#anti colin singleton
love-geeky-fangirl · 4 years
An Abundance of Katherines by John Green Rant Review
I finished this book recently and I have so many thoughts. I remember hearing so much praise about it, so this is a very unpopular opinion, but didn't like it very much.
First of all, the plot didn't make much sense. Like I know Colin lived in a big city but I highly doubt that he'd meet eighteen girls named Katherine over the course of eight years, especially when he was said to be socially awkward. Even more unbelievable is that he'd get every single Katherine he met to date him. I don't know anyone who had dated eighteen different people before the age of eighteen and since Colin was supposed to be the nerdy loser, it's just really unbelievable. Also the fact that he just said:
"I'm going on a road trip" and didn't even say where or for how long and his parents were just like:
"K, have fun" when he was only seventeen?? And that Hassan's parents bought that they were going to get a job?? Doesn't seem realistic at all.
And then, on their road trip to nowhere with no plan, they just so happen to meet good people willing to take them in and give them a job that pays 500 dollars a WEEK just for asking one person a day FOUR questions? Yeah, that's how life works, happens all the time.
Now, the characters. They all seemed kind of two-dimentional and stereotypical.
Hassan is the quirky bff whose entire life revolves around Colin, the main character. He doesn't have any interests except from hanging out with Colin, watching Judge Judy and being quirky and random. Also he's a token non-white muslim character, so it feels he's just there to add diversity.
Lindsay is the manic pixie dream girl. She's pretty, popular, cool, funny and convinces Colin to loosen up and live a little. She's dating an asshole that treats her like shit and... that's all. That's literally all her character is. I don't know what else to say about it.
The Other Colin is the other guy (Lindsay's boyfriend). He's written to be pretty much the worst person ever, just so that we'd root for Colin to end up with Lindsay.
Colin: omg where do I even begin with this guy. He's the most unlikable protagonist I have read about for a very long time. He's like Ross Geller and Ted Mosby rolled into one. All he does is bitch and whine and moan and make weird anagrams in his head that don't even make any sense. What does he even have to be complaining about so much?? He's smart and talented, does exceptionally in school, was his school's valedictorian, learns really quickly (he can speak ELEVEN languages fluently for God's sake and remembers everything he reads), has a good friend that's always there for him to listen to his endless whining and bitching whenever he needs, has his own car, got a very well paying job without even having to go on an interview, gets every single girl he likes... Yet he complains that his parents are "overprotective" because they want their seventeen-year-old son that went on an spontaneous adventure across almost the entire United States to call them once in a while?? He keeps going on and on and on about how he's never going to achieve anything because he's not a genius he's "just a gifted child". Like, I swear, if I ever hear the words "gifted child" after reading this book... There's literally NO reason for him not being successful in life. He's a fast learner, he graduated a year earlier as a valedictorian, so colleges must be in a riot over him. Yet he keeps complaining about how he "doesn't have any practical skills". Excuse me, what about the elevem languages that you speak fluently? I wasn't even sorry when Katherine broke up with him. I was actually empathizing with her, not Colin. Would you want to be with someone who's constantly complaining, even when he should be celebrating, and has long tirades over the same thing all the time? Also, his equation has no practical use and sucks.
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wefallintobookland · 7 years
Book Asks!
1. Libraries or bookstores?
I like to have my own collection so definitely bookstores.
2. Hardcover or paperback?
Paperback, especially the floppy kind. 
3. Hard copies or ereaders?
I have an ereader that I sometimes use but I would rather have a hard copy.
4. Bookmarks or dogears?
I don’t judge but I would never dogear a book. I have a small bookmark collection or will use random pieces of paper. 
5. New books or worn books?
I would rather a new book but I also love used bookstores.
1. Genre?
Young adult fantasy
2. Author?
There are so many authors I love but right now it might be Rick Riordan.
3. Series?
I love the Sarah J. Maas books but I haven’t finished one of her series yet so probably The Mortal Instruments series.
4. Individual book?
Dragonfly by Julia Golding is still a favourite of mine.
5. Classic book?
It’s a tie between Macbeth or Hamlet by Shakespeare.
1. Favorite time of day to read?
If I can read from morning to night than I’ll be happy.
2. Favorite place to read?
I have a reading nook in my room and I love it.
3. Silence or background noise?
Silence but sometimes if I have a song stuck in my head I’ll put on some instrumental music to drown it out.
4. Preferred weather for reading?
Snow storm all the way.
5. Favorite reading-time snack?
Anything that I can eat without getting a stain on my book.
1. Favorite childhood book?
Amanda Greenleaf by Ed Kavangh
2. Currently reading?
Nothing right now but there are so many good new releases that come out in the beginning of May that I can’t wait for.
3. Book you want to read most?
Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas
4. Reading goals?
My goodreads goal is 100 books this year.
5. Book you could read forever?
Either A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas or The Host by Stephenie Meyer. I’ve read them both so many times and I love them.
1. Worst book you’ve read?
I know I’m repeating myself but Me and Earl and The Dying Girl by Jesse Andrews makes me angry it was so bad.
2. Book you couldn’t even finish?
I bought Betwixt by Tara Bray Smith recently and thought I was really going to like it but one of the pov’s was so bad that I didn’t even care what happened to the other characters.
3. Book you didn’t understand?
After I thought about it a little bit I vaguely got the ending but I Am the Messenger by Markus Zusak was good but so confusing. 
4. Most overrated book?
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green was a good book but it was way over hyped, especially when the movie came out.
5. Problematic book?
Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon kind of romanticized illness and the twist ending made it even more apparent.
AESTHETIC: (feel free to include pictures)
1. Prettiest cover?
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It looks better in person and has gold edged pages.
2. Best illustrations?
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An Illustrated History Of Shadowhunters and Denizens of Downworld illustrated by Cassandra Jean is so, so beautiful.
3. Favorite map in a book?
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The map in the Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo is totally my favourite.
4. Best overall book aesthetic?
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The Mortal Instruments series and The Infernal Devices series booth have these special edition spines that are amazingly illustrated.
5. Ugliest book?
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The Daughter of Smoke and Bone series by Laini Taylor is a good series but the covers are just so bad. 
1. Scariest book?
In the Shadow of Blackbirds by Cat Winters was super creepy and there was this one scene that haunted me for weeks afterwards.
2. Best fantasy world?
The Shadowhunter world made by Cassandra Clare has a couple great series in it that I love.
3. Funniest book?
The sarcastic humor in Rick Riordan’s books is so funny to me. 
4. Saddest book?
Impulse by Ellen Hopkins made me cry so hard with that heart wrenching ending.
5. Book you would never want to read?
I’ll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson sounds like a good book but it is going to be at 2 different times and show how these twins relationship was damaged. I don’t like that writing style. 
1. Character you wish to be friends with?
I would love to be Rowan Whitethorn, first seen in Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas, is amazing and I love him and Celaena together. Even hanging out with him a day would be cool.
2. Favorite antagonist?
So even though he was literally the worst and such a bad guy, I thought Sebastian from The Mortal Instruments series was such a good bad guy. 
3. Favorite protag?
Katy Swartz from the Lux series by Jennifer L. Armentrout is someone I relate to so much and I found her perspective refreshing.
4. Favorite supporting?
Nico di Angelo in The Heroes of Olympus series by Rick Riordan is a perfect little baby who I must protect at all costs. He is adorable! 
5. Most-hated character?
Maybe not the most hated but I found Colin Singleton, from An Abundance of Katherines by John Green, to be kind of a pretentious character.  
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