#anti Klaine
endiness · 1 year
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BLAINE ANDERSON Glee 2x20 "Prom Queen"
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icedteaandoldlace · 4 months
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Pffft speak for yourself. I simply choose to hate his guts for all eternity, like a normal person. :)
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lylethewarblerguy · 4 months
It is so annoying being a fan who hates one of the main characters and one of the main ships and who’s favourite character only appears in like 5 episodes (all of which center around said character and ship), cause I’ll see a post about the show or listen to one of the songs and go “I should rewatch glee” and then I remember that there’s no way to do that without having to see them, and then I just don’t
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sapphic-agent · 5 months
Ranking the Glee Endgame Ships
(Finchel included because it would have been Endgame)
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Brittana: Yes I love them unconditionally and no I will not apologize for it. Pure love in its truest form (no I won't be taking criticism stay mad💁🏾‍♀️)
Sue/Sue: The best ship, no questions asked. Also means Sue won't subject a romantic partner to her toxicity which is a surprising amount of (probably unintentional) responsibility from her
Samcedes: They're cute. I know they're not "officially" endgame but it's implied they get back together eventually right? I really liked their healthy communication in season 6 even if they did break up afterwards
St. Berry: Soulmates frfr. Jesse's a prick, but outside of season 1 treats her so well and always pushes her to be her best. I think Rachel really taught him how to love. Also just so much chemistry
Wemma: Only reason it's not ranked higher is because Will doesn't always do right by her (like when he let her ableist parents make him doubt his relationship with her😐). They're a pretty solid couple overall though
Finchel: They have their cute moments, but it's hard to get into them when they have so many issues, a lot of which were never addressed. Finn only pursued her when he couldn't have her *cough* when she was with Jesse *cough* and otherwise complained about her constantly. Rachel was more likeable when she wasn't with him tbh (like in the majority of season 2)
Artina: Why even have them get back together? They broke up in season 2 when he treated her like garbage and then she was happy with Mike for years only for the writers to break them up for no reason. Tike was cute and so off to the side that they could have kept it and nothing would have made a difference. Why did the writers hate Tina?
Klaine: To be fair a lot of this ship's failings came from how inconsistently and downright terribly Blaine was written. But still, when he proposed it felt like Kurt wasn't even happy. And it only felt like they got married because everyone pushed them to. Nothing about this ship was ever enjoyable to me, not even in season 2
Quick: Why'd they do Quinn like this😭 I get Puck had changed and that's great but she said to Rachel in season 3, "I can't imagine my past dimming the bright lights of my future." And then she gets with Puck😐 They should have kept her single tbh, her learning to love herself without a man involved was meant to be her whole arc (I also headcanon her as ace, but that's just me🤷🏾‍♀️)
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tophsazulas · 2 months
can I just start with how funny it is that blaine's personality changed from well blaine to darren? Like at first he's this smooth talker suave handsome guy and then he's just... a dude? I know it's talked about a lot but it is just THAT funny.
Rewatching season 5 rn and honest to god I didn't remember a single plot point from this season. And rightly so it's so chaotic (as is most glee) I know they stopped caring at this point lmao. Like what's up with artie doing 3 girls at once?? And blaine's jealous of kurt cause he's getting muscular?? And RACHEL LEAVES FUNNY GIRL??? Like what is even happening.
Also remembering things i forgot on my rewatch: the twerking episode has a plot. I totally forgot that I always thought of it as just the twerking epsiode and while i was watching it I was like "oh it actually has kinda good plot"
This is all I can remember rn, my memory's kinda bad. Would love to hear your stuff. Especially why you ship Quartie, i never even thought of it lol
Very true! Especially compared s2!blaine to s4!blaine, it’s like a whole ‘nother level. Even before in s2, there were hints there with his romantic gesture to the gap guy, but later on, he started to get less “classy” to say the least haha.
Season 5 is actually where I stopped. Exactly at the 20th ep. It’s very weird. And the stuff with Blaine, I feel like seeing Kurt in his footing made him insecure (not that he wasn’t already but you get it). While I don’t like how he handled it and the way he acted, I can relate to feeling insecure and being a little jealous of even the closest people around me.
And the Artie plot was so funny to watch. I did really like him with Kitty tho so rip to them.
Rachel leaving Funny Girl especially is ridiculous. Her whole arc was getting into Broadway and being a star. And then fast forward to season 6 and apparently she left for a goddamn tv show and is stuck in Lima like wtf. Anyways, S1 & S4 Rachel was superior all I’ve gotta say.
The twerking one was also so icky. Like no teacher in real life would be condoning this. Not to mention, last I checked, didn’t Schue twerk on those minors??? I can’t believe I’m actually siding with Sue here but…
As for why I ship Quartie, I actually didn’t ship them when I first watched but I loved their dynamic. Seeing @thomas-the-goat-of-satan and other tumblr users talking about them made me love Quartie more.
I just love how happy Quinn was around Artie. Probably the happiest she ever was around a man lmao. And I love how they both bond when Quinn was paralyzed and the way Artie seemed to challenge her.
Also I’m Still Standing totally fucks.
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kismetconstellations · 3 months
Kurt Hummel & Quinn Fabray
Kurt Hummel
OTP: I can't say that I have one. I ship Kurt with a variety of men, and none of them named Blaine, but I don't believe that there's a true standout. Though, I do tend to lean toward Kurt/Dave Karofsky. All of the missed and wasted potential there pains me when I think too hard on it. BroTP: Kurt and Mercedes Jones, how I miss you. Kurt and Finn Hudson and Kurt and Sam Evans also have some sweet moments. OT3: Nothing comes to mind. NoTP: Kurt/Blaine Anderson. I wasn't a fan when the show was airing, am currently not a fan nearly a decade after it's ended, and never will be a fan.
Quinn Fabray
OTP: Quinn/Rachel Berry. Was it consistently written? No. But, the chemistry between Dianna Agron and Lea Michele was off the charts from the moment these characters first interacted onscreen, and I've yet to see a heterosexual explanation that truly justifies Quinn's absolutely heartbroken reaction when Rachel nods a tentative affirmative that she was "singing that song just for Finn and only Finn". BroTP: Quinn and Sam, Quinn and Mercedes (yet another good thing that Ryan Murphy and Co. tossed aside and left to rot), Quinn and Artie Abrahams, and, tentatively and primarily in fanfiction where it's handled well, Quinn and Santana Lopez. OT3: I suppose Sam/Quinn/Rachel, maybe? I know that Santana/Quinn/Rachel is another popular one, but my feelings toward romantic Quinn/Santana are very mixed. NoTP: Quinn/Finn, Quinn/Noah Puckerman, and basically Quinn/Any man the show ever tried to pair her with who isn't Sam. (And, even then, I align completely with the headcanon that Quinn is a repressed lesbian.)
Thank you so very much for asking! ❤ I apologize if any of my answers are lackluster, or not particularly interesting.
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hevansiowa · 1 year
here, i haven’t posted anything glee related in a month, have this REALLY dramatic klaine(??) edit that’s more of me insulting blaine and loving kurt than anything else!
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elledelajoie · 3 months
Leading Man
Kurt wakes up the next morning after the double wedding with a pounding headache and a killer hangover. What if Mercedes is in his hotel room instead of Blaine? Complete.
Kurt woke up and looked around. It was dark, but there was enough faint light from the window that he could see just a little. He blinked his blurry eyes a few more times and realized that he was in a hotel room lying in a bed. He reached out and found no one else in the bed with him. His mind was foggy, but he lay still thinking. The last thing he could remember was ...
What was it?
After a few seconds, he remembered toasting his marriage with Mercedes. He rolled over and slipped the covers back, then headed toward the bathroom.
When he came back out, he shielded his eyes from the bright light in the room. He found Mercedes sitting on the other bed in the room.
“Mercedes? What’s going on?” Kurt made his way back to the bed. “Can we talk about it in the dark? My head is pounding.”
“Sure. Take these first.” She handed him a bottle of water and some pain relievers. After he took them, she turned off the lamp that was on the nightstand between their beds and got back in the other bed. “Drinking so much tends to give people nasty hangovers.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” he deadpanned. “The last thing I remember is you and I were toasting my marriage to Blaine. Why am I in a hotel room with you and not with him?”
“Well, mainly because I wanted a chance to talk to you sober before you had a chance to do anything permanent like actually marry Blaine.”
“We already got married.”
“Not legally. Your dad may be authorized by the state of Indiana to perform weddings, but you and Blaine didn’t have a marriage license, so all the two of you did was repeat words in a ceremony. Without the marriage license, you’re not officially married. The two of you will have to head to a courthouse Monday—tomorrow morning and get a marriage license and then get officially married again, either by someone at the courthouse or someone else officially authorized to perform the ceremony.”
“Oh, right. I mean I knew that. God, my head is killing me. I hope those pills do something soon. So, you still didn’t tell me what you want to talk to me about.”
Read on AO3.
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waitformethistime · 5 months
The fact that it's been almost 8 years since Glee ended and the Kl*ine stans are still just as insufferable and insecure as ever. Like why are y'all attacking Jenna and Kevin just because they don't really talk about them and didn't like one of their scenes? Like who cares? That's their opinion and that pair didn't involve them anyway. It doesn't mean they hate them.
And even if they did, they have that right. Kevin being gay doesn't mean he's required to like every single gay pair or character (especially when they're terribly written). Damn just don't listen to their podcast and go about your business. This isn't hard.
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glitteringpoet1685 · 28 days
"Klaine are soulmates 🥹🥹🥹"
So close! That is an emotionally abusive relationship. ❤️
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endiness · 1 year
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BLAINE ANDERSON Glee 4x03 "Makeover"
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simplysummers · 2 years
Klaine vs Kurtbastian
Just another Reddit comment, written by myself, that I thought was too in depth to not post here.
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And that’s the big difference, at least for me.
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icedteaandoldlace · 1 year
Anyways, since I have apparently been mistaken for a Klaine fan, again, here is your periodic reminder that I Hate Blaine Anderson So Much. That is all.
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sapphic-agent · 5 months
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For some reason, people assume that those of us that hate Andersofsky due to Karofsky being "unattractive" and that we'd be fine if it was Sebastian. I can't speak for anyone else, but that isn't true for me. Not only because I couldn't give a less of a fuck about Sebastian (or the fact that Blaine could have picked literally anyone else).
Personally, I just think that Dave deserved better than to be used as a plot device for Klaine
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oh I DO hate Klaine a little bit! just a little! for homophobic reasons.
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