#anti forlex
lambourngb · 2 years
Any chance for new snippets from ring maker fic?😉 Plus I totally agree with your comments about Michael’s feelings!
I have been writing, it's about 45,000 words now, I'm hoping I can get it to the finish line in the next week or so. I'm a bit salty from last night so this snippet contains the "villain" of my story, Forrest Long.
so not forrest long friendly! and it's still pretty rough.
Previous snippets : 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
The small bit of glass drew him back to his workbench. Hope was still a dangerous thing to him as he set to work on a second ring, but maybe it was time to be brave. Just as he was about to separate a new disk of tungsten to work into a ring, he heard Walt’s voice from the front of the shop, “The UFO museum is right down the road if you want to gawk at something and not buy anything-”
That was a very rude observation, even for Walt, who had no patience for a lot of the undecided tourist crowd that wandered through their door but still managed to coax them into buying something. Perhaps he had been left alone too long in the role of shop clerk while Michael had had his private breakdowns about Alex in the workshop over the last week, to remember the first rule of retail. Tell the customer what they want. 
It was time to stop hiding with his kiln and to face his responsibilities as the other half of ownership.
Michael stood up, brushed off his hands and straightened his clothes. He prepared himself to charm whatever particularly clueless tourist that had wandered into his shop and smooth over the ruffled edges from Walt’s derision. Pasting on his face his retail worker smile, he stepped into the main room of the store and then stopped dead at who he saw before him.
Walt’s insolence made a whole lot more sense to Michael just then. Standing in his store, with his hands all over the clean, glass cabinets was Alex’s boyfriend, Forrest Long.
Fuck his life.
Forrest snapped his head up from his perusal of the display, and then flashed a wide smile at Michael’s appearance. “Well, we meet again, Michael, isn’t it?” His voice was sweet as honey. “Your boss over here has a strange way of greeting customers. How does this shop stay in business?”
“I ain’t his boss, and we do just fine for business,” Sanders cut in, before picking up his bottle of Windex from under the cabinet and glared at the other man. Michael knew exactly what he was planning, and it wasn’t to clean off the prints from the glass surface, that was for sure. 
He swiftly moved to cut him off from spraying Forrest, sliding in front of him smoothly. “That’s true, he’s not my boss, um, we co-own the shop together.” Michael turned to Walt, who was glowering at him in disappointment. “Why don’t you take a break and get some lunch.”
“It’s too late for lunch.”
“Then an early dinner.”
Walt looked mulish at the suggestion, before reading the seriousness in Michael’s jawline and backed off. “Fine, I’ll head off, I was gonna check in with Arturo anyway about getting a cup of coffee after his lunch rush. If you’ve got this all under control.” Walt glanced dismissively at Forrest before turning back to Michael. “But you call me if you need me… to pick you up something too.”
With that, Walt disappeared back into the private area of the shop, presumably on his way out the backdoor to their neighbor, the Crashdown. Michael turned back to Forrest, who was still looking around the store with bored interest on his face. “Is there something in particular you’re looking for that I can help you with?”
“Hmm, I stopped in here looking for answers, can you help me with that? I’ve been trying to pin my boyfriend down for lunch, but he’s always busy, and apparently he’s always busy here.” Forrest’s genial smile didn’t waver as he stared at Michael. “Did you give Alex a job or something?” 
“Or something,” Michael answered evenly. “I can tell you he’s not on the payroll.”
“That’s very funny.” He kept smiling at Michael, but it never reached his eyes. “He’s not much of a shopper, so I’m very curious. According to Alex you’re old high school friends. So what is this, just two old friends catching up? Every day for the last two weeks?”
“Are you following him or something?”
“No, that was just a guess, but thank you for confirming it.” Forrest smirked smugly, before giving Michael a searching glance from head to toe. “I have a hard time buying the ‘friends’ story. I know all of Alex’s friends from Roswell. He talked a lot about Maria and Liz over the years. He’s never mentioned you.”
Michael glanced down, hooding his expression as he examined his work below, gleaming on the dark velvet. He hoped the gesture hid his anger. “Maybe I’m not very memorable.”
“Oh, I find that hard to believe. Alex, he’s never been one to hang around if he’s bored. Trust me.” A lock of dark hair fell over his eye before he shook it back into place with a practiced move. He brought his hand up to his chin, tapping it thoughtfully. His hand was adorned with several heavy rings, including an ugy signet on his ring finger. Michael didn’t see a space for a wedding ring or engagement ring on the other man’s finger, or space for anything outside of egoism. “He played the field for a while, but you know, I was the one who outlasted all the others.”
“Yeah he mentioned you guys have only been together for the last two years.”
Forrest’s face flinched minutely, Michael’s observation landing a very neat hit. “It’s been three years.”
Michael shrugged, not arguing the point. He knew what Alex had said to him about their relationship, and so did Forrest, based on the joke he had made the other night.
“Well, if you really know Alex, then you know how he can be. A bit closed off from his heart and his head.” Forrest waited for a reaction, before continuing with a slight edge to his voice when Michael remained bland. “I can tell there’s a bit of history here. Something unrequited? Let me guess, did you have a crush on him in high school or something? Then you lost touch with him when you went to college?”
Michael kept himself from laughing, although there was a shade of truth in that word. Unrequited as a unit of measurement could mean a number of things. After all, there were several ways he had never measured up when it came to shared feelings. Shared dreams. Shared weakness. He considered it unrequited when it came to believing they would end up together one day. He considered it unrequited when he thought about how Alex could ever consider marrying this prick in the first place.
Outloud, Michael shook his head, “Nah, I never went to college.”
“So what are you to him? His old townie fling then?” The derision dripped heavily in the air between them. 
“You’ll have to ask Alex that.” Michael kept his retail-smile in place with effort. “If you dare, that is. I mean, I suppose if you’re a gifted writer, you might be able to come up with a way to ask him that without coming off as a jealous prick. But I wouldn’t bet money on that.”
This time Michael scored an even deeper hit, invoking the implication of jealousy. Forrest licked his lips in response, and looked down, avoiding Michael’s gaze obviously. His fingers tapped restlessly on the glass. “You’re probably right. That’s not a great look for me, to be threatened by you of all people. I’m going to blame this on too much time staring at microfiche.” 
“Sure. If the shoe fits.”
Instead of firing back, Forrest pressed his finger on the glass over the turquoise jewelry arrangement. “Interesting shade of blue in your inventory.” Michael fought with the urge to use Walt’s Windex on the other man, but stayed unmoving as he continued lightly, “I think it’s unique only to Roswell and only to stones mined in the last seventy-some years. The book I’m writing, it’s all about the late 1940s and Roswell. Lots of secrets and mysteries here after World War II.” 
“I wouldn’t know. My high school history class was a little limited in scope.”
Forrest smiled again, back to the too-friendly expression of before. All of his previous attempts at intimidating Michael had vanished, covered up by the veneer of politeness. “I’ll be sure to send you an advanced copy then.” He tapped the case again with his ugly signet ring, before backing away toward the door. “It was nice getting to know you better, Michael.”
Michael didn’t bother with a response. He didn’t trust himself to make a polite one. God, after he had met the man at Ann’s pre-wedding party, he had left the event without having any idea what Alex saw in the guy. He was even more confused now about the appeal for Alex. Perhaps it was petty of him to believe, but there was no way it was good sex. The way Forrest had turned every subject back on himself, even at the party, Michael had a hard time seeing him as an unselfish lover. 
Not for the first time, he thought that Alex had deliberately sought out a partner that wouldn’t remind him of their past, of Michael. He was starting to see that it might be a good thing, he wasn’t coming up short in the comparison with Forrest. Literally or metaphorically. 
He heard the backdoor to the store open and close heavily. After a moment, Walt was back at his side. Without speaking, Michael handed the bottle of Windex over to him with a roll of paper towels. He snatched it from Michael’s grasp greedily, like he was being reunited with a long, lost companion, and spraying it heavily over the jewelry display case, targeting the prints. With one swipe of a towel, he erased all signs of Forrest Long from their store. 
“Oh shucks, is Shorty gone?”
“Yes, he just left.”
“Did you call him a cab so he could get home?”
Michael turned to Walt, and lifted his eyebrow curiously. “Why would I call him a cab? Didn’t he drive here?”
“Maybe he did, maybe he didn’t. All I know is that we had a car in our lot that didn’t belong to a paying customer, so I had it towed.” Walt wiped the glass with a shade more enthusiasm than the task really merited, with a butter-wouldn't-melt-in-his-mouth smile of faux innocence. “It was Arturo’s idea.”
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bitch-ass-aliens · 3 years
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3.01 || 3.13
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winged-fool · 2 years
The CW is beyond infuriating. It does a shit job of advertising for RNM, puts malex on the back burner despite being one of the biggest draws of the show, and then for its Valentine's Day post it shares a screen cap of forlex kissing. 👿👿👿
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for @antiforlexpropaganda
Forrest knocked on the door, a quick flurry of knocks as he waited impatiently on the front stoop. He was late. Hell, he had been planning to meet Alex at the bus stop an hour ago and welcome him home properly but he’d gotten side tracked in the library and had completely lost track of time. There was still no answer so Forrest raised his hand to knock again when the door was tugged open. He started to smile, his mouth open to greet his not-boyfriend when he froze.
Michael Guerin stood on the other side, one hand on the door and the other clutching a shirt over his crotch. He was otherwise naked, his skin glistening with sweat and his hair a mess. “What?” Michael demanded gruffly. He sounded out of breath.
“Uh...Alex?” Forrest asked.
“He’s not really mobile right now,” Michael replied. Forrest blue screened. “Can it wait?”
“Uh...” Forrest did need to talk to him about Deep Sky but that wasn’t why he’d rushed over. When he didn’t answer, Michael seemed to take that as a yes. He huffed and turned away, the door still open behind him. Forrest stared at his bare ass before realizing it was an invitation to follow. He stepped inside and closed the door behind him.
“Who was it?” He heard Alex ask from down the hall. He sounded equally as out of breath as Michael had.
“Nazi Guy,” Michael replied. “He’s coming.” Forrest took that as his cue to start moving.
He was rounding the corner into the living room as Alex asked, “what?” Alex’s eyes shot to him from where he laid on the floor, a pile of blankets and couch cushions around him.
“Something wrong?” He asked, his voice all business. Not exactly the welcome Forrest had been hoping for. None of this was what he was hoping for when he heard Alex was coming home.
“Uh, I meant to come to the bus stop,” he said. A cabinet slammed closed in the kitchen and Forrest turned to see Michael helping himself to Alex’s coffee.
Alex’s shoulders tensed. “Is there an emergency?”
Forrest shook his head. “I wanted to welcome you home. Looks like someone beat me to it.” He shot a glare at Michael and the man only shrugged, entirely unrepentant.
“We can do something later,” Alex offered. Forrest scoffed and looked from Alex to Michael and back to Alex, his eyes pointedly taking in their sweaty and undressed states. Alex’s eyes narrowed. “We’re not exclusive,” Alex reminded him.
“Because you weren’t here,” Forrest countered. “I assumed it went without saying that the rules were different when we were both here.”
“It didn’t,” Alex disagreed. “I never promised you anything Forrest.” Forrest was painfully aware of that. He’d been trying to get Alex to agree to something solid for most of the past year. “We can get dinner later,” he offered. There was choked sound from the kitchen but Forrest ignored it. Alex didn’t, his eyes leaving Forrest to focus on the naked man in his kitchen. Forrest waited for him to look back to him but he didn’t. It was like Alex’s eyes were glued to Michael’s form.
He cleared his throat. “Yeah, that’s probably not a good idea. I think we want different things.” He had Alex’s attention for all of a handful of seconds before he lost it again. “I, uh, just wanted to tell you about Deep Sky.” That got him Alex’s attention. “They want to recruit you. You shouldn’t. They’ll cut you off from everyone and everything.” Forrest had originally intended that to be a warning against Alex leaving him but the point still stood.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Alex responded evenly.
“Ok. Good. Good,” Forrest nodded. “I’ll just go then.” He turned to go, stopped, and turned back. “Welcome home, Alex. It’s good to see you.” He didn’t say goodbye. He couldn’t.
Alex didn’t seem to have that trouble. “Goodbye Forrest.”
“Bye Nazi Guy,” Michael called from the kitchen, the words garbled as he spoke around something in his mouth. And just like that, Alex’s attention was gone again. Forrest wasn’t even sure if he noticed as Forrest walked out.
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ravens-words · 3 years
I want Michael to be jealous, I desperately do, but I really hope the jealousy we get is the quiet kind.
I don't want him to get angry, but I do want him to maybe try to leave a room if F*rrest comes in, or be surprised/bitter when F*rrest says something that just makes him confront that Alex is with somebody else.
I don't want him to be overly petty, but I do want to see a hint of pride in his eyes when he knows something about Alex that F*rrest doesn't. I want him to be smug if we (🤞) get Alex telling F to "stay here" or something along the lines, and then runs off with Michael to investigate alien things.
I want him to try to be okay with F*rlex being together, but failing just a little bit.
And Alex-
I hope Season 2 mistakes aren't repeated here and we get to see that Alex is still very much in love with Michael. It doesn't even have to be said, just let his eyes follow Michael when he walks into a room, let him be there for Michael when things inevitably fall apart around him, let him and F have a fight about Alex not letting him all the way in. Show us F comparing himself to Michael, and losing.
And let Tyler work his magic and show us the second Alex realizes that Michael is it for him. There's no moving on from him.
Let them both pine for each other.
(and hug a lot)
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meneatyoghurt · 3 years
Wrote the thing. Did this quite quickly while simultaneously listening to Nicola Coughlan talk about her dream menu and haven't read over it at all because I have to go to bed. For @theviewofmylife and anyone else who wants to see this happen (but mostly for me).
Don't Let Go, I Need You to Hang Around
God help him, Michael is pretty sure he has a spring in his step. He denied it earlier when Isobel accused him of having "a wholly uncharacteristic amount of pep" and asked him if his dry spell was over. On any other day, he might be annoyed by her teasing and her complete lack of filter, but today, nothing can knock the wind from his sails. Alex is coming back.
When he had received the text two days ago, letting him know Alex would soon be on his way home, he'd immediately made sure to book the morning off. They've really worked on their friendship over the last year, and Michael is really feeling like they're almost there. Alex has been in and out of Roswell, but hasn't spent more than a week or two back home, and Michael feels like the distance has done them good for once. It's been a healthy distance, giving them time to talk without pressure, knowing that Alex is coming back.
He arrives at the town square with plenty of time to spare. Maybe he's a little too eager. But Alex is like his best friend now, and this is a totally appropriate way to react to your best friend returning home after spending most of the year away, right? Except that he doesn't want to come on too strong, cross any boundaries, and standing directly outside the bus doors as it pulls up definitely has the potential to fall into the category of 'too much'. So he goes to hide in Crashdown for half an hour so he can turn up just on time - and then gets lost in his thoughts and completely loses track of the time until he realises Alex's bus is scheduled to arrive in two minutes.
The bus is already there as he's swiftly striding back into the square, just about restraining himself from running. And then there Alex is, staring up at that god awful statue, looking a little like Alex at 17 but so much more beautiful as Alex at 30. Michael's across the street from him and nearly calls out, but then decides against it. Yelling at him in public, even if it's not in anger, doesn't seem like it would be a great welcome back.
But as he's about to allow himself to break into a jog, quickly checking either side for traffic before crossing, he catches sight of someone else getting to Alex first. Forrest, his hair no longer that garish blue colour, is stepping into Alex's space. His hand on Alex's arm, an intimate touch, makes Michael stop dead. It's not fair, he knows it's not. And yet, he can't look. While Michael is starting to feel like they might be in a good place, almost ready, Alex is clearly still seeing Forrest. They haven't talked about that. Michael had assumed it had fizzled out, with Alex barely even in Roswell and Forrest still here - Michael's seen him around, but hasn't acknowledged him. But it seems like they're still going strong.
He nearly turns and goes. Watching Alex and Forrest together is not how he wanted to spend his first moments with Alex after several months, after they've only spoken by phone, text and a single video call. Alex doesn't need him here, not with his boyfriend providing the welcoming committee. He can just go home, arrange to meet up with Alex later. Alone.
Except, that's not fair. He told Alex he'd be there, that they would drop off his bags and go for a drink. So, as Alex pulls away from the chaste but very public kiss with Forrest, Michael steels himself and keeps going.
Alex spots him as he's crossing the street, and Michael raises a hand, an awkward greeting mid-walk. He would be lying if he said that Alex's answering grin, his face lighting up, didn't spark something warm deep within him.
"Michael!" Alex nearly shouts, letting go of Forrest completely, and Michael's sure he hears excitement in his voice.
Before he can make the next move, awkwardly clap Alex on the shoulder or give the both of them a bro nod, Alex is dropping his duffel and grabbing hold of him in a hug. It's as natural as anything to let his eyes close, to hold on tight and breathe in his scent, feel his warmth. He loves him. Christ, he loves him. He feels Alex relax into the hug as much as he does, all loose limbs but firm grip. This past year has been healthy for him, even as he's had to confront some of Jesse's evil that he's been focusing on undoing. Michael has felt it for a while now, that Alex is happier, more adjusted.
How long should a hug last? Michael doesn't have a huge amount of experience with them, but he's pretty sure longer than three seconds is getting into embracing territory. With Alex still holding on and showing no signs of letting go, murmuring "I missed you" into Michael's ear, Michael can't help but open his eyes to get another look at him.
It's just that it's Forrest whose eye he catches. Standing awkwardly as Alex and Michael hold each other, Forrest doesn't exactly look happy to be playing the third wheel. But Michael's not letting go before Alex does, not even if you paid him. The scowl etched into Forrest's forehead says that maybe he should do, but Alex is the one who's in charge here. Then the fucker has the audacity to clear his throat, trying to hurry it along. Alex either doesn't hear or pretends not to.
And Michael continues to make eye contact with him. Very alpha male of him, but he's not backing down easily. It's maybe not as mature as he'd like to believe he's become over the last 12 months, but he allows himself a little smirk too. Maybe Forrest is here right now. Could be for another year. But in the end he's temporary. Michael and Alex are forever. Cosmic. Built from the same star.
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lovecolibri · 3 years
This show practically shamed Alex into making a big gay public declaration about his internalized homophobia and his feelings for Michael because it was important to Michael that they aren't a secret and even his placeholder boyfriend made it a condition of a potential relationship only for the writers to restrict the established Malex interactions to Alex's house, various windowless bunkers and outside in the dark with no one else conveniently around. It's very loud.
Yeaaaaaaaaah, not a good look. Also, can we talk about how there were TWO moments of asking for a first date, and TWO first dates accepted and committed to despite one not happening, and we didn't get to see EITHER of the moments asking, or know what the date was going to be, OR the actual first date that did happen?! But we got TWO public first date moments with f*rlex, a cute paintball date meant to pay homage to that iconic 10 Things I Hate About You date, and a meet-up at the bar with TWO almost first kisses, PLUS the actual first kiss (also in public AND in front of at least 2 people from their friend group) , which was on the heels of what should have been a huge turning point moment for Malex?!
And we had to suffer through all the d*lmanes crap and seeing them be "flirty" multiple times in public which was also in front of the main friend group, and Alex's ONLY scene with his brother ended up being Alex propping up m*ria, like his only scene with Max was about offering support for Max.
It's all very, very loud. And not in a good way.
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spaceskam · 3 years
Anyway, tired of writing morally correct fics in this god forsaken fandom. Let Michael third wheel the forlex date and hook up with Alex behind a stack of hay while Forrest waits for them to get back from the bathroom.
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eternallymalex · 3 years
I'm not exactly ecstatic about f*orlex (i don't hate it, i'm just a sad monoshipper who wants malex back instead of wasting more screentime and firsts to an ultimately inconsequential character and to a placeholder ship) but you know what I really wanna get out of it? Michael pining for Alex while not caring at all that M*aria is getting close to somebody else because by now he realized that that "relationship" never meant anything to him and that he was using it as an excuse to hide away from Alex, because he never had the kind of feelings for M*aria where he could get hurt and that felt safe to him. And when M*aria dumped him (still salty that it wasn't the other way around) she took away his excuse why he shouldn't risk his heart with Alex.
Like... I need the difference between him physically not being able to watch Alex be with someone else and him just not giving a damn about what M*aria is up to because that relationship was just that irrelevant
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prouvaireafterdark · 3 years
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Sneak peek of my (currently untitled) fic about Alex cheating on Forrest with Michael! Way more than six sentences, but idk when I’m gonna have time to finish this so 🤷🏼‍♀️ Enjoy! 
(also, obvious warning for implied sexual content and infidelity)
Alex makes his way across the bar, trying his best to ignore the way Michael smirks and spreads his thighs a little wider where he sits perched on the edge of a barstool.  
“You’ve gotta stop looking at me like that,” Alex chastises him once he’s close enough. He slides into the space at the bar beside him, facing forward with his elbows on the bar top. He catches Michael’s easy smile out of the corner of his eye, and he’s relieved he isn’t hit with the full force of it.
“I’ve been looking at you like this for over ten years, Alex,” Michael replies. “I’m not gonna stop now.”
Alex tries to ignore the way that makes his heart feel somehow light and heavy at the same time where it beats frantically behind his ribs.
“Why are you even here?” Alex asks, chancing a glance at Michael’s face.
Like the demon that he is, Michael chooses that moment to bring his non-alcoholic beer to his lips and take a long sip. Alex watches his Adam’s apple bob as he swallows and tries desperately not to think about how fucking tight his throat had felt the last time he’d gotten Michael on his knees.
He doesn’t quite manage it and either it’s written all over his face or Isobel’s taught Michael some new tricks because he can see smug satisfaction in the set of Michael’s mouth and the way his eyes sparkle in the neon glow coming from behind the bar.
Alex shifts his stance, dutifully ignoring the tightness in his jeans, and tries again. “You hate Open Mic Night.”
“You don’t,” Michael shrugs, like that explains anything.
Alex kind of hates that it does.
“I’m not performing tonight,” Alex tells him.
“No, you’re not,” Michael agrees, and then adds a beat later, “but your boyfriend is.”
“He’s not my boyfriend,” Alex bristles. He and Forrest have been seeing each other, but he isn’t—he’s not—
“Does he know that?” Michael asks skeptically, interrupting his thoughts.
Alex scowls at him, not sure what else to say.
Michael just licks his lips and gives him that infuriatingly sexy grin before he leans in and says, “Well, if he’s not your boyfriend, then why don’t you meet me in the bathroom in five?”
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lambourngb · 2 years
I’m not sure if you take prompts so I’m very sorry if you don’t but I saw something (I can’t remember who wrote it I’m sorry but full credit to them!) about how funny it would be if Forrest returned to Roswell and saw Michael and Alex getting married after telling Alex that deep sky would separate him from everyone he loved… and that made me think of your hilarious Forrest is bad at sex fic… so I thought I’d send this to you to see if you’d write a little fic about Forrest returning and seeing Malex getting married in front of everyone they love and him being super annoyed but Malex being too happy to realise.. And Ramos being there makes it even funnier.. anyway, it is silly and again I’m sorry if you don’t take prompts but I think you’d write it hilariously!
Oooh this is a good one- I won't lie, when I think about the fact season 3 lasted 18 days? and then season 4 picked up six months later and lasted another two weeks? Can you imagine Forrest coming back from his book tour and finding Alex married?
A year of non-exclusive friends with benefits. A YEAR. And Alex moved on to Michael before the milk had a chance to turn in Forrest's fridge, and then got married - It took longer for a hardback to be issued in paperback, lol.
Deep Sky didn't pull Alex away from anyone lol. I guess the 'forsake all others' rule only applies to recruits who aren't in love with an alien. Man, now I'm a little salty we never had a real explanation about that expectation from Uncle Eddie. Deep Sky was really a deux ex machina for plot holes and discoveries. Hopefully they are recruiting or cleaning up after Shivani and her staff knowing about aliens. Do you think they got the pods back?
I'll keep it in mind as a prompt, my current WIP does really make fun of Forrest a lot already.
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cakebeam · 3 years
Something I wish they'd show on the show is the homophobia that they all talk about that happens in the town. They've shown the rasist moments but never the homophobic people they talk about all the time
I'd like for them to as well, though it would have been better timed if it was shown in season 1 or 2. Seemed really odd it was never brought up before when Alex was constantly bringing up his internalized homophobia. Instead we got a scene where Forrest makes a comment that making out in front of homophobe's is hot or something instead of touching on the fact it can also be dangerous and Alex not wanting to being a valid choice. Also it feel's like Alex is sort of pressured into coming out in 2x13. Like, sorry Michael, apparently what you should have done was just hold out on giving the D to Alex and instead given him an ultimatum on coming out or he doesn't get any, then you could have been together! 🙄 So stupid, it's a thoughtless written scene in my opinion, I would have rather seen Alex come to terms with that for himself, instead of having that scene with Forrest which gives the implication it's what drives his decision.
So, what, is Roswell just a super chill town where it has Planet 7, a gay club, and no one actually cares who's gay/queer, it's all just in Alex's head that there's an issue? Or is it just a cop out by RNM? The show can't even see their OWN homophobic narratives that they push forward, it's not surprising they went the route they took by not showcasing the problems around homophobia for out gay/queer people, especially in small towns that have cowboys and apparently a lot of military. Like you said, RNM goes over SO many hot button/political topics on this show, why did it just forgo the homophobic experience's out gay/queer people have to deal with?
I love show's like Schitt's Creek that completely dismiss topics of homophobia and simply show's LGBTQ+ people being accepted in order to show a change of pace that we never see in media which is just- gay/queer people are normal. Get over it. For RNM however it makes better sense to discuss it and give it light because this is what this show does, it's very political and exposes the unacceptable behaviors and discrimination's towards minority groups. But for whatever reason, doesn't go there for LGBTQ+ topics. It's just trauma porn or straight up homophobic narratives that are given to the gay/queer characters. The opposite of what the show should stand for...
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aliciam72 · 3 years
Just a quick Malex one shot before I go back to my Alien Baby WIP
A little warning that this isn’t exactly Forrest friendly even if it starts out as Forlex...
“Are you sure that thing is safe, DeLuca?” Michael asked after the rental company left the bar.
“Of course it’s safe. Why do you want to try it to make sure?” Maria teased, bringing a smile to his face.
Things between Michael and Maria had softened over the months since their breakup, much to Michael’s relief. “Nah, mechanical bulls ain’t my style. I’d much prefer the real thing.”
Maria scoffed. “You’ve ridden a real live bull?”
Michael nodded. “I tried my hand at it a few times. It was fun but not something I’d do for a living.” He leaned close and whispered. “Especially if I wasn’t a telekinetic alien.”
Maria threw her head back and laughed. “You couldn’t do it on your own, huh?”
Michael laughed with her. “Not a chance in hell. I did think about it for a hot minute though. Those boys make good money on the rodeo circuit, but even with the powers it was hard as hell. What made you rent one of these?”
“I heard it draws a crowd. This town has tons of macho cowboys trying to impress the ladies.” Maria joked.
“Well, I ain’t getting on it. I’ve got no one to impress.” 
“That’s too bad. I hear Alex is planning to be here.” Maria said over her shoulder on her way to the stockroom.
Michael followed her. “And why would that make a difference? He’s still with Forrest isn’t he?” Michael knew damn well that Alex was still dating Forrest, the whole damn town knew it but maybe something had happened since he saw Alex last. Very doubtful since he just saw him two days ago, but he could hope, right?
“Yes, he is still with Forrest but I don’t think it’s as serious as you make it out to be. Why don’t you come and see for yourself?”
“Nah, I don’t want to make things weird for him. I want him to be happy.” Michael wanted nothing more than to always be where Alex was, but he was trying to be a good friend and let him enjoy his relationship with Forrest. God knows he deserved some happiness after the events of the last year. 
“C’mon, Guerin, everyone is going to be here. And I know for a fact Alex would never want you to stay away just because of him and Forrest.” Maria handed him a case of whiskey and nodded to the bar. “Could you put that out there for me?”
She picked up a case of tequila and followed him out of the stockroom. He set the box behind the bar and leaned back. “You really think he won’t mind if I’m there?”
“He will not mind. He’s still your friend even if he’s dating someone else. Please come.” Maria assured him.
Michael nodded. “Okay, I’ll be here. It’s always a good laugh when some idiot thinks he can ride that thing on the red level.”
Watching people trying to impress their dates by riding the mechanical bull was pure entertainment gold. Michael sat with his friends and laughed and cheered along with everyone else. He had to admit he was having a good time, even if it seemed like Forrest was glued to Alex’s side, constantly giving him little kisses on his cheek and holding his hand on the table. 
Alex allowed it most of the evening but got annoyed when Forrest nuzzled into his neck more than once. He turned to Forrest and whispered low so no one else could hear. “Can you dial it back a bit. It’s making me uncomfortable.”
Forrest glanced across the table to Michael, who for once wasn’t staring at them before looking back to Alex. “You’re uncomfortable or he is?”
“Forrest, that’s not fair. We’re all having a good time tonight, can you not ruin it?” 
“How is showing you I care ruining it?” Forrest feigned innocence.
Alex sighed. “Never mind.” He watched the latest rider fall to the ground to a chorus of groans.
Forrest took a long swallow of beer and stood up. “You know what? I think I’m gonna give it a try. After you do love a hot cowboy, right?”
Alex groaned. “Forrest! You don’t have to prove anything to me.”
Forrest pretended he didn’t hear him and walked up to the guy controlling the bull. After a few moments, he climbed on and signaled he was ready. Everyone at the table watched in amazement at Forrest not only made it through the green level, but the yellow and red as well. 
The whole bar was cheering when he jumped off. Alex watched him eat up the praise of those around him. He glanced to Michael and noticed sweat on his brow and the slight tremor in the hand resting on the table. Sighing, he reached into his backpack and pulled out his flask. 
Wordlessly, he walked over to Michael and handed it to him. “You didn’t have to do that, but thank you. Drink before you puke.”
Michael eyed him and lifted the flask to his nose. He gave Alex a wry smile when he smelled the acetone. He shook his head in amusement and took a long sip before handing it back. 
Forrest made his was back to the table. “How was that for some bull riding?”
Alex’s smiled at him. “That was definitely some fancy stuff. I never knew you could ride like that.”
“Yeah, well, not all us cowboys show off.” Forrest threw Michael a smug smile before pulling Alex into a quick hug. 
Michael stood and for a moment Alex thought he might do something stupid but he just slapped Forrest on the back. “Great job, man. You made it look so easy I think I’ll give it a try too.”
Michael lasted all of ten seconds before he was thrown to the floor. He groaned as he stood and sheepishly made his way back to the table. “Guess it’s a lot harder than it looks.”
Alex rolled his eyes and took a long drink from his beer. Isobel and Max teased Michael for a few minutes about having to give up his hat to the Cowboy gods. Even Kyle and Maria got a few good natured digs in. Through it all Michael smiled and laughed it off as the loving teasing it was. 
That is until Forrest gave him a slow clap. “That was amazing. I thought someone with such macho cowboy swagger would be able to handle a fake bull for more than ten seconds.”
Michael continued to smile. “Yeah, guess I’m out of practice.”
“Or maybe it’s all for show and you’re just a crappy cowboy. Maybe you should give up your hat. I mean you did lose to a history nerd.” Forrest pulled Alex closer and kissed his cheek again. 
The table went quiet, Isobel shaking her head every so slightly at Michael. He swallowed and took his hat off his head to set it on the chair next to him. Glancing around the table at the worried faces of his friends, made his stomach churn. They all thought he was going to cause a scene and lash out at Forrest. Instead he just stood and headed out of the bar. He could hear Isobel and Liz calling after him but he didn’t stop until he was in his truck heading back to the airstream. 
Alex pushed Forrest’s arm off his shoulder. “What the hell was that?”
“Oh come on, Alex, I was just having some fun.” Forrest replied, kissing him again.
“I told you to stop doing that. It makes me uncomfortable.” 
Forrest held up his hands. “Sorry, I was just joking. I didn’t mean anything.”
“No, you weren’t joking. You were intentionally rude to him. What the fuck is wrong with you?” Alex stood and grabbed Michael’s hat off the chair.
“Where are you going?” Forrest called when he headed to the door. 
“To apologize for my asshole ex-boyfriend.” Alex snapped.
Forrest chuckled. “He didn’t do anything you have to apologize for.” 
Alex stopped and turned to stare at Forrest. He opened his mouth to say something but thought better of it and continued to the exit.
He could hear Rosa as he reached for the door. “He wasn’t talking about Michael, asshole.”
Alex could see the fire pit glowing when he pulled into the junkyard. He slowed his car, grabbed Michael’s hat and got out. “You forgot something.”
Michael took a long swallow from his beer. “You keep it. Looks better on you.”
Alex laughed. “So dramatic.”
“What are you doing here, Alex?”
“You didn’t have to do that you know.”
Michael shrugged. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Alex sat down next to Michael. “You are still a miserable liar. Thank you for tonight. It was great to be out with everyone and not have it feel weird.”
“I’m glad you had a good time. Did you really come here just to return my hat?” Michael asked.
“Not just to return the hat. I also came to apologize for my asshole ex-boyfriend.” 
Alex said it so casually that Michael leaned forward, sure he misheard. “Come again?”
“Yeah, it seemed to confuse Forrest too, though I think Rosa took a little too much pleasure in explaining it to him. I broke up with him.”
Michael’s brow furrowed. “Why?”
Alex smirked and leaned close, his lips almost touching Michael’s. “Seems history nerds aren’t type.”
Michael shifted in his seat. “Oh yeah? And what is your type?”
“Science nerd with a bit of macho cowboy thrown in.” 
Michael gave an indignant squawk that was silenced by Alex’s lips on his. 
When he pulled away, Alex smiled softly. “Will you come home with me, cowboy?”
Michael grinned. “Let me grab my hat.”
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ripmalex · 3 years
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Break Up With Him - Old Dominion 
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ravens-words · 3 years
Thoughts 3x01, Part 1
The Good
- They all look so beautiful!!
- Malex:
I love that Michael knew when Alex was gonna be back and that he was hopeful. I love that he went to the bus stop (he fixed his hair 😭). I loved that Alex stayed, even if it wasn't stated it was for Michael, it's a step in the right direction. (I think the Kylex talk hinted at Malex maybe, but I will have to rewatch to be sure). Also, I loved that Michael, in his speech to Max, mentioned Alex by name, and said "girlfriend" earlier (yes, I'm petty). I love them.
Also, Forlex not being exclusive at all AND breaking up in the same episode? Am I in heaven? Somebody pinch me.
- Echo
Echo was an angst fest and I LOVED IT. Liz still waiting for him to go to her. Max not going because he was dying and didn't want to put her through that again. MAX LISTENING TO THE RECORDINGS TO HEAR HER VOICE 😭
- Kyle
Kyle finally getting more screentime. His friendship with Liz is amazing. His friendship (maybe more 👀) with Isobel is amazing. His friendship with Alex is amazing. I loved that he was told, to his face, that he was appreciate. I loved the quietness of the talk with Alex.
- Pod Squad
They own my heart. I have been needing more siblings moments and this episode DELIVERED. The fun bits were amazing. I love seeing the 17 year old Michael and Max vibes. Then the angst hit, and oh boy, I LOVED it. Max trying to protect them, but going about it the wrong way. Michael, despite all the bad things that happened to him, doing well because he had his siblings, will never fail to make me emotional. Iz going to Kyle even though she knew there was no hope, because she was desperate.
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meneatyoghurt · 3 years
Look, I didn't want Alex and Michael to suddenly be together. But I've been imagining that instead of the weird forlex "back from war" banter, Michael meets Alex off the bus and gives him a smooch while dipping him. And I think I'm allowed to have this fantasy without actually wanting them to be back together right away.
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