#another route is to just go full punk: im posting this and i dont care what others think i do what i want
Hello, so, idk if this is gonna be only seen by you. (i'm still trying to understand Tumblr)
But basically, I write, like a lot, i have so many different things that I come up with in my head, and one thing I hate is not having confidence to show my writing. How do i gain that confidence? I'm asking you because you seem very confident and brave to post. IM rellay really really sorry to be bothering you.
Also, Riot Kings is by far my favourite series :D
Hello and welcome aboard! (and thank you 🥰)
When it comes to building confidence to show others your writing, I think it's less jarring if you start small. If you have a certain idea, series, or character you've been writing for a while, it's probably very close to your heart, and it can be difficult (and feel very vulnerable) to show it to another person
So to get used to letting others see your work, I suggest starting with a small drabble or piece of flash fiction. While it's still daunting to share your work for the first time, you might feel more comfortable posting a piece you've spent less time with. You can also try sharing small snippets of existing work you'd be more comfortable with others seeing
Alternatively, you can start by showing a more beloved piece to a close friend or two, and building up from there
If you'd prefer to post something you've spent a lot of time on but are nervous, then just keep in mind that you love this thing, and that makes it good, regardless of what others think. Whether it winds up being read by one person or one hundred, you never know who it might impact, be that by making someone smile and brightening their day, or by speaking to them in a way they'll never forget.
At the end of the day, your writing is yours. Interaction from readers can go a long way to inspire and motivate, but it sounds like you're already doing the hardest (and most important) step: just writing
It's great that you're getting your words out :) I hope you're able to take the leap and share when you're ready to ❤️❤️
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