aviophobic · 3 years
"Bones. How about you prescribe me a bottle of scotch? That's all the medicine I need."
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Normally he wouldn't tolerate that sort of avoidance, but when it comes to a long, difficult day that is otherwise free of injury, he's willing to be indulgent.
"A prescription I can get behind," Leonard tells him. "Take every four to six hours as needed, an' call me if symptoms worsen."
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for @anotherdayinthefleet​
With his PADD in hand, Spock made his way to the garden behind the embassy on Risa. This place was quite possibly the only quiet place Spock could find outside of his bedroom. The water flowed from a stone, manmade waterfall and into a small pond that was home to several fish and amphibians of Risa, and the sound was immensely calming to Spock’s old ears. 
The ambassador chose a small, ornate bench that had a good view of the entire garden. From his perch in the center, Spock could admire the beauty of the bright yellow and faded pink flowers that were in full bloom all around the garden. He could’ve smiled at a picture like this, but instead he just inhaled the sweet aroma and began to write replies to messages from what seemed like everyone in the entire quadrant. He wrote the last message he needed to the night before, but now in the garden, he had at least eighty more to write. 
With a sigh and a clearing of the throat, Spock chose the oldest message and began to type away, looking up at the pale blue sky every now and then to comfort his eyes. Soon, he heard a familiar voice behind the doors that led back into the embassy, and he quickly put his PADD to sleep and set it beside him. The Vulcan stood, his hands clasped comfortably in front of his waist, hands feeling the soft fabric of his robes. His back was turned to face the doors as the gentle breeze brought a short s h i v e r to his exposed neck and hands.
The door opened after some time, but Spock did not turn around to face it just yet, seeming to admire the brightest bush of yellow blossoms in the garden. He didn’t have to turn around to know it was his old friend, or at least his old friend’s counter part. “Jim, what brings you to Risa?” 
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iamsylar-blog1 · 7 years
greeter.  @anotherdayinthefleet
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❝ ——– you know, that is getting really,   really,   annoying. ❞ 
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irascibledoctor-a · 7 years
When he says your grumpiness is cute.  (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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thefleetsfinest-a · 7 years
anotherdayinthefleet replied to your post: When your muse is a mind-meld virgin and...
You are just jealous that Leo doesn’t get in trouble with @spacelogics. 
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daretheuniverse · 7 years
"Did-- did you ever feel like you're not cut out for your job?"
Chris allows the question to break over him without changing his posture or expression of intense concentration as he hovers over their chess match. He already knew he was going to move his rook to try to force a move out of Jim’s queen and make the young Captain reconsider the play with his bishops, but that wasn’t the point. Just like his first immediate answer, why yes, of course, who in Command hasn’t? wasn’t the point in Jim’s asking. Not really. The hesitance in the boy’s asking, the edge of nervousness when he managed to blurt it out, spoke of other questions. Normal questions. Human questions. Am I doing well? Am I doing as well as I think I am? Am I making the right decisions? Etc.
Chris moves the rook, straightening his back and settling back into his wheelchair, eyes dragging across the board and up to see if Jim is still waiting for eye contact. “You mean the job where I was singly responsible for the futures of hundreds, if not hundreds of thousands of futures? Yeah.” He cuts the syllable short with a sharp nod, allowing a little of the weariness of leadership with show under his humor. “Of course I did, no one in that position should feel cut out for it. We have words for people who feel they are. Tyrant. Despot. Dictator.”
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irascibledoctor · 7 years
In the next room
@anotherdayinthefleet  x.
“Mhhm. The pic I sent you? Just a few seconds before I came all over my stomach.” he says, then gives his cock a light squeeze through his pants. “Gotta admit that I sent it a little later, ‘cause I was busy with wiping  the come from my stomach and licking my fingers clean.” with a  smirk, he takes his hand away from the other, then tugging him along to push him onto his bed. For a moment he just stands at the end of the bed, eyes roaming over the still clothed, but hot body. “Well, I hope you make it til I am done with you.” with quick fingers, he opens the button of his pants, tugging them off him, then he crawls on top of Bones, hovering over his crotch but not sitting down, his hands slipping under the others shirt, just resting on his stomach. “I mean, I do know CPR, but I would rather not, you know?” one hand wanders up, thumb and pointer finger pinching one of his nipples, his other gently stroking over his stomach. “Been thinking about this the whole time I stroked myself. About how I was gonna take you apart, what I will do to you.” he gives Bones a small smile, then pushes his shirt up a little and lowers his head to his stomach, kissing the skin first, then gently biting it. “Got a few plans, Bones. Gonna let me do all of my plans?” he’s licking his stomach, then lets his breath ghost over his salvia. For now, he is going to neglect his lovers cock, because really, it’s much more fun this way.
There was something to be said about a divorced man listening to the words coming out of Kirk’s mouth. It wasn’t like Bones hadn’t been with anyone since he and Jocelyn had cut ties but his rendezvouses beneath the covers had been pretty sparse. A mix of his rough personality and personal bitterness towards relationships now only added onto how busy he kept himself as a workaholic. In short, Leonard’s attention was entirely on every aspect of the captain. McCoy let out a sharp breath as he was pushed back onto Jim’s bed. Softs breaths parted the doctor's lips as he watched the blond make quick work of his pants. He didn’t dare speak, not wanting to interrupt any of the filth rolling off Jim’s tongue. McCoy, a man who was usually so keen to let anybody and everybody know just what he was feeling, was silent. However, the doctor let out a low moan, his hips arching up eagerly. Yet Jim didn’t meet his. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Jim’s words alone had McCoy’s pupils blown wide and his breathing becoming audible with excitement. He wanted to grab the man’s hips. Hold him close. Grind up into him. Yet, Jim had ‘plans’ for him so he somehow refrained from doing so. The thought though had Leonard’s hand sliding down his side slowly before he could palm his own cock over his dark boxer-briefs. “Well shit. Darlin’ there ain’t much I wouldn’t let you do to me right now,” he groaned, free hand slipping into blond hair while his stomach muscle twitched at the nips, kisses and hot breath.
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irascibledoctor-a · 7 years
He shakes his head when he puts his PADD away and walks over to the door, casually leaning against the wall before he opens the door. When he does, Bones is greeted by a bare chest. He did say he only put on pants. If one can count boxershort as such. “Hey there, grumpy.” he says with a smirk.
McCoy wasn’t going to give Jim enough time to say something stupid---well stupider than ‘hey there, grumpy’---or enough time for he himself to lose his nerve and/or get pissed off. Jim set him on edge in so many ways. Bones rolled his eyes when Jim spoke and just groaned, “Shut up already” before cupping the sides of the man’s face and tugging him in for a kiss to insure he stayed quiet for at least a few seconds.
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1stofficerspock · 8 years
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My Tumblr Crushes:
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sc   /    @anotherdayinthefleet   ;   jim
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❝ you cannot possibly be so naive----there is too much at stake. ❞
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irascibledoctor-a · 7 years
[text] i’m not doing anything.  [text] actually, i put my pants back on  [text] unless you want them off again?
[text]: Just cool it! [text]:  I’m outside. Let me in you ass. 
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1stofficerspock · 8 years
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My Tumblr Crushes:
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awakenedvengeance · 8 years
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     “… I will NOT be touching your penis if it’s been inside a farm animal.” 
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startrekroleplay · 7 years
Directory Updated - December 12, 2017
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*denotes a multimuse blog
Original & Reboot:
Kelvar Garth - @brokenizarian
Next Generation:
Will Riker - @cmdrxker
Beverly Crusher - @dancerdoc
Next Generation & Deep Space Nine:
Lwaxana Troi - @ilwaxanatroi
Deep Space Nine:
Julian Bashir - @mydeardoctorbashir, @themadandthebroken*
Odo - @theyvanished
Elim Garak - @nevertellthesamelie
Dukat - @themadandthebroken*
Tora Ziyal - @themadandthebroken*
Gabriel Lorca - @chosemypain
Katrina Cornwell - @admiralkatrinacornwell
anotherdayinthefleet is now @starshipxcaptain
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