#anora mac tir x morrigan
illusivesoul · 2 months
Heyoooo! I come bearing a prompt: "Sunset in her eyes" for Morrigan and anyone you like.
Hi, friend! Sorry it took me so long, but I finally finished it.
Went with Morrigan and Anora. Once again, I went overboard and the story goes pass the word limit for the ask, so the full thing is here!
The first part of the story under the cut.
Sunset in her Eyes
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Anora had it all planned. The table and bookshelves had been dragged in front of the door as a makeshift barricade, the ache of arm muscles not used to physical effort as they once had been serving as testament to her exertions. The moment one of Howe's men, or if the Maker was feeling kind that day, the bastard Rendon himself walked in to finally get rid of her, she would hit him with the dagger directly in the throat or between the eyes. She'd then grab a weapon and fight her way out. Not a plan worthy of the daughter of Ferelden's greatest general, but it was the only she had. She had not, however, expected the door to start glowing. The spell Howe's mage had cast on the door to lock her in must be going awry. "Or the bastard finally decided to just burn me alive like a coward" Anora told herself as she ducked behind her improvised defenses. "A dagger and tin armour against a mage. How’s that for a challenge, Anora?" The enchanted door began creaking and twisting, the metal and wood groaning as the magic that held them in place was consumed by the fire being thrown from the other side, until they finally gave way with a loud thud that echoed across the room. "And there's that" a woman's voice pierced through the smoke. Sweat rolled down Anora's face as she pressed herself against the wall, her eyes still half closed due to the heat still emanating from the charred door and from the staff of the mage who had just entered the room, the wood filled with carvings and trinkets glowing crimson like the fire they had just helped to create. "You're alright?" Morrigan replied as she stretched her hand towards the queen from the other side of the overturned table. Her heartbeat still beating in her ears, Anora felt bedazzled while looking into Morrigan's eyes, the irises bright like a newly minted sovereign, their yellowish hue singing of mystery and power, the Fade and the Black City echoing distantly in them. "I am unharmed. Thank you" Anora answered as she took Morrigan's hand and stood "You're one of the warden's people, yes?" "I am no one's people, woman. But I am assisting the Warden. For the moment, at least" "You're chasind? You must not know who I am to speak to me so" The woman let out a hearty laugh that dripped with sarcasm "Let me guess. You're lady this and that, married to lord Fancy Shoes, and you've taken offense to being talked to in such a disrespectful way by a southern barbarian. Or you could be the queen we came to rescue. Not that there's much difference between the two, after all. Thought I must say, the queen of Ferelden in a common soldier’s armour is a most amusing sight" Anora felt the bitter sting building up in her stomach. She had always prided herself in being better than most nobles, but the truth in the mage's words had gone past the thick skin she had built from her years at court. "Yes, my offense is great, but I'd prefer to be outraged somewhere where my life isn't at risk. I assume Eamon sent you?" "Most perceptive indeed. The warden is down in the dungeon, taking righteous and glorious revenge against this Howe man" "If the Warden guts Howe, that would be appreciated by most fereldans" Anora replied, her eyes discreetly roaming across the woman's shape "But regardless, I'd be most gratefulif you could get me out of here" "Follow me. Don't get too far. I'd prefer not having to endure another of Cousland's rants as to how careless I was if you were to die under my watch" "I'll be sure to not lose you," Anora discreetly swallowed hard, mentally reprimanding herself over the fact that the sight of the mage's barely covered breasts had replaced all the anger she had felt for Howe by far more improper thoughts.
Morrigan walked out of the room, her latest verbal sparring match with Elissa Cousland leading nowhere as it always did. Yet, it had become a good way to let out her frustrations. She walked across the empty hallways, where no one roamed this late into the night. Well, no one but Elissa on her way to make the bard sing those late night tunes she was so bad at hiding. "At least this time they're on another floor" Morrigan thought before seeing the light coming from the only open door on the corridor. Reaching the entrance, she saw the queen sitting in front of the fireplace, her gaze fixated on the large portrait of the recently deceased king which towered over the room. “Did you love him?” Anora slightly turned her head, just enough to see Morrigan standing by the door. The whisper of a smile formed on the queen’s lips. It was refreshing having someone not constantly treat her with royal deference, though she would not admit it “Love? In a way. We both had many things we loved, and we had been together all our lives. We weren’t unhappy, but… well, I guess we had as good a marriage as we could” “Curious” “Curious why?” “How you grieve for someone you didn't truly love. And if this Cailan was anything like his brother, I find it even harder to see anyone mourning his loss" The queen remained silent for a moment, her gaze returning to the large portrait of Cailan that dominated the room. “Yes… most curious how losing someone you've known so closely for decades may be difficult. Perhaps the sense of familiarity and loss in different in the Wilds” “You could always remarry if the prospect of loneliness troubles you so. Is that not what is expected from you royal women? To be always married and make heirs and their spares?” “If you had a large white beard, I could have sworn I was talking to Eamon” Anora answered as she stood and walked towards the chair by the window that overlooked the courtyard of Eamon's state “Regardless, if Eamon has his way, the throne will go to your friend, Alistair” The chuckle Morrigan let out echoed across the room “Alistair is not my friend” “That much was clear. But at least I made you smile. I imagine that’s quite the achievement in itself. Now, if you were looking for someone to have another shouting match with, since apparently your fight with Elissa didn't leave you sated, I suggest you go to Eamon and tell him that the Theirin bloodline is not a sacred gift from the Maker himself. He will give you all the fighting you could possibly want” "You heard my little disagreement with the warden" Anora chuckled, "I'm sure my father in the royal palace heard it. I learned years ago not to bother arguing with Elissa. She can be somewhat… abrasive" "And here I thought it was gulping down darkspawn blood which had soured her spirits. Interesting to know that she has always been such a delight" The sarcasm was evident in the witch's voice, yet Anora answered nonetheless "Her arguments with my husband were legendary. There ever really was only one thing that made that woman happy. Well, made a lot of women happy, to put it in a way" Morrigan remained silent for a moment, her eyes slightly widening as the realization dawned on her once she saw the coy expression on the queen's face "She bedded you too. My, my. Now it's clear how you endured those years at Cailan's side". "It was always a pleasant time when the Couslands came to Denerim. The downside was having to endure Elissa's manners when outside the bedroom. But enough about that" Anora stood and reapproached the fireplace "In case my head remains on my shoulders after the Landsmeet, how would you like to be the arcane advisor to the court?"
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seigephoenix · 2 months
DA DWC Masterlist
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A compilation of all my DA Drunk Writing Circle prompts for easy reading. I divided up into Prompt categories and then the Smut category. For the NSFW please heed the tags and content warning when choosing to read them.
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Sarcasm Dialogue Prompts
Maximillian Amell x Morrigan Prompt 1 - Admit it your life would be boring without me in it Elaina Cousland x Nathaniel Howe Prompt 1 - You have as much charm as a dead slug Niyra Cadash x Varric Tethras Prompt 1 - Do you have a plan? Yes. Is it a good one? I have a plan Elaina Cousland x Nathaniel Howe Prompt 2 - Still have that stick up your ass Maximillian Amell x Morrigan Prompt 2 - I have neither the patience nor crayons to explain this to you. Marian Hawke x Isabela x Fenris Prompt 1 - Do you have a plan? Yes. Is it a good one? I have a plan. Alissa Trevelyan x Garrett Hawke Prompt 1 - Stop saying things that make me want to kiss you Malcolm Cousland x Zevran Prompt 1 - Do you have a plan? Yes. Is it a good one? I have a plan. Alissa Trevelyan x Garrett Hawke - You have all the charm of a dead slug Alissa Trevelyan x Garrett Hawke - Do you have a plan? Yes. Is it a good one? I have a plan Elaina Cousland x Anora Mac Tir - You make me nauseous. It's called love Malcolm Cousland x Zevran - Your life would be boring without me Maximillian Amell and Wynne - Are you there? Physically, yes. Niyra Cadash x Varric Tethras - Are you there? Physically, yes. Alissa Trevelyan x Garrett Hawke - We have to stop meeting like this Alissa Trevelyan x Garrett Hawke - Oh you think I'm cute when I'm angry? Elaina Cousland x Nathaniel Howe - I'm either going to commit a felony or get ice cream, I'll decide on the way
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Cute Couple Prompts
Elaina Cousland x Alistair Prompt 1 - You're my best friend Marian Hawke x Isabela x Merrill Prompt 1 - Cloud Watching Elaina Cousland x Alistair Prompt 2 - Comfort after a nightmare Briar Amell x Leliana Prompt 1 - Person A fixes Person B's tie Alissa Trevelyan x Garrett Hawke Prompt 1 - Couple portraits Niyra Cadash x Varric Tethras Prompt 1 - Comfort after a nightmare Marian Hawke x Fenris x Isabela - Fun in the snow Marian Hawke x Fenris x Isabela - Comfort after a nightmare Briar Amell x Leliana - Dried lavender Malcolm Cousland x Zevran - quiet, cozy nights Marian Hawke x Fenris - Comfort after a nightmare Elaina Cousland x Nathaniel Howe - Couple Portraits Alissa Trevelyan x Garrett Hawke - You're my best friend Niyra Cadash x Varric Tethras - You're my best friend Briar Amell x Leliana - Tonight you look divine Briar Amell x Leliana - You're adorable
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Dragon Age Dialogue Prompts
Niyra Cadash x Varric Tethras - Did I tell you about the time I started a cult?
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Song Lyric Prompts
Roisin Lavellan x Solas - my my those eyes like fire
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Angst Prompts
Max Amell x Morrigan - Nightmare come true Max Amell x Morrigan - Why do you take care of everyone else but yourself
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Smut Prompts One and Smut Prompts Two
Adelaide Trevelyan x Iron Bull Prompt Mashup 1 Marian Hawke x Fenris x Isabela Prompt 1 - Aftercare Alissa Trevelyan x Garrett Hawke Prompt Mashup 1 Briar Amell x Cullen Rutherford - Knowing someone can hear Elaina Cousland x Nathaniel Howe - song lyric prompt Malcolm Cousland x Anora - NSFW alphabet (L) Marian Hawke x Isabela - giggly sex Niyra Cadash x Varric Tethras - song lyric prompt
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ziskandra · 2 years
I received two extremely delightful gifts in the The Black Emporium exchange for Dragon Age rarepairs, and they have just tossed me right back into the depths of my Mac Tir feelings!
So Tangled Up Its Hard to Know (Loghain/Female Cousland) Set during the Inquisition era! I just love the intimacy of two old comrades reconnecting and it leading into something more 💖
open your heart like the gates of hell (Anora/Morrigan) Morrigan and Kieran end up living at the royal palace after Morrigan becomes Anora’s arcane advisor, and there is PINING and COMPLICATIONS in regards to Kieran’s parentage 👁
Looking forward to reading more of the collection and collating more recs over this coming weekend!
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thiefbird · 2 years
Married Anora / Alistair with Anora absolutely sick of hearing about Dirthail constantly: Oh, if I could go back in time When you only held me in my mind Just a longing, gone without a trace from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOWGp1zhcVE
"And then Dirth, of course-"
"Oh, dear Maker, husband, "Anora sighed. "If you mention him again I'll believe you are in love with him."
Alistair gaped at her. Him, in love with Dirthail? Ridiculous. "I beg your pardon?"
"You speak of him constantly, you make eyes at him when he appears in court. What else am I to think?" Her eyes sparkled with merriment as she teased him. "Do not think I am complaining, dear husband. Only simply commenting on a trend."
"I- he-" Alistair spluttered incoherently for a moment. "He has Morrigan again!"
"Hmm... that would not affect your love for him. Besides, I have you. And yet that does not stop me." She looked thoughtful. "He keeps company with that blond apostate often, as well. Dalish are not so prudish as we, in matters of the heart, Alistair.
He was not- could not be- in love with Dirth. They had not even spoken outside court in years, not since his fellow Warden had taken so very well to politics and contrived for Alistair's nemesis to also be his father-in-law. Yes, that had worked out better than expected, and it was not like Loghain was around. And of course his grudge against the elf had faded almost immediately, and had been replaced by pondering how his former friend was handling being Arl, or raising a child, or...
Oh dear Maker. He was in love with Dirth.
"Do not look so frightened, husband." Anora rose from her seat and embraced him. "You may not speak with him, but he writes to me frequently. Go to him."
Alistair sagged into her arms. "Tomorrow. I must go tomorrow..."
"Then I will write to him tonight, to expect you."
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perseus-veil · 5 years
dragon age: origins x shit my friends and I have said in discord
the warden: I have made a Mistake™
alistair: just because I don’t know all the drugs doesn’t mean I’m not tough
leliana: do u think jesus would be proud of me
zevran: I lov the Murder™
morrigan: google how to get dick when you look like a hungover swamp witch
wynne: I leave for 5 mins and everything is either on fire or someone is getting smothered in love
sten: god is dead we sold his corpse
shale: I wish I could dicc ppls
loghain: I am always here for madness and chaos... especially if I cause it
duncan: we truly are living in the dark timeline
cailan: trust me I am the science
anora: I take pride in destroying people
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Comfort characters
tagged by @buffkreia forever ago and forgot to do it until now :’D thanks Charlie!
for tags, let’s see... @lotrificationer, @jediisapphic, @etoilebinaire, @reverienne! only if you want to, of course!
Zevran Arainai (Dragon Age)
Anora Mac Tir (Dragon Age)
Morrigan (Dragon Age)
Fenris (Dragon Age)
Ashley Williams (Mass Effect)
Miranda Lawson (Mass Effect)
Sarah Williams (Labyrinth)
Yuna (Final Fantasy X)
Tidus (Final Fantasy X)
Buffy Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Tara Maclay (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Rupert Giles (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Bastila Shan (Knights of the Old Republic)
Jolee Bindo (Knights of the Old Republic)
Atton Rand (Knights of the Old Republic 2) (I know, I know)
Visas Marr (Knights of the Old Republic 2)
Felix Iresso (Star Wars: The Old Republic)
Nadia Grell (Star Wars: The Old Republic)
Peter Quill (MCU)
Gamora (MCU)
Kagami Tsurugi (Miraculous Ladybug)
Heather Mason (Silent Hill 3)
aaaaand cutting myself off there bc wow a lot already :^)
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allisondraste · 6 years
Word Count: 2003
Pairing: Alistair X F!Amell
Other Characters: Loghain and Anora Mac Tir, Eamon Guerrin
Summary: The Landsmeet does not go as Alistair hopes, and a can of worms is opened for all the bannorn to see. Thank goodness there’s no real darkspawn threat right?
AO3 link for peeps who prefer that format. 
“You have some of Maric in you after all,” Loghain admitted as he bowed his head, conceding defeat to the furious Alistair who stood before him, sword held high above his head prepared to execute him on the spot.
Alistair closed his eyes and swung down forcefully, startled when he felt his sword strike something hard and metal, a clank and a swish as steel met steel. Had the traitor decided to continue fighting after all? He reared back preparing to strike again, only to open his eyes and see Lucia, of all people, standing between him and his intended target, her own runed sword in her hand, sparks of lightning jumping from it in every direction. For the first time ever, he wished she was just an ordinary, staff-wielding mage.
She glared at him beneath furrowed brows, her eyes saying everything her mouth did not. It was almost as if she expected him to show mercy. After all the suffering they had withstood because of this man, she still did not think he deserved to die. Alistair disagreed.
“Move,” he growled, commanded even, his own voice burning in his throat. This man was responsible for Duncan’s death, for the rest of the Wardens’ deaths! Alistair has every right to kill him. He was right.
“Alistair.” His name was like a question on her lips, as if she did not quite recognize him. Her sad eyes glittered fiercely at him, in what could only be described as disappointment.
“You can’t ask me to spare him.” His voice was calmer now, but cooler than he knew he could be. “You can’t.” His knuckles were white against the hilt of his sword and he was trembling. Sweat beaded on his forehead as his chest tightened like a vice.
“And you can’t ask me to stand by and watch as you bloody your hands for no reason.” Lucia wedged her way further between Alistair and the defeated Teyrn kneeling on the floor, his daughter now at his side. “This is not who you are. This is not how we do things.”
“He would have had us killed were the tables turned,” he said, his words desperate, “He’s already tried to have us killed multiple times, in case you’ve forgotten.”
“I haven’t forgotten. I just thought we were better than that.” Lucia’s voice and eyes softened. “I thought you were better than that.”
“Yeah, well maybe I’m not,” he spat. Had he not been so angry, he would have immediately regretted his tone. “Duncan and the others deserve justice. King Cailan deserves justice.”
“Revenge isn’t justice, Alistair, and you know it.” She reached out to touch him and he jerked away, his heart sinking at the hurt look on her face. “Killing Loghain here, in front of the Landsmeet, in front of his daughter, won't bring them back.
“If you really want justice for Duncan and Cailan, then let’s end these petty politics and kill the darkspawn who are actually responsible. Unless, of course, you’d rather continue this tantrum.”
“Tantrum? Tantrum? Is that what you think this is?” There were miles between them now, despite standing close enough that Alistair could feel her breath. “You know what, Luce? Let the Teyrn help you with the Archdemon.” He threw his sword to the ground at their feet and stormed out of the throne room, the eyes of every noble in the bannorn searing into his back.
As Alistair left, the room fell silent, only hushed murmurs from the galleries remained as arls and arlessas watched the theatrics in bewilderment. Heat rushed to Lucia’s face as eyes turned to stare at her. Damn him. Damn herself too, for that matter.
Her words had been unfair. Alistair blamed Loghain because he needed to. He needed to believe that Duncan’s death had not simply been the casualty of a battle that nobody was prepared for. There were so many unexpected obstacles that night at Ostagar, it was difficult to say if Loghain’s men could have made any difference at all. Of course, the Teyrn had taken some reprehensible actions against the Wardens and elves in the Alienage, but the Hero of Riverdane, the late King Maric’s most trusted advisor, could not be completely terrible.
Her stomach lurched as she looked to Anora for a response. Eamon spoke, instead, “Look what you have done, child.” His voice was condescending, and he turned up his nose at her, threading fingers through his coarse beard.
“With all due respect, Arl Eamon,” Anora said with dignity as she stood and straightened out her skirts, “Shut up.” Her icy blue eyes pierced him, so much like her father’s. Loghain beamed slightly, a soft expression Lucia had yet to see from him. “You have done quite enough.”
“Your Majesty.” Lucia bowed her head reverently, fear creeping in the back of her mind. Would Anora take action against the Wardens, or worse, against Alistair for being so insistent that her father die? “I’m sorry for -.”
She stopped as Anora glided more closely to her and placed a hand on her shoulder, her eyes glossed with tears. It was a look of gratitude and understanding that words could not have conveyed. She squeezed Lucia’s shoulder slightly before bringing her hand to her side. Her eyes steeled.
“Guards,” she ordered as she turned her head to one of the captains that stood behind her. Lucia cringed waiting to hear the words she dreaded, waiting for Anora to order Alistair found and brought back to the castle. He was a threat to her rule after all.
“Take my father to the dungeons,” Anora continued, a pained expression crossing her face as she said the words. “I am grateful his life was spared, but his crimes against Ferelden cannot go unpunished.”
Lucia brought her hands to her mouth in shock, watching Loghain kiss his daughter on the cheek as the guards took him away. There was still pride in his eyes. In that moment, she knew her decision to spare the Teyrn had been the right one. Whatever rift she created between Alistair and herself, she had done the right thing.
“You cannot possibly think this is a good decision warden,” Eamon protested, his voice cracking, “Leaving the usurper alive and his daughter on the throne.”
“And it would have been a better decision to let you blackmail and manipulate Alistair so that he would rule when it is the furthest thing from what he wants.” Lucia postured, crossing her arms.
“It doesn’t matter what the boy wants.” Eamon was furious now. “It is what’s best for him, what’s best for Ferelden.
“Do tell me what is best for Alistair,” Lucia retorted dryly, her words like daggers. “I’m so eager to hear about concern from the man who made him sleep in the kennels growing up.” There was a gasp from the galleries. “You’ve never cared about Alistair in any capacity except for his connection to the throne.”
The hall fell silent and Anora looked between Lucia and the arl in dismay. Eamon looked away and scratched the back of his neck uncomfortably, and Lucia looked down at the dark, stone floor.
“Is this true?” Anora’s words were cold.
“You have to understand, th-,” Eamon attempted to plea in his own defense.
“I believe I understand quite clearly,” She cut him off with a wave of the hand, “You are fortunate that King Maric never learned of your abuse. I want you out. Teagan will take over your estate.”
“Out? Of Ferelden? Anora, you can’t be serious.” The man was reeling, his voice pitched and shaky. “It happened years ago. He’s a man now.”
“You betrayed the trust of the King! Treason, a crime punishable by death. I should think my offer of exile is much more lenient.”
Eamon growled and stormed out, scowling at Lucia as he did so. The crowds in the galleries cheered as Anora made her rallying speech to the Landsmeet. Lucia stayed and mingled for a bit after all of the excitement, but eventually ducked out through one of the doors at the side of the room. As much as she knew she should be there, she was emotionally exhausted and felt her resolve wearing away. She could have broken at any moment.
She hurried out of the palace, toward the Guerrin estate. She slowed as she navigated the hallways as reached her guest quarters, the room she and Alistair had shared just the night before. She entered swiftly, shutting the door behind her and breathing deeply as she pressed her back against the cool, rough wood. She startled when she opened her eyes. She had thought she would be alone.
Alistair leaned against the bedpost, staring into the torch that burned dimly in the sconce on the wall. He turned slightly when he heard her enter, watching her breathe and jump when she noticed his presence. He smiled, half heartedly before he looked back at the torch. It was easier than looking in Lucia’s eyes.
“I wasn’t expecting you to be here,” she muttered with a shaky voice. Her typically stoic face was filled with emotion. She was raw, and it was obvious.
“Neither was I,” he admitted with a sigh. He shuffled his feet and looked down at the floor before looking up at her. Tears streamed down her cheeks. Normally it would be impossible to resist the urge to take her into his arms to soothe her, but not today. Today, she was his enemy.
“Then why?” She stepped forward, fists clenched at her side. “Did you come to say goodbye? Because that’s really not necessary.”
“About a half hour ago, my answer to that question would have been yes,” he explained with a bitter laugh, “I rushed down here to pack up my things. I was going to leave and you could deal with the Blight yourself.” He shifted uncomfortably and took a deep breath.
“Then why are you still here?” Her question was filled with a hurt so tangible it hung in the room like fog. “What changed your mind?”
“You’re not going to believe this, but... it was Morrigan.” Another bitter laugh. “She told me I was a ‘foolish child’ and that if I let you go over something as ‘idiotic’ as ‘not getting my way,’ I would regret it for the rest of my life.”
“She’s said things like that to you before.” Lucia crossed her arms the way she always did when she was bracing herself for bad news. “Why listen to her now?”
“Because this time, she was right.” He stood up from his casual lean and paced around a bit before approaching Lucia and taking her hands in his. “Luce, we’re going to battle an Archdemon tomorrow. I could die, you could die. We both could. Who knows? In any case, I don’t want to go into that battle with any doubt in the air that I love you.”
“I am furious with you, more furious than I have ever been with you. And, honestly I don’t know how long it will take for me to stop being so angry.” He held back his tears as he spoke, his chest burning from the strain. “But I can’t handle the thought of being without you. Not now. Not ever.”
Lucia released and anguished sob, and he relented, pulling her into him and kissing her hair. She trembled under his touch, her hands clinging tightly to his shirt.
“I thought I lost you,” she cried into his chest, her words muffled.
“As it turns out,” he laughed, tightening the embrace “I don’t think you could.”
They stood holding each other in the dim light, the torch slowly dying. They would discuss the details of the Landsmeet later, and the would work through it. Alistair had no doubt. But for now, it was enough to be angry together. It was enough to share rough, ragged kisses, so unlike their usual tenderness. Still being together, despite it all, was enough.
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theharellan · 6 years
DAY 05: favorite multimuses
i’ve been trying to bring multimuses in on past days b/c i want to acknowledge certain characters on said blogs, but here i’ll just highlight the blogs as a whole!
@aniente​ - muses: ameridan, merrill, evangeline, gatt, adrian, dalish, missne (oc), sabriel (oc)
a dragon age multimuse who i featured a couple times b/c i just. really admire their choice of muses as well as the writing! there’s not a muse on here i don’t love, even those like adrian that i’m not overly familiar with given i’ve yet to finish asunder. i can feel ciri’s passion when they write about each of their muses, and it invests me in each one. i’d honestly love a thread w/ each of their muses one day. gotta catch ‘em all. 
@burnsbriiight​ - muses: mai (a:tla), kitty pryde (x-men), marie-elise (da oc), annuneth (da oc), patricia anne (da oc), adahleni (da oc)
first, it was apparently rachel’s birthday the other day, so happy birthday! second, mai is one of my a:tla faves (i actually rped her back in the day) and although i just followed this multimuse i’m excited to see her rps w/ mai. she’s an underrated character.
@centuriesuntold - muses: all the doctors. every one.
i’ve been following this blog since my mass effect days, back when they were bowtied, and they provided a lot of rly inspirational posts to anons and such on their dash! seeing them again, only now with more doctors, was a very exciting experience!!! it’s not something i’d seen before in the dw fandom, and i’ve adored what i’ve seen from them, even as someone who is only familiar with new doctor who.
@dryhtenhold - muses: gareth cousland (oc), ves aeducan (oc), eleanor cousland, agravaine ker (oc), tamar (oc), loghain mac tir
i’ve only listed erran’s primary dragon age characters, but she rps tolkien as well as having a list of secondary muses! her ocs have interesting and complex backstories that really dig deep into dragon age lore, specifically fereldan lore and the civil war. they are such natural parts of the lore that i had to mark them (oc) otherwise you might confuse them with canons like eleanor and loghain.
@kaleiidoscopehearts​ - isabela, miryin brosca, peebee (mass effect), bolin (lok), sally malik (being human), azalea gothel (descendents oc), artemis crook (young justice), amellia smollet (treasure planet)
multifandom, and some are fandoms i’m unfamliar with, which just goes to show how talented they are b/c i’m v selective with non-da multimuses! i’ve talked about peebee and miryin, but i also have been v pleased with seeing bolin on my dash! he was one of my faves from lok. and every time an isabela hits on solas another five minutes are added to my life.
@lcgacyofages - ceridwen mahariel, atena hawke, myrrdin lavellan, zoria amell, dazbo amell, aurora amell, ronina lavellan, seigfried trevelyan, etienne de rousseau, xora orsiniel pharare, arik tabris, hildegard cadash
a blog full of lovely ocs based upon the pc backstories given to us in-game (for the most part!). don’t let the names fool you, though, as not all of them are the heroes. some are companion ocs, which are honestly some of my fave ocs in darp!
@mercysought - priestess (oc), maxima aurum (oc), himsulem (oc), manala (oc), anora theirin, emilie de clair (oc), abel de clair (oc), laone shatterspine (oc), moe (star wars oc)
there isn’t a muse here who isn’t fascinating and beautifully written. with the exception of moe, they’re all dragon age characters, and while i haven’t rped with all of them yet i hope to one day. skells is a wonderful writer and i’m glad a multimuse has enabled her to have more characters b/c that’s what we deserve.
@mindsmade - cremisius acclassi, liam kosta (mass effect), aiden shepard (me), gil brodie (me), celebrian (tolkien), and more!
also featuring more tolkien muses and characters from the good wife and mythological characters! i mentioned this the other day, but i adore their ship on liam with the aforementioned peebee! there’s not a muse listed here who isn’t worth reading about, even as someone unfamiliar with the expanded tolkien universe.
@teleidoscopic - khaliya lavellan, raleigh samson, morrigan, sera, zenyatta (ovw), jameson locke (halo), EDI (mass effect), ashley williams (mass effect), the black box (halo), john hancock (fallout 4), red (transistor)
i’ve been following pastry’s rp blogs for... idk... seven years now? a lot. a lot of years. i’ve seen a few of these muses in action on single-muse blogs, so i’m glad they can return in multimuse form. pastry’s samson and ashley in particular are old favourites, but looking at this list pastry has the magic ability to pull my faves out in general (i would die for zenyatta. and probably deserve it after how many times i’ve gotten him killed playing him...). 
@tothezeros - morrigan, minaeve, raleigh samson, melchior heeren (oc), cornelia solette (oc), clancy griffin (oc), corin thenn (oc), sylvus varnehn (oc)
again, i decided to only list the dragon age muses to save me from tabbing back and forth, but this blog has so many fun muses aside from that! like spyro, taking me back to the days i would ask my dad to take me and my brother to a clubhouse so we could play one of the games on the ps2. and christopher robin! as for their dragon age muses, i’ve thoroughly enjoyed them. i still have a few to get to know, but their samson and minaeve are great, and i’ve known clancy for a few years now! it’s comforting to see him on my dash after all this time. 
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mistresstrevelyan · 7 years
DAO Appreciation Week: Day 2
Continuing this just because:
Questions of the Day:
What is your favorite area in Origins? (ex: Denerim, Haven, The Dalish Camps, The Deep Roads, etc.)
This is a tough one but I’m gonna say the Party Camp. I get it, it makes zero sense that it looks the same wherever the Warden & CO travel but the camp, even after the Shriek attack, is where Rhia feels the safest. Safety in numbers, being surrounded by friends, a warm fire & comfy bedroll & Leliana singing a lovely tune while whoever is on cooking duty prepares a meal. 
What is your favorite non-Warden pairing from Origins?  (ex: wade x herren, leliana x zevran, Anora x morrigan, etc.)  - the pairing does not have to be canon, it can be any pairing that does not involve the Warden.
Loghain Mac Tir/Maric Theirin/Rowan Guerrin as the happy OT3 they should have been.
Prompts of the Day:
How does your Warden respond to stress and the different places explored during Origins?
If this is only during the DAO timeline, then she responds badly to stress due to lack of sleep, trauma, unaddressed grief/loss and anger issues. Esp. in crowded places like Denerim, she’s constantly on edge. Redcliffe pisses her off, mainly because of Teagan putting everything on her instead of doing anything himself. Haven/the Temple fascinates her despite everything & the High Dragon battle got her blood pumping. The Brecilian Forest she would’ve like if it wasn’t for the werewolves and OTT angry spirits. The Fade? Burn that shit down. (Solas is lucky she wasn’t made Inquisitor, lol) Yeah, Rhia didn’t have a good time during DAO. 
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bitter-black-beans · 6 years
I didn’t realize how much of a Alistair x Anora lover I was until now.
Like, I knew I liked this pairing since the first time I matchmaked them in DA:O, but I didn’t realize just how much I loved this pairing until I went through the Anora tag haha.
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haleyhawke · 7 years
Fandom: Dragon Age!
THIS ONE IS GONNA BE 🔥🔥🔥 (there’s also going to be multiple answers for these since there’s 3 games)• Character I first fell in love with: DAO - Zevran Arainai / DAII - Fenris / DAI - Cullen Rutherford• Character I never expected to love as much as I do now: DAO - Morrigan / DAII - Bethany Hawke / DAI - the Iron Bull• Character everyone loves but I don’t: DAO - Anora Theirin / DAII - Merrill / DAI - Sera• Character I love but everyone else hates: DAO - Oghren / DAII - the Arishok / DAI - Solas• Character I used to love but don’t any longer: DAO - N/A / DAII - Merrill, funny enough / DAI - Blackwall • Character I would kiss: DAO - Alistair, Sten, Morrigan, Leliana, Shale, and Zevran / DAII - Anders, Bethany, Fenris, Isabela, and Varric / DAI - Cassandra, Dorian, Iron Bull, Leliana, Josephine, Scout Harding, Solas, Varric, and Vivienne• Character I want to slap: Loghain Mac Tir, Rendon Howe, Branka, Talis, and Knight-Commander Meredith• A pairing I love: main character x whoever their love interest is, also Adoribull• A pairing I hate: Varric Tethras x Bianca (the actual person, not the crossbow). Seriously Varric can do better than that broad
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tsukishima-tadashi · 8 years
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag blogs you would like to get to know better. I was tagged by both @bloodandhedonism and @cincosechzehn!
Nickname(s): Mike and Kuni! The first is because my real name is Michael and the second is because Kunimi Akira is Literally Me
Star sign: Cancer.
Time right now: 9:58 PM
Last thing I Googled: Sebastian Vael hip swivel. I was trying to prove a point.
Favourite music artist: Marina and the Diamonds/Marina Diamandis.
Song stuck in my head: Froot (by said artist)
Last movie I watched: Temple Grandin. 
What are you wearing right now: My Friday shirt (the shirt I started wearing every Friday to see if anyone would notice), boxers briefs, socks. When I get home, the pants come off.
When did you create your blog: 2011 or 2010, I believe. It was during one of my awful teen years, is what I know. 
Do I have any other blogs: Yes. My current NSFW blog (linked on the sidebar, just gay bullshit), my old nsfw blog (not linked because SHAME), a few old URLs used as redirects or dumps for vent posts or tag links for when I’m on the Shitty First Gen Ipad With An Outdated Version Of Tumblr Mobile (SFGIWAOVOTM) or anything else, and a vent blog.
I also set up the AO3 Feed blog for tsukkiyama fanfics.
Do I get asks regularly: Not really :(
Why did I choose my URL: The otp is Yamaguchi Tadashi x Tsukishima Kei. It’d be too unwieldy to make a joint family name, especially in Japan, unless they squashed them together like a ship name, and I just like the idea of Yama taking Tsuk’s name.
Also I wanted a way to upset people who notp them because I’m petty and spiteful and a mean person. :)
Gender: Male.
Hogwarts house: Slytherin. Though it does fit my nasty personality, idk. THe ambition part ain;t really me. And Ravenclaw fits my meta-tendencies I think?? But I’m not even into Harry Potter so I’ll leave it to the experts.
Pokémon team: I’ve never even seen a pokemans but I like the pretty ones.
Favourite color: Orange.
Average hours of sleep: 3 hours of sleep, 1 - 2 hours of being up, 4 hours of sleep.
Favourite characters: Yamaguchi Tadashi, everyone else from Haikyuu!! except Coach Washijo, Morrigan, Leliana, Shale, Queen Anora Mac Tir, Merrill, Fenris, Solas, Cole/Compassion, Vivienne, Sera, Calpernia, Tavros Nitram, Gamzee Makara, Ryuji Sakamoto, Goro Akechi, Yosuke Hanamura, Naoto Shirogane, Tohru Adachi, Yukari Takeba, Mitsuru Kirijo, Shinjiro Aragaki, Mikleo, Sorey, Edna, Lailah, Simone... I think that’s the full list, though it’s hard for me to call favorites sometimes... I love pretty much anyone I don’t hate in fiction, haha. Faves like Yama just stick out sometimes, while with others I have to think about to realize that I love them more than others. 
How many blankets I sleep with: One, usually. I overheat too easily while I sleep. Only if I’m in a room with zero insulation would I use any more than that.
Dream job: Being pretty and getting paid for it. Alternatively, being an author.
Now, ya’ll ain’t gotta if y’all ain’t wanna, but for the spirit of the meme...
@rainbowgrilledcheese @theoinkypiglet @pitifulmerthurobsession
@milindso @noyasun @genjishimemeda (u don't like fun so ur gonna snark at me)
@bowlcutprotag @deanpendragon  @freckledtadashi @codenamefox
@sirwallahoo @spaceprick @haku-chuu @badatusernames
@tsushikki @wtfeveridgaf
That’s 16, good enough.
Sorry if any of you don;t like being tagged in these things! Again, no pressure. 
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