rrahuntersblog · 1 month
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Hi Cynifer! (And Dot).
Don't know you. Don't want to. I never even heard of you until I got informed of some hate my way. I don't even have you two blocked but you blocked me. Interesting!
Let's address a couple of things.
I don't hate Danneel. I dislike her, because she's vapid, materialistic, unsupportive, and humiliates Jensen on the regular. I have proof of a lot of this. I feel she's a bad wife, and yeah, a bad person. I'm willing to go on the word of a "rando" online over this too, because the rest of the evidence indicates it a lot.
Second, Cynifer, wow--you're also materialistic and unsupportive of Jensen. To quote your very words: "If I married Jensen Ackles I'd probably do nothing but make him babies, buy myself all kinds of expensive clothes and support whatever charities my heart desired."
Don't care about the charity thing but I can almost guarantee you that Danneel really doesn't. She's a performative activist, not an actual one. And wow--Jensen only wanted one baby. Danneel forced him to have two more, essentially. And did a shitty way of informing him as well. Expensive clothes? Why? The price tag doesn't indicate class nor taste. You can find nice stuff at cheaper prices, so the only thing you care about is the label? Pathetic.
And also: Nice dig at Gen there. Yeesh.
You also said: "I just think people who slut shame her and make up horrendous lies about her are fucking assholes who should be punched in the throat."
So that's considered a threat, BTW. Don't even try. And I'm not making up horrendous lies about how she humiliates Jensen, fat-shamed him, and has zero respect for him.
You also said: ""She identifies as a victim of abuse projecting her experiences onto Jensen for clicks."
I wasn't doing it for clicks. I never even planned to talk about Danneel this much; it kinda fell into my lap. And I'm not the only who who noticed all the abuse signs--and those are from people that, as far as I can tell, aren't abuse victims.
Sooo.... STFU.
Also, you being a Cockles shipper insults Jensen's and Danneel's marriage far more than my abuse allegations ever would. I sincerely doubt it's a poly relationship too--Jensen was agreeing that Danneel calls Misha her boyfriend, not saying he also considers Misha his boyfriend.
(I'm not anti-poly either.)
All you have are some cutesy looks and supposed interpretations of Jensen's and Misha's relationship as opposed to actual proof.
I have proof. I have tons of it. From Jensen's own mouth. From Danneel's own mouth and fingers.
Whatever. You do you, but don't make threats and claim I'm projecting or making up lies. I speak truth.
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lol-jackles · 20 days
There's quite a few hellers out there claiming Jensen Ackles had his agent with him over this recent con. Why would any agent accompany an actor to a convention? Thoughts?
Not this anon and I don't know about "quite a few hellers" (but I also have a lot of them blocked because they are generally insufferable) but the only instance I did see of this being mentioned (and then people talking about that ask - not anyone saying they heard the same thing, just rehashing that post) was from an anon ask on an anti-Jared/heller blog, and not just any one, the one who admitted they didn't watch the show and only joined the fandom because they love starting drama - cynifer.
Their first ask was this one saying Jensen was supposed to vaca with Jared and Clif in Sweden (between PurCon in Germany and DarkLight in Paris) but had to "go home for work". Then they sent in another to clarify why they were the only one who seemed to have heard this info (no one could corroborate so they now claim it wasn't from a panel or M&G but from their autos... somehow still no one overheard that convo though 🤔) and then added that Jensen had his agent with him "at autos and throughout the con":
The thing is, it doesn't even make any sense that Jensen would have to "go home for work" in between overseas conventions. He was in Germany one weekend and due in Paris the following weekend, what could he need to do for work that couldn't have been done over zoom? Filming is the only thing I can think of but even then with flight lengths to fly from Germany to the US and then back to France he would only be able to be in the US to work for 2 maybe 3 days tops. It just isn't logical. And what would his agent have to do with that anyways? Agents don't generally accompany their clients to each job and certainly not overseas cons. And if the agent was needed for whatever "work" this anon is claiming they could and probably would just meet Jensen wherever he flew to in the US instead of going with him to Germany for 2 days just to fly right back with him to the US.
Obviously you have different insights into this, but from my point of view it sounds like this anon is trying to prove a couple things - that Jensen is "booked and busy" and also that he would rather do anything but spend time with Jared. Especially given the blog they sent that "info" to. If you only share your super sekret Jensen personal info with a very well known Jared anti blog?? Yea, I'm going to be supppppeeeer skeptical.
Huh, I'm apparently blocked by Cynifer. How did that happen? I've never heard of her.
Regardless, going by your description, yeah the whole thing sounds like self-soothing fanfiction that the person misheard or misunderstood during the autograph session. I'm guessing German cons are run similar to American ones where it's quick and you only have a few seconds to interact with the celebrity.
Jensen in the same convention as Jared is of course going to drive hellers into over drive to find any implausible ways to separate the two. J2 tinhatters are similar, they'll find a way to get those two together if one is not at the con, especially when Jared had personal crisis that forced him to withdraw from conventions and somehow Jensen will fly to the U.S between international cons one week apart just to check in on him.
Sounds like Hellers use Cynifer as an outlet for their self-soothing fanfictions because as you said, she is ignorant and just accepts everything the hellers throw against the wall. Even BNF hellers have to abide with certain standards or reality in order to keep their cred, like Will (of Team Free Will 2.0) hunting down sources. I've seen past BNF hellers stand up for some of Sam Winchester's choices because they had to acknowledge real life phycological sources and not just the sake of personal agendas. But Cynifer lets hellers have their full fantasy, no question asked.
Anyways, you are correct, there is no reason or purpose for Jensen's talent agent to travel with him all the way to a fan convention in Germany. Doesn't make any sense. If Jensen is doing a commercial in Germany, he still doesn't need his agent for that.
An agent typically has about 50 clients. They are constantly making contacts and building relationships with journalists, TV bookers, radio pluggers, and brand marketers.  Meeting celebrities is actually the least useful part of their job because it’s not going to get the clients work.  Remember kids, don’t become an agent or publicist to meet celebrities because they’re not the ones going to help your clients' careers. 
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whengeorgiawentblue · 2 years
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#ok but *this morning jensen told me here's the shirt* also implies misha had no clothes on him when jensen saw him that morning
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rrahuntersblog · 30 days
So cinyfer or whatever her name is basically admitted that she would be a leech too if she married to a rich celebrity, they truely lack any self respect just like their fav. By the way they dont care about danneel they love the fact that she is supportive of their ship and her relationship with Jensen seems fake and lack of any passion so its further support their fantasies that Jensen is gay or 3 of them secretly having threesome , these ppl are more unhinged and mentally sick than any body else in the fandom. They keep sexualizing Jensen but they think they have the right to judge others. Yikes don't let them stoping from speaking your thoughts.
Hi anon! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and your support.
Yes, it does seem Cynifer would be a leech. It's sad, how so many are willing to settle for an indifferent partner and spend their money, willing to be "miserable". Life's too short for that, y'all.
Look, I get it--not having money problems would be awesome. But popping babies out and wasting money isn't happiness. Not really.
They're not even concerned about Jensen. They just drool over him because he's hot and has apparent chemistry with other actors.
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rrahuntersblog · 14 days
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Oh for...
Can you stop with it, Dot? And you too, Cynifer?
And also, asking karma to smack people just because they disagree with your ship and fetish? Really?!
Don't presume to know what I think and feel about Jensen based on a few posts (given as just about all negativity has been about his wife and not him). Or about Misha.
We'll like what we like. Stay in your freakin' lane and we'll stay in ours. Christ...
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rrahuntersblog · 24 days
So how's cynifer doing now?? Does she need oxygen yet or a new set of panties??
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I hope this answers your question!
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rrahuntersblog · 1 month
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Ooh! Hi Cynifer! I never even got to talk to you or read your posts. You preemptively blocked me because... I guess I read and comment on anti-Danneel blogs. Wow. I feel famous!
There are signs. There are always signs of abuse. Changing stories, the physical distances, the way he can't seem to say anything positive about her. I mean, he called himself her "sugar daddy". She bullied him publicly all the time--putting him down, his weight, making fun of him having a tidy closet. He's even admitted he's tired of her in that brewery interview and I saw the way she smiled--it wasn't a "Haha, my husband's funny!" It was a "You asshole, how dare you say that in public".
But whatever, Cynifer and Danneel stans.
If Danneel were truly a good person, we would've seen it by now. And we don't.
We really don't.
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