#i remember I tried polythreat for a while but I don’t like it
terrence-unsuaved · 1 year
Copperright or stickvin?
The short answer: Copperight wins every time.
The long answer: Copperight has been my OTP since I was in the fandom (around September 2020). It’s been a head canon for so long I think I only have about two or three aus where they aren’t dating or married out of my like… 50 (I don’t post about a lot of them.)
However this doesn’t mean I don’t have other ships involving the two.
Crossing into extreme headcanon territory, in my canon timeline Dr. Vinschpinsilstien and Reginald dated back when they were about 19? They both took the same cybernetic corse when they were younger and were both VERY in denial about being gay. (ahaha)
Meanwhile I head canon that Terrence had a MASSIVE crush on RHM. The two were real close friends back in their twenties before any leadership drama started with Ter. Unfortunately RHM did not reciprocate… at all. So that never goes anywhere for poor Terry.
Moving onto Stickvin, I 100% see the appeal but in my characterisations, Charles could never love Henry the same way Henry loves them because they lack the context of every other timeline.. But there’s a connection between the two. Something less than romantic but more than friends. I like to keep their relationship fluid. Charles fluctuates from timeline to timeline how they feel about Henry. In one timeline, they hate each other, in the next they’re best buddies, in the next they don’t even interact. This applies to AUs too. There’s love, just 100% not romantic. Something I can’t put into words.
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