#anti chloe decker
sccoobydoobers · 10 months
for some reason it's ingrained in my mind that chloe refers to lucifer (post-reveal) as some useful multi-feature pocket knife she has in her back pocket at all times. imagine how fucking degrading that is, the woman he loves, and she literally refers to him as a tool she can use because of his multiple tricks. what the actual fuck chloe.
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scripted-downfall · 1 year
Chloe acting like Lucifer never said he loved her annoys me so much. Like, what part of "My first love was never Eve. It was you, Chloe. It always has been." is getting past her???
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greensaplinggrace · 2 years
honestly full offense to chloe and I love her I do but I would literally never remove the extremely sentimental bullet necklace gift my best friend and partner for years gave me just to appease the romantic interest I’ve only known for like,,, a couple months
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lowkey in the mood to scream abt how much i hate deckerstar rn idk
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ainsanepencil · 2 years
All of Deckerstar shippers wanting Lucifer and Chloe to be Trixie parents are just out right ignoring Dan and Chloe Excellent Co-Parenting and Dan Himself
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grimsiren · 2 years
Things I hate about Deckerstar in fanon
Half the fics I found made Dan to be a abusive jerk
lucifer was a ‘ broken ‘ man who needed fixing by one and behold Chloe Jane Decker
PRACTICALLY every fic is DECKERSTAR. DECKERSTAR. DECKERSTAR. Where’s the danlotte fics where the platonic fics . Where is everyone’s personalities bar simping over Deckerstar
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4humankind · 2 years
Me: *sits through 56 episodes of pure agony because I really really need Chloe to realize everything has always been the truth, thinking about stopping because I can't take it in the third season when it somewhat slows down especially after what felt like two filler episodes at the end AFTER IT FINALLY GOT REVEALED and it goes on as if it never happened*
*Episode 26 of Season 3 comes up*
Me, listening suspiciously: "is that... IS THAT NEIL GAIMAN SPEAKING?!"
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lledron · 2 years
Trixie post s06
Después de años y años de estudiar, de hacer las prácticas, de hacer de niñera para un mitad ángel, aquí estaba. En su propio departamento en Inglaterra. Su propia vida, lejos de Aurora y sus alas afiladas. Era su hermana, pero también su abusadora. Las cicatrices en sus brazos y piernas nunca se desvanecerían, pero lo que más le dolía a Beatriz era el dolor en el alma. Mamá nunca le creyó.¿Cómo podía un niño de cinco años golpear tan fuerte a su hermana de casi veinte?Rory solo quería jugar contigo o Rory solo estaba teniendo un mal día o Rory la mejor carta de Rory:”¡No tengo a mi padre!. 
Por Amenadiel, Rory nunca había hablado de las familias encontradas, la adopción  o el mundo era hete normativo para ella? Rory también jodió su vida amorosa y su vida social. No podía invitar a amigos a su casa, porque Rory podría lastimarlos por accidente. Así que no ,muchas gracias, Diane, pero no podré ir a tu cumpleaños, mi hermana me rompió el brazo. 
Linda había muerto después de que una Rory de trece años accidentalmente la empalará.. Fue la única vez que su madre la llevó a terapia. 
Charlie fue su salvavidas. Y ella lloraba cuando él, un niño de catorce años, tenía que poner a raya a su madre y a su hermana, mientras ella empaca sus cosas para irse a vivir con la abuela Penelope. 
Linda le había pagado por cuidar de Charlie durante cinco años. Eso, sumado al dinero que Maze le enviaba mensualmente fue suficiente para que ella saliera de la casa de su madre. Llevo consigo los dibujos de su niñez, el álbum de fotos de sus padres y una foto de Lucifer y su padre con camisas que decían :”Mamá, conseguí un marido!”. 
 Maze y Eve se habían divorciado en buenos términos, y todavía vivian en Francia. Francia, con su alta costura, su extravagancia, había sido su primera parada. Maze lloró por Linda, por no poder estar allí para protegerla. Charlie se quedó con ella. Maze le relató a Charlie cómo fue su madre antes y durante del embarazo, le mostró las copias de las ecografías y habló de cómo pensó que él sería :”Nuestro bebé”. Y así ,Beatriz supo que, a pesar de haber amado a Eve, Maze nunca dejaría de amar a Linda Martin. 
La siguiente parada fue Inglaterra. Michael abrió la puerta, con una niña de cinco años en los hombros desiguales. Michael se parecía tanto a Lucifer que dolía. Elaine era un medio angel, pero sus plumas eran doradas. Doradas como el camino de los muertos a Silver City, había dicho Charlie. Ella la recibió con un abrazo y la posibilidad de quedarse gratis en el departamento mientras buscaba un lugar para quedarse en la universidad. ¿Ella Lopez y Michael Demiurgos?¡Quien lo hubiera imaginado! Michael no había dado la orden de matar a su padre, al final, fue toda una mentira para que Lucifer mordiera el anzuelo. Michael también había mentido sobre que él fue quien plantó “ las semillas de la Rebelión” en la cabeza de Lucifer. Y Michael también había mentido cuando dijo que odiaba a Lucifer. Resultaba que él sabía mucho de Lucifer, antes de su madre, antes de ella, antes de Rory. Ella preguntaba y él respondía, mientras Elaine dormía la siesta. 
Carol y Ella se habían divorciado porque Ella no quería tener hijos. Luego, Ella obtuvo un nuevo trabajo en Inglaterra. Y después conoció a Michael. Y Michael quedó embarazado y Ella no iba a dejarlo embarazado y solo como el curador de un museo. 
“¿Puedes enseñarme hechizos? "le preguntó a Michael una tarde, después de una comida típica mexicana.
“¿Por qué?”
“No quiero depender de Charlie para defenderme de...”
“Rory. Chica, solo tenías que preguntar. Le estoy enseñando a Ella y Elaine, bueno ,todavía es un poco joven para los tatuajes y las runas”. 
Cuando su primer novio le preguntó quien coño le había hecho esas cicatrices, ella mintió. Ella mentiría el resto de su vida si eso hacía feliz a Deckestar. 
Mamá  casi nunca llamaba. Rory debe haber desviado su atención. Michael le había enseñado cómo mentir. “Pero nunca le mientas  a quien te ama, ellos sabrán la verdad”. Y Lucifer le enseñó como desviar el dolor mediante ropa hermosa y una sonrisa fugaz como una estrella. 
Al final, Trixie regresó  los Estados Unidos y reabrió el Lux. Se sentía como un resquicio de su infancia. En el LUX, aprendió que las trabajadores sexuales eran personas  que valían, aprendió  coreografías y a desviar y a centrar la mirada de las multitudes en ella. 
Su madre la apoyó, pero Rory fue otra historia. Rory señaló que el LUX era una mierda de proxenetas. Su única solución fue patearle el trasero a su hermana menor  y demostrarle que había dejado de ser su saco de boxeo. 
Mamá ya no pudo intervinir. Porque mamá estaba muerta.Pero mamá había intentado decirselo, ella la quería a ella, a sus dos hijas en su lecho de muerte. 
Y mientras Deckerstar estaba en el Infierno, Beatriz mató a su hermana pequeña, su abusadora y su torturadora. 
Los hechizos la mantenían joven y hermosa. Beatriz tenía una vida que vivir, libre del terror de Rory. 
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twistedtummies2 · 2 years
The Devils I Know - Number 4
Welcome to “The Devils I Know!” For this spooky time of year, from now till Halloween, I’ll be counting down My Top 31 Depictions of the Devil, from movies, television, video games, and more! The end of the countdown draws ever nearer. Today’s Devil proves you can’t judge a fallen angel by his cover. Number 4 is…Tom Ellis, from Lucifer.
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Earlier in the list, I discussed two different DC screen versions of Lucifer: Peter Stormare in “Constantine,” and Gwendolyn Christie from “Sandman.” As I said with both of them earlier, I don’t really know much about DC’s Lucifer in the comics, so I have no idea how well either of them portray the character as depicted in said comics. However, sandwiched between both of those versions is a show that, at first, I honestly didn’t even realize WAS based on the DC version. Once I did, naturally, that only made things all the more intriguing. That version is the one played by Tom Ellis in the TV series simply and aptly called “Lucifer.”
“Lucifer,” the show, is a supernatural crime/mystery series, somewhat similar to shows like “Sleepy Hollow” or “Supernatural.” The plot focuses on Lucifer Morningstar, the Devil himself – played by Tom Ellis – who has basically decided to leave Hell and is sticking around on Earth. A chance encounter with a police detective, Chloe Decker, leads to Lucifer becoming the resident Sherlock Holmes of the local police department: a special consulting detective, whom they call on for particularly odd or difficult cases. From that point on, Lucifer embarks on many adventures, helping Chloe and her team solve mortal crimes, while at the same time dealing with “family matters” of the divine and cosmic. Within the same episode, he may face a human serial killer and an angry angel or rogue demon. The show, itself, is just a masterwork. These kinds of series tend to be hit or miss for me, and I’m not sure why. But Lucifer hits a good balance in its tone, style, and storytelling that I really love. A big part of what makes the show work, as you might expect, is Tom Ellis as Lucifer himself. Ellis’ Devil is NOT a villain protagonist, as you might expect, but rather a misunderstood anti-hero. While Lucifer is certainly not the greatest guy in the world – he has an ego the size of the Sun (fitting for a man named “Morningstar,” I suppose), and lives for the present with all of its deadly sins and vices – a constant running theme in the show is that he is NOT an evil man. He simply gets a bad rap because of the mixture of who he is and the job he’s been forced to do. His duty is to PUNISH evil, and make no mistake, he takes intense delight out of doing so; he can be quite sadistic and he feels genuine rage at the follies of man and how often they blame him for their own mistakes. But he is not evil himself; he doesn’t tempt humans to destruction, he doesn’t lead them on with false promises. Even when it comes to good ol’ fashioned Faustian pacts, he makes it clear that it’s all the person’s choice and he never gives them less or more than they demanded. As the show goes on, Lucifer becomes an increasingly rich character. From his relationships with the other characters in the series to the way his personal life develops as he deals with increasingly more challenging issues, both in the mortal and celestial realms, he continues to grow and shift, all while keeping basic ideals close to the heart. Among them is his sense of humor: Lucifer is HILARIOUS, both the show and the character. A big part of the humor for the Devil himself comes from the fact that…well…as he, himself, many times points out, he NEVER tries to hide the fact he’s the Devil. At all. He doesn’t change his name, he doesn’t do anything to pretend he’s anything but what he was, he’s ALWAYS making it clear that’s who he is. Which makes it kind of hilarious whenever anybody realizes he’s not joking and he’s not crazy, he’s totally serious. It leads to drama, too, but for me it mostly makes me laugh how they always react with, “OMG, you’re ACTUALLY Satan?!” and what else can he say but, “I’VE BEEN TELLING YOU THAT ALL THIS TIME!” Of course, much of what makes all this great goes to Ellis as a performer. He captures every moment perfectly, from Lucifer’s more zany, eccentric, whimsical moments – I feel like this is what you’d get if The Master from Doctor Who had their own show – to the points where his inner vulnerability shows, to even the scenes where he has to remind people, “I’m the literal Devil, DON’T F*CK WITH ME.” Whether he’s being charming, frightening, or downright hilarious, he definitely creates one of the greatest Devils in TV history, if not THE greatest of the same. I actually feel kind of bad for leaving him out of the Top 3…but hopefully those three above him will not greatly disappoint.
Tomorrow, we enter the Top 3! HINT: Don’t clown around with this Devil!
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jamessixx · 9 months
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Lucifer Morningstar mood. ✨ Nel mondo intrigante delle serie TV, pochi personaggi brillano con la stessa intensità di Lucifer Morningstar. Quest'incarnazione della tentazione, tratta direttamente dalle pagine della mitologia, ha conquistato il pubblico con la sua personalità magnetica e il suo stile senza tempo.
Nella serie televisiva "Lucifer," trasmessa con il fuoco del peccato su schermi di tutto il mondo, Morningstar emerge come un anti-eroe affascinante e imprevedibile. Interpretato con maestria dall'attore Tom Ellis, il diavolo abbandona il suo trono infernale per unirsi al mondo terreno a Los Angeles. Intrappolato tra le sue origini oscure e il desiderio di redenzione, Lucifer oscilla tra il bene e il male in un balletto emozionante di colpi di scena e rivelazioni sorprendenti.
Nessun angolo buio della psiche umana è immune al suo sguardo penetrante. Con un umorismo tagliente come una lama e un fascino irresistibile, Lucifer Morningstar affascina spettatori di ogni genere. Le trame avvincenti si intrecciano con misteri sovrannaturali e drammi personali, creando una sinfonia di emozioni e azione che tiene incollati gli spettatori ai loro schermi.
Ma c'è di più: il personaggio di Lucifer Morningstar risveglia anche domande filosofiche e morali. L'eterna lotta tra il libero arbitrio e il destino, il bene e il male, trova una voce potente in questa serie. Chi è veramente responsabile delle nostre scelte? Possiamo davvero sfuggire al nostro passato? Queste domande e altre si mescolano con la trama, aggiungendo profondità e complessità a un racconto già straordinario.
Quindi, che tu sia un appassionato di mitologia, un amante dei thriller sovrannaturali o semplicemente in cerca di una storia coinvolgente, Lucifer Morningstar è pronto a portarti in un mondo di oscuro fascino e illuminante riflessione. Preparati a immergerti in una storia che incendia l'anima e solletica la mente, dove il diavolo stesso potrebbe rivelarsi una guida inaspettata attraverso i meandri della condizione umana. Benvenuti nell'incanto avvolgente di "Lucifer."
Nelle profondità incandescenti dell'inferno, un nome risuona con un'aura di mistero e potere: Lucifer Morningstar. Questo enigmatico sovrano degli abissi oscilla tra il lusso sfarzoso del suo regno infernale e le strade cupe di Los Angeles, dove si dilettava nella sua inusuale seconda carriera come consulente investigativo.
Con un'incredibile amalgama di fascino e sfacciataggine, Lucifer Morningstar incarna il classico ribelle con un tocco di saggezza divina. La sua originale interpretazione diabolica si intreccia con una curiosa affinità per l'umanità, spingendolo a cercare verità e giustizia insieme alla sua complice Detective Chloe Decker. Mentre si gettano nel vortice delle indagini, la chimica travolgente tra loro diventa una forza trainante, aggiungendo un tocco irresistibile a ogni scena.
In ogni episodio, l'enigma di Lucifer Morningstar si svela progressivamente, rivelando i segreti di un passato immortale e la sua relazione complicata con il suo padre divino. Questo affascinante arcangelo caduto è tanto un provocatore quanto un confidente, costringendo gli spettatori ad ammirare la sua complessità e ad abbracciare il suo lato oscuro.
Immergiti in un mondo di ambiguità morale, svelamenti sorprendenti e battute taglienti mentre segui le avventure di Lucifer Morningstar. Che tu sia affascinato dal suo magnetismo oscuro, affamato di indagini avvincenti o semplicemente attratto dall'inarrestabile energia dell'arcangelo decaduto, c'è un motivo per cui il nome "Lucifer Morningstar" risuona come un richiamo irresistibile nell'universo dell'intrattenimento. Unisciti a noi mentre esploriamo le profondità ardenti di questa serie che incanta e avvince, portando la luce nelle zone più oscure.
Post: https://www.tumblr.com/jamessixx/725851271419052032/thunder-sixx-e-la-storia-dellillustrazione
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sccoobydoobers · 1 year
the way god was villian #1 for the whole show and then they made him come down to earth and basically invalidate all of lucifer's trauma by telling him it was 'to get him on the right path' aka to Chloe or redemption or some shit
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scripted-downfall · 2 years
I have mixed feelings about Deckerstar in general, but I hate, hate, hate the way it’s basically Chloe trying to “fix” Lucifer.  Especially during the bit just after she tried to kill him, where she’s talking about how he needs to “change” — that’s a word taken from her dialogue in s04e03 “O, Ye of Little Faith, Father” — and trying to get him to drink less, be nicer to suspects, volunteer at a soup kitchen, etc.  Am I saying Lucifer’s perfect?  No; I’m a firm believer that pretty much no one is.  But when her entire goal — especially, but not exclusively, at this point — is to “fix” him,” this isn’t a healthy relationship.
I’ve commented in an earlier post that this iteration of Lucifer is so far away from some great force of evil that needs to be redeemed before he can be decent.  Yes, he’s got flaws: arrogance, impulsiveness, etc.  Yes, he’s got vices: alcohol, adrenaline, sex, etc.  But is he evil?  No, absolutely not.  In no sense of the word.  Hell, the man views Proper Devilish Revenge for getting shot to be using a bunch of his own money pranking Dan.  (And, honestly, these flaws aren’t something that set him especially apart from humanity, and I’d wager that most people who might stumble across this post probably know people who have similar eccentricities.)  Even objectively speaking, Lucifer doesn’t need some big, concentrated effort to be “fixed.”
But even beyond that, it’s even worse from a relationship point of view.  Relationships should be about give-and-take, about compromise.  It shouldn’t be about one person trying to change their partner without the other being willing/able to make any criticisms, and yet this is precisely Deckerstar’s dynamic: each few episodes has Chloe refusing to accept something about Lucifer, Lucifer tailspinning and overcorrecting, and, usually, him caving, giving her what she wanted, and the whole process repeating.  And, whenever he actually needs something from her, she rarely gives it, like with the Uriel situation.
This is very much the unhealthy version of “I can fix them” and it bothers me that it’s so prevalently a part of the story.
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inlocusmads · 1 year
What other fictional couple (it can be tv, movies, books, or even another fanfic couple) or celebrity couple reminds you of your OTP?
If you have any other pairings, give us one for them too!
ELSA! I LOVE THIS SO MUCH! Here's a list lmao! I do love working with references, because as someone who isn't very good at writing romance, seeing visual interpretations of a ship dynamics really helps me nail it down on paper.
Nora & Trystan:
Lucifer and Chloe Decker from Lucifer
Sherlock Holmes and John Watson from the Holmesian Universe
The Ninth/Tenth Doctor and Rose Tyler from Doctor Who
Aziraphale and Crowley from Good Omens
Ethan & Jane:
The Eleventh Doctor and River Song from Doctor Who
Amy Santiago and Jake Peralta from Brooklyn 99
Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson from Stranger Things (though well, this is more of a non-canonical ship, I still borrow some elements from Steddie)
Ted Mosby and Tracy McConnell from How I Met Your Mother
At this point these two otps are battling out for "who is the most chaotic, dysfunctional one ever" lmao!
While Ethan and Nora are the perceptive, "dark knights in cloaks" - who aren't a fan of anything - basically anti-social cats, Trystan and Jane are completely the opposite. And while their inner "algorithm" seems the same, they're inherently different. Nora and Ethan are dissimilar in ways, say, Chloe Decker and Amy Santiago are. Or Jane and Trystan are not alike in ways Tracy McConnell and John Watson are.
Ugh I can talk about this forever! Thank you so much for indulging me in a bit of meta commentary, Elsa! And I welcome these asks with open arms! I love talking about the whole writing process in general.
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Chloe Decker:
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ainsanepencil · 2 years
Chloe Decker can’t be queen of hell cause she’s a mortal . Deckerstar fans ignore this
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