#anti-appreciation post for legolas
writingalice · 1 year
okay but Legolas.
he doesn't have a fucking father - i mean he does in The hobbit but we don't talk about The Hobbit because no. The point is he si presented as Legolas of the woodland row, when Aragorn and Gimli are called by the name of their fathers - and look, I know, his father is a king and it could be not very prudent to give Thranduil's name but I still think it's fucking hilarious. Like the man does not deserve a father, he's just from the woodland row.
Anyway. But I mean, his lines. "A red sun rises. Blood has been spilled this night." I mean, no ? The sun is just red ? it's the litteral sun, it doesn't reflect the amount of blood that has been spilled or not ? At least I could understand if he'd said "sailors should take some warning" but there's litterally no reason for that ? Please, explain me with your high Elvish science because here i don't understand the fucking way your brain works.
I mean, like. Legolas Greenleaf.
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illwynd · 10 months
man ion even like thorki but yall been carrying this fandom on your backs since 2011 lmao. like the thorkies and the half dozen insane (affectionately) loki fans still left are the only reason theres anything posted in the tags
ilu, nonny <3
one of the things that was so special about this fandom back in the day was how good we largely were about just like. coexisting, happily. the thorkis rubbed shoulders with the people who only broTP'ed them and with people who shipped other thor or loki ships but who nonetheless couldn't help but acknowledge their canonical importance in each other's lives, and the sheer overlap of those categories, because the main thing was that these two characters were essential to each other and that their relationship was essential to what made us care about the fandom in general. thorkis made tons of gen works, people who didn't ship it were often totally fine with people looking at their stuff through shipper goggles, we were totally able to have enjoyable meta discussions... not saying it was perfect and conflict-free, but in general, we supported each others' work regardless of whether we shipped thorki romantically or not, because we were still all on that same axis of "these two characters' relationship is interesting, compelling, worth thinking about and discussing and making art and stories about, regardless of exactly how you interpret the details of that relationship" and honestly I think that blurring of the line between shipping and gen is part of what gave the fandom the longevity and strength that it did have, because it gave just that much more richness and dimension to the ways people could approach the material and still find plenty of fellow fans to talk about it with.
Either way, it's no surprise that the thorki shippers were such a solid foundation of the fandom (i mean, we are on the shipping website for shippers) given just how compelling that relationship was in the earlier canon installments. it's also no surprise that canon taking a hard turn away from even mentioning the other one in their respective separate media has coincided with the active fanbase essentially evaporating, and so many of the new people deciding that AKSHULLY their relationship is irrelevant, any common ground with other fans is to be deliberately shunned, and attempted ship wars and harassment and anti-ism are the hot new trends. It's also also no surprise that the handful of remaining stubborn cockroach motherfuckers from the old fandom are stubbornly continuing to do what we've always done.
in any case, i appreciate you and every other non-thorki in the fandom who is still out there willing to share that common ground of "these two characters' relationship is important and interesting and that's what we're all here for," because fandom is just so much more pleasant that way. [legolas-gimli-side-by-side-with-a-friend.jpg]
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