#answered this after an exam I well needed this i love infodumping
terrence-unsuaved · 1 year
Copperright or stickvin?
The short answer: Copperight wins every time.
The long answer: Copperight has been my OTP since I was in the fandom (around September 2020). It’s been a head canon for so long I think I only have about two or three aus where they aren’t dating or married out of my like… 50 (I don’t post about a lot of them.)
However this doesn’t mean I don’t have other ships involving the two.
Crossing into extreme headcanon territory, in my canon timeline Dr. Vinschpinsilstien and Reginald dated back when they were about 19? They both took the same cybernetic corse when they were younger and were both VERY in denial about being gay. (ahaha)
Meanwhile I head canon that Terrence had a MASSIVE crush on RHM. The two were real close friends back in their twenties before any leadership drama started with Ter. Unfortunately RHM did not reciprocate… at all. So that never goes anywhere for poor Terry.
Moving onto Stickvin, I 100% see the appeal but in my characterisations, Charles could never love Henry the same way Henry loves them because they lack the context of every other timeline.. But there’s a connection between the two. Something less than romantic but more than friends. I like to keep their relationship fluid. Charles fluctuates from timeline to timeline how they feel about Henry. In one timeline, they hate each other, in the next they’re best buddies, in the next they don’t even interact. This applies to AUs too. There’s love, just 100% not romantic. Something I can’t put into words.
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prussiasboxerbriefs · 7 years
language journey
thanks to @squeezieslangblr for tagging me and giving me an excuse to infodump about languages :D
rules: reblog, tag ten others and share your answers
1. what languages are you studying/have you studied?
- my dad is german, so he spoke and read books to me in german, and my german grandparents were the only ones who ever bought us dvds, so i grew up watching either pbs kids or the same couple sendung mit der maus and dubbed disney movies on dvd. i picked up a decent amount this way, but my grammar and spelling were abhorrent and i started studying it on my own in 8th grade, so now i can actually consider myself decently fluent (even though my grammar still sucks B) just reasonably less)
- obligatory spanish through 6th grade; i’ve picked it up and dropped it on-and-off over the years but at the moment it’s lower on my wishlist than a lot of other languages
- latin for two years in 7th and 8th grade, of which i remember almost nothing
- started learning french on duolingo at the end of 8th grade in preparation for switching to it in high school; i ended up skipping a year of french because american language education is fucking terrible
- the summer between 8th grade and high school i was emotionally unstable and started learning italian to cope (i’m not kidding) but i kind of trailed off with learning it last summer + haven’t picked it up since
- i was really excited about russian and i started learning that on duolingo as soon as the course came out (bc i still didn’t realize you could learn languages for free without duolingo) (i was in 9th grade, so late 2015 i think?). but i stopped, and then restarted last year, and i was sticking with it up until a couple months ago. i’ve been having kind of a rough time, so i lost my interest in a lot of things i love, but even once i get on meds i doubt i’ll have time for it come september :\ i love russian though, so hopefully i can keep it somewhat fresh
- i can read hangul and kana, and languages i was interested in and super focused on for like a week include korean, japanese, mandarin, hebrew, icelandic, swedish, and dutch
- tl;dr: i’m currently focusing on german and french, and i’ll be taking an online IB course in beginner’s mandarin junior + senior year!! in the past i’ve seriously studied russian, italian, and spanish, and i’ve dabbled in korean, japanese, hebrew, dutch, swedish, and icelandic
2. how long have you been studying?
i got really into languages in april-may of 2015 i think, so that would make it two years
3. did you learn through class or self study (or both)
spanish, latin, and french are all classes i have taken in school, but i go to an american school and language classes teach you nothing here :\ so i take french, but the way class worked last year, our teacher would write the name of the grammar topic we were studying on the board, and then i’d ignore him and research it myself on my computer. hopefully it’ll pick up this year now that i’m in a higher level, but idk. all other languages i’ve self-studied, and i’m self-studying french over the summer anyway 
4. why did you decide to learn this language?
- i want to major in animation for college, and the best animation colleges that don’t cost half your soul are mostly in france, so that’s my main motivation for getting to a decent level in french.
- german is my heritage language, and it’s one of my favorite languages because i grew up with it. (also, german college is free) 
- i decided to learn russian because cyrillic looked really cool to me, and i liked the way it sounded. also, it has a reputation for being “harsh” or “ugly”, like german does, which probably drew me to it as well (other reasons include the declension system, the challenge of learning a complicated grammar, matryoshka dolls, russian literature being super famous and esteemed, snow, how big the slavic language family is, and cheburashka).
- everybody says mandarin is really hard, which makes me want to study it. i’m curious about the tones, and i like the writing system. (also, if i can speak russian and mandarin, then i’ve got the languages of the three major hacking countries under my belt, so i could totally work for the CIA or be a spy or a hacker or something :P )
5. what was a major highlight/milestone in studying this language?
german: finally understanding the declension system of der/die/das
french: understanding how all the verb tenses work, which took approx. 2 years (and now they’re super easy for me!! it’s so cool!!!)
russian: realizing that i was starting to decline nouns + adjectives without even thinking about it (i think that was back in march or april, though, so i’m kind of rusty now)
6.what was the hardest thing about learning this language?
french i’ve found pretty easy because of all the cognates between it and english, and the verb tenses i struggled with until i learned english, and realized that a lot of tenses are either the same construction in both languages, or the reverse of each other in meaning
russian...it took me ages to get the case system, but that was because i didn’t study it enough tbh :P i’m still struggling with perfective/imperfective verbs + verbs of motion, but again i think that’s something that probably just requires rote memorization and discipline
7. what resources did you find most useful for studying this language?
i leaned super heavily on duolingo for a while, although i know better than to trust it for everything now. my personal favorite sites are dict.cc (german-english/french/russian/etc. dictionary), verb2verbe.com (french verb conjugation), lingolia (german + romance languages grammar guide), and russian-lessons.net (russian grammar). “german grammar drills” second edition is a really good grammar book that got me to finally stop butchering my heritage language and slurring my articles so native speakers wouldn’t realize i was incompetent B)))
8. any top tips for studying this language?
for languages in general, i would say make sure you understand your own language’s grammar first (especially if you’re an english speaker whose school never taught you grammar like mine). practice vocabulary and WRITE every day. practice active use of your TL, not just passive consumption. i am lazy and don’t do this and believe me, your skills will suffer.
9. what’s your next major language goal?
my next goal is probably to succeed in my german fluency exam and french and mandarin school exams senior year...after that i’ll have space to study new languages, so i want to get back into russian (if i don’t have time before then), and then maybe korean, thai, or hungarian?...there’s so many languages i want to learn, and it changes so often, i’ll probably study something totally different 2 years from now ;w;
10. anything we can do in the tumblr community to get you there?
i was thinking about starting my own langblr! but i still need to figure that out...also, the majority of my blogging is done on mobile, so i don’t know how much original content i would contribute, and i really want to focus on school and my college portfolio as much as possible. so we’ll see, but i’d love to join the langblr community from more than just my personal blog
i’m tagging @langloser and anyone w/ a special interest in languages who wants an excuse to talk about them (not that you need one tbh)
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