#blaine for bl
icedteaandoldlace · 8 months
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Pffft speak for yourself. I simply choose to hate his guts for all eternity, like a normal person. :)
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westealtoys · 11 months
tag game
I was tagged by @just-a-tiny-goldfish to play with this picrew. I really enjoyed it! Thank you for thinking of me, that's very nice of you! ^^
@dorkousloris @silvery-bluish @grey-gravy @currently-evil and you reader, would you like to try it? It's fun!
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justgleekout · 10 months
Are We Ever Gonna Be Okay Again?
Summary: An alternate timeline in which Kurt did go to Lima for Christmas and he and Blaine had that much-needed heart-to-heart.
But uh-oh! It's angst and they cry.
Rating: G
Words: 2273
Additional tags: Missing Scene, Fix-It, Episode: s04e10 Glee Actually, Alternate Timeline, Blangst, angst with hopeful ending, Mostly Canon Compliant, talks about cheating
Notes: Would you believe it? I've written something again!
It always bothered me that Kurt and Blaine never had a real conversation about Blaine's cheating. So this is me exploring the hows and whys and filling the gaps the writers had left. This is heavy on the emotional (bl)angst. Sorry, I like to inflict pain on this fandom.
And of course, thank you to the best beta in the world @esperantoauthor (Esperanto on Ao3)! <33
Read on Ao3
When the doorbell rang, Blaine was shaking. He hadn't seen Kurt since the opening night of McKinley's rendition of Grease. And that encounter had left him almost feeling worse than when he left New York after Kurt and he had just broken up. Blaine felt nauseous. He tried to swallow the feeling away, but his mouth was dry. He opened the door and when he saw Kurt in the doorway it was all he could do not to cry. 
“Hey,” Kurt said, his voice barely above a whisper, and he gave Blaine the faintest of smiles. A smile so small and unsure that Blaine almost wished he hadn’t smiled at all.
The air between them was thick and heavy. With so many things yet unspoken, so many emotions unshown. Blaine wanted to reach out. He wanted to enfold himself in Kurt's arms, but he didn’t want to scare Kurt away, so he settled for a small, “Hey,” in return. “Do you want to come in? It's freezing.” The incredible normality of that sentence made him sick to his stomach. Nothing about this was casual and they both knew it.
“Yeah, okay.”
Blaine stepped back and Kurt entered his house. 
“Did you want to come up to my room?” 
Kurt shrugged. “Sure.” He tried to smile again, but it didn't reach his eyes. He followed Blaine up the stairs into his room and sat down on the edge of Blaine's bed. His back was oddly straight, and he stared down at his hands. 
Blaine closed the door behind them. He didn't know why he closed the door; his parents weren't home. Maybe it was to keep Kurt from running away. To hold them together. To shield them. Blaine took a breath and sat down on the bed next to Kurt, making sure to leave enough space between them. 
“So..” Kurt said. He glanced at Blaine. He looked apprehensive and it hurt Blaine. It felt awful to see the person he loved, look at him with fear and doubt and not be able to reach out to comfort him especially because he was the reason Kurt felt like that in the first place. “How have you been?” A question usually thrown into small talk so casually now felt incredibly heavy. 
“Awful,” Blaine said truthfully. If this was supposed to be a heart-to-heart, he might as well be honest. 
Kurt nodded, worrying his bottom lip between his teeth. “Me too.”
“Kurt, you must know how sorry I am. God, I am so sorry I don't think I will ever be able to say it enough for it to cover the severity of how much I mean it, but-” 
Blaine was sure his heart stopped when he felt Kurt's hand on his leg. “I know. I believe you,” Kurt said. “And I meant it when I said I wanted to forgive you. But it’s hard for me, Blaine. I thought I could trust you with my life and then you…”
Blaine flinched. “I know.” 
“But maybe we can talk about how we can move forward?” Kurt prompted. He actually looked hopeful.
Blaine bit his lip. He wanted to move forward, but he couldn’t do that without moving back for a bit. He took a deep breath to gather the courage to speak, “I would actually really like to tell you what happened and why I did what I did.” It came out faster than he had hoped, but he had said it. “I also want to explain how I felt when you-”
Kurt stiffened and retreated his hand. “You don't get to blame me for cheating, Blaine,” he said slowly. 
Blaine felt like he had been slapped in the face. Where did that come from? “I- I'm not blaming you. I just want to explain how I felt. I-”
Kurt closed his eyes and shook his head. “I don't wanna fight about this again.”
Blaine wanted to take Kurt's hand, as if touching him would make him understand, but he didn't. “I don't want to fight about this either, Kurt, but we never really fought about it in the first place. We never even talked about what happened… you just decided you didn't want to hear what I had to say and let me drown in guilt.”
“Oh, I’m sorry I made you feel guilty for cheating on me,” Kurt snapped and stood up from the bed. 
Blaine stared at Kurt. The fear and sadness he felt before, made room for frustration. “Kurt, you know that's not what I mean.. I- Can we please just talk about this? That's why you’re here right? To have a conversation?”
“I’m not going to listen to you just trying to defend yourself, Blaine.” His voice was cold and flat. 
Blaine started to feel the desperation rise in his chest. “You are not listening, Kurt.” He was forcing himself not to cry, though tears were burning in his eyes. 
Kurt pursed his lips and started walking to the door. He was leaving. “This was a mistake.“ 
But before Kurt could reach the door knob Blaine stood up. “Can you please just listen to me!?” Blaine snapped, tears finally falling. He didn't want to raise his voice. He didn't want to fight, but Kurt just wasn't hearing him. “This is a big part of the problem, Kurt! You don't listen to me. You don't want to hear what I have to say, but I just- I need to explain. Please just for once listen to me!” Kurt couldn’t leave now. Not again. 
And for the first time, Kurt was quiet. His eyes were spitting fire, but he was listening. He was finally listening.
Without taking so much as a breath, Blaine continued. He had held these feelings inside for so long, now that he had started, he couldn’t stop the words from pouring out. “Every time I try to talk to you, you shut yourself off. You ignore me, you change the subject or you get angry. And I am sick of it. If you want to give us another shot, even just as friends, I need to be able to share my part of the story as well. You don’t think I hate myself for what I did? I cried myself to sleep about it for weeks, Kurt. I am not trying to play the victim here, but do you even know why I cheated on you? Do you think I did it because I was horny and because you weren't around I just asked the first person that wanted to fuck me if I could come over? You really think that?” At this Kurt’s expression changed slightly. He still looked furious, but Blaine could see something else behind his eyes. 
“I felt so alone, Kurt. I was scared. I had convinced myself you didn't love me anymore and I couldn't even tell you any of this because I could never get a hold of you for longer than two minutes. And when you finally did have a second to spare we only ever talked about you, which only strengthened the feeling I had that I just wasn't important to you. I felt completely replaced. You didn't need me anymore.”
Blaine saw that the anger in Kurt’s eyes had subsided a little. He had a pained expression on his face now and had defensively wrapped his arms around his chest.
Blaine took a deep breath. He had thought about what he was going to say next, but he never dared to say it out loud before. “I- I think maybe subconsciously I cheated on you so that that would be the reason you didn’t want to be with me anymore… not because I wasn't good enough or because you had just… fallen out of love with me.” Saying it somehow felt worse than thinking it. “I also desperately wanted to feel like I meant something to someone again.” Tears were now falling down Blaine’s cheeks. He didn’t want to think about what he was about to say next, he knew it would hurt Kurt, but he had to tell him. He just had to. “So when this guy, Eli, added me on Facebook, I thought… I don’t know, I thought maybe I would feel better.” 
Kurt flinched. He squeezed his eyes shut and turned his head away as if to block out what Blaine was saying.
Blaine continued, “Maybe it would numb this ache in me. Maybe this was the only way I could get you to care. Or maybe I just wanted to protect myself against the pain. But whilst I was doing it, it mostly felt like I was punishing myself. For what, I don't really know. I guess for being stupid enough to believe I would be important enough for you to want me around when you moved to New York. I still don’t fully understand why I did it. All I know is I was hurt, and panicking and confused. And then, right after I did it, I knew I had made the biggest mistake of my life. It felt so wrong to be with someone else. I realised that no matter how bad things would've gotten between us, it was worth fighting for and I just threw it all away in a single night. The only thing I wanted was to undo what I did. And knowing that was impossible was the worst thing I've ever experienced.”
Blaine was dizzy. He felt such a deep-rooted all-consuming guilt. He knew it wasn't an excuse. The decision he had made on a whim in a state of panic had ruined the best thing he had. He had not only broken Kurt’s heart, but his own too. Being with someone else, giving his heart and body to a random guy so carelessly had made him feel sick. He felt gross and empty and he couldn’t even blame the guy he did it with because he didn't do anything wrong. He hadn't even known Blaine had a boyfriend. 
“I don’t know what I even expect from you, Kurt. I can’t ask for forgiveness. I understand if you decide you don't want anything to do with me, but just... I needed you to know. To understand maybe? I made the worst mistake of my life and I’ll never be able to undo what I did even though I would in a heartbeat.”
“I’m sorry.” Kurt's voice was so faint Blaine almost thought he had imagined it. 
“You- what?”
“I’m sorry,” Kurt repeated. “I’m sorry I made you feel that way, Blaine. I- I had no idea.” 
Blaine looked into Kurt’s eyes and saw that they were shining with tears. 
“I was so immersed in my new life. I was excited about everything that was going on in New York. I was making new friends and I am sorry I became blinded to how you were feeling. All when I promised you, you weren't gonna lose me. I promised and I failed you.” 
Blaine couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Never in a million years had he expected Kurt to apologise. He didn’t even know he needed to hear it until he did. “Kurt, I-”
“But you still hurt me, Blaine,” Kurt said, but there was no venom in his voice. Not anymore. “You broke my heart and my trust and I don't think I deserved what you did to me-”
“Of course you didn’t!”
“-But, I am glad you told me, and I’m sorry I didn’t listen when you needed me to hear you. I think I needed to hear this to move forward and try to forgive you. And I want to forgive you, Blaine, so bad, but I just… can’t. Not yet.” 
“I know.” It hurt to hear Kurt say that, but he knew he really couldn’t expect anything different. Kurt needed time. He needed to process everything Blaine had told him, but Blaine could wait. Even if he had to wait years for Kurt to fully forgive him, it would be worth it. “Can I…” Blaine hesitated. “Can I please hug you?” he dared to ask, hoping he wasn't pushing his luck. 
And then, before he knew it, Blaine was enveloped in Kurt’s arms. Completely taken aback, it took Blaine a second to register what was happening. He then slowly curled his arms around Kurt’s back and buried his face into Kurt's shoulder. He squeezed his eyes shut and tears started falling again, and they kept falling until he was sobbing in Kurt's arms. 
Kurt squeezed him tight. He held Blaine close and rubbed his back as Blaine clung to him as if he needed it to survive. It had been almost three months since he had been able to hold Kurt and he didn't dare to let go, afraid Kurt might disappear if he did. Blaine heard Kurt sniffle next to his ear. He was crying too. 
They stayed like that for a while, just holding each other. The physical connection was like a godsend and the ache in Blaine's chest didn't feel as sharp anymore. Maybe, just maybe, the hole in his heart could finally start to heal. “Thank you,” he murmured into Kurt's shoulder when he had calmed down a bit, and then, “I love you." These last words said so softly they were barely audible as Blaine hardly dared to say them out loud at all.
They pulled apart and Kurt wiped the tears from his face with his hand. He gave Blaine a swift smile. “I love you, too,” he whispered back.
“Are we ever gonna be okay again?”
“I hope so.”
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thnxforknowingme · 9 months
Christmas Eves (2/21)
Summary: Blaine makes a quick trip to Ohio to see his parents over Christmas. He certainly doesn't expect to run into his ex-boyfriend Kurt, or to reexamine every aspect of his life, but this Christmas Eve is full of surprises.
Rating: T
Chapter 2: Bikini
“I thought it was you,” Kurt said with a smile.
Blaine managed to find his breath. “Hey,” he said. “Wow, uh - hi.”
“Do you mind?” Kurt asked, gesturing at the empty chair across from Blaine. “I’d love to catch up. Unless you want to be alone.”
“No, uh, please,” Blaine agreed, although he wasn’t sure whether he wanted to catch up with Kurt, or be alone, or if maybe there was some third option he’d prefer.
He hadn’t seen Kurt in nearly ten years - not since they’d broken up Blaine’s senior year of high school, when the distance between McKinley and NYADA had proven too difficult for them to face.
Kurt sat down, leaning his elbows onto the table. He had a glass of something clear and carbonated, garnished with a lime wedge. “So, Blaine,” he said. “Come here often?”
Blaine laughed, and he felt a bit of the tension in his chest release. Kurt was funny, and disarming - how could he have forgotten?
“No,” Blaine replied. “Just in town for Christmas, and I needed a break.”
Kurt sipped his drink. Blaine tried not to stare, but he also wanted to scrutinize him, to identify all the little differences between the man sitting in front of him and the boy from his memories. “And where are you in town from, if you don’t mind me asking? Where have you been, all these years?”
There was a short answer, and a long answer. Blaine decided to go with something in-between.
“Well,” he said, “After we broke up and I was no longer dead set on New York…it turned out my options were sort of endless. And that was pretty terrifying, but also freeing.” He swiped his hand along his beer bottle, collecting condensation on his skin. “UC Irvine has a really good musical theater program, and that’s where I ended up. I still live in the LA area.”
Kurt cocked his head, seeming intrigued. “Is Cooper still out there?”
Blaine nodded. “Yep, I get to see him pretty often, it’s nice.”
“Is he back for Christmas too?”
“No,” Blaine said with a laugh. “He had better things to do.” He took out his phone and pulled up Cooper’s Instagram, displaying the latest photo - a selfie of Cooper and a woman in a bikini on the beach. “See?”
Kurt smiled. “So he hasn’t changed.”
Blaine shrugged. “People are who they are.” He put his phone away. “How long are you in town for?”
Kurt raised an eyebrow. “That’s an excellent question,” he said, pausing to take a drink. “I’ve been living here, for the last year and a half.”
“Oh,” Blaine said, startled. “I didn’t realize - what happened to New York?”
Kurt shrugged. “College was great. Post-college was…hard. Then my dad had another minor health scare and I had my quarter-life crisis and decided to regroup at home.”
Blaine felt something in him ache. “How is your family?” he asked.
“They’re doing well,” Kurt said. “I’m ready to leave them on their own again. I’m just not sure where I’ll go.” He twisted his lips wryly. “Like you said, endless possibilities are just as scary as they are freeing.”
“I’m sure you’ll figure it out,” Blaine said. He meant it - his breakup with Kurt might be a sore spot in his past, but he had nothing but well wishes for his high school sweetheart now.
“Anyway,” Kurt said, shifting in his chair, settling in. “Tell me about Los Angeles. Have you already started having plastic surgery? I hear it’s mandatory out there, and you do look great.”
Blaine was surprised by how easy it was to fall back into conversation with Kurt - to talk about their lives, to joke and tease like they were still seventeen. They avoided any touchy subjects, and still had plenty to talk about.
After a while Kurt checked something on his phone and said, “Oh my god, it’s late.” He held up the screen to show Blaine that it was 12:06. “Merry Christmas, I guess.”
“Merry Christmas,” Blaine responded. He’d finished his beer a while ago, and hadn’t gotten up for a new drink. “I guess I should head home.”
“Me too,” Kurt said, standing up. “I need to be up early to start cooking.”
They buttoned their coats and walked out together, emerging into the dark, chilly night.
“I’m really glad I ran into you,” Blaine said. “This was fun.”
“It was,” Kurt agreed. “Have a good holiday, okay?”
Blaine nodded. “You too. And say hi to your family.”
They said goodbye and went their separate ways.
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quinnmorgendorffer · 1 year
I have a question for you about “ shipping.” Do you ever accept things in fiction that you wouldn’t in real life? For instance, I love a good will they/ won’t they? in fiction especially in sitcoms. I understand that in real life it’s not healthy for people to drag things out so much, but I’m a sucker for it in stories. The tension is delicious. What matters to me( again, in fiction) is that the feelings are mutual the whole time.
Hey! First of all, I very much appreciate the random question; I like a nice lil question like this every now and then!
And the answer is a big fuck yes lol. Maybe that's wrong according to "anti-shippers", but seeing as I'm a fully grown adult who can understand the difference between real life and what I read/watch/write, I don't really see the problem. A lot of ships I love have done bad things in that regard. Barney/Robin is always one that springs to mind. Do I think they approached everything healthily? No. But I enjoy their dynamic and find them cute and that's all that matters. Diane/Same from Cheers are also up there. Super unhealthy, it was good for them to not end up together, but I love them all the same and they have more sexual tension than, like, any other relationship ever put on TV tbh.
I mean, one of my all time favorite ships is Gob/Tony Wonder. I've devoted literally over a million words on published fanfic alone, let alone drafts and meta and gushing on here. But having sex with each other and then taking a roofie to forget it is highly the start of a healthy relationship, let alone "faking" one's sexuality for an act of revenge. If I had a friend who did that or if *I* did that, I would have to say "dear god, get help."
And in terms of will they/won't they, I don't mind if one person has feelings and other develops them over time or something. Like Amy/Jonah in Superstore, for example, though I know you could make an argument that Amy didn't hate Jonah from the get go like she claims lol.
There are certain things I don't ship because they aren't healthy, but a lot of those often have to do with either the narrative treating it as healthy and amazing, or the chem the actors have isn't there or doesn't appeal to me. Kurt/Bl*ine is a BIG example for me, because, full offense intended, Chris and Darren have ZERO chemistry, and Blaine tried to fucking sexually assault Kurt and KURT had to apologize? I was mostly just annoyed at their relationship at first, then that happened and I turned into a true hater and it just got worse and worse, only to be treated as this super romantic endgame relationship. I'd like to think that if it was any other relationship I'd feel the same way, but who knows?
Tl;dr, yes, some ships are great without being healthy and I enjoy tf out of them! I love good tension and unhealthy dynamics every now and then as a treat.
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bitbybitwrites · 11 months
Weekend WIP - Ask Game
Rules: List your WIPs below (if you only write one fic at a time, feel free to include future WIPs/ideas!) then answer the following questions. Then, tag as many people as you have WIPs (or more).
Well now @daisyishedwig did send me an ask with a few of these questions. So since technically the game is to answer them all - I'll do that. Apologies if its more than what you wanted to know!
I've already tagged folks here when I first posted this. But if you see this and haven't been tagged want to join in - go ahead!
1. WIP List: (what I qualify as a WIP for me is either I've started outlining extensively and/or actually writing the fic.)
If I Can Make Your Heart My Home (Klaine fic)
Sanctuary (Klaine fic)
Cuffed (Klaine fic) - not posted
Tinker Bells ( Klaine fic)- not posted
Untitled Klaine Advent 2022 fic - Day 5 - Oval (Klaine fic) - not posted
Shaken, Not Stirred - not posted (RWRB fic)
Untitled RWRB fic - not posted
2. Which of your WIPs is currently the longest?
By far, If I Can Make Your Heart My Home. It's also the longest fic I've written to date. I last posted Chapter 20. I have Chp 21 in the batter's box and am currently writing Chp 22.
3. Which WIP do you expect will end up the longest?
Yikes. I'm going to guess, If I Can Make Your Heart My Home. Though Cuffed as the potential to be pretty long as well. And whenever I get around to the untitled RWRB fic, that's going to be a long one too.
4. Which WIP is your favourite to write/the most enjoyable to write? Why?
If I Can Make Your Heart My Home. I've really kind of fallen in love with the AU. I have soooo many cameos of characters from the show - esp some that I hope were very unexpected for readers. I've really enjoyed working them into the story. I also am loving the music attached to the story. The original prompt/artwork had Blaine as a guitar playing street musician. After some brainstorming with @datshitrandom (who provided the prompt and art) we switched it instead to a cello playing Blaine and I've really enjoyed finding cello pieces do go along with the story. I've begun adding mood music too for some chapters, which I hope has enhanced the experience for readers. I'm also such a big tea drinker/baker/lover of afternoon tea - the whole tea/cooking element of the story makes me smile. I've snuck in some of my personal favorite recipes that Kurt and his fellow chefs have made and enjoyed looking for new ones to round out the fic.
5. Which WIP do you find the most intimidating to write? Why?
Cuffed. Partially bc its a prequel to my first ever fic - Trick or Treat - and I really want to do it justice. That first story I agonized over writing and I love the little AU that folks only got a peek at. Partially bc its a D/s AU and I want to do the lifestyle justice and treat it with respect - yet at the same time its an AU so I do get to call the shots and make my own rules on how the world evolves. I feel its going to be a more character/emotion driven fic as opposed to a kink driven one. But then that does fall in line with the fic its based off of. One of my betas had called it "D/s lite" when she first read it 😂.
6. Which WIP do you experience the most self-doubt about. Why?
Maybe Cuffed. - bc of the reasons listed above. Maybe also my untitled RWRB fic. - actually both of the RWRB fics - bc its a totally new fandom for me to write for and I so want to do those characters justice.
7. Which of your WIPs will you seek out a beta/sensitivity reader for? Why?
I always run my fics past my two betas - its just a force of habit ever since I started writing - they are great sounding boards, especially when I'm stumped about something I want to include in a story.
8. Have any of your WIPs been struck by the curse of writer's block?
Sanctuary had a bit of writers block for a bit - but then I was able to bang out an outline for all but the last two scenes. For me - honestly time is my enemy over writers block. I know what I want to write - its just getting the time to sit down and do it!
9. Which WIP has your favourite OC? Tell us about them?
If I Can Make Your Heart My Home:
Hands down my favorite OC ( and she's also really my only OC to date) - is Lillian Anderson - or Nana as she likes everyone she is close with to call her.
Lillian is Blaine's paternal grandmother from England. She is a force of nature packed in the body of a tiny little woman. She is very openhearted and passionate. Loves her grandsons and is very protective of Blaine and Cooper. She the type of grandmother who will bake you your favorite cake when you are sick and still listen to your romantic problems with an open mind - no matter what age you are. She is also, can I say - a bit unexpected in some of what she does - there is a playfulness to her but its kind of tempered with the feeling you really don't want to cross her. When she means business, she means business.
Nana, I am happy to say is favorite of many readers of the fic. It makes me smile to see comments about how much they love her, wish she was their grandmother and want to be adopted by her! 😊
10. Which WIP is the sexiest?
Oh god - this is like the worst question for me bc I am so on the fence on how sexy/good my smut is 😂. I'm just going to say -If I Can Make Your Heart My Home - bc I haven't written enough smut in the others WIP to qualify.
11. Which WIP is the angstiest?
Definietly If I Can Make Your Heart My Home. I do love angst and I think there's a whole lotta of it in this fic.
12. Which WIP has the best characterization (in your humble opinion)?
Like characters staying true to canon? Um. Not sure? Maybe Blaine in If I Can Make Your Heart My Home. He's a wonderful showman/performer - seemingly has it all together, but as readers are now finding out, he does have some of his own issues he's been pushing aside and not dealing with. Much like Blaine on the show, in my opinion. If you're talking about like a non canon type of characterization - I'm going to have to go with Lillian Anderson/Nana. She is a joy to write and create from scratch.
13. Which WIP has the best scene setting (in your humble opinion)?
If I Can Make Your Heart My Home I take the readers to some of my favorite places in Central Park in this pic: - Alice In Wonderland Statue - Bethesda Terrace / Bethesda Fountain ( if there are any Doctor Who - like me - fans, they will recognize this location from the episode The Angels Take Manhattan) - Belvedere Castle - Bow Bridge (Glee fans will recognize this from where Finn and Rachel met for their date in Manhattan) If you ever come to NY to visit - definitely go and see them!
14. Which WIP have you worked the hardest on?
The untitled RWRB fic has been a lot of research so far.
15. Which WIP do you have the highest expectations for? Why?
I don't know - I hope they all turn out well. And by that I hope I am pleased with how they turn out from a writing standpoint. I don't really measure how well a fic is by how many readers/ kudos or comments, but more on my personal standards of my work. I'm a bit of a perfectionist, so I'm hard on myself and what I crank out.
16. Do you dream about any of your WIPs?
Like fall asleep and dream? Not that I am aware of. Me daydreaming about them - thats like for all of them. I usually work things out in my head first, jot notes down in a journal second if my laptop top isn't near. Or I'll just go to the laptop to write.
17. Do any of your WIPs have particular complexities that your other fics don't?
The untitled RWRB fic is going to be a monster once I finish the outline - because its my first real historical fic. Lots of research has already been done, but so much more needs to happen before I can start the writing.
18. Which WIP is the funniest or has the most humour?
If I Can Make Your Heart My Home All I can say is Trent and Tina crack me up to no end in the fic.
19. Do any of your WIPs contain outside POVs or a deep dive on a character other than the main ship? How are you finding that process?
I kind of dabble on some things/backgrounds of other characters in If I Can Make Your Heart My Home - but I don't know if any of it would be considered a deep dive? I've dropped hints and such about things that have happened in the past for a number of characters. When I finish the main fic there may be an opportunity to revisit all these hints in a way that readers might enjoy. . . we'll see.
20. Tell us one thing we don't know about one or more of your WIPs.
Tinker Bells (Klaine fic) is a rework of a story I started years ago, based on the Sword and Sorceress series books edited by Marion Zimmer Bradley. Originally the two main characters were women, but now that I've cast Blaine and Kurt in them, I'm interested in taking the story in a diferent direction.
Untitled Klaine 2022 Advent fic - is a revisit to my superhero series: Under The Cover of Darkness. Blaine finally meets Kurt's parents during the holidays.
Shaken, Not Stirred (RWRB fic) is inspired by this artwork by @noodles-and-tea . It will be a Spy Au (which is going to be a challenge and research must be done bc I'm not one to really read that genre much.)
My untitled historical RWRB fic is inspired by this artwork by @stormtrooperjeff17004. Its going to be a monster of a story starting in 1800s in Mexico and ending somewhere in the Regency/Georgian period in England.
Whew! I think thats everything! Now I've got to get back to writing!
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mainenaturaldesign · 1 year
That’s love, God is love, my God is love
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deadnessie2 · 1 year
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icedteaandoldlace · 2 years
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I can feel your love slipping away. Draining from my heart each and every day.
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von-frappe · 2 years
it's funny that in trying to make blaine look like a bad boyfriend in kurtbastian fics they always make blaine act the exact same way that Sebastian does in canon
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hendrixalisons · 3 years
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GLEE MEME , nine episodes.
dynamic duets ( 4x08 ) → wow, uh, i don’t know what to say. i’ll never let you down, i promise. c’mon -- huddle up. next week, at sectionals, we are gonna kick some warblers sorry asses, then it’s regionals, then it’s nationals, then this year is gonna go down in the mckinley high record books as the greatest year the new directions have ever seen.
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i will say that one thing my petty ass loved about the glee sub is that there was little to no mlm multishipping 
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kurtbastion · 3 years
Every single kurtbastian fic I read squeezes my heart. These boys just cannot talk for the life of them, and I wanna scream at them, but also they’ve got my heart.
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kuiinncedes · 3 years
idk how it looks on mobile lmao but i just made a new icon on a whim instead of finishing my drawing lskdhgjf and i'm obsessed so i'm drawing attention to it 🤪🤪🤪
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smoulderingocean · 3 years
Rita Blue and Nick Blaine.
Love that the best characters on this show both have last names that start with 'Bl'
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neverhollowed · 4 years
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MANGA: Ginza Neon Paradise - Unohana
SERIES REVIEW: The Elite by Brooke Blaine & Ella Frank
1. The Elite: Danger Zone – Brooke Blaine & Ella Frank
Soundtrack: Dangerous Animals Artist: Arctic Monkeys Album: Humbug
2. The Elite: Need For Speed – Brooke Blaine & Ella Frank
Soundtrack: High Speed Artist: Coldplay Album: Parachutes
3. The Elite: Classified – Brooke Blaine & Ella Frank
Soundtrack: Cool With You Artist: Hers Album: Songs of Hers
MOVIE FEATURE: The Man With The Answers
LAST YEAR I WAS READING…(February 10, 2021)
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NEW RELEASE BLITZ: My Bloody Valentine Collection: Dark Valentine by J.P. Bowie & Blood Red Roses by S.J. Coles
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BLOG TOUR: Dark Flame by Kat Silver (Excerpt & Giveaway + Q&A with Author)
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AUDIO RELEASE BLITZ: Out In Winter by Lane Hayes (Excerpt & Giveaway)
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BLOG TOUR: The Boy Who Chased After His Shadow by Jeff Jacobson (Excerpt & Giveaway)
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NEW RELEASE BLITZ: Birthday Presents by Dianne Hartsock (Excerpt & Giveaway)
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RELEASE BLITZ: The Prodigal Prince’s Fake Fiance by Thursday Euclid & Clancy Natch (Excerpt)
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AUDIOBOOK TOUR: Atonement Camp for Unrepentant Homophobes by Evan J. Corbin
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BOOK BLITZ: Protecting Prince by Jessica Frances (Excerpt & Giveaway)
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COVER REVEAL: Dead Sea by Mia Kerick (Excerpt & Giveaway)
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NEW RELEASE BLITZ: Venetian Valentine by Kristian Parker (Excerpt & Giveaway)
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RELEASE BLITZ: Secretly Mine by Colette Davison (Excerpt & Giveaway)
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RELEASE BLITZ: Fluke And The Faithless Father by Sam Burns (Excerpt & Giveaway)
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COVER REVEAL: Wishes For Rohi by K.L. Hiers (Giveaway)
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RELEASE BLITZ: A Leap Of Faith by Mel Gough (Excerpt)
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for reviews of boy’s love manga, LGBT+ books and indie music, visit my blog >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://neverhollowed.com/ <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
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