#anti colin bridgerton
hamletshoeratio · 3 months
Colin telling Eloise that she's fortunate because she has never been in love when it's his other half's fault she had to walk away from "one of the only good things" in her life because LW put him in harm's way.
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herefortayloronly · 2 months
I woke up and chose violence today because quite frankly Polin stans can actually choke and die in a ditch. Imagine being so selfish and narcissistic (and of course they are because they're spoiled and entitled). Because how are y'all complaining about getting an engagement party (and a wedding) for your ship meanwhile we don't even get to see Kate and Anthony's ANYTHING!!! But god forbid the viscount and viscountess BRIDGERTON of a show called BRIDGERTON make an announcement that they're with child who is going to inherit the BRIDGERTON NAME!!!! The fact that we got to see Polin's baby before we even see EDMUND???? You know the heir to the BRIDGERTON title??? It's inconceivable to me that Polin stans are actually complaining about how bad the engagement party went or how they didn't like Colin and Penelope were upset with each other at their wedding.... AT LEAST Y'ALL GOT TO SEE AN ENGAGEMENT PARTY AND WEDDING!!!
I've been biting my tongue about this long enough because I wanted to be constructively critical and not this petty shit but today I say fuck it!!
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avantgardetheseventh · 3 months
I don't really intend on getting into Bridgerton but having watched the first season, I can safely say Marina Thompson deserves so much better.
Like she was easily one of the most interesting characters. When she talks about how she didn't have any guidance, nobody to show her the way, I literally wanted to cry. She had to make a whole new living for herself under the Featheringtons, everyone treated as if she didn't belong there, she had to treat her pregnancy all on her own.
I would have absolutely loved to see her actually get a decent conclusion instead of having her solemnly part ways. I also loved her friendship with Penelope initially and well..
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gifcity · 3 months
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The problem with having Pen run after Colin, pursue him, chase after him, beg for his love, ask him to dance at her own damn wedding is that it's pathetic. Yes, it's pathetic because she's been pining after him all this time, and it was time for Colin to be in the driver's seat of this relationship. It's vital for their love story that he finally takes INITIATIVE and pursue HER, even after marriage, even when he is angry with her.
The way she has to continue to run after him, I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. Because now that we know this is how Colin handles conflict - he will ice her out and force her to run after him - she's going to be dealing with this forever and that's sad. That isn't how it should be.
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lovelyo · 4 months
Colin Not That Much Better Fr
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Colin is the lesser evil in this Poolin relationship imo, but he’s still pretty bad. Everyone says he’s this kind sweet cinnamon roll when he has barely showed any of that shit, do we all live in a different timeline? Colin barely has a personality when he had 2 seasons to establish at least a foundation. Season 1 he’s just eating and getting suckered by Marina(granted she had hella good reasons to do so). He was just there in the background with no personality. Even Gregory and Hyacinth showed more of a personality. Same with season 2. That Featherington plotline with the fraud cousin was ridiculous and he did it more out of pity than actually wanting to help.
All they do is tell us about Colin’s character. Mama Bridgerton, what shit are you chatting, how the hell is Colin caring?
If anything, we’ve seen this douche be selfish. Why the fuck did he go to Marina’s house unannounced? To get his own closure.
How is he running off to travel? By using Anthony’s dime to go and fuck around and buy gifts on that same dime.
Why is he barely close with his siblings? Cause he’s traveling without thinking of anyone else. No wonder when he occasionally writes letters to them they barely respond cause they even know their brother is full of hot shit.
What does he do when he sees the clear beef between Eloise and Penelope? Makes it about himself and invites Penelope to their house despite knowing Eloise wants nothing to do with the wench.
Why does he do a complete 180 and pine after Penelope Hilton? Don’t worry, the showrunners don’t even know. We can only deduce from his behavior that he started wanting Penelope after her “glow up”. What does that say about him?
Why doesn’t he want Penelope to be with Lord Debling? Well, it makes him feel sad and jealous. He seemingly doesn’t care that Penelope might have found a genuine man. It makes him feel like absolute shit so hence why they shouldn’t be together.
How caring 🙃
Colin is legit a selfish prick and the show is trying to put glitter all over his bullshit to make it look like gold. But hey, they do the same with Penelope. Such a befitting couple
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bigbrown-eyes · 4 months
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Anthony pissed when C's news came immediately; 'Wtf do you mean you're engaged to that gossipmonger while I have to be normal and not tell mayfair I got pregnant?!'
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whentheynameyoujoy · 3 months
That being said and to be fair to Eloise, if I were Francesca or Hyacinth and knew Penelope as just this girl my loner sister hangs out with almost exclusively and with whom my aimless brother exchanged a few words over the years, and then said aimless brother introduced her as his fiancée after moping around for a week without an explanation, my reaction wouldn’t be along the lines of accepting elation either. It would be to ask him if he’s on drugs again and this is the newest thing that will totally give him a sense of his own identity.
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thewingedwolf · 4 months
why do we need Two colin threesome scenes. why me why this
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dusty-daydreams · 3 months
Fuck you Colin
First of all why are you attacking Eloise about this?
Yeah she knew and she didn’t tell you which might not have been the best idea.
But she made it very very clear that Penelope and her were not on speaking terms. Why you decided to continue your friendship with your sister’s estranged friend over standing by your sister is your choice and you cannot be angry with your sister now that you have found out that she had a good reason to be estranged from Penelope.
Also fuck you Colin, “You should consider yourself uncommonly lucky you have never been in love.”
How do you Colin Mr I don’t actually spend time with my family know that Eloise has never been in love.
Because she has. It wasn’t given the chance to grow but she was at the beginning of something with Theo.
And guess what your poor little victim wife who has been using her column to suppress other women used it to ruin Eloise’s relationship with her first love.
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I think one of the most frustrating things about Colin (in the show) and Benedict (in the book) is their total lack of willingness to acknowledge the extremely delicate situation young women in their society are placed it. Like yeah I know it’s true love and all but I was so frustrated with Colin ruining Penelope’s chance with Lord Debling because “it wasn’t tRuE LoVe”, like he is a rich kind man with his own interests that would generally leave his wife alone, that’s an ideal situation compared to Cressida who’s constantly being threaten with marriage to old men. Penelope has been out in society for three years with no suitors before him. Likewise, in the book, Benedict totally ignores Sophie’s concerns that becoming his mistress would force even further outside of society and strip her of the freedom she would have working as a ladies maid. He refuses to see her perspective as an illegitimate daughter and how her the abuse and ostracizing she went through would cause her to not want to have any children illegitimately lest they go through the same.
And I think all of this is because for the Bridgerton girls, everything will always be fine. They have enough money and social standing and family connections to always be safe and protected and loved.
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ughmyreality · 4 months
Anti Polin overview / Rewrite
Here's a dedicated longer post, now that I’ve watched all of part one, as to my problems with Polin. Although, I don’t think it’s completely beyond repair, so in the later half, I’ve shown how I would have preferred their romance to go. (SPOILERS ahead)
They tell us a lot but hardly show us anything. We’re supposed to believe that Penelope and Colin are friends but they barely interact with each other. When they did, I often felt like Colin was only doing that out of obligation to Eloise. Like ‘this is my sister’s best friend after all’. Not because he wanted to be her friend.
Neither character has shown what they like about the other. Penelope has apparently liked him for so long that we should just be satisfied knowing that. There is no real depth as to why she does. Colin does a 180 and besides her physical appearance we also don’t know what changed for him to like her.
Colin doesn’t have enough personality for me to root for him. He’s just kind of there on the sidelines. In comparison to Penelope, he hardly talks at all. Going back to the tell but not show, we get the talk from Violet about his character traits but he doesn’t act that way. He’s not very memorable and he needs more time to establish who he is.
Penelope can’t help lying and instigating. Unlike Cressida, Penelope wants to keep up this innocent victim act. There’s nothing wrong with Penelope liking to stir the pot, but she just needs to own up to it. If they were going to make her a morally gray character, then I wish she would go full out instead of acting like she’s the one always wronged.
I’m all for the new outfits and hairstyles but it kind of feels like Colin only likes her because she changed her outward appearance. It’s lust instead of love. This isn’t helped by the fact that Colin has two separate sex scenes in the span of four episodes. Not only that but the lustful innuendos, for example the frosting thing with Penelope. He only seems to think about sexual appeal rather than a true connection.
Penelope has absolutely zero self confidence when around him. Let’s say that Colin courted her in her first season out, she wouldn’t know how to take it. She has him on this unreachable pedestal and she doesn’t find herself worthy of him. Yet she can’t stand the idea of him with someone else.
She is too possessive over a man that is not only not hers, but never showed interest in her. Her reading Colin’s writings of his escapades in France and then spiking with embarrassed jealousy is a prime example. Penelope has no right to act like Colin owes her anything.
Colin never considers that Penelope might have liked Lord Debling. Even if she didn't, she's still reeling after what she thought would be a proposal. He doesn't take her feelings into consideration and assumes that he's the best there is.
Moving on to a positive note of how I would have preferred it to go.
Polin would have actually been a slow burn friends to lovers. They would have had more moments between season 1 to 3. However, if for whatever reason, this wasn’t possible:
Penelope would have no one to turn to and admit to herself that she doesn’t have any friends. The entire first half would be Colin and Penelope developing their friendship with no romance. Get rid of the entire “lessons” plot and instead shift over to Colin trying to teach her that it’s ok to be yourself even if that means being alone.
There could still be some conflict with Eloise and Colin. Let's say that she gets mad that Colin is trying to befriend Penelope because she thinks that he’s only doing that to spite her. Eloise confides in the rest of her siblings and they start picking sides causing even more discourse. This can be why Colin doesn’t talk to his siblings very much rather than he just can’t be bothered. 
Colin and Penelope develop their friendship outside of the “My best friend’s brother” trope and become genuine friends.
After finally feeling like she has someone to confide in, she would feel guilty about keeping secrets and reveal that she’s Lady Whistledown. Which then would actually lead to a suspenseful end for part two.
Part two would start with Penelope alone at a party after Colin gets rightfully upset. She meets Lord Debling and they start their semi-romance. 
Francesca would be on Colin’s side and give Colin the chance to be close with one of his siblings. (Side note- I think every sibling has a somewhat favorite A-D, B-E, G-H, that only leaves out Francesca and Colin) It would also serve as a way to get more insight on Francesca. She would tell him what's been going on with Penelope and Lord Debling and the suspected proposal. 
Colin runs off to find her but it’s too late and Lord Debling is in the mist of proposing. In a surprising turn of events Penelope tells him that she can’t marry him and runs off in embarrassment. Colin follows and she asks what he’s doing there, he confesses that he loves her. They both apologize for the things they’ve done.
At this point, we're probably running out of time, so to move things along, let’s say they get caught kissing by Violet and she assumes that they’ve been courting for a while. She jokingly asks when's the wedding and Colin takes that as an opportunity to propose. They get married… THE END.
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gifcity · 3 months
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it's very strange that Penelope keeps bringing up the other women Colin has been with. she says she LIKES reading about his sexploits with other women?? why would they have Pen be like this? If Colin wrote about his and Pens' sexual experiences and she liked that, then it would be different.
this screams insecurity. the whole point of the mirror scene was for Colin to body worship her to help with her insecurity. then immediately after sex she brings up his other women...twice...even after he says "nothing compares."
If you're preoccupied with your lover's previous lovers, it's never a good sign.
the writing of this show is SO WEIRD????? do people actually find this romantic?
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ericbttle · 3 months
remembered after seeing clips again why Colin’s reaction after finding out about Marina annoyed me so much and it was him saying, “oh well if you would’ve just TOLD me you were pregnant and trying to secure safety for you and your child, I would’ve been happy to help 😔” as if that wouldn’t have also been a HUGE gamble for her to take. such an annoying way for the writers to really dig in and frame Marina as a horrible person.
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yidiyada · 4 months
Truly they could never make me like you Colin Bridgerton but also I would never deny my love Penelope featherinton anything so if it’s you she wants, it’s you she gets
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Wtf is this, Bridgerton?
The racism doesn't stop with black people. Rege and Ruby leaving didn't end it. Adjoa Andoh and Golda not talking about being harassed and bullied for being black doesn't mean they're being left alone. Simone deserves better than this show and deserves better than to be treated this way. By BOTH the production and the fans, and it is extremely unprofessional that this even exists.
You cannot watch this show and stan THAT couple and still pretend to be a good person after you see this.
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