock
Prompts Chosen: 21. Just hold on… please
Word Count: 1645 Warnings: graphic descriptions of injury, swearing, A.N.G.S.T, sciencey stuff I made up, ending is a little rushed Posted: Tumblr, Wattpad
Leonard had warned you. He told you he had a bad feeling about the away mission. He told you it was a bad idea, but you went anyway and now you were paying the price. 
You were the only one to survive the malfunction. You were the engineer, designated to keep the shuttle up and running while the science officers recorded their data, but an Ensign you didn’t know the name of had screwed with some wiring and everything was fried. Everything, including the Ensign, and every other officer aboard the vessel. The only reason you survived was because you were conveniently working in the back rubber-sealed room of the shuttle. 
“[y/l/n] to Enterprise!” you shouted into the receiver, frantically trying to steer the shuttle as it plummeted through the atmosphere of Mantilles. “Goddamnit, pick up.”
“[y/n]? What’s wrong?” Jim’s voice came in static and you nearly collapsed in relief. 
“Jim, something fried and killed the whole crew. Engines are gone. I’m going down- ugh!”
The shuttle lurched violently as you re-entered the atmosphere, feeling your ears pop and the cabin’s temperature start to rise. You waited until the hot brightness of the flames and the rushing in your ears died away before opening your eyes again. 
The comm reconnected to the Enterprise and you could hear Leonard trying to reach you from the other side.
“[y/n]! [y/n], can you hear me?” 
“Yes!” you called back, hands flying over the control panel as alarms started blaring. “Shit!”
“Beam me out!” you shouted, panic rising in your chest. “Beam me out! 1,000 meters from the surface!”
Your breathing got faster as you tried in vain to do something, anything to stop the shuttle from falling so quickly. 
“Jim, please!” you heard Leonard begging on the line. “Somebody, please do something!”
“500 meters!”
“I’m trying but there’s something wrong with the shuttle’s hull, I can’t get a lock on her!” you heard someone yell. 
“200 meters,” adrenaline mixed with fear shook your hands violently as the control panel flashed red in warning, the trees getting closer and closer. Your movement stopped slowly as defeat settled into your bones. “Leonard-”
“Don’t you start,” Leonard choked and you could tell he was trying not to cry. 
“100 meters,” you tried not to cry either, knowing all of the crew on the other end about to watch you die. You decided to go down honorably. “50 meters.”
“35. 20. 15.”
You could hear frantic yelling on the other end as the count dipped under 10 and the shuttle started hitting the trees. You quickly activated the safety belt, even though you knew it wouldn’t do any good.
Your line went dead.
Leonard was frozen. He didn’t particularly know what he was supposed to do in this instance. He felt numb as he heard the static coming from your comm and the word TERMINATED taunting him from the screen displaying your zeroed-out vitals. A small part of him pointed out that the tech could be wrong and you weren’t dead but he pushed it away. He knew that it was over. 
When he finally noticed how the bridge had fallen silent besides the klaxon sounding quietly in the background and the computer repeating ‘warning’ in a steady rhythm from his medical station, he tore his eyes from the screen and looked around. Uhura was crying, Jim looked like Captain Pike had died in front of him all over again, Spock was holding Uhura, turned away from the rest of the crew, Sulu’s face was paused in an expression of horror, Chekov’s head was in his hands, and everyone else didn’t seem to understand what had just happened. 
Even though he was already standing, he made a show of pushing his chair away from behind him, the clash of metal on metal as the chair hit the floor slicing through the silence. Leonard’s sad eyes met Jim’s and suddenly he wasn’t sad anymore. Anger welled up inside him and he rushed off the bridge. He could’ve stopped this. Someone could’ve done something. His feet took him to his office and he stopped when he stood in his doorway. Both his eyes and his hands twitched with rage. The door shut behind him and Leonard snapped. He slammed his hands on his desk before moving his arm in one fluid motion and sent everything resting on it tumbling to the floor with a crash. He stared at the papers, padds, pens, pencils, and various other things littered all over the floor before the tears started welling in his eyes. He never thought he would be an angry cryer, but here he was. He collapsed into his desk chair, head down on the desk, and let it out.
You don’t know what woke you. Maybe it was the heat, or maybe the pain, but whatever it was it sent your eyes flying open. You gasped in agony, feeling the weight of whatever piece of the shuttle was crushing your right arm and legs. It was almost too much and you felt the darkness start rushing back into your vision but you blinked rapidly, pushing it away. You were smart enough to know that if you went under again, there was a good chance you would never come back up. 
You tried to survey your surroundings though the pain you were feeling in a multitude of places made it a bit hard. It seemed to be late morning on the planet judging by the way the sun filtered low in the trees, making it a bit easier to see the wreckage of the shuttle around you. From what you could tell, you were under the main control panel and part of your seat. You could feel the belt ripping the skin around your abdomen, and the upper strap had definitely broken your collar bone. You looked around again, eyes settling on a communicator, unharmed and just below where you were stuck. Hope soared through your chest, but only until it suddenly dawned on you that with the destruction of the shuttle, everyone most-likely thought you were dead. 
You decided to focus on trying to get yourself out from underneath the piece of shuttle without permanently losing your legs instead of dwelling on the fact that the people you cared about most had already left you behind. 
You felt around with your free hand, not feeling any blood, so you figured it was internal bleeding. You were somewhat right.
You groaned as you started to lift the piece of metal off of your body, feeling the blood start to pool under your legs.
You were able to heave the heavy steel up and off of you, wincing at the loud crash following as it made contact with the ground. You stayed in your position for a minute longer, allowing yourself to breathe before propping yourself up on your good elbow and nearly passed back out. 
Your body was covered in your own blood, left leg bent painfully in an odd direction. When you sucked in a breath, pain seared through your shoulder and you looked down sharply. Yeah, your collar bone was definitely broken. 
You refocused on the communicator. You had been wedged between two shuttle parts until you had freed yourself and now you were elevated several feet off the ground. You tried your best to keep yourself braced as you attempted to slide down the bent piece of metal, crying out in agony as your broken leg hit the reddish dirt. You clutched your knee, letting a few tears slip out from your puffy eyes. Something warm and wet started seeping through your ripped dress again, and you noticed that with the impact you had started bleeding from everywhere again. You glanced back up at the rusty-looking spot you were just laying in, cringing at the fresh red streaking through the white hull. 
You limped for the communicator, ending up in a crawl, and hastily flipped it open. 
“[y/l/n] to Enterprise,” your croaked out, clutching the communicator for dear life. “Please, please...Anyone..?”
You don’t know how long you lied there, waiting for someone to pick up. Your eyes were bloodshot, cheeks tear-stained, hope slowly dissolving; until your communicator picked up something. 
“[y/n]?” came your static reply. You wanted to cry again you were so happy.
“Yes, yes it’s me!” you cried back, gasping in relief. “Leonard... is that you?”
“We’re coming to get you darlin’,” he said back. Your excitement started to wear off as you noticed the blood pooling around you. 
“Uh, Leonard?” your heart started to race. You couldn’t die now, not when you had just found your family again. 
“Yes, darlin’?”
“I’m losing lots of blood...” you trailed off as your eyes started to droop, fatigue settling in your bones. 
“[y/n]! Listen to me, you have to stay awake okay?” Leonard spoke worriedly. 
You fought it, you really did, but the darkness was just enough to force you to succumb. You lazily managed to press the tracking beacon on the communicator before going under, hearing Leonard pleading on the line.
“Just hold on...please.”
You were hazily pulled out of the empty sleep you were in, cracking your eyes against the harsh lights of what you assumed was the medbay. You stirred, hissing in pain when you moved. 
“[y/n]!” Leonard said in surprise, dropping what he was doing and rushing to your side. “How are you feeling?”
“Better,” you smiled up at him, never happier to see his smiling face. “Still hurting a little.”
Leonard leaned in for a quick kiss, trying not to hurt you. “I’ll come to check on you in a bit, okay?”
You nodded, sending him a small smile. 
“Also, never do that to me ever again.”
You nodded, smiling wider. “Don’t worry, I don’t particularly like being in shuttle crashes.”
He beamed. “Get some rest. I love you.”
“I will. Love you too.”
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