#anthony slime x reader
inhibitionfreewriting · 6 months
okay hear me out. soft fluff with anthony??
when I found out Anthony has a creative writing degree?? My god man, I feel like this boy is soft even if he doesn't want people to know about it.
Even if he says it's lame when he hands it to you, he's written you a poem (small but thoughtful) for your anniversary. Hes got a habit of saying like very cheesy poetic lines to you and likes watching you giggle for it. Absolutely calls his partner babe. He makes jokes on the yard and calls people babe, I want him to call ME babe you feel me?
Anthony who has you help clean up his hair when he shaves it (who LETS you help, he reminds you, it's a privilege to be able to touch his bald head). Anthony who helps with laundry, it's a wind down activity after a rough day, who loves a bed time routine. Who does not care if you sleep in a bed but still absolutely sleeps on the floor, but on the side where you are. Romantic sleepover vibes.
I see him as having such a big heart even if even if he bullies the shit out of you. He never goes to far, he knows what to avoid and he'll damn sure square up with someone who makes you upset.
"You can't say shit like that, what the fuck is wrong with you?" Wraps his arm around you while he berates them.
I just love him so so much.
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meepmoopfanfics · 4 years
you don’t get a win unless you’re playing the game
Daveed Diggs x Reader
I’m thinking of making this an extensive fan fiction on your journey to becoming a member of the first post-COVID recast of Hamilton where they bring back the OBC principals for one month only. It’s going to go by slowly because I’m really attentive to detail. 
Chapter 1
You had been working your ass off for months to prepare for your final Hamilton audition. You went in, nailed it, and pretty much nailed the singing, except for when they had you sing for a potential Maria Reynolds alternate. You had already known the show by heart from fangirling over every single Hamilton Slime Tutorial available on Youtube and the internet as well as the new HD movie on Disney Plus. You suffered long hours in the gym building your stamina and endurance for this. Your agent told you you would be hearing back from casting today at 2:00-3:00 pm sharp if you were hired. This was it. Your chance for Broadway. They were recasting the entire cast. You were 1/50 being considered to fill the 5 women ensemble parts, as well as women swings roles. 
You look down at your phone which displays the OBC Hamilton cast’s Vogue centerfold shoot photo. Of course it was zoomed in on Daveed Diggs to the left, grabbing his nuts, looking like a hot, charismatic, gentleman. It was your life goal to meet this man someday.
2:43 PM
“Fuck…” you said out loud to yourself. You were all alone in your closet sized studio apartment. You began pacing. You were browsing Youtube on your Apple TV, listening to your favorite Broadway songs that had nothing to do with Hamilton to ease your nerves. Your green urban outfitters tank top was drenched in sweat in the underarms. Your anxiety was skyrocketing. You thought about your ex who you recently broke up with and wish you had him to comfort you through this terrifying time. 
You finished scream singing Suddenly Seymour and looked back down at your phone.
It was getting bleak. It didn’t seem like this was going to happen for you. You began to spiral, beginning to feel your throat tensing up, your heart falling into your gut, feeling your soul shattered, you worked so hard and this is what you were going to have to live with for the rest of your li—
“LAFAYETTE! I’m taking this horse by the reigns making redcoats redder with bloodstains!”
Your head couldn’t process that your phone, which you made sure wasn’t on silent and turned up to the max so you wouldn’t miss a call, was ringing with a random number on it. You’ve seen the number so many times before from your agency calling for normal check-ins. 
“LAFAYETTE! And I’m never gonna stop until I see em drop and—“
“Hi! Y/N?”
“Yes this is she!”
“This is Jenny. Where are you at right now?” “I’m in my apartment in the heights! Simply pacing waiting to hear back from casting.” You nervous giggled, putting on your most professional voice. You had personally asked your agent to call you either way based on what casting had to offer or not.
“Well Y/N I have some news for you... I I think you may want to sit down to hear this.”
Your heart sank back down. You felt tears rushing to your tear ducts. Heat rushed over your face and you began to shake as a panic attack began settling in.
“Okay I’m sitting. Is everything okay? Was the feedback negative?”
“Y/N… how’d you like to make your Broadway debut as The Bullet?”
Your whole world stopped.
“Are you joking right now?”
“Of course not. This is one of the happiest calls I’ve ever made as an agent. I know how badly you wanted this and we’re all so happy for you.”
You begin to scream and cry and laugh all at the same time. 
“Y/N? Are you okay? Are you laughing or crying? Or both?”
“I’m so happy I can’t even breathe!” You exclaimed. 
“You’ll be starting rehearsals on Monday morning at the Richard Rogers. Wanna know something else really cool?”
“The principals for the first month of shows will be from the OBC. Lin Manuel, Anthony Ramos, All three Schuyler sisters, Christopher Jackson, Daveed Diggs, Oak-“
“I’m sorry… WHAT” you screamed. 
Jenny laughed a huge belly laugh. You began to dance around your apartment alone, stomping your feet on your hard wood floor. You’d be sure to be getting a noise complaint from the elderly couple that lived in the apartment below you.
“Yes! Daveed is coming back.”
“I’m in, I’m so in.”
“I’ll send you the details as soon as I’m done. We’re so proud of you and will be there for you debut on president’s day!”
You dropped your phone onto the floor. You didn’t even look or check to see if it was cracked. You could afford a new one anyway. Broadway salary? And Hamilton for that matter?!?
And you were going to be your dream role, making your Broadway debut, with Daveed Diggs right at your side. Daveed Diggs was going to know your name.
You already started writing what your Instagram caption was going to say for your debut post…
You had to call your parents and all of your best friends. This was the start of something new.
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iwantitiwriteit · 4 years
Slow Burn: Act I - Part 2
The Meet Cute - Part 2
Pairing: Chris Evans x Famous!Reader
Summary: You meet Chris Evans at a rooftop, industry party in New York, but will your awkwardness ruin the night?
Warnings: Profanity, Sexual connotations, fluff gone sour (?) Read on to know what I mean
Notes: Please check out the moodboard + music specially curated to go with this part! Read the previous part here.
Although you had a few lightweight drinks, not wanting to get too turnt in front of strangers, you’re not really sure how you ended up here: In the middle of the dance floor, spinning, stepping and outright getting down with Chris motherfucking Evans.
It may have started with your light buzz, then a declaration of “that’s my song!!!” on your behalf, then Chris following you like a wide eyed puppy.
A mellower song plays. Yours and Chris’ energy comes down some, chemistry lingering. You simultaneously notice you’re holding hands and become all too aware of yourselves. Meaningless “ums” and “uhs” fill the air until you excuse yourself to the restroom, but not before you exchange shy smiles with Chris.
You freshen up in the mirror and take a moment to reflect on the night, on meeting Chris, with his tall, muscular frame, genuine smile, heart warming laugh, and blue eyes you could just drown in… Get a grip, SIS! You’re supposed to be meeting industry professionals, not fawning over snackable superheroes, no matter how charming. What time is it even…?
Pawing at your person for a sign of your phone, you realize you might have left it at the bar. Ugh, I hope no one took it. Who am I kidding? Rich people don’t steal phones… right?
You hurriedly rush out of the bathroom, but stop short at the sight of a boyish-looking Chris, hands tucked in his pockets. For the second time tonight, you both take a moment to take each other in. You don’t realize it, but you hold your breath as his eyes scan your hair, your eyes…her nose, her lips, her skin—
“You found it!”
“My phone! Thank God! I don’t know what I’d do without it!” You say as you point to the black, sparkly device poking out of his pocket. It only became visible when Chris subconsciously went to rub his beard, under a trance at the sight of you. 
“Yeah, the bartender found it. I told her I’d give it to you.”
You go to retrieve it from his pocket, but stop short again, reminding yourself you shouldn’t be that handsy with him. He takes that as a cue, and returns the phone to its rightful owner.
You check the time. 1:39 am. Yeesh.
“I know, right?” It must’ve shown on your face. “I didn’t even notice half the party cleared out,” he says while looking at you sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.
You chuckle lightly as you take in your surroundings for the first time in God knows how many hours. Had I really lost track of time, giggling with him all night? Yes sis, you did.
Tens of people are scattered about, trash is being cleaned up, and some of the younger staff are taking advantage of the photo-op area. Meanwhile, Chris is rambling about something, cutely at that, but you don’t tune in until he asks, “Do you?”
“Do I…”
He chuckles and says, “Have a place to stay in Boston yet? I always wait until the last minute to find a place when I’m filming out of town.”
You cock your brow. “Are you offering?”
“Ha! No ma’am! I enjoy my bachelor’s pad how it is. Just me and my best boy, Dodger.”
“Is that so?” 
“Mmhmm, just a pair of dysfunctional, male codependents.”
“So, it’s a no girls allowed ordeal?”
“No, it’s just--”
“A different girl every night, and they’re on their merry way by morning?”
“Oh, so--”
“WILL YOU LET ME TALK?! Jeez woman...” You both giggle at your antics and his feigned frustration. He rakes a hand through his hair before he begins again, but you attempt to cut him off one last time for fun. “Wow, ok!” He makes like he’s going to walk away, but you catch him by the wrist to keep him in place.
“Wait, no, I’m sorry!” You say between laughs and tugs on his arm. “Look, I’ll zip it,” Chris turns to you as you mime zipping and locking your lips. He puts his free hand out, not wanting to lose this physical contact with you, motioning for the imaginary key. You oblige. 
“Thank you, and for good measure...” he tucks the “key” in his pocket. You’re admiring the deep, rich tone of his voice when he gently places his hand over your mouth, his other hand still in your hold. Your brain is short-circuiting and your heart is skipping several beats.
“I was going to say,” wow, your eyes are just... wow.  “It’s more like a different girl every other night, gone by dawn.” 
You scoff and swat his hand away from your mouth, and now you both laugh at his antics. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding,” he quickly reassures, as if you couldn’t tell it was a joke. 
“No, I just really value my space, ya know? Not that I don’t appreciate guests, because I really do! You should see me; I host a WICKED game night.”
“Oh, I bet.”
“I just have to be... never mind. That’s more than what you asked for.”
“No, no, what is it? You can tell me.”
“I guess, I just have to be… selective, about who I invite into my--”
“Game night?”
“You’re quite the smart ass, huh?” You smirk and shrug, but it’s true: you love to crack jokes-- good or bad, for better or for worse-- especially with people you’re comfortable with. We’re not that comfortable, though. We just met.
“I get it, though, truly. Especially in this line of work,” You pause for a moment, fiddling with your fingers before you ask, “Don’t you ever feel like you can’t tell someone’s intentions? Like, you can’t tell if someone wants to be around you for you or... for what they think they’ll get in return. It’s just easier to stay in your own, comfortable bubble sometimes. I don’t know…”
The way you asked made Chris think you were looking for some words of advice more than agreement. “Well, sussing out someone’s intentions is difficult, but gets easier with experience. And not just experience with dealing with a bunch of slimes balls, but experience in listening, trusting your gut when it talks to you.” He gives you a warm smile, and you give a half one back, the thoughts of your very recent past preventing your smile from being full, bright, the way Chris came to know it tonight. In that moment, he found himself missing it.
Sensing the heaviness, Chris changes the subject, “So, uh… have any plans after this?” 
“At damn near 2 am?”
”Clearly you’ve never hung out in New York because this is considered too early to go home. This city never sleeps, ya’know? ‘S how it got the nickname.”
“No, I didn’t know that! Thanks for the tip.”
“Yeah, yeah of course, anytime.” The sarcastic back-and-forth leave you two smiling and gazing in each other’s eyes. Why do we keep doing this?
You clear your throat, “But, uh, no… well yes. Heading back to the hotel to get some Z’s. Gonna be at iHeartRadio tomorrow for a show, and I have to be alert for it.” You serve an overexaggerated focus face, to which he laughs at.
“Well, you could always have coffee.”
“Mm-mm, nope, no coffee for me. I’m still hoping to grow a few more inches.”
He sizes you up, “I don’t know, I think you’re just about done sprouting, Kid.”
“What did I say about calling me that?”
He drops his head a little and pouts his lip like a sad puppy, “Only Mackie can call you that...”
“Right! Don't make me tell you again. There won’t be a third time. Just, a consequence I have not thought of yet.” He lightly laughs as you continue, “Anyways, it’s an acoustic set, and I need real energy, real focus, ‘cos I feel like mistakes are far more noticeable when it’s stripped back, and I gotta be all here for it,” you tap your temple.
He nods, “Not only a smart ass, but quite the critic, too? Dangerous combination.” You shrug again. What can you say? You’re particular when it comes to music. “An acoustic set though— should be awesome! Who’s playing?”
...uuuummmm…  You start and stop your reply a couple of times, before awkwardly laughing. Maybe he’s just messing with me… “It’s a secret,” you say with a wink.
“Hey! Kid, Captain Little Ass! I’ve been texting both of you! Come over here for a picture!” Mackie’s booming voice bursts your bubble, and the two of you make your way over. Scott, Ansel, Jaden, and a few other people who you probably should’ve met tonight are huddled in conversation. Mackie approaches you with his phone.
“You mind snapping a few pics of me and the boys? We’ll do a couple poses and then I wanna get you in there.” 
“Oh, it would be my utmost pleasure to snap some ‘pics’ of you and ‘the boys’.” 
While they sort out their poses, you make with unlocking Mackie’s phone. It opens to Mackie’s and Chris’ text chain, and what you see sinks your heart a little bit. Well, damn. 
“Hey Kid, we’re ready,” Chris says with a smirk that quickly dissipates when you unintentionally scowl at him, stewing in your thoughts. He thinks it’s because you really don’t like the nickname, but boy is he so wrong.
Anthony was insistent on getting you in a picture, no matter how many times you declined saying you weren’t “picture ready”, when really you were too annoyed to prolong this night any longer. He waved over one of the gawking busboys, no doubt in awe of being in the same room as Shmaptin Shmerica.
As you handed the busboy the phone, he whispered he was a “big fan”, Oh. Really?, and “couldn’t believe” he was meeting you. You thanked him with a kind smile and offered to get a picture with him afterwards, Chris watching the endearing interaction. I’ll have to ask her what she’s been in so I can watch it.
Chris watched you as you scanned the group for a good spot to fit in, then go in the opposite direction of where he stood. After a few snaps, Chris yells, “EVERYBODY: NEW SPOTS, NEW POSE!!” Everyone scurries around, but you being stubborn, stay put. He inevitably finds his way to you, but you ignore his presence.
A few more pictures are taken. Everyone’s smiling their Hollywood smiles, but then there’s you on the end, just mean mugging. On the last picture, Chris puts his arm around your shoulders. The nerve, the GALL, the cologne… no, NO! Get it together! When the photos are done, you quickly go over to the busboy and make good on your promise of a picture with him. You can feel Chris’ eyes on you.
After a couple of selfies, Chris offers to take a picture for you both. When your fan is satisfied with the picture and gets back to work, Chris comes over to resume conversation with you, but you’re too in your head to hear him. You just see his plump, pink lips moving. Damn him and his good looks, and perfect lips and—
“How’s that sound?”
“How’s what sound?”
“Coffee— in Boston.”
“I’m sure there is some, but I thought y’all were more known for your tea parties.” He laughs and your breath is arrested by the beautiful sound, deepening your conflicted feelings. He seems so genuine, but the texts…
“I meant, when we’re both back in Boston, going out for coffee— with me?”
If he would text that, what does he want so badly to see me again for? *gasp* He must think I’m a quick fu— “Why?”
He’s taken aback by your curtness. What does she mean ‘why’? I thought we had a good time tonight, and I want to see her again… “Because ‘here’s to good company’, remember?” He recounts your toast from earlier in the evening, raising his hand to mime a glass in the air for emphasis. He lets his hand fall awkwardly at the sight of your unamused face.
“Good company, huh? Even for a ‘airheaded wannabe’?”
What is she talk… It hits him like a ton of bricks. 
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It’s you. YOU are the musician girl Mackie and Scott wanted him to meet. YOU are the one playing the set tomorrow, and that’s why you have fans wanting pictures with you. But most of all, YOU had seen his blind judgments of you. FuuuuUUUUUUcccckkk.
“Shit. Listen, I—“
“Have to call it a night and get some rest. Wouldn’t want hot air to be the only thing coming out of my mouth tomorrow. Good night, Chris.” With that, you quickly brush past him, and walk over to say goodbyes to your co-stars. You all share your excitement for starting filming next week, and they wish you well on your show tomorrow.
You make your way to the elevator, but not before you look back for Chris, who’s nowhere to be found. You hoped you’d see his face, and there’d be a look in his eyes that would tell you that tonight wasn’t a waste, that he was as genuine as you’d read him to be and that you’d only read those texts wrong. 
But those blue eyes weren’t around for you to drown in. You figured he went somewhere to be pissed about his efforts coming up fruitless. No different than the rest.
Part 3
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buckyownsmyheart · 4 years
Duty [8/12]
Finally, Some Alone Time
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Words: 3k
Warnings: Sexual harassment in the workplace. Is it angst? Or is it the plot? I can’t tell the difference anymore, but it’s not all sunshine and rainbows.
Series Summary: Ex-army doctor, and now the Avengers on-mission doctor, Major (Y/n) (Y/l/n), had prepared herself for anything. That was, of course, until she met a devastatingly charming Sergeant from Brooklyn with a quick wit, a kind smile and a taste for adventure. I wonder what will happen?
A/N: AN UPDATE?! Imagine.... I love and appreciate every single reblog and like so thank you! Flashbacks are in italics
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Series Masterlist
Chapter 7
The first thing you felt was the cold floor against your face. Your head was pounding and thumped against the floor in time with your heartbeat. The coolness of the hard stone was relatively soothing, but your shoulders were also burning, so you repositioned yourself to try and cool them down. Your hands seemed unable to move, and with some opening and closing of your fists, you located them bound behind you back. You finally opened your eyes, blinking the grit out of them and trying to rub them on your shoulder, without success. You looked around your new room. It was dark, a single flickering lightbulb hung from the ceiling and no windows gave it a dingy feel. A smell of damp came from the walls and green slime seemed to coat different areas of the floor. Your body took up about a quarter of the floor space, and you reckoned you could touch the ceiling if you stood up and stretched your arms above your head. The door was on the opposite end of the room to you, with no handle that you could see. 
Where was Bucky? You tried to remember anything past the café, but it all came up blank. Sitting up against the wall, you strained your ears to try and hear anything that might help, but all you could hear was a splashing. Wait, a splashing? Were you on water? Now you thought about it, you could feel the gentle tug of the waves moving you from side to side, like someone had placed you in a cradle and was rocking you to sleep. You felt your eyes drooping once more, and your mind began to go blank as the promise of sleep comforted you away from the unknown.
The bang of the door startled you awake, and you sat up so fast you banged the back of your head on the wall. Ouch. Bucky stumbled into the cell and proceeded to collapse on the floor. His lip was split, blood coating his teeth. A black and blue swelling presented around his right eye, the old blood forming a bag under his lower lid, and what you could see of his eye was red and angry looking. His nice shirt that you had gotten him for Christmas was now more of a vest, both sleeves ripped off and a large gash down the centre. 
“Bucky,” you said softly, trying to gain his attention. 
He looked up at you in wonderment, “Hey sweetcheeks, how are we looking?” You assumed he was trying to give a reassuring smile, but it came off as more of a grimace.
“I’ll be honest Barnes, we’ve looked better.” You had no doubt that you were equally dishevelled. “What’s going on? What have they done to you?”
He coughed a little before scooting closer to you, pressing his leg against yours as he joined you on the back wall, “They’re asking about my trigger words and recovery, about my missions, about what I can do as the Soldier. It’s not looking good. I’m scared, doll, I don’t know what’s going to happen.”
The fear in his eyes reflected yours. Things were slowly starting to come together. Everything had seemed so orchestrated, so easy, you began to question the events leading up to this point.
“Yeah Buck, I have a bad feeling about this.”
“Yeah, no shit,” he murmured as he leant his head against your shoulder.
“Hang on, I need you awake for this,” you nudged you shoulder, trying to keep him awake. You had a feeling you both had concussion and didn’t want him sleeping on it. “Buck, they weren’t trying to make new super soldiers, they were trying to take one back.” You looked at him, placing your hand on his thigh and tracing patterns, trying to keep his eyes open. “For your recovery, Shuri used electrical impulses to remove any synapses that connected your trigger words to the compliancy of the Winter Soldier, right? But your brain will reform them just as strongly as soon as someone tries. We need to rewire those words to mean something else to you, something different, and we need to do it now, before anyone else takes you away.”
“You said so many words,” Bucky mumbles in response, “My girlfriend is so clever she can use made-up words, and everyone pretends to know what they mean.” His eyes were now closed as he leant into further into your shoulder. This might take a little more work than you thought. Reaching into your pocket, you were relieved that your morphine was still in there. You wiggled around and stabbed it into his arm with as much force as your tied hands would allow, trying to relieve some of his pain and wake him up in the process. 
“Bucky, I need you with me, we’ve got shit to do.”
Once Bucky had removed your restraints, for some reason his weren’t tied, you had hatched a plan. It ended when the both of you had fallen asleep, curled in on each other, finding solace and comfort in the others presence, like you had done so often in the past few months. You had no idea how much time had passed, where you were headed, or if you were going to get out of there but having Bucky beside you made it a little easier to live in denial and uncertainty. Soft touches along your hair brought you back to consciousness. As you opened your eyes, you saw his black eye was receding, so you estimated around 14 hours had passed since he first came back to the cell. His eyes were focussed on yours and his hand stroked some stray hairs away from your face.
“(Y/n), I need to say something in case we don’t make it out of here,” His tone was uncharacteristically serious.
“Alright Mr. Sunny Optimism.”
“I’m not joking, you know as well as I do the chances of us getting out of here. We’re in the dark, metaphorically and literally, and I just want you to know that- “
You cut him off, placing a gentle kiss to his lips, “I know, Sarge, you don’t need to say anything”
“I need to say it,”
“You can say it when we get out of here, okay? For now, let’s focus finding a comfier place to stay.”
He simply nodded and then grabbed your head and kissing you firmly. You knew his meaning, and as much as you wanted to stay there and pretend like the world consisted of the two of you, you were well aware that it didn’t. Which sucked. You got up, ignoring your aching muscles and complaining joints, pulling Bucky to his feet with you. You both scanned the room for any exit or weak points, the door had no handle and a bolt keeping it shut on the other side. The lightbulb was attached by open wires, and so trying to get them down would most likely result in electrocution. Just as you were inspecting the part of the bolt you could see, it slid open, and a scrawny man entered the room, knocking you back onto the floor as you stared back into an all too familiar face.
“Major (Y/l/n), this is Anthony Tucker, he’ll be here to help you settle in with SIS and introduce you to the crew.” Raymond Johnson, the hopeful next MI-6 chief, gestured to a wiry man. He couldn’t have been much older than 45, but a greying head and wispy facial hair made him look much older. You had recently retired from the army and were looking for a job that kept you in the same place more or less. An army buddy of yours had recommended you try MI-6, and although you laughed at first, joking that they’d be mad to try and hire someone who talks as much as you, you found yourself with a job as a medic within the headquarters to the team that operates locally, as well as some desk agents that think they’re too good to go to a local GP. Tucker regarded you with a cocked head, studying every inch of you under scrutiny, and you had never felt so uncomfortable. To break the silence, you extended your hands towards him in an effort to divert his gaze, and his face lit up. He reached out to your hand, placing a kiss to the back of your knuckles and it took every inch of your self-control not to pull your hand back and get out of there as fast as you could.
“Major,” his sleazy voice sending a shiver down your spine, “I’ve heard so much about you, and I can’t wait to…” He gave an unnatural pause, “work with you.” You nodded and left the room without any further introductions. You really hoped that as soon as you settled in, you didn’t need to be around this guy.
After a few days, you broached the subject with the team you had been assigned to of Tucker and his slight creepiness, but they assured you that although he seems full on and forward, he was a really decent guy and would never do anything to make anyone on the team uncomfortable. He respected their boundaries, and if you said something he would back off. To be fair to him, after your initial greeting, he maintained a professional relationship and made you feel welcome to the team. 
The change in pace in MI-6 was a welcome relief, having slightly overworked yourself in the army. You were keen to prove that you were an asset, but people seemed to accept that before seeing what work you could do. Most of what you did anyway was general check-ups and examinations. After a few weeks, you found your fingers itching to do something a little more. You went to seek out Tucker to ask if there was anything else you could set your teeth into, which was when you saw it. He was speaking in low voices to an intern, and she looked terrified. Her eyes were wide open and the papers in her hand rustled as her hands failed to stay still. Hanging back, you watched the scene, as Tucker’s hand moved from the girl’s shoulder, slowly and painstakingly down her back until it reached the subtle curve of her backside. Tucker’s face remained close to her ear, her hair obscuring what he was saying, but she gave an unmistakeable yelp as his hand trailed lower and you couldn’t bear to watch anymore. You made your presence known, not acknowledging Tucker but heading straight for the girl.
“Hey, are those papers for me?” You gestured to the ones in her hand, “Would you mind going over them with me in meeting room 2? I have some few things I want to check.” The girl practically ran into the room you had mentioned, and you turned your attention to Tucker, the smile on his face was enough to make your gut wrench, and you clenched your fists to try and not to hit him.
“What are you doing, Major?” He leered, “Not causing trouble I hope?”
“I’m just doing my job, Sir.” You said through gritted teeth, turning away from him and heading towards the door.
It turned out those were the last words you said to him directly. After talking with the girl, Anita, it turned out that although he wouldn’t dare be inappropriate to someone who could do something about it, he had a habit of accosting the interns and work experience students in narrow hallways, asking them for favours and repaying them with straying hands. He picked on those who couldn’t afford to make a claim and have their job taken away from them. You asked her to try and gather the other people that he had done this to, and to not to worry about losing their jobs.
A month later, and all the claims had fallen through. You don’t know how, but you suspected foul play, money, and friends in high places saved Tucker’s ass from being put on an offender’s list. He didn’t work for MI-6 anymore, but there was nothing else you could do for the girls now, not that an official decision had been reached. You just hoped that he had learnt his lesson, or that other people found the strength to call him out on his disgusting behaviour, but for some reason you doubted it. The girls had all received an anonymous donation in the forms of large bonuses that year, so at least something had come out of it, but there was no way you would work for an organisation that allowed people like him to get away with things like that. You were sure that other people knew and thought themselves far too important to take part in a trivial matter like women’s safety.
“Tucker,” you spat at him, and his eyes gleamed with joy. The same leer remained on his face, making you feel sick.
“Major (Y/l/n), it’s been such a long time! It’s an absolute pleasure to have you back on the team.”
“I’m going nowhere near your team, I’d die before I worked for you again, especially now I know you’re with HYDRA, because that’s what this is right? We’re going to Ellesmere Island?”
“Ahh, Major, Major, you’ve always been too clever for your own good, but I’m afraid you’re wrong if you think you have a choice in this. We've just arrived, and I'll be taking you from here.”
“Go to hell, Tucker, there’s a special place reserved for you.” Bucky looked at you with curious eyes. You had told him about the reason you had left MI-6, but I guess he was still piecing together who this man was and how he fit into the equation. You kept your eyes trained on Tucker as he moved towards Bucky who was positioned under the light. 
“If you say no, your Bucky here won’t last much longer I’m afraid.”
You called his bluff, “As if you’ll be able to overpower Bucky Barnes, you are aware of who he is right?”
At that moment, Tucker slapped a device onto Bucky’s metal arm, and Bucky screamed out in pain. The noise cut straight through you, emptying your heart and making your chest feel heavy. You couldn't bear seeing him in pain, he didn't deserve it, not after all he had been through. The fact that it was Tucker causing him that pain added to your anguish. You tried calling out his name, but he wasn’t responding. After a few seconds, he fell to the floor with a thump, completely unconscious.
“Oh no, now look what you made me do,” Tucker sneered down at Bucky's limp form.
“Don’t you dare insinuate that this is on me, you’re the one with the fucked up moral compass,” you shouted back, moving yourself to Bucky’s side, but before you could touch him, Tucker tutted at you from above, and the undeniable click of a gun forced your eyes away from Bucky’s face.
“Say goodbye to him, it might be the last time you see him whilst your Bucky is still in control,”
You closed your eyes and gave Bucky a small kiss on the cheek. As you stood, you looked away from him, not wanting his final image to be the one in front of you. Instead you conjured up one of him that morning, or was it the morning before? Him, in bed, laughing at his own joke so hard that his eyes crinkled and his nose scrunched up. This was the Bucky that would keep you going through this, and this was the Bucky that you would come back to at the end of all this. You didn't look back when you purposefully walked out of the door. You kept your eyes trained ahead and prepared yourself for the worst, not looking back.
Chapter 9
tags (send me a message if you would like to be tagged in my sporadic updates!):
@velvetwonderbucky​ @broco8​ @sebbbystaaan​ @nerd-without-a-cause​ @mcubuckyandsteve @cutiepiemimi13​ @livylou3333​ @cap-just-said-language​ @ravenesque​
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viralhottopics · 7 years
Kids’ Choice Awards 2017: The Complete Winners List!
The kids have spoken — and it’s not just about John Cena getting slimed!!
The 2017 Kids’ Choice Awards took place Saturday night, and some stars walked away as fan favorites.
In case you missed any of the awards, we’ve got the complete winners list right here.
Ch-ch-check it out (below)!
Favorite Kids’ Show
Game Shakers Girl Meets World Henry Danger (Winner) Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn The Thundermans
Favorite Family Show
Big Bang Theory Black-ish Fuller House (Winner) Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Supergirl The Flash
Favorite Reality Show
America’s Funniest Home Videos America’s Got Talent (Winner) American Ninja Warrior Paradise Run Shark Tank The Voice
Favorite Cartoon
ALVINNN!!! and The Chipmunks SpongeBob SquarePants (Winner) Teen Titans Go! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Amazing World of Gumball The Loud House
Favorite Male TV Star
Benjamin Flores Jr. (Triple G, Game Shakers) Aidan Gallagher (Nicky, Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn) Jack Griffo (Max, The Thundermans) Jace Norman (Henry, Henry Danger) (Winner) Casey Simpson (Ricky, Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn) Tyrel Jackson Williams (Leo, Lab Rats)
Favorite Female TV Star
Zendaya (K.C., K.C. Undercover) (Winner) Rowan Blanchard (Riley, Girl Meets World) Dove Cameron (Liv and Maddie, Liv and Maddie) Lizzy Greene (Dawn, Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn) Kira Kosarin (Phoebe, The Thundermans) Breanna Yde (Tomika, School of Rock)
Favorite Movie
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Captain America: Civil War Ghostbusters (Winner) Pete’s Dragon Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows
Favorite Movie Actor
Ben Affleck (Batman, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice) Will Arnett (Vernon, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows) Henry Cavill (Superman, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice) Robert Downey Jr. (Iron Man, Captain America: Civil War) Chris Evans (Captain America, Captain America: Civil War) Chris Hemsworth (Kevin, Ghostbusters) (Winner)
Favorite Movie Actress
Amy Adams (Lois, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice) Megan Fox (April, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows) Scarlett Johansson (Black Widow, Captain America: Civil War) Felicity Jones (Jyn, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story) Melissa McCarthy (Abby, Ghostbusters) (Winner) Kristen Wiig (Erin, Ghostbusters)
Favorie Animated Movie
Finding Dory (Winner) Moana Sing The Secret Life of Pets Trolls Zootopia
Favorite Voice From An Animated Movie
Ellen DeGeneres (Dory, Finding Dory) (Winner) Kevin Hart (Snowball, The Secret Life of Pets) Dwayne Johnson (Maui, Moana) Anna Kendrick (Poppy, Trolls) Justin Timberlake (Branch, Trolls) Reese Witherspoon (Rosita, Sing)
Favorite Villain
Helena Bonham Carter (The Red Queen, Alice Through the Looking Glass) Idris Elba (Krall, Star Trek Beyond) Will Ferrell (Mugatu, Zoolander 2) Kevin Hart (Snowball, The Secret Life of Pets) (Winner) Charlize Theron (Ravenna, The Huntsman: Winter’s War) Spencer Wilding (Darth Vader, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story)
Favorite Butt-Kicker
Ben Affleck (Batman, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice) Henry Cavill (Superman, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice) Chris Evans (Captain America, Captain America: Civil War) (Winner) Chris Hemsworth (The Huntsman, The Huntsman: Winter’s War) Scarlett Johansson (Black Widow, Captain America: Civil War) Felicity Jones (Jyn, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story) Jennifer Lawrence (Mystique, X-Men: Apocalypse) Zoe Saldana (Lieutenant Uhura, Star Trek Beyond)
BFFs (Best Friends Forever)
Ruby Barnhill & Mark Rylance (Sophie/BFG, The BFG) Kevin Hart & Dwayne Johnson (Bob/Calvin, Central Intelligence) (Winner) Kevin Hart & Ice Cube (Ben/James, Ride Along 2) Chris Pine & Zachary Quinto (Captain Kirk/Spock, Star Trek Beyond) Neel Sethi & Bill Murray (Mowgli/ Baloo, Jungle Book) Ben Stiller & Owen Wilson (Derek/Hansel, Zoolander 2)
Favorite Frenemies
Ben Affleck & Henry Cavill (Batman/Superman, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice) Chris Evans & Robert Downey Jr. (Captain America/Iron Man, Captain America: Civil War) Ginnifer Goodwin & Jason Bateman (Judy/Nick, Zootopia) (Winner) Dwayne Johnson & Auli’I Cravalho (Moana/Maui, Moana) Anna Kendrick & Justin Timberlake (Poppy/Branch, Trolls) Charlize Theron & Emily Blunt (Ravenna/Freya, The Huntsman: Winter’s War)
Most Wanted Pet
Baloo from The Jungle Book (Bill Murray) Dory from Finding Dory (Ellen DeGeneres) Po from Kung Fu Panda 3 (Jack Black) Red from The Angry Birds Movie (Jason Sudeikis) Rosita from Sing (Reese Witherspoon) Snowball from The Secret Life of Pets (Kevin Hart) (Winner)
Finding Dory Ellen DeGeneres, Albert Brooks, Kaitlin Olson, Hayden Rolence, Willem Dafoe, Ed O’Neill, Ty Burrell, Eugene Levy (Winner)
Captain America: Civil War – Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, Don Cheadle, Jeremy Renner, Chadwick Boseman Ghostbusters Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon, Leslie Jones Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Felicity Jones, Forest Whitaker, Diego Luna, Ben Mendelsohn, Alan Tudyk, Donnie Yen, Riz Ahmed, Mads Mikkelsen Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows Noel Fisher, Jeremy Howard, Pete Ploszek, Alan Ritchson X-Men: Apocalypse James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Nicholas Hoult, Evan Peters, Tye Sheridan, Ben Hardy, Kodi Smit-McPhee, Sophie Turner, Alexandra Shipp, Olivia Munn
Favorite Music Group
The Chainsmokers Fifth Harmony (Winner) Maroon 5 OneRepublic Pentatonix Twenty One Pilots
Favorite Male Singer
Drake Justin Bieber Bruno Mars Shawn Mendes (Winner) Justin Timberlake The Weeknd
Favorite Female Singer
Adele Beyonc Ariana Grande Selena Gomez (Winner) Rihanna Meghan Trainor
Favorite Song
“24K Magic” Bruno Mars “Can’t Stop the Feeling!” Justin Timberlake “Heathens” Twenty One Pilots “Send My Love (To Your New Lover)” Adele “Side to Side” Ariana Grande ft. Nicki Minaj “Work From Home” Fifth Harmony ft. Ty Dolla $ign (Winner)
Favorite New Artist
Kelsea Ballerini The Chainsmokers Daya Lukas Graham Solange Rae Sremmurd Hailee Steinfeld Twenty One Pilots (Winner)
Favorite Music Video
“24K Magic” Bruno Mars “Can’t Stop the Feeling!” Justin Timberlake “Formation” Beyonc “Juju on That Beat” Zay Hilfigerrr and Zayion McCall (Winner) “Me Too” Meghan Trainor “Stressed Out” Twenty One Pilots
Favorite DJ/EDM Artist
Martin Garrix Calvin Harris (Winner) Major Lazer Skrillex DJ Snake Zedd
Favorite Soundtrack
Hamilton Me Before You Moana Sing Suicide Squad (Winner) Trolls
Favorite Viral Music Artist
Tiffany Alvord Matty B Carson Lueders Johnny Orlando Jacob Sartorius JoJo Siwa (Winner)
Favorite Global Music Star
5 Seconds of Summer (Australia/New Zealand) BIGBANG (Asia) Bruno Mars (North America) Little Mix (UK) (Winner) Shakira (South America) Zara Larsson (Europe)
Favorite Video Game
Just Dance 2017 (Winner) Lego Marvel’s Avengers Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens Minecraft: Story Mode Paper Mario: Color Splash Pokmon Moon
So fun!!!
Congrats to all the BIG winners!!!
What’d U think of last night’s show, Perezcious readers?! Let us know in the comments (below)!!!
Read more: http://bit.ly/2mE1Ucd
from Kids’ Choice Awards 2017: The Complete Winners List!
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inhibitionfreewriting · 6 months
slime + fluffy christmas? maybe decorating gingerbread houses
on one hand, doing traditional gingerbread houses would be sweet and in general the two of you love to spend time together. but this is the look of a man who would roast the shit out of your gingerbread house (but with love)
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stay with me here, imagine getting all the things you need for it. you've got gingerbread panels and you're in the process of making the royal icing for it while slime pulls out a few bags of candy to use in the decoration - gum drops, candy canes, jelly beans, chocolates, basically whatever you two could grab from a local store. you question as the price reaches 75$ if you grabbed too much but slime shakes his head, "you need bricks to build." you agree.
i think it starts not as a competition, just deciding to do two separate houses so they can each look how you want them to look. you're probably going to break them afterwards anyway and just nosh on the sweet treat, but as soon as one of you accidentally knocks something off of the others and the response is a gasp and "sabotage", it turns into whoever can build the coolest looking house.
the problem is, both of you have different ideas of what would be the coolest looking house. slime is taking it too seriously and working on a gingerbread house with a complicated layout and interior rooms ("you're using too much gingerbread, you don't need to make an interior layout" "you're only saying that because you don't want to lose, give me the gingerbread") and you're working on patterns between the royal icing and the candy.
the BANTER? 😘👌🏻
"only a whore would live in your gingerbread house." "that just means i can live there and you can't." "woah, slutshaming? for christmas?" you give him this incredulous look before saying "you're not a whore!" before he gasps and goes "how DARE you!" it turns into this 15 minute long rant about how yes he is a whore and the fact that you're unwilling to face who he is down at the core of his being? the worst betrayal from you he's ever experienced.
you barely remember to take pictures before you start to break at pieces, sitting on the couch leaning into him and trying to find which ones highlight both houses the best. it IS a competition afterall, and who better to ask than the boys? he brings the pictures to the yard and its a small segment on the show to have them decide (it's important to note that you're not there)
when they pick his house (he doesn't say whose is whose), he immediately is defending yours and on your side. "hers is perfect what the fuck. what do you mean mine? look - the pictures just don't do it justice. you're all wrong"
"wait do you," ludwig shakes his head "do you NOT want to win this?" aiden is laughing
"lud doesn't get it. we want women to win," nick says "stop being misogynistic dude." lud throws his hands up in exasperation and shouts that he's NOT being misogynistic.
rewatching the clip on the yard makes your heart glow.
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inhibitionfreewriting · 6 months
holiday fights with anthony? 👀
i feel like holiday fights with anthony would be because he reads as someone who is stubborn. he just doesn't get why you are being SO insistent on going to this party, he really doesn't want to go out christmas eve. he would rather go out on christmas than right now, it's almost 6 and he does NOT want to put shoes on.
and yeah okay, fine, you get it but you approach him with a little irritation of your own and try not to come off as hostile but its your parents party. they invited you last week and you forgot to ask him then and only remembered when your mother called you an hour ago to ask if you were still coming.
"jamtam," you called hoping the nickname would help win some favor, "can we just go for like an hour or two and then we can come home i promise." you could see anthony rub his thumb into his browbone.
"you can go ahead and go, i'm just going to stay here. have fun." still at his desk. you rolled your eyes and slammed the door as you went to get changed. fine, fine! you'll go to your parents party and maybe even stay the night so he could wake up on christmas itself, alone. who cares!
you barely manage to change your shirt before he's in the bedroom with a "seriously? you're slamming doors now? because i won't go to a fucking party?"
"anthony-" (despite his aggravation he winced internally hearing you go from jamtam to anthony of all things, not even slime) "-i just wanted to go for an hour. that's it- an hour."
"if the party was so important to you, don't you think you would have told me earlier?" he stayed in the doorway, arms crossed.
"everyone forgets things, okay? i fucked up and im going by myself," you finished kicking off your shorts and grabbed a pair of pants from your drawers, tugging them up and doing the buttons.
"no, you're not," he shook his head and watched as you spin and look at him.
"what are you keeping me here?"
"no, i'm going with you dumbass."
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inhibitionfreewriting · 6 months
Here me out. You know how we talked about Slime and writing letters.
I offer annotating books for eachother. Just highlighting your favorite phrases or underlining things you want to try with him or putting an asterisk next to part you think he'd especially like.
YES! before you realize it, it's like no longer just one or two things you wanted to remember to point out to him later or have him read. it's turned into handing him a fully annotated book.
the first time you hand it to him and he kind of like ?? laughs because the book looks ridiculous. he opens it later when (on the floor for bed) and on seeing the first little squiggle of an underline and an asterisk next to a passage?? he gets it. like a week later, he hands you a book done up the same way. the gesture is so sweet and you are so eager you snatch it out of his hands and devour everything.
you have your own little book club where you just destroy two books for one another and then swap. a spot on a bookshelf to put all of them next to one another as they get done?? 💌💌💌
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inhibitionfreewriting · 6 months
christmas traditions with the yard boys?
idk if you wanted separate or not but i just. the idea of traditions with the group?? 😭 sorry but i love the idea of everyone being in the holiday spirit together 🥺
🎄because like the yard as a whole just. look, new set, new traditions. you beg them - BEG to decorate the set for the month of december. it doesn't even have to be to a specific holiday (even if you have something for every religious holiday that falls during the month of december on the fence in the background of the set), you just want to put lights up! decorating is your favorite part of the holidays. when each day is done you box them up separately for next year so you can keep to theme for the episodes.
🎄holiday themed photos for the patreon! wrapped up in lights together, strangling people with lights, anthony absolutely having a bow on the top of his head in one of the photos. mistletoe? please, aiden has a hat on with it taped to it. nick literally wrapped in wrapping paper or a ribbon mummy? i don't have anything specific for ludwig because i feel like he is just in every photo causing chaos and havoc. it's all very very goofy but like all on (off)brand on them.
🎄top christmas traditions for them each in my brain is baking with ludwig, wrapping gifts with nick, decorating the tree with aiden and frying turkey or ham outside with anthony.
🎄 ludwig talking about something that his mom always made during the holidays and you looking up recipes so you can surprise him. you have the kitchen cleaned out and you have ingredients on the counter and you know he's got the day off so he wakes up and you just drag him into the kitchen. it doesn't even matter if it turns out well or not, it's the time spent and the attempt that matters (ludwig still tries it and absolutely has everyone else try whatever it is, even if it's bad. he laughs at everyone who tries to be polite after biting it)
🎄you and nick make careful folds along wrapping paper and checking off the gifts you've finished. i really love the idea of it being like a date night? hot cocoa or eggnog and maybe some of your favorite take out? yes, sign me up. throw on a movie or some music and i honestly think its just playful shit talk the whole time.
🎄decorate. the. tree. with. aiden. he's so tall and lanky, he's perfect for hanging things up high and putting the topper on the tree! i think he's also a stickler for good ornament placement so you both have plenty of moments where you step back and go "mmm, i feel like it's too close to this other thing?" god forbid the garland doesn't go with the tree. but as much criticism there is, it's all said with playful love to it.
🎄honestly i dont know if anthony is the type of person to go out and deep fry a turkey or ham, but my brain is whirring at 1000 degrees at the idea of him standing near the fryer in a scarf and jacket just my heart 🥺🥺🥺 just the idea of making dinner with him just. my heart, he melts.
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