#anon; its so gross you'd even include that
wintershub · 5 months
I've seen other mutuals getting flak and even I got flak from it on some old blogs but I guess just a general disclaimer (even though this is in my rules)
I will of course tag them and keep in mind I never glorify any of them. Abuse, violence, self harm, and various other not so nice stuff is never romantizied, treated as a good thing, etc, etc. Personally I don't see the point of putting in things like that if you're not going to put them in a negative light but that's discussion for another day
And no, there's no fandom truly safe from me putting my own spin on certain characters no matter how dark it may be.
Keep in mind, you're welcome to not participate, not like it, or dodge certain dark materials. I will be as accommodating as I can, I will tag almost anything as long as you properly reach out and talk to me. But for the love of God, no not shame people online for just writing dark topics. If you take issue with it and we're mutuals, talk to me. If we're not mutuals you can always block me and move on. We're all adults, please act like it.
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bonni · 25 days
Hii Bonni different anon here with a genuine question - I’d love to hear what you think about the difference between “process addiction” (porn, gambling, etc) and “chemical addiction” (heroin, alcohol, etc). Is one more clinically “legitimate” than the other?
It's not so much that one is more legitimate than the other, and in fact there are huge problems in terms of how we understand both.
The concept of chemical addiction has been greatly misconstrued by anti-drug initiatives and pharmacological organizations. Drugs are not inherently addictive, even powerful ones like opioids and heroin; anti-drug initiatives tells us that drug addiction is caused primarily by chemical factors, i.e. you try a drug once, it alters the chemistry of your brain, you begin to crave it. This is a gross oversimplification of how drug addiction operates. Consider: people in hospitals are regularly given morphine for pain relief, but those people don't become addicted to painkillers. Since the beginning of human existence, we have found ways to use substances recreationally; but not everyone who drinks alcohol becomes an alcoholic, not everyone who smokes weed develops and addiction, and not everyone who receives a prescription for opioids after a surgery becomes dependent on them long-term. Drug addiction is much better understood as a social phenomenon. People may turn to drugs because they are struggling in life, and drugs can increase their productivity or alleviate their physical or emotional pain; eventually, if they find themselves using these drugs more and more, they develop a tolerance, and have to take larger and larger quantities of said drugs to achieve the same effects. They may also turn to stronger drugs that are more expensive or have harsher side effects. If you'd like to learn more about the social model of drug addiction, Chasing the Scream by Johann Hari is an easy read and a good entry text.
The social model gives us a lens through which to understand behavioral addictions as well, such as gambling. The use of an addiction model to understand gambling problems is well-researched and falls in line with how we understand addiction as a relationship to criminality and as a feedback loop initiated by social and mental health factors. Gambling addicts tend to struggle with depression and job-related stress and there is a high comorbidity between gambling addiction and alcoholism.
I've talked briefly about criminality. Addiction can only be understood through the lens of who is defining what addiction is, namely the government and the psychiatric industry. Let's look at alcoholism, which is frequently categorized as an addiction despite alcohol being legal. The line between being a healthy drinker and an alcoholic is influenced by a number of factors, including cultural ones: in the United States, alcoholism is frequently defined by the number of drinks a person has in a week, and binge drinking is defined by the number of drinks they have in a single night. But drinking is a lot more common in Europe, and what we define as alcoholism or binge drinking in America is completely different from how alcoholism is understood in France or the UK. Like other addiction models, alcoholism is also defined by its relationship to criminality; a history of underage drinking, incidence of drunk driving, and "drunk and disorderly" behavior are all commonly understood to be associated with alcoholism, and generally indicate an unhealthy relationship with alcohol. But, again, there are cultural factors here: we have a higher than average drinking age in the US, we live in a car-based society, and American culture is highly individualistic, so people who are loud in public spaces are more likely to be criminalized. I'm not the best person to ask about the relationship between addiction and criminality because I haven't researched it nearly as much as I would like, but these are some things to consider whenever you're discussing addiction.
Now, let's look at porn addiction. There is currently a large, lucrative industry trying to convince us that porn addiction is an epidemic that can be cured using behavioral intervention by unlicensed, often religiously-affiliated individuals. This is a huge red flag. Part of the reason that gambling fits so well into a framework developed to describe substance abuse is that in drug addiction, alcoholism, and gambling addiction, there is a point at which there is a shift from using a substance or behavior for pleasure towards using the substance or behavior to relieve a craving or avoid withdrawal. This is how addiction is generally defined by medical professionals. Most scientists soundly reject using an addiction model to describe one's relationship with pornography, because research and evidence does not support the theory that an overinvestment in pornographic content results in this same feedback loop. This article (see bottom of post for link) provides a pretty good summary of the research (and lack thereof) into pornography addiction. One major claim that people who believe in porn addiction have is that pornography and frequent masturbation result in sexual dysfunction, but this is not supported in research, and anecdotal evidence may be the result of individuals not understanding the concept of refractory periods between orgasms (relevant because a majority of the people who report porn addiction are cisgender men). Basically, if you masturbate regularly, you may be more likely to attempt partnered sex during a refractory period, resulting in temporary difficulty in achieving an erection; this isn't sexual dysfunction and it's far from permanent, it's just how most penises work. And then, of course, there's the claim that pornography is addictive because people feel "unable to stop" watching it. This seems to be where the TikTok discourse is coming from, at least. I'll just go ahead and paste a quote from the article for this one:
"Some have cited personal religious values as providing a conflict between their [visual sexual stimuli] VSS use and feeling unable to stop. Religious conflict was the main reason cited for problems viewing VSS in one study. Those who want treatment for sex addiction are also more likely to be members of organized religion and hold strong religious values. However, the reverse was not true: religiosity explained little variance (3%) in the decision to use VSS. Far more people report a feeling of inability to control their VSS use, than actually report life difficulties resulting from their use. Feeling unable to stop may reflect personal value conflicts with normal VSS use. No data currently support the notion that ‘porn addicts’ have difficulty inhibiting their VSS use."
TL;DR addiction is a complex and highly problematic model as is, but even stripping it down to its most rudimentary definition, there is no existing model of addiction that "porn addiction" fits into. While we should be questioning how addiction is defined in general and seeking better ways to understand why substance abuse and problem gambling occur, that is a significantly more nuanced conversation than disproving porn addiction, which is just straight-up pseudoscientific and unsupported by research.
EDIT: tumblr mobile will not let me embed a link for some reason, so here is the url to the article I mentioned above:
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leafcabbage · 5 months
Oh now I'm really interested in what kind of direction you would have taken drdi to if you'd had a smaller audience 👀 is there anything (like, in the past, maybe something you would do if you were to rewrite today) you would like to share, or is it still too personal/stressful?
hello anon! i will answer your question now that i do not have a migraine. maybe that was a sign from god that i shouldn't but im past the part of my life where i draw a tarot spread for every decision i make.
this ended up a little long so heres a readmore
anyway! so like the major story wouldn't change to be clear. drdi isnt super far off from what i would do. there are two kinds of like... differences there would be. the first is changes i would make now that im not as entrenched in the fandom expectations/fanon, and the other is things that i still may not be fully doing because not everyone is as chill as my tumblr audience.
in the first category - i wouldnt have any of SBI as family, adopted or otherwise. id have a lot more variety in ages on top of that, but yeah, phil wouldnt be wilburs dad. im kind of adjusting that as much as i can within the confines of what i gave myself to work with, but its limited. i was never even like... an SBI as a family fan. that was never super up my alley. it just seemed to be the general understanding of them so its what i wrote. i dont know exactly what id do because i try not to dwell too much on things i cant change. id have more phil in general, i shot myself in the foot making him a professor, because every time i use him now im like "fuck. what about ethics." im kinda bummed about everything with phil thus far and i need to pick myself up and figure it out.
as for stuff now... there are things that will always be canon to me that MIGHT be written in if by the time i get around to them the fandom is even More chilled out, but i am hesitant. for one, the trio's relationship would include more. kissing and stuff. gonna be honest here. still a qpr but like im in a qpr and we kiss. just generally would be less worried about what does and does not happen in it. also theres stuff (csa) in tubbos past im really back and forth on including because its a sensitive topic. like to me its canon but i dont know if ill straightforward write it or just allude to it and let yall figure it out. im not sure. theres some other stuff im not gonna include in my answer here but hey any of my pals on here are welcome to ask for more :]
im trying to get less uncertain about including the (sometimes gross!) realities of medical stuff. like ive made big strides in including some stuff for sure, and i think that shows and will continue to show as time goes on, but i guess we will see!
theres plenty of other little things that i go back and forth on but thats what mainly comes to mind! thanks for being interested :]
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Hey, I'd like to be very clear that this is not a hate anon and I actually agree with your take. However, I know a lot of the criticism Jared has received has been for some misogynistic comments and attitudes, and while I hope he'll grow beyond that, it was definitely a bit disappointing to see on the feeds. Additionally, his usage of the R slur (which at this point, I believe is generally recognised to be a slur, though I could understand him being unaware as I'm in circles far more cognizant of that sort of stuff than he may be) and a comment to Matt about misunderstanding that some have interprited (including, seemingly, Matt himself) as sort of using Matt's deafness to get away with a lie. I agree that hate of any form is counterintuitive and harmful, but I am a bit curious of how you'd ideally like the audience to react? (Please note; this isn't passive aggressive, I agree with your points and am genuinely curious how you believe this information above and your points can sort of find the middle ground of not ignoring misogyny while not harassing a dude.)
First of all I will say that yes as fans you do have the right to be upset with Jared's actions inside the house. His views about women is gross that is something that cant be denied. In a better show the producer would have set him down in the dairy room and told him his actions are not acceptable and give him warming same for the R-slur.
All I really want out of the fans is just remember that we hold all the information about the game and the actions of the players. We have time stamps and log of almost everything that goes on in that house. The players don't have the luxury. Since we hold the power of information we shouldn't try use that power to actively ruin the lives of real people for something they said on cheesy reality tv show. At the end of the day sending hate to Jared isn't going to end misogyny or ableism.
The best we can do is just hope it does get to him that his word hurt some people outside of the game and that he learns from his experience
To be honest as a black man myself. I just felt bad for him. Black people historically on reality tv all ready have a up hill battle compared to there white peers. So seeing a guy that looked like me ( even if I didn't agree with him) getting shit on for weeks on end was rough. Then seeing him having a truly touching moment on stage spoke to me. Its speaks to how black men never are allowed this chance to show emotions or vulnerability at the level. Since we are raised to bottle it in. (Manly because of perceived racism and internalized masculinity.). It helped to humanize the guy. He was not this character on a tv show. He is a real person that just wanted to play the game with his mom and I wanted other people to see that side of him.
Thank you for your ask.
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starleska · 2 years
Yeah except for the fact that Warren is fucking hideous and VERY irritating. Like. There's nothing likable about him. I get that a tumblr sexy man is supposed to be conventionally unattractive but like they still have to be fuckable. At least a little bit. I wouldn't fuck that disgusting thing if my life depended on it. You know? Red guy however....yeah I'd smash(In response to your tag about the tumblr sexyman post)
...okay? i think you're in the wrong place, sweetheart 😅
i'm not going to post your other anon because it's a bit excessive and unnecessary in its graphic content. you know that tastes are subjective? that it's perfectly fine for other people to enjoy characters you dislike, even if you find them hideous or annoying or completely unlikeable. whether you like it or not, there is a significant amount of people who like Warren, myself included! and there's nothing wrong with that 💖
like... i'm not really sure what you meant to accomplish here. to annoy me? to get out your strangely aggressive feelings about a fictional worm? i understand you probably saw that post before all the other posting about Warren on this blog, but it's quite an odd thing to do... just, getting so caught up in how you hate a character, and how people can't possibly like them for the same reasons.
i don't know, this kind of thing leaves a bad taste in my mouth, even if it's a joke. i'm glad you're not in here sending death threats like the last lot... but i tend to steer clear of people who are vocal about their hatred for fictional characters. i think it's awesome when i find someone in the wild thirsting after a character i could never conceive of liking. if you don't like a character and want to get that out, maybe think twice about just sending your hate to a stranger who's a fan. just bc it's a joke doesn't mean we want to see it, like... this just makes me feel kinda gross? we don't know each other, so idk how you want me to respond tbh
maybe you don't like Warren, and that's all well and good, but like...i didn't ask about how much you hate him, i just made a light-hearted post joking about his inevitable sexification 😅 you don't need to tell me you'd hurt yourself if people start liking him, that's quite an odd thing to say to a stranger
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oceanselevenism · 4 years
I've seen that most of the stories on ao3 about them are mostly canon-compliant (and I don't have anything against that tbh) but I was wondering if you have any aus that you think could fit them or that you'd like to see?
omg i have SO MANY aus!! (it got Very Long so its under a cut)
- college au! danny gets kicked out (hes on full scholarship and does Thiefly Things to cover his expenses so hes not endangered just fairly fucked up abt it) (does it count as kicked out if u only live w ur dad three months a year) in freshman year, he befriends rusty (1 year below him) in sophomore year, debbie also befriends rusty (she and danny dont talk much but shes 2 yrs below him at the same college), and when reuben comes calling for a job he thinks debbie has a boyfriend (thanks to debbie telling her dad that she does) so she fake dates rusty. who ends up joining the job. and danny is Very Jealous
- snl ripoff au! danny and rusty are the weekend-update-adjacent anchors and they get gay. i Would have this take place in la (reuben is taking A Risk producing a late night sketch comedy show on the west coast but the 11/12/however fuckin many are fantastic cast members so even though they lose revenue from the other timezones not watching as much as they watch snl or whatever, they still make BANK... but danny and rusty getting gay throws the equilibrium out of whack) BUT la sucks DICK so its happening in new york. also this way u get Ocean Sibling Banter (debbie and lou are the anchors for The Actual Weekend Update and when debbie/lou get together and also when danny/rusty get together there are so many ‘just switch out the blondes/brunettes nobody will be able to tell and we won’t have hr down our necks’ jokes)
- au where the caldwells, abt to go deep undercover on a Huge Fucking Case, have to give up custody of 6 year old linus to tess and danny. the case stretches on for twelve years and linus grows up w tess and danny (who get divorced like right after they adopt him bc tess finds out abt dannys Thiefly Activities-- he confesses to her bc he doesnt rly want to predispose the kid to said thiefly activities) and also isabel (she and rusty break up like Right Before tess and dannys wedding and its very funny; she then goes on to marry tess) parenting him (rusty isnt as much in the picture bc he doesnt feel bad at all abt stealing and tess doesnt want linus to pick up that mentality also rusty Feels Things abt danny)! then when linus is like 18 or 19 danny disappears (tess and isabel think its Thiefly Activities again and arent concerned, just disappointed, but linus is very concerned for his dad-slash-stepdad-slash-sort-of-uncle) and he tracks down rusty so they can find danny. they roadtrip across america and eventually catch up to danny, who is helping the caldwells, and the five of them take down whatever gang the caldwells were chasing. linus now has 6 parents
- au based on this post where some archaeologist finds a bunch of dannys [french person voice] Love Lettairs 2 rusty and so obviously the logical course of action is to rob the museum (which happens to be the museum that tess is curating. funny how things work out) without telling his team What Theyre Stealing. they successfully pull off the heist but turns out the letters were not among the items they stole!! danny is getting desperate. as a last-ditch attempt he calls tess and asks her to let them rob the museum. shes like Why The Fuck Would I Do That. he explains and she begrudgingly agrees. danny and livingston go break into the museum Again but rusty tails them bc dannys been acting Weird and he finds out abt the letters bc livingston sweats more whenever he tells a lie. they live happily ever after (literally, theyre immortal) the end. also even though dannys a werewolf the 11 all call him the new jersey devil (its not his fault that legend came to be ok!! he was very drunk!!)
- childhood friends au!! danny and rusty were best buds as very young kids and then the oceans had to move. flash forward 2 present day where danny and debbie r robbing a museum (theyre building a flower shop over the vault and tunneling in, the dudes in brazil who came up w it are very very clever) and guess which two people are the assistant curators (is that even a title?). guess. ill tell u its tess and rusty! danny recognizes rusty, rusty ‘does not recognize’ danny (which is valid. look at photos of child george clooney and tell me you would recognize him). the 11 demand that they use this to their advantage and so danny and rusty Sort Of Date while the rest set up for the robbery, and danny feels really bad abt it so on the day of (after everyone has gotten away, ofc, he might be a lovesick bitch but hes not a snitch) he confesses and rustys like lmao i was onto u from the start. what kind of a name is [insert alias here] anyway. then they go live a life of crime and its great
- @sanduschism came up w a fantastic au where danny pickpockets rusty and feels bad so he sends the wallet back and they strike up a Correspondence
- HOSPITAL AU!!! danny and rusty r er techs while theyre doing med school and nobody knows how they juggle their shifts w school but also rusty can do a tracheotomy in like 5 seconds and danny can tell when a person needs an mri before they even list their symptoms so nobody questions it and nobody splits them up Ever. when they eventually become surgeons, danny does cardio and rusty does neuro, and whenever they have to work together not only do they never have to say what theyre doing, they don't even have What Do U Want To Cook For Dinner convos fully out loud. tess is head nurse... she makes so many excel spreadsheets... they are ALL color coded. isabel is head er doc and nobody dares to halfass things on her watch. reuben is head hospital admin, saul is chief surgeon, basher is head of the burn unit, the malloys r the HUNKIEST nurses in town, frank does plastic surgery/ent (every patient loves him bc he is just So Calm), livingston is The IT Guy, yen does like orthopedics or physical therapy, and linus is their fav resident who they all lovingly tease 24/7. the ocean sibs r both Cardio Gods and each dominate their respective coasts. debbie is an nyc doctor and if she sees a mass gen doctor its on SIGHT. the few surgeries that she and danny collab on go so fast that the med students in the gallery Cannot tell whats happening. lou is also a plastic surgeon and she and frank r best buds. linus requests time off like 6 months in advance Every Time and everyone hates it bc then They have to be on call but he doesnt realize his Extreme Overachieverness is causing so much strife. whenever tess and danny get in an argument she colorcodes his rounds spreadsheet to be the most neon shit youve ever seen. can you tell i never fully progressed past my greys anatomy phase this one is like 93489302 lines long
- superpower au where rusty has midas touch and danny has corrosive touch and when theyre too young to have control over their powers (abilities develop throughout adolescence and the user gains control at the end of adolescence) they accidentally brush hands and are terrified they just killed each other but turns out their powers like. cancel out. so until they reach like 21 or 22 and can touch things without fucking them UP they just. hold hands all the time. bc otherwise they have to wear gloves to prevent Accidents and both of them “hate gloves” (and also love holding hands. gayasses)
- uhhh hallmark au where danny is a crime fiction writer out on some beach north of ocean city nj and rusty is his fancy nyc editor. everyone else is a thief including debbie who is just Very weirded out that her brother, who robbed boston’s institute of contemporary art at age 22 and got away with it, has decided to spend the rest of his life churning out books. he is very critically acclaimed and about half of the 11 are buds with him and use his published books as heist inspo. the other ~half of the 11 are buds with rusty, and they tell him if danny’s heists are feasible or not (they always are. scarily so.) anyway rusty and isabel break up 12 days before xmas and danny and tess break up 8 days before hanukkah so dannys heading to debbie’s place in upstate new york to mope for the holidays when A BLIZZARD HITS and he gets stranded in midtown. and he and rusty are buds but like. Email Buds. they dont hang out irl and therefore they dont let their Totally Bud-Like Feelings mess up their professional relationship. but danny is stranded and its hanukkah and he ends up crashing at rustys place for the duration of the blizzard. and then rusty ends up coming to debbies place for the rest of the holidays. and then they kiss on new years eve and debbie kicks them out bc theyre being gross
- And More! thanks for the ask, anon! sorry it got so long lol i just have Many Thoughts
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flange5 · 5 years
my skin has been freaking out lately and i'm fairly certain it's just cause of PMS/hormones but nothing I do seems to be calming it down and it's such a shitty feeling being this out of control because my skin is usually low maintenance and i take good care of it. any advice or tips of what you'd do if your skin was being angry and sensitive and gross? like at this point, i'm just moisturizing but even that doesn't seem to be appeasing the skincare gods.
Hi, anon! all the usual not-an-expert disclaimers aside, I do have some basic advice. Also keep in mind that the seasonal change is notorious as well for wreaking havok on skin. 
So my skin has a tendency towards angry bc it’s super dry and also sensitive and occasionally it just loses its mind for no reason I can ascertain. 
So I got you. You generally want to avoid actives and scents at this time. You want a very gentle cleansing and toning routine and a very neutral moisture and sunscreen and leave it alone otherwise. 
I am a real fan of the double-cleanse bc I *know* you use sunscreen and double-cleansing, at least at night after sunscreen, is kind of a must if you want to fully cleanse that out. 
So I recommend a gentle oil/balm cleanser. My current beloved is Heimish’s all clean. (x) It runs about $14 a tub and if you don’t do a heavy night routine you can use it at night only and only do a second cleanser (or just water) in the morning. It is dynamite on all makeup, including waterproof and eye makeup and matte lipsticks, too. But it feels so nice on the skin and is amazing at clearing out the day’s ugh and sunscreen and sebum. 
During night and day, your second (or only in the morning) cleanse can be Ceravé’s Hydrating Facial Cleanser which you can get in a truly huge pump for under $20 at Target and is super super gentle and effective. 
For gentle skin care, I strongly recommend Pyunkang Yul’s essence toner. Buy the 200 ml bottle; it’s a much better deal. It’s super hydrating and plumps up the skin and makes it feel much less stressed. My mom was hooked in one day and swears by it and she is the most skeptical of skincare people. $14 (x). This entire line is extremely soothing, and has no scents or frills likely to mess with your skin’s balance, so no skintertainment but all good stuff. I find their creams a bit heavy but maybe good for going into the harsh winter. Their moisture serum is good but feels more like a light moisturizer than a serum to me which makes their dropper application a bit awkward. But if you want a super light moisturizer, that works. 
If you want a nice lightweight but true moisturizer that isn’t going to trip your skin up, Nature Republic’s super aqua max, at $11 is great  (x) and comes in versions for combo, oily (fresh) or dry (moisture) skin types. If you just want to go to Target and pay a bit more for a really nice product with a similar gel moisturizer feel, make p:rem’s hydrate me ($29) is pretty great and super gentle. 
And for a sunscreen with no white cast that actually feels like skincare, I’m putting in a huge plug for bioré’s aqua rich watery essence 50spf PA++++. it’s $16 for 155ml and honestly feels like a moisturizer and wears like a primer under makeup. It’s amazing. (x)
Less is more when your skin is losing it, so I’d stick to a basic routine like this. After it equalizes for a week or so maybe slowly start working your usual stuff back in or if you find you like this routine, stick to it. 
I hope you find this useful!
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fangbangerrrr · 3 years
As I look up from my phone to you, the glint of your earrings catch my attention, the little lightning bolt especially. Was it coincidence that you wore that today or do you always wear it? When did you get it? Did it remind you of me? Deep down, I like the thought of you marked as mine, that you'd consciously choose to mark yourself as mine. Or is that you're claiming me? I don't know which I prefer. Would it be too egotistical to comment on it?
I glance towards your face at your 'hidden surprises' comment then back to your jewelry. Did you mean the piercings in general? I try to remember if I've seen them before, but I feel like you mostly wear your hair down. Or did you mean the little bolt? Again, I debate whether I should question you on it. You couldn't mean something else, somewhere else, right? Right!?
A text from ' 💣 Blasty ☠️' to our group chat popped up while I wasn't looking.
'You better fucking ask her out dunce face, or else💥👊 tired of your shitty pining'
As usual, I'm slow to realize what happened. "Shit! Seriously!?" I'm clumsy trying to turn off the screen, almost dropping my phone. If I thought it would fix this situation I'd just fry the damn thing and be done with life, maybe go find some cave in the mountains, live out the rest of my miserable life as a hermit where no one can embarrass me ever again, including me.
You were looking at the screen while I was daydreaming, you had to see it. Fuck! Well, my secret's out now. My clear stress has my hand tightening around yours, with my luck it's probably gross and clammy now. I peek up at you, cringing with my shoulders up around my ears, waiting for the worst. Would it be disgust that a complete idiot dared to hope he had a chance with you? Would you laugh at how pathetic I am? You're totally going to reject me, I just know it. I can't bring myself to deny the truth behind the text though. I just have to let the chips fall where they will. ⚡
(If I happened to come off Anon, would you prefer a dm, an ask, or what? Also should I interact with your main account or this blog? I do follow your main, I follow your Twitter too. I saw all of your super cute outfit drawings and I love your art style! 😍 I was debating making my bnha outfit, but I couldn't decide who to pick as my fave cuz I love so many of them, then I was tempted to just pick someone who would match the rest of the outfit, so I gave up. Also, I'm taking into consideration some of your body mod descriptions for Denki, fyi 😘)
When I see the message my heart sinks. Oh. Here I was thinking I actually had a shot with you but you seem to be interested in someone else. Probably someone prettier, nicer, cooler... doubt takes its hold again, but I try not to let it show.
You're squeezing my hand, and I'm not sure why, until I realize you know I saw the message. Of course you're nervous about it, I get it. Keeping your options open until you find someone. It just stings that it couldn't be me, because for me it's you. My eye has seen no other. It's always been you.
But I want you to be happy, even if it isn't with me, so I put on my best smile, squeeze your hand reassuringly, and say, "well? Did you ask her out? Did she say yes? She'd be a total idiot to turn down someone like you."
I stop myself before I ramble, squeeze your hand again before dropping it, and take a step back. If you're wanting for someone else, it's best not to be seen so close to you, in case someone should see and I ruin your chances. With each passing moment I feel my heart sinking lower and lower until it lands, leaden in my belly.
Of course it isn't me, I can't get that thought out of my head. Why would you go for me in the first place? You're just being friendly and flirty like you are with everyone. But that's okay, you deserve someone you like, someone better than me.
(Oh! It is up to you!!! You don't have to if you're uncomfortable but I just wanna say again how amazing you are at this and how well you play him!!!)
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