#anti elain archeron
kataraavatara · 1 month
“nesta needs her karma for favoring elain over feyre” SHE GOT IT. nesta poured her whole self into elain. didn’t leave her side for WEEKS when she was catatonic. she was always the closest with elain, thought Elain understood her more than anyone. and as soon as the going got tough elain jumped ship without a second thought. she literally packed up nesta’s things to send to the house of wind. she came up there when nesta was depressed and told her to her face she “doesn’t need to be so miserable about it.” being locked up against her will. she brought up their father and then nesta very clearly told her not to bring up their father and to get out. what did elain do in response? bring up their father again and does not get out. then she acts shocked when nesta snaps after she violated clear set boundaries, runs away crying, and complains about Nesta “not even trying to get better.” when has Elain once stuck up for Nesta? never. All the time, effort, and care was never reciprocated. Yeah, so Nesta got her karma for playing favorites and then some. Acting otherwise is being purposefully dense.
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daybreakmusings · 1 year
Elain telling Nesta “All you can think about is what my trauma has done to you” was incredibly ignorant and no one can convince me otherwise.
For some reason, Elain thinks the trauma that had resulted from that night belongs solely to her and Nesta is being selfish for trying to take any ownership of it.
Everything in Nesta’s life, has always been about Elain. She came first and she never stopped to think about how it could impact Nesta. Very rarely does Nesta have the time to face her own trauma and learn to heal from it because she was always in environments/situations that put her on guard to protect her sister. And Elain has always been comfortable allowing her to do so while she retreats to the background where it was safe. She has never thought twice about putting Nesta in these positions all her life. 
When the sisters first come to Pythian, Elain completely checks out from the weight of the loss and trauma she has experienced. Which is completely understandable. But she isn’t the only one to have lost so much. So had Nesta. But at a time where Nesta may have needed her support, she wasn’t there. 
All Elain could think about was what their shared trauma has done to her. But Nesta never cared.
Those first few weeks in Pythian? Nesta was there to check on her. To make sure she is eating. To ensure her wellbeing. To see to her needs. To make sure she is comfortable.
In ACOSF, for the first time in Nesta’s life, she isn’t capable of putting Elain first. But Elain is unwilling to confront the possibility that the trauma they both experienced that night may have affected her sister differently than it did her. As a result, she avoids putting herself in a position where she might have to face the full extent of that truth.
I’m not saying that Elain doesn’t have a right to feel greatly impacted by what had happened to her. She went through alot. But she doesn’t get to pick and choose whose trauma that night was greater and warrants more concern.
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nestaismommy · 1 year
Instead she said, “You’re angry with me.”
Bitch you packed her shit behind her back to help the inner circle lock her up, and then you told her to not be so miserable about it and you expected her to not be angry??
“For packing my things while Rhysand and Feyre told me I’m a worthless pile of shit? Yes.” Elain crossed her arms and said calmly, sadly, “Feyre warned me this might happen.” The words struck Nesta like a slap.
This bitch??
“Don’t ever mention him.” Nesta bared her teeth, but kept her voice low. “Never fucking mention him again.”
Guess what? She mentioned him again lmao
Pain slowly washed over Elain’s face. And understanding. “Is that what this is all about? Father?”
Nesta pointed to the door, finger shaking with the effort of keeping that writhing power at bay. Each word from Elain’s mouth threatened to undo her restraint. “Get out.”
Guess what? She didn’t get out lmao and kept on mentioning her father anyways.
And then when Nesta snapped- Elain finally got out, and cried
Her brown eyes were bright with tears, but she kept her chin high. “I want to go home,” she said, voice wobbling slightly.
Yes please go away
Elain stood by the rail, the breeze caressing her hair. “She’s not getting any better. She’s not even trying.” She wrapped her arms around herself and stared toward the distant sea.
So you tell her to not be so miserable, and you mention talking about her with Feyre, and you bring up her father when Nesta clearly said to not mention him, and you proceed to talk about him, and then when she tells you to get out, you don’t get out, and when she snaps and reacts negatively, she’s somehow not getting any better because she’s not nice to you after you were being an asshole. Nice.
See this is the fucking problem, Nesta shows any emotion and somehow she’s not getting better because she should just sit there and take it and be the obedient female they want her to be. They want her to sit back- and allow them to disrespect her and throw very disgusting words at her. And when she isn’t doing that, then she has a problem and she needs to be fixed.
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“Don’t blame Nesta and Elain for Feyre’s choices” maybe it’s because i’m not a scummy human being but when someone helps me and is doing something for me, I ask if they need help.
Feyre was 14 and her older sisters and father were about to let her starve, she had no family that would have taken her in. She needed food. She needed to eat. Let’s say she wasn’t planning to feed them, lets say she went hunting for herself only. Where would she have prepared the meat? In the woods where she could be attacked by animals? Closer to town where her game was likely to be stolen? She would’ve had nowhere to go except home and Nesta, Elain, and their father are three selfish people who when Feyre shows up with food, they’re asking for it. So yeah, I will blame those three selfish, lazy people because they are at fault for how things went down.
If Nesta was so adamant about making the father help she shouldn’t have ate the food, she should’ve starved herself to death and rid us all of her presence. But she didn’t, because she didn’t actually care that much about who was bringing in the food, she just wanted an excuse to get someone else to do the work for her. To get someone else to prove themselves to her.
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stargirlfeyre · 4 months
“Feyre would hate you for talking shit about her sisters!”
Well the IC talks shit about her sisters and she went on to say she still considers them to be more of a family to her than her blood one so I don’t think so.
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thecatsaesthetics · 4 months
It’s not about whether Nesta or Elain should have done more, it’s about how they treated Feyre.
They emotionally, verbally, and financially abused Feyre.
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rosesfox · 2 years
I miss Feyre who was hurt and angry with her sisters and who only did things because she felt obligated, because she wanted her parents' love. I don't like the forced image that SJM has created, where Feyre is extremely benevolent no matter what the actions of the people around her, and this extends from acowar to acosf. I imagine the Feyre of acotar and acomaf would tell her sisters to fuck off. her mother and father died, she has no obligation to anyone and if she wanted to, she could leave them both without a roof and money.
some people think it's bad that Feyre finally took action in acosf and tells Nesta to either back off or change her attitude, and I wish she had been worse. I wish she'd said a lot more, and a lot longer ago, because the country, the money, and the houses are all Feyre's. those who think otherwise just haven't read acotar, because none of Feyre's family deserved anything from her.
I hate that SJM has considerably erased Feyre's angry and direct personality by wanting to make room for characters as bland as Nesta and Elain.
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nestaswhore · 2 years
scrolling through tumblr pages that stan elain and it’s so clear they project their feelings about who elain actually is as a character onto nesta
i promise that trying to throw all the blame onto nesta doesn’t actually make elain just a poor victim that was abused by evil horrible nesta lol
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“elain deserves to be next. Sarah has been keeping her locked away for so long.”
and? who gives a shit what she deserves? she’s getting a book regardless. just because you think she has to be next because she deserves her story to be told doesn’t mean sarah’s gotta listen. queen was nonexistent in the past 2 books. she does not “have” to be next.
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achaotichuman · 3 months
Human Nesta would shake Nessian Nesta by the shoulders screaming "What the fuck is wrong with you???!!!!"
Human Feyre would be drawing her bow trying to shoot Feysand Feyre just so she would never become her.
Human Elain would look at Elucien Elain and be like, "Nice."
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kataraavatara · 15 days
there’s something about a fourteen year old Feyre hunting in the woods for her family being absolutely horrifying to the inner circle but a fourteen year old nesta forced to use her body to seduce older men so she can get a marriage alliance for her family is just a funny little story for the inner circle to have a giggle over that gives them the idea that they should have adult Nesta use her body to seduce an older man into a marriage alliance. for her “family”.
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daybreakmusings · 2 years
I was wandering around the tags and came across the worst take today. Basically the summary of the post goes like this:
Nesta has never done anything for Elain besides just “sitting with her in the library post turning” to prevent her from doing something stupid like jumping out the window. They then go on to say that since Elain was never written to be suicidal...it was all just an excuse for Nesta to avoid interacting with the IC and not genuine care or concern on Nesta’s part. 
And it gets better. Remember that time when Elain got captured by the cauldron after Nesta’s first scry attempt? Apparently she’s the villain for that too. They reference Nesta telling Azriel: “You will Die” when he said that he was getting back as proof that Nesta was wrong for hesitating and not a good sister because she did not try to save Elain like Feyre did.
They end their post stating that “its sad how Nesta would do such for Elain but there are no actions to back this up. All Nesta has done is try to control Elain and suppress her”
I don’t even know where to start with this take but i’ll try to keep it short. But I blame myself for wondering around the actor/acosf tags. How is it possible that these takes only get worse as time goes on?
1. Nesta has never done anything for Elain besides just sitting with her and it was really an excuse to avoid the IC
I kid you not. I actually had to stop and process this for a moment. How anyone can even think this is true is beyond me. From the start of book one, Nesta lived for Elain. In case OP forgot,  It wasn’t just Elain who had been traumatized from the cauldron, but Nesta too. 
In fact, one could argue that Nesta’s experience was significantly worse. The cauldron loved Elain. Loved her so much that it even gave her a gift. The same couldn’t be said for Nesta. Who knows how her experience went in comparison. Yet despite all of that, Nesta was always there for Elain. Nesta made sure that the windows were locked just in case. We were never in Elain’s head to know if she was suicidal, but Nesta prepared for the worse and somehow that’s a bad thing? Somehow this equates to her as “doing nothing?”. Elain was so removed from the world and was experiencing so much pain that she detached from everything and everyone. Anyone in Nesta’s position would have done the same.
As for the “avoiding to interact with the IC part, the only people who actually visited the sisters was Rhys and Cassian. None the IC came near them for weeks...so how can Nesta avoid people she never sees?  Either way, should she want to take the time to heal and familiarize herself with her new body/new world without the IC around, she has ever right to do so. Not even Feyre was open to interacting with the IC when she first came to Velaris. 
“Secondly,” Rhys went on, “in regard to the two bastards at my door, it’s up to you whether you want to meet them now, or head upstairs like a wise person, take a nap since you’re still looking a little peaky...”
“I was drowning in that old heaviness, clawing my way up to a surface that might not ever exist. I’d slept for the Mother knew how long, and yet … “Just come get me when they’re gone.”
One thing that bothered me about Nesta and Elain’s  relationship in ACOSF was that Elain never tried to meet Nesta half way. It was either Nesta do this is this particular way or nothing at all. Nesta even offered suggestions stating that Elain could have had dinner with her instead but Elain never followed through. Elain isn’t entirely to blame either. Nesta even told Feyre that she loved music but Feyre didn’t believe her. Music could have been a great way for them to get through to Nesta.
I can also understand the betrayal. When Elain was in a catatonic state, she was so removed from life and reality despite Nesta always being there for her. Nesta was the only person who could have shared her trauma but Elain was so focused on what she lost, that she didn’t stop and remember what she had. Rather than turn to Nesta and help each each other, she detached and withdrew into herself. 
When Nesta was detaching into herself and withdrawing, Elain villainizes her for it and gaslights her into feeling like she is overacting. 
2. Nesta not rescuing Elain 
You mean the Nesta who is racked with guilt and still in shock? What you are seeing isn’t someone who doesn’t want their sister to be safe from harm. This is someone who has seen the vast army of fae warriors prepared to fight them all and has lost all hope.
“Nesta sat with her head in her hands inside my tent. She did not speak, did not move. Coiled in on herself, clinging to stay whole”
“Her eyes were red-rimmed, lips thin. “No, you will not.” She pointed to the map on the table. “I saw that army. Its size, who is in it. I saw it, and there is no chance of any of you getting into its heart. Even you,” she added when Cassian opened his mouth again. “Especially not when you’re injured.”
You think Nesta doesn’t want Elain to be safe? That if she could, she would have gone in their place? Keep in mind, Nesta is still a newly turned fae with a human mindset and has no combat experience whatsoever. You really think she would have been much help in a stealth/rescue mission? But yeah...let’s blame Nesta for not doing more 🙄
3. Nesta was controlling and suppressing Elain
Nesta does not control or suppress Elain? Nesta caters to her far too much.
Nesta may not have liked Greyson but she never tried to change or interfere in their relationship. Nesta also stayed back in the human lands because Elain did not want to leave. Elain even gives the IC the story about how Nesta avenged her after her childhood bullies tormented her when they were younger. A great part of why Nesta agreed to help Feyre with the queens despite the danger was because of Elain’s insistence.
In no way does Nesta dictate what Elain says, does, wears or behaves. Elain is capable of her own decisions and has been from the start. Elain is not a child. She has agency and is responsible for her own decisions. 
Truthfully, I never saw Elain deliver even 10% of what Nesta gives to her. 
Anyway, seeing this take made me irritated enough to post this
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stargirlie25 · 3 months
The Suriel:
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The house of wind:
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The Shadows:
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colorlesschristmastree · 11 months
Acotar fans are sooooo funny because someone will fully just make something up in an argument and INSIST that it’s canon and that you can’t argue it. Like I’ll see people dedicate time to writing these absolutely massive posts arguing about something that doesn’t even exist in the text.
I was just on tiktok and according to someone in one of those comment sections Nesta and Elain actually told Feyre not to hunt, they were against it and warned her not to go out, but she ignored their warnings and went out all on her own. They were basically forced to eat the food because you can’t let it go to waste, right? And actually Nesta antis, queen Nesta was so passionate about Feyre’s safety that she SCREAMED at their father to not let her go hunting and he didn’t stop her. Take that Nesta antis, can’t argue that can you?
Can you guys believe that the Nesta and Elain antis have the audacity to say that Nesta and Elain contributed nothing to keeping them alive in the cottage just because the text states that they didn’t?? What morons. Zero critical thinking. No media literacy. Sexist losers who don’t appreciate the feminine work that Nesta and Elain clearly did. I mean hello did you miss the part in chapter 2 where it says that while Feyre hunted Nesta and Elain slaved away in the kitchen? They were on their hands and knees scrubbing those floors to make sure the house was spotless for Feyre and those gosh darn antis just don’t appreciate the work they did.
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stargirlfeyre · 4 months
It’s “that’s just a family dynamic, all families fight” When it comes to defending Nesta and Elain’s treatment of Feyre but when the IC fight or have arguments suddenly they’re toxic? Suddenly they’re not real friends and Rhys is controlling them?
I thought all families fought? I thought that was a normal occurrence?
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tswaney17 · 3 months
For the love of god, please stop putting Elain’s arc on Azriel! It’s NOT about HIS choice. It IS about HERS. Elain, who has had every decision made for her. Elain who has never gotten to voice what she wanted. Elain, who’s own mother used her as a pawn to wed off one day so they could live well.
There is no love triangle between Elain, Az, and Gwyn. There is no love square between them three and Lucien. It is Elain’s love triangle between Az and Lucien. Her choice between what the Cauldron shoved at her or what she truly wants.
Ship whoever you want. But stop changing the narrative that the next book is about Azriel picking between two women (because really? Ew.).
Elain: the female who’s never had a choice.
Azriel: the male who’s never been chosen.
It’s literally right there!!
Fuck, okay. Rant over.
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