#another win for my Make Luke Weirder agenda
actualbird · 6 months
Random thought. Pyromaniac Luke. Except he's trying to hide those pyromaniac tendencies and the NXX figured it out on day one because Artem mentioned a problem and Luke immediately went "we could burn it down" "that's a person" "oh"
as a luke kinnie who has pryomaniac tendencies, this ask is the PERFECT TO ME
i love this. i love luke having a probably unhealthy obsession with fire and starting fires. i like to think that this trait would be funniest if it didnt start during his NSB days (which wld seem logical) but INSTEAD began when he was a wee child experimenting with matches and stuff. and oh, mc's parents were horrified at the normally well-behaved lukey setting fire to scraps of paper in their backyard.
luke: isnt it cool?
mc: i dunno, i dont get it
luke, fire reflecting in his eyes uncannily: it's so pretty
mc's parents barging in with a fire extinguisher: NOPE NOPE NOPE
in high school, he probably bought a lighter from a convenience store and mc nearly had a heartattack because she thought he started smoking but no. no, what he was up to was more bizarre. he'd just watch the flame flicker. it was oddly calming to him
when he reached his NSB days, he probably solved a lot of missions with explosives. and it worked, the explosives were Productive At Achieving The Mission's Purpose, but aaron probably found it super weird how gung-ho luke always was at setting things ablaze, especially when luke would linger at sites on fire just to watch things go up in flames.
aaron: when there is a FIRE you are supposed to GET AWAY FROM IT
luke: but it's so nice being around fire :(
aaron: there is something wrong with you that even i cant fix (affectionate)
and now, at the NXX Team. im screaming at luke suggesting to set a PERSON on fire. unhinged. on brand for him. but now that he's re-assimilated into normal society and no longer has access to NSB explosives, he doesnt have an outlet!! the pyromaniac in him is scratching at the walls of his skull!!!
artem, trying to be supportive but also Not down on setting people on fire: why don't we have a team barbecue? you can man the grill
luke, bad at cooking but good at fire: SWEET
the barbecue he grills is rather....charred. but he had fun, and thats what matters to the team
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