#anti cirlce
exausta-verytired · 3 days
I went through a lot when I was a kid. being strangled to the point I passed out and waking up being drowned... was what gave me nightmares and body memories for a decade. I had panic attacks making out with my first girlfriend if she touched my neck and it drove us to pieces. I had panic attacks from strong winds. and every near death situation I had after that first one would send me back. I still only ever said that one of my rapists tried to kill me. it was only this last time I went into sepsis and kind of got thrown back to it for a month. that I admitted to myself they were not separated violences. he tried to kill me as he was raping me. because it got him off because he didn't care about me because he was too angry I resisted or scared I could get him caught I don't know. but I know it happened at once. so yes even if it's "inside intimacy". you can't think violence is not violence if it's a sexual context
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beautifulpersonpeach · 10 months
Can I ask you some questions
1. What does karmy generally think about I army ? From what we see I army especially I jkkrs always see karmy as this ultimate power which can confirm something related to boy or jkk etc
2. Is there heavy homophobia in SK like I see Jkk bloggers always warning about which will affect safety of Jkk. I'm confused as when I see street interviews many Koreans seems open minded about it.
3. Is it true that Karmy indeed knows 'tea' lol. I always see bloggers here saying they are hiding it for jkk and boys safety and only share it in their cirlces. But I'm confused, there are antis in SK too and even ex fans can turn antis. Even recently we saw some I- jkkrs turning against JK because he was pushed by company. If one of them really has tea won't it be shared online and harm them which makes me think Karny also knows infos like I army except maybe they'll be seeing boys often.
Speaking for myself here.
1 - Every type of fan you have in i-ARMY, you have in k-ARMY, it's just that in k-ARMY it's the more intense version. The antis are more persistent, hateful and vicious, the cosplayers are more devious, the shippers more certain, the chartmys more obsessed and calculating, the solo stans more unhinged and vile, the mantis more extreme, even the OT7s are more intense in how hard they go for every member, more than anything I've seen on the i-ARMY side. But I do think the general perception Korean fans have of international fans (in general not just k-ARMY), is that many international k-pop stans are very easy to manipulate and rile up. Manipulation happens on the Korean side too but with foreigners it's way easier. And I don't think this disadvantage to international fans is just down to language barriers. Cultural nuances between Korea and most Western countries is what drives the bigger role, in my opinion. You simply cannot afford to be thin-skinned and simple-minded as a Korean person in regular society, and in the k-pop industry this is the bare minimum requirement to succeed as an idol for a reason. I mean, have you sat down to think about the sort of brutal honesty, cynicism, and vanity that's rampant in a culture, for plastic surgery to be so common it becomes banal?
Anyway, to answer your first question, k-ARMYs see international ARMYs as somewhat easy to manipulate, but at the same time very volatile and entitled. Sometimes. That first point though means you and I are not the only people who've noticed some people gobble up anything so long as it's in Korean, and that bias can be abused.
That said though, in the jikook community at least far as I know, many k-jokers are legit ARMYs who don't want to endanger the boys by spreading reckless information. Sometimes there are cosplayers and sasaengs mixed in, who do have ulterior motives / misleading information, but the community so far has been able to keep bad actors to the minimum. Overall though, what I really think is that if you actually respect the guys, the ultimate authority/power to confirm something related to them is the boys themselves. Their own actions and words should be clear enough, and your mind capable enough of arriving at a reasoned opinion all on your own. You can test that opinion against new information such as, a Korean person who claims they are more knowledgeable on the topic - because as I've said, Korean is very nuance-dependent and cultural insight is integral to always getting the full picture. Think about what the new information means for your opinion, and move forward with the opinion that makes the most sense to you at the end. Brownie points if you can engage in fandom with people with differing viewpoints, somewhat respectfully.
2 - Yes, there's heavy homophobia. And yes the younger generation is more accepting of it but that doesn't ultimately matter because of how Korea works. In my perception of it at least. The hate you get being queer in Korea, never starts directly. They target your friends first. Then your family. Your dad getting a snide comment at work here, your mom getting disinvited from the women's neighborhood meet-up there, your brother getting weird looks... And then there's the state restrictions: gay/queer couples cannot adopt and there are no protections under the constitution. So yes, technically people are out and people can come out and live relatively normal lives, but the path is extremely complicated. For someone like an idol, I'd imagine even more so.
3 - I won't waste a lot of time on this since I already said quite a bit in point 1. The one thing I'll say is if there's one thing you need to note about this industry, it's this: k-pop is so insanely competitive, people are so ridiculously wicked and psychotic that anybody who has dirt on you won't hesitate to use it at the first opportune moment. (You in this case being an idol/group.) Like, any 'tea' that's worthwhile gets spilled before long given the churn rate in the industry. And this is true to a large extent for companies too. For example, I don't think BigHit/HYBE is all that different from other k-pop agencies in this industry, but I do think they are in many ways better because if they were just as bad or worse than other agencies, we would've seen the paperwork by now. We would've seen the lawsuits, the weeping idols, the 'disgruntled staff' blinds (SM is notorious for being so good at this one), we would've seen that mess by now. Because many people don't hesitate to walk, especially in the case of abuse. Also, there is a very real limit to what even Korean people can know if they're outside the team's inner circle. Usually what counts as 'tea' is sightings and schedules, which if not illegal isn't damning in the least. But there are other kinds of 'tea' that's clearly malicious, but oftentimes that sort of hit is contracted. For example, things like the targeted attack Jimin faced regarding his missed insurance payments, myself and a few friends believe that was 'contracted hate'. Something that's unfortunately not uncommon in the industry.
K-ARMYs / k-jikookers are very similar in behaviour to i-jikookers, just more intense, usually / in my experience (including myself). So weigh their words/actions accordingly.
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kogareteplanet · 5 months
Togawa Jun - Teinen Pushiganga
Allegedly the title comes from a phrase for sitting in a cirlce and drinking. So we're making merry over resigning yourself from personhood. Translation notes at the end and personal commentary too because fuck it, a blog's a blog.
Far beyond the sky float the clouds Oh, in the name of my love
Such acts of atrocity No more can I resign to forgiveness
You may kill me Like a cow Or like a pig It’s alright I am merely a piece of flesh
Lala lala la Lala lala lai I am merely a piece of flesh
Into the sky fades the midday canon Oh, for my love has ended
Both love and hatred Are no more, poured into nothing
In a single moment of disgust I begin to rot I am merely a piece of flesh
Lala lala la Lala lala lai I am merely a piece of flesh
Far beyond the sky float the clouds Oh, in the name of my love
Such acts of atrocity No more can I resign to forgiveness
You may kill me Like a cow Or like a pig It’s alright I am merely a piece of flesh
Lala lala la Lala lala lai I am merely a piece of flesh
空の彼方に 浮かぶは雲 嗚々 我が恋愛の名において
その暴虐の 仕打ちさえ もはやただ 甘んじて許す
牛のように 豚のように 殺してもいい いいのよ 我 一塊の肉塊なり
ライラ ライラ ラ ライラ ライラ ライ 我 一塊の肉塊なり
空に消えゆく お昼のドン 嗚々 我が恋愛は終止せり
あの泥流の 恩讐が もはやただ あとかたもなしや
愕然とする間もなく 腐敗し始める 我 一塊の肉塊なり
ライラ ライラ ラ ライラ ライラ ライ 我 一塊の肉塊なり
ライラ ライラ ラ ライラ ライラ ライ 我 一塊の肉塊なり
空の彼方に 浮かぶは雲 嗚々 我が恋愛の名において
その暴虐の 仕打ちさえ もはやただ 甘んじて許す
牛のように 豚のように 殺してもいい いいのよ 我 一塊の肉塊なり
ライラ ライラ ラ ライラ ライラ ライ 我 一塊の肉塊なり
ライラ ライラ ラ ライラ ライラ ライ 我 一塊の肉塊なり
ライラ ライラ ラ ライラ ライラ ライ 我 一塊の肉塊なり
ライラ ライラ ラ ライラ ライラ ライ 我 一塊の肉塊なり
ライラ ライラ ラ ライラ ライラ ライ 我 一塊の肉塊なり
ライラ ライラ ラ ライラ ライラ ライ 我 一塊の肉塊なり
Translation Notes
泥流 is the flow of lahar/volcanic mud when a volcano erupts and 跡形もなしや (written in hiragana as あとかたもなしや) is like "without leaving a trace", I thought saying literally saying left without a trace was too basic for such a powerful song, so I went with "poured into nothing" to maintain the original imagery and meaning.
Personal Commentary Nobody Asked For
Many lifetimes ago I ran the Jun Togawa Forever fansite with my friend Pat, he translated all of the songs and I did the website... stuff. Because of it, Pat got to meet Jun's manager and it was basically the thing that set me off onto wanting to study Japanese to begin with. The sadness I was experiencing at the time couldn't be expressed in my own language because I was barely fresh off being a teenager, and I was treated poorly by almost everyone around me. Real "nobody understands me" type shit. So, i'd listen to this song on repeat a lot and read my friend's translation, because it felt like somebody understood me.
The reason I stopped running the website, posting throwbacks and setlist updates etc was because I actually hated most of the English fans. Pat was working very hard at a critical time to translate information and whenever I had a question, I would ask. But people kept jumping to assumptions about what Jun's art was trying to convey. It sounds almost cliche, but the perspective of dudes with no knowlege of Japanese language or culture was dominating the discussion about a Japanese woman's work, stripping it of time, place and it's author. One person's self expression through art became a talking point for being anti-pop culture - because it was antithetical to the norm, that's all it could be, or that became the main focus. I hated how our work was just being consumed by people who's reaction was just "cool" or "thanks", and the voice behind the lyrics was stifled for the sake of making hamfisted commentary about pop culture, from a society and culture that the authors themselves had sparse knowlege of.
It is extremely petty. This was also before Suki Suki Daisuki blew up on Tiktok too. But, the phrase "anti idol" just screamed fake deep to me lol. Once I actually started speaking Japanese and explaining the perspective of non-Japanese people about things to Japanese people, they were mostly confused. BiS' producer also called it "fucking stupid." I think about deleting all of the translations sometimes out of spite.
I wanted to come back and translate this song myself because... fuck it, why not. I'm not in the same mindset as when this was the one thing keeping my head above water, but I did have some poor experiences with people at university recently. I thought about this song because it feels like it's fine for terrible things to be said and done to me, but everyone else is seemingly allowed to do whatever they want. Be it emotionally or sexually as a friend or as a coercer. But i've resigned myself from caring because hey, life goes on.
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ovisiphorus · 1 year
Can you stupid sons of guns quit acting like the only red flags for transphobia is tranismisogyny? Good fucking GOD. It’s only like the last year or so the specific intricacies of anti trans masc specific transphobia can be talked about without you being branded as Bad or Up To Something, I swear.
But I tell you, acting like transphobia is only like “here’s transmisogyny. And then transphobia (general)” whatever that means is so dangerous. You have people who are openly inclusive of trans women and who sincerely want to do better when they fuck up (see: lots of ((presumably)) cis women on Here, esp in the cliquey wooley wool cirlces; source: I been on this stupid site for nearly 15 yrs and I’m adjacent to this shit) who just blatantly post or share horrible sentiments about trans men and trans mascs generally out of some misplaced sense of “activism” or blatantly as a side effect of erasure and not even considering (see also: the down play “oh they just see them as dumb children and not dangerous or a threat” which is a BLATANT lie and would still be cruel even if it was true).
You all need to do better. Honestly? Lots of trans mascs who grew up on here in the 2010’s still can’t speak abt issues affecting us in specificity even among ourselves in PRIVATE without kneejerk feeling the constant need to self police and over explain bc of all the stupid ways bad actors poisoned the way trans issues were talked about online (which bled into real life for ppl under a certain age and still exists) last decade.
This new wave of attack is LITERALLY ABOUT US! WHY OH WHY is it somehow BAD to talk about that?
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todaynewsguru · 2 years
Ahmedabad ACB books Income Tax officer for ‘accepting’ Rs 30 lakh bribe
Ahmedabad ACB books Income Tax officer for ‘accepting’ Rs 30 lakh bribe
The Ahmedabad Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) on Tuesday booked an Additional Commissioner of Income Tax of the Central Cirlce Range -1, Santosh Karnani for allegedly accepting a bribe amouut of Rs 30 lakh. Karnani, however escaped arrest, said the ACB release. “Karnani had asked for a bribe of Rs. 30 lakh from the complainant. He had called the complainant to his office and repeatedly threatened…
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clowns-of-thedas · 3 years
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Nothing like getting basic rights.
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fedonciadale · 4 years
Master meta post
*** Edit: Please check the pinned post on this blog! This post will not be updated anymore as the original owner of the blog, my mother, has passed away.***
Master meta post
So I decided to put together some of my metas/ask posts (that tend to become metas occasionally) for convenience and pin this post.
I have not yet linked all (obviously), but I will revisit this post once in a while and add links...
Also for my numerous ask - evolved into metas I usually added some that I think are representative.
ASOIAF - Bookwise
Meta series on “Singers singing songs and their impact on character in ASOIAF”: part 1: Jon
part 2: Sansa
part 3: Daenerys
part 4: Starks and Lannisters
An ask about Florian and Jonquil (note the excellent additions!)
What is a bittersweet ending? (x, x, x, x)
Meaning of Ice and Fire
GRRM is not a Nihilist
First men and Children of the Forest
Politics in ASOIAF/GoT
Legitimacy of Kings in Westeros
Claim to the throne, right to the throne and the making of Kings
Daenerys and her understanding of history
Marriage annulment
Northern Independence asks (x, x, x)
Food sharing in Westeros
Parallels to Wars of the Roses
Sibling dynamics: Everyone was the odd one out once in a while
Sansa and Arya (mostly answers to Did Sansa bully Arya? (x, x)
Succession in the North: Was Sansa disinherited (x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x)
Septa Mordane
Dragons vs. direwolves
Would Jon on the throne mean a Targ restoration?
Why did the Targs practice incest and what are the political repercussions?
Jon Snow’s Targ name
Jonsa, Jon€rys and the logic of shipping
Shipping and canon shipping
Why is Jonsa hated?
Show rants:
Catfight at Winterhell: rant, asks (x)
Annulment of marriages in the Middle Ages
Daenerys and her understanding of history
Doubts prior to season 8
Circular storytelling
The full cirlce of Westeros
Why the endgame doesn’t make sense: 1 (Bran) , 2 (Tyrion), 3 (Arya), 4 (Sansa), 5 (Jon)
Women in Westeros and misogyny - Cersei
Women in Westeros and misogyny - Brienne
Sansa and Feminism
Arya and her feminitiy
Catelyn the advisor
Comparison of Jonsa with other ships
Jonsa and Jon€rys (my oldest post, Nov 2016)
In General: Incest, Endogamy, Exogamy, Genetic attraction phenomenon
Cousin marriage in the Middle Ages
In-world opinions on Cousin marriage, Targ incest
Does a Jonerys marriage solve any problems?
Foreshadowing for Jonsa, Jon€rys and J0nrya
Jonerys foreshadowing
Why Jonerys is incompatible
Comparison of Jonsa and Jonerys foreshadowing
What was GRRM’s original idea?
J0nrya and the original outline
So called J0nrya foreshadowing (= Jonsa foreshadowing in disguise)
Will there be a Jon€rys baby? (x, x, x, x, x)
Arya and Jonsa, J0nrya reunion
Political J0nrya marriage after Sansa’s death?
J0nrya as a possibility in books and show
Anti Dany/Jon/Sansa threesome for Targ restoration
Anti Sansan 
Anti Sanrion
Does Jon have a crush on Alys?
Alys Karstark as possible marriage candidate
Sansa Stark
The Trident incident (x, x)
The ‘Horseface’ question
Precanon crush?
Sansa is Jon’s type
Arguments against Sansa and “Rickard Forrester” as a rando last minute love interest
The Broken Tower in Winterfell
Sansa’s ‘betrayal’
Sansa won’t be disfigured
Sansa’s wishes
Sansa and the Northerners
Sansa and Alysanne Parallels
Sansa and Lady
Dany and Sansa as foils
Sansa as the ‘original villain‘
Does Sansa trust Littlefinger?
Is Sweetrobin getting poisoned?
Sansa and Sweetrobin
Ned and Cat
The man who passes the sentence
Was Ned in love with Ashara and did he have sex with her?
Ned and Cat as parents
The Starks value life
Literal tropes:
Relationship tropes in GoT and ASOIAF
Accidental incest and secret parentage and their outcoming
The function of secret parentage in fiction
What even is incest?
Jonsa and Beauty and the Beast
Fairy tales:
The trickster cat
The Bear and the Maiden fair
The Pig boy
Comparisons with Tolkien:
Beren and Luthien: part 1, part 2, part 3
Aragorn and Arwen
The Girl in Grey:
Various asks on the Girl in Grey (x, x, x, x, x)
DarkDany stuff
Why conquer Westeros at all?
A Storm that hits
Conquerors landing on the shore
Will Dany die as a saviour?
Questioning sharply (Dany’s descent into darkness)
Dany and politics
Dany’s ‘hero’s journey’
Dany and Galadriel
Setting up Dany as a villain: the Leni Riefenstahl connection (mostly @une-nuit-pour-se-souvenir but it started with my ask
Dany is not an abolutionist
Fire and Blood:
Methods of foreshadowing
Succession in Fire and Blood
Fire and Blood tidbits
Will Arya kill Dany?
Archmaester Glydaen and his bias
Political Jon
Jon the Player, Jon the Deceiver?
Cersei and Aurane Waters as a parallel to Jon and Da€nerys
Deceiving and Lying Starks
Jon the Negotiator
Jon’s political skill on the show
Starks and their political skills
Asks about Political Jon (x, x, x)
Jaime Lannister as Hand of the King
Jaime as Hand - Hints in F&B (1, 2)
Tully mud, blood, death and sudden change
Rains of Castamere and the futility of revenge
Stark words and Stark obligations
Parallels to Outlaw King
Why we should ship Tormund and Dany
HP Verse:
Everything wrong with the HP verse
Good Slytherins
Internalized misogyny in HP and the girly girl
Is S.P.E.W fake woke?
Grey characters in HP
Classism in the HP verse
Is Draco smart?
Hogwarts sorting: How it should go
JKR’s writing
Arthur Weasley and muggles or classism in HP
On redemption arcs: Draco,
On ships in HP: Fremione and Harmony; Anti Romione
My thoughts on : Ginny, Ron
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Ryan responds to one of the most fact challenged, hateful, deceptive, and nonsensical anti vegan YouTube channels. BINGE-WATCH & CHILL: * Enjoy our Vegan Travel Vlog Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIvZEoesen1pC28C23NGco9HIJlZepVIf * Learn from our Oil Free Vegan Cooking Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIvZEoesen1rRmborTMcdALellRrekddS 👩‍🎤🎤 🎸 🎹 🎧 OUR MUSIC: Featured this episode is “Spinning Cirlces” by Lovespirals Buy digital downloads or CDs from https://ift.tt/1hexYZB Stream more music from Anji Bee or Lovespirals on Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon, Google Play, or Pandora. Links via https://ift.tt/3cdNTJe 🍌 🍓 🍑 🌽 🍚 🍞 MY COOKBOOK: Get Anji's oil free, whole food, plant based, 99% gluten free cookbook, 'Keep It Carbed, Baby!' in ebook format for just $6.50 (half off the list price) via our website to help you come up with affordable and easy to make meals focusing on pantry staples. https://ift.tt/1TdKzQa 👕 👚 📚 📦 📬 OUR MERCH: Support the channel with a Happy Healthy Vegan tee or tank -- or Anji’s Keep It Carbed, Baby! cookbook in print or ebook format -- at https://ift.tt/1TdKzQa 🛍 🎁 📦💓💸 OUR SOCIALS: https://ift.tt/1TdKzQa https://ift.tt/1do4mtE https://ift.tt/1do4mtG https://ift.tt/2pSaEPZ... PO Box 391 • Seal Beach, CA • 90740 • USA AFFILIATE LINKS TO HELP SUPPORT THE CHANNEL: ================================================= * THRIVE MARKET: 25% off your first purchase with link: https://ift.tt/2J5YJo2 * VEGANCUTS: $5 off any subscription box with coupon code HAPPYHEALTHYVEGAN at http://vegancuts.com or 10% off any single box from their Vegan Marketplace with coupon code HHV at https://ift.tt/2PJZ6ra * CLEAN MACHINE: Save 10% on your entire order of plant based protein with coupon code happyvegan (all one word AND lower case)BINGE-WATCH & CHILL: * Enjoy our Vegan Travel Vlog Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIvZEoesen1pC28C23NGco9HIJlZepVIf * Learn from my Oil Free Vegan Cooking Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIvZEoesen1rRmborTMcdALellRrekddS
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lum1natrix · 7 years
when i see the world cirlces i just hear anti in my head screaming FUCKIN CIRLCES.... ._.''
same, man...same
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bethanywall · 4 years
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🤔Looking for reviews of our eye cream 👁️👓 🤯Incredible ingredients 🤯 Incredible results 🤯 Anti-ageing 🤯Puffiness🤯Dark cirlces 🤯14 day money back guarantee 🤯 🍃Formulated with niacinamide, Green Tea anti ageing and an antioxidant that improves appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, dark spots, redness, saggy skin & slows down premature skin aging!🍃 🌺 Its rich in antioxidants known as EGCG helps fight wrinkles by increasing new skin growth🌺 😍And it comes with a 14 day love it guarantee and 10% of all profits goes to The Younique Foundation😍 #bethanywall #bethany #makeup #skincare #eyecreams #eyecream #antiaging #antiagingskincare #puffiness #puffyeyes #darkcircles #darkcirclestreatment #mindblowing #14dayloveitguarantee #14daymoneyback #reviewer #review #reviews #needreviews #antioxidants #wrinkles #greentea (at Newport, Wales) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCN9U3Anb-W/?igshid=zyzqlar6lf85
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knuckle · 7 years
like you should know if you’re white... that most of the performativity discourse, or at least its original intent, was directed at you specifically. and you’re probably not the right person to take issue w/ it, even if you have good intentions 
i mean talking about performativity goes beyond just “some people saying things they don’t really mean on tumblr dot com.” in real life spaces, people manipulating progressive viewpoints to gain Good Ally points is a horribly effective, abusive tactic. so, not acknowledging the position of power you leverage by criticizing the “performative anti-performativity cirlce jerk” is 👀
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rcraft404 · 7 years
Vitamin C Serum for Face - L Ascorbic Acid - Brooklyn Botany - Professional and Advanced Skincare - Powerful Anti Aging Serum, Fight Age Spots, Acne, Dark Cirlces, Fine Lines and Wrinkles, - 1 oz
Vitamin C Serum for Face – L Ascorbic Acid – Brooklyn Botany – Professional and Advanced Skincare – Powerful Anti Aging Serum, Fight Age Spots, Acne, Dark Cirlces, Fine Lines and Wrinkles, – 1 oz
#1 Most Effective Vitamin C Serum For Face To-Date Our Best Vitamin C – L Ascorbic Acid Serum is a one-of-a-kind anti-aging, anti-wrinkle formula that immediately brightens the skin and removes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Currently, there is only one Vitamin C Serum that is proven to work, and that is L Ascorbic Acid Vitamin C. All other forms of Vitamin C are merely Vitamin C…
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clowns-of-thedas · 4 years
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Andraste honey, your followers fucked up big time.
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Ways to Develop A Superhero & Villain Name.
Ever thought about a name on your own as a member from the superhero or even villain area? ... Undoubtedly they have to all of be had by now ... possibly certainly not. If you prefer to become out of the pressure from the coastline and also midtown places, you will definitely come to appreciate Read More On this page economical lodging alternatives near Miami International Flight Terminal, or in Fort Lauderdale, Hollywood and Reefs Gables. First and foremost, be actually warned though: that's not the legitimate drink unless this is actually created along with the regional Gosling's Black Seal Rum (approximately they declare!) and, as a matter of fact, the business has actually trademarked the title of this simple punch. Temps for cool cigarette smoking need to be actually below 100 levels F. In this particular temperature level selection foods items handle a rich great smoky taste, cultivate a deep mahogany different colors as well as will keep a moist structure, nonetheless they are not considered prepared through this process. If you have a family tree or personal history of high blood pressure, as well as specifically if you are currently taking blood pressure medication to handle high blood pressure, that is actually vital that you be actually discerning about the cold and influenza medicines that you opt for. If he blows cold as well as scorching and also you create justifications or even justify it away and also welcome him back right into the tropics, you simply informed him with your actions that it's fine with you if he checks out the Arctic cirlce, you will certainly hang around.
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maleficarage · 7 years
Florianne DeChalons/Vidar Trevelyan headcanons
-Even if there is a lot of tension between Vidar and his family, they were paying the Templars to let him go home sometimes, so Vidar has learned how playing The Game and he has a natural talent.
-His talent his wasted, until he became Inquisitor, because Vidar refuse to be moderate in his position. He is anti-Chantry, anti-Templars, anti-Circles and don’t believe in the Maker. Is difficult being political relevant with this believes, in the Circle.
-Florianne De Chalons is a lot of things, but no stupid. She HAS positions, but she can let go all her believes, to survive The Game.
-Between Celene and Gaspard, she is important, but not essential. When Corypheus make his deal with her, she is only playing The Game. Corypheus is ready to become a God, and she can rule all Thedas in his name. Who cares if is he a darkspawn? The Game is for all, if you can play and survive.
-Florianne don’t think much about The Inquisitor. He seem to be a powerful mage, but he is too hidealistic for The Game. This is Orlais, not the Free Marches.
-She change her mind after their dance and her defeat. A mage from the Free Marches has Gaspard, Celene and Briala under his power and all the Orlesian nobility love him. He know how win The Game.
-After the destruction of Corypheus and the rise of Divine Victoria/Leliana, Florianne can’t believes her eyes. Trevelyan was the leader of a group created to restore Chantry power, but he has conquered the Inquisition, using that power against the Chantry. Vivienne DeFer is under arrest, another victim of The Game.
-Vidar Trevelyan make a deal with Florianne The Inquisition Agent, and they joines forces to destroy every single man or woman who stand against Vidar.
-Florianne know the truth: her life in public is finished. All Thedas remember her umiliation and she is a Venatori. But she can always play The Game for the Inquisition and she start noticing things about Vidar Trevelyan.
-Florianne is ready to lose a battle to keep her power. Trevelyan no. Trevelyan knows how play The Game but he doesn’t know how to lose.
-Florianne start to plotting: she can use this, she can make Trevelyan her minion. Corypheus is no more so damn his cause, but she can be on the top again.
-Blackmail doesn’t work. Cheating during their work together doesn’t work. NOTHING work dammit. The Inquisitor is always the winner.
-Of course Vidar knows than Florianne is playing The Game, he think “why. Why now” but he like The Game too and they play.
-Josephine is very concerned. All the Inner Circle is concerned. “Inquisitor do you think is a good idea working so close to the ex Grand Duchess? She is a Venatori.”
-Florianne is mad with rage, so she use her last trick. Seduction.
-Of course is her last trick all that stories about the seduction and sex in the nobility are bullshit. Yes, can happen, but is not the first thing. There are virgins who are masters of the Game in Orlais.
-But she is desperate, she can’t lose again, and so let doing this.
-It doesn’t work.
-Until, one day, Florianne and Vidar are arguing about the last Inquisitor of the old Inquisition.
-“He was an elf! We can use this. The Inquisition as a lot of elves in the ranks, and Briala’s revolution is working. Bring the elves on our side, and they can be useful.” “Is the goal of your life become more hated than Hawke by the Chantry?” “Leliana has opened the priesthood to all the races… And fuck the Chantry”
-When they make a plan (don’t say nothing for now and use the truth when the elves are angry. Thedas can have time to deal with non-human Chantry Mothers, and they can be saviors for the elves in the most convinient moment) Vidar kiss Florianne’s lips for a second
-He act like was normal. Florianne don’t change her face. Is an old trick in the Game.
-But she think about this.
-After six months, the Inner Circle is desperate and Thedas has to deal with the more powerful political couple of all history. They really don't care about the age gap, even is Florianne is much more older and they are like a male Andraste and a female Maferath.
-After Trepasser, The Chantry sign a treaty and end all her political power. The Chantry become nothing more than a spiritual guide, and a Sister/Mother of the Chantry can be a political figure only if an Inquisition Agent is in the place.
-Divine Leliana is happy: she like charity and servitude to the Maker much more, even if she know The Game. Maybe she like this more BECAUSE she knows The Game.
-Vidar is happy: his family is very angry but can’t say nothing and they have to be nice to him because he is the fucking Inquisitor. And this is hilarious. Templars and Cirlces are only a memory and his girlfriend is fucking brilliant. A lot evil, but brilliant.
-Florianne his happy: she was never a fan of the Chantry anyway, and she can play The Game and her boyfriend is a force of the nature (well, she has no intention to SAY that anyway)
-A year after Trepasser, Florianne is pregnant. Cassandra is the godmother
-Cassandra thinks at the baby of the man who has destroyed centuries of Chantry power and the Ex Grand Duchess Of Orlais, an ex-Venatori who live for The Game.
-Cassandra screams.
(Ps: Very thanks to @midnightfuckingmayor who has let me go with his headcanon about a politically defeated Vivienne)
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dentsolivier · 7 years
Montebello Rockfest 2017
For 51 out of 52 weekends, Montebello is an idyllic small town with tonnes of charm located between Montreal and Ottawa. For one weekend, it is run over by punks and drunks, partygoers and headbangers, rockers and gawkers for a weekend of debauchery known as Rockfest. The brainchild of native son Alex Martel, the festival has grown from a small three band affair to a full on three day extravaganza, one of the biggest rock festivals in North America.
This was Rockfest’s year to shine with Heavy Montreal on hiatus.
The party started on Thursday night with a St-Jean-Baptiste party. A highlight was francophone performance by local ska legends The Planet Smashers. The party was delayed by heavy showers, but most patrons partied in the rain until headliners Les Cowboys Fringants came in to cap off Quebec’s signature holiday.
The festival kicked into full gear Friday, for a day that saw “mudfest” trending on social media. The wet conditions didn’t stop the crowd and certainly didn’t stop the bands. The day kicked off hard and heavy with metal veterans Kataklysm and Soulfly making the crowd stomp in the mud.
The yearly hip hop act has become a popular addition to the fest. This year’s edition promised hip hop legends and hipster clothing moguls the Wu-Tang Clan. That billing deserves an asterisk, while it’s been unfortunately standard for them over the last few years, it’s still disappointing when they show up without Method Man, it’s like an Oilers alumni game without Wayne Gretzky. Despite the absence of the Ticallion Stallion, the crowd still bounced along to every beat.
Killswitch Engage provided some levity by decorating the stage like a tiki bar and performing in Hawaiian clothing.
There were a lot of veteran acts that came out and delivered like clockwork. Bad Religion, Bullet For My Valentine, Goldfinger, Reel Big Fish and Less Than Jake all brought sets had the weight of decades of on stage experience. Nostalgia is a huge part of what has made Rockfest such a success. The Offspring were no exception to that. The crowd went insane for every classic they delivered.
No festival promoter is as front and center as Alex Martel. He’s very proud of the beast he has created, as well he should be. But this year, Martel stepped it up a notch by reuniting his band Deadly Apples. This move might have drawn curiosity had it remained a side stage act, but instead took the ostentatious act of leaving the main stages empty for a full hour, right before the headliner, while the band played, drawing the ire of the crowd. There were posters promoting throughout the site as if it were a Led Zeppelin reunion. To be fair, 95% of attendees had no clue who Deadly Apples were before this fest.
But good things do come to those who wait. A countdown appeared on screen ending with fireworks, announcing the arrival of the fire hazard which is Rammstein. What followed was an hour and half blitzkrieg of sound, lights and precision. It was an onslaught. Every one of your senses was bombarded, from the vibrations, the music, the smell of propane to the intense lights. Okay, you couldn’t taste it, but I imagine it tasted like Beck’s and sauerkraut. The set ended with Engel and the band’s trademark fire breathing angel wings. By the energy in the crowd, you couldn’t tell many had been there since 11am. The Germans sent the crowd back to their camps on a high.
The final day promised a break from the mud and rain. The sun was shining as Anti-Flag delivered a high octane set to get people limbered up.
One of the dark horse sets that made the weekend great happened shortly after on the side stages. Vancouver’s The Dreadnoughts packed the back area and got the crowd whipped into a frenzy with their unique brand of polka gypsy punk. They’re jesters on stage, enticing everyone to have fun with them and you know they’re succeeding when even the security are laughing. There were cirlce pits and wall of death that separated and left a guy in a Pikachu suit in the middle. As vocalist Uncle Touchy screamed “kill the Pikachu!’ the wall collapsed on him.
Coming back to nostalgia, some of the great memories from these festivals comes from seeing bands you’d long forgotten about and you’d never go see on their own. You never thought you would, but there you are singing along with P.O.D. as they chant “Boom” and “Youth of the Nation.” There you are, skanking with The Specials as they deliver “A Message to You Rudy.” You’re swaying with the crowd as 311 croons “Amber.”
One name that stuck out as soon as the lineup was announced was Dee Snider. After last year’s edition, his band Twisted Sister made a huge fuss about the deplorable conditions in which they were treated, their rant going viral. Well, it apparently wasn’t so bad for Snider to return the very next year. He addressed the issue, saying he was being treated much better, then treated the crowd to a surprisingly good cover of Soundgarden’s “Outshined” in honour of the late Chris Cornell.
The set of the weekend has to go to the bipolar beast known as Alexisonfire, who probably should’ve headlined this day and closed out the festival. The crowd sang to every word from Dallas Green and screamed along to every word from George Pettit and Wade MacNeil. They drew from their entire catalog but leaned heavily on their iconic 2006 release Crisis. Their frenetic performance was a juggernaut.
Headlining duties on this night were handled by Queens of the Stone Age. They offered a solid set of radio hits that was low on frills. Vocalist/guitarist Josh Homme didn’t move around much, just stood and delivered. Perhaps the crowd just didn’t have much left.
A special treat awaited those who weren’t done partying. The weekend closed out with Iggy Pop performing as only the legend can. 70 years old, dancing shirtless on stage until 1:30am on a cold night, Iggy reminded us all why he might be immortal.
The true star of this weekend though is the town of Montebello, who once a year allow revellers to take over their quiet town and throw a massive party. They let them sleep on their lawns and drink in their streets and party along with them. And for that, we thank you.
Review – Richard Brunette Photos – Kieron Yates
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